1. Two years ago, I never would've imagined we'd be [cdb]fighting a war like this.
  2. Two years ago, I never would've imagined we'd be [cdb]fighting a war like this.
  3. I'm with you there. But it's actually quite the lucky [cdb]break for you.
  4. How do you mean?
  5. How do you mean?
  6. When a war breaks out, every mercenary in the land [cdb]starts crawling out of the woodwork.
  7. And with all your associates here, you should have a [cdb]large enough force to take on...you know who.
  8. Nod in agreement.
  9. Scold Arval.
  10. Jeralt's Mercenaries? Yeah, good point.
  11. Jeralt's Mercenaries? Yeah, good point.
  12. They're not just "associates." They didn't have to [cdb]trust a down-and-out mercenary like me, but they did [cdb]anyway—and that makes them friends.
  13. They're not just "associates." They didn't have to [cdb]trust a down-and-out mercenary like me, but they did [cdb]anyway—and that makes them friends.
  14. Still, you're probably right. This'll be a great chance [cdb]to drive Jeralt's Mercenaries out into the open.
  15. Still, you're probably right. This'll be a great chance [cdb]to drive Jeralt's Mercenaries out into the open.
  16. And then you can give them their just deserts or die [cdb]trying!
  17. Could've done without that last part, thanks!
  18. Could've done without that last part, thanks!
  19. Relax, relax! You know I'm on your side. Our destinies are forever intertwined.
  20. Do we have an understanding, then?
  21. I understand your request, but I make no promises [cdb]to honor it at this time. Pardon my candor, but you [cdb]have yet to earn my confidence.
  22. I shall observe how this war progresses, and then [cdb]make the decision myself. Now, good day to you.
  23. Oh! Father!
  24. The current Alliance leader and I have finished [cdb]our discussion. I will be taking my leave now.
  25. Everything OK, Claude? That seemed...tense.
  26. Everything OK, Claude? That seemed...tense.
  27. On the contrary, our conversation couldn't have been [cdb]more pleasant. Count Gloucester is always a delight.
  28. If that was meant to be a joke, you will note that I am [cdb]not laughing.
  29. Lorenz! It's been far too long. I'm glad to see you're [cdb]safe and well.
  30. Yes, well, I doubt I will be either of those things for [cdb]much longer. The Imperial army has begun its march [cdb]northward.
  31. Incidentally, what were you discussing with my [cdb]father?
  32. Oh, you know, just what the lords should do [cdb]in the unlikely event that the Imperial army [cdb]crosses into Alliance territory.
  33. And how did my father respond?
  34. With a whole lot of words but not a lot of clarity.
  35. Hardly surprising. My father does not even share his [cdb]innermost thoughts with me, and I am his heir.
  36. Lorenz, let me ask you something. Would you go [cdb]along with his decisions, no matter what?
  37. What exactly do you mean?
  38. Say, for example...if your father pledged his allegiance [cdb]to the Empire. Would you follow suit?
  39. Ah!
  40. Do you think Count Gloucester's going to betray us, Claude?
  41. Do you think Count Gloucester's going to betray us, Claude?
  42. Of course not. It's just a hypothetical.
  43. Well then that's a serious what-if. Almost sounds like [cdb]you're trying to provoke Lorenz.
  44. Well then that's a serious what-if. Almost sounds like [cdb]you're trying to provoke Lorenz.
  45. No, it is quite all right. In fact, it is a perfectly [cdb]reasonable query, given my father's actions [cdb]as of late.
  46. However, my father takes tremendous pride in being [cdb]one of the Five Great Lords of the Alliance. He would [cdb]not betray us to the Empire lightly.
  47. I, for one, still have faith in him.
  48. I won't deny that your father is a great man, Lorenz.
  49. I just wish he regarded me with anywhere near the [cdb]same level of esteem.