1. When we fought the Empire at the Great Bridge, it [cdb]looked like they had a number of mercenary groups [cdb]working for them.
  2. And yet, I didn't see any sign of Jeralt's company [cdb]among them.
  3. It's not like that was the only battlefield, and there's [cdb]no shortage of mercenary companies.
  4. It's not like that was the only battlefield, and there's [cdb]no shortage of mercenary companies.
  5. That's true. And you don't have any inkling of when [cdb]the Empire is going to launch their attack on Derdriu?
  6. No clue. They could strike tomorrow for all I know.
  7. No clue. They could strike tomorrow for all I know.
  8. Then I imagine there's no time to waste in [cdb]formulating a plan and fortifying the city's defenses.
  9. Yep. If we lose the initiative, the battle's [cdb]practically over.
  10. Yep. If we lose the initiative, the battle's [cdb]practically over.
  11. If that's the case, then why are all of you just idling [cdb]the days away?
  12. The army can't act until Claude returns from those [cdb]meetings. It's like no one can even sneeze around [cdb]here without it turning into an endless debate.
  13. The army can't act until Claude returns from those [cdb]meetings. It's like no one can even sneeze around [cdb]here without it turning into an endless debate.
  14. A king or emperor can make things happen with a [cdb]wave of their hand, but I guess it's not so simple [cdb]when you're leading an alliance.
  15. A king or emperor can make things happen with a [cdb]wave of their hand, but I guess it's not so simple [cdb]when you're leading an alliance.
  16. Ruling by consensus may work in peacetime, but it [cdb]seems to have a distinct disadvantage during a war.
  17. Hey, Claude's calling for us. Sounds like the [cdb]roundtable's finally over.
  18. There you are! The roundtable just ended, so Claude [cdb]wants to see us now.
  19. We better get going! If we don't hurry, all the food'll [cdb]be gone!
  20. It's not a banquet, you know. It's a war council. But yeah, we should move.
  21. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm pretty sure we're [cdb]heading to a war council, not a banquet.
  22. I'll be right there.
  23. I'll be right there.
  24. Let's start with introductions, shall we? Allow me to [cdb]present the head of House Daphnel, the honorable—
  25. The name's Judith. I'm joining the war council at the [cdb]invitation of our supreme leader here.
  26. It is a pleasure to see you once more, Lady Judith. I am heartened to know that we will be fighting at [cdb]your side.
  27. You're Gloucester's kid, right? You've grown into [cdb]quite a handsome boy over the last few years.
  28. I'm sure all the men here seem like little boys to [cdb]someone like Judith.
  29. Ah, Duke Goneril's daughter. You've grown quite [cdb]lovely yourself. You'll be outshining me in no time.
  30. Are you kidding? I've got a long way to go [cdb]before I can compete with you!
  31. I don't really know what you two are talking about, [cdb]but I think I'm ready for it to be over. Let's start the [cdb]briefing.
  32. So you want us to hamper the Imperial army's [cdb]advance in order to delay their arrival at Derdriu.
  33. That's right. And we'll use every bit of time we gain [cdb]to tighten up our defenses around the capital in [cdb]preparation.
  34. Then we have to avoid losing too many of our allies [cdb]before the battle in Derdriu.
  35. Then we cannot afford to suffer many casualties prior [cdb]to the battle for Derdriu.
  36. Exactly. Hold them off as best you can, but the [cdb]second you're in any real danger, I want you to [cdb]fall back.
  37. It's easy enough to order retreat after retreat, but I don't see how that's supposed to win the day.
  38. Ask about the odds of victory.
  39. Ask for more details.
  40. Do you really think we can win this way?
  41. Do you really think we can win like this?
  42. I wish I could tell you that victory is all but certain, [cdb]but honestly, it could go either way.
  43. Can you be more specific? How exactly are we gonna [cdb]slow down the Imperial army?
  44. Can you be more specific? How exactly are we gonna [cdb]slow down the Imperial army?
  45. We'll use our terrain advantage to impede their [cdb]progress and keep them off balance. A small force [cdb]should be more than enough to handle that.
  46. Ultimately, our goal is just to buy time until the [cdb]defenses are ready.
  47. And if we can just stop them from taking Derdriu...
  48. Claude, I have to ask... Are you keeping some kind of [cdb]incredible, top-secret plan from us?
  49. Sure, I may have something up my sleeve. But it [cdb]won't amount to anything if we fail to protect Derdriu, I can promise you that.
  50. But if we succeed, then this plan of yours will get us [cdb]out of our predicament? If that's the case...
  51. Yes. Then there is still hope.
  52. You kids are all so young. Don't do anything rash and [cdb]get yourselves killed, all right?
  53. All right, let's reclaim all that time we wasted on [cdb]the roundtable conferences! Watch each other's [cdb]backs out there. I know we can do this.