1. Another rough night, Manuela?
  2. You could stand to learn some manners, you know. I had a little too much to drink yesterday, that's all. More importantly, you saw me perform, right?
  3. Yeah, I was at the inn. You really do have a beautiful [cdb]voice. I was impressed.
  4. I told you so. But...was it just my voice you were [cdb]impressed with?
  5. Well, I mean, when you were singing in front of [cdb]everyone, you looked...stunning. Seriously.
  6. Is that how you always are when you perform for the [cdb]people in town?
  7. Oh please. In their dreams, maybe.
  8. Yesterday was a special occasion because you were [cdb]there. We had a deal, remember?
  9. Ah, yes. The "hush money."
  10. You haven't told anyone, right? About what I said [cdb]in my sleep, and such?
  11. Not a soul.
  12. I don't think so?
  13. Nope. Not a peep to anyone. Not even about the [cdb]dream where you got dumped.
  14. Shhh! Don't go shouting about it now!
  15. Let's see now... I don't think I said anything?
  16. You better not have. Because if you did, you'd have to [cdb]deal with my not-so-nice side.
  17. You know, I don't think there's anything wrong [cdb]with you, even when you are hungover.
  18. Really?
  19. It makes you seem like a laid-back, mature woman. Just another interesting side of you.
  20. One day you're a physician saving lives, and the next, [cdb]you're a warrior on the battlefield.
  21. I like all your sides.
  22. Like, you say?
  23. It's more like I can't take my eyes off you. All the [cdb]more so now, since I've seen you sing and all.
  24. You have all these different sides that come together [cdb]to form a complete person.
  25. Maybe that's what draws me in? It's like, which one [cdb]is the real Manuela?
  26. Of course the real me is the majestic diva, [cdb]shimmering in the spotlight...
  27. Ugh, if only. I'm not that delusional. Those days [cdb]are long gone.
  28. Apparently I've reached the age where I must take [cdb]comfort in the glories of yesteryear.
  29. Do you really think so?
  30. I think you're probably way more attractive now than [cdb]when you were all famous.
  31. My word... Is it just me, or are you trying to sweep [cdb]me off my feet?
  32. Huh? Wait, no, I didn't mean it like that.
  33. I just meant that a person's attractiveness gets more... I dunno, refined as they get older? Like a fine wine, [cdb]or something.
  34. Now, now, no need to get embarrassed. How about [cdb]we get together and talk about our future later [cdb]tonight?
  35. Oh, um, I've got some stuff I gotta do tonight. Sorry. Maybe another time.
  36. Aww, really? Fine, we'll save it for another day. It'll give us more time to talk anyway.
  37. Just don't blow me off, OK? Or you'll be sorry.
  38. Hahaha...haha... That was a joke, right? Manuela? Right?