1. Claude. There's something I need to discuss with you.
  2. Sure, but keep it short. I know I don't look it, but I'm [cdb]actually pretty busy here.
  3. Hmph. Are you making light of how I usually [cdb]respond to your requests?
  4. Hey, don't be like that. It's just a joke. We can talk for [cdb]hours if you want; I've got all the time in the world.
  5. There's no need. I'm simply passing on a message [cdb]from my father.
  6. Count Ordelia, huh? Go ahead, I'm all ears.
  7. I guess it's no surprise he has a word or two to say to [cdb]the king. I mean, first the Imperial invasion, now all [cdb]this unrest sweeping across the land...
  8. None of this would've happened if I'd just kept [cdb]a closer eye on those who slither in the dark.
  9. Hold on, I think you have the wrong idea. My father [cdb]doesn't want to complain to you.
  10. He'd actually like to thank you for bringing the fight [cdb]with the Kingdom to an end. And for rushing to quell [cdb]the chaos in our territories.
  11. He also said...he's willing to offer his full cooperation [cdb]with any of Your Majesty's policy proposals. All you [cdb]need to do is say the word.
  12. I appreciate that. His broad-mindedness has always [cdb]proven a great help.
  13. Then consider my message delivered. But please, [cdb]don't put more of a burden on him than necessary.
  14. Anxiety has tormented his mind for years now, [cdb]and he's recently started finding his body less and [cdb]less willing to cooperate with his brain.
  15. So I've heard. Don't worry, I won't ask any more of [cdb]him than what's absolutely essential.
  16. Thanks, Claude. I'll do the work of a hundred others [cdb]in my father's place.
  17. Hey, slow down there. You already do too much as it [cdb]is. Piling more on top of that is just gonna crush you.
  18. And yet I need to do it all the same. I can't let myself [cdb]fall behind the other Leicester nobles.
  19. Most importantly, I need to put an end to this war so I can start thinking about how to bring peace and [cdb]stability back to House Ordelia's territory.
  20. I get where you're coming from, but everyone needs [cdb]a break now and then. Your body's probably [cdb]screaming at you to get some rest.
  21. I'm all right. While it's true my lifespan is slated [cdb]to be short, it's not like I'm gonna just drop dead [cdb]out of the blue.
  22. I'm just as healthy as I've ever been, I assure you.
  23. You look fine enough, sure. But there's something [cdb]lingering beneath the surface weighing you down, [cdb]isn't there? Something the rest of us can't see.
  24. Your body's bound to give out if you keep pushing [cdb]your limits without taking some time to recuperate.
  25. But...
  26. Listen, Lysithea. I want this war to end just as fast as [cdb]you do.
  27. And once it does, I'm going to settle the score with [cdb]those who slither in the dark.
  28. In other words, it's in your best interest to stick [cdb]with me.
  29. ...
  30. So consider this an order from your king: Stop fighting like you don't have a tomorrow [cdb]to live for.
  31. I mean, I'm still going to need plenty of help once the [cdb]war's over. I can't have you kicking the bucket before [cdb]the real fun starts, OK?
  32. Understood. If it's an order from His Majesty [cdb]himself, I guess I don't have much of a choice.
  33. Now if you'll excuse me. I know I don't look it, [cdb]but I'm actually pretty busy here.
  34. Does she really understand, though? At any rate, I'd better put this war to bed as soon as possible.