1. Hrm...
  2. Hey there, Marianne. What's up?
  3. I can't get this poor thing to return to the stable.
  4. When I asked what was wrong, she said her stomach [cdb]is in such terrible pain that she can't even take a step.
  5. Yeah, that sounds like a real pickle.
  6. If we could get her back to the stable, I could [cdb]examine her and provide medication, but...
  7. Step aside, Marianne—it's Raphael's time to shine! I'll get your horsey back to the stable in no time.
  8. Yes, but, um...how, exactly?
  9. Easy! I'll get her onto that cart over there, [cdb]and push her back home.
  10. But...I highly doubt she'll be willing to get into the [cdb]cart given her current state.
  11. Aw, it's fine. Just leave it to me!
  12. Gooood horsey... Good horsey... Just like that. See? It's not such a bad cart.
  13. And here...we...go! Hnnngh!
  14. Thank you very much, Raphael. I gave her medicine, [cdb]so she should feel much better soon.
  15. It seems she wants to thank you as well.
  16. Aw, you don't need to be thanking me, horsey! I'm just glad you're feeling better.
  17. I hope this isn't rude, but I still can't believe you were [cdb]able to lift a horse with your bare hands.
  18. Ha-ha! Your little horsey there was just the right size [cdb]to wake up my sleepy muscles.
  19. So what was wrong with her tummy, anyway?
  20. I fear she made a snack of some rotten fruit.
  21. Oof! That's rough.
  22. She's always been a bit of a glutton, I'm afraid.
  23. Still, I'm surprised she went so far as to eat something [cdb]she found by the side of the road.
  24. Ah, she was just hungry and eating what was around. Trust me, I know the feeling—I've eaten a lot of weird [cdb]stuff before!
  25. Like what?
  26. Eh, I dunno. Old hard stuff? Fuzzy green stuff? Think I ate some long wriggly stuff once.
  27. Goodness me! And you weren't sick even after eating [cdb]all of those bizarre things?
  28. Nope! Oh, but for the record, I only eat weird stuff [cdb]when I'm really hungry.
  29. I wish this poor horse had a stomach like yours.
  30. Hey, if you want a strong stomach, all you gotta do [cdb]is whip those gut muscles into shape!
  31. First you do a thousand crunches, give or take. Then you wolf down as much meat as you can handle. Do that, and you'll have an iron stomach in no time!
  32. Give it a few days, and you won't even notice when [cdb]you eat the weird stuff!
  33. Um...I'm sorry, but I really don't think that's a [cdb]proper training regimen for a horse.
  34. Hmm? Oh, that's right! Horses don't eat meat!
  35. But I'm sure she still very much appreciates your [cdb]desire to help, Raphael.
  36. Ooh, ooh! What'd she say now?
  37. Yes, I see. Apparently she's feeling much better [cdb]and wants to go for a run in a large open field.
  38. See? She does wanna work out!
  39. C'mon, Marianne! The three of us are going running! Fifty windsprints around the field, let's gooo!
  40. Wait, I have to run...windsprints?