Leonie: There is no need for concern.
Dimitri: Please, take care.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I never would've guessed.
Metodey: I'm glad they're here.
Rufus: I was exceedingly busy.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Father...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Are your skills still sharp?
Jeritza: I wonder what's going on.
Tomas: My days of peace and quiet are over.
Constance: You have nothing more to fear.
Shez: Get good and hungry!
Chilon: I must apologize.
Dominic General: It all worked out.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: How's it been going?
Arval: We have Claude to thank for this.
Matthias: The camp certainly is lively now.
???: I've got a fantastic selection today!
???: Lord Rodrigue...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Things are bustling now!
Merchant: The Empire is doomed.
???: What an utter disgrace.
???: I'll show 'em!
???: I hope we can get along.
???: I wonder what'll happen.
???: Do you think I have a chance?
???: What's he up to...
???: It was a little frightening.
???: Seteth's headed east.
Anaximandros: Let me introduce my partner.
Viscount Fenja: Nice to meet you.
Anaximandros: It's a real shame.
Viscount Fenja: This is some mess we're in.
Matthias: The camp certainly is lively now.
Matthias: I'm terribly worried...

With all these Alliance folks coming to lend a hand, it feels like our camp went from boring to bustling overnight!
With all these Alliance folks coming to lend a hand, it feels like our camp went from boring to bustling overnight!

Viscount Belinus
And Lord Rodrigue is currently stationed in the west to ensure conflicts are kept to a minimum.
And Lord Rodrigue is currently stationed in the west to ensure conflicts are kept to a minimum.

Viscount Belinus
Though I expect all is relatively calm there now, so he should undoubtedly return to us next month.
Though I expect all is relatively calm there now, so he should undoubtedly return to us next month.

Her Majesty reappointed Duke Aegir, and delegated the majority of political administration to him. He should've stayed banished, if you ask me.
Her Majesty reappointed Duke Aegir, and delegated the majority of political administration to him. He should've stayed banished, if you ask me.

There is no future for the Empire. Joining the Kingdom army was the right choice.
There is no future for the Empire. Joining the Kingdom army was the right choice.

Word has it the Western Church has raised their own army. What an utter disgrace.
Word has it the Western Church has raised their own army. What an utter disgrace.

Our teachings might be different, but I thought we all had the same desire to serve the goddess and her people.
Our teachings might be different, but I thought we all had the same desire to serve the goddess and her people.

I came here under our leader's orders. Imagine my surprise when I found out the Kingdom's food is practically inedible!
I came here under our leader's orders. Imagine my surprise when I found out the Kingdom's food is practically inedible!

Maybe it's 'cause the land's not as fertile or somethin', but the grub's tasteless. And don't even get me started on the booze.
Maybe it's 'cause the land's not as fertile or somethin', but the grub's tasteless. And don't even get me started on the booze.

I'm the best chef the Alliance has to offer. It's high time I teach these Kingdom folks what real food is!
I'm the best chef the Alliance has to offer. It's high time I teach these Kingdom folks what real food is!

There are a ton of people here now, what with folks from Leicester adding to the Kingdom and church's numbers.
There are a ton of people here now, what with folks from Leicester adding to the Kingdom and church's numbers.

It was just recently we began to see eye-to-eye with the people from Faerghus...
It was just recently we began to see eye-to-eye with the people from Faerghus...

The death of the head of House Rowe marked their downfall. To be blunt, their territory belongs to the royal family now.
The death of the head of House Rowe marked their downfall. To be blunt, their territory belongs to the royal family now.

The king's attendant is from Duscur, and some commoners have been knighted as well.
The king's attendant is from Duscur, and some commoners have been knighted as well.

I heard that even a former bandit's become a general... Oh, and a mercenary captain has too!
I heard that even a former bandit's become a general... Oh, and a mercenary captain has too!

I wonder if they'd promote someone like me one day. I've got more than enough ambition.
I wonder if they'd promote someone like me one day. I've got more than enough ambition.

He's gotta be raking in the coin, but every time I bump into him, he's always asking for money.
He's gotta be raking in the coin, but every time I bump into him, he's always asking for money.

Last time I saw him, he was working for the Empire. I wonder if he's still with them.
Last time I saw him, he was working for the Empire. I wonder if he's still with them.

One time I was driving my wagon down the road after it rained, and wouldn't you know, it got stuck in the mud.
One time I was driving my wagon down the road after it rained, and wouldn't you know, it got stuck in the mud.

A knight just happened to be passing by, and he stopped and lifted the wagon straight out of the muck, all by himself.
A knight just happened to be passing by, and he stopped and lifted the wagon straight out of the muck, all by himself.

It wasn't until later that I found out that knight was the king. I just about keeled over, let me tell you.
It wasn't until later that I found out that knight was the king. I just about keeled over, let me tell you.

I'm forever grateful...and maybe a little frightened. A regular person shouldn't be able to do that.
I'm forever grateful...and maybe a little frightened. A regular person shouldn't be able to do that.

If you're looking for Seteth, he's gone eastward with Sir Gustave. They're to provide support to the Alliance army.
If you're looking for Seteth, he's gone eastward with Sir Gustave. They're to provide support to the Alliance army.