Leonie: There is no need for concern.
Dimitri: Please, take care.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I never would've guessed.
Metodey: I'm glad they're here.
Rufus: I was exceedingly busy.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Father...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Are your skills still sharp?
Jeritza: I wonder what's going on.
Tomas: My days of peace and quiet are over.
Constance: You have nothing more to fear.
Shez: Get good and hungry!
: Simply incredible!
Chilon: I must apologize.
Dominic General: It all worked out.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: How's it been going?
Arval: We have Claude to thank for this.
Matthias: The camp certainly is lively now.
???: I've got a fantastic selection today!
???: Lord Rodrigue...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Things are bustling now!
Merchant: The Empire is doomed.
???: What an utter disgrace.
???: I'll show 'em!
???: I hope we can get along.
???: I wonder what'll happen.
???: Do you think I have a chance?
???: What's he up to...
???: It was a little frightening.
???: Seteth's headed east.
Rufus: They didn't used to be that way.
Arval: We cannot allow this to pass.
Kostas: How's your family?
Yuri: My father sends his regards.
Kostas: Things are really looking up!
Yuri: We cannot avoid this battle.
Anaximandros: Let me introduce my partner.
Viscount Fenja: Nice to meet you.
Anaximandros: It's a real shame.
Viscount Fenja: This is some mess we're in.
Matthias: The camp certainly is lively now.
Matthias: I'm terribly worried...
link Shez
Oh, right. Dimitri asked to see me. Something about a decision he's making...
link Shez
Oh, right. Dimitri asked to see me. Something about a decision he's making...
Leonie: Ah, you are here.
Dimitri: His Majesty...
link Dimitri
I've been waiting for you, [HERO_MF]. Follow me, we will begin the meeting at once.
link Dimitri
Excellent work, [HERO_MF]. We now have a solid plan thanks to you.
link Dimitri
Our battles will only grow more intense from here on out. There is no telling when we may lose one of our dear allies.
link Dimitri
You might want to spend time with them while you can. That way, you will harbor no regrets should tragedy strike.
Leonie: There is no need for concern.
Dimitri: Please, take care.
link Shez
Thinking about my friends reminds me of my old mercenary band.
link Shez
Thinking about my friends reminds me of my old mercenary band.
link Shez
Actually, I made a little something when I first became a full-fledged mercenary.
link Shez
Actually, I made a little something when I first became a full-fledged mercenary.
link Shez
Might not be a bad idea to give that to someone. It'll be my way of saying I'll always be there for them.
link Shez
Might not be a bad idea to give that to someone. It'll be my way of saying I'll always be there for them.
link Dedue
After the battle at Arianrhod, His Majesty remained stoic until we returned to Fhirdiad.
link Dedue
However, after issuing orders for our next steps, he promptly collapsed and did not wake for three days.
link Dedue
When he finally awoke, he immediately returned to working on political affairs... That tendency of his never ceases to worry me.
link Felix
If you'd asked me a few months ago, I never would've guessed Fódlan would be in such turmoil.
link Felix
I always thought the emperor's approach was a bit rash...
link Felix
But it didn't seem wholly unreasonable either. At least not until the battle at Arianrhod.
link Felix
Duke Aegir was reinstated as prime minister right after that. In fact...
link Felix
It's almost as though he was just waiting for the emperor's defeat, don't you think?
link Ashe
We probably shouldn't lean on the Alliance too much, but it is nice to have more allies.
link Ashe
We've even got people from the Golden Deer here now, which is really reassuring.
link Ashe
We probably shouldn't lean on the Alliance too much, but it is nice to have more allies.
link Ashe
It looks like some people from the Golden Deer are going to help with the rear guard too, so that's a relief.
link Shez
Definitely. They're a force to be reckoned with. I'll be counting on them in battle.
link Shez
Definitely. They're a force to be reckoned with. I'll be counting on them in battle.
link Ashe
The Empire may have sheer numbers, but I think there may be hope for us yet.
link Ashe
But as to what'll happen between us after the Empire is defeated...your guess is as good as mine.
link Shez
I dunno. Feels like they're just here to keep tabs on us for the Alliance.
link Shez
I dunno. Feels like they're just here to keep tabs on us for the Alliance.
link Ashe
I didn't even think about that. Though, we sent Gustave over to their side for the same reason.
link Ashe
Still, as long as we share the same goal, I'm sure we can work together without much issue.
link Ashe
But as to what'll happen between us after the Empire is defeated...your guess is as good as mine.
link Sylvain
This is it: the final battle against the Empire. I feel a lot better knowing the Alliance has our backs.
link Sylvain
And on top of that, they've agreed to help out with the food situation. Things are really looking up!
link Sylvain
It's funny, even though the Alliance and Kingdom were once the same region, their food tastes completely different from ours.
link Sylvain
I wish Miklan could've tried some...I bet he would've loved it.
link Mercedes
I spent some time in Camulus, and was exceedingly busy helping all the people there.
link Mercedes
Many were fleeing from the Empire with the Central Church's aid...
link Mercedes
The battlefield is a dreadful place, and it's truly horrifying to take another person's life.
link Mercedes
And yet, at this point, the thought of doing nothing is far worse.
link Shez
That must've been rough. Since you're back, does that mean things have settled down over there?
link Shez
That must've been rough. Since you're back, does that mean things have settled down over there?
link Mercedes
Yes, for now. Though I'm sure the situation will grow dire once the fighting starts...
link Shez
Kind of ironic that those who were so intent on tearing down the Central Church would end up needing their help.
link Shez
Kind of ironic that those who were so intent on tearing down the Central Church would end up needing their help.
link Mercedes
They have no other choice. I would do the same if I were in their position.
link Mercedes
The Holy Church of Seiros is divided into three branches: the Central Church, Eastern Church, and Western Church.
link Mercedes
Each branch has their own interpretation of the scripture and doctrine.
link Mercedes
The Western Church recently rejected the position of archbishop itself.
link Mercedes
They claim it goes against the word of the goddess... They were not as radical in the past, though.
link Mercedes
I wonder if Cornelia's allies and the archbishop are... No, I must be imagining things.
link Annette
Right when things had finally died down in the west, they go and send my father to the Alliance.
link Annette
He works too much, even though he's getting on in years. What am I gonna do with him...
link Annette
Since he's working so hard, there's no excuse for me not to do the same!
link Shez
He sure does. Guess that's what happens when you're as reliable as he is.
link Shez
He sure does. Guess that's what happens when you're as reliable as he is.
link Annette
I know that's technically a good thing, but... it still worries me.
link Shez
You're working your tail off too, you know. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
link Shez
You're working your tail off too, you know. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
link Annette
Oh, well... But I'm a lot younger than him, and in better shape too!
link Ingrid
The Empire territories are in shambles from what I've heard. Apparently, cruelty is their principal governing philosophy now.
link Ingrid
I wonder what the generals fighting for the Empire think about it all.
link Ingrid
We shouldn't give them any undue sympathy, though. This is a battle that cannot be avoided.
link Ingrid
If we bend here, the people of the Kingdom will suffer the same cruel fate.
link Petra
We are seeing each other after a long time. Are your skills still sharp?
link Shez
Of course. You went back to Brigid, right?
link Shez
Of course. You went back to Brigid, right?
link Petra
Yes. Home was very good. I went to the ocean and forest like when I was a child. I also said hello to the spirits.
link Shez
I bet the ocean was beautiful.
link Shez
I bet the ocean was beautiful.
link Petra
Yes, it was. I am wanting to show it to all of you one day.
link Petra
It was lovely to be swimming again. I do not hear of swimming in Fódlan. It is a great sadness.
link Shez
Spirits, huh... Can't say I really understand, but they sound important to Brigid.
link Shez
Spirits, huh... Can't say I really understand, but they sound important to Brigid.
link Petra
They are. But spirits are everywhere. You can be praying for their protection too.
link Dorothea
Another battle on the horizon...and one that will decide the Empire's fate, no less.
link Dorothea
Have you heard how the Imperial army's in disarray? I wonder what's going on...
link Dorothea
And what has become of Edie?
link Dorothea
No, I'm sorry. I'm all right, I can fight. The battlefield is my stage, after all.
link Shez
I get how you feel, but you should worry more about your allies than the enemy right now.
link Shez
I get how you feel, but you should worry more about your allies than the enemy right now.
link Shez
We have to defeat the Empire in order to protect this region and all the people in it.
link Shez
We have to defeat the Empire in order to protect this region and all the people in it.
link Dorothea
Yes, I know, but that doesn't make it any easier...
link Shez
Yeah, it's a definite concern. If the Empire falls apart, chaos will spread through the rest of Fódlan.
link Shez
Yeah, it's a definite concern. If the Empire falls apart, chaos will spread through the rest of Fódlan.
link Dorothea
You're probably right. Maybe I should...
link Bernadetta
Ugh. Looks like my days of peace and quiet are over.
link Bernadetta
Why do you think they're sending me to the front lines again?
link Bernadetta
Why do you think they're sending me to the front lines again?
link Bernadetta
Is it because I'm from the Empire? Oh, this is too much pressure!
link Bernadetta
Is it because I'm from the Empire? Oh, this is too much pressure!
link Shez
It's not about where you're from, people are just counting on you. And no one's forcing you to do anything.
link Shez
It's not about where you're from, people are just counting on you. And no one's forcing you to do anything.
link Bernadetta
Counting on me? Well, when you put it that way... All right, I'll do it!
link Bernadetta
Counting on me? Well, when you put it that way... All right, I'll do it!
link Shez
That's the way things are. You just gotta tough it out. Know what I mean?
link Shez
That's the way things are. You just gotta tough it out. Know what I mean?
link Bernadetta
No, I don't know! Kingdom people can be so harsh sometimes...
link Bernadetta
But I don't get it! Kingdom people can be so harsh sometimes...
link Lorenz
We meet again, [HERO_MF]. Now that I have arrived, you have nothing more to fear.
link Lorenz
We meet again, [HERO_MF]. Now that I have arrived, you have nothing more to fear.
link Lorenz
For I am the one who carries both the Alliance and its gloriously unreliable leader upon my very shoulders!
link Lorenz
My larger concern is for the Alliance territories. The people must be losing sleep over my absence.
link Raphael
Good on you for sticking with the Kingdom army this long. Must've been tough, huh?
link Raphael
But your hard days are over now. I've called in a favor from Claude, you see.
link Raphael
We'll be swimming in tasty foods from all over the Alliance in no time, so make sure you get good and hungry!
link Shez
Uhh...I'm not sure I follow. What did you ask him for?
link Shez
Uhh...I'm not sure I follow. What did you ask him for?
link Raphael
Meat! I asked him to get us some delicious, juicy meat so we can really give it our all!
link Shez
Lemme guess...you asked for meat, right?
link Shez
Lemme guess...you asked for meat, right?
link Raphael
You know it! I asked him to get us some delicious, juicy meat so we can really give it our all!
link Raphael
I mean, I asked for some other stuff too. Between you and me, the Kingdom army's food tastes like tree bark.
link Ignatz
This is my first time visiting Kingdom territory. There's something fascinating around every corner here!
link Ignatz
The varied climate allows for diverse and rare plant life, and each town or village has their unique charms.
link Ignatz
Truly, Fódlan's vastness astounds me every day!
link Ignatz
Oh, my apologies. I must compose myself. We are at war, and I am a knight, after all.
link Marianne
I must apologize. You finally have reinforcements, and yet you get me as their commander.
link Marianne
Um, if it bothers you, I can return to the Alliance at once...
link Marianne
Right, um... I'll try...
link Shez
What are you talking about? You've already come this far. We're all counting on you, so just do the best you can.
link Shez
What are you talking about? You've already come this far. We're all counting on you, so just do the best you can.
link Shez
What bothers me is that timid attitude. You gotta be more confident.
link Shez
What bothers me is that timid attitude. You gotta be more confident.
link Yuri
I was hired as a formality, of course, but I have subordinates and family in the Kingdom, so it all worked out for the best.
link Yuri
Don't worry. Trust is the foundation of my business. I'm not going to betray you simply because it strikes my fancy.
link Yuri
But I suppose I would understand if someone didn't believe me because of my circumstances.
link Hapi
Hey, long time no see. You haven't changed a bit. How's it been going?
link Hapi
My motivation goes right out the window when you're not around.
link Shez
I'm good, can't complain. Though I'd be even better if we could end this war with the next campaign.
link Shez
I'm good, can't complain. Though I'd be even better if we could end this war with the next campaign.
link Hapi
Wouldn't that be nice? At any rate, I'm glad to be working with you again.
link Shez
I've been better, but I'm hanging in there. Don't have much choice with the battle coming up.
link Shez
I've been better, but I'm hanging in there. Don't have much choice with the battle coming up.
link Hapi
Well that doesn't sound good. You sure you're all right? Don't push yourself, OK?
link Seteth
The archbishop has long hoped to recapture Garreg Mach Monastery.
link Seteth
Now that wish might finally come to fruition. And we have Claude to thank for it.
link Seteth
Though I would have preferred him to be a devout follower of the church...
link Seteth
It is undeniable that the people in Alliance territory are less religious than those in the Kingdom.
link Seteth
The Eastern Church presides over Leicester, yet they do not appear particularly enthusiastic in spreading the faith.
link Seteth
On the other hand, the Western Church's fanatical leanings are another cause for concern...
link Shez
Just because he isn't devout doesn't mean he's not a follower.
link Shez
Just because he isn't devout doesn't mean he's not a follower.
link Seteth
I doubt he is even that. Did you ever see him earnestly pray during your time at the Officers Academy?
link Shez
I wouldn't say I'm devout either. Not all of us are religious.
link Shez
I wouldn't say I'm devout either. Not all of us are religious.
link Seteth
Of course not, nor would I censure you for that. However...
link Seteth
So, the Western Church has rebelled. I admit I am not surprised, given their past behavior.
link Seteth
The Central Church cannot allow this to pass. Permit us to lend a hand in striking down their uprising.
link Seteth
They must be reminded that we are the only ones who receive the goddess's blessing.
link Flayn
Our camp certainly is lively now that the Alliance has joined us.
link Flayn
It feels as though I am gazing upon a scene from the academy. Ah, this takes me back!
link Flayn
I hope this will be an opportunity for me to cultivate new friendships.
link Flayn
I wonder how my brother is doing. Has he reached the Alliance camp yet?
link Flayn
I know he told me not to worry, but I have this awful feeling...
link Catherine
It's a real shame about Shamir. I was hoping I'd get the chance to work alongside her again.
link Catherine
We fight battles for a living, so you'd think I'd be used to saying goodbye to friends.
link Catherine
But knowing that she'll never have my back again... it still hurts.
link Shamir
It's been what, six months? Glad to see we're both still breathing.
link Shamir
Can't say the same for everyone these days... Like a certain someone who died right after sending for her partner.
link Shamir
This is some mess we're in, don't you think?
link Shamir
Can't say the same for everyone these days... Like a certain someone who died right after sending for her partner.
link Shamir
This is some mess we're in, don't you think?
link ???
Welcome! I've got a fantastic selection today.
link ???
It's much easier to conduct business now that Faerghus and Leicester have joined forces.
link ???
Trekking out to the Empire, on the other hand, has become a tad trickier...
link Gatekeeper
Greetings Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
With all these Alliance folks coming to lend a hand, it feels like our camp went from boring to bustling overnight!
link Gatekeeper
Seeing all these people milling about reminds me of when I was at Garreg Mach.
link Arval
How did it feel going onto the battlefield again? Were you overcome with sentimentality?
link Shez
Yeah, I was excited to get back to it.
link Shez
Yeah, I was excited to get back to it.
link Arval
Excited, hm... I can't say I was expecting that response.
link Shez
Nah, not really. I felt calm like always.
link Shez
Nah, not really. I felt calm like always.
link Arval
Glad to hear it. I'm certain you are much stronger now than you were half a year ago.
link Viscount Belinus
Much has changed in Faerghus over the past few months.
link Viscount Belinus
For instance, Houses Mateus and Gideon have new leaders.
link Viscount Belinus
And Lord Rodrigue is currently stationed in the west to ensure conflicts are kept to a minimum.
link Viscount Belinus
Though I expect all is relatively calm there now, so he should undoubtedly return to us next month.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Empire has greatly changed since their defeat at Arianrhod.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Her Majesty reappointed Duke Aegir, and delegated the majority of political administration to him. He should've stayed banished, if you ask me.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Both Lord Ferdinand and the marquis disappeared from the palace soon after.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
There is no future for the Empire. Joining the Kingdom army was the right choice.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Word has it the Western Church has raised their own army. What an utter disgrace.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Our teachings might be different, but I thought we all had the same desire to serve the goddess and her people.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And yet, they would side with those who oppress the innocent.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I came here under our leader's orders. Imagine my surprise when I found out the Kingdom's food is practically inedible!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Maybe it's 'cause the land's not as fertile or somethin', but the grub's tasteless. And don't even get me started on the booze.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm the best chef the Alliance has to offer. It's high time I teach these Kingdom folks what real food is!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
There are a ton of people here now, what with folks from Leicester adding to the Kingdom and church's numbers.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It was just recently we began to see eye-to-eye with the people from Faerghus...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I hope we can get along with those from the church and Leicester too.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The death of the head of House Rowe marked their downfall. To be blunt, their territory belongs to the royal family now.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If I make a name for myself in this battle, I might be granted my own land!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Heh, a guy can dream, can't he? Still, I wonder who will end up with Arianrhod.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The king's attendant is from Duscur, and some commoners have been knighted as well.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I heard that even a former bandit's become a general... Oh, and a mercenary captain has too!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I wonder if they'd promote someone like me one day. I've got more than enough ambition.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
There's this guy I know, he's one of the best mercs you'll ever see.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He's gotta be raking in the coin, but every time I bump into him, he's always asking for money.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Last time I saw him, he was working for the Empire. I wonder if he's still with them.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If he's helping with all their pillaging, I'll bash his brains in myself.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
One time I was driving my wagon down the road after it rained, and wouldn't you know, it got stuck in the mud.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
A knight just happened to be passing by, and he stopped and lifted the wagon straight out of the muck, all by himself.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It wasn't until later that I found out that knight was the king. I just about keeled over, let me tell you.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm forever grateful...and maybe a little frightened. A regular person shouldn't be able to do that.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If you're looking for Seteth, he's gone eastward with Sir Gustave. They're to provide support to the Alliance army.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though hasn't the Empire deployed the bulk of their army to the eastern front?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I can only pray those two return safe and sound.
link Dedue
Your Majesty, please take care. Your wounds have barely healed, and yet you're working incessantly...
link Dimitri
When should I work, if not now? There is no need for concern. I can wield my spear as I always have.
link Shez
You sure you're not just trying to tough it out? Getting enough rest is part of your job too.
link Shez
You sure you're not just trying to tough it out? Getting enough rest is part of your job too.
link Dimitri
I suppose you have a point... But I promise, I know my limits.
link Dimitri
And if I am honest, my thoughts tend to stray to the situation with the Empire regardless. I cannot fully relax.
link Shez
Oh, Dimitri's fine. He's fit as a fiddle if his training's anything to go by.
link Shez
Oh, Dimitri's fine. He's fit as a fiddle if his training's anything to go by.
link Dedue
Be that as it may, His Majesty was up all night with the Alliance forces...
link Dimitri
I rest when needed, and I will be sure to inform you immediately if I am unwell. I do not wish to slow everyone down.
link Dimitri
And if I am honest, my thoughts tend to stray to the situation with the Empire regardless. I cannot fully relax.
link Dimitri
If we had been able to defeat Edelgard, or better yet, Thales...
link Dedue
What's past is past, Your Majesty. Right now, we must focus on the battle before us.
link Dimitri
Yes... You are right, my friend.
link Sylvain
You went back to Galatea for a bit, didn't you? How was it? Your family holding up OK?
link Ingrid
Not much has changed, thankfully. Also, my father said to make sure I sent you his regards. He said you'd know what that means.
link Sylvain
Whoa, wait. Did I do something wrong? I haven't done anything, right? At least not lately!
link Ingrid
Heh, it's my father's idea of a joke. I'm certain he knows how hard you've been working.
link Ingrid
And how has your family been? Since, um... your brother...
link Sylvain
My father's been the same as ever, but I think my mom's taking it pretty hard.
link Sylvain
Miklan wasn't her biological son, but she cared about him all the same.
link Sylvain
Aside from that, there's been nothing out of the ordinary in Gautier territory. The Sreng armies came knocking a few times, but we sent them packing.
link Ingrid
I see. Well, I suppose no news is good news then.
link Catherine
Oh hey, [HERO_MF]. Nice timing. Let me introduce you to my partner here.
link Shamir
The name's Shamir. Nice to meet you. Thanks for your help at Arianrhod.
link Catherine
Shamir left the Knights of Seiros two years ago and has been working as a mercenary in the Alliance.
link Catherine
But she's going to be fighting with us from now on. I can vouch for her skills.
link ???
Sorry, we're still figuring out our strategy. You should go and make sure you're fully prepared.