link Sylvain volume_up
I'll figure something out, I promise. Just write to your father, OK?
link ??? volume_up
I will.
link Sylvain volume_up
Hey there, Dedue. Can I help you with something?
link Dedue volume_up
No. Just passing by.
link Sylvain volume_up
You sure? Looks like you really want to say something.
link Dedue volume_up
I was touched by your interaction with that woman.
link Sylvain volume_up
What's that supposed to mean?
link Dedue volume_up
During our academy days, I often heard untoward rumors about you.
link Dedue volume_up
You had a tendency to skip training and a certain reputation concerning women. You caused His Majesty all manner of headaches.
link Sylvain volume_up
I can't deny that.
link Sylvain volume_up
But that's all in the past. I'm a lot more responsible these days, don't you think?
link Dedue volume_up
Don't expect praise for merely doing your job.
link Sylvain volume_up
link Dedue volume_up
Though I have been curious about what caused this change of heart.
link Sylvain volume_up
"Change of heart" might be taking it a bit too far.
link Sylvain volume_up
It's just... I always see how Dimitri and Felix are out there doing all these amazing things.
link Sylvain volume_up
So I can't very well be goofing around when they're off making names for themselves! Call it a sibling rivalry.
link Dedue volume_up
Sibling rivalry?
link Sylvain volume_up
They're like brothers to me. Which is exactly why I don't want them looking down on me.
link Dedue volume_up
I see.
link Dedue volume_up
I understand how you feel. I had a younger sister.
link Sylvain volume_up
Had? Oh.
link Sylvain volume_up
Tell me about her. What was she like?
link Dedue volume_up
Hm. She loved flowers, and often made crowns out of them.
link Dedue volume_up
And once she set her mind to something, nothing in the world could change it.
link Sylvain volume_up
Aw, she sounds sweet. And a little intimidating.
link Dedue volume_up
You cannot flirt with the dead, try as you might.
link Sylvain volume_up
Whoa, hold on! I was just being honest!
link Sylvain volume_up
I'm sorry I never got the chance to meet her.
link Sylvain volume_up
I mean, if her protective older brother didn't kick me into next week first.
link Dedue volume_up
Heh. I may just have done so.
link Dedue volume_up
Sylvain. You should visit Duscur after this war is over.
link Dedue volume_up
My sister's grave is there. It's nothing special, but I would like to show it to you sometime.
link Sylvain volume_up
I would love to, my friend. And I'll make sure to bring a giant bouquet of flowers with me.
link Dedue volume_up
She would like that very much.