The Kingdom joins forces with the church and the Alliance to retake Garreg Mach. But before you can oust the Empire from the monastery, you must first pass through Ailell, the Valley of Torment.

Ladislava volume_up
Forgive me my weakness...
link Dimitri volume_up
Now is no time to let fear grip your heart! Together, we can defeat the Adrestian Empire and alter the course of history!
link Ludwig volume_up
Ugh. The tide of war is turning against us. Let us flee, Your Majesty. Our most loyal minister will handle the rest.
link Edelgard volume_up
Yes... We leave it to you, Count Bergliez.
Leopold volume_up
He could've at least tried to hide the act. Still, I have a duty to uphold.
Caspar volume_up
Yeah! These guys are no match for us. Let's show them what we can do!
link Leopold volume_up
I'm falling back to the rear. You should retreat too, Caspar!
link Dedue volume_up
Only Caspar remains. Let's hurry, Your Majesty.
link Caspar volume_up
I'm sorry, Father. I've gotta fall back!
link Dedue volume_up
There's only Count Bergliez left. I know we can defeat him.
link Leopold volume_up
Very well, Caspar. Let them taste the fruits of your training.
link Caspar volume_up
Right back at you! They're gonna learn age hasn't slowed you down one bit!
link Dimitri volume_up
I see we have some strong opponents. On guard, everyone. It is essential that we get through here!
link Bernadetta volume_up
Caspar? And... Ahh! A bear!
link Leopold volume_up
Hah! A bear, am I? Well, don't bother trying to play dead.
link Caspar volume_up
Same old Bernadetta, huh? Sorry, but we can't go easy on you out here.
link Leopold volume_up
Ah, Waldemar's son. I'm impressed to see you on the front lines.
link Caspar volume_up
Oh, there's no way it was his idea.
link Linhardt volume_up
Well, I'll admit this wasn't my first choice. But my life would be in danger either way, I am.
link Caspar volume_up
Dorothea! You're alive!'re with them.
link Dorothea volume_up
I had hoped I wouldn't run into you two... for so many reasons.
link Leopold volume_up
I thought you looked familiar. You're that songstress. Well, I hope purgatory makes for a good stage for you!
link Petra volume_up
Leopold von Bergliez...I will be avenging my father!
link Caspar volume_up
Petra? My father...killed yours, huh.
link Leopold volume_up
I accept your challenge, princess of Brigid!
link Holst volume_up
So you're Count Bergliez. I was hoping I would get a crack at you.
link Leopold volume_up
You've caught my interest as well. People call you the finest warrior in Leicester.
link Holst volume_up
Enough talk then. To arms!
link Leopold volume_up
Can you really afford this delay? The emperor is slipping away, you know.
link Felix volume_up
Well, if it isn't the Empire's greatest warrior himself. I'd better not hold anything back!
link Leopold volume_up
Leopold von Bergliez stands before you! Come and face me!
link Caspar volume_up
How strong my father is has nothing to do with me. I'm my own man!
link Caspar volume_up
Ugh, there's just too many of them! Fall back!
link Dimitri volume_up
We won't let them get away. Push on to Garreg Mach! We'll defeat the emperor and end this war!
link Leopold volume_up
We've slowed them down as much as we can. Time to retreat! All forces, fall back. I'll bring up the rear!
link Dimitri volume_up
We won't let them get away. Push on to Garreg Mach! We'll defeat the emperor and end this war!
link Claude volume_up
They may match us in number, but they're no match for us in skill. We can win this!
link Dimitri volume_up
Be careful, everyone. If all of our strongholds fall, we'll have no path left to the monastery.
link Ludwig volume_up
Your Majesty, might you bless the army with some rousing words? That is, after all, your purpose here.
link Edelgard volume_up
Yes... Right.
link Edelgard volume_up
Destroy every enemy that enters your sight.
link Ludwig volume_up
That will suffice. Come, everyone. You heard Her Majesty!
link Dimitri volume_up
We've had a report that those troublesome mages are here too. We should be prepared for ambushes.
link Viscount Menja volume_up
But...why... This isn't what you promised, Aegir...
link Viscount Fenja volume_up
I...I surrender! Please, spare my life! I'll tell you all of the Empire's secrets!
link Dimitri volume_up
Take her in. We'll hear what she has to say after the fighting is over.
link Ashe volume_up
Even against their huge army, we're more than capable of victory if we work together!
link Felix volume_up
Hmph. This is supposed to be the emperor's personal guard?
Ladislava volume_up
I will deliver you a victory, Your Majesty!
link Ladislava volume_up
I will gladly give my life for the Empire!
link Ladislava volume_up
This is nothing compared to what Her Majesty has endured! I will not give in!
link Dimitri volume_up
Even with the Empire in shambles, she remained loyal to the end.
??? volume_up
What? Who are these mages? Someone, help!
link Rodrigue volume_up
The church's soldiers are under attack. We can't let them suffer too many losses.
link Hilda volume_up
The church's soldiers are under attack! Shouldn't we go help them?
??? volume_up
Goddess, please protect us...
[es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
There must be someone, somewhere...who can defeat me.
??? volume_up
The Death Knight?! What's he doing here?
link Dimitri volume_up
The Death Knight? I can't say I expected him. If we lose the strongholds to our rear, we won't be able to isolate him.
link Claude volume_up
Looks like he's in a bit of a mood. We'll have to use a little trickery to get him surrounded.
link Claude volume_up
Everyone, listen up! Draw the Death Knight into the center of the battlefield!
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
Perhaps you can be the one to give me death.
link Dimitri volume_up
Good. We have his attention. Just keep leading him to the center.
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
Perhaps you can be the one to give me death.
link Dimitri volume_up
Good. We have his attention. Just keep leading him to the center.
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
Perhaps you can be the one to give me death.
link Dimitri volume_up
Good. We have his attention. Just keep leading him to the center.
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
Perhaps you can be the one to give me death.
link Dimitri volume_up
Good. We have his attention. Just keep leading him to the center.
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
More! It will take much more than that to kill me!
link Sylvain volume_up
Pretty sure we can't beat him in a straight-up fight. Better stick to the plan.
link Felix volume_up
Don't waste your energy fighting him. Just stick to Claude's plan.
link Mercedes volume_up
The Death Knight... It has to be him. I just know it.
link Claude volume_up
Don't try to fight the Death Knight head-on! Grab his attention and lure him to the center!
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
I crave death.
link Mercedes volume_up
I recognize your voice, Emile. It's you, isn't it?
link Felix volume_up
We need to stick to Claude's plan. Grab his attention and lure him in.
link Ashe volume_up
OK, we've drawn him into our trap. But is that really going to bring him down?
link Hilda volume_up
We've got him right where we want him, Claude. But how do we defeat him now?
link Claude volume_up
We're not quite ready yet. We need to take back the surrounding strongholds for this plan to work.
link Claude volume_up
There's nowhere for him to run now. Close the gates!
link Dimitri volume_up
I didn't expect him to fall for such a tactic again. Regardless, now we will weaken the Death Knight with magic. On your command.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Yes, Your Majesty! At the ready, mages! Fire!
link Dimitri volume_up
Fling open the gates. Give the Death Knight everything we have!
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
Gah! More! I still draw breath!
link Mercedes volume_up
Let me go to him, Dimitri. I might be able to convince him to surrender.
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
Next time, I'll... No. My end comes now.
link Mercedes volume_up
Enough of this, Emile! Please! Just stop fighting and come with us.
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
Mercedes... I... Very well. I will lay down my arms.
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
Next time, I'll... No. My end comes now.
link Mercedes volume_up
Emile...I know it's you. Please, don't do this.
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
A battle to the death will be my final pleasure. And none will get in my way!
link Mercedes volume_up
Emile... I can't get through to you, can I?
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
Yes, yes! Death draws near!
link Sylvain volume_up
He's still standing after that? It's like he's possessed or something.
link Holst volume_up
Archers, prepare a volley!
link Holst volume_up
It seems we won't be needing another volley.
link Dimitri volume_up
Claude, we need your help.
link Claude volume_up
Not a problem. Proud archers of Leicester, do what you do best!
??? volume_up
Your Majesty! We shall slow down the Death Knight. Give us your orders!
??? volume_up
On our honor as knights of Faerghus, you shall go no further!
link Myson volume_up
Hmph! I see we must use our magic to dignify this base struggle.
link Annette volume_up
Just when I thought we were making progress! How are we supposed to fight against this?
link Felix volume_up
Ugh, it's just one thing after another. Where do we even start?
link Dimitri volume_up
This will stop if we take out those mages. Stay calm.
link Myson volume_up
No matter how large your swarm of beasts is, you cannot defeat us!
link Ingrid volume_up
I have a personal score to settle with all of you. It is time for me to take my revenge!
link Dimitri volume_up
Answer me. Why did you kill my father? What reason did you have for it?
link Myson volume_up
What reason do I need to squash an insect that strays into my path?
Shez volume_up
Answer me, Myson. Who am I? What am I?
Shez volume_up
Answer me, Myson. Who am I? What am I?
link Myson volume_up
I have no words for those who fraternize with beasts, even if they do share our power.
link Myson volume_up
I cannot retreat now. I must forge a glorious future for humankind...
link Myson volume_up
Ngh! You'll pay for this... Epimenides...
link Ingrid volume_up
Finally, the magic has stopped! And the enemy's main force is straight ahead!
link Dimitri volume_up
The magic has ceased, it seems. Let us continue on. Edelgard is just ahead.
link Felix volume_up
We've taken out their commander, but it didn't put an end to their magic. We need to take down the other generals too.
??? volume_up
The Death Knight lost? We must prevail nonetheless! Attack them from the rear!
link Sylvain volume_up
Those guys just don't know when to quit. We should finish this as quick as we can.
link Holst volume_up
I see that some of them still have the will to fight. We'd better stop them or they'll break through our rear guard.
link Baron Martyn volume_up
Rgh! We were no match for them.
Hilda volume_up
This is I thought it would end...
link [es]1_5_1______Death Knight volume_up
Disappointing... Will this fight end without any pleasure at all?
link Dimitri volume_up
We cannot keep up the fight if all of our strongholds fall. We must lure the Death Knight at once!
link Dedue volume_up
We'll lose our last stronghold if we don't do something!
link Ludwig volume_up
You've all fought well for our emperor! This is the true might of the Empire...and it belongs to me.
link Dimitri volume_up
We can't go on. All units retreat! We'll regroup in Fraldarius.