The Imperial army has launched an attack on the Great Bridge of Myrddin in hopes of establishing a foothold in Alliance territory. You must meet them in battle and deny them the ingress they seek.

Acheron volume_up
Urgh... I should have never thought the Empire my ally...
Linhardt volume_up
I never thought I'd be the kind to...fight to the death, but...
Erwin volume_up
I cannot fall here.
Erwin volume_up
Lorenz... Forgive me. It seems this is... the end.
Erwin volume_up
All my ambitions... The future of Gloucester... Ruined.
link Claude volume_up
This looks bad. We might have to abandon the bridge after all.
link Claude volume_up
Either way, we can't afford to lose Count Gloucester! We have to secure an escape route and rescue him!
link Hilda volume_up
That's not going to be easy. We'll have to take the surrounding strongholds first!
Acheron volume_up
It took you this long to arrive? Not that I expected much from our fraud of a leader.
link Claude volume_up
Yeah, sorry about that. We're here now, at any rate.
link Acheron volume_up
My, well done. I can take it from here. Go forth and continue your assault!
link Lorenz volume_up
I would not trust that fickle weathervane. He's liable to betray us at the slightest breeze.
link Hilda volume_up
We've got an escape route now, yeah?
Citizen volume_up
Count Gloucester's locked in battle in the center of the bridge! Hurry and rescue him!
link Lorenz volume_up
We must save my father at once!
link Lorenz volume_up
Father! I am relieved to see you are well. Now, let us withdraw at once!
link Erwin volume_up
I cannot do that, my son. Our front line would crumble were I to take such a selfish action.
link Lysithea volume_up
Count Gloucester, are you all right? At least we made it here in time.
link Hilda volume_up
Are you OK, Lord Erwin? I'm so glad we made it in time!
link Erwin volume_up
Ah, so you have come to rescue me. You have my gratitude.
link Erwin volume_up
I thank you. However, the situation is dire. Please cover my soldiers as they escape.
link Claude volume_up
Our escape route isn't secure just yet. We need to hurry up and capture those strongholds!
link Acheron volume_up
Now seems like an opportune time to curry favor with the Empire. Troops, we are defecting! Move out!
link Claude volume_up
Looks like Leicester's Weathervane can't sense the prevailing wind after all. Don't hesitate to take them out!
link Arval volume_up
Time to show how strong you've become.
link Acheron volume_up
Why are the Imperial troops not coming to my aid? I have clearly changed sides!
link Acheron volume_up
How dare you kill my precious subordinates! I shall make you pay!
link Erwin volume_up
At least we disposed of one problem. Is it safe to retreat now?
link Claude volume_up
We've got no choice but to abandon the bridge. Count Gloucester, order a retreat!
link Erwin volume_up
I shall bring up the rear and draw the enemy away! All troops, withdraw from the bridge posthaste!
link Claude volume_up
This isn't our last battle by a long shot, so we can't afford to lose any more troops. Guard them as they retreat!
link Claude volume_up
No! We lost one. We have to protect the rest!
link Claude volume_up
Not good! If we lose more of them, there won't be anyone left to rescue!
link Erwin volume_up
Now we have to guard against any enemy generals in pursuit. We can withdraw once everything is secure.
link Claude volume_up
Yeah, they're not gonna let us just waltz out of here. Target the enemy as soon as they pop their heads out!
link Caspar volume_up
Don't let them get away! Grah!
Caspar volume_up
Sorry, but I'm not letting anyone escape! Get in my way and I'll knock you flat!
link Raphael volume_up
Caspar, is that you? Well no way am I gonna let you stop 'em!
link Hilda volume_up
We're going up against Caspar?! Ugh, this is the worst.
link Caspar volume_up
You're pretty tough! But I'm not gonna back down now!
link Linhardt volume_up
Caspar, are you all right? Honestly, must you always rush off by yourself like that?
link Caspar volume_up
Linhardt, what are you doing? The enemy's gonna get away!
link Linhardt volume_up
You would've died if you'd kept fighting. You need to pay closer attention to what's going on around you.
link Linhardt volume_up
I guess we probably shouldn't let them escape. Shall I open the gate to draw them in?
link Caspar volume_up
Stop, Linhardt! Don't go off by yourself and—urk! I'm still too hurt!
link Claude volume_up
If there's one thing Linhardt hates, it's a pointless fight. We might be able to convince him to surrender.
Linhardt volume_up
I really don't have much choice, do I? Sometimes you have to fight even when it's a pain.
link Lysithea volume_up
Has the Valley of Torment frozen over? I never thought I'd hear you say something like that.
link Caspar volume_up
Hey, Linhardt! Don't you dare even think about dying for me!
link Linhardt volume_up
I will do what I want. Though I would prefer to avoid any squabbles with you.
link Caspar volume_up
Linhardt, no! I... l'll finish this fight! I'll avenge you, I promise!
link Claude volume_up
You know you'll end up dead if you keep going, right? So just surrender already!
link Linhardt volume_up
You could've said as much before you beat me up. You're all cruel, you know that? But fine.
link Caspar volume_up
You were never the type to fight to the death anyway. If anything, I'm relieved.
link Caspar volume_up
So you captured Linhardt, huh? Sorry to ruin your fun, but I'm taking him back.
link Caspar volume_up
You're dealing with me now. And it won't be like last time, I can assure you.
link Claude volume_up
Is he the only enemy general left? Then let's take care of him before reinforcements arrive!
link Caspar volume_up
I could do this all day!
link Lysithea volume_up
If we can spare the effort, wouldn't it be preferable to take out all the nearby strongholds?
link Hilda volume_up
We better capture what strongholds we can. We don't need the enemy catching us off guard as we retreat.
link Lysithea volume_up
Now there's less chance we'll be attacked during our retreat.
link Hilda volume_up
Now we're totally free to retreat.
link Lorenz volume_up
If we do not hurry, my father's life will be in danger. Can we make use of the archers?
link Lorenz volume_up
It will be difficult to make further use of the archers.
link Claude volume_up
Firing a volley right about now should do the trick. Archers, attack!
link Claude volume_up
I want as few casualties as possible. We could have the support squad protect the retreating troops.
link Claude volume_up
Now that they've retreated, we don't have to use the support squad anymore.
link Hilda volume_up
Protect them!
link Caspar volume_up
Fine, you can keep Linhardt then! I can't die here!
link Caspar volume_up
Linhardt would never find peace in the afterlife if I die here too. I've gotta get out of here!
link Claude volume_up
Now we don't have to worry about them chasing after us. Let's get a move on and retreat before... What's that?!
link Ferdinand volume_up
You appear to be outmatched, Caspar. Allow me to show you all the full might of the Empire!
link Erwin volume_up
Reinforcements have already arrived? Then I have no other option.
link Erwin volume_up
House Gloucester hereby swears fealty to the Empire! Cease fighting and throw down your weapons! Further resistance is futile!
link Claude volume_up
What?! Fall back! We need to get outta here!
link Lorenz volume_up
Claude, what is the meaning of this?! Father? Why are you surrendering to... Father!
link Lorenz volume_up
No! Father!
link Claude volume_up
Count Gloucester's fallen... We've... We've failed.
link Claude volume_up
They've all been killed? Then this was all for nothing... We've lost.