The Federation army makes landfall in Kingdom territory, and you set off for Fhirdiad at once. However, an enemy stronghold stands between you and your goal.

Ashe volume_up
I'm sorry, Your Majesty... I put your trust in me...
Matthias volume_up
I'm sorry, Rodrigue... Lambert and I...will be waiting for you...on the other side...
link Claude volume_up
A head-on assault would work as well as trying to break a boulder with our skulls. We can't exhaust our troops before we hit the capital.
link Claude volume_up
So we're going to blast open the gates and take them by storm before they have a chance to react.
link Claude volume_up
First we'll need to secure the surrounding area to create a path to the gate for our combat engineers.
link Ignatz volume_up
We've almost got the area secure. But how are we going to blast open the gates?
link Hilda volume_up
Just a little more and we'll have this area secured. But how are we going to blast those gates open?
link Claude volume_up
Fire magic and barrels of alcohol. The force from the blast should... Well, I won't spoil the surprise.
link Lorenz volume_up
Now we should be able to proceed to the front gate without issue.
link Claude volume_up
Excellent. Engineers, do your thing! Everyone else, guard them while they work!
Byleth volume_up
The Federation is plotting something, but we'll put an end to that. It's time for our ambush!
link Claude volume_up
I figured they wouldn't just sit back and watch. Defend our engineers at all costs!
link Claude volume_up
If the enemy gets too close, they won't be able to set everything up! We need to take down the surrounding enemies now!
link Holst volume_up
The enemy is preventing the engineers from working. We must do something immediately!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Whatever their scheme is, we can't let them do it. Open the east and west gates. And clear away the enemy from the front!
link Lysithea volume_up
They're almost ready!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Haha! Talk about flashy! You blew that massive gate wide open!
link Claude volume_up
That blast was everything I hoped it'd be. But it looks like there's another gate ahead.
link Lorenz volume_up
All troops on standby are to support the engineers! They must finish their preparations as quickly as possible!
link Lorenz volume_up
Wonderful. The troops who aided the engineers can now rejoin the battle!
link Holst volume_up
The gates to the right and left have opened! All who are able, fight your way inside and run riot!
link Holst volume_up
Now there should be fewer enemies targeting the engineers.
Ashe volume_up
I won't let you take another step into Faerghus!
link Claude volume_up
Is that Ashe? I'd like to avoid killing him if we can.
link Ashe volume_up
I will fulfill my duty as a knight. Prepare yourself!
link Yuri volume_up
I've seen you somewhere before. Oh, you're Lord Lonato's kid, right?
link Ashe volume_up
Wait, aren't you... No, I need to focus on the battle. There's no time for talking!
link Ashe volume_up
I'm fighting for His Majesty! I can't lose now!
link Ashe volume_up
You're strong. I don't know if I can beat you on my own.
link Felix volume_up
Ashe! What was he thinking, getting himself killed like that!
link Claude volume_up
Ashe, Dimitri wouldn't want you to die. If you care for him, you'll surrender.
link Ashe volume_up
I... OK. I give up.
link Claude volume_up
All right, we're gonna blast through the other gate! Protect the engineers!
link Claude volume_up
If the enemy gets too close, they won't be able to set everything up! We need to take down the surrounding enemies now!
link Holst volume_up
The enemy is preventing the engineers from working. We must do something immediately!
Byleth volume_up
We won't make it in time. Hurry!
link Lorenz volume_up
Not much longer now. Defend the engineers!
link Lorenz volume_up
Splendid, we are able to invade the fortress. Now it is but a simple matter of overwhelming them with numerical superiority.
link Claude volume_up
If the engineers fall, our plan will go up in smoke. We need more troops to defend them.
link Claude volume_up
Keep them safe, OK?
link Claude volume_up
That turned out well. We made the right call increasing our defense.
Felix volume_up
I'm going out there. I don't have it in me to stand by and watch.
link Claude volume_up
Is that Felix? He's going after the engineers. Stop him!
link Felix volume_up
I see no reason to spare invaders who force their way into our home.
link Felix volume_up
Ugh... Is this it?
link Felix volume_up
Tch. Unbelievable.
Byleth volume_up
We cannot let them destroy another gate! Take out the engineers!
link Marianne volume_up
More enemies? We have to stop them!
link Hilda volume_up
More enemies incoming! We've got to put a stop to them!
link Marianne volume_up
We're safe now.
link Hilda volume_up
That should do the trick!
link Holst volume_up
Our defense was lacking, but the engineers did well.
??? volume_up
Reinforcements are on their way! Protect the duke and Lord Rodrigue until they get here!
link Claude volume_up
It's time to swoop in and take the stronghold! Advance!
??? volume_up
It is an honor to die for Faerghus.
link Felix volume_up
Fool. What is the point if you don't survive the battle?
??? volume_up
Lord Felix, I leave the rest to you...
link Felix volume_up
Tch... Hear me! We will all make it through this and achieve victory together!
??? volume_up
Yes, my lord!
Shez volume_up
We've cleared out most of 'em. Not much left to do now.
Shez volume_up
We've cleared out most of them. Not much left to do now.
Rodrigue volume_up
Our comrades have fought too bravely for us to stand idly by!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'd hoped to hold out until reinforcements arrived, but they've forced my hand. Time to dive into the fray!
Byleth volume_up
You shall not take one more step towards Fhirdiad!
link Holst volume_up
Oho, I spy Lord Rodrigue. Let's hope he proves to be a worthy opponent!
link Claude volume_up
You sent a chill down my spine there! No wonder they call you the Shield of Faerghus.
Byleth volume_up
They're boxing me in. This doesn't bode well.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Hey, don't try to show off, old man! If you're spent, just fall back!
Byleth volume_up
Hah, it's nice to know you're concerned for me!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
This is nothing!
Byleth volume_up
Felix, are you all right?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Hmph, your concern is wasted. Do not underestimate me!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Argh! I can't hold out much longer! I need to escape while I still can!
link Leonie volume_up
All right! We just need to take out one more general, and then we win!
link Holst volume_up
Only one remains. If we defeat Lord Rodrigue, victory will be ours!
Byleth volume_up
Ngh... Forgive me, people of Fraldarius. I have no choice but to retreat.
link Leonie volume_up
All right! We just need to take out one more general, and then we win!
link Holst volume_up
Only one remains. If we defeat Duke Fraldarius, victory will be ours!
link Claude volume_up
Great work, everyone! Time to celebrate our... Huh?
??? volume_up
I must heal him quickly!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Thanks. Sorry for the trouble. Now I can get back to the fight.
Byleth volume_up
Thank you, I needed that! I'm fine now.
link Lorenz volume_up
The battle will drag on if the enemy commander is healed. My apologies, but we will have no more of that.
link Lorenz volume_up
We allowed the priest to heal him. Now our battle will be prolonged!
Matthias volume_up
Elite soldiers of Gautier, advance! Crush the southern weaklings!
link Claude volume_up
Urgh, Kingdom reinforcements are here! If they want a fight, we're going to have to engage.
Supply Master volume_up
Rodrigue, retreat with the duke. I have secured an escape route for you. Leave the rest to me.
Byleth volume_up
Matthias, you fool... Return to us alive. Promise me!
Supply Master volume_up
How long has it been since I've covered an escape? Ah, I've missed this rush!
link Claude volume_up
Risking life and limb so your friends can escape? It's hard not to admire that famous Faerghus chivalry.
Supply Master volume_up
What's the matter? Did you think Faerghus's Wall of Ice would shatter so easily?
Supply Master volume_up
If my fortunes have dried up, then I'll take as many of you as I can with me! Such is the way in Faerghus!
link Claude volume_up
They're attacking the engineers! We have to help them!
link Claude volume_up
Do whatever you can to protect the engineers! If they're killed, we'll be forced to withdraw!
link Claude volume_up
And that's another victory for us. Well done, everyone.
link Claude volume_up
They took out the engineers?! So much for that plan... I hate to say it, but we have to retreat!