1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. Thales...or perhaps it is more apt to call him Lord Arundel, if Viscount Fenja is to be believed.
  3. He has been scheming in the wake of the Tragedy of Duscur, murdering countless many.
  4. As the sole survivor of that tragedy, it is my [cdb]responsibility to end his life.
  5. If perchance you face him on the battlefield, will you [cdb]allow me to deal the killing blow?
  6. Nod in assent.
  7. Waffle a bit.
  8. You got it. He's all yours when the time comes. Just don't miss, Dimitri.
  9. You got it. He's all yours when the time comes. Just don't miss, Dimitri.
  10. I thank you, [HERO_MF].
  11. Sure, I mean, I don't really mind. But you never know [cdb]what'll happen in the heat of battle.
  12. Sure, I mean, I don't really mind. But you never know [cdb]what'll happen in the heat of battle.
  13. Of course, I trust your judgment. However, I would [cdb]greatly appreciate it if you happen to cross swords [cdb]with him.
  14. Only by cutting him down and fulfilling my duty do I [cdb]believe I can finally put my past behind me.
  15. My father, Glenn, all of them... On my life, it will [cdb]be done.
  16. I knew not what would happen when we were [cdb]trapped in that place, but I am glad we made it out [cdb]safely.
  17. [HERO_MF]. Does Arval still dwell [cdb]within you?
  18. Say Arval's gone.
  19. Say they're still there.
  20. No, I can't hear their voice anymore. I think all that's [cdb]left is their power.
  21. No, I can't hear their voice anymore. I think all that's [cdb]left is their power.
  22. When someone who has long been a part of your life [cdb]vanishes, they take a piece of your heart with them. Trust me, I know the feeling all too well.
  23. They're gone, but the power is still there. Maybe [cdb]there's still a part of them in my heart somewhere.
  24. They're gone, but the power is still there. Maybe [cdb]there's still a part of them in my heart somewhere.
  25. I see. You truly trusted them then.
  26. Perhaps you can find solace in the fact that you now [cdb]understand more about the source of your power.
  27. I also had the opportunity to speak with Edelgard and Claude. And most importantly, I was spared from [cdb]having to take your life.
  28. The Alliance forces will not catch up to us for [cdb]some time.
  29. However, the battle will not wait. We shall have to [cdb]make do on our own.
  30. Garreg Mach has many natural defenses, and on top [cdb]of that, Thales is the one guarding it.
  31. Capturing it will prove difficult. Be sure to [cdb]thoroughly prepare.
  32. I am relieved His Majesty is safe...and you as well, [cdb]of course.
  33. I assume you will not try to cut down your [cdb]allies again?
  34. Reassure him.
  35. Hesitate a bit.
  36. I won't. Whoever was controlling me back then is [cdb]gone now.
  37. I won't. Whoever was controlling me back then is [cdb]gone now.
  38. But I know that's probably hard to believe, no matter [cdb]how I try to explain it.
  39. But I know that's probably hard to believe, no matter [cdb]how I try to explain it.
  40. No. I will take your word for it, for now.
  41. Whoever was controlling me back then is gone for [cdb]now, but I can't be a hundred percent certain.
  42. Whoever was controlling me back then is gone for [cdb]now, but I can't be a hundred percent certain.
  43. Understood. Let us know immediately if you [cdb]experience a problem like that again.
  44. There's supposed to be a Millennium Festival in two [cdb]years to celebrate a thousand years since the [cdb]monastery's founding.
  45. I wonder if it'll still go ahead if we take back Garreg Mach.
  46. The Millennium Festival? Leave it to you to be [cdb]thinking about a party at a time like this.
  47. Hey, it's not just a party. It's a political soirée where [cdb]the leaders of each region can mingle and schmooze.
  48. Besides, what's wrong with having something to look [cdb]forward to? You'll be there too, you know.
  49. Hmph. Maybe.
  50. Right now, you need to focus on the battle before us, Sylvain. If you die out there, you'll miss more than [cdb]the Millennium Festival.
  51. Hah, fair enough! Guess I'll quit my yapping and get [cdb]ready to move out.
  52. Yeah, do that. I'd prefer it if you didn't wind up dead [cdb]because you spent too much time daydreaming.
  53. With Count Bergliez and Count Hevring defeated, [cdb]there's no one else standing between us and Garreg Mach.
  54. All that's left is to fight and win. Are you ready?
  55. Say you are.
  56. Say you're not.
  57. Of course I am. We've got this, Felix.
  58. Of course I am. We've got this, Felix.
  59. Good. Glad to hear you say that.
  60. I dunno. It just feels like any other battle to me.
  61. I dunno. It just feels like any other battle to me.
  62. I'm not sure what else I expected from you.
  63. Listen, this battle will determine the outcome of [cdb]the war. It's all over if we lose, so don't let your [cdb]guard down.
  64. Lonato always said we should follow our own [cdb]sense of justice, no matter what.
  65. He helped me and my siblings when we had nothing, [cdb]and he never forgave the church for what they did.
  66. Now I understand why. He was doing what he [cdb]thought was right.
  67. That's why I'm not going to back down either. I'm the [cdb]one responsible for his death, after all.
  68. Fighting as a knight of Faerghus until the bitter end is [cdb]what I believe to be the right course.
  69. We simply cannot lose Lady Rhea. No other bishop [cdb]could ever take her place.
  70. She has been the very foundation of the Holy Church [cdb]of Seiros for such a long time.
  71. She's also astute in political matters and has never [cdb]allowed another region to control her.
  72. I have no idea what would become of the church if [cdb]something were to happen to her.
  73. Say, if we take back Garreg Mach, would we then use [cdb]it as a base when we invade the Imperial capital?
  74. If we did that, it would kinda be like we were back at [cdb]the Officers Academy again.
  75. Just like old times. Maybe one day, we'll all be able to [cdb]get along like we did back then.
  76. Give an encouraging nod.
  77. Say it will be difficult.
  78. We will. We just have to win first.
  79. We will. We just have to win first.
  80. Right! We're going to get through this together, [cdb][HERO_MF]!
  81. Even after the war's over, I don't think people who [cdb]were trying to kill each other will wanna be all [cdb]buddy-buddy right away.
  82. Even after the war's over, I don't think people who [cdb]were trying to kill each other will wanna be all [cdb]buddy-buddy right away.
  83. I'm not so sure about that. There are plenty of [cdb]people who don't want to be fighting, aren't there?
  84. It might not happen right away, but surely our [cdb]children or our grandchildren will be able to [cdb]get along.
  85. It is said that during King Loog's time, [cdb]the descendants of the Ten Elites banded together to [cdb]resist the Empire and win their independence.
  86. Later, Leicester and Faerghus would be divided in the Crescent Moon War.
  87. Yet here we are, joining forces to stand against the Empire once again.
  88. I hope we can maintain our good relationship with [cdb]the Alliance after the war ends.
  89. Say we can.
  90. Say we can't.
  91. Undoubtedly. There's no reason for us to fight, [cdb]at least for now, right?
  92. Undoubtedly. There's no reason for us to fight, [cdb]at least for now, right?
  93. I'm sure people could make up any number of reasons [cdb]later, but I'd like to believe there will be peace [cdb]someday.
  94. Do you really think that's possible? Everyone's got [cdb]their own agenda.
  95. Do you really think that's possible? Everyone's got [cdb]their own agenda.
  96. Yes, that's true. As long as His Majesty and Claude [cdb]have conflicting ideals, they'll inevitably clash.
  97. But it is the people who will suffer if the flames of war [cdb]spread any further.
  98. Our leaders should speak to one another and try to [cdb]foster amicable relations before it comes to that.
  99. I cannot tell you what a relief it is to have you both [cdb]back safe and sound. His Majesty informed me of [cdb]what transpired.
  100. The Forbidden Spell of Zahras, and Arval as well... I suppose truth truly is stranger than fiction.
  101. Nevertheless, we now know a little more about where [cdb]you and your power come from.
  102. And we can rest assured knowing you are on our side.
  103. We do not yet know if the archbishop is safe. I admit [cdb]it was an error on my part to underestimate our [cdb]enemy's strength.
  104. If only I had allowed Catherine to accompany them... No, it is too late for regrets.
  105. If only I had accompanied her to the monastery... No, it is too late for regrets.
  106. We must reclaim Garreg Mach and locate the [cdb]archbishop with all possible speed.
  107. I would ask that you lend us your strength as well.
  108. Ask if he's sure.
  109. Tell him to leave it to you.
  110. I know how bad you want to save Rhea, but are you [cdb]sure you want my help?
  111. I know how bad you want to save Rhea, but are you [cdb]sure you want my help?
  112. I am aware of what happened to you, but my trust in [cdb]you has not faltered.
  113. Regardless of who you may be, I have the utmost [cdb]confidence in you.
  114. You can count on me. I promise I'll find her.
  115. You can count on me. I promise I'll find her.
  116. Thank you. It is a great comfort to hear you [cdb]say that.
  117. Fódlan needs the archbishop more than ever. I beg of [cdb]you to rescue her.
  118. Lady Rhea is safe, I know she is. I believe it with [cdb]every fiber of my being.
  119. After all, she is so very strong, and smart, and kind, [cdb]and beautiful.
  120. So she just has to be safe!
  121. Agree with her.
  122. Express concern.
  123. Yeah. Rhea isn't the type to make a careless mistake [cdb]that'd get her killed.
  124. Yeah. Rhea isn't the type to make a careless mistake [cdb]that'd get her killed.
  125. Yes, absolutely.
  126. Maybe, but it'll be hard not to worry until we know [cdb]for sure. I hope she's OK.
  127. Maybe, but it'll be hard not to worry until we know [cdb]for sure. I hope she's OK.
  128. You do not have to worry. She is safe, without a [cdb]shadow of a doubt.
  129. I am certain Lady Rhea is waiting for us right now. All we must do is go to her, posthaste.
  130. Ugh, I can't stop worrying about Lady Rhea. We need to get out there right now and save her, [cdb][HERO_MF].
  131. Chide her.
  132. Agree with her.
  133. Hey, you've gotta calm down. Pacing a hole in the [cdb]floor won't help us get ready any faster.
  134. Hey, you've gotta calm down. Pacing a hole in the [cdb]floor won't help us get ready any faster.
  135. You're right. Sorry, I lost it for a second there. I know [cdb]we can't rush this.
  136. I know. We'll leave as soon as we're ready. Nothing will stop us from rescuing her, Catherine.
  137. I know. We'll leave as soon as we're ready. Nothing will stop us from rescuing her, Catherine.
  138. Right. I won't let them slay Lady Rhea...and I'll be [cdb]counting on your help as well.
  139. No matter how strong she is, she can't last forever [cdb]against such overwhelming odds.
  140. And considering how long it takes to climb the outer [cdb]walls, time isn't our friend here.
  141. Since the Kingdom and Alliance are having a new [cdb]relationship, I am thinking Brigid will be playing a [cdb]larger role.
  142. When relations between two regions can easily [cdb]shatter, a third one takes importance.
  143. Agree with her.
  144. Bring up the Empire.
  145. Yeah, that's true. Brigid may have to act as an [cdb]intermediary.
  146. Yeah, that's true. Brigid may have to act as an [cdb]intermediary.
  147. Yes. In the past, it was the Empire, Kingdom, and Alliance that was keeping the peace.
  148. Huh. But what about the Empire? Didn't Brigid [cdb]have some kinda agreement with them?
  149. Huh. But what about the Empire? Didn't Brigid [cdb]have some kinda agreement with them?
  150. Yes. Brigid had been losing the previous war, [cdb]and came under the Empire's controlling.
  151. But the emperor was changing and believing a new [cdb]relationship could be made.
  152. Now I am thinking Brigid will be taking the role of [cdb]the Empire. That is the only future we'll be having.
  153. Heya. How's it going?
  154. Garreg Mach's shaping up to be the fight of our lives.
  155. You OK? Not gonna pull any more [cdb]shenanigans, yeah?
  156. Say you're OK.
  157. Say you're not OK.
  158. Yeah, I'm good. I've never fought at Garreg Mach [cdb]before, but I'll figure it out.
  159. Yeah, I'm good. I've never fought at Garreg Mach [cdb]before, but I'll figure it out.
  160. Yeah, I'm good. Sorry for making you worry.
  161. Yeah, I'm good. Sorry for making you worry.
  162. OK, I guess that makes me feel better. Though your [cdb]tone doesn't inspire much confidence.
  163. I'm not really OK. I have no clue what's going on, [cdb]and I'm honestly feeling totally outta sorts.
  164. I'm not really OK. I have no clue what's going on, [cdb]and I'm honestly feeling totally outta sorts.
  165. I bet. No one knows what the future will bring, [cdb]and it's hard to hold out hope when you're lost in [cdb]the dark.
  166. We'll just have to roll with the punches for now. At the very least, I'll try not to sigh and get everyone [cdb]killed.
  167. The end of the war is finally in sight, like a light in [cdb]the darkness.
  168. If we defeat those horrid people manipulating the Empire, perhaps that will lay the foundation for a [cdb]peaceful future.
  169. Correct her.
  170. Cheer her up.
  171. We won't just lay the foundation, we're gonna build [cdb]peace itself.
  172. We won't just lay the foundation, we're gonna build [cdb]peace itself.
  173. How can you be so optimistic? Well, maybe that's [cdb]just one of your many strengths.
  174. How can you be so optimistic? Well, maybe that's [cdb]just one of your many strengths.
  175. That's exactly what we'll do. We're gonna put a stop [cdb]to them once and for all.
  176. That's exactly what we'll do. We're gonna put a stop [cdb]to them once and for all.
  177. Yes, that's right. We can't lose sight of what we're [cdb]fighting for.
  178. Ahhh! Oh no, the time has come... It's finally here!
  179. Ahhh! Oh no, the time has come... It's finally here!
  180. Express confusion.
  181. Sympathize with her.
  182. What's here? You mean the end of the war?
  183. What's here? You mean the end of the war?
  184. No, not that! I'm going to have to see my father!
  185. No, not that! I'm going to have to see my father!
  186. Yep... It's that time.
  187. Yep... It's that time.
  188. Do you even know what I'm talking about? My father!
  189. Do you even know what I'm talking about? My father!
  190. He's at Garreg Mach right now, just waiting for me!
  191. He's at Garreg Mach right now, just waiting for me!
  192. Urgh, I don't wanna go... Can't we just call this [cdb]whole thing off?
  193. Urgh, I don't wanna go... Can't we just call this [cdb]whole thing off?
  194. Recapturing Garreg Mach is somewhat meaningful to [cdb]me, since I was a Knight of Seiros.
  195. It was only for a short while, but I used to call that [cdb]place home.
  196. Plus, if we do manage to take it back, it'd be a good [cdb]time to close out my contract.
  197. The world won't change overnight when the [cdb]war ends.
  198. Sure, soldiers and scholars who made significant [cdb]contributions in the war are now getting promoted as [cdb]new knights and nobles.
  199. But I have a hunch that any change in Fódlan will be [cdb]gradual.
  200. I'm talking a snail's pace. Slow and steady reform over [cdb]the next few decades.
  201. Word on the street is that the person currently [cdb]holed up in Garreg Mach is Count Varley of the Southern Church.
  202. I'm sure that at this very moment, he's running [cdb]around like a chicken with its head cut off, [cdb]while Thales and Edelgard try to sort things out.
  203. You know, Varley had me beaten half to death a [cdb]while ago. Granted, I had it coming, but he still gave [cdb]the order.
  204. But no matter how much I want to laugh at the [cdb]trouble he's in, or what a gruesome death he'll have...
  205. I keep wondering how Bernadetta is holding up. I don't think she has it in her to kill her own father.
  206. We have fought side by side for quite some time, [cdb]but the day when we will have to part is fast [cdb]approaching.
  207. I suspect we will return to Leicester once the [cdb]monastery is reclaimed, you see.
  208. Thank him for everything.
  209. Tell him you'll miss him.
  210. Right, yeah. Well, I really appreciate all you've done.
  211. Right, yeah. Well, I really appreciate all you've done.
  212. My, what an unexpectedly cold response. And here I [cdb]thought you might miss me.
  213. Right, yeah... Well, I'm gonna miss you.
  214. Right, yeah... Well, I'm gonna miss you.
  215. Oh? I never thought I would hear such sentimental [cdb]words escape your lips. I must say I'm flattered.
  216. I shall miss you as well. You were like a flower [cdb]blooming on the battlefield. Gazing upon you never [cdb]failed to mend my war-torn heart.
  217. But alas, there are countless many back in Leicester [cdb]who eagerly await my return. I am truly sorry.
  218. Let us pour our hearts into the coming battle, [cdb]and leave the war behind with not a drop of regret.
  219. I know it's kinda late to bring this up, but I don't [cdb]agree with how we've been fighting.
  220. You must feel the same way, right? C'mon, you can [cdb]tell me.
  221. Agree with him.
  222. Disagree with him.
  223. Yeah, we've been a little cautious. We worry too much [cdb]about what the church and Alliance think.
  224. Yeah, we've been a little cautious. We worry too much [cdb]about what the church and Alliance think.
  225. Nah, taking our allies into consideration is a good [cdb]thing. That's not what I'm talking about.
  226. I dunno about that. I feel like everyone here accepts [cdb]me for who I am. What more could I really ask for?
  227. I dunno about that. I feel like everyone here accepts [cdb]me for who I am. What more could I really ask for?
  228. Nah, people'll take a strong fighter like you in [cdb]wherever you go. That's not what I'm talking about.
  229. Then what do you have a problem with?
  230. Then what do you have a problem with?
  231. When we party after a battle, it's always so stiff and [cdb]formal. Dimitri could stand to loosen up a little! And [cdb]the worst part? There's never enough meat!
  232. I think this battle is going to mark a major turning [cdb]point in Fódlan's history.
  233. It's overwhelming to think that I'll be a part of that.
  234. If I survive, I want to paint a picture of the battle.
  235. I feel like somehow it's my duty to do so.
  236. Some of the others think that Claude and his forces [cdb]won't rendezvous with us in time.
  237. However, not a single person from Leicester is the [cdb]least bit worried.
  238. I feel the same. I believe Claude will make it.
  239. Say you're impressed.
  240. Express suspicion.
  241. Oh yeah? Claude must inspire a lot of trust in his [cdb]friends.
  242. Oh yeah? Claude must inspire a lot of trust in his [cdb]friends.
  243. It's a little different than trust. I just know.
  244. But Claude plays his cards pretty close to the chest, [cdb]even with his friends, yeah? You sure you can [cdb]trust him?
  245. But Claude plays his cards pretty close to the chest, [cdb]even with his friends, yeah? You sure you can [cdb]trust him?
  246. It's a little different than trust. I just know.
  247. Claude will make it and help us achieve victory.
  248. That's the kind of person he is.
  249. Have you heard about the town hidden under Garreg Mach?
  250. It's like a sunless trash pit for people who have [cdb]nowhere else to go.
  251. I used to live there myself. I wonder how they're [cdb]getting on down there now.
  252. Knowing that lot, I'm sure they're just carrying on [cdb]with business as usual, without a care for what's going [cdb]on above 'em.
  253. Maybe once this whole thing's over those people can [cdb]finally come out and live in the sun again. And stop [cdb]being so pale, y'know.
  254. Do you have need of me? Perhaps you wish me to aid [cdb]you at Garreg Mach?
  255. Feel free to use me as a decoy, or make me pretend to [cdb]surrender, or have me sabotage them from [cdb]underground. I care not what I do.
  256. Refuse.
  257. Comment on her suggestions.
  258. We weren't going to ask you to do anything like that. We just want you to fight with us normally.
  259. We weren't going to ask you to do anything like that. We just want you to fight with us normally.
  260. Is that so? Well, I am your pawn to do with as [cdb]you wish.
  261. Wait, sabotage? Are you plotting something?
  262. Wait, sabotage? Are you plotting something?
  263. Not really. I just have a talent for destruction, after all [cdb]my failed experiments.
  264. If I had been born in more peaceful times, I might've [cdb]been able to lead a different life.
  265. All this blood on my hands makes it difficult to even [cdb]take a nap.
  266. Then there are people like Caspar, who revel in [cdb]bloodshed and shine during times of war.
  267. I do not believe the world will ever perfectly suit [cdb]everyone's different ideals. It may be time to accept [cdb]that this is the Fódlan we live in now.
  268. I'm glad you and Dimitri made it back unharmed.
  269. I was so confused when you got caught in that strange [cdb]magic and vanished.
  270. Apologize for attacking him.
  271. Thank him for not killing you.
  272. Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I [cdb]attacked you.
  273. Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I [cdb]attacked you.
  274. Don't worry about it. I know you weren't in control [cdb]of yourself.
  275. Thanks for not cutting me down even though I [cdb]attacked you.
  276. Thanks for not cutting me down even though I [cdb]attacked you.
  277. You didn't seem to be in control of yourself. And I [cdb]couldn't just kill an ally.
  278. I'm glad you and Dimitri made it back unharmed.
  279. I was so confused when you got caught in that strange [cdb]magic and vanished.
  280. Apologize for attacking her.
  281. Thank her for not killing you.
  282. Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I [cdb]attacked you.
  283. Yeah, about that. I'm really sorry. I can't believe I [cdb]attacked you.
  284. Don't worry about it. I know you weren't in control [cdb]of yourself.
  285. Thanks for not cutting me down even though I [cdb]attacked you.
  286. Thanks for not cutting me down even though I [cdb]attacked you.
  287. You didn't seem to be in control of yourself. And I [cdb]couldn't just kill an ally.
  288. I'll tell you, Lady Rhea is the last person in the world I want to see.
  289. I owe her a great debt. But our relationship is more [cdb]complicated than that.
  290. I told myself I'd never go back to the monastery after I left the knights.
  291. But to return like this... I guess it's what they call [cdb]guidance from the goddess.
  292. Hmph. I shall grind those maggots with the heel of [cdb]my boot.
  293. Crushing them is quite dull, yet left to writhe they [cdb]become even more vexing.
  294. Hello there! Are you feeling better? Do try and take [cdb]it easy for a bit.
  295. You seriously gave us a fright when you took a swing [cdb]at [BYLETH_MF].
  296. I thought my heart would burst right out my nose! That was a close one.
  297. The decisive battle is finally upon us. It's hard not to [cdb]be at least a little nervous.
  298. Heh, maybe business will go back to how it used to be [cdb]if we can retake Garreg Mach.
  299. Come back safe, you hear? I'll be in big trouble if my [cdb]best customer goes and dies on me!
  300. Are the Alliance forces truly going to join us? I don't trust that leader of theirs, to be frank.
  301. He's been hiding behind the Eastern Church's bishop [cdb]and doing as he pleases in the east.
  302. With that sort of ruthlessness, he may even be [cdb]plotting to take us down right along with the Empire.
  303. We're fighting at Garreg Mach this time, huh? Boy, I miss those days at the Officers Academy.
  304. Me too. I remember it like it was yesterday.
  305. Especially the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. I couldn't forget that even if I wanted to.
  306. Haha! That was when Balthus of the Golden Deer [cdb]crashed the field and went on a rampage. I remember [cdb]it well.
  307. At the time, I cursed him till my voice went hoarse, [cdb]but now...I look back on it fondly.
  308. That doesn't look like a genuine smile. You sure [cdb]you're not still holding a grudge because he ruined [cdb]the mission?
  309. One of our scouts returned from the monastery [cdb]grievously wounded.
  310. From what I heard, they were maimed by a young [cdb]woman who appeared to be an enemy general.
  311. To cause such harm to a person... There is no way [cdb]she's human.
  312. Imagine the time it would take to build a monastery [cdb]of such proportions.
  313. Amidst such a precipitous mountain range, I would [cdb]be unsurprised if it took several centuries to [cdb]complete.
  314. And yet, there is little to no variation in Garreg Mach's architectural style.
  315. My estimation is that it was constructed in a short [cdb]period of time with magic we cannot dare [cdb]comprehend.
  316. It looks like the war's coming to an end at last. What're you gonna do afterward, Commander?
  317. You're free to do whatever you want, of course.
  318. But personally, I hope you stick with the Kingdom [cdb]army. His Majesty and the rest of our forces would be [cdb]glad to have you.
  319. Count Bergliez fought us tooth and nail. Though he [cdb]was an enemy, he was nothing short of spectacular.
  320. We might've been able to take him down if Count Hevring hadn't stepped in. It's a shame.
  321. I lost my parents to the epidemic, and after that I [cdb]spent my life living in the slums of the capital.
  322. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could [cdb]become a knight, but here I am.
  323. Those who came from nothing, like you and Sir Ashe, [cdb]paved the way for me.
  324. Those who came from nothing, like you, paved the [cdb]way for me.
  325. If I can follow in your footsteps, I bet even more [cdb]commoners can become knights one day.
  326. Just thinking about it gives me goosebumps! I'll make [cdb]my mark, you wait and see!
  327. Um, pardon me. You were doing some sort of unusual [cdb]dance a moment ago. What was it?
  328. It wasn't a dance. It was a prayer... One for [cdb]the dead.
  329. Really? Would you perhaps teach it to me? I lost [cdb]a lot of good soldiers in Ailell.
  330. Many of them hailed from Duscur, you see. I wish I [cdb]would've asked how to pray for them beforehand.
  331. I see. Your subordinates were fortunate to have you.
  332. I'll show you. Just follow my lead. First, put your [cdb]hands like this...
  333. Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
  334. We're invading the monastery at last. I wish you [cdb]all the best out there!
  335. I hope to see Garreg Mach returned to its [cdb]former glory.
  336. But I wonder...who could possibly be guarding the [cdb]monastery gates right now?
  337. We have nothing more to fear, [HERO_MF].
  338. No matter who or what you face, we will be able to [cdb]save this world.
  339. Now, let us be off. We shall fight till the bitter end.
  340. I can't hear Arval anymore...
  341. I can't hear Arval anymore...
  342. Everything's coming to a head. I've got a feeling this [cdb]next battle will be the final one.
  343. Everything's coming to a head. I've got a feeling this [cdb]next battle will be the final one.
  344. I oughta give this Merc Whistle to someone while I've [cdb]still got the chance.
  345. I oughta give this Merc Whistle to someone while I've [cdb]still got the chance.
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