1. This is no small number of soldiers you offer. Are you sure Duscur can spare that many?
  2. For good or ill, this is what our chief has decided.
  3. Preparations will take some time, but we are sworn to [cdb]aid you. And we will stake our pride as a people on [cdb]doing so.
  4. Still, this is a far larger force than we ever asked for.
  5. Please. You strove tirelessly to see our home returned [cdb]to us.
  6. The people of Duscur have not forgotten the [cdb]kindness you showed.
  7. And though some may still think ill of you, we only [cdb]offer as many soldiers as volunteered.
  8. Duscur remains a Kingdom territory. As such, I can't [cdb]claim our relationship is one on equal footing.
  9. Yet, I want to believe your gracious support here will [cdb]point the way to a new future for both your home [cdb]and ours.
  10. Give your men my thanks. And once this war reaches [cdb]its conclusion, I'll be sure to visit Duscur anew.
  11. Understood. I'll be taking my leave now.
  12. Dedue. None of this would be happening if not for [cdb]the unflagging efforts of you and Rodrigue.
  13. No, Your Majesty. Neither I nor Rodrigue could've [cdb]accomplished this.
  14. Your sincerity is what won their trust.
  15. I hope you speak true. Nothing I do will ever bring [cdb]back their fallen loved ones, after all.
  16. Yet you have shown us the truth all the same. Allowed us to see a better future. Not only me, [cdb]but everyone from Duscur.
  17. And still, the whole picture remains elusive. A dark secret continues to linger over the Tragedy, [cdb]shrouded by shadow.
  18. Shedding light on it is my... No, it is our duty.