1. Hard to believe it's already been six months since the [cdb]siege back at Arianrhod.
  2. Hard to believe it's already been six months since the [cdb]siege back at Arianrhod.
  3. Quite. It's no surprise we've been at a standstill, [cdb]though—both the Empire and Kingdom suffered [cdb]heavy losses during the battle.
  4. But lucky for us, it seems the ice is finally thawing. Let's hope you've kept your wits as sharp as your [cdb]blade all this time.
  5. Ah, there you are.
  6. Hey. Uh, what are they doing here?
  7. Hey. Uh, what are they doing here?
  8. Were you not made aware? Our fine leaders have seen [cdb]fit to integrate our armies, as we'll be fighting on the [cdb]same side from here forward.
  9. Claude was quite insistent on our joining you on the [cdb]western front.
  10. I just wish it wasn't so c-c-cold here... I can feel my [cdb]muscles tightening up already.
  11. Y-yes, I had hoped the cold would at least bring a [cdb]picturesque snowscape with it, but alas.
  12. I'm sorry to say we receive little snowfall in this part [cdb]of the Kingdom. I imagine our winters aren't all too [cdb]dissimilar from those you experience in Leicester.
  13. So, um...what would you like us to do?
  14. Well, I guess there are two options—either you all can [cdb]stay on the front lines with us, or join the rear guard [cdb]and help in a more indirect way.
  15. Well, I guess there are two options—either you all can [cdb]stay on the front lines with us, or join the rear guard [cdb]and help in a more indirect way.
  16. Either is more than acceptable for us, though I should [cdb]say our preference would be to fight by your side.
  17. If we fail to distinguish ourselves here, there will be [cdb]no end to Claude's sarcastic "wit" upon our return.
  18. Recruit them to your team.
  19. Send them away to the rear guard.
  20. Let's take them at the front, with us. That's where [cdb]we're gonna need the most help.
  21. Let's take them at the front, with us. That's where [cdb]we're gonna need the most help.
  22. Let's send them back to the rear guard. That'll let us [cdb]be a little more flexible with our formations.
  23. Let's send them back to the rear guard. That'll let us [cdb]be a little more flexible with our formations.
  24. Agreed. We can discuss further with the others later, [cdb]but it's safe to assume that is the direction we'll head.
  25. Very well. Allow us to show you what Alliance [cdb]soldiers are capable of! Hahaha!
  26. Nice of Claude to be sending us backup.
  27. Nice of Claude to be sending us backup.
  28. Indeed. It's hard to know what their motivations may [cdb]be, but we need all the help we can muster.
  29. Your tone's telling a different story, though. What's up?
  30. Your tone's telling a different story, though. What's up?
  31. It's merely that we all have our own reasons for taking [cdb]part in this fight. Everyone—Claude, Rhea, even us.
  32. Each side is watching the other like famished hawks [cdb]for the slightest hint of foul play.
  33. What, you mean there's more to this thing than just [cdb]stopping the Empire?
  34. What, you mean there's more to this thing than just [cdb]stopping the Empire?
  35. Yes. For my part, I would like to uncover the true [cdb]nature of this enemy hidden in the shadows of Fódlan.
  36. The church likely wants little beyond the reclamation [cdb]of Garreg Mach. As for Claude... Who can say.
  37. Rodrigue should be joining us here in the coming [cdb]month, after he's finished tying up loose ends in [cdb]the west.
  38. But even as our numbers burgeon, we can't afford to [cdb]lower our guard. The situation demands constant [cdb]vigilance.