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  51. A directory of information on each region within the Adrestian Empire. As it contains no confidential [cdb]information, it can be viewed and checked out freely. 1180 Edition.
  52. Hresvelg The emperor's home domain. Encompasses the main [cdb]portion of the peninsula that juts out of the Empire's [cdb]southern region. Known for its temperate climate owing [cdb]to its extensive coastline. The Imperial capital of Enbarr [cdb]is one of the few ports in Fódlan.[spb]Hresvelg (continued) In addition to strong commerce and fishing industries, [cdb]the woodlands to the east of the capital provide both [cdb]lumber and hunting opportunities.
  53. Aegir A duchy on the eastern seaboard that faces the inland Pearl Sea. Its capital, Boramas, is a fine port equal to Enbarr, as well as a bustling hub that trades with lands to [cdb]the east, including Morfis, Metropolis of Magic. [spb]Aegir (continued) In addition to robust fishing and agriculture industries, Aegir is also known for abundant import goods and [cdb]crafts utilizing technology from the east.
  54. Bergliez A county spanning north to south from Fort Merceus to [cdb]the Airmid River, encompassing the lion's share of Gronder Field. [spb]Bergliez (continued) Additionally, its robust stables provide an important [cdb]pillar of Imperial warpower. The fertile soil allows for the [cdb]mass cultivation of a variety of grains, to the point that [cdb]the region is known as the Empire's breadbasket.
  55. Varley A county made up of Gronder Field in the east and the Oghma Mountains in the west, the latter of which [cdb]is home to Varley's famous iron mines. [spb]Varley (continued) At one time, the Southern Church had its own [cdb]independent region on the border with Hresvelg, but it [cdb]has since been assimilated into Varley. Varley's mining [cdb]industry has made its development the envy of other [cdb]fiefdoms.
  56. Hrym A viscounty that, while favorably situated between the Airmid River and Pearl Sea, is limited in development by [cdb]a preponderance of mountains and wetlands. [spb]Hrym (continued) In recent years a number of ruins have been uncovered [cdb]in the mountains to the north and are actively being [cdb]investigated.
  57. Fenja A viscounty in the very south of Fódlan. Though it [cdb]claims a number of islands to the east, it has no actual [cdb]control over them. Fenja's warm and dry climate allows [cdb]for the cultivation of a number of important crops, and [cdb]it is a major producer of bacchus and cooking oils.
  58. A directory of information on each region within the Adrestian Empire. As it contains no confidential [cdb]information, it can be viewed and checked out freely. 1180 Edition.
  59. Hevring A county stretching from the Oghma Mountains to the Mach Coast in the west. It contains the Mach Way, [cdb]which links the Empire east to west with Hevring's [cdb]capital in the center, the stronghold city Mozghuz.[spb]Hevring (continued) Though it lacks fertile land compared to other regions, it [cdb]boasts abundant natural resources and opportunities for [cdb]trade.
  60. Gerth A duchy situated at the Empire's northernmost point. It's known for its relatively cool climate in the Empire. Having assimilated Nuvelle, which fell during the Dagda [cdb]and Brigid War five years ago, it now also encompasses [cdb]the Empire's westernmost point. [spb]Gerth (continued) The vast plateau in the east is covered in woodlands, and [cdb]should provide opportunities for further development.
  61. Former Arundel Territory A former grand duchy now under direct Imperial [cdb]control. Known for its famous Black Woods and [cdb]abundant rivers and lakes.[spb]Gillingr A barony. Though cramped and rugged, its terrain [cdb]boasts precious mineral resources.
  62. Ochs A barony located in the northern part of the peninsula [cdb]known as Fódlan's Fangs. The north features plains and [cdb]rivers, with mountains and ports in the south. [spb]Ochs (continued) The diversity of terrain means that no industry in [cdb]particular stands out, and so the region has seen only [cdb]modest developments.
  63. Essar A viscounty that is notable for its expansive basin [cdb]surrounded by mountains. The capital is the finest city [cdb]for academics in the Empire, save for Enbarr. Magical [cdb]studies have flourished there.[spb]Lochin A viscounty known for its wool and textile products, [cdb]much like Hymir to its west.
  64. Hymir A viscounty known for wool and textile products, much [cdb]like Lochin to its east.[spb]Menja A viscounty encompassing the west of the Mach Coast [cdb]and its many inlets. Boasting a robust fishing industry, it [cdb]is also one of the largest producers of sea vessels in the Empire.
  65. Martyn A newly established barony with few distinctions as yet.[spb]Barnabas A barony located to the west of Garreg Mach and [cdb]composed chiefly of rugged mountains and woodland [cdb]terrain. Famous for its woodcrafts and orchards.
  66. A directory of information on each region within the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. As it contains no [cdb]confidential information, it can be viewed and checked [cdb]out freely. 1180 Edition.
  67. Blaiddyd The king's home domain. The region is largely [cdb]composed of windswept plains that become a vast snow [cdb]field in winter. Its chief economic pillars are lumber and [cdb]mining. In particular, it boasts the largest silver reserves [cdb]in all of Fódlan.[spb]Blaiddyd (continued) In the southwest stands the 800-year-old Camulus Cathedral. The town that houses it flourishes as a [cdb]destination for pilgrimages.
  68. Fraldarius A duchy that is a land of contrasts from east to west. In [cdb]the east, the Whitehorn Sea provides ample fishing, [cdb]while the expansive conifer forests in the west provide [cdb]hunting and lumber.[spb]Fraldarius (continued) Much grain is produced in the Danu River basin to the [cdb]south, which is said to be the most fertile land in the [cdb]northern Kingdom.
  69. Ifan A duchy known for its apple orchards and the spirits [cdb]they produce. Its distilled spirits in particular have been [cdb]a favorite of many kings throughout the ages.[spb]Former Kleiman Territory A former viscounty now under the direct control of the [cdb]royal family.
  70. Charon A county known for its crafts and glasswork in [cdb]particular. The monastery's stained glass windows were [cdb]fashioned and are maintained by craftsmen from Charon.[spb]Erebus A marquisate that has flourished as the monastery's [cdb]northern gateway.
  71. Duval A county dotted with holy sites of the Seiros religion, [cdb]such as Lake Teutates. This region draws countless [cdb]believers on pilgrimage. [spb]Pryderi A barony whose salt mines have allowed it to flourish as [cdb]a long-standing salt producer.
  72. Belinus A viscounty with no notable products. It is said to be [cdb]where Loog, the King of Lions, first battled alongside his [cdb]sworn allies. [spb]Brennius A viscounty with a capital famed for its blades.
  73. A directory of information on each region within the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. As it contains no [cdb]confidential information, it can be viewed and checked [cdb]out freely. 1180 Edition.
  74. Gautier A margraviate situated at the northernmost point in Fódlan. The Ruska Mountains on its foreign border [cdb]guard against invasion from Sreng. The lion's share of [cdb]the territory is covered in conifer woodlands, and the [cdb]climate remains cold year-round. [spb]Gautier (continued) The territory's chief products are fish and lumber, but [cdb]the vast plains around the capital also allow for the [cdb]raising of cattle.
  75. Galatea A desolate county comprised mainly of rugged rocky [cdb]mountains and barren plains. Ill-suited for farming, it [cdb]has very few large-scale settlements. [spb]Galatea (continued) However, the territory does boast the exact type of [cdb]pasture favored by pegasi near its border with Fraldarius, [cdb]and it has become well-known for its pegasi stock.
  76. Dominic A small but beautiful barony. Its coastal cities have [cdb]become a hub of commerce through trade with Albinea.[spb]Gideon A viscounty with northern mountains that produce gold, [cdb]albeit in modest amounts.
  77. Rowe A county. The west features robust ironworks and [cdb]smithing, centered around Arianrhod. The east is known [cdb]for its bacchus production.[spb]Elidure A viscounty that boasts a unique culture due to the [cdb]influence of the Western Church.
  78. Itha A grand duchy. Mercenary dispatch and the small-scale [cdb]hunts that take place in the Itha Plains, which cover the [cdb]majority of the region, form the main pillars of the [cdb]economy.[spb]Mateus A viscounty. Fishing and boat construction have long [cdb]been its chief industries.
  79. Geraint A county boasting pastoral countryside throughout. The [cdb]basin of the Taranus River that runs through the south [cdb]provides fertile plains.[spb]Enid A viscounty famous for its high-quality wool.
  80. A directory of information on each region within the Leicester Alliance. As it contains no confidential [cdb]information, it can be viewed and checked out freely. 1180 Edition.
  81. Riegan A duchy. Fertile plains and meadows constitute most of [cdb]the territory, and the capital city Derdriu is a gorgeous [cdb]port dubbed the Aquatic Capital. [spb]Riegan (continued) Though no industry dominates, Riegan boasts robust [cdb]fishing, agriculture, commerce, and manufacturing, with [cdb]a lack of mineral resources being the region's only real [cdb]drawback.
  82. Gloucester A county second only to Riegan in size in all the Alliance. Composed of woodlands and plains, its [cdb]industries make great use of its natural resources. Agriculture, including dairy farming, as well as lumber [cdb]and hunting all flourish there.[spb]Gloucester (continued) The region also has a strong tradition in the arts, as the [cdb]capital of Edgaria is home to many artists' workshops.
  83. Daphnel A marquisate nestled between mountains to the west and [cdb]the vast plains of the Vimur River mouth to the east. Bordering the Kingdom and with easy access to Derdriu, [cdb]the region has become a hotbed for all manner of [cdb]commerce.[spb]Daphnel (continued) The uninhabitable Valley of Torment, Ailell, [cdb]can also be found within Daphnel borders.
  84. Phlegethon A small viscounty, yet nevertheless home to the Great Bridge of Myrddin that spans the Airmid River, which gives it a huge advantage in trade.[spb]Siward A small, mountainous viscounty with no notable [cdb]products.
  85. Albany A viscounty and a stopover for pilgrims on their way to [cdb]the monastery.[spb]Burgundy A viscounty and the eastern gateway to the monastery. Near the source of the Airmid River, it features a [cdb]number of natural sites including the Caledonian Plateau.
  86. A directory of information on each region within the Leicester Alliance. As it contains no confidential [cdb]information, it can be viewed and checked out freely. 1180 Edition.
  87. Goneril A duchy known for its undulating topography, which [cdb]includes Fódlan's Throat. The rare gemstones produced [cdb]there are extremely popular with the nobility. [spb]Goneril (continued) Owing to frequent skirmishes with neighboring Almyra, [cdb]many warrior groups and mercenary bands have [cdb]gathered there. Accordingly, mercantile trade catered [cdb]to fighters is a large part of the economy.
  88. Ordelia A county that spreads out west from the southern tip of Fódlan's Throat. The Airmid River forms the region's [cdb]southern border. That water source allows for the [cdb]cultivation of various crops, but production in recent [cdb]years has been outdone by Gloucester.[spb]Ordelia (continued) Spirit distilling is also robust in the territory, with Ordelia-made vauda in particular being considered [cdb]a luxury item.
  89. Edmund A margraviate consisting of the northernmost point in Leicester, along with islands to its west. The mainland is [cdb]a bustling and profitable hub of trade and is home to [cdb]many merchants.[spb]Edmund (continued) Dangers abound, however, as the territory's islands [cdb]are infested with pirates, Sreng lies just across the waters [cdb]to the north, and the Almyran Navy is close by as well.
  90. Albrecht A barony that is well-positioned as a hub of finance.[spb]Müller A barony. Though narrow, the region is almost entirely [cdb]covered in woodlands, and its high-quality lumber is [cdb]exported throughout Leicester.
  91. Nilsson A viscounty that protects the Eastern Church to which it [cdb]is attached.[spb]Kupala A realm of mountain people. Strictly speaking, it is not [cdb]an actual member of the Alliance. The region has some [cdb]relations with its surrounding neighbors, though not to [cdb]an extensive degree.
  92. 15th day of the Lone Moon A report says the Southern Church's Crimson Knights [cdb]may be up to no good. But the Imperial coronation was [cdb]only last month, or is that why? What are they after? Is [cdb]the Central Church involved? They were originally Knights of Seiros. With the archbishop absent...
  93. 19th day of the Lone Moon It's becoming clear that the newly titled Victoria von Hrym is involved. She's actually Count Varley's [cdb]daughter. Born with a Crest, but so was her older [cdb]brother, so he was legitimatized into the heir.[spb]House Hrym had no Crest-bearing heir, so she married [cdb]in and assumed the title. Rumor is she's also going to be Minister of Religious Affairs...
  94. 20th day of the Lone Moon The Crimson Knights have staged an uprising along with [cdb]some knights of House Hrym. All these leaks likely [cdb]accelerated their plans. They want Count Varley [cdb]confined to house arrest and for Victoria von Hrym to [cdb]become Minister of Religious Affairs.[spb]But the emperor is too proud to condone a militant [cdb]uprising at his doorstep...
  95. 7th day of the Great Tree Moon It's been revealed that Count Varley had a secret pact [cdb]with the previous emperor. They agreed that he would [cdb]make his son heir in exchange for the late Victoria [cdb]becoming Minister of Religious Affairs.[spb]When the previous emperor fell ill and died, the count [cdb]took the opportunity to renege on the deal. Still, Victoria conspired with the southern bishop to cause [cdb]the current unrest. That cannot be treated lightly.
  96. 12th day of the Great Tree Moon It has been decided. The southern bishop will be [cdb]exiled and the Southern Church crushed. This has sent [cdb]shockwaves through the entire Empire. The Central Church will surely make their objections known, but the [cdb]emperor wished to put distance between them anyway.[spb]Under these circumstances, Count Varley's stepping [cdb]down and Viscount Hrym's succession are no longer a [cdb]certainty. Thus...
  97. (It's someone's journal. By the looks of it, it belonged to [cdb]a person of some station, but many of the pages are torn [cdb]out.)
  98. Summary of Act I Liora, an Adrestian village girl, finds herself lost in the [cdb]deep woods that blanket the foothills of the Oghma Mountains.[spb]While making her way through the mysterious, foggy [cdb]woods, she encounters a bizarre and gigantic creature. It has one long horn, and resembles both a wyvern and [cdb]a pegasus.
  99. Summary of Act II Liora flees the giant creature, but once again gets lost in [cdb]the seemingly magical fog. Eventually a mysterious boy [cdb]appears from the fog and speaks to her. "My home is just [cdb]ahead. You can rest there."
  100. Summary of Act III Liora begins living in the boy's house deep in the woods. He is a skilled hunter and capable blacksmith. Before [cdb]long, Liora has fallen for him. Little does she know a [cdb]reunion with the giant creature she had fled awaits her.
  101. Summary of Act IV Having learned the truth of these woods, Liora is deeply [cdb]troubled. The boy sees this... (Synopsis of a Mittelfrank Opera Company production.)
  102. Great Tree Moon, Imperial Year 731 Our fleet departed Brigid without incident. Blessed with [cdb]calm seas, we soon saw the land of Dagda rising up [cdb]before us. Beyond a startlingly white beach lay dense [cdb]and ominous woods.[spb]Our information indicated that a settlement should be [cdb]nearby, but there were no signs of people or boats, let [cdb]alone any sort of structure. We pondered whether to [cdb]turn our rudder north or south...
  103. ...Suddenly, there was a flurry of arrows. The enemy was [cdb]shooting at us from between the trees. Caught unaware, [cdb]many men were struck. I rushed to lift my shield. However, we soon realized the arrows lacked in both [cdb]number and force. [spb]The Dagdan army had lost many soldiers in Mach, and [cdb]then Brigid. They had strength enough to mount a [cdb]defense of sorts, but perhaps this would be easier [cdb]than we had thought...
  104. The third fleet, led by Viscount Hymir's son, was [cdb]drawn into an inlet. An enemy trap. How could he not [cdb]have seen it? We had intended to veer around the eastern [cdb]tip of the cape, but through the fog we saw there was a [cdb]coast to the south as well.[spb]With nowhere to go, our ships careened into each other. The lead ship was capsizing, seemingly run aground. Before our very eyes, our comrades...
  105. ...The sea was aflame. What sorcery is this? The flames [cdb]were like a great serpent, its tongue flickering towards [cdb]our ships. In the open sea, the enemy fleet surrounded [cdb]us. None of us would make it home alive if we could not [cdb]break through somehow.[spb]Though considering how the emperor will react to our [cdb]defeat, perhaps it would be best to die here anyway. Still, [cdb]we cannot abandon our pride...
  106. ...Brigid has turned on us and sunk half of our ships [cdb]that attempted to dock in their port. It pains me to say [cdb]that all we can do now is run. Brigid only threw in with [cdb]us after Dagda's losses.[spb]Now that the tide has turned, they've thrown in with Dagda again. Savage islanders. Their king never [cdb]intended to honor our agreement for a second. We never should have...
  107. ...I can see Nuvelle. We live to tell the tale. We return [cdb]with less than a tenth of the ships we set sail from Ginnung with. We were well and truly decimated. What's more, we've lost Brigid as an ally.[spb]The Dagdans are truly fearsome. They dance in the air [cdb]and set fire to the sea. One moment they frolic in the [cdb]woods, the next you see their fangs. Just what are they...
  108. Chapter 9 - A Royal Dilemma With King Klaus on his deathbed stricken with fever, Prince Krouffer's troubles were just beginning. So [cdb]sudden was his great father's illness that the king had yet [cdb]to decide which of his sons would succeed him.
  109. Krouffer's eldest brother Banfig was a talented warrior [cdb]and military strategist, but was also a gentle soul with no [cdb]desire for war or power. Leadership would not suit him. [spb]His younger brother Kite had his father's wisdom, and [cdb]was able to remain cool and calculating no matter the [cdb]situation. However, that was precisely why the knights [cdb]regarded him as too cold-hearted.
  110. Unlike his brothers, Krouffer lacked a Crest and thus [cdb]the strength befitting a member of the royal family. So [cdb]he had never seriously considered challenging either of [cdb]his brothers for the throne. However, the thought of one [cdb]of his brothers dying in a struggle for succession was [cdb]almost more than he could bear.
  111. ...One day, Klaus's sister Morianne found a note [cdb]supposedly written by her brother. It said simply, "He [cdb]who is most beloved by the people shall have the throne" [cdb]in what was unmistakably Klaus's handwriting. This [cdb]brief note would become the impetus for a tragic and [cdb]bloody war of succession.
  112. ...When the fighting was done, the knights split into [cdb]three factions, each supporting a different prince. The [cdb]knights of Faerghus sided with Banfig, Mach with Krouffer, and Leicester with Kite. They agreed to divide [cdb]the kingdom itself into three as well.
  113. ...She despaired that her scheme had failed. Her plan to [cdb]install her preferred Prince Kite as king was disrupted by [cdb]one so banal as Krouffer. Now after innumerable [cdb]casualties, the three brothers were putting down their [cdb]weapons...[spb](This appears to be a novel retelling part of Faerghus's [cdb]history.)
  114. Harpstring Moon, Year 892 The Sreng people mounted a large-scale invasion. They [cdb]crossed the Ruska Mountains in the north and descended [cdb]south into Faerghus.[spb]King Banfig built a string of strongholds along the north [cdb]of his domain, from Blaiddyd to Fraldarius, including Conand Tower.
  115. Wyvern Moon, Year 895 Having finally forced Sreng to retreat, Faerghus was in [cdb]position to counterattack. However, Sreng's resistance [cdb]and the harsh, snowy conditions caused them to abandon [cdb]their attack. Thus, hostilities drew to a close.[spb]After the campaign, a young and fierce general by the [cdb]name of Laetitia Zoe Gautier, royal knight and [cdb]descendant of the elite hero Gautier, was widely praised.
  116. Great Tree Moon, Year 896 Banfig confers the northern part of his territory on Laetitia. She is given the title of margrave and tasked [cdb]with defending Faerghus's border.[spb]Laetitia sets to work strengthening defenses in the north, [cdb]constructing strongholds throughout the Ruska Mountains on the border with Sreng, and reclaiming [cdb]the Lance of Ruin from the Church of Seiros.
  117. ...Verdant Rain Moon, Year 1169 Having waited for summer, King Lambert joins with [cdb]northern lords Gautier and Fraldarius to march on Sreng. The Kingdom Army sets up camp in a single [cdb]stronghold within the Ruska Mountains and opens [cdb]hostilities with the Sreng army.
  118. Horsebow Moon, Year 1169 The Kingdom Army is progressing northwest through [cdb]the peninsula, but while engaging the Sreng chief Oleg [cdb]and his forces, a gigantic beast suddenly enters the fray. It lays waste to both sides. Lambert sustains grave [cdb]injuries, and Oleg disappears into a ravine.[spb]Oleg's son offers his own youngest child Leif as a prisoner [cdb]to House Gautier to broker peace.
  119. Dear Father and Mother, It's been four months since my last letter. The days show [cdb]no sign of warming, but I hope you are keeping well. The instructors here are really putting us through our [cdb]paces, and His Highness is a demanding training partner [cdb]to say the least. Still, I'm managing to enjoy myself.
  120. I'm writing to let you know that I've been asked to join [cdb]the Duscur trip planned for the Horsebow Moon. I know Father was rather concerned about such a possibility last [cdb]we met but...hardly trained enough, so in the worst case [cdb]scenario I could be his human shield.[spb]When I joked about such a thing, His Highness said he [cdb]didn't find that funny...
  121. Maybe in a break between discussions in Duscur I [cdb]could...get...plan to return to the castle. I want to see [cdb]how far Felix...with my own eyes. Tell him not to [cdb]neglect...for me, will you? If he ever hopes to best me, [cdb]let alone His Highness, he'll have to start training by [cdb]dragging boulders up a mountain...
  122. P.S. The other day I received a very nice dagger from... sent it to Galatea with a letter... If she ever comes [cdb]to Fraldarius, let her know...how much I miss... ...nn Govan Fraldarius
  123. (Someone's letter home to their family. The writing is [cdb]smeared in places, making it hard to read.)
  124. ...Not just my wife Claudia, who called the meeting, but [cdb]all women of House Daphnel seem to possess the same [cdb]capable bravery and strong disposition to be renowned [cdb]as "hero." You too are no exception.
  125. Who could have imagined the Eastern Knights dissolving [cdb]when Leicester is still so far from peace? Of course, [cdb]many of the lords understand your thinking and went [cdb]along with the decision. At the same time, you cannot [cdb]ignore the serious concerns that many have.
  126. You proclaimed that you would abandon the sword, but [cdb]it would be premature to abandon your shield as well. We write to you with a suggestion. Let the knights of our [cdb]household become the Eastern Church's shield, in place [cdb]of the dissolved Eastern Knights.
  127. If you would accept this arrangement, I believe you [cdb]would avoid an awkward inquisition from the [cdb]archbishop, who has taken some issue with your way of [cdb]thinking. Additionally, my wife, who considers you a [cdb]sister, has been very concerned about you. For that [cdb]reason as well, I hope you will consider my offer.[spb]Blessings of the goddess upon you, Hans von Nilsson
  128. Epilogue The self-proclaimed king takes a small whistle from the [cdb]leather satchel on his waist and blows into it sharply. A [cdb]large dark shadow appears in the night sky, and a wyvern [cdb]descends to the man's side. He says to the young girl [cdb]watching, "Get on if you wish. The choice is yours."
  129. Without hesitation, the girl approaches the wyvern. The [cdb]man who says he is the king's vassal speaks to her. "You are the daughter of a lord, are you not? You must [cdb]surely want for nothing back at your home. Would you [cdb]throw that all away on a flight of fancy with our king?"
  130. The girl smiles and answers the king's vassal. "If he can promise to show me something new, I would [cdb]happily throw it all away. It may be foolish, but it is my [cdb]foolishness. And surely one can only find true freedom [cdb]by abandoning themselves to their own whims..."
  131. (This seems to be a fantasy story based on a real person. The first half is missing, so it's hard to understand what's [cdb]happening.)
  132. 2nd day of the Blue Sea Moon Cloudy. In the face of the brutal savagery of the Almyran main [cdb]force, we could do naught but abandon the front and [cdb]retreat to a hastily constructed stronghold in Fódlan's Throat.[spb]If they get past us, there will be nothing to stop an Almyran invasion of Leicester. We must retain the stronghold.
  133. 5th day of the Blue Sea Moon Rainy, with strong winds. With the Almyrans bearing down on us, we hoped to [cdb]repel them with archers, but the wind and rain were [cdb]against us and our aim was untrue.[spb]I understand we are to be reinforced by Imperial snipers [cdb]tomorrow, but if this weather continues it will hardly [cdb]make a difference...
  134. 6th day of the Blue Sea Moon Rainy, with strong winds. The weather does not turn. As expected, the arrows [cdb]loosed by our new Imperial friends mostly hit the [cdb]ground. The Imperials also brought a tactician with [cdb]them, but I doubt he'll be much use.[spb]So far all he's done is use some strange instrument and [cdb]scribble notes to himself. No strategy is forthcoming.
  135. 7th day of the Blue Sea Moon Cloudy, with strong winds. Out of nowhere, the Imperial tactician gathered all of [cdb]the archers together, showed them some figures, and [cdb]ordered them to adjust the angle and direction of their [cdb]fire.[spb]I don't think anyone believed him, but they did as [cdb]ordered, and amazingly our arrows started hitting the [cdb]enemy. "Just as I calculated," he said. A mathematician!
  136. 10th day of the Blue Sea Moon Sunny, no wind. The enemy attack is blunted and the wind is letting up, giving us the chance to finally mount a counterattack. Without that mathematician, we never would have lasted this long.[spb]If I see him again after our victory, I'll be sure to let him [cdb]know. He was the hero of this battle.
  137. ...the veracity of this fact cannot be determined, [cdb]however, and this text will not take it into account. That lengthy preamble out of the way, what do people [cdb]think of when they hear the term comely saint, if not Saint Macuil?[spb]Countless songs and poems have been written about his [cdb]immaculate good looks, among them "The Breeze Upon [cdb]the Maiden's Cheek"...
  138. "Winds summoned by wings Rainbows dripping like glaze Your beauty sets My heart ablaze" This song was composed by the Empire's first female [cdb]poet...
  139. ...But we must not forget Saint Cichol. Some claim he [cdb]had countless lovers, while others insist he had one true [cdb]love throughout his life.[spb]We have very few records of saints being married, so [cdb]when we consider that we know Saint Cichol did marry, [cdb]and that his own daughter was made a saint as well, I think the latter theory is likely to be the truth. But of [cdb]course at the Rhodos Coast...
  140. ...As another example, though much said about him is [cdb]likely fiction, we have Saint Luca and his many offspring. The man loved love, and had great affection for the [cdb]many children he brought into the world. However, [cdb]appearances can be deceiving. Was he truly the comely [cdb]saint?[spb]If we consider that perhaps he was simply using some [cdb]sort of power to change his appearance, then...
  141. (A book about the saints. It contains many portraits and [cdb]is well-worn.)
  142. Chapter 13 - Crest of the Beast Also known as Maurice's Crest. According to legend it [cdb]was held by Maurice, one of the eleven clan leaders who [cdb]followed Nemesis more than a thousand years ago. [spb]Maurice was a fearsome warrior who as a young man [cdb]felled a giant wolf with just a sword. He was called a hero [cdb]in his clan, and soon defeated his father to take over as [cdb]leader...
  143. ...We don't know exactly when Maurice received the Crest. One theory is that it was after he swore to fight [cdb]for Nemesis, who had just defeated him in single combat.[spb]Or it could be that the Hero's Relic Blutgang, which he [cdb]received from Nemesis, answered his subconscious call [cdb]for aid when he came face-to-face with an evil presence. Either way, with the sword in hand...
  144. ...For the Imperial Army, Maurice and Blutgang became [cdb]a beast of calamity. His sword was made to end lives. Mounted and flying enemies made for particularly good [cdb]targets. [spb]Maurice rampaged through the battlefield, killing many [cdb]enemy generals and finally a holy warrior. Soaked in [cdb]blood, he was said to be feared by enemy and ally alike...
  145. ...After the battle at Gronder Field, the war front moved [cdb]north and Maurice became increasingly unhinged. It is [cdb]unclear what caused this. One day, after destroying an [cdb]enemy camp, he simply disappeared.[spb]North of the battlefield lay a vast, misty wood, known as [cdb]the Enchanted Forest of Mircea. No soldier sent in to [cdb]search ever returned...
  146. ...The Crest of the Beast was inherited by the wild oats [cdb]sown by Maurice and his sons. They lived on in the [cdb]shadows of various clans and families, and in particular [cdb]lords who bore a grudge towards the Empire.[spb]Whenever it became known that someone possessed this [cdb]detestable Crest, they would suddenly fall ill or meet [cdb]their end in an untimely accident. Inevitably, the Crest [cdb]became an unspoken curse...
  147. Blood Fruit It is said that these blood-red fruits grow on old [cdb]battlefields and other lands soaked with blood.[spb]Blood Fruit (continued) The fruit is filled with layers upon layers of sweet seeds [cdb]and anyone who bites into it finds their hunger sated. That is, until they find they cannot live without it... An old Gronder legend.
  148. The Wandering Beast In the Enchanted Forest of Mircea, on nights when the [cdb]mist is thick, an otherworldly wailing can be heard.[spb]The Wandering Beast (continued) One must never enter the wood on nights like these. Anyone who does is never seen again, for in the mist [cdb]lurks a bloodthirsty beast... An old Leicester legend.
  149. Ghosts Beneath the Earth Frightful voices reverberate from below the ground. These are the lamentations of the dead who could not [cdb]reach the goddess and must instead wander the land of [cdb]the dead.[spb]Ghosts Beneath the Earth (continued) They resent those who live under the sun, and at times [cdb]will drag them down into the depths... An old Faerghus legend.
  150. Dana's Sandstorm They say the north has sandstorms that prevent invaders. Merchants may navigate the edges of the desert [cdb]undisturbed, but if someone steps into the desert seeking [cdb]something, the scenery will change in an instant.[spb]Dana's Sandstorm (continued) It is said that in that moment, a gigantic sandstorm will [cdb]rise up to tear them to pieces. Old legend from an unknown region.
  151. Fog Giant If you go into the mountains at dawn, you may find [cdb]yourself shrouded in fog. If that happens, you must [cdb]crouch down and wait for the fog to clear.[spb]Fog Giant (continued) Whatever you do, do not flee, or the Fog Giant will [cdb]trample you. An old Faerghus legend.
  152. Death's Scythe During the Red Wolf Moon on nights when the moon is [cdb]full, be sure your windows are shut tight when you sleep. For those are the nights when Death will come with its [cdb]giant scythe to harvest lives.[spb]Death's Scythe (continued) And don't even think about going outside. In the [cdb]morning they'll find your corpse drained of blood. An old Mach legend.
  153. The Red Demon At the bottom of the peaceful-looking Whitehorn Sea, a Red Demon slumbers. When someone falls overboard [cdb]from a boat, the demon pulls them down to drown them.[spb]The Red Demon (continued) To ward against it, use oil to... (A collection of ghost stories from around Fódlan.)
  154. The Revelation The goddess is all things. She is heaven above and the land below. She is eternity incarnate. She is the present, the past, and the future. Her eyes see all. Her ears hear all. Her hands receive all.
  155. She who was graced with the holy word of the divine goddess, who bore witness to her magnificence, is the one called Seiros. She is the messenger of the heavens, the bridge between the lands above and below, and her blessings shall bring tidings of peace to all.
  156. With the goddess's omnipotence and wisdom to [cdb]guide her, Seiros ensures that her will be done. As the goddess's sword, Seiros wards away evil. As the goddess's child, Seiros makes emperors of mortals. As the goddess's wings, Seiros elevates her people. As the goddess's voice, Seiros spreads the word of love.
  157. That sublime sword is entrusted to you. Those emperors are crowned before you. Those wings clear your path. That voice whispers words of trust. May the blessings of the goddess follow you, always.
  158. The Creation In the beginning, amid the great cloudless ocean, Fódlan came to be. At the end of a long journey, the goddess glimpsed that land and there alighted. Upon that sacred ground, she breathed life into the world and created all of the creatures upon it.
  159. By the goddess's hand, plants took root, birds took to the sky, and animals roamed the land. Last of all, she created humanity. When the humans wished for power, she granted it. She gifted them the blessings of the heavens and of the earth. [spb]By way of the magical arts, humanity attained great power, yet unaware that great power portends great evil.
  160. By the grace of the goddess's divine protection, humanity thrived. Through her blessings, they grew prosperous and their numbers rose. Before long they became the most powerful creatures in all of Fódlan.[spb]All was well until darkness descended from the north...a darkness that devoured the earth, desecrated the heavens, and threw the world and its inhabitants into a state of chaos.
  161. To face this evil force, the goddess created a new well of power. She gifted certain chosen individuals with sacred blood, allowing them to wield mystical weapons, that they may prevail against the darkness.[spb]These souls, buoyed by their divine gifts, conquered the evil ones and drove them back to the north. They came to be known as Heroes.
  162. The Heroes experienced unnaturally long lives, persisting for hundreds of years. Even after they breathed their last, the power coursing through their blood remained, leaving an indelible mark upon this world. This power, passed through bloodlines, came to be known as the Crests.[spb]The mystical weapons they once wielded are now called Heroes' Relics. And so the legend of a new age was born.
  163. The descendants of the Heroes sought their ancestor's power, and thusly their blood. In time, they amassed Crests, Relics, land, and wealth, using all to set the land aflame with war. The goddess's power, intended to stem the flow of evil, became a tool of destruction, all because of the greed of humanity. [spb]The goddess grieved and, heartbroken, hid herself in the heavens from whence she came...
  164. The Five Eternal Commandments • Dare not doubt or deny the power or existence of the goddess. • Dare not speak the goddess's name in vain.
  165. • Dare not disrespect your father, mother, or any who serve the goddess. • Dare not abuse the power gifted to you by the goddess. • Dare not kill, harm, lie, or steal, unless such acts are committed by the will of the goddess.
  166. The goddess cares for and protects all that is beautiful in this world. The goddess will never deny the splendors of love, affection, joy, peace, faith, kindness, temperance, modesty, or patience. Follow her example and, in doing so, abide her laws.
  167. Under the tyranny of ruthless disorder, the people endured a long period of suffering. The vile Nemesis, who proclaimed himself the King of Liberation, delighted in war and bloodshed. Rather than rebelling against his persecution, the people of Fódlan fell to his depths in a mad scramble to attain power through murder and theft.
  168. - 41 Years Before the Founding of the Adrestian Empire - Saint Seiros appeared in the land of Enbarr and, through the many unfathomable miracles she performed, spread light across the land. In doing so, she joined the shattered hearts of the purest people of Fódlan, who went on to form the Holy Church of Seiros.
  169. - Imperial Year 1: The Founding of the Adrestian Empire - In the first year of our calendar, the glorious Adrestian Empire was founded. Its name was gifted by an oracle, and its future blessed by the goddess. Its capital, Enbarr, was chosen to govern the southern reaches of Fódlan, where the divine Saint Seiros also lent her power.
  170. - Imperial Year 32: The War of Heroes - Wilhelm Paul Hresvelg, the inaugural Adrestian Emperor, raised an army in pursuit of the unification of Fódlan. With his might, he hunted and destroyed any house's territory that dared to seek more power.
  171. - Imperial Year 46: The Battle at Gronder Field - An intense battle erupted on Gronder Field, where the houses that were allied with Nemesis and the Imperial forces of the Adrestian Empire clashed. There, the Imperial forces emerged victorious.
  172. - Imperial Year 91: The Battle of Tailtean - The houses that were allied with Nemesis once again faced off against the Imperial forces, this time at Tailtean Plains. There, the evil Nemesis finally fell and the Empire secured a momentous victory.
  173. - Imperial Year 98: The War of Heroes Ends - The successor to Great Emperor Wilhelm I, Lycaon I, succumbed to sudden illness. The Empire, which ruled over the majority of Fódlan, took this opportunity to put an end to the seemingly endless fighting.
  174. - Imperial Year 721: The First Mach War - The Dagdan army invaded from across the sea. Though the Imperial forces resisted the attack and drove off the enemy, the land of Mach sustained considerable damage.
  175. - Imperial Year 728: The Invasion of Brigid - The Empire invaded the Brigid archipelago, a land occupied by allies of Dagda. As penance for their refusal to surrender, the people of Brigid were relegated to a life of Imperial subjugation.
  176. - Imperial Year 731: The Invasion of Dagda - With the boon of a strong foothold in Brigid, the Empire mounted a large-scale invasion of Dagda. However, the fortunes of war were not on their side, and their attack failed.
  177. - Imperial Year 747: The Faerghus Rebellion - Loog, a descendant of one of the houses that first quarreled with the Empire, raised an army to demand independence, pulling the land of Faerghus into a fierce rebellion. This clash came to be known as the War of the Eagle and Lion.
  178. - Imperial Year 751: The Founding of the Holy Kingdom - Loog and his resistance army were victorious over the Imperial forces.The Holy Church of Seiros mediated between the two, and Faerghus secured its hard-won independence as the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
  179. - Imperial Year 801: The Leicester Rebellion - A rebellion broke out in the Imperial lands of Leicester, which the Imperial army was unable to suppress. The Holy Kingdom, viewing the uprising as an opportunity to increase its own political sway, occupied the Leicester region, formally declaring it as a territory of Faerghus.
  180. - Imperial Year 861: Faerghus Divided - Following the death of King Klaus I, three princes became archdukes and split the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, that they may rule over it as three separate territories.
  181. - Imperial Year 881: The Crescent Moon War - The archduke ruling over the Leicester region of the Kingdom succumbed to illness. The lords of the Leicester lands refused to acknowledge the next archduke in line, instead plotting to rule jointly as an alliance.
  182. - Imperial Year 901: The Founding of the Alliance - The Leicester Alliance was officially formed after the subjugation of hostile nobles and the removal of all opposing forces in the regions of Faerghus. An influential figure from the outset, Duke Riegan was inarguably the heart of the newly formed Alliance.
  183. - Imperial Year 961: The Almyran Invasion - The great eastern nation of Almyra crossed through Fódlan's Throat and invaded Alliance territory. The Empire dispatched troops in order to help conquer this threat, and the attackers were just barely driven off.
  184. - Imperial Year 1101: Construction of Fódlan's Locket - To defend against future Almyran invasions, the Alliance, the Kingdom, and the Empire joined their efforts and resources to construct the indomitable fort known as Fódlan's Locket.
  185. A register of prominent noble houses of the Adrestian Empire. This document is expressly for official use by the Church of Seiros. Students are forbidden to remove or peruse this documentation. 1179 edition.
  186. House Hresvelg The most distinguished noble house of the Empire, tracing its roots all the way back to Great Emperor Wilhelm. It has been the governing house of the Empire for 1,100 years. [spb]House Hresvelg (continued) In addition to the first emperor, its lineage is also traced back to Saint Seiros herself, which is why generations of emperors are believed to bear the Crest of Seiros.
  187. House Hresvelg (continued) House Hresvelg resides in Enbarr, the Imperial Capital, claiming all of the surrounding territory as its domain. It boasted supreme authority both within the Empire and without until the Insurrection of the Seven in 1171.[spb]House Hresvelg (continued) This uprising saw much of House Hresvelg's power stripped away by the nobility. In recent years, a series of misfortunes has plagued this storied house, and some believe dark clouds hover over the future of the Hresvelg reign.
  188. House Aegir A house of dukes possessing great power within the Empire, second only to House Hresvelg. The head of the house came to occupy the post of prime minister, rendering the title a hereditary one thereafter.[spb]House Aegir (continued) House Aegir led the Insurrection of the Seven and, in many ways, holds the true power governing the Empire.
  189. House Vestra A house of marquises without a domain, existing in the shadow of House Hresvelg. [spb]House Vestra (continued) In addition to managing the darker tasks of the Empire, it is responsible for the emperor's periphery affairs, including coordinating things such as ceremonies and rituals, Imperial consorts, and the Imperial Guard. House Vestra was allied with House Aegir in the Insurrection.
  190. House Hevring A house of counts that has inherited rule over the Empire's domestic affairs, particularly those relating to administration, finance, and the judiciary. It frequently clashes with the Minister of Military Affairs over these matters. [spb]House Hevring (continued) Much of its territory lies in the Oghma Mountains, enriching the house with the fruits of a lucrative mining industry.
  191. House Bergliez A house of counts that has inherited rule over the Empire's Ministry of Military Affairs. It commands all of the armies that do not directly belong to the emperor. During times of war, the head of the house becomes the Imperial army's commander in chief. [spb]House Bergliez (continued) Their territory encompasses most of the Empire's main breadbasket, Gronder Field.
  192. House Varley A house of counts that has inherited rule over the Empire's Ministry of Religion, whose main responsibility is to maintain amiable relations with the Church of Seiros. [spb]House Varley (continued) However, due to the estrangement of the church from the Empire in recent years, it is now more involved with the judiciary, causing political strife within the Ministry of the Interior.
  193. A register of prominent noble houses of the Adrestian Empire. This document is expressly for official use by the Church of Seiros. Students are forbidden to remove or peruse this documentation. 1179 edition.
  194. House Gerth A house of dukes that has inherited rule over the Empire's Ministry of the Exterior. Diplomacy, foreign relations, and relations between various provinces and the capital fall under its purview. It worked hard to secure the ceasefires that ended both the Brigid and Dagda campaigns. [spb]House Gerth (continued) Though complicit in the Insurrection, it remains distant from associated houses.
  195. House Arundel Formerly a minor noble house of the Empire. As head of the house, when Volkhard's younger sister became betrothed to Emperor Ionius IX, Volkhard was granted the title of Lord Arundel. [spb]House Arundel (continued) Having worked closely with House Aegir, House Arundel is seen as one of the chief instigators of the Insurrection of the Seven.
  196. House Hrym A house of Imperial viscounts. Resisting Emperor Ionius IX's policy of power centralization, it set out to join the Alliance and secure independence from the Empire, but was unable to overcome the Imperial army's intervention. [spb]House Hrym (continued) In the aftermath, the house's main genetic line was wiped out. Its current head of house is an adoptee.
  197. House Nuvelle A house of Imperial viscounts with territory on the western coast of the Empire, centered around its namesake harbor city of Nuvelle. The house flourished thanks to commerce with Dagda, Albinea, Brigid, and other territories. [spb]House Nuvelle (continued) Even still, it fell to ruin in 1175 after permitting the combined invading forces of the Dagda and Brigid armies to make landfall.
  198. House Ochs A house of Imperial barons. Its territory occupies the northern half of the western peninsula known as Fódlan's Fangs. The head of the house was lost to the Dagda and Brigid War.
  199. House Bartels A house of Imperial barons. Highly ambitious, it sought out and acquired several Crests for its bloodline. In 1176, many members, including the head of the house, died under unexplained circumstances.[spb]House Bartels (continued) The guilt of this tragedy was attributed to the heir, Emile. As his whereabouts are unknown, leadership of the house fell to a distant relative.
  200. A register of prominent noble houses of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. This document is expressly for official use by the Church of Seiros. Students are forbidden to remove or peruse this documentation. 1179 edition.
  201. House Blaiddyd This house claims Blaiddyd of the Ten Elites as its ancestor. It has ruled the Kingdom for over 400 years, ever since Loog, the King of Lions, claimed victory in the War of the Eagle and Lion in 751.[spb]House Blaiddyd (continued) This secured the Kingdom's independence from the Adrestian Empire, after which Loog was crowned as its inaugural king by the Church of Seiros.
  202. House Blaiddyd (continued) House Blaiddyd resides in Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital, claiming all of the surrounding territory as its domain and many of the fiefdoms in the north of Fódlan as its vassals.[spb]House Blaiddyd (continued) With the passing of King Lambert in 1176, his older brother, Grand Duke Rufus of Itha, assumed the burden of ruling the Kingdom in the young crown prince's stead. Even still, strife and disorder continue to plague the land.
  203. House Fraldarius This house of dukes claims Fraldarius of the Ten Elites as its ancestor. It is one of the most ancient houses on record, even amongst Kingdom nobility. It is said that Kyphon, the sworn friend of Loog, the King of Lions, was also related to the Hero Fraldarius.
  204. House Gautier This house of margraves claims Gautier of the Ten Elites as its ancestor. Its territory lies in the northernmost reaches of the Kingdom. As such, it has safeguarded Kingdom territory against incursions by the people of the Sreng region for over 200 years.
  205. House Charon This house of counts claims Charon of the Ten Elites as its ancestor. Tasked with negotiating between the resistance armies and the Church of Seiros during the War of the Eagle and Lion, the head of House Charon continues the tradition of a ceremonial competition within the Kingdom.
  206. House Galatea When House Daphnel, once a cornerstone of the Leicester Alliance, was divided in two over an inheritance feud, half of them defected to Faerghus and established House Galatea, which was granted the noble title of count. [spb]House Galatea (continued) Much of its territory consists of a frigid wasteland, where a severe famine occurred in the early 1170s.
  207. House Rowe A noble house that once held territory in the northern Empire. When the Fortress City of Arianrhod was constructed within its domain, it revolted against the Empire and pledged the entirety of its territory, including Arianrhod, to the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. [spb]House Rowe (continued) For this contribution, it was awarded the noble title of count.
  208. House Kleiman This house originally held no more than a lordship over a single castle in the west of the Kingdom, but it was awarded the noble title of viscount for its great success in the subjugation of the Duscur region in 1176.[spb]House Kleiman (continued) Afterwards, it was granted the Duscur region as its feudal estate.
  209. A register of prominent noble houses of the Leicester Alliance. This document is expressly for official use by the Church of Seiros. Students are forbidden to remove or peruse this documentation. 1179 edition.
  210. House Riegan The leading house of the Leicester Alliance and descendants of one of the Ten Elites. In the Crescent Moon War of 881, they spearheaded the move toward independence from the Kingdom, as well as the establishment of a republic by its former vassals. [spb]House Riegan (continued) They have held the esteemed responsibility of leading the Alliance roundtable ever since.
  211. House Riegan (continued) The position of this house of dukes relies on the noble rank bestowed upon it by the Kingdom, well before the Alliance's founding.[spb]House Riegan (continued) The current Duke Riegan's heir, Godfrey, died in an accident while on duty. While he did leave behind a surviving daughter, she is presently unaccounted for.
  212. House Goneril Descendants of one of the Ten Elites, it is a military house that is chiefly tasked with military strikes and defense against the Almyran army, mostly due to its territory's position in the east. Lord Holst, the next head of the house, is widely renowned as the Alliance's bravest general.
  213. House Ordelia A house of counts with land in the east of Leicester territory. In 1167 it was involved in House Hrym's rebellion, and the Empire retaliated by repeatedly meddling in the house's internal affairs, leading to a sharp decline in its noble standing.
  214. House Gloucester Descendants of one of the Ten Elites, this house of counts hails from southern Leicester territory. [spb]House Gloucester (continued) The current head of house is ambitious, excels at public relations, and has an influential voice among the five noble families with voting rights at the Leicester Alliance Roundtable, second only to House Riegan.
  215. House Edmund A house of margraves with land in the north of Leicester territory.[spb]House Edmund (continued) Its beneficial trade policies, emphasizing fair use of its personal harbors, have awarded the house a great deal of clout, to such a degree that it was eventually accepted into the ranks of the Five Great Lords of the Alliance. Their current head of house is a renowned orator.
  216. House Daphnel Descendants of one of the Ten Elites and formerly among the Five Great Lords of the Alliance, it lost much power due to internal discord. For the last several generations, no head of House Daphnel has borne a Crest. In spite of this, [cdb]it still maintains its status as a noble family.
  217. A record consisting largely of the world outside of Fódlan. The author's identity is unknown, but they have clearly [cdb]experienced these places firsthand.
  218. Almyra A great kingdom to the east of Fódlan. Its territory borders that of the Leicester Alliance, with the precipitous mountain range known as Fódlan's Throat acting as the dividing line. Its people maintain a strong legacy of horsemanship and relish in the thrill of battle. [spb]Almyra (continued) This vast kingdom is rich in fertile prairies, deserts, and mountain ranges.
  219. Albinea A continent to the northwest of Fódlan. Its frigid climate is home to numerous rare and valuable species of flora and fauna. However, the human population there is extremely small due to the intense cold and the frozen earth, which is unsuitable for growing grains or other food crops.
  220. Morfis Morfis is the name of a metropolis of magic to the southeast of Fódlan, as well as the boundless desert that surrounds it. In the distant past, it was called the City of Illusion. [spb]Morfis (continued) Thanks to an intricate web of trading routes, rumors of its profound and mysterious magic continue to spread.
  221. Dagda A continent to the southwest of Fódlan. Due to its extreme distance from Fódlan, rumors of this relatively unknown world abound. Some claim it's a tropical rain forest, while others insist it's merely a giant, frozen plateau. [spb]Dagda (continued) In truth, this vast continent stretches far into the north and south and supports a wide variety of terrain and climates.
  222. A record consisting largely of the world outside of Fódlan. The author's identity is unknown, but they have clearly [cdb]experienced these places firsthand.
  223. Brigid An archipelago nestled between Fódlan and Dagda. A land of plenty, it is often heralded as the perfect union of the gentle sea and nature's bounty. Both Fódlan and Dagda have long vied to claim this territory as their own.
  224. Sreng Sreng was once the name of an enormous peninsula to the north of Fódlan. Today, only the northern half has kept the moniker, while the southern half now falls under the dominion of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.[spb]Sreng (continued) Several warlike clans call this great wasteland their home. Certain areas of the region are comprised of rocky desert.
  225. Duscur A peninsula to the north of Fódlan and the west of Sreng. The people who once inhabited this area were decimated, and it now falls under the dominion of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. [spb]Duscur (continued) The land boasts nothing noteworthy to make it a desirable travel destination, but rumors of valuable minerals waiting to be unearthed abound.
  226. Oghma Mountains An enormous mountain range somewhat south of central Fódlan. To the west, it forms the border between the Empire and the Kingdom, surrounding Garreg Mach and cutting across Empire territory. [spb]Oghma Mountains (continued) It is home to many animals and plants that cannot be found elsewhere, as well as a plethora of valuable mineral deposits.
  227. ...some kind of passage. This will require further investigation. It has also come to light that for several years now, a house down here has taken in students who could not remain in the academy.
  228. The house is known as the Ashen Wolves. Most of them are former academy students, but as they lack any sort of proper professor, this so-called house is more reminiscent of an association of dropouts.
  229. The residents frequently mentioned four students in particular. Their names are Yuri, Constance, Hapi, and Balthus. The church... (An old report of some kind. Hardly any of it is legible.)
  230. ...moved to Burrow Street recently. I've gotten to know the Ashen Wolves class. Apparently they're ex-academy students who've banded together to form their own house underground.
  231. Balthus, Constance, Yuri, Hapi... Strange bunch, but they seem all right. Especially Balthus's money... (A letter written with messy handwriting on stained paper.)
  232. It's been a while. As usual, I have something to report again today. I mentioned the Ashen Wolves before, right? They're a group of kids that missed out on graduating from the Officers Academy up on the surface.
  233. I wrote that three of them in particular seemed like they'd be trouble. Well, make it four. Yuri, Hapi, Constance, and now Balthus. All of them are a real headache. That said, they're definitely keeping me on my toes.
  234. Just the other day we found a huge hole leading up to the monastery. We had to hurry and push a boulder in front of it... (A densely written letter in distinctly spiky handwriting.)
  235. ...I had a business meeting coming up in Fhirdiad, but that's been canceled. It's hardly the time for that now. I'm sure you remember that the king went to meet with the leaders of Duscur, yes? Well, they were beset by attackers from Duscur on their way there. All were killed. Only the young prince made it.
  236. Someone marshaled an army and sent soldiers to raze Duscur immediately. In the meantime, Fhirdiad is all in chaos without a king. Duscur really made a mistake here. They're all going to be punished for the actions of a few extremists. Still, considering what they did, maybe they deserve it.
  237. I suppose that means we can no longer trade with Duscur. Shame. There's gold to be mined near Gwenhwyvar, and their blacksmiths are exceptional. No matter what, don't do anything until I return... (A merchant's letter sent from Fhirdiad.)
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