1. We've finished the cleanup and inspection of the [cdb]walls, sir.
  2. We also cleared out the Knights of Seiros's base [cdb]at the foot of Garreg Mach.
  3. The enemy has been routed, and is now engaged in a [cdb]full retreat.
  4. Well done. That should keep us secure for the [cdb]time being.
  5. Still, you will want to remain vigilant, Count.
  6. But you just said we are secure!
  7. True, I do not expect our enemy to launch any [cdb]military offenses in the near future.
  8. But if not military... Ah, of course!
  9. Ask what they're getting at.
  10. Show off your understanding of the situation.
  11. Care to let the rest of us in on your little secret?
  12. Care to let the rest of us in on your little secret?
  13. I mean only that the enemy will not soon attack using [cdb]pure military might.
  14. However, I fully expect them to continue making [cdb]attempts on Count Varley via less virtuous means.
  15. Disguising themselves as merchants or the like and [cdb]then driving a blade between his ribs, for example.
  16. I get it. They'll be sneaking through the back door [cdb]instead of trying to knock down the front gates.
  17. I get it. They'll be sneaking through the back door [cdb]instead of trying to knock down the front gates.
  18. I imagine another assassination attempt is already in [cdb]the works. Probably something cowardly like poison [cdb]or a dagger in the ribs.
  19. I imagine another assassination attempt is already in [cdb]the works. Probably something cowardly like poison [cdb]or a dagger in the ribs.
  20. I shudder to think of those zealots out for my blood.
  21. I entreat you to protect me, Baron Barnabas!
  22. After all, I won't always have the Minister of the Imperial Household here to save me.
  23. The war has reached a critical stage, and his wisdom [cdb]will soon be needed elsewhere.
  24. As steward of Garreg Mach, my life is in your hands!
  25. I will do what I can, of course.
  26. To start, I want you to confirm the identity of every [cdb]single person entering and leaving the monastery.
  27. Also, the gatekeeper must hear of these new attempts [cdb]on my life, and ensure he keeps his watch most keen! That one is far too casual for my liking...
  28. Yes, well, enough of this. I must be off.
  29. Of course, Count Varley.
  30. Weird guy, huh?
  31. Weird guy, huh?
  32. Stronger than he looks—though not inclined to fight.
  33. He is reminding me of certain woodland creatures.
  34. Though he is a fighter of much weakness, he has a [cdb]talent for remaining alive.
  35. When you put it like that, he comes off like some [cdb]sort of mastermind.
  36. When you put it like that, he comes off like some [cdb]sort of mastermind.
  37. But I guess all Imperial nobles are crafty in some [cdb]way or another.
  38. But I guess all Imperial nobles are crafty in some [cdb]way or another.
  39. Crafty, is it? Hm.
  40. ...
  41. Sure. I mean, the two of you are nobles, and I'd say [cdb]you're as cunning as they come.
  42. Sure. I mean, the two of you are nobles, and I'd say [cdb]you're as cunning as they come.
  43. Yes. Hubert and Jeritza are both nobles full of [cdb]cleverness.
  44. Don't forget to include yourself among that number.
  45. After all, I specifically selected the craftiest soldiers I [cdb]could think of for this mission.
  46. When the enemy is neck-deep in skulduggery, I need [cdb]soldiers who are adept at thinking on their feet.
  47. Object to being called crafty.
  48. Embrace your craftiness!
  49. Yeah, I really don't feel like me and Petra have the [cdb]same kind of wiles you Imperial nobles do.
  50. Yeah, I really don't feel like me and Petra have the [cdb]same kinda wiles you Imperial nobles do.
  51. And honestly, I'd rather not get lumped in with you.
  52. And honestly, I'd rather not get lumped in with you.
  53. In that case, consider my statement retracted.
  54. You think I'm like you? Really? That's great!
  55. You think I'm like you? Really? That's great!
  56. Only a jest, I assure you. But since it clearly pleases [cdb]you so, I must admit there was some truth behind it.
  57. Good. Glad we got that settled.
  58. Good. Glad we got that settled.
  59. I tire of this. Farewell.
  60. He sure knows how to make an exit.
  61. He sure knows how to make an exit.
  62. We should be going as well. It lacks wisdom to be far [cdb]from the base for too long.
  63. But if you wish to be joining me for a small hunt, [cdb]we will be passing through woodlands on the [cdb]way back.
  64. Sure, if it's on the way.
  65. Sure, if it's on the way.
  66. This is filling me with happiness. We will be landing a [cdb]nice catch, then return home. Maybe a bear or a boar!
  67. Yeah, that's not really what I'd call a "small" hunt.
  68. Yeah, that's not really what I'd call a "small" hunt.
  69. Petra? Hey, wait up!
  70. Petra? Hey, wait up!
  71. Heh. It seems we truly are a crafty group after all.
  72. ...
  73. Still, facing Catherine and Shamir time and again is a [cdb]great burden to bear.
  74. But I must shoulder it if I am to protect Her Majesty.