1. We get all of them? Ugh. That's the trouble with [cdb]poachers—you never quite know where they are.
  2. Well, we've hit every likely hideout, so I'm guessing [cdb]we cleared them all out.
  3. I'm glad you were here, Leonie. You really know the [cdb]lay of the land.
  4. Well, Sauin is my home. But you've been here before [cdb]too, Captain.
  5. Sure, but that was a long time ago, and I don't [cdb]remember it all that well.
  6. Ill news, Captain! Another group of poachers has [cdb]taken hostages from a neighboring village!
  7. These people are a disgrace to poaching...
  8. Saying so makes it sound like you believe there was [cdb]some honor in the activity to begin with.
  9. These hostage takers must be friends of the poachers [cdb]who were just here.
  10. According to the people of the village, they were [cdb]involved in kidnapping as well as poaching.
  11. They made it sound like more than a few people have [cdb]been taken from the surrounding villages recently.
  12. Sauin too?
  13. Yes, they said there was one. Urgh, it makes me [cdb]so mad!
  14. These folks sound like bad news. We'd better do [cdb]something before these new victims are dragged off [cdb]and never heard from again.
  15. These folks sound like bad news. We'd better do [cdb]something before these new victims are dragged off [cdb]and never heard from again.
  16. House Gloucester's orders were to deal with the [cdb]poaching issue in Sauin.
  17. House Gloucester's orders were to deal with the [cdb]poaching issue in Sauin.
  18. We did that. Our work is done.
  19. We did that. Our work is done.
  20. How can you be so cold?!
  21. If you see someone in trouble, you help them! That's just basic decency!
  22. I don't see anyone here. Do you?
  23. I don't see anyone here. Do you?
  24. You know what I mean!
  25. Easy, Leonie. The kid was just stating a fact—I'm sure [cdb]no harm was intended.
  26. How could you possibly raise such a cold and unfeeling [cdb]person, Captain?
  27. I...wasn't always the best dad, I admit.
  28. Perhaps we should shelve this conversation for now [cdb]and determine our next move.
  29. Plenty of villagers helped me out the last time I was in [cdb]this neck of the woods, so it's only right I pay it back.
  30. Plus, I'm not just going to sit by while "poachers" run [cdb]wild in my apprentice's home turf.
  31. Captain!
  32. But we can't linger long. We track down the bad guys, [cdb]free the hostages, and go home. Got it?
  33. I knew you'd do the right thing!
  34. You don't have any connections here, so it's your call [cdb]if you want to pitch in or not.
  35. Nobody will think worse of you if you decide to duck [cdb]out on this little goose chase.
  36. Go with them.
  37. Head back.
  38. Nah, I'll come. I wouldn't want anything to happen to Leonie's home.
  39. Nah, I'll come. I wouldn't want anything to happen to Leonie's home.
  40. Good to know I can count on you at least...
  41. ...
  42. ...
  43. Yeah, I think I'll head back, maybe get a hot meal [cdb]and a nice bath.
  44. Yeah, I think I'll head back, maybe get a hot meal [cdb]and a nice bath.
  45. Grr...
  46. After I help, I mean! I'd love to join you!
  47. After I help, I mean! I'd love to join you!
  48. I'm sure you'd manage without me, but many hands [cdb]make light work and all that.
  49. I'm sure you'd manage without me, but many hands [cdb]make light work and all that.
  50. Then let's roll. Leonie? You're in charge.
  51. Leave it to me, Captain!
  52. Now, enough deliberation! The time has come for [cdb]plain old liberation!
  53. Uh...sure. Right behind you.
  54. Uh...sure. Right behind you.