1. What an adventure we've had! Hard to believe it all [cdb]started with one little dust-up in the woods.
  2. <<<EMPTY>>>
  3. We've seen each other through so many battles, [cdb]and yet I know we've got a lot more to go.
  4. <<<EMPTY>>>
  5. Chances are I'll stay and fight for this place, but don't [cdb]hold it against me if I slip away from time to time for [cdb]an adventure of my own.
  6. <<<EMPTY>>>
  7. And while my future isn't set in stone, I know one [cdb]thing for certain—right here, right now, this is where I live and breathe.
  8. <<<EMPTY>>>
  9. What an adventure we've had! Hard to believe it all [cdb]started with one little dust-up in the woods.
  10. <<<EMPTY>>>
  11. We've seen each other through so many battles, [cdb]and yet I know we've got a lot more to go.
  12. <<<EMPTY>>>
  13. Chances are I'll stay and fight for this place, but don't [cdb]hold it against me if I slip away from time to time for [cdb]an adventure of my own.
  14. <<<EMPTY>>>
  15. And while my future isn't set in stone, I know one [cdb]thing for certain—right here, right now, this is where I live and breathe.
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. It wasn't long ago that people knew me only as the Ashen Demon and looked at me with dread.
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. But thanks to you, I now find myself surrounded by [cdb]friends with whom I share a common cause.
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. Was I right to go down this path? I can't say.
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. But I see a glimmer of hope at the end of it, and that's [cdb]more than enough reason to forge on.
  24. <<<EMPTY>>>
  25. It wasn't long ago that people knew me only as the Ashen Demon and looked at me with dread.
  26. <<<EMPTY>>>
  27. But thanks to you, I now find myself surrounded by [cdb]friends with whom I share a common cause.
  28. <<<EMPTY>>>
  29. Was I right to go down this path? I can't say.
  30. <<<EMPTY>>>
  31. But I see a glimmer of hope at the end of it, and that's [cdb]more than enough reason to forge on.
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. Here we stand at long last. And with your help, [cdb]we have secured a historic victory.
  34. <<<EMPTY>>>
  35. But while the war must go on, I must tell you [cdb]something from the very depths of my heart.
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. Thank you for being a pillar of strength to us all. Thank you for carrying us this far.
  38. <<<EMPTY>>>
  39. I know I will look to you again in the days to come, [cdb]for I can no longer imagine an Empire without you.
  40. <<<EMPTY>>>
  41. I stand defeated. There. You have finally wrested the [cdb]truth from my cold, pale hands.
  42. <<<EMPTY>>>
  43. Against all odds and reasons, your skill and spirit [cdb]proved enough to win my trust in the end.
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. And while it goes without saying that the Imperial [cdb]army needs you, did you know I need you as well?
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. So, please accept all of my gratitude and admiration [cdb]for never betraying our faith, even though I oft [cdb]betrayed yours.
  48. <<<EMPTY>>>
  49. Well, we've certainly seen a lot, haven't we? So many wounded. So many dead.
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. We could've easily been among them.
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. But we survived. By cutting down countless foes, [cdb]and with the protection of our friends, we made it.
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. So I choose to believe in this fate. The only question [cdb]now is, do you feel for me the same as I do for you?
  56. <<<EMPTY>>>
  57. I can only imagine how shocked and honored you are [cdb]to receive a letter from Ferdinand von Aegir himself!
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. Well, unslack your jaw for a moment, because I have [cdb]an even grander surprise for you—a confession.
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. You have won my adoration, and I now stand rapt [cdb]before the power of your strength and character.
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. May our partnership last now and forever—for it if [cdb]does, the Empire's strength and prosperity will be [cdb]assured for all time!
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. So...thanks for everything. I mean it. I really [cdb]appreciate everything you've done for me.
  66. So...thanks for everything. I mean it. I really [cdb]appreciate everything you've done for me.
  67. The others tried to push me to be better, and I know [cdb]that came from a place of kindness.
  68. <<<EMPTY>>>
  69. But you're the one who actually came through for me, [cdb]so I...wanted you to know that.
  70. But you're the one who actually came through for me, [cdb]so I...wanted you to know that.
  71. Just promise to check in on me now and then, OK? I'm going to do great things! Um, once I figure out [cdb]how to do average things. It's a process, you know?
  72. Just promise to check in on me now and then, OK? I'm going to do great things! Um, once I figure out [cdb]how to do average things. It's a process, you know?
  73. Hey, how are you? Me? I'm great—maybe even [cdb]amazing! You wanna know why?
  74. <<<EMPTY>>>
  75. It's because I've realized we're unstoppable. All those [cdb]times we pushed and sweat and bled to be the very [cdb]best are about to pay off.
  76. <<<EMPTY>>>
  77. There's no way we won't win—and if that's not a [cdb]reason to be happy, I don't know what is.
  78. <<<EMPTY>>>
  79. The only question is which of us is gonna perform [cdb]the next great deed. Our epic rivalry continues!
  80. <<<EMPTY>>>
  81. Once the Empire is claiming victory, I intend to [cdb]be returning home to Brigid.
  82. Once our army is claiming victory, I intend to [cdb]be returning home to Brigid.
  83. I was hoping you would accompany me. Have you [cdb]given this any more thinking?
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. You are a fierce warrior, a reliable friend, and a dear [cdb]companion most of all.
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. I am wishing for us to be together until the end. I hope you have understanding of this.
  88. <<<EMPTY>>>
  89. So much has happened, I can hardly remember [cdb]how we got here.
  90. <<<EMPTY>>>
  91. Honestly, the first time I saw you, I thought you'd be [cdb]just another passing stranger.
  92. <<<EMPTY>>>
  93. But the fact that we've made it this far gives me hope [cdb]our relationship will carry on through the years.
  94. <<<EMPTY>>>
  95. And one day, I'll get around to unraveling the [cdb]mystery behind you. That's a promise.
  96. <<<EMPTY>>>
  97. Ours was a long and grueling battle, and I doubt I'd [cdb]have seen it through to the end alone.
  98. <<<EMPTY>>>
  99. Mere words fail to express just how reassuring it feels [cdb]to have you by my side.
  100. <<<EMPTY>>>
  101. But perhaps it's best for me to postpone such [cdb]sentiments, seeing as the rest of the war still [cdb]remains to be fought.
  102. <<<EMPTY>>>
  103. For now, let me simply say that I am thankful to have [cdb]you, and hope with all my heart that you choose [cdb]to stay in the Kingdom.
  104. <<<EMPTY>>>
  105. We are lucky you arrived.
  106. <<<EMPTY>>>
  107. You have become indispensable. Not just to His Majesty, but to me as well.
  108. <<<EMPTY>>>
  109. When the war ends, you must choose your next path.
  110. <<<EMPTY>>>
  111. But should you see a place for me in that future, I will gladly walk by your side.
  112. <<<EMPTY>>>
  113. I'm not big on sentimentality, but I guess it can't hurt [cdb]just this once.
  114. <<<EMPTY>>>
  115. You either say what you feel or die wishing you had, [cdb]so let's get this over with.
  116. <<<EMPTY>>>
  117. You make me strong. You challenge me to be better, [cdb]and convince me I'm capable of more.
  118. <<<EMPTY>>>
  119. So in this final battle, let's claim both victory and a [cdb]brighter future, and let's do it together.
  120. <<<EMPTY>>>
  121. I can't even count the times I was able to continue on [cdb]because of you.
  122. <<<EMPTY>>>
  123. War takes and takes and takes. It is a selfish beast with [cdb]endless hunger. But you? You give.
  124. <<<EMPTY>>>
  125. Whether you were inviting me to tea or watching my [cdb]back in battle, my mind is full of the most precious [cdb]memories of our time together.
  126. <<<EMPTY>>>
  127. I hope we can make many more once the war is over.
  128. <<<EMPTY>>>
  129. I know we had our moments, but I still couldn't be [cdb]happier to call you a friend.
  130. <<<EMPTY>>>
  131. That's cliché, I guess, but it's also honest.
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. No matter how hopeless the battle, I'll face it with [cdb]courage so long as you're there with me.
  134. <<<EMPTY>>>
  135. You're a good friend, and I hope you stay that way for [cdb]the rest of my days.
  136. <<<EMPTY>>>
  137. Thanks for always being there for me! You know [cdb]exactly how to cheer a girl up, and I really appreciate [cdb]that.
  138. <<<EMPTY>>>
  139. And that's saying something, considering this slog of [cdb]a war and all the pain we've faced along the way.
  140. <<<EMPTY>>>
  141. But you made it possible for me to keep going. I don't think anyone else could have done that.
  142. <<<EMPTY>>>
  143. Anyway, I'm rambling, so just...don't be a stranger. Promise me, OK?
  144. <<<EMPTY>>>
  145. Though the war's been long, the good times we spent [cdb]together have flown past like a cool summer breeze.
  146. Though the war's been long, the good times we spent [cdb]together have flown past like a cool summer breeze.
  147. I wondered if the time to tell you this was after the [cdb]fighting was done, but I would rather say a thing too [cdb]early then beg off and have it be too late.
  148. <<<EMPTY>>>
  149. But even if your restless feet take you elsewhere, I have full faith that you and I will meet again.
  150. But even if your restless feet take you elsewhere, I have full faith that you and I will meet again.
  151. Just know that you will always have a home here in Faerghus, as well as old friends ready to greet you.
  152. <<<EMPTY>>>
  153. There are so many things I want to tell you. I hardly know where to begin.
  154. <<<EMPTY>>>
  155. The world has changed so fast, and at times I was [cdb]ready to let those winds carry me off.
  156. <<<EMPTY>>>
  157. But you were always just a step away—a constant, [cdb]tethering us firmly to the earth. I'm grateful for that, [cdb]and I know the others are as well.
  158. <<<EMPTY>>>
  159. So no matter where the winds of fate may take you, I know our hearts will always be connected.
  160. <<<EMPTY>>>
  161. Our task may be unfinished, but we've made quite the [cdb]dent, and that's something to celebrate.
  162. <<<EMPTY>>>
  163. I can't count the number of times you pulled me out [cdb]of the fire, or just listened patiently as I complained [cdb]about one annoying thing or the other.
  164. <<<EMPTY>>>
  165. So if I haven't properly said it before, I want to say it [cdb]now. Thank you. Thank you for everything.
  166. <<<EMPTY>>>
  167. <<<EMPTY>>>
  168. The future is always a blank page, but I hope you'll [cdb]stick around to help me write it. What do you say?
  169. Soon this war will end, and we will have achieved all [cdb]we set out to do.
  170. <<<EMPTY>>>
  171. It was not by the strength of a ruler alone that [cdb]we prevailed.
  172. <<<EMPTY>>>
  173. Rather, it was because you and I and everyone else [cdb]risked all to see it through. This mighty achievement [cdb]belongs to each and every one of us.
  174. <<<EMPTY>>>
  175. It was my pride and my privilege to share the [cdb]battlefield with you. May our fellowship continue in [cdb]whatever is to come, in this world or the next.
  176. <<<EMPTY>>>
  177. I've got fingers and toes crossed that this stupid war [cdb]is about to end, but who can really say?
  178. <<<EMPTY>>>
  179. At least we're better off now than when we started.
  180. <<<EMPTY>>>
  181. Our army is so lucky to have you. Thanks for [cdb]crushing out there!
  182. <<<EMPTY>>>
  183. You can keep me safe any day of the week.
  184. <<<EMPTY>>>
  185. I'm no expert, but if we win here, the war is over. Right? That's how it works?
  186. <<<EMPTY>>>
  187. Anyway, I sure hope that's the case, because then [cdb]all of our hard work was worth it—even the little bits [cdb]that I managed to do.
  188. <<<EMPTY>>>
  189. Oh, but don't worry! I know you did ten times what [cdb]anyone else did. I was watching the whole time.
  190. <<<EMPTY>>>
  191. Anyway, let's make sure we stay friends. Oh, and [cdb]training buddies. Speaking of which, if you have any [cdb]free time right now, I'm ready to go!
  192. <<<EMPTY>>>
  193. We may finally be able to turn the page on this war.
  194. <<<EMPTY>>>
  195. That's not to say all our problems have been solved, [cdb]but at least there's a glimmer of hope now.
  196. <<<EMPTY>>>
  197. And we have you to thank for that.
  198. <<<EMPTY>>>
  199. However, there's plenty of work yet to be done, so I [cdb]hope you don't mind if I keep leaning on you for as [cdb]long as life allows me.
  200. <<<EMPTY>>>
  201. Can you believe what we've done? I start shaking [cdb]every time I think about it.
  202. <<<EMPTY>>>
  203. We changed the entire course of Fódlan's history! That's amazing!
  204. <<<EMPTY>>>
  205. And it was all because of you.
  206. <<<EMPTY>>>
  207. Well, I suppose the battle isn't quite over yet, [cdb]so let's make sure to do our best out there!
  208. <<<EMPTY>>>
  209. It gladdens me beyond words to see your [cdb]accomplishments in this war, and to know [cdb]you made it through unscathed.
  210. <<<EMPTY>>>
  211. History will judge whether or not our actions were [cdb]right.
  212. <<<EMPTY>>>
  213. But no matter the case, you've given me the courage [cdb]to face the future anew.
  214. <<<EMPTY>>>
  215. Thank you for everything, and please stay in touch.
  216. <<<EMPTY>>>
  217. We really are a force to be reckoned with, aren't we? I mean, we actually managed to hack our way [cdb]through all that carnage and come out alive!
  218. <<<EMPTY>>>
  219. Still, when I look at you, I realize just how far I have [cdb]to go before I can be considered a great mercenary.
  220. <<<EMPTY>>>
  221. You've shown me that I'll have to keep working hard [cdb]if I ever hope to surpass Captain Jeralt.
  222. <<<EMPTY>>>
  223. But if you stick with me, I won't let you down. Because with you, I don't have any limits!
  224. <<<EMPTY>>>
  225. Yes, it's completely out of character for me to pen a [cdb]letter like this. Consider this an exception.
  226. <<<EMPTY>>>
  227. We've been though all kinds of horror, but with that [cdb]all said and done, I can finally admit that fighting [cdb]with you was a good experience.
  228. <<<EMPTY>>>
  229. There's a saying—something about handing out "thanks" and "sorries" while the handing's still good, [cdb]so I guess I'm just putting that into practice.
  230. <<<EMPTY>>>
  231. Anyway, it looks like this is farewell for a bit. I hope [cdb]we meet again—but only if you're prepared to spend [cdb]the rest of your days with me!
  232. <<<EMPTY>>>
  233. Ahahaha! Fortune smiles upon you this day!
  234. <<<EMPTY>>>
  235. I have taken notice of your prowess during the war. Oh yes, Constance has been watching...
  236. <<<EMPTY>>>
  237. And as a result, I intend to honor you with the chance [cdb]to perform an even more splendid deed!
  238. <<<EMPTY>>>
  239. You will join me in restoring House Nuvelle to glory! It shall be done! Are we clear? Excellent! Ahahaha!
  240. <<<EMPTY>>>
  241. Well, nuts. Here we are at the end of it all, and I still [cdb]can't repay the money I owe you.
  242. <<<EMPTY>>>
  243. I'd better get busy before the war ends and no one [cdb]needs to hire mercenaries anymore.
  244. <<<EMPTY>>>
  245. Anyway, if I come up short, I hope you don't mind [cdb]my working it off the old-fashioned way.
  246. <<<EMPTY>>>
  247. Yep! Use me as you see fit! Tell me who to wreck [cdb]and I'll wreck 'em—or even just have me muck out [cdb]a stable or two. That's how much you mean to me.
  248. <<<EMPTY>>>
  249. I never dreamed I'd be putting my feelings for you [cdb]down on paper like this.
  250. <<<EMPTY>>>
  251. Don't get me wrong—I'll do it. It's just a bit [cdb]embarrassing is all.
  252. <<<EMPTY>>>
  253. So. Thanks for all the help you've given me. You were [cdb]a true friend. Oh, and of course there's that whole bit [cdb]where you saved my life.
  254. <<<EMPTY>>>
  255. People like you give people like me the courage to [cdb]face life and keep going.
  256. <<<EMPTY>>>
  257. When I first gained awareness, I had nothing. Merely a vision of what I must do.
  258. <<<EMPTY>>>
  259. Seeing the world through your eyes taught me what [cdb]it means to be happy. What it means to be sad. You gave me these things.
  260. <<<EMPTY>>>
  261. And now I have a warmth resting in my chest. I don't [cdb]know what it is—I know only that it is wonderful.
  262. <<<EMPTY>>>
  263. I truly couldn't have asked for a better partner in [cdb]destiny. You'll be with me always, and I with you.
  264. <<<EMPTY>>>
  265. Fódlan is in the midst of a sea change.
  266. <<<EMPTY>>>
  267. And though it came about by our hands, I don't have [cdb]the slightest idea what will become of us all.
  268. <<<EMPTY>>>
  269. I should be worried. Panicked. But I'm not, because I have you.
  270. <<<EMPTY>>>
  271. So do me a favor and stay close, all right? And when I [cdb]say close, I mean really close.
  272. <<<EMPTY>>>
  273. I see a great light in our future, for this victory will [cdb]shift the state of affairs in all Fódlan.
  274. <<<EMPTY>>>
  275. It was your diligence that brought us to this moment, [cdb]so let me take this opportunity to thank you.
  276. <<<EMPTY>>>
  277. And let me also apologize for failing to give you my [cdb]trust from the outset.
  278. <<<EMPTY>>>
  279. Will you continue to lend us strength? I have need of [cdb]it, as will Fódlan in the age to come.
  280. <<<EMPTY>>>
  281. If this victory means we are nearing the end of war, [cdb]then I am glad for it.
  282. <<<EMPTY>>>
  283. I have had my fill of a world where people insist on [cdb]hurting each other.
  284. <<<EMPTY>>>
  285. But I would ask you this—stay with us. Please. Stay with us and help restore peace to this land.
  286. <<<EMPTY>>>
  287. With you, I know that dream is within reach.
  288. <<<EMPTY>>>
  289. It's strange how quickly time flies when you're not [cdb]looking. One moment you're knee-deep in battle, [cdb]and the next, the war is almost over.
  290. <<<EMPTY>>>
  291. Not that I mean to sway you, but what are you [cdb]planning to do next?
  292. <<<EMPTY>>>
  293. So long as you choose a path you can be proud of, I'll always be in your corner.
  294. <<<EMPTY>>>
  295. Of course, there's a big part of me that will miss you. But if you love something, you set it free, right?
  296. <<<EMPTY>>>
  297. This war was well-fought—for you and me both.
  298. <<<EMPTY>>>
  299. Is everything settled? No. But we're near the end. And that's when a mercenary starts thinking about [cdb]what comes next.
  300. <<<EMPTY>>>
  301. Will you keep fighting for the hand that feeds you, [cdb]or do you have other plans?
  302. <<<EMPTY>>>
  303. You don't have to tell me. I'm fine with that. But I'll [cdb]be watching to see what you do all the same.
  304. <<<EMPTY>>>
  305. These last few months have been one wild ride—and [cdb]more fun than I've had in years. So thanks for that.
  306. <<<EMPTY>>>
  307. You never know what tomorrow might bring. That's what it means to be a merc, yet you and I chose to make this our fight all the same.
  308. <<<EMPTY>>>
  309. Still, if things go south for me, I'm trusting you to [cdb]look out for the kid.
  310. <<<EMPTY>>>
  311. Oh, but don't tie yourself in knots over it. You just do [cdb]your thing, and that's good enough for me.
  312. <<<EMPTY>>>
  313. You are a puzzle.
  314. <<<EMPTY>>>
  315. The stench of maggots surrounds you, but it was [cdb]never unpleasant. I even grew to like it.
  316. <<<EMPTY>>>
  317. I doubt we'll ever cross paths again once the war [cdb]is done.
  318. <<<EMPTY>>>
  319. But I'll never give you over to the demon inside me. I swear it.
  320. <<<EMPTY>>>
  321. At last, the end is in sight—and I face it proudly, [cdb]knowing we fought for this moment together.
  322. <<<EMPTY>>>
  323. You have been a bedrock of support to me and the [cdb]others, and I cannot thank you enough.
  324. <<<EMPTY>>>
  325. But as this war seems likely to continue for a little [cdb]while longer, I would ask you not to be reckless.
  326. <<<EMPTY>>>
  327. For the Kingdom—and for me—there are none who [cdb]could ever hope to fill your place.
  328. <<<EMPTY>>>
  329. I'm finally starting to feel like the future Her Majesty [cdb]envisioned is within reach.
  330. <<<EMPTY>>>
  331. And I know you're the reason why.
  332. <<<EMPTY>>>
  333. I used to be jealous of the relationship the two of you [cdb]had—you were always just so close to her, you know? But those days are in the past.
  334. <<<EMPTY>>>
  335. Now you mean maybe half as much to me as she does! Hey, that's not bad—take it or leave it, I say.
  336. <<<EMPTY>>>
  337. All the things Fódlan has taken for granted are about [cdb]to be flipped on their head. This is likely the biggest [cdb]revolution in our history.
  338. <<<EMPTY>>>
  339. We will be the architects of a new age. Just thinking [cdb]about it fills me with pride.
  340. <<<EMPTY>>>
  341. And you should be proud, too! Your exploits are the [cdb]seeds of history that eventually blossom into legend.
  342. <<<EMPTY>>>
  343. The world to come will need a person with your [cdb]strength, and I can't wait to see what you accomplish.
  344. <<<EMPTY>>>
  345. You needn't pay any heed to the scribblings of a [cdb]subhuman vermin such as myself. Of that, I am [cdb]woefully aware.
  346. <<<EMPTY>>>
  347. But mayhap one day you will see fit to grace me with [cdb]a gentle smile.
  348. <<<EMPTY>>>
  349. And should that ever come to pass, I might find the [cdb]impudence to tell you of the deep feelings that cling [cdb]shamelessly to the innermost recesses of my heart.
  350. <<<EMPTY>>>
  351. You welcomed me into your life—all of me, without [cdb]prejudice. And because of that, I am saved.
  352. <<<EMPTY>>>