1. Oh, it feels wonderful to be out on the town again.
  2. Wouldn't you agree, Petra?
  3. I would. It has been one battle after another battle. It is feeling good to rest.
  4. I know, right? I'm glad we stopped here. Just look at [cdb]the market! So many stalls! So much life!
  5. This town must have been sending many soldiers to [cdb]the war. I was thinking it would be filled with gloom.
  6. But the townsfolk are keeping high spirits. This is a good thing.
  7. Commoners are a lot more resilient than you think.
  8. It doesn't matter if there are arrows whizzing by [cdb]their shops, or if there's a new lord to serve. They [cdb]know how to adapt and carry on.
  9. Of course, it's different if they've lost family...
  10. Ah, yes. In Brigid, everyone is family. We fight as [cdb]sisters and brothers and are mourning each loss.
  11. One big family, huh? Can't say that for Fódlan.
  12. It's a beautiful idea, but it must be awful in wartime. I can't imagine feeling like I've lost a sibling every [cdb]time a person dies.
  13. Yes, times of war bring much sadness. But I am also [cdb]thinking that war is less common.
  14. We are not squabbling over land or property because [cdb]it is already belonging to all.
  15. That sounds wonderful, Petra.
  16. We are only squabbling over who is sitting on the [cdb]throne. Oh, and lovers.
  17. Oh, so that's where things get messy? Juicy!
  18. Oy, ladies! Ain't safe for a couple'a prim skirts to be [cdb]out here alone. Why doncha come with us?
  19. Keep walking, boys. Not interest— Ah!
  20. Shut up and move, girlie!
  21. Haaah!
  22. Whoa! What the—
  23. Watch out, Dorothea! This one has skill!
  24. Graaagh!
  25. Well, that was incredibly uncivil of them.
  26. Are you all right? You aren't hurt, are you?
  27. I am well. And you?
  28. Not a scratch. I'm so relieved those brutes didn't [cdb]mess up that silky face of yours.
  29. But I am not wearing silk upon my face, Dorothea.
  30. No, I'm talking about your skin. It's lustrous and [cdb]smooth, you know?
  31. This is a strange comparison. Silk is easily damaged. My skin has strength. Here. Feel.
  32. That's all right. I can tell just by looking.
  33. Then you are knowing that my skin is like steel. Not like silk.
  34. I am thinking we should be taking more care from [cdb]now on. You are precious to me. I do not want to be [cdb]losing you to thugs.
  35. One of them was a capable fighter. Please take my [cdb]apologies for placing you in such danger.
  36. If anyone is trying such a thing again, I will be [cdb]keeping you safe.
  37. Hey, you're special to me too, you know—and no [cdb]one's gonna lay a finger on your head while I'm [cdb]around!