1. I have to say, this isn't how I imagined Fódlan's three [cdb]most powerful leaders would be coming together.
  2. Indeed. I hesitate to even consider the look on Hubert's face right now.
  3. I don't think anyone's too worried about me, though. Vanishing without a word is kind of what I do.
  4. So much for being a reliable leader.
  5. Even now that I'm the king of the Federation, [cdb]it looks like I'm as unreliable as ever.
  6. Or perhaps it's the opposite, and your people think [cdb]you reliable precisely because you always return.
  7. It must be nice having friends you can depend on to [cdb]handle important matters in your absence.
  8. And it must feel lousy to realize no one wants [cdb]to do your job, Edelgard.
  9. I'm glad to see your tongue remains as agile as ever. Let's try moving our feet instead, shall we?
  10. Hey, I can do both if you want! It's definitely not an [cdb]either-or kind of situation.
  11. So, Edelgard. Say the four of us get out of here in [cdb]one piece.
  12. What are you planning to do about Dimitri? Maybe [cdb]we should join forces and take him on together.
  13. You're such a boor sometimes, Claude. And is that [cdb]a serious proposal?
  14. Hmm. Well, I suppose it would be easier for me if the Kingdom stuck around.
  15. After all, I get the feeling that if we divide Fódlan [cdb]between the Empire and the Alliance, I'll be the one [cdb]holding the short end of that stick.
  16. After all, I get the feeling that if we divide Fódlan [cdb]between the Empire and the Federation, I'll be the [cdb]one holding the short end of that stick.
  17. Our goal is to deal with Rhea and the Central Church, not to unify Fódlan.
  18. You never have been one to mince words, have you? Well then, allow me to match your honesty.
  19. It would be more convenient for me if the Kingdom [cdb]ceased to exist.
  20. The Central Church has a much closer relationship [cdb]with Faerghus than with the other regions.
  21. Even were we to capture the archbishop and force [cdb]her to dismantle the upper echelons of the church, [cdb]it wouldn't be enough.
  22. The roots of that organization run deep.
  23. Hold on. You're just looking to capture Rhea? You're not gonna... You know, get rid of her?
  24. Is it not enough to subdue a foe and remove them [cdb]from power?
  25. I'm just surprised. I would've expected you to be [cdb]more...thorough.
  26. And here I thought you wanted to pursue a [cdb]peaceful solution.
  27. Hey, give me some credit. If I didn't like to rock the [cdb]boat, Leicester would have been swallowed up by the Empire ages ago.
  28. I have ambitions, Edelgard. Real ones.
  29. I won't go into details, but I'm definitely fighting to [cdb]make them a reality.
  30. All that, and you're not planning to enlighten me? Unreliable and stingy.
  31. I for one have no qualms with telling you my [cdb]ambitions. I seek to destroy the irrational power [cdb]structure that shackles Fódlan.
  32. Just Fódlan, eh?
  33. Come again?
  34. Hey, don't get me wrong. That's a goal I can get [cdb]behind. That's why we're working together.
  35. But I'd be grateful if my own ambitions can be [cdb]fulfilled at the end of your path of conquest.
  36. I'd like to believe that is possible.
  37. At least for now, we can work together to achieve a [cdb]common goal.
  38. And perhaps someday our pact will become a more [cdb]permanent one. I hope so, at any rate.
  39. Same here. But before that, we need to find a way [cdb]out of this place!