1. Ummm...why do I feel someone watching me?
  2. Hello, Bernadetta.
  4. Stop. I am not a ghost and I am not here to scold you. I'm just here to get food because I'm hungry.
  5. I was stuck inside all day with work and missed [cdb]my chance for dinner.
  6. HELP— Oh. So you're just like me, then.
  7. It's rather difficult being shut inside all the time. I always lose track of the hour.
  8. Yeah, same. Um, but how'd you know I was inside all [cdb]day today?
  9. Oh, no! Was this "work" of yours spying on me?!
  10. No. If I had time to spy on people, there wouldn't be [cdb]piles of documents teetering atop my desk.
  11. Yeesh. That sounds rough.
  12. Wait, hold up. Why are you taking all those raw [cdb]veggies? And that dried meat?
  13. Because it's my dinner. Which I missed. I thought I [cdb]made all of this clear.
  14. What, so you're gonna eat them just like that? Uh...not that there's any problem with that.
  15. Well then, Bernadetta, perhaps we could cook [cdb]something together.
  16. Cook?
  17. Yes. You have a bit of talent in the kitchen, right? Maybe you can take this chance to teach me.
  18. Uh, sure, I guess. I mean, if you're gonna insist, [cdb]then I'll show you just how good I am!
  19. I think I heard you like this cheese and spice— Aaah! The bag!
  20. All right, that should do it. What's the matter, Bernadetta? You seem to be shrinking away.
  21. I can't do it. I can't cook in front of a stranger.
  22. I hardly think we're strangers at this point, but... Regardless, it looks fine to me. There's no need for [cdb]you to be so distraught.
  23. It's not fine! The spice bag ripped and they all fell in, [cdb]and then I got so flustered I dropped an entire wheel [cdb]of cheese in there!
  24. It smells terrible, and I mean really terrible. There's no possible way it's going to taste good.
  25. Mmm!
  26. Whaaat?! OK, if you force yourself to eat that, [cdb]you're going to be sick for days.
  27. I'm not forcing myself to do anything. It would be a [cdb]shame to waste food we made together.
  28. So it's...not gross? You don't feel sick or anything? Well, I guess I could try it, then...
  29. BLEEECH! So disgusting! How did you even eat it?!
  30. Oh, wait. Don't tell me...
  31. You're eating it as an excuse to say, "I hereby sentence [cdb]you to death for feeding me horrible food!"
  32. Do you honestly believe I wander about executing [cdb]people at will for the smallest transgressions?
  33. NOOO! I don't wanna die! Let me liiiiiive!
  34. Too much cheese and spice, is it?
  35. Heh.
  36. I suppose I'll bring her something else for dinner, [cdb]since she only had one bite of this.