1. So you've arrived, Claude. I pray you are ready!
  2. OK, no need to start off with a bunch of yelling. And, uh, what should I be ready for, exactly?
  3. Ahahaha! The day has finally come...
  4. The day for you to be thunderstruck by the selfsame [cdb]magic you once so viciously mocked!
  5. The magic... The magic... Oh! You mean that [cdb]hair-raising one you used on me?
  6. Hair rai— No! That is not the purpose! It is meant [cdb]for changing the length and style of hair.
  7. Right, sure. Um, so what about it again?
  8. Your droll lack of enthusiasm boggles the mind!
  9. Do you understand just how much I devoted myself [cdb]to my studies since that day of shame? All so I might [cdb]have some vindication?
  10. OK, wait. Look, I know you're a hard worker, [cdb]but that was just...you know? One of those things.
  11. I don't really think you need "vindication."
  12. Silence, cretin! Let your jaw hang slack in its [cdb]moorings as you witness how my magic has evolved!
  13. Whoa, you got me again! Well...at least I'm not sharp [cdb]and pointy this time.
  14. You most certainly are not! Do you truly think me [cdb]the type to make the same mistake twice?
  15. It has been quite the gauntlet of trial and error, [cdb]yet finally I have arrived!
  16. I stand now on the fresh new ground of magic— [cdb]the magic of gentle tresses tumbling over one's [cdb]shoulders!
  17. Say, this does come in nicely at the ends! Some parts [cdb]longer, some shorter... Whoa, but it's really frizzy.
  18. Ack! It's like a... It's like a bird's nest up in here!
  19. What an exquisite style! What an innovative look! Truly, this is the most striking of spells!
  20. Uh, and I guess I have a fluffy beard now? Well, that's certainly something.
  21. Yes, and it makes you appear quite...unkempt.
  22. Perhaps it is not the look for you. Ahaha!
  23. Hey! Don't laugh it off! What am I supposed to do [cdb]about this mountain-man beard, huh?
  24. Last time you zapped me, my hair was stiff enough to [cdb]stab through armor for an entire day. I couldn't even [cdb]get to sleep because I shredded my pillow!
  25. Are you saying I've got to just grin and bear this until [cdb]it wears off?
  26. At this point, there is nothing else I can do.
  27. You can endure this for one day, no? If it helps, I am willing to offer my moral support.
  28. If only this wasn't Fódlan...
  29. And what is so wrong with Fódlan?
  30. Just that a manly beard like this would be considered [cdb]a real accomplishment in the east.
  31. Your magic would be praised to the heavens if you [cdb]went out that direction.
  32. Then my magic can transcend borders?!
  33. You finally understand the extent of my talent! Ahahaha!
  34. No, it's just that this kind of beard here in Fódlan... OK, she's not listening.