1. No! Did you really... Oh, you did! This is my [cdb]absolute favorite. Thank you.
  2. Now here is a person who understands me. This is a [cdb]most welcome treat indeed.
  3. Well, I suppose it is the thought that counts and not [cdb]the flavor. Or smell. Or texture.
  4. An excursion? Haha! Certainly. As you know, I am [cdb]the picture of grace in the saddle.
  5. These outings with you have quickly become a special [cdb]pleasure of mine.
  6. Let us rest for a bit, then race to the tree line!
  7. Careful now. Be you man or horse, it is always easy to [cdb]lose one's footing in the underbrush.
  8. What a spectacular vista! Oh, but I do love feeling [cdb]as if I am soaring above the rest of the world.
  9. Places like this are perfect for trysts. Er, not that I [cdb]would ever do such a thing! Heaven forfend...
  10. I now understand the impulse to shout one's name [cdb]in a large clearing... HELLO! 'TIS I, FERDINAND VON AEGIR!
  11. Now that you mention it, my stomach is also unhappy [cdb]with me. As soon as we return home, I intend to eat [cdb]like a workaday commoner!
  12. Please, allow me. Ah, what about...this one? You say [cdb]it is poisonous?! My word!
  13. Allow me! Yes, well, I suppose I must determine [cdb]where such a thing would be first, so... Hmm. I fear [cdb]this is proving more difficult than I first imagined.
  14. I am such an oaf sometimes. Thank goodness you [cdb]have the talent to tend to such matters.
  15. Do not tease me so! Hmm? You are serious? Well, [cdb]in that case, let us be off!
  16. Never fear, I will take the helm! Believe it or not, I have a good deal of experience with such things.
  17. Worry not, my friend. I planned ahead and brought [cdb]medicine to help with any nausea.
  18. I admire how much effort you put into getting to [cdb]know us all. I ought to do the same.
  19. When I was young, my parents often took me out [cdb]riding. Ah, but those were better times...
  20. Your horse is so well-behaved. You must have [cdb]something of a gift with animals.
  21. Ah, the great horizon calls! Er, my apologies. I do not [cdb]know what came over me just then.
  22. I hope I might escort you about Aegir territory one [cdb]day. It is a cozy place nestled amidst the most [cdb]beautiful, tranquil sea.
  23. Fódlan's nobility face a crisis, and I consider it my [cdb]sacred duty to see us through it.
  24. Hubert cannot abide my involving myself in any [cdb]underhanded doings. The man needs to lighten up!
  25. Oh, I enjoy tea, horseback riding, collecting weapons, [cdb]mountain vistas... The usual noble pursuits.
  26. Hmm. I cannot think of anything—save, perhaps, [cdb]a few foods that do not agree with me.
  27. You have placed me in quite a position! Well, if you [cdb]must know, I dream of steering the Empire in a better [cdb]direction for the future.
  28. I suffer endless troubles, but the future of Aegir [cdb]territory is ever at the forefront of my mind.
  29. My mother is in terrible spirits after what befell my [cdb]father, and I fear her health was poor to begin with.
  30. I fear you have only ever seen me at my most inept. Perhaps we will look back on this one day and laugh.
  31. We are good friends and fine rivals, which makes us [cdb]strong. I have all faith the Empire will prevail!
  32. Any noble worth their salt knows how to wield any [cdb]weapon with grace, be it sword, lance, or even axe.
  33. I think you are a perfect enigma—which is also the [cdb]finest thing about you.
  34. I think you a fine comrade of unwavering principle, [cdb]and one with more resolve than you are likely to find [cdb]in a dozen others lumped together.
  35. I still have much to work through, but I continue to [cdb]press on as best I can to a brighter future.
  36. I sometimes recall my father, and... Ah, that is all [cdb]part of who I am now. I must learn to live with it.
  37. I have been thinking of growing my hair out of late. What length do you feel is best?
  38. I have not the faintest idea why you are so fixated [cdb]on me, but you may enjoy the sight to your heart's [cdb]content.
  39. Is there a bug on my face? How did it manage to slip [cdb]past my defenses?!
  40. If you intend to stare at my face, I will return the [cdb]favor tenfold. You have been warned.
  41. Admit it—I am the picture of perfect nobility from [cdb]every angle. Yes, well, looking this good takes work, I will have you know.
  42. The overcoat was a gift from my father. He had it [cdb]specially tailored for me...
  43. Come find me whenever you wish to go riding.
  44. Time goes by in an instant when you are enjoying [cdb]yourself!
  45. You have naught to worry about with me on the job!