1. Settings have been changed. Save your changes [cdb]before returning?
  2. Restore all settings to the default settings?
  3. [r]Once the game is set to Casual Mode, you cannot [cdb]return to Classic Mode.[/] Proceed?
  4. Switching to Casual Mode. Are you sure?
  5. You cannot switch to Classic Mode from Casual Mode.
  6. This file is empty and cannot be copied.
  7. Copy save file to this slot?
  8. Copying data.
  9. Select where to copy the file.
  10. Delete this save file?
  11. Deleting data.
  12. This file is empty and cannot be deleted.
  13. [r]Overwrite[/] this save data?
  14. Previous bookmark save data will be overwritten. In Classic Mode, creating a bookmark save will return [cdb]you to the title screen. Create a bookmark save?
  15. Loading a bookmark save that was created in Classic Mode will delete it. Load bookmark save?
  16. <<<EMPTY>>>
  17. [r]Previous bookmark save data will be overwritten.[/] Create a bookmark save?
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. Quit the battle and return to camp?
  20. <<<EMPTY>>>
  21. Start the battle over from the beginning?
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. Start the battle over from the most recent checkpoint?
  24. Load bookmark save?
  25. Even if you quit the battle or start over from the [cdb]beginning, you will retain any levels or Exp you [cdb]have gained.
  26. This file is empty and cannot be loaded.
  27. Quit the battle and return to the War Map?
  28. Quit the battle and return to the title screen?
  29. Begin the battle?
  30. Select a setting.
  31. <<<EMPTY>>>
  32. You learned how to make [cdb][0:COOKING_RECIPE]!
  33. You still have unselected strategies. Begin the [cdb]battle anyway?
  34. Load a save file? [r]All unsaved progress will be lost.[/]
  35. Return to the title screen? [r]If you have not saved your [cdb]current progress, it will be lost.[/]
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. <<<EMPTY>>>
  39. You have not fulfilled the necessary requirements [cdb]to survey this spot.
  40. You don't have the gold or items to make this trade.
  41. Make the trade?
  42. <<<EMPTY>>>
  43. <<<EMPTY>>>
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. <<<EMPTY>>>
  49. Unlock this facility effect?
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. This facility effect cannot be unlocked yet.
  53. <<<EMPTY>>>
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. <<<EMPTY>>>
  56. <<<EMPTY>>>
  57. You don't have enough resources to unlock this [cdb]facility effect.
  58. You don't have enough gold to unlock this [cdb]facility effect.
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. Learn this battle tactic?
  62. <<<EMPTY>>>
  63. You don't have enough gold to learn this battle tactic.
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. <<<EMPTY>>>
  66. <<<EMPTY>>>
  67. You don't have enough activity points.
  68. <<<EMPTY>>>
  69. <<<EMPTY>>>
  70. <<<EMPTY>>>
  71. <<<EMPTY>>>
  72. <<<EMPTY>>>
  73. <<<EMPTY>>>
  74. You cannot choose the same unit twice.
  75. You don't have enough resources.
  76. You don't currently have any gifts that you can give.
  77. Give [0:ITEM_D]?
  78. <<<EMPTY>>>
  79. <<<EMPTY>>>
  80. You've earned rewards for surveying the regions [cdb]you've captured. Return to camp to claim them.
  81. Deploy to the selected area?
  82. Return to camp?
  83. Go on an expedition with [0:CHARA_G]?
  84. For players who just want to enjoy the story.
  85. For beginning and intermediate players.
  86. For experienced players who like a challenge.
  87. For those who crave the ultimate test of skill.
  88. <<<EMPTY>>>
  89. Fallen units rise again after the battle ends.
  90. Fallen units are lost forever (Ch. 4 onward). Every decision counts!
  91. <<<EMPTY>>>
  92. Take more time to examine strategic information, like [cdb]level-up stats, mission briefs, and midbattle tutorial [cdb]windows.
  93. Keep the action flowing, turning off level-up windows [cdb]and mission briefs. Only important tutorials will appear.
  94. Begin game with these settings? Difficulty: [g][0:INTERFACE][/] Game Mode: [g][1:INTERFACE][/] Play Style: [g][2:INTERFACE][/]
  95. <<<EMPTY>>>
  96. Support conversations can be viewed from camp or [cdb]the War Map.
  97. <<<EMPTY>>>
  98. Start the task with [0:CHARA_G] and [1:CHARA_G] helping you?
  99. Start the task with [0:CHARA_G] helping you?
  100. <<<EMPTY>>>
  101. <<<EMPTY>>>
  102. You received [0:ITEM_D].
  103. Bonds among the three of you grew slightly stronger.
  104. Bonds among the three of you grew stronger.
  105. Bonds among the three of you grew significantly stronger.
  106. [0:CHARA_G] and [1:CHARA_G]'s support points increased slightly.
  107. [0:CHARA_G] and [1:CHARA_G]'s support points increased.
  108. [0:CHARA_G] and [1:CHARA_G]'s support points increased significantly.
  109. <<<EMPTY>>>
  110. This unit has already mastered that class and [cdb]can no longer train in it.
  111. You don't have enough training points.
  112. User data will be created.
  113. User data is corrupted.
  114. User data will be recreated.
  115. Begin training?
  116. <<<EMPTY>>>
  117. Skip?
  118. Use [eg1][0:ITEM_D] to have [0:CHARA_G] [cdb]attain the certification for [1:CHARA_G]?
  119. This class is already unlocked.
  120. Certification for this class cannot be obtained because [cdb]the required class has not been mastered.
  121. Certification for this class cannot be obtained because [cdb]you don't have [eg1][0:ITEM_D].
  122. [0:CHARA_G] and [1:CHARA_G] [cdb]have attained support level [0:INTERFACE].
  123. Change this unit's class to [0:CHARA_G]?
  124. <<<EMPTY>>>
  125. Not all slots are filled. Proceed anyway?
  126. <<<EMPTY>>>
  127. <<<EMPTY>>>
  128. <<<EMPTY>>>
  129. End the expedition and return to camp?
  130. [0:CHARA_G] and [1:CHARA_G] [cdb]headed back to camp.
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. [r]This gift is unique and you will not receive another [cdb]until you've completed the game.[/] Are you sure [cdb]you want to give it to [0:CHARA_G]?
  133. <<<EMPTY>>>
  134. [r]You will lose all weapons and materials [cdb]earned during the battle.[/] Proceed?
  135. Optimize abilities?
  136. Unusable abilities were automatically swapped with [cdb]optimal replacements. Would you like to equip [cdb]abilities manually?
  137. Optimize combat arts/magic?
  138. Unusable combat arts/magic were automatically [cdb]swapped with optimal replacements. Would you like [cdb]to equip combat arts/magic manually?
  139. Unusable combat arts/magic and abilities were [cdb]automatically swapped with optimal replacements. Would you like to equip combat arts/magic and [cdb]abilities manually?
  140. Optimize battalions?
  141. Your weapon level is too low to equip this weapon.
  142. This unit does not bear a Crest. They will suffer [cdb]damage in battle while equipped with a Hero's Relic.
  143. Optimize weapons?
  144. <<<EMPTY>>>
  145. Your authority level is too low to assign this battalion.
  146. <<<EMPTY>>>
  147. You cannot switch weapons.
  148. This combat art/magic cannot be used. Equip it anyway?
  149. <<<EMPTY>>>
  150. You obtained the following as an [$ICON_PAD_RANK_S] Rank Reward:
  151. You obtained the following as a First Time Reward:
  152. The barracks are full. Please select a battalion to [cdb]dismiss.
  153. The arsenal is full. Please select equipment to sell.
  154. The item storehouse is full. Excess items have been sold.
  155. <<<EMPTY>>>
  156. <<<EMPTY>>>
  157. <<<EMPTY>>>
  158. <<<EMPTY>>>
  159. You have already been on an [g]expedition[/] with this [cdb]unit. Try again after completing a new quest.
  160. <<<EMPTY>>>
  161. <<<EMPTY>>>
  162. <<<EMPTY>>>
  163. Set out on the extra quest [cdb][0:QUEST]?
  164. <<<EMPTY>>>
  166. Authority level is now [0:INTERFACE].
  167. Learned the ability [0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL].
  168. Learned the combat art [0:ABILITY_ICON][0:ABILITY].
  169. <<<EMPTY>>>
  170. Learned the magic [0:ABILITY_ICON][0:ABILITY].
  171. <<<EMPTY>>>
  172. After enjoying a pleasant stroll, [cdb][0:CHARA_G] and [1:CHARA_G] [cdb]decided to take a break.
  173. The conversation fizzled...
  174. <<<EMPTY>>>
  175. <<<EMPTY>>>
  176. Your current class cannot equip this weapon.
  177. Unable to acquire certification for this class because [cdb]the [0:FCL_FUNC] [cdb]facility effect has not been unlocked.
  178. You have not chosen any units.
  179. Optimize accessories?
  180. <<<EMPTY>>>
  181. The conversation is wildly engaging!
  182. Unusable weapons were automatically swapped with [cdb]optimal replacements. Would you like to equip [cdb]weapons manually?
  183. Unusable weapons and combat arts/magic were [cdb]automatically swapped with optimal replacements. Would you like to equip weapons and combat [cdb]arts/magic manually?
  184. Unusable weapons and abilities were automatically [cdb]swapped with optimal replacements. Would you like [cdb]to equip weapons and abilities manually?
  185. Unusable weapons, combat arts/magic, and abilities [cdb]were automatically swapped with optimal [cdb]replacements. Would you like to equip weapons, [cdb]combat arts/magic, and abilities manually?
  186. This weapon cannot be forged any more.
  187. You don't have enough resources to forge.
  188. You don't have enough gold to forge.
  189. Forge [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON] to increase [cdb]its might?
  190. Forge [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON] to increase [cdb]its durability?
  191. Forge [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON] to increase its [cdb]might and durability?
  192. [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON]'s might has increased.
  193. [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON]'s durability has increased.
  194. [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON]'s might and durability [cdb]have increased.
  195. You don't have any weapons that can be repaired.
  196. You cannot repair this weapon because the [cdb][0:FCL_FUNC] [cdb]facility effect has not been unlocked.
  197. You don't have enough resources to repair.
  198. You don't have enough gold to repair.
  199. Repair [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON]?
  200. [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON] was repaired to create [cdb][1:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][1:WEAPON].
  201. You don't have any weapons that can be reforged.
  202. You cannot reforge this weapon because the [cdb][0:FCL_FUNC] [cdb]facility effect has not been unlocked.
  203. You don't have enough resources to reforge.
  204. You don't have enough gold to reforge.
  205. Reforge [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON] into [cdb][1:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][1:WEAPON] and [r]reset its forge progress[/]?
  206. Reforge [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON]?
  207. [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON] was [cdb]reforged into [1:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][1:WEAPON]. Its forgeability has increased.
  208. [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON] was reforged. Its forgeability has increased.
  209. <<<EMPTY>>>
  210. [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON] was reforged into [cdb][1:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][1:WEAPON].
  211. [0:CHARA_G] will not be able [cdb]to equip this weapon after it has been reforged. Proceed anyway?
  212. Change [0:CHARA_G]'s [cdb]weapon? If not, it will be automatically optimized.
  213. You don't have enough gold to level up.
  214. Level [0:NUMBER] → Level [1:NUMBER] Level up [0:CHARA_G]?
  215. This unit is already at Level 1 and cannot be reset.
  216. [r]Reset [0:CHARA_G] to Level 1?[/] Combat arts, magic, and abilities learned will [cdb]be retained.
  217. [0:CHARA_G] returned to Level 1.
  218. You don't have any equipment with effects that can [cdb]be unleashed.
  219. You cannot unleash effects because the [cdb][0:FCL_FUNC] [cdb]facility effect has not been unlocked.
  220. You lack the required resources.
  221. You lack the required gold.
  222. Unleash [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON]'s effect(s)?
  223. Unleash [0:EQUIP_ICON][0:ITEM_EQ]'s effect(s)?
  224. Unleashed [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON]'s effect(s).
  225. Unleashed [0:EQUIP_ICON][0:ITEM_EQ]'s effect(s).
  226. Unable to read amiibo.
  227. <<<EMPTY>>>
  228. <<<EMPTY>>>
  229. <<<EMPTY>>>
  230. <<<EMPTY>>>
  231. <<<EMPTY>>>
  232. <<<EMPTY>>>
  233. Continue successive training until a unit masters a [cdb]class or you run out of training points?
  234. Choose the number of battalions to hire.
  235. Dismiss?
  236. <<<EMPTY>>>
  237. <<<EMPTY>>>
  238. <<<EMPTY>>>
  239. <<<EMPTY>>>
  240. There are no battalions available to dismiss.
  241. Select a difficulty level. You can change the game's [cdb]difficulty at any time from the Settings menu.
  242. Select a game mode. You can change the game mode [cdb]from the Settings menu, but it cannot be changed [cdb]from Casual to Classic.
  243. Select a play style. You can change the play style at [cdb]any time from the Settings menu.
  244. <<<EMPTY>>>
  245. Rest and prepare for battle?
  246. <<<EMPTY>>>
  247. <<<EMPTY>>>
  248. <<<EMPTY>>>
  249. <<<EMPTY>>>
  250. <<<EMPTY>>>
  251. <<<EMPTY>>>
  252. Learned the innate ability [0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL].
  253. Carry over support levels?
  254. Would you like to carry over your data from the end [cdb]of the game to create a New Game + file?
  255. Purchase how many?
  256. Sell how many?
  257. Sell?
  258. You cannot sell this weapon.
  259. You cannot sell this accessory.
  260. <<<EMPTY>>>
  261. You cannot dismiss this battalion.
  262. You cannot sell an equipped weapon.
  263. You cannot sell an equipped accessory.
  264. You cannot dismiss an assigned battalion.
  265. [0:CHARA_G]'s [0:INTERFACE] increased. [0:INTERFACE] [0:NUMBER] → [1:NUMBER]
  266. Quit the battle and return to camp?
  267. You cannot make this purchase because [cdb]you do not have enough room.
  268. This item is out of stock.
  269. [r]You cannot start the battle without deploying a unit [cdb]in all yellow squares on the map grid.[/]
  270. You cannot hire a battalion because there is not [cdb]enough room in the barracks.
  271. You don't have any items that can be sold.
  272. You don't have any equipment that can be sold.
  273. Your camp is now level [g][0:INTERFACE][/]! Your supply of [g]training points[/] and [g]activity points[/] has [cdb]increased!
  274. You don't have any equippable gear.
  275. You don't have any battalions that can be assigned.
  276. You don't have any equippable combat arts/magic.
  277. Display standard-issue attire in battle.
  278. Display unique attire in battle. Does not apply to some classes.
  279. No one is available to train.
  280. There are no documents to view.
  281. This game saves automatically. Do not turn off the console while "Autosaving..." [cdb]is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.
  282. There are no suggestions of note.
  283. Enact [0:CHARA_G]'s [cdb]suggestion?
  284. Enact [0:CHARA_G] and [cdb][1:CHARA_G]'s suggestion?
  285. <<<EMPTY>>>
  286. Agree with [0:CHARA_G] and [cdb]change your battle plan?
  287. Your battle plan has been changed.
  288. Your battle plan was not changed.
  289. Trade how many?
  290. Unlock [0:CHARA_G]?
  291. Proceed to the War Map?
  292. Have the following units learn this battle tactic?
  293. This decision will allow you to recruit specific units.
  294. No one is available to eat with.
  295. No one is available to volunteer with.
  296. You don't have enough renown.
  297. This unit has already been unlocked.
  298. You already have this.
  299. Contains characters or letters that cannot be used.
  300. Is [HERO_MF] correct?
  301. Is [BYLETH_MF] correct?
  302. You obtained the following as an [$ICON_PAD_RANK_S] Rank [cdb]and First Time Reward:
  303. Now in effect: [0:BUFF_ICON][0:COOK_BUFF].
  304. Enter a name.
  305. New camp functions are available. Head back to [cdb]camp and check them out.
  306. Optimize equipment, battalions, combat arts/magic, [cdb]and abilities?
  307. You can now visit Anna's Shop in camp.
  308. [0:ITEM_D] can only be given to [cdb]someone with whom you have attained support [cdb]level A.
  309. You obtained [0:EQUIP_ICON][g][0:ITEM_EQ][/] as a gift [cdb]from [0:CHARA_G].
  310. You already have this unit's special accessory, so [r]you will not receive it again[/]. Proceed anyway?
  311. Trade in this item?
  312. Trade in how many?
  313. You don't have enough smithing stones.
  314. <<<EMPTY>>>
  315. There is nothing to collect.
  316. <<<EMPTY>>>
  317. You obtained the following:
  318. Learned [0:ABILITY_ICON][0:ABILITY] from [0:CHARA_G]!
  319. Learned [0:ABILITY_ICON][0:ABILITY] from [0:CHARA_G]!
  320. You lack the necessary space.
  321. Your strategy has changed from [g][0:STRATEGY][/] [cdb]to [g][1:STRATEGY][/].
  322. <<<EMPTY>>>
  323. <<<EMPTY>>>
  324. Set out?
  325. <<<EMPTY>>>
  326. [0:CHARA_G] is now playable.
  327. You cannot give this gift because you cannot hold any [cdb]more equipment.
  328. <<<EMPTY>>>
  329. <<<EMPTY>>>
  330. Temporarily parted ways with [cdb][0:CHARA_G].
  331. [0:CHARA_G] has rejoined you.
  332. Is this form correct?
  333. You don't have any equipment or resources that can [cdb]be traded in.
  334. You cannot select any more because you are not able [cdb]to store additional smithing stones.
  335. Receive all resources? Resources that cannot be stored will be sold.
  336. You cannot learn that battle tactic because the [cdb][0:FCL_FUNC] [cdb]facility effect has not been unlocked.
  337. You cannot restore this weapon because it has not [cdb]been forged.
  338. Restore [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON], [r]resetting its [cdb]might and durability to its initial state[/]?
  339. [0:WEAPON_TYPE_ICON][0:WEAPON] was restored.
  340. You cannot accept this reward because you are not [cdb]able to store additional items.
  341. You cannot accept this reward because you are not [cdb]currently able to recover this many points.
  342. You cannot accept this reward because you are not [cdb]able to hold additional gold.
  343. No units are able to accept the survey reward. Mark spot as surveyed?
  344. [0:CHARA_G]'s combat art [cdb][0:ABILITY] is now Level [0:NUMBER].
  345. [0:CHARA_G]'s magic [cdb][0:ABILITY] is now Level [0:NUMBER].
  346. [r]The strategy [g][0:STRATEGY][/] [cdb]requires units that are not deployed.[/]
  347. [r]The units required for the strategy are not deployed.[/] Begin battle anyway?
  348. You have already received [0:NUMBER] presents today. You can [cdb]receive more tomorrow.
  349. You have already received presents from this amiibo [cdb]character today. You can receive more tomorrow.
  350. You obtained [g][0:NUMBER]G[/].
  351. You obtained [g][0:MATERIAL][/] x[0:NUMBER].
  352. You obtained [g][0:ITEM_D][/] x[0:NUMBER].
  353. You obtained [0:WEAPON].
  354. You've received the bonus for having Fire Emblem Warriors save data.
  355. You've received the bonus for having Fire Emblem: Three Houses save data.
  356. Fire Emblem Warriors save data not detected.
  357. Fire Emblem: Three Houses save data not detected.
  358. You obtained a bonus for having Fire Emblem Warriors save data.
  359. You obtained a bonus for having Fire Emblem: Three Houses save data.
  360. You cannot trade in this equipment.
  361. You obtained [0:NUMBER] renown.
  362. <<<EMPTY>>>
  363. You can now exchange for a wider variety of facility [cdb]materials at the [g]supply depot[/].
  364. [HERO_MF]'s [g]charm[/] increased as a result of [cdb]the expedition!
  365. [0:CHARA_G]'s [g]charm[/] increased as a result of [cdb]the expedition!
  366. [HERO_MF] and [0:CHARA_G]'s [g]charm[/] [cdb]increased as a result of the expedition!
  367. The effects of [0:CHARA_G]'s [cdb]suggestion are now active.
  368. Sell all of the selected equipment?
  369. Dismiss all of the selected battalions?
  370. This gift cannot be given while on an expedition.
  371. You cannot reforge this weapon because it is the only [cdb]one the unit can equip.
  372. [0:CHARA_G] and [1:CHARA_G] have attained support level [g][0:INTERFACE][/].
  373. Hear what Alois wants?
  374. The students of the Black Eagle House [cdb]are now playable.
  375. The students of the Blue Lion House [cdb]are now playable.
  376. The students of the Golden Deer House [cdb]are now playable.
  377. The survey failed because you have not fulfilled the [cdb]required conditions.
  378. Issue orders to an ally.
  379. Order [b][0:CHARA_G][/] to [g]overwhelm[/] the enemy [cdb]they have the greatest [cdb]advantage against.
  380. You have issued an order [cdb]to [b][0:CHARA_G][/]. Now do the same for [cdb]your other allies.
  381. [b][0:CHARA_G][/] doesn't have the [cdb]greatest advantage against [cdb]that enemy. [g]The more up [cdb]arrows shown, the greater [cdb]advantage the unit will have[/].
  382. You have issued orders to all your allies. Use [b][0:CHARA_G][/] to capture the remaining [cdb]strongholds. You can switch between the Orders and battle screens with [$BTL_SHIFT_SLG_PART].
  383. Order an All-Out Offensive [cdb]against [es]1_5_1______[0:CHARA_G].
  384. You have launched an All-Out Offensive on [es]1_5_1______[0:CHARA_G]. Resume the battle, and defeat [es]1_5_1______[1:CHARA_G] with your allies.
  385. These units cannot gain any more support points.
  386. Finish everything you need to do at camp before [cdb]heading into battle.
  387. 1. Select [r][0:CHARA_G][/] with the cursor 2. Choose Other with [$BTN_PAGE_SCROLL_DOWN] 3. Select [g]All-Out Offensive[/]
  388. Select an ally to issue orders to.
  389. Select a quest and continue the auxiliary battle?
  390. Temporarily parted ways with everyone but [cdb][0:CHARA_G].
  391. You have rejoined your allies.
  392. The game software has been updated. All [g]bookmark save data[/] will be deleted.
  393. You can change the [g]game's difficulty[/] any time outside [cdb]of battle. If enemies are proving too strong for you, [cdb]try lowering the difficulty by going to: Menu > System > Settings > Game Settings.
  394. You cannot make this trade because there is not [cdb]enough room in the item storehouse.
  395. You obtained [0:NUMBER] strategy resources.
  396. The two of you are having a fairly [cdb]engaging conversation!
  397. (This doesn't feel like the right response...)
  398. You cannot create a bookmark save at this time. Try again once you regain control of the active unit.
  399. Deliver all selected equipment?
  400. Cook and share a meal with [cdb][0:CHARA_G] and [1:CHARA_G]?
  401. You cook and share a meal with [0:CHARA_G].
  402. Because [0:SKILL] is obtained [cdb]through reforging, only one attribute can [cdb]be inherited. Select the attribute to inherit.
  403. Sell how many? Note: You cannot exceed the max gold limit.
  404. Sell? Note: You cannot exceed the max gold limit.
  405. Data for the protagonist will be carried over during [cdb]the second battle ([g]Chapter 1[/]). All other data will be [cdb]carried over during the third battle ([g]Chapter 2[/]).
  406. You accepted all available awards.
  407. The effects of [0:CHARA_G] and [cdb][1:CHARA_G]'s suggestion are now active.
  408. It will take some time before you can deepen this bond.
  409. You've missed the opportunity to deepen this bond...
  410. Complete the game.
  411. Complete the game with ??? as an ally.
  412. You cannot deepen your bonds with non-ally units.
  413. You don't have any more [0:ITEM_D].
  414. [0:CHARA_G] cannot use [cdb][0:ITEM_D] because their [cdb][0:INTERFACE] is already maxed out.
  415. You don't have enough gold.
  416. You cannot forge this any further. Restore the weapon?
  417. You cannot forge broken weapons.
  418. <<<EMPTY>>>
  419. Explore the area before you depart for battle.
  420. Complete the game with the Ashen Demon as an ally.
  421. There are no strongholds you can warp to.
  422. Sell all selected equipment? Note: You cannot exceed the max gold limit.
  423. Dismiss all selected battalions? Note: You cannot exceed the max gold limit.
  424. Dismiss? Note: You cannot exceed the max gold limit.
  425. You cannot use Shadow Slide anymore this battle.
  426. You have not saved your cleared-game data. Are you sure you want to return to the title screen?
  427. <<<EMPTY>>>
  428. Select units to carry over support levels. Data such as [cdb]gear and class levels will carry over automatically.
  429. Some settings have been changed. Save your changes?
  430. [r]Only male units are allowed in this battle.[/]
  431. [r]Only female units are allowed in this battle.[/]
  432. [r]Only infantry units are allowed in this battle.[/] Would you like to reclass the selected unit?
  433. <<<EMPTY>>>
  434. <<<EMPTY>>>
  435. [r]You still have training points available.[/] Deploy for battle anyway?
  436. [r]You still have activity points available.[/] Deploy for battle anyway?
  437. [r]You still have training points and activity [cdb]points available.[/] Deploy for battle anyway?
  438. The following units have increased their support level:
  439. You cannot skip this event.
  440. You cannot deliver equipment that [cdb]is currently equipped.
  441. Uses Separable SSS. Copyright (C) 2011 by Jorge Jimenez and Diego Gutierrez. This software uses fonts produced by Fontworks, Inc. Fontworks, and font names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Fontworks, Inc. DynaFont is a registered Trademark of DynaComware Taiwan Inc.
  442. Unable to view during this chapter.
  443. You cannot unlock this equipment.
  444. You cannot unlock this battalion.
  445. [r]You have one or more units selected that cannot [cdb]be deployed.[/] Please select a different unit.
  446. [r]You have one or more classes selected that cannot [cdb]be deployed.[/] Please change classes.
  447. <<<EMPTY>>>
  448. <<<EMPTY>>>
  449. You cannot do that at this time.
  450. Filter criteria have not been selected. Please select at least one criterion.
  451. The selected unit has already maxed out [cdb]their combat arts with [0:INTERFACE].
  452. There is no magic available [cdb]to be leveled further.
  453. Morale cannot be raised any higher.
  454. You cannot raise [0:INTERFACE] any higher.
  455. You can now acquire the following class at the [cdb]training grounds: [$ICON_DANCER_M][0:CHARA_G]
  456. You can now acquire the following class at the [cdb]training grounds: [$ICON_DANCER_F][0:CHARA_G]
  457. As a reward for seizing the area, you obtained:
  458. You can now acquire the following class at the [cdb]training grounds: [$ICON_ASURA_M][0:CHARA_G]
  459. You can now acquire the following class at the [cdb]training grounds: [$ICON_ASURA_F][0:CHARA_G]
  460. You can now acquire the following class at the [cdb]training grounds: [$ICON_BARBAROSSA][0:CHARA_G]
  461. You can now acquire the following class at the [cdb]training grounds: [$ICON_MASTER_LORD][0:CHARA_G]
  462. You can now acquire the following class at the [cdb]training grounds: [$ICON_KAIZERIN][0:CHARA_G]
  463. Collected all materials.
  464. Sold all materials.
  465. You can now invite allies with whom you have [cdb]attained support level C or higher on expeditions.
  466. The main quest region has changed because the Western Church has raised an army against the Kingdom.
  467. Some units have gained new equipment.
  468. Some units have gained new battalions.
  469. Some units have gained new equipment and [cdb]battalions.
  470. Activity points +[0:NUMBER].
  471. Training points +[0:NUMBER].
  472. Free Forge Uses: [0:NUMBER]
  473. Increases an ally's morale by [0:NUMBER].
  474. Replenishes the item shop's stock.
  475. Raises the level of an ally's combat art.
  476. Raises the level of an ally's magic.
  477. Increases support points between two allies.
  478. Increases an ally's [0:INTERFACE] by [0:NUMBER].
  479. Opponents cannot guard.
  480. Breaks opponent's guard.
  481. Inflicts damage even when opponent is guarding.
  482. Depletes the stun gauge.
  483. Spellbinds the opponent. Spellbound units will move slowly, have reduced defense and resistance, and will not be able to prevent damage even when guarding.
  484. Burns the opponent, causing continual damage for a time. Burning units may combust if hit with a follow-up attack.
  485. Freezes the opponent. Frozen units are unable to move or attack.
  486. Inflicts light magic damage on the opponent.
  487. Has a chance to instantly defeat [cdb]non-commander units.
  488. Shocks the opponent. Shocked units discharge electricity when sent flying, damaging units around them and rendering them shocked as well.
  489. Inflicts the windtorn status. Windtorn units take more damage when in the air.
  490. Effective against armored units.
  491. Effective against mounted units.
  492. Effective against fliers.
  493. Effective against monsters.
  494. Effective against all enemies.
  495. High critical hit rate.
  496. Recovers the user's or an ally's HP.
  497. Strengthens the user.
  498. Weakens the opponent.
  499. You cannot accept this reward because you are not [cdb]able to store additional items. Sell the excess?
  500. [0:CHARA_G] has joined you.
  501. [0:CHARA_G] has been unlocked.
  502. This class will become available later in the story.
  503. You do not have enough deployable units.
  504. Player 2 cannot participate in this battle.
  505. Use [g][eg1][0:ITEM_D][/] to capture this region? ([0:NUMBER] owned)
  506. You cannot use [g][eg1][0:ITEM_D][/] [cdb]in this quest.
  507. This region has already been captured.
  508. You do not have [g][eg1][0:ITEM_D][/]. You can exchange renown for one in your [cdb]personal quarters.
  509. You have issued orders to all [cdb]your allies. Capture the [cdb]remaining strongholds with [b][0:CHARA_G][/].
  510. Auto-save failed.
  511. [r]Overwrite[/] this save data?
  512. Unlockable unit(s) have been added to this save [cdb]data's renown exchange.
  513. New Crest items have been added to this save data's [cdb]renown exchange.
  514. [g][eg2][0:ITEM_D][/] has been added [cdb]to this save data's renown exchange. Use it to [cdb]instantly capture a region.
  515. Save failed.
  516. New equipment has been added to this save data's [cdb]renown exchange.
  517. [r]Unexplored surveying spots remain.[/] Deploy for [cdb]battle anyway?
  518. You may now advance to [g][0:WARMAP_AREA][/].
  519. You have not fulfilled the requirements to unlock [cdb]this unit.
  520. There are no conversations to display.
  521. You have unlocked [g]Maddening[/] difficulty.
  522. Display class-based attire in battle.
  523. You can now use the Restore function.
  524. A mysterious expanse lies before you. Go deeper?
  525. Demo save data found. You can import [cdb]this data to continue from where you left off. Would you like to import the demo save data?
  526. Demo save data has been imported.
  527. Demo save data will not be imported and [cdb]you will restart the game from the beginning. Is that how you'd like to proceed?
  528. You have reached the end of the demo. You can [cdb]import this save data into the full game to continue. Would you like to proceed to Nintendo eShop?
  529. Proceed to Nintendo eShop?
  530. This feature is not available in the demo.
  531. There's something on the ground...
  532. The messenger owl is resting on its perch, the memory [cdb]of a thousand battles lingering behind its eyes.
  533. You cannot carry any more [g][cp][0:ITEM_D][/]. Would you like to [cdb]sell what you cannot carry?
  534. Finish viewing units?
  535. The [g]Records Hall[/] has been unlocked in the Extras [cdb]menu on the title screen.
  536. You have unlocked the paralogue battle [g][0:QUEST][/].
  537. [HERO_MF] achieved victory and has [cdb]received a letter from [g][0:CHARA_G][/].
  538. New exam seals are available [cdb]for purchase at the [g]item shop[/].
  539. [0:CHARA_G] would like to suggest a battle plan.
  540. Digital Purchase Bonus content confirmed.
  541. The following feature is now available: ・Owl Perch This feature will be unlocked from Chapter 4 onward.
  542. Digital Purchase Bonus content could not be [cdb]confirmed. The following feature is not available: ・Owl Perch
  543. You cannot deepen your bonds during this chapter.
  544. It seems you cannot deepen your bond at this time.
  545. The [g]Owl Perch[/] add-on content has been added to the camp facilities.
  546. [r]Your actions in this battle will greatly impact the outcome of the story.[/]
  547. Airplane Mode must be deactivated in order to read [cdb]an amiibo.
  548. Unable to read amiibo. Please deactivate Airplane Mode and try again.
  549. [cdb]amiibo cannot be read using the left Joy-Con.
  550. <<<EMPTY>>>
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