Gustave: The Imperial army waits for no man.
Constance: Urgh.
Viscount Albany: War is seriously the worst.
Pittacus: I'll fight twice as hard!
Chilon: What is he scheming?
Adrienne: Judith is so great.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Look out for them, would you?
Viscount Fenja: The key people in the church are safe.
Miklan: What are they thinking?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Welcome to my shop!
Artisan: I'm glad she's on our side.
???: I expect great things from Lorenz.
???: It's too reckless.
???: They're in for it now.
???: I hope...
???: You've got to do something.
???: We will use what little power we have.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Keep up the good work!
link Claude
Hey, you got a minute?
link Claude
Hmm. The plan is to hamper the Imperial army's advance while tightening up our defenses...
link Claude
I know I came up with it, but I'm not sure we can manage it given our inferior numbers.
link Claude
I had some new facilities built in preparation for the coming battle.
link Claude
I bet you're just dying to check them out. Well, go on, don't be shy. They're sure to come in handy.
link Shez
I know you had to deal with the roundtable, but I wish we could've gotten a bigger head start.
link Shez
I know you had to deal with the roundtable, but I wish we could've gotten a bigger head start.
link Claude
I'm with you, believe me. It's hard to get anything done when you need other people's approval first.
link Claude
Well, the Imperial army waits for no man. I'd better hurry and start giving out orders.
link Shez
We've got the home turf advantage, at least. I think we can pull it off.
link Shez
We've got the home turf advantage, at least. I think we can pull it off.
link Claude
Hah, I appreciate the optimism. I needed that small glimmer of hope.
link Claude
Well, the Imperial army waits for no man. I'd better hurry and start giving out orders.
Gustave: In preparation for the coming battle...
Gustave: The Imperial army waits for no man.
link Shez
Looks like we're making solid progress. I should get ready too.
link Shez
Looks like we're making solid progress. I should get ready too.
: Hmm.
Shez: Don't worry so much.
: Raphael...
Shez: Ignatz...
link Claude
Well, the Imperial army waits for no man. I'd better hurry and start giving out orders.
link Lorenz
link Lorenz
link Shez
Hey, what's with all the sighing? That's not very like you.
link Shez
Hey, what's with all the sighing? That's not very like you.
link Lorenz
A man can sigh when there is occasion for it. I have as good as lost my home and my family.
link Shez
I know, but getting all down in the dumps won't help.
link Shez
I know, but getting all down in the dumps won't help.
link Shez
I'm sure things'll change once we boot the Imperial army outta Leicester.
link Shez
I'm sure things'll change once we boot the Imperial army outta Leicester.
link Lorenz
Yes, I suppose that is true. Very well. I shall fight with every ounce of strength coursing through my veins!
link Lorenz
Or at least, I wish I could put on a brave face like that. But I cannot shake this gloom that plagues me.
link Lorenz
Hold it right there. How dare you be so cold as to ignore me.
link Lorenz
I am utterly powerless without the support of the illustrious House Gloucester.
link Shez
I know, but getting all down in the dumps won't help.
link Shez
I know, but getting all down in the dumps won't help.
link Shez
I'm sure things'll change once we boot the Imperial army outta Leicester.
link Shez
I'm sure things'll change once we boot the Imperial army outta Leicester.
link Lorenz
Yes, I suppose that is true. Very well. I shall fight with every ounce of strength coursing through my veins!
link Lorenz
Or at least, I wish I could put on a brave face like that. But I cannot shake this gloom that plagues me.
link Lorenz
link Lorenz
link Hilda
You know how we had to fight some of our old classmates at the Great Bridge of Myrddin?
link Hilda
I wonder if we'll have to battle more people we know as this war drags on.
link Hilda
Ugh, war is seriously the worst. Why do we have to fight when we don't even hate each other?
link Lysithea
House Ordelia doesn't have a shred of good will towards Adrestia.
link Lysithea
I'm certain my father would fight alongside us if he could.
link Lysithea
But that would only make him a target for the Empire...
link Shez
Then you'll have to fight twice as hard in his place.
link Shez
Then you'll have to fight twice as hard in his place.
link Lysithea
Yes. That's exactly what I'll do.
link Lysithea
I will simply have to fight twice as hard in his stead. The Empire will pay for what they've done!
link Shez
Your father is putting the needs of his people before himself. That's pretty noble of him.
link Shez
Your father is putting the needs of his people before himself. That's pretty noble of him.
link Lysithea
Yes, well, I certainly think he is a great man.
link Lysithea
I will simply have to fight twice as hard in his stead. The Empire will pay for what they've done!
link Lysithea
I will simply have to fight twice as hard in his stead. The Empire will pay for what they've done!
link Ignatz
I'm not sure of my position now that House Gloucester's fallen to the Empire. Can I even continue fighting?
link Ignatz
I don't know if my soldiers will still follow me.
link Ignatz
I'm sure if Raphael were here he'd tell me not to worry about it.
link Raphael
I don't like to think too deeply about stuff.
link Raphael
Food tastes way better when you don't have worries weighing you down.
link Raphael
But Ignatz worried about everything, ever since he was a little kid.
link Raphael
Honestly, that's kinda what I liked about him.
link Marianne
If we can just hold out and defend Derdriu, I'm certain Claude has a plan he'll put into action.
link Marianne
But what scheme could he have up his sleeve?
link Shez
Good question. Maybe he'll call in reinforcements from the Kingdom?
link Shez
Good question. Maybe he'll call in reinforcements from the Kingdom?
link Marianne
That would be an impressive feat, but seems unlikely given the current state of affairs.
link Shez
Good question. Maybe Almyran reinforcements will appear and rout the Imperial army?
link Shez
Good question. Maybe Almyran reinforcements will appear and rout the Imperial army?
link Marianne
I honestly doubt that. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.
link Marianne
If we can just hold out and defend Derdriu, I'm certain Claude has a plan he'll put into action.
link Marianne
But what scheme could he have up his sleeve?
link Leonie
It feels like we're all more upbeat now that Judith's here.
link Leonie
It was surprising to hear her treat Claude and Lorenz like kids though. Hah, now that's what I call a true hero.
link Leonie
Plus she doesn't act all superior even though she's the head of a famous noble family. I've really taken a shine to her.
link Leonie
I'd love to be like her someday.
link Shamir
I've heard that all of the key people from the church—the Central Church, that is—are safe.
link Shamir
They're currently taking refuge in the Kingdom capital, but plan to move to Camulus and resume their work eventually.
link Shez
Wow, you sure know a lot. It's like you went to the Kingdom capital and saw it yourself.
link Shez
Wow, you sure know a lot. It's like you went to the Kingdom capital and saw it yourself.
link Shamir
Some people sell information to the highest bidder. You just have to ask.
link Shamir
You can learn nearly anything with enough gold. But you also have to pick out the truth from the lies.
link Shez
So the church is going to continue as usual, with all their preaching and stuff?
link Shez
So the church is going to continue as usual, with all their preaching and stuff?
link Shamir
It won't be as much as before, but they'll do what they can.
link Shamir
The Kingdom's got plenty of devout believers. They'll do just fine.
link Shamir
I've heard that all of the key people from the church—the Central Church, that is—are safe.
link Shamir
They're currently taking refuge in the Kingdom capital, but plan to move to Camulus and resume their work eventually.
link Linhardt
I thought I would be taken prisoner, but instead I'm being treated as a general. What are they thinking?
link Linhardt
And now I'm on the front lines. The Alliance must be really desperate for help.
link Shez
I won't deny that. We can use all the help we can get.
link Shez
I won't deny that. We can use all the help we can get.
link Linhardt
I sincerely doubt I will be of much use. Don't expect me to persuade any of my former friends to switch sides.
link Shez
We're not that hard up for help. They probably just have a high opinion of you.
link Shez
We're not that hard up for help. They probably just have a high opinion of you.
link Linhardt
In that case, I wish they would stop holding me in such irritatingly high esteem.
link Linhardt
I thought I would be taken prisoner, but instead I'm being treated as a general. What are they thinking?
link Linhardt
And now I'm on the front lines. The Alliance must be really desperate for help.
link Judith
You're so young for a mercenary. You certainly look like you've seen your share of battles though.
link Judith
I've heard about some of your exploits too. We're lucky to have you on our side.
link Judith
I was worried because so many of our generals are just kids, Claude included.
link Judith
But I'm relieved we've got someone as talented as you. Look out for them, would you?
link Anna
Welcome to my shop! Er, or what's going to be my shop if I ever open the darn thing.
link Anna
Anyway, hiya! I'm Anna, and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
link Anna
If I find anything good out there I'll add it to my stock, so keep checking back.
link Gatekeeper
Keep up the good work, Commander! Nothing to report today!
link Gatekeeper
Do you remember me? I used to guard the gate back at Garreg Mach.
link Shez
Sure, I remember you. But, uh...why are you here?
link Shez
Sure, I remember you. But, uh...why are you here?
link Gatekeeper
It's kind of a long story, but basically, I wasn't at Garreg Mach when the Imperial army attacked.
link Gatekeeper
I was accompanying a friend back to their home. We heard the news on our way to Derdriu.
link Gatekeeper
I tried to hurry back, but then I got word that Garreg Mach had already fallen. It was awful!
link Gatekeeper
I didn't know what to do with myself, since everyone from the church had fled to the Kingdom.
link Gatekeeper
But then my friend asked me to come guard this gate, and here I am! I'm gonna do my best to keep you all safe!
link Arval
Do you remember? Your old mercenary company used to frequent this part of the continent.
link Shez
Of course. We always stayed at an inn that's just over there. Er, wait, maybe it's over here?
link Shez
Of course. We always stayed at an inn that's just over there. Er, wait, maybe it's over here?
link Arval
Clueless as ever, I see. Recognizing your shortcomings is the first step towards growth, you know.
link Shez
Nope. Maybe that's why I get lost so often.
link Shez
Nope. Maybe that's why I get lost so often.
link Arval
At least you recognize how terrible your sense of direction is. How very surprising. I wish you'd strive to amend that shortcoming, though.
link Arval
Do you remember? Your old mercenary company used to frequent this part of the continent.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
There is nothing more heartening than having Judith on our side.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
She's such an experienced fighter. Not only has she eliminated countless bandits, she's also battled the Almyran army.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I don't know if it's true, but rumor has it she lectured an invading Almyran general so harshly that he broke down weeping and apologizing.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Even Lord Holst calls her a true hero.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Have you acquainted yourself with Leicester's geography?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Gloucester territory, which fell to the Empire, stretches into the central part of Leicester.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If we don't regain control of it soon, we won't be able to organize any coordinated attacks with the other Alliance nobles.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I expect great things of Lorenz. He is the heir to House Gloucester, after all.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Isn't it reckless to take the Imperial army head-on?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
People say that Fódlan's three major powers vie for control, but there are still stark differences between their military forces.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We may have a slight advantage over the Kingdom when it comes to wealth, but we're dead last in terms of our military.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Empire's digging their own grave if they're trying to wipe out the Central Church.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Surely the goddess will rain down divine punishment on them.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Actually, Judith might crush them before the goddess even gets a chance.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
She's an extremely devout believer of Seiros, you know.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Us mercenaries don't give a fig whether the Alliance or Empire wins.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But I do hope the war changes this rotten world for the better, even just a little.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
So long as things don't get worse. I couldn't handle that.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Gloucester is not only a central hub to nearly every Leicester territory, but it is also a crucial connector to the Empire and Garreg Mach.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If we merchants can't cross through there, we're done for.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Please, you've got to do something about this.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I am a priest from Riegan territory. I came here at the behest of the Alliance leader.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Naturally, the church will use what little power it has to ensure the safety of its believers.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We have a duty to ease them of their worries, after all.
link Ignatz
I don't know where I stand now that House Gloucester's fallen to the Empire. Can I even continue fighting?
link Raphael
What's that got to do with anything? If you wanna fight, just get out there and do it.
link Ignatz
But I'm just a nobody now. I'm not sure my soldiers will still follow me.
link Shez
Raphael's right. No need to overcomplicate things.
link Shez
Raphael's right. No need to overcomplicate things.
link Shez
Your soldiers clearly trust you, so I don't see any issue with you continuing on.
link Shez
Your soldiers clearly trust you, so I don't see any issue with you continuing on.
link Ignatz
If that's what you both think, then I'll try not to fret about it too much!
link Ignatz
Worrying won't help me accomplish anything. I'm going to do everything I can to keep going!
link Raphael
That's the spirit! Plus, food tastes way better when you don't have worries weighing you down!
link Shez
Yeah. House Gloucester's soldiers do seem to be at a loss right now.
link Shez
Yeah. House Gloucester's soldiers do seem to be at a loss right now.
link Shez
But seeing you worry will only make them more anxious, right?
link Shez
But seeing you worry will only make them more anxious, right?
link Ignatz
You have a point. I must at least maintain my composure!
link Ignatz
Worrying won't help me accomplish anything. I'm going to do everything I can to keep going!
link Raphael
That's the spirit! Plus, food tastes way better when you don't have worries weighing you down!
link Ignatz
Worrying won't help me accomplish anything. I'm going to do everything I can to keep going!
link Raphael
That's the spirit! Plus, food tastes way better when you don't have worries weighing you down!
link Ignatz
Worrying won't help me accomplish anything. I'm going to do everything I can to keep going!
link Raphael
That's the spirit! Plus, food tastes way better when you don't have worries weighing you down!
link ???
We're currently reconsidering our battle formations. Sorry, but you'll have to wait a while longer.
link ???
You can reflect on your previous battles here.
link ???
The past has much to teach us. Come here whenever you wish to ponder your previous actions.
link ???
Hand over your weapons and I'll forge 'em good.
link ???
Remember, the only thing standing between you and death is the weapon in your hand.
link ???
We collect any unneeded armaments and resources here.
link ???
Supplies are the lifeblood of any army. Nothing can go to waste!
link ???
Ah, welcome. I can recommend battalions to you.
link ???
I'm certain having experienced troops on your side will be of great help.