Gustave: We must defend Fódlan's Locket at all costs.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It won't be long now.
Constance: I will not let Lord Holst outshine me.
Viscount Albany: Seems like a lot of work.
Pittacus: What?
: Why would the Imperial army do that?
Shez: They're as strong as tree trunks!
Chilon: People often criticize House Edmund.
Adrienne: Fighting Almyra is our top priority.
Viscount Fenja: There hasn't been another attempt.
Miklan: Perhaps we could...
Charon General: What to do...
Tomas: Almyra's way out east, right?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I will be giving everything.
???: You've sure got your hands full.
???: That was so long ago.
Artisan: The viscount sent us to help.
???: The western front is getting worse.
???: What a romantic story.
???: How can everyone act normal?
???: Our employer?
???: Watch out for Nader.
???: Oh, Goddess...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: No one gets past me!
Tomas: Almyra's out east...right?
link Lorenz
If Lord Holst had not been with us in our most recent battle, it is unlikely we would have even managed a draw with the Empire.
link Lorenz
The same is true for our current situation. Who knows what would have happened if he had not moved as swiftly as he did.
link Lorenz
Does he not make you feel rather pathetic in comparison?
link Shez
Holst has definitely made a big difference, but everyone's doing their best. Including you.
link Shez
Holst has definitely made a big difference, but everyone's doing their best. Including you.
link Lorenz
Hm... I suppose.
link Lorenz
Very well. We shall not let Lord Holst outshine us in the next battle!
link Shez
Holst is mighty impressive, no doubt about it. We need to do better so we can keep up.
link Shez
Holst is mighty impressive, no doubt about it. We need to do better so we can keep up.
link Lorenz
Yes, I suppose we must.
link Lorenz
Very well. We shall not let Lord Holst outshine us in the next battle!
link Lorenz
Very well. We shall not let Lord Holst outshine us in the next battle!
link Hilda
Fódlan's Throat has a number of watchtowers built across its peaks.
link Hilda
The soldiers stationed there keep watch for any sign of movement from Almyra.
link Hilda
Even some houses from Goneril territory have been tasked with that important work for generations, too.
link Lysithea
Oh, [HERO_MF].
link Lysithea
What do you want? If you don't have any particular business with me, then I ask to be left in peace.
link Shez
I just wanted to see what you were up to over here.
link Shez
I just wanted to see what you were up to over here.
link Lysithea
I am merely resting. I tire easily, so I must be careful not to overextend myself.
link Shez
Are you hiding something, Lysithea? You can be straight with me. I promise I won't say anything to anyone.
link Shez
Are you hiding something, Lysithea? You can be straight with me. I promise I won't say anything to anyone.
link Lysithea
I was just eating a little candy. I wasn't trying to hide it or anything, but I would appreciate it if you didn't go around telling everyone.
link Lysithea
What do you want? If you don't have any particular business with me, then I ask to be left in peace.
link Ignatz
Something's been bothering me. Why didn't the Imperial army pursue us?
link Ignatz
They could have dealt us a serious blow if they had attacked during our retreat.
link Shez
That's a good question. Maybe the Empire knew about Almyra's invasion too?
link Shez
That's a good question. Maybe the Empire knew about Almyra's invasion too?
link Shez
All of Fódlan would be in danger if the Almyran forces managed to get past the Throat.
link Shez
All of Fódlan would be in danger if the Almyran forces managed to get past the Throat.
link Ignatz
That could be it. But if that's the case, how would they have known about the invasion so quickly?
link Ignatz
They could attack us again at any time. Oh gosh, I sure hope Judith will be all right.
link Shez
Who knows? All that matters is we got away unscathed. The why's not important.
link Shez
Who knows? All that matters is we got away unscathed. The why's not important.
link Ignatz
But if we don't know their reasoning, then we can't be certain they won't suddenly ambush us.
link Ignatz
They could attack us again at any time. Oh gosh, I sure hope Judith will be all right.
link Ignatz
Something's been bothering me. Why didn't the Imperial army pursue us?
link Ignatz
They could have dealt us a serious blow if they had attacked during our retreat.
link Raphael
My legs are as strong as tree trunks after hoofin' it all that way from Gronder!
link Raphael
Now I gotta work on my upper body more to make sure everything's balanced.
link Raphael
After all, this is gonna be my first battle with the Almyrans. Gotta make sure I'm in tip-top shape!
link Marianne
I met with someone from my household earlier. My adoptive father sent them here with some provisions for us.
link Marianne
You know, people often criticize House Edmund for only sending supplies and never any troops.
link Shez
Don't let them get to you. You're here fighting on the front lines after all.
link Shez
Don't let them get to you. You're here fighting on the front lines after all.
link Marianne
Just being here isn't enough, though. I have to actually be useful too.
link Shez
Supplies are essential. We all need food and weapons. I, for one, am very grateful to your family.
link Shez
Supplies are essential. We all need food and weapons. I, for one, am very grateful to your family.
link Marianne
Thank you for saying so. That makes me feel a little better.
link Marianne
I met with someone from my household earlier. My adoptive father sent them here with some provisions for us.
link Marianne
You know, people often criticize House Edmund for only sending supplies and never any troops.
link Leonie
I finally got to stand with the captain on the same battlefield, but now we're just as far apart as we've ever been.
link Leonie
I wonder when I'll see him next. And will we be on opposing sides then too?
link Shez
I dunno. We have no idea if we're even gonna fight the Empire again, let alone when.
link Shez
I dunno. We have no idea if we're even gonna fight the Empire again, let alone when.
link Leonie
Yeah. And weren't you trying to go after the Ashen Demon? It's too bad you didn't get to settle that.
link Leonie
Anyway, the battle against Almyra is our top priority. Let's both give it all we got.
link Shez
Hey, this isn't the time for that stuff. Nearly all of Almyra's breathing down our necks as we speak.
link Shez
Hey, this isn't the time for that stuff. Nearly all of Almyra's breathing down our necks as we speak.
link Leonie
Oh, uh... Yeah, you're right. Sorry, I'll try and focus.
link Leonie
Anyway, the battle against Almyra is our top priority. Let's both give it all we got.
link Leonie
Anyway, the battle against Almyra is our top priority. Let's both give it all we got.
link Shamir
The Imperial army hasn't made any further attempts to invade Leicester via Bergliez territory.
link Shamir
We can't be certain of their plans, but we do know their main objective is to destroy the Central Church.
link Shamir
Which means their forces are better spent on the western front, rather than being wasted on us.
link Shamir
Especially since I've heard that their conflict with the Kingdom over Arianrhod has been ramping up.
link Shez
That's a real solid analysis, Shamir. All our information supports it.
link Shez
That's a real solid analysis, Shamir. All our information supports it.
link Shamir
Flattery will get you nowhere. Besides, it would be more useful if I had any information on the Almyran forces.
link Shez
I'm not sure that's necessarily true. They could easily take the Alliance if they attacked us now.
link Shez
I'm not sure that's necessarily true. They could easily take the Alliance if they attacked us now.
link Shamir
Hmph. If that's the case, then we're just relying on the goodness of Count Bergliez's heart. And who knows where that'll get us.
link Shamir
The Imperial army hasn't made any further attempts to invade Leicester via Bergliez territory.
link Shamir
We can't be certain of their plans, but we do know their main objective is to destroy the Central Church.
link Shamir
Which means their forces are better spent on the western front, rather than being wasted on us.
link Shamir
Especially since I've heard that their conflict with the Kingdom over Arianrhod has been ramping up.
link Linhardt
Both the Empire and the Alliance have suffered from battling each other. I wonder if we can't strike some sort of compromise soon.
link Linhardt
Though I imagine people will invoke their fallen comrades as an excuse to continue fighting anyway.
link Linhardt
What do you think, as a mercenary? Wouldn't you agree this isn't the time to take such a narrow view?
link Shez
Yeah. We just keep attacking each other whenever we see an opening. Maybe it's time to stop with that.
link Shez
Yeah. We just keep attacking each other whenever we see an opening. Maybe it's time to stop with that.
link Linhardt
I'm relieved to hear you say so. Would you mind trying to persuade your employer of that as well?
link Shez
You really think so? The situation hasn't changed much at all. Plus, the Empire's still at war with the Kingdom.
link Shez
You really think so? The situation hasn't changed much at all. Plus, the Empire's still at war with the Kingdom.
link Linhardt
Hm, what a vexatious reply. Though I suppose you're not wrong.
link Linhardt
Both the Empire and the Alliance have suffered from battling each other. I wonder if we can't strike some sort of compromise soon.
link Linhardt
Though I imagine people will invoke their fallen comrades as an excuse to continue fighting anyway.
link Balthus
So the Almyran army's on the move again. Hm, I wonder...
link Balthus
I doubt he's in trouble, but... I guess I should probably look into it.
link Shez
Wait, who's in trouble now?
link Shez
Wait, who's in trouble now?
link Balthus
Oh, don't worry about it. Something's just bugging me, is all.
link Balthus
Oh well. At least Holst and I are here. We'll turn 'em back at the Locket.
link Shez
I don't know what you're talking about, but do what you think is best, I guess.
link Shez
I don't know what you're talking about, but do what you think is best, I guess.
link Balthus
If only it were that easy.
link Balthus
Oh well. At least Holst and I are here. We'll turn 'em back at the Locket.
link Balthus
Oh well. At least Holst and I are here. We'll turn 'em back at the Locket.
link Bernadetta
Almyra is, um...that region way to the east, right?
link Bernadetta
Almyra is, um...that region way to the east, right?
link Shez
Why do you sound so unsure? Don't tell me you haven't heard about Almyra. It's only the largest region out that way.
link Shez
Why do you sound so unsure? Don't tell me you haven't heard about Almyra. It's only the largest region out that way.
link Bernadetta
I know about Almyra! I may be in a shut-in, but I'm not ignorant!
link Bernadetta
I know what Almyra is! I may be in a shut-in, but I'm not ignorant!
link Shez
Oh, so you know about it, huh? Go on then, tell me something about Almyra.
link Shez
Oh, so you know about it, huh? Go on then, tell me something about Almyra.
link Bernadetta
Hmm. Well, I know they have this legendary tree that's said to have stood for thousands of years. That counts, right?
link Bernadetta
Almyra is, um...that region way to the east, right?
link Bernadetta
Almyra is, um...that region way to the east, right?
link Petra
As long as I am having a way to survive, I choose that. Always.
link Petra
But I am feeling relief not to be fighting the Empire again soon. I can be giving my full strength now.
link Petra
Right now, I will be giving everything to defending against the Almyran attack.
link Shez
I'm glad. Fighting old friends is never easy, even if you've truly switched sides.
link Shez
I'm glad. Fighting old friends is never easy, even if you've truly switched sides.
link Petra
Yes, Lady Edelgard gave her blessing before my surrendering.
link Petra
But it is not easy to harmonize emotions. Even for rulers.
link Petra
Right now, I will be giving everything to defending against the Almyran attack.
link Shez
I wouldn't be so sure. It's not like we've called any sort of truce with the Empire. Anything could happen.
link Shez
I wouldn't be so sure. It's not like we've called any sort of truce with the Empire. Anything could happen.
link Petra
There is no need for worrying. Once this fight is over, I can have commitment to fighting them.
link Petra
Right now, I will be giving everything to defending against the Almyran attack.
link Petra
Right now, I will be giving everything to defending against the Almyran attack.
link ???
First the Empire, now Almyra? You sure do have your hands full.
link ???
But don't you worry. I can go anywhere. Us merchants make our living traveling great distances after all.
link ???
So hey, I'll be there to back you up wherever the road may take you!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Though if you think of Fódlan's Locket as the gate into Leicester, then there's quite a bit to report!
link Gatekeeper
I'm prepared to go to the front lines if I have to. I swear on my duty as a gatekeeper, no one will get past me!
link Arval
Once again, the enemy pops up where we least expect them.
link Arval
Even if we manage to fend them off, aren't we just continuing the "eye for an eye" cycle?
link Arval
However, I still trust that you will lead us to the right answer.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Long ago, when I served House Goneril, there was a young Almyran boy there.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He had been abandoned when the Almyran army attacked Fódlan's Locket.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I heard he went to the monastery after that. I wonder what he's doing now.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Viscount Nilsson is tasked with a special duty within Leicester.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Which is why he's traditionally been overlooked when it comes to supplying military aid to the Alliance.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But this time the viscount reached out to the Alliance leader of his own accord and sent us to help.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
After all, House Nilsson can't fulfill its duty if Almyra invades Fódlan.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I talked to some merchants on the way here, and they say the battle on the western front is getting worse.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Count Rowe had been in charge of Arianrhod, but now he's turned traitor and joined the Empire.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And the two armies have been taking turns wresting control of the fortress from one another. In other words, neither of them are gaining ground.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I heard a story once about the daughter of a certain noble falling in love with an Almyran prince who had snuck into Fódlan.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
She abandoned her home and returned to Almyra with him to become his queen. Or so the story goes.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It's terribly romantic, don't you think? Though I doubt it's true.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
This is the largest Almyran attack in the history of the Alliance, right?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
So why is everyone just going about their business like normal? I can't even think about it without feeling faint!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We were initially supposed to defend the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But then our employer told us to go fight Almyra instead.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
You wanna know who our employer is? It's Erwin, head of House Gloucester.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Have you heard of Nader the Unstoppable?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They say he's ferocious, merciless, and vindictive, but I've also heard rumors that he's awfully kind to women, children, and old folks.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I don't know what to believe, but one thing's for sure. He's a formidable opponent. Make sure you watch out for him too.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The bishop ordered me to come and observe, but the situation is far graver than I anticipated.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Alliance leader said there was nothing to worry about, but I wonder if we can truly win this.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Oh, Goddess... Please watch over the citizens of Leicester!
link Holst
Hey there, [HERO_MF]. You must be exhausted after the long trek from Gronder.
link Claude
Well, you had to hustle back much faster than us, Holst, so you won't see any complaining from me.
link Holst
Hey there, [HERO_MF]. You must be exhausted after the long trek from Gronder.
link Claude
Well, you had to hustle back much faster than us, Holst, so you won't see any complaining from me.
link Holst
Hey there, [HERO_MF]. You must be exhausted after the long trek from Gronder.
link Claude
Well, you had to hustle back much faster than us, Holst, so you won't see any complaining from me.
link Shez
That's right. And it's not like we'd have time to rest anyway.
link Shez
That's right. And it's not like we'd have time to rest anyway.
link Holst
It might take the enemy a while to get such a large army moving, but it won't be long before they go on the offensive.
link Claude
It will be a catastrophe if Fódlan's Locket falls to them. We must defend it at all costs.
link Shez
That's true, but it doesn't mean we aren't tired. Honestly, I could use a break.
link Shez
That's true, but it doesn't mean we aren't tired. Honestly, I could use a break.
link Claude
We'll be able to rest plenty once we get through this. Just hang in there for now.
link Holst
It might take the enemy a while to get such a large army moving, but it won't be long before they go on the offensive.
link Claude
It will be a catastrophe if Fódlan's Locket falls to them. We must defend it at all costs.
link Holst
It might take the enemy a while to get such a large army moving, but it won't be long before they go on the offensive.
link Claude
It will be a catastrophe if Fódlan's Locket falls to them. We must defend it at all costs.
link Holst
It might take the enemy a while to get such a large army moving, but it won't be long before they go on the offensive.
link Claude
It will be a catastrophe if Fódlan's Locket falls to them. We must defend it at all costs.