Gustave: I'm sure they'll attack.
Constance: Those ships are astonishing.
Viscount Albany: We don't have to worry, right?
Pittacus: I'm still dizzy.
: I wish this was just a trip.
Shez: My grandpa's amazing.
Chilon: I didn't speak with him much.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm impressed.
Viscount Fenja: They'll make a move.
Miklan: What a novel experience.
Charon General: I like him.
Tomas: Is this the Kingdom?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I am surprised.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It's such a relief.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Why here of all places?
Dorothea: ...
Sylvain: ...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm not real comfortable with this.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Hello, Commander!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It's strange.
???: Imagine the possibilities!
???: Is this the place?
Merchant: He's an accomplished swordsman.
???: There was this band of thieves...
???: Galatea territory...
???: ACHOO!
???: Heya.
???: Don't underestimate them.
???: Hold your horses!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: This encampment is like our home.
Adrienne: Let me introduce you!
Viscount Hymir: Hey now.
Adrienne: I'm ready to move on.
Adrienne: Our paths had just crossed again...
Viscount Hymir: Leonie...
Viscount Hymir: I wanted to ask...
Dominic General: All the usual suspects, I see.
Dominic General: They've hired me now.
link Claude
I bet the Kingdom never even dreamed we'd come by sea.
link Claude
And even when they do catch on, they won't have many forces to spare to drive us off.
link Claude
They've already got their hands full with the Empire to the west and Sreng to the north.
link Claude
House Gautier has defended the Kingdom from their invasions over the years, just like House Goneril has protected us from Almyra.
link Claude
They haven't tried anything recently, but I'm sure they'll attack once they hear the Kingdom is in disarray.
link Claude
Or at least, I'm hoping they do. Either way, we'll have to put everything we have into this fight.
link Shez
I don't really know what's going on with Sreng...
link Shez
I don't really know what's going on with Sreng...
link Claude
Sreng is a region of warlike people who live on a peninsula north of Faerghus.
link Claude
House Gautier has defended the Kingdom from their invasions over the years, just like House Goneril has protected us from Almyra.
link Claude
They haven't tried anything recently, but I'm sure they'll attack once they hear the Kingdom is in disarray.
link Claude
Or at least, I'm hoping they do. Either way, we'll have to put everything we have into this fight.
link Shez
But the Empire's working with us, right?
link Shez
But the Empire's working with us, right?
link Claude
Yeah, they're gathering their forces on the western front and attacking the Kingdom from there.
link Claude
Sreng's striking at the same time too. Well, that's the hope anyway.
link Shez
Tell me a bit about Sreng, would you? I dunno anything about it.
link Shez
Tell me a bit about Sreng, would you? I dunno anything about it.
link Claude
Sreng is a region of warlike people who live on a peninsula north of Faerghus.
link Claude
House Gautier has defended the Kingdom from their invasions over the years, just like House Goneril has protected us from Almyra.
link Claude
They haven't tried anything recently, but I'm sure they'll attack once they hear the Kingdom is in disarray.
link Claude
Or at least, I'm hoping they do. Either way, we'll have to put everything we have into this fight.
link Claude
I bet the Kingdom never even dreamed we'd come by sea.
link Claude
And even when they do catch on, they won't have many forces to spare to drive us off.
link Claude
They've already got their hands full with the Empire to the west and Sreng to the north.
link Claude
House Gautier has defended the Kingdom from their invasions over the years, just like House Goneril has protected us from Almyra.
link Claude
They haven't tried anything recently, but I'm sure they'll attack once they hear the Kingdom is in disarray.
link Claude
Or at least, I'm hoping they do. Either way, we'll have to put everything we have into this fight.
link Shez
I don't really know what's going on with Sreng...
link Shez
I don't really know what's going on with Sreng...
link Claude
Sreng is a region of warlike people who live on a peninsula north of Faerghus.
link Claude
House Gautier has defended the Kingdom from their invasions over the years, just like House Goneril has protected us from Almyra.
link Claude
They haven't tried anything recently, but I'm sure they'll attack once they hear the Kingdom is in disarray.
link Claude
Or at least, I'm hoping they do. Either way, we'll have to put everything we have into this fight.
link Claude
I get a little jumpy being so far from Leicester. We've got to watch our backs.
link Claude
I'm sure we'll be fine, but...I can't help but feel a little uneasy without Judith around.
link Shez
But the Empire's working with us, right?
link Shez
But the Empire's working with us, right?
link Claude
Yeah, they're gathering their forces on the western front and attacking the Kingdom from there.
link Claude
Sreng's striking at the same time too. Well, that's the hope anyway.
link Shez
Tell me a bit about Sreng, would you? I dunno anything about it.
link Shez
Tell me a bit about Sreng, would you? I dunno anything about it.
link Claude
Sreng is a region of warlike people who live on a peninsula north of Faerghus.
link Claude
House Gautier has defended the Kingdom from their invasions over the years, just like House Goneril has protected us from Almyra.
link Claude
They haven't tried anything recently, but I'm sure they'll attack once they hear the Kingdom is in disarray.
link Claude
Or at least, I'm hoping they do. Either way, we'll have to put everything we have into this fight.
link Claude
I get a little jumpy being so far from Leicester. We've got to watch our backs.
link Claude
I'm sure we'll be fine, but...I can't help but feel a little uneasy without Judith around.
link Lorenz
It was quite shocking to learn that Almyra possesses such formidable ships.
link Lorenz
I thought our technology was much more advanced than theirs, but that does not appear to be the case at all.
link Lorenz
Perhaps we ought to pay more attention to what is happening outside of Fódlan.
link Lorenz
I am certain there is much we could learn from them.
link Shez
Yeah, some people talk about Almyrans like they're bloodthirsty monsters, but that's clearly wrong.
link Shez
Yeah, some people talk about Almyrans like they're bloodthirsty monsters, but that's clearly wrong.
link Lorenz
Indeed. I must admit that was misguided prejudice on our part.
link Lorenz
Perhaps we ought to pay more attention to what is happening outside of Fódlan.
link Lorenz
I am certain there is much we could learn from them.
link Shez
Yeah, but you can't make any claims about technology based on their ships alone.
link Shez
Yeah, but you can't make any claims about technology based on their ships alone.
link Lorenz
That is true, but those vessels prove that they surpass us in at least one aspect.
link Lorenz
Perhaps we ought to pay more attention to what is happening outside of Fódlan.
link Lorenz
I am certain there is much we could learn from them.
link Hilda
I guess it's too late to turn back now.
link Hilda
At least we won't have to worry about any invasions from Almyra while we're gone.
link Hilda
Actually, couldn't we ask Nader to broker an official ceasefire?
link Hilda
I mean, it sounds like he can get the king to sign anything when he's half-asleep.
link Shez
Yeah. Well, we haven't officially negotiated a ceasefire with them, but it should be fine as long as Nader is with us.
link Shez
Yeah. Well, we haven't officially negotiated a ceasefire with them, but it should be fine as long as Nader is with us.
link Hilda
Actually, couldn't we ask Nader to broker an official ceasefire?
link Hilda
I mean, it sounds like he can get the king to sign anything when he's half-asleep.
link Shez
But we haven't officially negotiated a ceasefire. We can't let our guard down just yet.
link Shez
But we haven't officially negotiated a ceasefire. We can't let our guard down just yet.
link Hilda
That's true, but I doubt they'd attack while Nader is with us.
link Hilda
Actually, couldn't we ask Nader to broker an official ceasefire?
link Hilda
I mean, it sounds like he can get the king to sign anything when he's half-asleep.
link Hilda
So we're in Kingdom territory now... I only wish Judith could be here with us.
link Hilda
I guess it's too late to turn back now.
link Hilda
At least we won't have to worry about any invasions from Almyra while we're gone.
link Hilda
Actually, couldn't we ask Nader to broker an official ceasefire?
link Hilda
I mean, it sounds like he can get the king to sign anything when he's half-asleep.
link Shez
Yeah. Well, we haven't officially negotiated a ceasefire with them, but it should be fine as long as Nader is with us.
link Shez
Yeah. Well, we haven't officially negotiated a ceasefire with them, but it should be fine as long as Nader is with us.
link Hilda
Actually, couldn't we ask Nader to broker an official ceasefire?
link Hilda
I mean, it sounds like he can get the king to sign anything when he's half-asleep.
link Shez
But we haven't officially negotiated a ceasefire. We can't let our guard down just yet.
link Shez
But we haven't officially negotiated a ceasefire. We can't let our guard down just yet.
link Hilda
That's true, but I doubt they'd attack while Nader is with us.
link Hilda
Actually, couldn't we ask Nader to broker an official ceasefire?
link Hilda
I mean, it sounds like he can get the king to sign anything when he's half-asleep.
link Lysithea
We landed a while ago, but I still feel dizzy.
link Lysithea
People say large ships don't rock as much, so you won't get seasick. But that's obviously untrue.
link Shez
Yeah, it was swaying a lot. I probably would've gotten seasick too if I'd been on it any longer.
link Shez
Yeah, it was swaying a lot. I probably would've gotten seasick too if I'd been on it any longer.
link Lysithea
I'm glad I'm not the only one. But now I'm dreading the voyage back home.
link Shez
I guess it did sway a little, but not enough to get seasick, in my opinion.
link Shez
I guess it did sway a little, but not enough to get seasick, in my opinion.
link Lysithea
Just what are you suggesting? That a real adult wouldn't get seasick? As if I'm some sort of child?
link Ignatz
It's so exciting we got to travel by ship to one of the Kingdom's ports. I only wish this were an educational excursion.
link Ignatz
Oh, my apologies! That just sort of slipped out.
link Ignatz
We are already in enemy territory. We must be vigilant as we proceed!
link Ignatz
It's so exciting we got to travel by ship to one of the Kingdom's ports. I only wish this were an educational excursion.
link Ignatz
I bet if Judith were here, she'd give me the scolding of a lifetime.
link Ignatz
She'd say I was acting too carefree. We're in enemy territory, after all. Urgh. I guess I should really pull myself together.
link Raphael
My grandpa used to be a merchant, and he had all sorts of adventures while traveling around.
link Raphael
Once, he tried going all the way into the northern reaches of the Kingdom.
link Raphael
Wait, is it my grandpa's fault that Faerghus and Sreng don't get along?
link Shez
Why would he do that?
link Shez
Why would he do that?
link Raphael
That's what I asked, but he just got mad and started yelling about how you don't need a reason to go on an adventure.
link Raphael
Anyway, he eventually went so far north that it got too cold for him.
link Raphael
Just when he decided to turn back, he met up with some folks from Sreng.
link Raphael
Except they couldn't understand each other, so they got into a fight. My grandpa managed to steal one of their furs and made a break for it.
link Raphael
Wait, is it my grandpa's fault that Faerghus and Sreng don't get along?
link Shez
Did he get anything out of it?
link Shez
Did he get anything out of it?
link Raphael
I asked that too, but he just got mad and started yelling that adventures aren't about getting stuff.
link Raphael
Anyway, he eventually went so far north that it got too cold for him.
link Raphael
Just when he decided to turn back, he met up with some folks from Sreng.
link Raphael
Except they couldn't understand each other, so they got into a fight. My grandpa managed to steal one of their furs and made a break for it.
link Raphael
Wait, is it my grandpa's fault that Faerghus and Sreng don't get along?
link Marianne
I stopped by my home before we left, but I hardly said a word to my adoptive father.
link Marianne
He was too busy preparing the ships and securing supplies for us.
link Shez
You haven't seen him in a while, right? Sorry you didn't get the chance.
link Shez
You haven't seen him in a while, right? Sorry you didn't get the chance.
link Marianne
Oh no, it's fine. I didn't really want to talk with him anyway.
link Marianne
But for some reason I did feel a little sad leaving without barely speaking to him.
link Marianne
It's very odd. Perhaps the distance has made me think more fondly upon him.
link Shez
You don't really get along with him, right? Then it's probably for the best.
link Shez
You don't really get along with him, right? Then it's probably for the best.
link Marianne
Yes, I thought I would feel that way too.
link Marianne
But for some reason I did feel a little sad leaving without barely speaking to him.
link Marianne
It's very odd. Perhaps the distance has made me think more fondly upon him.
link Leonie
Sorry, [HERO_MF]. I've been avoiding you lately.
link Leonie
It's just that whenever I saw you, I couldn't help but think about the captain.
link Leonie
But I'm OK now and ready to move on. I'm gonna fight even harder and honor the captain's memory!
link Leonie
Captain... Just when our paths had crossed again...
link Leonie
There was still so much I wanted to learn from you! So much for us to talk about!
link Leonie
Just you watch, Captain. I'm going to destroy the Kingdom and avenge your death.
link Jeralt
Hey, I wanted to ask you something. There used to be a young lady named Leonie in this army, right?
link Shez
Yeah, there was, but...she died. I liked her a great deal. Did you know her?
link Shez
Yeah, there was, but...she died. I liked her a great deal. Did you know her?
link Jeralt
Kind of. She was my apprentice once upon a time. But she's dead now, huh? I'm sorry to hear that.
link Jeralt
Leonie... What kind of apprentice passes before their teacher?
link Jeralt
And we had finally gotten the chance to fight side by side...
link Jeralt
I know this is just how life goes when you're a mercenary, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.
link Holst
Margrave Edmund truly made this expedition happen.
link Holst
We never would have been able to receive those large ships without his fine harbor.
link Holst
I imagine he was able to build it because of his constant business dealings.
link Shez
What kinda guy is Margrave Edmund?
link Shez
What kinda guy is Margrave Edmund?
link Holst
Hmm. I first met him when I acted as my father's proxy to the roundtable. He didn't leave me with a great first impression.
link Holst
He insisted on whatever would benefit him personally, and tried to halt anything that inconvenienced him.
link Holst
I would describe his business acumen and his oratory skills in one word: shrewd.
link Holst
He is, without a doubt, one of the greatest heroes of our time. He eclipses me in everything but martial prowess.
link Shez
What kind of business is he in?
link Shez
What kind of business is he in?
link Holst
The margrave pioneered new sea routes and built ports for trade, which has enabled him to reap immense profits.
link Holst
I would describe his business acumen and his oratory skills in one word: shrewd.
link Holst
He is, without a doubt, one of the greatest heroes of our time. He eclipses me in everything but martial prowess.
link Holst
Margrave Edmund truly made this expedition happen.
link Holst
We never would have been able to receive those large ships without his fine harbor.
link Holst
I imagine he was able to build it because of his constant business dealings.
link Shez
What kinda guy is Margrave Edmund?
link Shez
What kinda guy is Margrave Edmund?
link Holst
Hmm. I first met him when I acted as my father's proxy to the roundtable. He didn't leave me with a great first impression.
link Holst
He insisted on whatever would benefit him personally, and tried to halt anything that inconvenienced him.
link Holst
I would describe his business acumen and his oratory skills in one word: shrewd.
link Holst
He is, without a doubt, one of the greatest heroes of our time. He eclipses me in everything but martial prowess.
link Holst
Oh, by the way, apparently the margrave told His Majesty that he wanted to provide support for House Daphnel.
link Holst
He and Judith didn't often get along, but I suppose they respected each other, in a way.
link Shez
What kind of business is he in?
link Shez
What kind of business is he in?
link Holst
The margrave pioneered new sea routes and built ports for trade, which has enabled him to reap immense profits.
link Holst
I would describe his business acumen and his oratory skills in one word: shrewd.
link Holst
He is, without a doubt, one of the greatest heroes of our time. He eclipses me in everything but martial prowess.
link Holst
Oh, by the way, apparently the margrave told His Majesty that he wanted to provide support for House Daphnel.
link Holst
He and Judith didn't often get along, but I suppose they respected each other, in a way.
link Shamir
Claude asked me to watch out for when the Sreng army makes their move.
link Shamir
It's honestly hard to get a good read on them. But they know the Kingdom's in a bind, so it's likely they'll march south to attack.
link Shamir
But Margrave Gautier's set up a powerful defense in the north. I doubt they'd make it to the capital.
link Shez
Why are clans from Sreng so intent on invading the Kingdom?
link Shez
Why are clans from Sreng so intent on invading the Kingdom?
link Shamir
Pillaging, plain and simple. Most of the Sreng region is covered in ice and terrible for farming. And they can't really trade when their ports freeze over.
link Shamir
So they have no choice but to steal from places that aren't frozen solid.
link Shamir
Gautier will have to deal with any attacks from Sreng, making it easier for us to invade.
link Shez
Is this Margrave Gautier person really that strong?
link Shez
Is this Margrave Gautier person really that strong?
link Shamir
By all accounts, yes. His house has defended Faerghus for generations.
link Shamir
Gautier will have to deal with any attacks from Sreng, making it easier for us to invade.
link Linhardt
I've never had the opportunity to visit the Kingdom before. What a novel experience.
link Linhardt
It's not as though we're honored guests, however, so I can't spend my time doing Crest research.
link Linhardt
I've never had the opportunity to visit the Kingdom before. What a novel experience.
link Linhardt
It's not as though we're honored guests, however, so I can't spend my time doing Crest research.
link Shez
Wow, I never expected to hear that from you. I assumed you'd be against this mission.
link Shez
Wow, I never expected to hear that from you. I assumed you'd be against this mission.
link Linhardt
Oh, I am against it. But it might allow me to make some new discoveries.
link Linhardt
*yawn* All this talking has worn me out. Good night.
link Shez
You study Crests? Is that why people always say you're something of an odd duck?
link Shez
You study Crests? Is that why people always say you're something of an odd duck?
link Linhardt
What a rude thing to say. Not that I care.
link Linhardt
*yawn* All this talking has worn me out. Good night.
link Shez
You haven't changed one bit. Have you gotten any results?
link Shez
You haven't changed one bit. Have you gotten any results?
link Linhardt
A ridiculous question. I don't do research to get "results."
link Linhardt
*yawn* All this talking has worn me out. Good night.
link Linhardt
*yawn* All this talking has worn me out. Good night.
link Balthus
That Nader guy's a hoot. I like him.
link Balthus
I was thinking he had to be some kind of an oddball to do that whole brotherhood thing with Holst.
link Balthus
And I was right, that guy's something else. Acts like he's half his age, too.
link Bernadetta
So this is the Kingdom. Or wait, maybe it's not?
link Bernadetta
I spend all my time inside, so I can't tell the difference!
link Bernadetta
I spend all my time inside, so I can't tell the difference!
link Shez
Uh, we're definitely in a different place. You seriously can't tell?
link Shez
Uh, we're definitely in a different place. You seriously can't tell?
link Bernadetta
Um, well, now that you mention it, I guess it is super cold!
link Shez
Bernadetta, you can't keep doing this. You're a commander now.
link Shez
Bernadetta, you can't keep doing this. You're a commander now.
link Bernadetta
Yeah, but not because I want to be!
link Bernadetta
Yeah, but not because I want to be!
link Petra
Almyran ships are being very different from Brigid ships. I am surprised.
link Petra
Eastern ships are not coming to Brigid. Maybe because it is hard to cross the ocean.
link Shez
It's probably not profitable enough for them to go there. Brigid's pretty far from Almyra.
link Shez
It's probably not profitable enough for them to go there. Brigid's pretty far from Almyra.
link Petra
That is true. Ships are fast, but it would be taking much time to go around Fódlan.
link Shez
Yeah, maybe. Not that I'm some kinda maritime expert.
link Shez
Yeah, maybe. Not that I'm some kinda maritime expert.
link Petra
If you are coming to Brigid, you can learn much about the ocean. Would you like to be trying it?
link Constance
I had no idea what would happen when the Federation captured me.
link Constance
But it is truly a great relief to hear they've allied with the Empire!
link Shez
Are you really OK going against the Central Church? I thought they'd done a lot for you.
link Shez
Are you really OK going against the Central Church? I thought they'd done a lot for you.
link Constance
All they did was fail to clean their basement. I wouldn't exactly call that "doing a lot."
link Constance
I may have lost my home and territory, but I am still an Imperial noble at heart!
link Constance
Though I suppose I would settle for being a Federation noble too.
link Shez
I imagine you don't wanna fight the Empire because that's where you're from, right?
link Shez
I imagine you don't wanna fight the Empire because that's where you're from, right?
link Constance
Obviously. I cooperated with the Knights of Seiros because they allowed me to live under Garreg Mach.
link Constance
However, I am still an Imperial noble at heart, even if I've lost my home and my territory!
link Constance
Though I suppose I would settle for being a Federation noble too.
link Hapi
Ugh, I can't believe I let you all drag me to the Kingdom.
link Hapi
I don't know much about this justice junk, but at least everyone in this army treats me nicely.
link Shez
Yeah, we're gonna hit the Kingdom army where it hurts and put an end to this war!
link Shez
Yeah, we're gonna hit the Kingdom army where it hurts and put an end to this war!
link Hapi
Uh-huh, I know. And so long as it actually ends, that's all good with me.
link Hapi
I don't know much about this justice junk, but at least everyone in this army treats me nicely.
link Shez
Do you not like the Kingdom or something?
link Shez
Do you not like the Kingdom or something?
link Hapi
It's not really the Kingdom itself. More like my bad memories here. Don't worry about it though. I'm still gonna fight.
link Hapi
I don't know much about this justice junk, but at least everyone in this army treats me nicely.
link Byleth
link Shez
You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
link Shez
You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
link Byleth
I just feel strange. Everyone's been much more welcoming than I thought they'd be.
link Byleth
No one's all that terrified of me.
link Byleth
link Shez
You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
link Shez
You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
link Byleth
I just feel strange. Everyone's been much more welcoming than I thought they'd be.
link Byleth
No one's all that terrified of me.
link Yuri
Balthus, Constance, Hapi. All the usual suspects are here.
link Yuri
Up until two years ago, I lived with them underground as part of the Ashen Wolves House.
link Shez
The Ashen Wolves? I don't remember that house from the Officers Academy.
link Shez
The Ashen Wolves? I don't remember that house from the Officers Academy.
link Yuri
It was called a "house," but really it was a home for young ones who had no place left to go in the world.
link Yuri
It was a comfortable place for people with special circumstances like us.
link Shez
And now you're together forever. Aww, it's sweet you're all such good friends.
link Shez
And now you're together forever. Aww, it's sweet you're all such good friends.
link Yuri
It's not about being good friends. We're just always bound to run into each other. I'm amazed we reunited here of all places, though.
link Yuri
I'm worried about the subordinates I left behind, but... Well, the Federation's hired me now.
link Yuri
Don't worry. Trust is the foundation of my business. I'm not going to betray you simply because it strikes my fancy.
link Yuri
But I suppose I would understand if someone didn't believe me because of my circumstances.
link Judith
Usually the margrave only makes monetary contributions, but this time he helped more directly.
link Judith
Though I'm uncomfortable with how indebted we are to this Nader person.
link Judith
They call him "the Undefeated"...but he doesn't seem all that scary. More like Nader the Absurd, if you ask me.
link Nader
Hey, Commander! How'd you like the voyage? Almyran ships are second to none, wouldn't you say?
link Nader
It was my first time on one too! Hahaha!
link Nader
Anyway, it's practically unheard of for an Almyran to set foot in Faerghus.
link Nader
I may as well take advantage of being here and really cut loose.
link Alois
Hmm, it's strange to be chatting with a former enemy.
link Alois
I'm curious to see what the Alliance will order us to do!
link Alois
Oh, right! They're not an Alliance anymore. What are you all calling yourselves now? The Federation?
link Alois
What, were you all Fed up with being called an Alliance?
link ???
Aren't big ships the best? They're so much more efficient for transporting cargo than anything on land.
link ???
Maybe I should cozy up to Margrave Edmund and get him to add me to his roster of merchants.
link ???
Then I could have my own ship one day! Hah! Just imagine the possibilities.
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
This encampment is like our home during this expedition.
link Gatekeeper
I'll be sure to keep it safe so that you can fight without any worries!
link Arval
You must harness your emotions and continue working toward our goal.
link Arval
This sorrow and regret will undoubtedly make you stronger.
link Arval
That is how humans work, at least as far as I'm aware.
link Arval
Hm... What must we do to attain victory over such a fierce opponent?
link Arval
I speak of your next goal. I wish to be of as much use to you as I can, seeing as we're partners in destiny.
link Arval
Strength alone will be insufficient. We must be clever as well.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We're on the eastern edge of Fraldarius territory, right? So if we head west, we'll reach the capital.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And then straight east of here is an island. Did you notice it on our way over? It's humongous!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Rumor has it that some pirates buried treasure there long ago.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I heard that the current Duke Fraldarius is quite an accomplished swordsman for his age.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And the previous duke is still hale as well. He was a famous commander in his day.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We'll be in serious trouble if we have to face both of them on the battlefield.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Apparently a band of thieves used to terrorize this area.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And their leader was none other than one of Margrave Gautier's sons.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I bet he ran away from home because he was born without a Crest.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Far south of here is Galatea territory. It lies on the western side of the Valley of Torment.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
House Galatea used to be a part of House Daphnel, but they split off and joined the Kingdom.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
So some would say it's well within the Federation's right to take that territory back.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
ACHOO! Oh, hey, Commander. Sorry, I've got the sniffles.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Me and the cold just don't get along.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm Nader's retainer. Which is why I've been dragged all the way out here.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Well, at least we speak the same language. Even if it's only used in the very westernmost part of Almyra.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I figured we'd be able to understand each other, but I never expected the language to be exactly the same. No accents even!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though I hear Nader learned this language a whole 'nother way.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I came to deliver a message from the western front. The Kingdom is on high alert in every territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
You cannot underestimate them. I'll be praying for your success.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Whoa now, just hold your horses. We're not the bad sort of thieves.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
In fact, we're scarely even pickpockets! We're puttin' in an honest day's work. Truly.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Your ship was never attacked by pirates on the way here, right?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
That's all because of us! We're practically mercenaries.
link Leonie
Hey, [HERO_MF]! Let me introduce you. This is Jeralt, my captain!
link Jeralt
We've seen each other plenty on the battlefield. No need for introductions.
link Leonie
I know, but that doesn't count. Besides, I want everyone to know you're my captain!
link Jeralt
Then you should've done that on the journey over, instead of sleeping the whole time.
link Jeralt
And you were just a kid when I taught you the basics of being a mercenary.
link Jeralt
I was just humoring you back then, to kill time. I don't remember taking you on as my apprentice.
link Leonie
How can you say something so harsh after changing my life?! Are you trying to make me cry? Because I'm on the verge of tears here!
link Jeralt
Come on, don't get all worked up. OK, you're my first and greatest apprentice. Happy now?