link Lorenz volume_up
Ah, Annette. Good day to you. I see you remain as sprightly and sweet as a newly bloomed flower.
link Annette volume_up
Hi, Lorenz.
link Lorenz volume_up
Oh my. Have I done something to invite your displeasure?
link Annette volume_up
You just kinda brought back a bad memory from a long time ago.
link Annette volume_up
Back at the school of sorcery, there was this one time this noble guy made fun of me.
link Lorenz volume_up
What manner of cur would dare do such a thing?!
link Lorenz volume_up
If a noble ever presumes to mock your genius, point me in their direction so I might give them a taste of their own medicine!
link Annette volume_up
Well, then pop the cork on that medicine bottle and take a nice big gulp.
link Lorenz volume_up
Hold a moment. Are you implying that I am the one who mocked you?!
link Annette volume_up
I'm not implying it—I'm saying it. You made fun of me the first time we ever met.
link Annette volume_up
You were all like, "I say, you there! This is no place for a child! Now run along to your parents before I summon the watch!"
link Annette volume_up
"We simply cannot abide a common scullery maid wandering these hallowed halls! Why, we'd be made a laughing stock!"
link Annette volume_up
You thought I was some lost kid—and you called me a scullery maid!
link Lorenz volume_up
Yes, I do seem to vaguely recall the incident. Oh! So that scullery maid was YOU!
link Lorenz volume_up
Er, that is... You were in fact no maid at all, but the noble niece of Baron Dominic.
link Lorenz volume_up
You have my sincerest apologies for the error. Pray forgive my impertinent tongue.
link Annette volume_up
Oh, it's fine. I mean, it would be silly to keep hanging onto a grudge like that, right?
link Lorenz volume_up
If we'd had but another chance to properly converse back then, I'm certain the matter would have been cleared up with some ease.
link Lorenz volume_up
But sadly, that day was both our first and last opportunity to meet.
link Annette volume_up
Now that you mention it, I don't remember seeing you around after that.
link Lorenz volume_up
Yes, because my father swiftly summoned me back to Alliance territory.
link Lorenz volume_up
After the king's death, the Kingdom had become too unstable for me to remain there any longer.
link Annette volume_up
Oh, right. That was right around the Tragedy of Duscur.
link Lorenz volume_up
My father worried that relations between the Kingdom and Alliance might become strained.
link Lorenz volume_up
As such, I was forced to leave school mere days after my arrival.
link Annette volume_up
Huh. Kinda funny how we keep ending up together like this.
link Lorenz volume_up
Yes, it seems fate strives to keep us together, whether at the school of sorcery, the academy, or here. And I, for one, look forward to seeing what the future holds!
link Annette volume_up
Me too! But if you ever call me a kid or a maid again, no amount of summoning the watch is going to save you.
link Lorenz volume_up
I swear on my life, those words shall never cross my lips again.
link Lorenz volume_up
And by way of apology for my odious blunder, I hereby swear to come to your aid if ever you require it.
link Lorenz volume_up
Just say the word and I, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, will hurry to your side!
link Lorenz volume_up
link Annette volume_up