The impatient Lord Lonato has declared open war on the Kingdom. You must make haste along Magdred Way if you are to have any hope of saving him.

link Ferdinand volume_up
The closer we get, the denser the fog. I can barely make out my own feet.
link Hubert volume_up
Which will prove useful for Lord Lonato. As he possesses low numbers, the man will doubtless take any edge he can get.
link Edelgard volume_up
We need to find him before the Kingdom does and take him into our protection.
link Hubert volume_up
Lord Lonato will surely be hiding in one of these strongholds awaiting rescue.
link Edelgard volume_up
The fog will provide cover, but not forever. We need to hurry.
Citizen volume_up
Hey, I see a mage! Do you think he's responsible for all this fog?
link Hubert volume_up
Hmph, they sniffed out the spellcaster. If this fog lifts, Lord Lonato will have nowhere to hide.
Mage volume_up
I must hold strong for Lord Lonato!
Mage volume_up
Thank you. Lord Lonato is sheltering deep in the eastern wood—please hurry to him!
link Edelgard volume_up
We have our location. Let us not waste any time getting there.
link Edelgard volume_up
I'm glad they didn't have to die in vain.
Mage volume_up
I believe in you, Lord Lonato... Avenge... Lord Christophe...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
So he's gone. May his loyalty never be forgotten.
Mage volume_up
I believe in you, Lord Lonato... Avenge... Lord Christophe...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
So he's gone. May his loyalty never be forgotten.
Artisan volume_up
There he is! Kill the traitor Lonato!
Mage volume_up
I believe in you, Lord Lonato... Avenge... Lord Christophe...
Yuri volume_up
The Imperial army is here! All troops, ready yourselves to intercept!
Yuri volume_up
Then you've found Lord Lonato? Good! I will join the hunt!
link Monica volume_up
They found Lord Lonato! We have to help him!
Yuri volume_up
Then you've found Lord Lonato? Good! I will join the hunt!
Ingrid volume_up
You will pay in blood for invading the lands of Faerghus!
Yuri volume_up
Ngh... It will take more than this!
Yuri volume_up
How am I being bested by the likes of you?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I must aid Lord Lonato!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
My thanks for the rescue.
link Caspar volume_up
That's one task off the to-do list! Now we just have to deal with the Kingdom.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Mission accomplished. Now we have only to fight off any enemy soldiers that approach.
Artisan volume_up
There he is! Kill the traitor Lonato!
link Monica volume_up
They found Lord Lonato! We have to help him!
Yuri volume_up
Then you've found Lord Lonato? Good! I will join the hunt!
link Monica volume_up
They found Lord Lonato! We have to help him!
Yuri volume_up
Then you've found Lord Lonato? Good! I will join the hunt!
link Monica volume_up
They found Lord Lonato! We have to help him!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
My thanks for the rescue.
link Caspar volume_up
That's one task off the to-do list! Now we just have to deal with the Kingdom.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Mission accomplished. Now we have only to fight off any enemy soldiers that approach.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
So I live to see another day, do I? I knew the goddess wouldn't abandon us.
link Edelgard volume_up
I don't like how close we cut this, but I'm glad you're safe. Now we can focus on the rest of the fight.
Mage volume_up
Now that Lord Lonato is rescued, we can finally dispense with the magic.
link Hubert volume_up
The fog has served out its purpose. And not a moment too soon. I doubt the caster could have sustained the spell much longer.
Yuri volume_up
Then you've found Lord Lonato? Good! I will join the hunt!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
So I live to see another day, do I? I knew the goddess wouldn't abandon us.
link Edelgard volume_up
I don't like how close we cut this, but I'm glad you're safe. Now we can focus on the rest of the fight.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
So I live to see another day, do I? I knew the goddess wouldn't abandon us.
link Edelgard volume_up
I don't like how close we cut this, but I'm glad you're safe. Now we can focus on the rest of the fight.
Mage volume_up
Now that Lord Lonato is rescued, we can finally dispense with the magic.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Hey, the fog is gone! Now I don't have to keep running into things!
link Hubert volume_up
The fog has served out its purpose. And not a moment too soon. I doubt the caster could have sustained the spell much longer.
Ashe volume_up
How could you betray His Majesty, Lonato? How could you do this to me?!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Ashe? You came here...for me?
link Edelgard volume_up
Ashe is your adopted son, and family should not fight family. Let us persuade him to lay down his arms instead.
Metodey volume_up
It was my choice to come here, and I must not waiver.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
To avenge one son, I have slain a second. My soul is forever forfeit.
Shez volume_up
Stop it, Ashe! You're throwing your life away! Do you want Lord Lonato carrying that weight around for the rest of his life?
Shez volume_up
Stop it, Ashe! You're throwing your life away! Do you want Lord Lonato carrying that weight around for the rest of his life?
Metodey volume_up
I... No. You're right. I surrender.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Forgive me, Ashe—I beg you. I could not bear to lose another son.
link Edelgard volume_up
Our goal here is achieved. Now we hunt down any Kingdom stragglers and... What?
Byleth volume_up
Your fun ends here.
Byleth volume_up
Your fun ends here.
link Edelgard volume_up
An enemy detachment? Put them to rout— and make sure to keep Lord Lonato safe!
Byleth volume_up
You again, is it? I see you fight for the Empire now.
Byleth volume_up
You again, is it? I see you fight for the Empire now.
Shez volume_up
Just draw your weapon already. You and me have a score to settle.
Shez volume_up
Just draw your weapon already. You and me have a score to settle.
Byleth volume_up
Ready yourself for death.
Byleth volume_up
Ready yourself for death.
Merchant volume_up
The mercenaries have cut off their retreat! Now's our chance to get Lonato!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Not good. I must help Lord Lonato!
Artisan volume_up
Such monstrous strength...
??? volume_up
Ngh... I'm sorry...
Jeralt volume_up
Guess I better get in there instead of letting the kid do all the work.
Alois volume_up
Count me in, Captain! I may be a new arrival, but no one can a-rival my enthusiasm!
link Hubert volume_up
Ignore the Ashen Demon and target the enemy commander instead. Doing so will force them to retreat.
Jeralt volume_up
Guess I better get in there instead of letting the kid do all the work.
Alois volume_up
Count me in, Captain! I may be a new arrival, but no one can a-rival my enthusiasm!
link Monica volume_up
Wait, is that Alois? Since when did he quit the Knights of Seiros?
Viscount Hymir volume_up
Good! I was worried the Empire's soldiers lacked backbone!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I won't be the one to drag my new comrades down!
Viscount Hymir volume_up
We're really pushing our luck here, Alois! You decide when we fall back!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
I'm falling back, Captain!
Citizen volume_up
Hold strong, men! His lordship needs us!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Lord Lonato's forces appear to be fighting a losing battle.
link Edelgard volume_up
We must help them if we can. Send whatever troops we can spare!
Citizen volume_up
Thank you!
Citizen volume_up
Thank you!
Citizen volume_up
Thank you!
Citizen volume_up
Thank you!
Citizen volume_up
Thank you!
Citizen volume_up
Thank you!
Citizen volume_up
Lord Lonato... Forgive me...
Citizen volume_up
Lord Lonato... Forgive me...
Citizen volume_up
Lord Lonato... Forgive me...
Citizen volume_up
Lord Lonato... Forgive me...
Citizen volume_up
Lord Lonato... Forgive me...
Citizen volume_up
Lord Lonato... Forgive me...
link Edelgard volume_up
With battle comes sacrifice. If only those words could actually provide me comfort.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Excellent! All the citizens are safe.
link Ferdinand volume_up
We may have failed to save them all, but we did the best we could.
link Arval volume_up
I know we were told not to engage, but isn't this a great opportunity to see how much you've grown?
link Monica volume_up
The Ashen Demon is no joke. If you don't feel like you can win, it's best to stay far away!
Byleth volume_up
I admit, you have a better handle on that strange power of yours.
Byleth volume_up
I admit, you have a better handle on that strange power of yours.
Byleth volume_up
That's enough. I did what I came to do.
Byleth volume_up
That's enough. I did what I came to do.
Shez volume_up
I let them slip away like it was nothing!
Shez volume_up
I let them slip away like it was nothing!
link Linhardt volume_up
We're not really going to stumble our way through this soup, are we? I thought we had some sort of solution.
link Monica volume_up
It's not safe to stumble around in all this mist. We should light our way before proceeding.
link Petra volume_up
Now we can see the enemy, but they can also be seeing us. Keep your wariness!
link Ferdinand volume_up
Good, we can see now. But still best to proceed with care.
link Monica volume_up
At least now we don't have to burn through any more supplies!
link Hubert volume_up
Finally. I was starting to worry we would never be able to put our archers to use.
link Edelgard volume_up
Now! Rain arrows down upon them!
Lonato volume_up
It seems my blade is too dull for the task.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
All I wanted was to land one blow on that conniving archbishop...
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
It seems my blade is too dull for the task.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Captain! Jeralt's Mercenaries, retreat!
link Edelgard volume_up
Well done—we have kept his lordship safe. This victory will greatly further our conquest.
Viscount Hymir volume_up
This fight has run its course. All of you, retreat!
link Edelgard volume_up
Well done—we have kept his lordship safe. This victory will greatly further our conquest.
Lonato volume_up
Forgive your fool of a father, Christophe, for he is soon to join you...
link Edelgard volume_up
Our effort on the Kingdom front is sure to fail now...