1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. Ah, there you are. Thank you for your assistance in [cdb]the previous battle.
  3. I'd like to discuss your future if you have a moment.
  4. If you find yourself with no place to go after we [cdb]accomplish our objective, I'm hoping we might hire [cdb]you on with the Empire.
  5. I can promise you'll be handsomely paid, including [cdb]the work you did today. So? What say you?
  6. Decide later.
  7. Ask why she wants to hire you.
  8. Appreciate the offer. I'll definitely think it over.
  9. Appreciate the offer. I'll definitely think it over.
  10. Please do. Talent like yours is quite hard to come by.
  11. I'm not usually hired into service by people quite so [cdb]high up the food chain. Why the special attention?
  12. I'm not usually hired into service by people quite so [cdb]high up the food chain. Why the special attention?
  13. I value your talent now that I've had the ability to see [cdb]it first-hand.
  14. By the by, have you spoken with the others here [cdb]in camp?
  15. If you'd like, I can tell you a little bit about the [cdb]students in my own house, the Black Eagles.
  16. Ah, yes. You are the mercenary we happened across.
  17. While I harbor some reservations about you, the fact [cdb]remains that you assisted Lady Edelgard, and for that I offer my gratitude.
  18. Accept his praise.
  19. Question his motives.
  20. Happy to help—although I wouldn't mind some [cdb]details about that whole "reservations" part.
  21. Happy to help—although I wouldn't mind some [cdb]details about that whole "reservations" part.
  22. My thoughts are mine alone. You need not concern [cdb]yourself with the matter.
  23. I'm not sure if that was a compliment or an insult... How about you explain these "reservations" to me?
  24. I'm not sure if that was a compliment or an insult... How about you explain these "reservations" to me?
  25. Apologies if my gratitude did not shine through fully. As for the other matter, my thoughts are mine alone.
  26. Well, well! The mercenary who cut down the [cdb]leader of those thieves! I must say, that was quite [cdb]the capable display you put on back there.
  27. I am Ferdinand von Aegir, legitimate scion of the Aegir family, the foremost house of the Empire!
  28. Claim you've never heard of him.
  29. Try to play along.
  30. Sorry, never heard of you.
  31. Sorry, never heard of you.
  32. My stars! You have truly never heard of House Aegir?! I should think even a base sellsword [cdb]such as yourself would have a passing familiarity.
  33. Yeah, I think I've heard of you. You're one of the Empire's big movers, right?
  34. Yeah, I think I've heard of you. You're one of the Empire's big movers, right?
  35. You "think" you have heard of us?! Why, I never! Now see here, my sellsword friend—we are House Aegir, proud eagles of the Empire!
  36. Clearly I must work harder as a beacon to the [cdb]commonfolk so they might cry the name of my [cdb]family from one end of the continent to the other!
  37. Hey, Linhardt! Wake up!
  38. Look, I get that you're tired, but we're leaving at the [cdb]crack of dawn, remember?
  39. The bandit attack stole my chance for sleep, so I [cdb]must... Hmm? Ah, and who might you be?
  40. Give some details.
  41. Keep it vague.
  42. Hey there. The name's [HERO_MF]. I'm a merc who's just passing through the area.
  43. Hey there. The name's [HERO_MF]. I'm a merc who's just passing through the area.
  44. Got caught up fighting those bandits earlier, which is [cdb]how I ended up here.
  45. Got caught up fighting those bandits earlier, which is [cdb]how I ended up here.
  46. Wait, so you're the one who took out their boss? You were amazing!
  47. I shoulda given chase and knocked 'em around a [cdb]bit myself, but...oh well.
  48. Oh, I'm nobody, really. Just a passing traveler who [cdb]got sucked into that whole bandit fight back there.
  49. Oh, I'm nobody, really. Just a passing traveler who [cdb]got sucked into that whole bandit fight back there.
  50. Hmm, indeed. Well, I am Linhardt, and it's just about [cdb]time for me to go to sleep. Farewell.
  51. We already talked about this! You can't sleep when [cdb]we're going back to Garreg Mach so soon!
  52. You must be the mercenary Edie told us about. I'm Dorothea.
  53. You must be the mercenary Edie told us about. I'm Dorothea.
  54. You've heard about the Officers Academy, right? Well, pretty much all of this year's students from Black Eagle House are here at the moment.
  55. Well, except for Bernadetta—which is sadly typical.
  56. She stayed behind because she was terrified of the [cdb]idea that we might be attacked in the woods. I can't [cdb]believe she ended up being right.
  57. Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to ramble. Has anyone ever [cdb]told you you're surprisingly easy to talk to?
  58. Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to ramble. Has anyone ever [cdb]told you you're surprisingly easy to talk to?
  59. Hello. I am called Petra. I am finding you to be [cdb]quite fascinating.
  60. Give your name.
  61. Change the subject.
  62. Hey there. I'm [HERO_MF]. I'm technically a [cdb]mercenary, though I guess right now I'm [cdb]kinda just a drifter.
  63. Hey there. I'm [HERO_MF]. I'm technically a [cdb]mercenary, though I guess right now I'm [cdb]kinda just a drifter.
  64. I do not have understanding. Where are you [cdb]drifting to?
  65. Uh...through the world? Y'know, just sorta kicking [cdb]around with no real end goal.
  66. Uh...through the world? Y'know, just sorta kicking [cdb]around with no real end goal.
  67. Are my words a bother? I am still trying to master the [cdb]speech of Fódlan.
  68. No, your words are fine! I just didn't quite know what [cdb]you were getting at is all.
  69. No, your words are fine! I just didn't quite know what [cdb]you were getting at is all.
  70. I'm guessing you're not from Fódlan. Also, I'm a huge [cdb]fan of the mark on your face. Just had to get that out [cdb]there.
  71. I'm guessing you're not from Fódlan. Also, I'm a huge [cdb]fan of the mark on your face. Just had to get that out [cdb]there.
  72. You are most correct! I was being born in Brigid, [cdb]and this marking is for the protection of the spirits.
  73. Let me begin by first conveying my gratitude to you, [cdb][HERO_MF]. We are in your debt.
  74. Also, I examined a map earlier, and the village where [cdb]you are headed seems to be a little more to the east.
  75. Show surprise.
  76. Thank him for the advice.
  77. Wait, east? Really? I could have sworn it was west... Well, thanks for the tip—I nearly got myself lost in [cdb]the woods all over again!
  78. Wait, east? Really? I could have sworn it was west... Well, thanks for the tip—I nearly got myself lost in [cdb]the woods all over again!
  79. Don't be hard on yourself—this forest lacks the [cdb]markers to easily find one's bearings. It's little [cdb]wonder you floundered with no one to guide you.
  80. In any case, you should be able to reach the village [cdb]with no trouble by merely walking toward the [cdb]dawn sun.
  81. Appreciate it. I checked the map earlier, but couldn't [cdb]tell where in the woods I actually was.
  82. Appreciate it. I checked the map earlier, but couldn't [cdb]tell where in the woods I actually was.
  83. Well, I'm glad I could be of service. I hope you are [cdb]able to reach your destination this time.
  84. You'll be staying until sunrise, yes? I hope you'll take [cdb]the opportunity to converse with the others here.
  85. Of course, now that I've sprung the idea on you so [cdb]suddenly, you'll likely find yourself at a loss as to [cdb]whom you ought to speak to.
  86. On that note, I would be more than happy to give [cdb]you an introduction to any Blue Lion House students.
  87. You assisted His Highness and have my gratitude. I will see this debt repaid.
  88. Shrug it off.
  89. Crack a joke.
  90. Oh, I just chipped in a little at the end there.
  91. Oh, I just chipped in a little at the end there.
  92. Little or no, I must offer thanks.
  93. In that case, you can pay me back with a round of [cdb]sparring. Let's see what you're made of!
  94. In that case, you can pay me back with a round of [cdb]sparring. Let's see what you're made of!
  95. As you wish.
  96. To be honest, I'd like to treat you to a meal, but we [cdb]lack the time.
  97. You're that new merc, right? [HERO_MF]?
  98. The boar says you had some skill—you'll have to give [cdb]me a demonstration before we head out.
  99. Agree enthusiastically.
  100. Refuse his offer.
  101. Ask who "the boar" is.
  102. Deal. I can clear some time before sunrise.
  103. Deal. I can clear some time before sunrise.
  104. Looking forward to it.
  105. Yeah, I've got things to do. Plus I don't wanna wear [cdb]myself down in a fake fight when there's probably a [cdb]real one waiting around the corner.
  106. Yeah, I've got things to do. Plus I don't wanna wear [cdb]myself down in a fake fight when there's probably a [cdb]real one waiting around the corner.
  107. You must have some tough enemies out there if you [cdb]won't even spar with me.
  108. Sorry, "the boar"?
  109. Sorry, "the boar"?
  110. Don't worry about it. He's not your problem.
  111. Oh, you must be that mercenary I've been hearing [cdb]about! I'm Ashe, and I'm a student at Garreg Mach's Officers Academy.
  112. Do you know about the academy? See, there are three [cdb]houses, each based on where a person is from.
  113. Tell him you've heard of it.
  114. Claim ignorance.
  115. Oh, I've heard of it, all right. One of my employers a [cdb]little ways back couldn't shut up about how he'd gone [cdb]to the place.
  116. Oh, I've heard of it, all right. One of my employers a [cdb]little ways back couldn't shut up about how he'd gone [cdb]to the place.
  117. Haha! I can see that. Lots of influential nobles and [cdb]royals from all over study at the academy.
  118. Never heard of it. I'm not much for high society and [cdb]fancy balls and...all that.
  119. Never heard of it. I'm not much for high society and [cdb]fancy balls and...all that.
  120. I know just how you feel! I was adopted by a [cdb]noble, but was born a commoner.
  121. I actually find it pretty daunting to always be [cdb]surrounded by the rich and powerful.
  122. It's a lot easier to talk to someone like you.
  123. Hello, friend! You're the one who helped Dimitri, [cdb]right? Well, we all owe you for that, so if you need a [cdb]meal, it's on me!
  124. I'm grateful as well. I'd offer my thanks with a meal [cdb]too, but I heard that you'll be leaving us shortly.
  125. I've got to say, I never thought the person who helped Dimitri would be so...stunning!
  126. I'd love to invite you out for a meal sometime— [cdb]just as thanks for all you've done, of course.
  127. Sylvain, you're speaking to His Highness's benefactor! Stop trying to pick her up like a common floozy.
  128. Oh, and I don't believe I got your name.
  129. Give your name.
  130. Hold back.
  131. The name's [HERO_MF]. Keep it in mind [cdb]in case you ever need a heavy hitter.
  132. The name's [HERO_MF]. Keep it in mind [cdb]in case you ever need a heavy hitter.
  133. I'll do just that. And while it's unfortunate we're [cdb]parting ways here, I suspect we may have a chance [cdb]to meet again in the future.
  134. Me? My name's not important. I'm just a passing [cdb]mercenary, after all.
  135. Me? My name's not important. I'm just a passing [cdb]mercenary, after all.
  136. Yeah, I can tell you're way more than just that. Still, [cdb]you must have your reasons, so I won't pry.
  137. A shame we don't have the time to get to know each [cdb]other a little better, though.
  138. And spare me the side-eye, Ingrid. I'm just [cdb]letting my heart speak for me here.
  139. Oh, you're that mercenary! It's great to meet you! I'm Annette, and this is my best friend, Mercedes.
  140. It's nice to make your acquaintance. Have you [cdb]already spoken with the others?
  141. Say that you have.
  142. Say you haven't.
  143. Most of 'em, yeah. You've got a real cast of characters [cdb]here.
  144. Most of 'em, yeah. You've got a real cast of characters [cdb]here.
  145. Well, isn't someone a go-getter?
  146. We haven't even talked to everyone yet, but that's [cdb]because we only just started at the Officers Academy. You probably know them better than we do!
  147. Not yet, but I'm planning to.
  148. Not yet, but I'm planning to.
  149. I suppose that means none of us know all that much [cdb]about the others.
  150. We only just started at the Officers Academy, so my [cdb]grasp on the other Blue Lions is tenuous at best.
  151. Hey, friend. Appreciate what you did back there— [cdb]we'd have been in a world of hurt without you.
  152. Oh, and regarding compensation, Alois told me not [cdb]to pay you personally.
  153. I guess they want to handle it as a church thing? Sorry about that.
  154. Tell him you understand.
  155. Doubt Alois.
  156. Hey, as long as I get paid, I don't care who's handing [cdb]over the coin.
  157. Hey, as long as I get paid, I don't care who's handing [cdb]over the coin.
  158. Ha! You're definitely a mercenary, all right.
  159. You sure I can trust this Alois guy?
  160. You sure I can trust this Alois guy?
  161. Heh. Yeah, I guess I shouldn't expect you to have [cdb]faith in any random stranger who walks by.
  162. In any event, you helped us out, and everyone's [cdb]extremely grateful for it.
  163. Speaking of which, have you talked with the others [cdb]here at camp?
  164. I can tell you a little bit about the students in my Golden Deer House.
  165. Oh, hey! Are you the mercenary who helped Claude [cdb]out of that little jam?
  166. I heard you're super strong, so I was kind of picturing [cdb]you as one of those huge bodybuilders or something.
  167. Laugh at the image.
  168. Keep it business.
  169. Ha! Sorry to disappoint. I'm just your average guy.
  170. Ha! Sorry to disappoint. I'm just your average gal.
  171. Too average, if you ask me. Talk about a letdown.
  172. Sorry, but what you see is what you get.
  173. Sorry, but what you see is what you get.
  174. Ouch, ice cold. You're probably thinking how much [cdb]of a pain I am, right?
  175. Hehe! Aw, c'mon! I'm just joking. You're pretty [cdb]easy to talk to, so I couldn't help myself.
  176. Anyways, thanks for helping Claude out.
  177. Ah, you must be the famed mercenary of the woods [cdb]who stepped in unbidden to aid Claude.
  178. As the noble representative of the Leicester Alliance, I must offer you my thanks.
  179. Press him for details.
  180. Shrug him off.
  181. Oh? I thought it was House Riegan who represented [cdb]the Alliance.
  182. Oh? I thought it was House Riegan who represented [cdb]the Alliance.
  183. On the surface, perhaps—but the reality of the thing [cdb]is quite different. The one who bears the future of Leicester on his shoulders is none other than myself.
  184. Whatever you say, pal. See ya around.
  185. Whatever you say, pal. See ya around.
  186. Wait just a moment! If you are indeed a mercenary, [cdb]then you should hope to gain influence with me.
  187. After all, I am Lorenz Hellman Gloucester! Hahaha!
  188. Hey, you're a new face! Are you a student from one of [cdb]the other houses?
  189. You must be the mercenary we've been hearing so [cdb]much about! What was your name again?
  190. Tell them your name.
  191. Keep it hush-hush.
  192. Yeah, I'm [HERO_MF]. Good to meet you. What house are you guys with?
  193. Yeah, I'm [HERO_MF]. Good to meet you. What house are you guys with?
  194. Eh, it's not important. Anyway, what house are you [cdb]guys with?
  195. Eh, it's not important. Anyway, what house are you [cdb]guys with?
  196. We're in Claude's house, the Golden Deer. But we're [cdb]just regular old commonfolk.
  197. Due to the nature of Leicester, we have more students [cdb]from the commoner class than the other houses.
  198. I'd imagine you're a commoner yourself, what with [cdb]being a mercenary and all?
  199. Oh, um...
  200. You're that mercenary everyone's talking about. [HERO_MF], was it?
  201. You're not attempting to curry favor with children of [cdb]the nobility in pursuit of some nefarious aim, are you?
  202. Deny her claim.
  203. Keep her guessing.
  204. Nope. Just saw folks in trouble and helped 'em out. Didn't even know they were noble until afterward.
  205. Nope. Just saw folks in trouble and helped 'em out. Didn't even know they were noble until afterward.
  206. Nah, I was just helping out some strangers. Still, [cdb]it's always good for a merc to have folks like that in [cdb]his debt.
  207. Nah, I was just helping out some strangers. Still, [cdb]it's always good for a merc to have folks like that in [cdb]her debt.
  208. I see. And do you think our mercenary friend is [cdb]someone worthy of trust, Marianne?
  209. What, me? I, um...
  210. Well, either way, we need to be going. We're busy.
  211. Hey, aren't you that merc who helped out Claude and [cdb]the others?
  212. I'm actually gunning to become a mercenary myself— [cdb]that's why I enrolled at the Officers Academy.
  213. Encourage her dreams.
  214. Rain on her parade.
  215. In that case, I hope we end up working together.
  216. In that case, I hope we end up working together.
  217. Hey, thanks! I'll give it all I got!
  218. You sure? This line of work ain't easy—I only got into [cdb]it because I had no other choice.
  219. You sure? This line of work ain't easy—I only got into [cdb]it because I had no other choice.
  220. I know the risks and accept them.
  221. I'm going work myself to the bone so I can be just as [cdb]strong as the captain someday!
  222. I am Hanneman, a professor at the Officers Academy. I heard tale of your recent exploits, and wish to [cdb]express my thanks.
  223. Oh, and on another matter, do you possess a Crest?
  224. Ask him what a Crest is.
  225. Claim he's barking up the wrong tree.
  226. Crests are some magic noble thing, right?
  227. Crests are some magic noble thing, right?
  228. I know practically nothing about Crests, but I'm still [cdb]pretty sure I'd know if I had one.
  229. I know practically nothing about Crests, but I'm still [cdb]pretty sure I'd know if I had one.
  230. Truly? You have never investigated the subject? People are not always aware of the power of their own Crests, you know.
  231. Listen well, now! Crests are a power that dwells in [cdb]the blood, and they are passed down through the [cdb]generations from parent to child.
  232. Those with Crests may excel at magic, or perhaps [cdb]have the ability to wield powerful weapons known as Heroes' Relics.
  233. When I heard about what you did, I thought perhaps [cdb]you were in possession of one. But seeing your [cdb]reaction, I imagine you never looked into the matter.
  234. If you were to come to my residence at the monastery, I could take the time to conduct a full investigation if [cdb]you like?
  235. Ugh. I've healed so many people today that I never [cdb]want to look at a bandage again...
  236. Ah, and who do we have here? No, wait! Don't say. Let me guess...
  237. You are a brave vagabond knight who appeared to [cdb]boldly protect me from those brigands earlier!
  238. Correct her.
  239. Roll with it.
  240. Not exactly. The name's [HERO_MF]— I'm a mercenary.
  241. Not exactly. The name's [HERO_MF]— I'm a mercenary.
  242. Ah, I see! In that case, I am Manuela, a woman of [cdb]many faces. Teacher, doctor, songstress...
  243. Oh yeah, that's me all right. Oh, and the name's [cdb][HERO_MF], by the way.
  244. Oh yeah, that's me all right. Oh, and the name's [cdb][HERO_MF], by the way.
  245. You're very kind to go along with my little jape.
  246. Well then, I am Manuela—a professor at the Officers Academy, a doctor, and also a songstress of a world- [cdb]renowned opera company.
  247. Though, I have worked myself to the very bone today. So right now I'm a merely a sad and lonesome woman.
  248. I assume you are familiar with the Officers Academy [cdb]on the grounds of Garreg Mach Monastery, yes?
  249. The three young people you assisted earlier are the [cdb]heads of the academy's three houses.
  250. But you'll find other students, teachers, and even [cdb]members of the Knights of Seiros here at this camp.
  251. I fear you caught us in the middle of an annual [cdb]outdoor activity carried out at the beginning of the [cdb]academy school year.
  252. But the situation became quite the mess when that [cdb]band of brigands attacked us!
  253. Thank you for cooperating with the heads of the [cdb]three houses.
  254. It seems like the class heads served as decoys to draw [cdb]out most of the thieves before finding an opportunity [cdb]to flee.
  255. Thanks to that, the others managed to hold fast with [cdb]only light injuries.
  256. Still, it would have been tragic had any of the heads [cdb]been seriously injured—or worse.
  257. I'm just grateful for all of your help.
  258. We've held these kinds of outdoor activities countless [cdb]times, but I've never seen anything like this happen!
  259. Plus, we've got three high-ranking noble children [cdb]here, so the guard was more than double that of [cdb]a usual year.
  260. To think they were nearly killed by some pack of base [cdb]brigands! It's a real mess, make no mistake...
  261. And now I have to find a way to explain it all to Lady Rhea? Ugh.
  262. Alois told me all about what happened. Thank you [cdb]for assisting the class heads.
  263. Had anything happened to the students, we all would [cdb]have paid in heartache and worse.
  264. It reminds me of the previous term when a student [cdb]who returned home from the academy went missing [cdb]and... Ah, forgive me. I'm rambling.
  265. I can't believe how quickly those thugs set upon us!
  266. The class heads ran off, people were shouting orders... Oh, but it was a right mess!
  267. Say, who are you, anyway? I don't remember... Hey! You're one of the surviving brigands, aren't you?! Someone! Anyone! Help!
  268. Do you know about the three houses at the Officers Academy? I only ask because you seem a little bit [cdb]dense. Er, no offense.
  269. Anyway, you've got the Black Eagle House, which is [cdb]home to folks from the Adrestian Empire.
  270. Then there's the Blue Lion House, which is made up [cdb]of individuals from the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus.
  271. And finally there's the Golden Deer House, which has [cdb]people from the Leicester Alliance.
  272. Can't believe they talked me into going on this trip... "It'll be fun!" they said. "Nothing ever happens!"
  273. And then, bam! Disaster and danger everywhere! I thought I was going to die out there...
  274. I was swinging my spear at anything that got within [cdb]range, but then some girl from the Officers Academy [cdb]showed up and lead me to safety.
  275. I tell you, kids these days are graceful and strong. Nothing like the useless punks from my day!
  276. Welcome to our humble base camp!
  277. I wish we could chat at length, but it seems the [cdb]three class heads wish to speak with you.
  278. Alas, I cannot keep you all to myself. This is a great [cdb]opportunity for you to bond with your rescuees.
  279. Looks like dawn's almost here.
  280. Looks like dawn's almost here.
  281. <<<EMPTY>>>
  282. <<<EMPTY>>>
  283. Ah, [HERO_MF]! Have you spoken with the [cdb]house leaders yet?
  284. What? You're leaving? But that won't do!
  285. Actually, I was hoping I could ask something of you. Would you hear me out?
  286. <<<EMPTY>>>
  287. <<<EMPTY>>>
  288. <<<EMPTY>>>
  289. <<<EMPTY>>>
  290. <<<EMPTY>>>
  291. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  293. <<<EMPTY>>>
  294. <<<EMPTY>>>
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