1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. This area, along with Gerth territory, was once part [cdb]of the Empire. It was known as the Mach region.
  3. Meanwhile, the land to the north of Faerghus was [cdb]taken from Sreng. As was Duscur, of course.
  4. Those who side with the Central Church boast that [cdb]the goddess granted them this land.
  5. But ultimately, no one owns the land. Whoever is in [cdb]power at any given moment simply exercises their [cdb]control over it.
  6. For the past six months, the Kingdom has not [cdb]continued their attempts to recapture Arianrhod.
  7. They have instead poured all their efforts into [cdb]managing the nobles in their western regions. Nobles who find their loyalty wavering.
  8. Replacing lords, imposing adoptions, delivering [cdb]hostages, strategic marriages...
  9. They have been quite thorough. What could [cdb]possibly be worth such strenuous efforts to protect?
  10. Their territory.
  11. The Kingdom.
  12. Their dignity.
  13. They're protecting their territory, right? I'm sure they [cdb]don't wanna lose any more of it.
  14. They're protecting their territory, right? I'm sure they [cdb]don't wanna lose any more of it.
  15. Then that would be utterly laughable. Changing out [cdb]the lords in those territories will only provoke further [cdb]in-fighting.
  16. It has to be the Kingdom, right? If the Empire ends [cdb]up taking the western territory...
  17. It has to be the Kingdom, right? If the Empire ends [cdb]up taking the western territory...
  18. Faerghus would never be the same again.
  19. Faerghus would never be the same again.
  20. I do not think there is much value in a place that [cdb]was so hurriedly formed in the wake of war.
  21. Dignity, maybe? I'm pretty sure they don't want the Empire to control them.
  22. Dignity, maybe? I'm pretty sure they don't want the Empire to control them.
  23. Personally, I would never want our home to be [cdb]controlled by the Kingdom, either.
  24. But that is not a matter of dignity. It is simply a [cdb]strong objection to the notion of being ordered [cdb]around by fools.
  25. I have been trying to track my father these past six [cdb]months, but I have not picked up any leads.
  26. It is like he has vanished into thin air. I wonder where [cdb]he is and what he is doing.
  27. He's probably living a quiet life.
  28. He's probably plotting to come back.
  29. Maybe he's just living a quiet life somewhere. You know, away from it all.
  30. Maybe he's just living a quiet life somewhere. You know, away from it all.
  31. That would be preferable, but... I wonder if he is [cdb]truly capable of living that way.
  32. I simply cannot imagine it.
  33. He's probably hiding out and plotting his grand [cdb]return to the Empire.
  34. He's probably hiding out and plotting his grand [cdb]return to the Empire.
  35. That is certainly plausible... Though I doubt he could [cdb]manage it on his own.
  36. Which means he would need co-conspirators. I suppose I should focus my search along those lines...
  37. I know logically why we cannot be privy to when the [cdb]fighting will resume...
  38. But to be honest, I wish I'd been informed much [cdb]earlier about its recommencement.
  39. There's nothing more nerve-wracking than having a [cdb]break that could end at any moment.
  40. You are thriving, Caspar. Use your strength to crush [cdb]the enemy.
  41. You understand that is your duty, yes?
  42. Of course! But we also need to keep our allies [cdb]safe too.
  43. I am Caspar, the Empire's sword and shield!
  44. Oh hey, what's up? My father? Yeah, he was here to [cdb]talk to Edelgard.
  45. But he's gone back east now. He was kind of [cdb]interested in you too.
  46. It's finally time.
  47. Hehe, everyone's so much more relaxed and upbeat [cdb]now. I feel the same, of course.
  48. Make a serious comment.
  49. Crack a joke.
  50. Yeah, well, it's been half a year. I think we've all [cdb]gotten some much-needed rest.
  51. Yeah, well, it's been half a year. I think we've all [cdb]gotten some much-needed rest.
  52. Yes. But that also might be true for our enemy. We'll need to stay alert.
  53. Yeah. Everyone's smiling so bright, I can barely see.
  54. Yeah. Everyone's smiling so bright, I can barely see.
  55. You're always optimistic enough to joke around, [cdb]aren't you? I think that's a lovely trait.
  56. We are seeing each other after a long time. Are your [cdb]skills still sharp?
  57. Of course. You went back to Brigid, right?
  58. Of course. You went back to Brigid, right?
  59. Yes. Home was very good. I went to the ocean and [cdb]forest like when I was a child. I also said hello to the [cdb]spirits.
  60. Ask about the ocean.
  61. Ask about the spirits.
  62. I bet the ocean was beautiful.
  63. I bet the ocean was beautiful.
  64. Yes, it was. I am wanting to show it to all of you [cdb]one day.
  65. It was lovely to be swimming again. I do not hear of [cdb]swimming in Fódlan. It is a great sadness.
  66. Spirits, huh... Can't say I really understand, but they [cdb]sound important to Brigid.
  67. Spirits, huh... Can't say I really understand, but they [cdb]sound important to Brigid.
  68. They are. But spirits are everywhere. You can be [cdb]praying for their protection too.
  69. I'm so useless now. I've been away from battle [cdb]too long...
  70. I can't even remember how to hold a weapon. I should just stand in the back.
  71. ...
  72. Hey, how long have you been there? Did you hear [cdb]what I said?!
  73. Hey, how long have you been there? Did you hear [cdb]what I said?!
  74. I was just practicing what I'd say to Edelgard... Ugh, I feel like crawling into a hole and never [cdb]coming out.
  75. If it isn't my savior! You're looking well.
  76. Have you come to ask me for a favor?
  77. Ask her to stop calling you her savior.
  78. Shrug it off.
  79. Monica, how long are you gonna keep calling me [cdb]that? It's been six months.
  80. Monica, how long are you gonna keep calling me [cdb]that? It's been six months.
  81. I was just protecting Edelgard, that's all.
  82. I was just protecting Edelgard, that's all.
  83. If you insist. I'll treat you like anyone else.
  84. Nah, not really. I might be more inclined to do so if [cdb]you stop calling me that, though.
  85. Nah, not really. I might be more inclined to do so if [cdb]you stop calling me that, though.
  86. I didn't mean to offend! But very well, I'll treat you [cdb]like I would anyone else.
  87. It has been quite an eventful six months. Do you want [cdb]to hear what happened?
  88. You see, Edelgard asked me to assist her with some [cdb]affairs of state.
  89. And while I was working, I got numerous ardent [cdb]propositions from men in the court.
  90. Take her seriously.
  91. Beat her to the punchline.
  92. Uh-huh. And then what happened?
  93. Uh-huh. And then what happened?
  94. Every last one of them had a wife and child, if you can [cdb]believe it!
  95. It turns out they were asking me to help them with [cdb]their work, because of my talents in the political [cdb]sphere.
  96. They've got some gall, I'll tell you that!
  97. Propositions for work, right?
  98. Propositions for work, right?
  99. Hey! Who gave you permission to steal my thunder?
  100. I mean, you're right, but still. You've got some nerve!
  101. It is a pity we cannot battle the Alliance. But there [cdb]are skilled individuals within the church and Kingdom.
  102. Thunder Catherine... The king of Faerghus... And Archbishop Rhea...
  103. Inquire about the archbishop's skill.
  104. Wish him luck in battle.
  105. Wait a minute. I get everyone else, but you think Archbishop Rhea can hold her own in a fight? That's not really the impression I got.
  106. Wait a minute. I get everyone else, but you think Archbishop Rhea can hold her own in a fight? That's not really the impression I got.
  107. Those with strength have a particular scent. She is [cdb]quite powerful in her own right.
  108. I don't really know much about the archbishop, but I [cdb]hope you have a good time battling it out. Best of luck.
  109. I don't really know much about the archbishop, but I [cdb]hope you have a good time battling it out. Best of luck.
  110. Thank you.
  111. To think that an honorable duke such as yourself [cdb]would deign to speak with someone like me...
  112. I doubt I can be of any use, but please, what business [cdb]might you have with me?
  113. You have changed greatly, Constance. I cannot [cdb]imagine what you must have been through.
  114. I am not worthy of your concern, my lord.
  115. The events of my life are exactly what you would [cdb]expect for someone of my lowly stature.
  116. I apologize. Perhaps we should continue this [cdb]conversation at a later date.
  117. I owed Constance, the daughter of the former House Nuvelle, a great debt...
  118. But now I hear she has left this world, and I will never [cdb]be able to repay her.
  119. What is gone can never come back.
  120. Of course a fight breaks out the second I go back to Garreg Mach.
  121. I'm glad I managed to get back in time.
  122. Ask what she was doing.
  123. Show surprise.
  124. What were you doing at Garreg Mach?
  125. What were you doing at Garreg Mach?
  126. Didn't I tell you? I used to live underneath the [cdb]monastery.
  127. I just wanted to check on it. See if it was doing OK [cdb]under the Imperial army.
  128. You certainly made it back right on time. Getting into the fighting spirit, eh?
  129. You certainly made it back right on time. Getting into the fighting spirit, eh?
  130. Not really. I just wanted to see how this battle will [cdb]shake out, that's all.
  131. The Kingdom has its own reasons for fighting, [cdb]just like the Empire.
  132. I don't want to fight them, but I also can't say I want [cdb]us to surrender.
  133. I have to tell myself every day that I made the right [cdb]choice.
  134. I guess these things are never clear-cut, are they?
  135. With permission from Her Majesty, I went to speak [cdb]with Duke Riegan and the other Leicester nobles.
  136. As you know, House Gloucester's territory extends [cdb]right into the center of Leicester.
  137. The Alliance has taken on a rather odd shape at [cdb]present due to that.
  138. We are currently considering exchanging the [cdb]northern part of Gloucester for Ordelia territory.
  139. However, I highly doubt that plan will come to [cdb]fruition for a while. It is much more than redrawing [cdb]lines on a map, you see.
  140. I've been accompanying Lorenz on his travels around Leicester for the past few months.
  141. I even managed to visit my family at one point. I hadn't seen them in a long time, so I'm glad I got [cdb]the chance.
  142. It's made me homesick all over again, but I plan on [cdb]refocusing so I can start working hard again.
  143. Life in the Imperial capital was rough. My pockets [cdb]didn't get any fuller, I'll tell you that.
  144. And obviously I wasn't gonna pick any fights since I'm working closely with Her Majesty.
  145. Show your surprise.
  146. Say you don't believe him.
  147. Well that's a surprise. Guess you can be an upstanding [cdb]citizen when you wanna be, huh?
  148. Well that's a surprise. Guess you can be an upstanding [cdb]citizen when you wanna be, huh?
  149. That's surprising? C'mon, you gotta give me more [cdb]credit than that!
  150. Really now? Empty pockets aside, I find it hard to [cdb]believe you didn't swing a single punch the [cdb]entire time.
  151. Really now? Empty pockets aside, I find it hard to [cdb]believe you didn't swing a single punch the [cdb]entire time.
  152. Come on! Have a little faith, would ya? I wouldn't [cdb]embarrass my employer like that!
  153. Hey, I got something to tell you! I saw my little sis [cdb]and my grandpa for the first time in ages!
  154. Maya—that's my sis—has gotten a bit taller too. She looks a lot like our ma from behind.
  155. I definitely got a little misty-eyed. But I made sure [cdb]she didn't see!
  156. Six whole months and not so much as a peep [cdb]from them...
  157. Even after we came all this way to Enbarr, too. I'm [cdb]quite disappointed, if I'm being honest.
  158. Console her.
  159. Encourage her to not lose hope.
  160. But you probably got to rest a ton because of that, [cdb]right? I know I did!
  161. But you probably got to rest a ton because of that, [cdb]right? I know I did!
  162. You mean to say you were lazing about the whole six [cdb]months?!
  163. If you had so much time on your hands, then you [cdb]should've helped me look for them!
  164. But that doesn't mean they're not going to show. They might pop up later!
  165. But that doesn't mean they're not going to show. They might pop up later!
  166. My, you're certainly taking this in stride. I'm practically desperate here!
  167. When we allied with Leicester, I thought it would be [cdb]a good opportunity to return home.
  168. But my adoptive father wouldn't allow it. He said I [cdb]needed to concentrate on working for the Empire [cdb]right now...
  169. Ask Marianne what his intentions are.
  170. Guess his intentions.
  171. Huh. What's he trying to accomplish by putting you [cdb]in the Imperial army?
  172. Huh. What's he trying to accomplish by putting you [cdb]in the Imperial army?
  173. I think he wants the Edmund name to be renowned [cdb]throughout the Empire.
  174. I see. He's trying to make your family known to the [cdb]emperor.
  175. I see. He's trying to make your family known to the [cdb]emperor.
  176. Yes, I believe so.
  177. It's possible my adoptive father thinks the Empire will [cdb]soon control all of Leicester.
  178. Our soldiers will soon march towards the western Kingdom. I heard we'll be passing through Dominic [cdb]territory.
  179. Baron Dominic is Annie's... Well, my friend's uncle. If we end up hurting him...
  180. I know she'll never forgive us.
  181. But there's nothing we can do about that, is there? It's all up to fate now...
  182. And so the war begins again.
  183. No need to worry. I'm not going to betray you.
  184. Not worried at all.
  185. OK, yeah, definitely worried.
  186. I'm not worried you'll betray us. But we're gonna be [cdb]fighting some of your old friends.
  187. I'm not worried you'll betray us. But we're gonna be [cdb]fighting some of your old friends.
  188. It's all the same to me. I had a feeling this day [cdb]would come.
  189. I'm still kinda worried. We'll be going up against [cdb]some of your old friends.
  190. I'm still kinda worried. We'll be going up against [cdb]some of your old friends.
  191. It's a needless concern... But I can see that. I had a [cdb]feeling this day would come.
  192. I see things very differently from those knights. They [cdb]have different standards about who they ought to [cdb]protect, and about what's good or evil.
  193. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  196. Randolph has been working so hard these past six [cdb]months.
  197. He's not only been training, but he's been studying [cdb]tactics too! He's going to be such a huge help in the [cdb]upcoming battle.
  198. He used to be unreliable, but now I can say with all [cdb]my heart that he's our rock. I'm so proud of him.
  199. Hey, long time no see!
  200. I've been wandering here and there for a while, [cdb]but no place really grabbed me like before.
  201. Business is booming. There's such a huge demand for [cdb]just about everything when a war's on...
  202. That's the saddest part about being a merchant. I wish peace was good for business instead.
  203. I am Count Rowe, and I am charged with [cdb]safeguarding Arianrhod, the Silver Maiden.
  204. I must repay the Empire for saving me. I vow to do all I can as a general in the Imperial army.
  205. By the way, have you heard rumors of the Savage Mockingbird?
  206. I let him go once, but I must find him again at all [cdb]costs... Ah, pay me no mind. This problem is my own.
  207. Our lord venerates Her Majesty, but I find that hard [cdb]to accept.
  208. Why?
  209. Why?
  210. My family lost our hereditary position because of Her Majesty's reforms.
  211. Our duties were merely nominal, but we received [cdb]compensation for them. Now all of that is gone.
  212. Our lord just laughed and said, "Of course we'd be [cdb]removed, we barely did anything."
  213. We took Garreg Mach easily, though there were [cdb]casualties.
  214. That's why many of us didn't consider the Knights of Seiros to be a formidable threat.
  215. But then there was that massive attack six months [cdb]ago, right? Some of our officers let their guard down, [cdb]and mistakes were made. They got in serious trouble.
  216. The Rhodos Coast is to the north of Mateus territory, [cdb]where we'll be invading this month.
  217. That land is associated with Saint Cichol, one of the Four Saints.
  218. There are rumors that a holy artifact lies beneath a [cdb]monument on the coast...
  219. But I imagine that the royal army would have taken it [cdb]years ago if it were of any use.
  220. Ostensibly, the Western Church is obeying the [cdb]policies of the Empire and the Southern Church.
  221. But I don't trust them. They've been treating the [cdb]archbishop with such hostility, too.
  222. I can easily see them causing trouble, and that [cdb]scares me...
  223. Count Gloucester's retired now. And can you guess [cdb]what he's been doing?
  224. Fishing in the Airmid River from the Great Bridge of Myrddin.
  225. My friend who helps manage the bridge was [cdb]complaining that they don't know what to do [cdb]with him.
  226. Did you know that Leicester used to be a part of the Empire?
  227. Then they rebelled against us, got occupied by the Kingdom, and eventually won their independence. And now, they're working with the Empire again.
  228. There's been even more strife in Fhirdiad since we [cdb]successfully defended Arianrhod.
  229. A little bird told me the royal army brought down [cdb]and executed a court mage named Cornelia.
  230. Word has it that she had been working alongside Lord Arundel...and those who slither in the dark.
  231. Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
  232. A lot's been happening in the capital, but now we've [cdb]got an alliance with Leicester.
  233. So let's keep our spirits fresh and we'll fight on [cdb]together!
  234. You're looking well! Do you wish to ask a favor [cdb]of me?
  235. Oh, right. Edelgard asked to see me. Something about a decision she's making.
  236. Oh, right. Edelgard asked to see me. Something about a decision she's making.
  237. There you are. We shall begin the meeting at once. Come with me.
  238. We're finally moving again. We've got to take down [cdb]the Kingdom this time.
  239. I actually wanted to bring down the Alliance too, [cdb]but I can't do much about that now that we're [cdb]working together.
  240. Jeralt's Mercenaries present our biggest problem now. If only there was a way to get them on our side...
  241. I hope we'll be able to concentrate mainly on the [cdb]royal army and steer clear of the mercenaries.
  242. I wonder if we could come up with a diversion that [cdb]would draw them off the battlefield...
  243. Sorry, we're still figuring out our strategy. You should [cdb]go and make sure you're fully prepared.
  244. You have been keeping busy, [HERO_MF]. I hope you are ready to push on toward victory.
  245. This may be a fierce battle. It is possible we could lose [cdb]any one of our close comrades.
  246. I would suggest treasuring the moments we have now, [cdb]and spending time with them while you can.
  247. Thinking about my friends reminds me of my old [cdb]mercenary band.
  248. Thinking about my friends reminds me of my old [cdb]mercenary band.
  249. Actually, I made a little something when I first [cdb]became a full-fledged mercenary.
  250. Actually, I made a little something when I first [cdb]became a full-fledged mercenary.
  251. Might not be a bad idea to give that to someone. It'll be my way of saying I'll always be there for them.
  252. Might not be a bad idea to give that to someone. It'll be my way of saying I'll always be there for them.
  253. How did it feel going onto the battlefield again? Were you overcome with sentimentality?
  254. It was exciting.
  255. It was no different than usual.
  256. Yeah, I was excited to get back to it.
  257. Yeah, I was excited to get back to it.
  258. Excited, hm... I can't say I was expecting that [cdb]response.
  259. Nah, not really. I felt calm like always.
  260. Nah, not really. I felt calm like always.
  261. Glad to hear it. I'm certain you are much stronger [cdb]now than you were half a year ago.
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