1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. Forgive me for asking, but I would appreciate it if you [cdb]did not divulge the information regarding my father [cdb]and stepmother.
  3. I thought it appropriate to share with those I trust, [cdb]but many people would consider it a scandal.
  4. Agree with him.
  5. Ask why.
  6. Got it. Mum's the word.
  7. Got it. Mum's the word.
  8. You have my gratitude, [HERO_MF].
  9. What's so scandalous about it? People get remarried [cdb]all the time.
  10. What's so scandalous about it? People get remarried [cdb]all the time.
  11. You are not wrong, but...marriages within the [cdb]aristocracy carry certain political implications.
  12. Marrying a woman of questionable birth could [cdb]irrevocably tarnish one's public image.
  13. They likely sought to keep it a secret from the people [cdb]lest they cause an uproar in the Kingdom.
  14. I guess even nobles have it rough sometimes.
  15. I guess even nobles have it rough sometimes.
  16. I suppose so. I would prefer it if everyone were free to [cdb]live their lives as they please.
  17. I know not how long it will take, but I would dearly [cdb]like to see such a world realized.
  18. The construction of Arianrhod was [cdb]originally funded by the Empire.
  19. House Rowe, who were mere lords at the time, [cdb]turned it over to the Kingdom.
  20. In exchange, they were granted the title of count and [cdb]became the major lords of southern Faerghus.
  21. Express surprise.
  22. Compliment him.
  23. So that's what went down... Then from the Empire's [cdb]point of view, this is a battle to reclaim what they see [cdb]as rightfully theirs.
  24. So that's what went down... Then from the Empire's [cdb]point of view, this is a battle to reclaim what they see [cdb]as rightfully theirs.
  25. Correct. Though it hasn't been theirs for a very [cdb]long time.
  26. Wow, Dedue, you're quite the history buff.
  27. Wow, Dedue, you're quite the history buff.
  28. I am His Majesty's attendant. It is only natural I know [cdb]these things.
  29. Of course, the fortress's structure has changed since [cdb]the Empire controlled it.
  30. However, if any members of House Rowe remain [cdb]within the enemy's ranks...
  31. There is no telling how the siege will play out. We must hurry.
  32. I've still got a lot of questions about the late king and Lady Patricia.
  33. Assuming that Cornelia did in fact bring the two of [cdb]them together and urged the late king to marry her...
  34. Was Lady Patricia also evil, or was she a good person [cdb]who fell into the clutches of that harpy?
  35. Keep your voice down, Felix. Only a small number of [cdb]people are privy to the story.
  36. Cornelia's word cannot be trusted. Neither can the [cdb]emperor's, for that matter, as she is our enemy.
  37. Listen well, Felix. The only truth you need to believe [cdb]is your own. Do not be swayed by the words of—
  38. Enough. I don't need another lecture. It was a [cdb]mistake to even bring it up with you.
  39. Oh, well...my apologies. It seems I've said one word [cdb]too many.
  40. Hmph. Try a lot of words too many.
  41. Arianrhod, huh? I can't believe this is how I'm [cdb]returning to Rowe territory.
  42. Ah, I guess it's former Rowe territory now. Things have really changed, haven't they?
  43. Before the war, I never would've imagined I'd end up [cdb]in this situation.
  44. Count Rowe's confidant, Lord Gwendal, was in [cdb]change of Arianrhod's arsenal.
  45. He went missing when the count surrendered.
  46. Meaning he's undoubtedly with the enemy now. We should've hunted him down before. You know, [cdb]left no stone unturned.
  47. Show optimism.
  48. Express apprehension.
  49. Eh, I'm sure it's fine. The Knights of Seiros are [cdb]guarding Arianrhod, right?
  50. Eh, I'm sure it's fine. The Knights of Seiros are [cdb]guarding Arianrhod, right?
  51. Yeah, but what if the enemy knows about some [cdb]hidden passageway we don't?
  52. Calling it a siege would barely be accurate at that [cdb]point. We wouldn't be able to win, even with a [cdb]hundred King Dimitris running around.
  53. I dunno, a hundred of him is a lot. I think we'd wipe [cdb]the floor with them.
  54. I dunno, a hundred of him is a lot. I think we'd wipe [cdb]the floor with them.
  55. You really think so? Wait, that's not the point here! This is all just fantasy talk.
  56. You're probably right... The idea of a massive Imperial army waiting for us has me shaking in [cdb]my boots.
  57. You're probably right... The idea of a massive Imperial army waiting for us has me shaking in [cdb]my boots.
  58. Me too. I hope the knights and my brother can hold [cdb]out a little while longer.
  59. We've had some tough battles, but something tells me [cdb]this one's going to be particularly harrowing.
  60. My father said he would lend us a hand as well, [cdb]but who knows what will happen.
  61. Oh, I'm just so nervous. We're going against the [cdb]emperor's personal guard, aren't we?
  62. The size of the Empire's force is overwhelming. I wonder if we'll all make it back safely.
  63. Encourage her.
  64. Say nothing.
  65. Crack a joke.
  66. Don't worry, Mercedes. As long as we stick to the [cdb]plan, we'll win for sure.
  67. Don't worry, Mercedes. As long as we stick to the [cdb]plan, we'll win for sure.
  68. Yes, you're right. I know we can win. We just have to [cdb]give it our best, right?
  69. ...
  70. ...
  71. Hehe, I appreciate how sincere you are. You never act [cdb]like you understand things you don't.
  72. Well, if they're the emperor's personal guard, then [cdb]we're the king's personal guard. Sounds like a fair [cdb]fight to me.
  73. Well, if they're the emperor's personal guard, then [cdb]we're the king's personal guard. Sounds like a fair [cdb]fight to me.
  74. A fair fight? Hehe, well yes, I suppose you're right. We can definitely win.
  75. Please be careful out there, [HERO_MF]. I cannot bear to see another friend get hurt.
  76. My father and uncle are securing the western front. They should be fine for now.
  77. Simon was still a no-show though, despite how bad [cdb]the situation was.
  78. Simon?
  79. Simon?
  80. My cousin, yeah. He's the heir to House Dominic.
  81. He doesn't get along with my uncle very well, [cdb]and tends to just disappear at the drop of a hat.
  82. He's not a bad person or anything, but... I really wonder where he is.
  83. We've received word that fighting in the east has [cdb]abated.
  84. We anticipated that the emperor would focus her [cdb]efforts on the western front from here on out...
  85. But none of us ever expected that the emperor herself [cdb]would lead the attack.
  86. However, this could present us with an opportunity, [cdb]just as His Majesty said.
  87. Let us defeat the emperor right now and end this war [cdb]once and for all.
  88. I am having gratitude to be returning to the south. I was reaching my limit with the cold.
  89. But now, instead of cold, Lady Edelgard is [cdb]coming here.
  90. I am thinking both are strong enemies I must be [cdb]overcoming.
  91. It's so weird... I feel like we've been at war with our [cdb]own people for so long now.
  92. I'm glad we got that all squared away. Fighting's a lot [cdb]easier when you don't have guilt dragging you down.
  93. Agree with her.
  94. Say enemies are enemies.
  95. Yeah, for sure. Morale really affects how people fight.
  96. Yeah, for sure. Morale really affects how people fight.
  97. Totally. Now we can all focus on busting up the Imperial army.
  98. An enemy is an enemy. Just because they're one of [cdb]our own doesn't mean they get special consideration.
  99. An enemy is an enemy. Just because they're one of [cdb]our own doesn't mean they get special consideration.
  100. Maybe that's how it is for you, but not everyone [cdb]thinks that way.
  101. So, the time has finally come.
  102. I knew our paths would cross eventually so long as I [cdb]was part of the Kingdom army...
  103. Ask what she's talking about.
  104. Show concern.
  105. What are you talking about, Dorothea?
  106. What are you talking about, Dorothea?
  107. I mean that it is time to fight Edie.
  108. Will I be able to surrender to the Empire if I lose [cdb]again? That question keeps going around in my mind.
  109. Yeah, going up against the Imperial army means [cdb]confronting the emperor directly. I get why you're [cdb]worried.
  110. Yeah, going up against the Imperial army means [cdb]confronting the emperor directly. I get why you're [cdb]worried.
  111. Yes... I wonder how I should carry myself if and when I face her.
  112. If I lose again I'll have to surrender to the Empire... That thought keeps going around in my mind.
  113. Oh no! I heard that Edelgard's going to attack us!
  114. Oh no! I heard that Edelgard's going to attack us!
  115. I know Arianrhod's supposed to be great for hiding, [cdb]but still!
  116. Nowhere's safe from Edelgard!
  117. Nowhere's safe from Edelgard!
  118. ...
  119. ...
  120. Word has it that Shamir has joined Catherine in Arianrhod.
  121. The archbishop is rather concerned for Catherine's [cdb]safety, but if those two are together, then they are [cdb]a hundred—nay, a thousand strong.
  122. We must be stalwart as well. Let us prepare for the [cdb]coming battle against the emperor.
  123. Dimitri mentioned that he wanted to speak with Edelgard.
  124. He has something he wishes to ask her. Whatever [cdb]it may be, I am certain it is extremely important.
  125. However, everyone else is striving to defeat the [cdb]emperor and end the war.
  126. If Edelgard perishes, so too goes his chance to speak [cdb]with her.
  127. And then his words will remain forever unsaid.
  128. Reassure her.
  129. Stare in confusion.
  130. It depends on how the battle goes, but I'm sure they'll [cdb]get a chance to talk...at least a little.
  131. It depends on how the battle goes, but I'm sure they'll [cdb]get a chance to talk...at least a little.
  132. I am glad to hear that. Although, I wonder if that will [cdb]be enough.
  133. Hard to say. But I'm sure Dimitri'll figure it out.
  134. Hard to say. But I'm sure Dimitri'll figure it out.
  135. Well that is not very reassuring. Though I suppose [cdb]you are right.
  136. Welcome! Just like every day, I'm open for business!
  137. Looks like you've got a major battle coming up. Gotta make sure you're prepared for anything, [cdb]know what I mean?
  138. I've got all sorts of handy items for sale, so stay a [cdb]while and browse!
  139. The knights who were stationed in former Arundel [cdb]territory have made a safe retreat to Arianrhod.
  140. They've joined up with our forces inside the [cdb]fortress and are preparing for the siege.
  141. Lady Catherine and the rest of the knights are [cdb]exceptional fighters, of course...
  142. But even so, I'm not sure how long they can hold out, [cdb]given who they face. You must hurry.
  143. The Imperial army has kept quiet for a good while. They've only now suddenly made a move.
  144. Either they've figured out that our primary force is [cdb]leaving the stronghold...
  145. Or perhaps they've assembled enough soldiers to [cdb]crush them regardless.
  146. In either case, the battle is sure to be arduous. We must brace ourselves for the worst...
  147. Those soldiers from Duscur aren't just pretending to [cdb]help so they can stab us in the back, are they?
  148. They're volunteers, so most of them are probably on [cdb]good terms with Faerghus...
  149. But some might still hold a grudge. I have to admit, [cdb]it's kind of nerve-wracking hoping they'll watch [cdb]my back on the battlefield.
  150. Margrave Gautier had a wife who hailed from the Empire.
  151. The first child she bore is that scoundrel—I mean, Lord Miklan.
  152. Then while pregnant with their second child, she fled [cdb]to their northern castle to avoid the epidemic that [cdb]was spreading at the time.
  153. That is when she lost her life in a Sreng raid. Such a tragic story.
  154. Apparently, Count Duval's been willingly [cdb]cooperating with the investigation into the [cdb]western lords.
  155. He's been in hot water with the Western Church on [cdb]several occasions over how he manages the sacred [cdb]lands in his territory.
  156. I'm willing to bet he doesn't want to oppose the royal [cdb]family and lose the Central Church's backing.
  157. At any rate, things should be calming down in the [cdb]west. Now we need to just get on over to Arianrhod.
  158. When I visited Arianrhod some years ago, the count [cdb]had a boy with him who he claimed was his [cdb]adopted son.
  159. The boy had such a beautiful face, yet an air of [cdb]viciousness hung about him.
  160. Those within the castle said the count was completely [cdb]enamored of the young lad's charm...
  161. Oh dear, I should refrain from spreading rumors that [cdb]besmirch the dead. Forget I said anything.
  162. Have you seen the mountain range to the northwest? The big one is called Gwenhwyvar, the Sacred Mountain.
  163. It separates Duscur from Faerghus. I was born and [cdb]raised in a town at its foot.
  164. Back then, it was a quiet place, frequented by [cdb]merchants and travelers from all over the Kingdom.
  165. I'm going to return my hometown to its former glory, [cdb]if it's the last thing I do.
  166. So, I've been thinking. It's true the Empire's been way [cdb]too aggressive.
  167. But on the other hand, the Kingdom's just been [cdb]avoiding the problem.
  168. Only time will tell which course is more effective.
  169. House Rowe betrayed the Empire and defected to the Kingdom when Arianrhod was built.
  170. That is why both the Empire and Kingdom have long [cdb]held them in contempt for their wavering loyalty.
  171. It is quite likely the count has developed something [cdb]of an inferiority complex over time.
  172. Nevertheless, this is a prime example of what happens [cdb]when you bite the hand—or in this case, hands— [cdb]that feed you.
  173. It's been one deadly battle after another, from the [cdb]capital all the way to Arianrhod.
  174. Still, as long as I'm with you, I know we'll get through [cdb]it somehow.
  175. Although I suppose it's always the overly-optimistic [cdb]people who wind up dead.
  176. Greetings Commander! Nothing to report!
  177. The Kingdom army and the Knights of Seiros must be [cdb]putting everything they've got into fending off [cdb]the enemy.
  178. You've gotta help them as soon as possible. In the [cdb]meantime, consider these gates kept! By me, [cdb]of course!
  179. I stopped by Arianrhod to see Catherine before I [cdb]came here.
  180. Shamir was there too. You remember her?
  181. Of course.
  182. Doesn't ring a bell.
  183. Yeah, she was in the Knights of Seiros, but I don't [cdb]think we ever talked.
  184. Yeah, she was in the Knights of Seiros, but I don't [cdb]think we ever talked.
  185. Nope. Who's that?
  186. Nope. Who's that?
  187. She used to be in the Knights of Seiros. I'm sure you [cdb]saw her around.
  188. It's been a while since she left the order, but I'm real [cdb]glad I got to see her again.
  189. Shamir's the one who taught me how to use a bow. Honestly, I would've liked to stay and fight [cdb]alongside her...
  190. But Lady Rhea would be mighty upset if I went and [cdb]got myself killed.
  191. What's the matter? Having second thoughts?
  192. Don't worry about it. You're human, after all. A little [cdb]wavering is only natural.
  193. Trust in me, and I'll guide you to the right answer.
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