1. As I'm sure you have all heard by now, House Rowe [cdb]in the south has declared its fealty to the Empire.
  2. What's more, Lord Lonato of Castle Gaspard has set [cdb]out with the express intention of tracking down and [cdb]murdering the archbishop.
  3. I had hoped we could reconcile the matter by using [cdb]neighboring lords as intermediaries.
  4. But it seems Lord Lonato couldn't look past our [cdb]willingness to shelter the church, and has taken [cdb]the matter into his own hands.
  5. I can't believe this...
  6. Ashe. I won't stop you if you wish to return to Castle Gaspard, even now.
  7. I appreciate the offer, truly. But I am a knight of the [cdb]royal family. My place is here.
  8. So? What are House Rowe and Lord Lonato's [cdb]soldiers up to? Or the Imperial army, for that matter.
  9. There's been no movement from House Rowe as of [cdb]yet. He likely lacks the nerve.
  10. Lord Lonato, on the other hand, has set off from Castle Gaspard and launched an attack on Geraint [cdb]land.
  11. Meanwhile, a vanguard from the Imperial army has [cdb]breached Kingdom territory. It seems they're aiming [cdb]to rendezvous with Lonato and join the assault.
  12. Wait, but if they're just a vanguard, doesn't that mean [cdb]a larger force is going to come after them?
  13. We'll never stand a chance if they manage to meet up [cdb]and form one massive army.
  14. House Galatea is sending reinforcements to fend [cdb]them off, but our enemy deployed alarmingly fast.
  15. I only hope the House Geraint soldiers can repel Lord Lonato and his men long enough.
  16. In any case, we can't just sit here on our hands. They need help, and fast. Let's ride.
  17. In any case, we can't just sit here on our hands. They need help, and fast. Let's ride.
  18. You're right. And I'll be coming with you.
  19. The risk is too great, Your Majesty. You should stay [cdb]here in the capital.
  20. We've already been over this, Dedue. My leadership [cdb]is needed on the front lines.
  21. We'll march west from Charon territory to intercept [cdb]and crush Lonato and the Empire's forces.
  22. From there, we'll mount an attack on Arianrhod. The Rowe army will be cut off from the Imperial [cdb]reinforcements and fall by our hand.
  23. Finally, we'll seize control of Arianrhod and the [cdb]entire western front along with it.
  24. I've asked a distant relative of the royal family, Duke Ifan, to keep watch over the capital in case of [cdb]an emergency.
  25. Gustave will be staying behind as well, so as long as [cdb]nothing too extreme happens, we shouldn't have [cdb]anything to worry about.
  26. Sounds like a plan. Most of the big fights are gonna [cdb]be around Arianrhod, if I had to guess.
  27. No matter what, we need to hurry. We'll be done for [cdb]if we don't drive them off soon.
  28. No matter what, we need to hurry. We'll be done for [cdb]if we don't drive them off soon.
  29. Agreed. And my apologies. We always seem to deploy [cdb]with such haste lately.
  30. Eh, it's nothing. It's not like it's your fault or [cdb]anything.
  31. Eh, it's nothing. It's not like it's your fault or [cdb]anything.
  32. Sure, you're the king and we're your subjects now, [cdb]but we're your friends before that. We'll do [cdb]whatever you need of us.
  33. Sure, you're the king and we're your subjects now, [cdb]but we're your friends before that. We'll do [cdb]whatever you need of us.
  34. I suppose you're right. Thank you.
  35. Oh, and one more thing before we go. I received [cdb]word from the church the other day.
  36. Seteth and his sister Flayn will be joining us from [cdb]here on out, leading a company comprised of Knights [cdb]of Seiros.
  37. Seteth, huh? I'm not the kinda guy to turn down a [cdb]helping hand, but I can't help but wonder why.
  38. Seteth, huh? I'm not the kinda girl to turn down a [cdb]helping hand, but I can't help but wonder why.
  39. I haven't had the chance to discuss it with him yet. Perhaps you can ask him yourself, if the opportunity [cdb]arises.