1. And that's where things are. It's only a matter of [cdb]time before the Imperial army marches on Riegan [cdb]territory.
  2. Once again, Margrave Edmund is only offering [cdb]financial support instead of troops.
  3. My apologies... I'll do all I can on the front lines in [cdb]my adoptive father's stead.
  4. And on top of that, he's sent his adorable daughter [cdb]to risk her life on the battlefield? Unbelievable.
  5. I'm so sorry for the trouble.
  6. You have nothing to apologize for. The blame rests [cdb]squarely on your father's shoulders. Mark my words, [cdb]the next time I see him...
  7. I think we get the picture, Judith! Save that fire for [cdb]the battlefield.
  8. We're finally free of Count Gloucester and his [cdb]overbearing pompousness. You don't need to go [cdb]filling his shoes.
  9. Isn't that exactly why you called me here? If I'm to fill [cdb]his seat, I assume I also get his right to complain.
  10. Honestly, what's going on? The Alliance is facing an [cdb]unprecedented crisis, and these "Great" Lords can't [cdb]even show up to their own roundtable!
  11. House Ordelia has no ability to resist the Empire, [cdb]given our location and lack of military power.
  12. Were my father to take his seat at the roundtable [cdb]now, the Empire might interpret it as a show of [cdb]defiance.
  13. I take it that means House Ordelia won't be [cdb]contributing to the Alliance in any way.
  14. Two of the Five Great Lords have effectively forfeited [cdb]their seats. Why not fill Ordelia's chair with someone [cdb]like Viscount Siward?
  15. Not happening. Can you imagine the fuss Albany [cdb]and Burgundy would kick up when they learned [cdb]we only asked Siward to participate?
  16. Those three houses have always been treated as [cdb]equals. Besides, I doubt Viscount Burgundy could [cdb]come even if we did invite him.
  17. House Burgundy's circumstances are much the same [cdb]as House Ordelia's. In fact, their position may be [cdb]even worse than ours.
  18. How are we supposed to stop the Empire like this? House Goneril was supposed to swoop in and save [cdb]our skins, and even they couldn't bother to attend!
  19. Leave it to my brother to eat some bad mushrooms [cdb]just before an important meeting.
  20. Don't you make excuses for him. If Holst couldn't [cdb]make it, then the duke should've come himself.
  21. House Goneril has already pledged their full support. They're not the problem here.
  22. Then why waste our time with this conference?
  23. Our troops were provided by the Alliance's nobles. You know we can't act without a resolution from the [cdb]roundtable, even if it is a mere formality.
  24. And anyway, the entire Alliance needs to be on the [cdb]same page if we're going to coordinate our military [cdb]strategy.
  25. Well, as I said, I'm afraid there's not much House Ordelia can do, even if we are informed.
  26. Be that as it may, we still have to get this done. Let's move on and discuss our strategy for the [cdb]battles to come.
  27. This is it, folks. Right now, we need everyone focused [cdb]on defending Derdriu. Here's the plan...