1. All right! We did it!
  2. The rest of the Almyran soldiers seem to have [cdb]simmered down. I guess it's because they lost [cdb]their commander?
  3. That Shahid guy must've been the only one who [cdb]actually wanted to fight us.
  4. That Shahid guy must've been the only one who [cdb]actually wanted to fight us.
  5. Claude, I believe you owe us an explanation. Why are [cdb]you and this Almyran general on such amiable terms?
  6. I guess you could say he looked after me a bit when I [cdb]was a kid.
  7. Before you joined House Riegan, you mean? How did [cdb]you two come to meet in the first place?
  8. It is difficult to fathom the circumstances that would [cdb]lead someone in Fódlan to make the acquaintance of [cdb]an Almyran general.
  9. It's a long story, so I'll just cut to the chase. It turns out Almyra isn't as unified as many believe.
  10. After the battle two years ago, I went to Nader to see [cdb]if there was a way we could partner up if something [cdb]like that were to happen again.
  11. You see, I serve the king of Almyra directly, as a [cdb]retainer. I was never obligated—or inclined—to [cdb]obey Prince Shahid.
  12. The prince was obsessed with starting a war with Fódlan, in the hopes that he could distinguish himself [cdb]enough to secure a path to the throne.
  13. This probably comes as no surprise, but he didn't [cdb]have any kind of plan whatsoever beyond clearing Fódlan's Throat.
  14. Once I caught wind of the situation, I thought it'd [cdb]be best to have Nader and Holst get to know each [cdb]other before things really got out of hand.
  15. Wait, Holst. You've already met him?
  16. Yes. Nader the Unstoppable and I have been nemeses [cdb]of a sort for years now.
  17. It's actually "Nader the Undefeated," but go on.
  18. But when we met, he declared that he was willing to [cdb]band together if doing so would prevent Almyra's [cdb]name from being sullied.
  19. Well, that right there nearly moved me to tears! Before long, we were drinking and celebrating our [cdb]newfound brotherhood.
  20. Your newfound what, now?
  21. Ah, I take it you're Holst's sister? Then that makes [cdb]you my sister too! It's a pleasure to meet you!
  22. Um, yeah, I'm actually full up in the brother [cdb]department.
  23. Getting back to the story, I'd been trying to nip Shahid's foolhardy war in the bud for a while.
  24. But the prince was always as stubborn as an ox. And so, that's how I ended up here with this [cdb]gigantic army.
  25. Luckily, though, I spotted my newfound brother [cdb]defending the Throat with the kiddo and his army.
  26. It's a shame about the prince, but I'm glad we were [cdb]able to help stop the attack on Fódlan.
  27. Does that explanation satisfy you, Lorenz?
  28. I cannot help but feel there is more to the story. But for now, I will happily thank General Nader [cdb]for his assistance.
  29. You have my gratitude as well. You all helped me [cdb]prevent another blow to Almyra's reputation.
  30. Now, in Almyra, it's traditional to throw a grand [cdb]feast after a battle. We eat, sing, and dance till [cdb]we can't move anymore.
  31. Oh yeah? Claude has the same tradition! Wait, [cdb]but that means...
  32. Uh...
  33. Uh...
  34. We may have failed to capture any Imperial territory, [cdb]but we succeeded in defending the Alliance.
  35. So tonight, we celebrate in style. I hope you're all [cdb]ready, because it's gonna be a feast for the ages!
  36. Hey, I was right! It's feasting time!
  37. So that's what you mean. Should've known.
  38. So that's what you mean. Should've known.