1. Looks like we're safe. Though I have to say, we cut [cdb]that way closer than I'm comfortable with.
  2. Looks like we're safe. Though I have to say, we cut [cdb]that way closer than I'm comfortable with.
  3. You're telling me. I could've done without that [cdb]wretched merchant riling up what was left of Gaspard.
  4. I'm gonna need hazard pay for that one. Remind me [cdb]to send Dimitri an invoice later.
  5. Don't trouble His Majesty with such things!
  6. Easy there, friend. I'm just blowing off some steam. Don't go getting your honor in a twist.
  7. Well, I am a knight, after all.
  8. Though after fighting those people from House Gaspard, I wonder if I'm even worthy of the station.
  9. Our entire job is killing people—it's what we do from [cdb]sunup to sundown. You really think that line of work [cdb]won't make you an enemy or three?
  10. Yes, you're right—and if I needed it, this was certainly [cdb]a stark reminder.
  11. Lonato once told me to hold true to my beliefs.
  12. So I'll keep trusting my own sense of justice and walk [cdb]the path I've chosen. There's no turning back now.
  13. Encourage him with a smile.
  14. Encourage him seriously.
  15. Now there's the Ashe I know and love.
  16. Now there's the Ashe I know and love.
  17. I never had much of a handle on what justice means— [cdb]or evil, for that matter.
  18. I never had much of a handle on what justice means— [cdb]or evil, for that matter.
  19. But when I see that look on your face, it makes me [cdb]want to root for you all the more.
  20. But when I see that look on your face, it makes me [cdb]want to root for you all the more.
  21. Thank you, friend.
  22. And thanks to you as well, Catherine.
  23. I could never abandon an ally in need.
  24. Besides, I owe it to Christophe to keep you alive.
  25. Ask her who Christophe is.
  26. Ask her about her connection to Lonato.
  27. So I probably should've asked this already, but who [cdb]is Christophe?
  28. So I probably should've asked this already, but who [cdb]is Christophe?
  29. Ashe's adoptive older brother, and Lord Lonato's [cdb]true son.
  30. We were classmates at the academy... and close friends.
  31. But when he got swept up in a conspiratorial plot, I had no choice but to put him to the sword.
  32. So I probably should've asked before, but what [cdb]kinda connection do you have with Lonato?
  33. So I probably should've asked before, but what [cdb]kinda connection did you have with Lonato?
  34. I'm responsible for the death of his son, Christophe— Ashe's adoptive older brother.
  35. In response, Lonato pinned a baseless crime on me, [cdb]making it impossible for me to ever return home.
  36. In a way, I suppose I should thank him. If not for that, I never would've taken up with Lady Rhea.
  37. You really like Rhea, don't you? I actually respect [cdb]that, and I don't respect much of anything.
  38. I'd prefer if you respected Lady Rhea rather than me. She truly is wonderful.
  39. This all sounds very...complicated.
  40. This all sounds very...complicated.
  41. Oh, it is. But you can't escape your past. No one can.
  42. You, Ashe, Yuri... We all have our baggage.
  43. Hmph.
  44. Well, what say we head back? I'm sure everyone is [cdb]waiting for us.
  45. Good idea.
  46. The Kingdom will need to decide how to deal with House Gaspard.
  47. I hope they can find some measure of peace.
  48. Regardless, I intend to help them however I can.
  49. Must you? Whenever you do your best, it tends to [cdb]make additional work for the rest of us.
  50. Seriously, Yuri? Can't you just agree with me [cdb]for once?
  51. Heh.
  52. What's wrong, Catherine?
  53. What's wrong, Catherine?
  54. Oh, nothing. Just thinking about the past, is all.