1. Ah, Ferdinand. I hadn't realized you'd returned to [cdb]the palace.
  2. Yes, here I am. Not that I have official business [cdb]like you.
  3. Then why come such a long way— Ah, I see. You're here to visit your father.
  4. I am ashamed to say this was my first time seeing him [cdb]in his cell.
  5. My father insisted I stay away for my own safety.
  6. Though I must confess, the dungeon was not the [cdb]horrid place I had imagined it to be.
  7. I was envisioning...you know. Fiery hot pokers, [cdb]spikes...that manner of thing.
  8. Oh? Then it may interest you to know that we do [cdb]actually have such a dungeon. I've only seen it [cdb]once, myself.
  9. It's...further down from where we're keeping the [cdb]former duke. It's a dismal place, one where rats [cdb]scurry to and fro.
  10. Rats? I do not imagine Father would cope well with [cdb]that at all.
  11. While he did look haggard, it sounds as though his [cdb]treatment could be far, far worse.
  12. We're doing our best to keep him in good health— [cdb]the rest will depend on his frame of mind.
  13. Well, you will hear no complaints from me.
  14. I care only that he is kept alive and given a fair trial. And that his punishment fits the crime, of course.
  15. You'd better speed things along then, because Hubert is quickly losing patience.
  16. A fact of which I am very well aware. The problem is [cdb]that I remain unable to connect my father to many of [cdb]the acts he is accused of.
  17. Perhaps you're wasting your time. A noble as [cdb]powerful as your father could easily have [cdb]documents forged and witnesses bought off.
  18. Any records that remain will be considered far too [cdb]dubious to prove guilt or innocence.
  19. Another fact I am very much aware of...
  20. In truth...I already found proof some time ago. Proof of his corruption, that is.
  21. I discovered it while looking through his tax records. When I realized what he had done, I was ready to [cdb]serve him up to the authorities myself.
  22. Your own father? I'm surprised to hear you say that.
  23. I mean it. I thought I could carefully build a solid [cdb]case against him while studying at the academy.
  24. However, you had him clapped in irons before I [cdb]could have my case organized. Heh. Now there [cdb]is a bit of comedy.
  25. I idolized my father ever since I was a child. Yet I had to push those feelings aside in order to [cdb]muster the anger to punish him.
  26. Now I find myself trapped between both of those [cdb]emotions with no resolution in sight.
  27. I see. And tell me, is that the end of your story?
  28. I thought you were going to become prime minister. Keep me in line. Surpass me, even.
  29. Oh! Uh, well, I did not mean...
  30. You can still share words with your father and see him [cdb]punished for his crimes, you know.
  31. So if you desire resolution, start resolving matters. It's never too late.