1. Goodness, I slept too much. A little fishing ought to [cdb]snap me right awake.
  2. I am hearing you, Linhardt.
  3. Apparently so. Care to fish with me?
  4. Ah! O'er what wat'ry expanse wilst our hook'd morsel [cdb]fly? What piscine denizen dost thou...thee? Nay, [cdb]thou! Dost thou be intending to make thy quarry?
  5. Umm...
  6. In days of yore, I oft partooketh of the angler's art. Yea, forsooth! I was being quite adept!
  7. But in this place, thou are knowing thy waters better. Mayhap thou are being my guide...eth?
  8. Oh, that is wonderful.
  9. Is this about that love letter? You did say you were [cdb]going to study up on the old speech.
  10. I was wondering why you were assaulting me with [cdb]so many "thees" and "thous."
  11. Fódlan's old tongue gives me much more difficulty [cdb]than the young one.
  12. Absolutely. Most people struggle to even write that [cdb]way, let alone speak it.
  13. I'm in awe of you, Petra. What you've done is very, [cdb]very impressive.
  14. I bet you could scour the continent and only find a [cdb]handful of people who can form such sentences.
  15. I mean, people haven't spoken that way since the [cdb]goddess herself walked the land.
  16. So speakers of this style are rare?
  17. I have been trying with hardness to learn how to be [cdb]speaking like everyone else in Fódlan.
  18. And now I am finding success, but in the [cdb]wrong century.
  19. I think you should be proud! This only goes to show [cdb]how much of an aptitude you have for languages.
  20. You're not even from Fódlan and you can out-thou [cdb]the best of us. That's fascinating.
  21. Thou art extremely fascinating, Petra! Haha!
  22. I am not understanding the funniness.
  23. Do the people of Fódlan truly never speak in this [cdb]way?
  24. Usually only if they're a professional actor or trying [cdb]to make a bit of a joke. But perhaps you're about to [cdb]usher in a major comeback.
  25. In fact, I think we should schedule some time for you [cdb]to coach me, Professor Petra.
  26. Me, teaching you? That idea is a wonderful one!
  27. You are usually teaching me so many things, and now I can be repaying the favor.
  28. It's almost a shame you've got your life mapped out [cdb]as queen of Brigid.
  29. You'd make a fine academic. I don't suppose I could talk you into it?
  30. An...academic?
  31. Yes, a sort of professional scholar. It takes passion— [cdb]and more importantly, luck—but you've got both.
  32. I do?
  33. Well, there's no question you're passionate and a [cdb]hard worker, which just leaves the luck part.
  34. And I'd say you live a charmed life indeed if people [cdb]are dropping you love letters in the middle of a war!
  35. What ever happened with that, by the way?
  36. I gave him my rejection and will never be seeing [cdb]him again.
  37. What? Really? I'm dying to know more, but... Listen, just give the academia thing some thought, [cdb]all right? You'd be perfect for it.