1. Hmmm, something fishy's going on. I hope they're [cdb]not getting into trouble...
  2. If it isn't little Hilda! Why the long face?
  3. Ah, Baltie!
  4. Y'know, if Holst heard you were looking down in [cdb]the dumps, he'd come flying faster than you can say "overly attached."
  5. Of course, I won't be the one to tell him.
  6. You better not! He's been acting...strange lately.
  7. I'm actually starting to worry. Do you know what's [cdb]going on, Baltie?
  8. Oh, me? Nah. How should I?
  9. Well, the two of you have been hanging out an awful [cdb]lot recently.
  10. Wait! Don't tell me you've been corrupting him with [cdb]your wicked ways!
  11. If I find out you're to blame for what's going on with [cdb]him, so help me Baltie...
  12. Take it easy, will ya? You've got the wrong guy.
  13. Besides, even if I was trying to use my "wicked ways" [cdb]on him—which I'm not—what of it?
  14. You don't really think your brother would be swayed [cdb]that easily, do you?
  15. Fair point. My brother can't stand anything that isn't [cdb]honorable and just.
  16. That's the truth. There's not a soul better at keeping [cdb]people in line.
  17. Yeah, and if someone did try to corrupt him, he'd just [cdb]beat them senseless. Then lecture them for hours on [cdb]end.
  18. And if by some chance he did give in, would you [cdb]hate him?
  19. Of course not. He's my brother and I'll always love [cdb]him no matter what. Not that I have to worry, [cdb]since he's basically incorruptible.
  20. Oh my dear, precious sister! Is that what you truly [cdb]think of me?
  21. Ah! Holst?! When did you get here?
  22. I love you too, Hilda. Now come on and give your [cdb]brother a big hug.
  23. Baltie! How could you do this to me?
  24. Wait, Hilda, I can explain. There's a really good [cdb]reason for this. Honestly. Really good.
  25. You set me up! He heard everything!
  26. Look, Holst told me he's been really worried about [cdb]you lately.
  27. I just wanted the poor guy to hear what you had to [cdb]say, that's all.
  28. Now he knows how you feel, so he doesn't have to [cdb]worry anymore. All's well that ends well, yeah?
  29. I am forever grateful, my friend! You have shown me [cdb]the true nature of my darling sister's feelings!
  30. What are you two so happy about? I've never been [cdb]more embarrassed in my entire life!
  31. I'm sorry, Hilda. I was the one who talked Balthus [cdb]into this.
  32. Please forgive this poor, misguided buffoon. Direct all your anger at me—along with your love!
  33. You really are hopeless, aren't you.
  34. Nonsense, Hilda. For you... You are my hope.
  35. Ugh...
  36. What are you even saying? Ugh! Fine, do whatever [cdb]you want! Just leave me out of it!
  37. Never a dull moment with those two.