1. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2. I know that war brings sacrifice, but going forward I [cdb]want to prevent it as much as possible.
  3. And I mean on both sides. Though I doubt that will [cdb]be easy.
  4. Nod.
  5. Shrug.
  6. Mourn Randolph.
  7. Yeah. It would be a lot easier to handle if we could [cdb]just think of killing as part of our work...
  8. Yeah. It would be a lot easier to handle if we could [cdb]just think of killing as part of our work...
  9. Perhaps our only choice is to view them as necessary [cdb]sacrifices for a better future.
  10. Yeah. All these people are willing to throw away their [cdb]lives just to get in our way.
  11. Yeah. All these people are willing to throw away their [cdb]lives just to get in our way.
  12. I must seize a better future for us, even if it means [cdb]cutting them down.
  13. Randolph, Jeralt... There were a lot of deaths on both [cdb]sides this time around.
  14. Randolph, Jeralt... There were a lot of deaths on both [cdb]sides this time around.
  15. Yes... I must do all that I can to create a better future, [cdb]for their sakes as well.
  16. Now that we are cooperating with the Alliance, [cdb]the front lines have never been more stable.
  17. I am certain that if we continue steadily and with [cdb]equanimity, both the Kingdom and the Knights of Seiros will fall.
  18. The problem is that I doubt they will be content to [cdb]stand by and watch.
  19. Ask who "they" are.
  20. Guess who "they" are.
  21. "They"?
  22. "They"?
  23. Thales and his compatriots, who have so mysteriously [cdb]vanished. We must remain cautious. We do not know [cdb]where they are or what they're plotting.
  24. You mean those who slither in the dark, right?
  25. You mean those who slither in the dark, right?
  26. Indeed. As Thales has mysteriously vanished, [cdb]we remain unaware of his movements. We must [cdb]be wary.
  27. The number of noble lords without Crests is steadily [cdb]growing within the Empire.
  28. I have heard that there are practically no lords [cdb]without them in the Kingdom.
  29. The only exception would be Baron Dominic. There was no Crest bearer in his generation.
  30. However, his heir bears a Crest, and I seem to [cdb]remember that his niece, Annette, does as well.
  31. Numerous spots in this area are connected to saints. Did someone already explain that to you?
  32. The Rhodos Coast in the north honors Saint Cichol. And to the south, there's Lake Teutates, which is Saint Indech's holy ground.
  33. I'd go see them if I wasn't in the army. Life just [cdb]isn't fair.
  34. Suggest a quick trip.
  35. Offer your sympathy.
  36. Couldn't you swing by and take a peek? They're not [cdb]that far, right?
  37. Couldn't you swing by and take a peek? They're not [cdb]that far, right?
  38. Oh, would you like to come with me? We probably [cdb]could get permission if you did. Yes, let's do that.
  39. Yeah, that's too bad. Guess you'll just have to go when [cdb]the war's over, huh?
  40. Yeah, that's too bad. Guess you'll just have to go when [cdb]the war's over, huh?
  41. You're not the first person to tell me that. But still, [cdb]it's disappointing to have to wait.
  42. Randolph and Fleche can really handle [cdb]themselves now!
  43. They've been living up to expectations ever since Edelgard assigned them to our main forces.
  44. Randolph might not be a Bergliez, but he's putting on [cdb]an impressive show!
  45. They're inspiring.
  46. They still have a long way to go.
  47. I've got to keep up then. Same goes for you, y'know.
  48. I've got to keep up then. Same goes for you, y'know.
  49. Exactly! I've gotta keep working harder!
  50. They're certainly more capable, but they've still got a [cdb]long way to go.
  51. They're certainly more capable, but they've still got a [cdb]long way to go.
  52. What?! That means I've got a long way to go too! I've gotta keep up!
  53. I guess anyone can get cut down before they hit their [cdb]prime. Even me.
  54. But I doubt Randolph regretted how it went down. He gave it his all and what happened...happened.
  55. I just hope Fleche feels the same.
  56. Lately I've been getting this feeling...I'm really glad I [cdb]was born in the Empire.
  57. Lately I've been getting this feeling...I'm really glad I [cdb]was born in the Empire.
  58. Whenever we fight the Kingdom, I can't help but [cdb]think how they've been having such a hard time...
  59. Whenever we fight the Kingdom, I can't help but [cdb]think how they've been having such a hard time...
  60. What about the Alliance?
  61. The Empire has it rough too.
  62. What do you think of the Alliance, then? Sounds like [cdb]you've given this some thought.
  63. What do you think of the Alliance, then? Sounds like [cdb]you've given this some thought.
  64. Huh? That's not what I'm talking about right now!
  65. You know...the Empire doesn't have it any easier. I bet you'd say the opposite if you were born in the Kingdom.
  66. You know...the Empire doesn't have it any easier. I bet you'd say the opposite if you were born in the Kingdom.
  67. Huh? That's not what I'm talking about! Ugh, never mind!
  68. We are going more north in the Kingdom. It is [cdb]very cold there.
  69. When I am cold, I am moving slower. It is dangerous [cdb]if I use a weapon the wrong way.
  70. Everyone else is amazing, though. I cannot be [cdb]doing the same...
  71. Seeing people get killed in battle is really sad, [cdb]whether they're a friend or an enemy.
  72. Still, I'm glad that I haven't gotten so used to it that it [cdb]doesn't affect me.
  73. Say you're used to it.
  74. Say you'll never get used to it.
  75. Yeah, I think that's a good thing. I've gotten too used [cdb]to it myself, but you should stay the way you are.
  76. Yeah, I think that's a good thing. I've gotten too used [cdb]to it myself, but you should stay the way you are.
  77. Really? You say that, but I know deep down you're a [cdb]kind-hearted softie.
  78. Really? You say that, but I know deep down you're a [cdb]kind-hearted softie.
  79. Yeah, that's how it goes. I've been a mercenary for a [cdb]long time, but I'll never get used to it either.
  80. Yeah, that's how it goes. I've been a mercenary for a [cdb]long time, but I'll never get used to it either.
  81. You sure you're not just saying that to make me feel [cdb]better? But thanks all the same.
  82. Jeralt's Mercenaries have gotten in our way [cdb]countless times.
  83. So needless to say, I have mixed feelings about them [cdb]joining our side.
  84. Say you're happy about it.
  85. Say you have mixed feelings too.
  86. I'm honestly happy about it. Now we've got more [cdb]tough fighters on our side.
  87. I'm honestly happy about it. Now we've got more [cdb]tough fighters on our side.
  88. Yes, I thought you'd say that. Quite a mercenary way [cdb]of thinking.
  89. Yeah, me too. I tense up whenever I see them hanging [cdb]around the base.
  90. Yeah, me too. I tense up whenever I see them hanging [cdb]around the base.
  91. Right? I hope I get used to them soon, but...we can [cdb]never be too careful.
  92. Randolph...
  93. You should do something to distract yourself, Fleche.
  94. Maybe you could do some sword practice at the [cdb]training grounds... Oh, I could go with you if you [cdb]need a partner.
  95. My brother is dead! How could I think about training [cdb]right now?!
  96. I... I don't know.
  97. But you'll need to get stronger if you want to survive. Or if you want revenge.
  98. Isn't that why you're still here?
  99. Yes... You're right.
  100. I've been thinking about what it would take to [cdb]re-open the Officers Academy. When the war's over, [cdb]of course.
  101. It wouldn't be at all similar to how it used to be, [cdb]but still.
  102. Edelgard and Ferdinand were downright enthusiastic [cdb]when I suggested it.
  103. They said they would start making preparations right [cdb]away. They really are good kids.
  104. [BYLETH_MF], the Ashen Demon... Quite a [cdb]formidable warrior.
  105. It is truly vexing that I no longer have the chance to [cdb]kill...or be killed by someone like that.
  106. [BYLETH_MF], the Ashen Demon... Quite a [cdb]formidable warrior.
  107. We will soon meet again on the battlefield. All I can [cdb]do is pray to hasten the coming of that day.
  108. Heh. Perhaps a man such as he could slay me... and the demon within.
  109. Heh. Perhaps a woman such as she could slay me... and the demon within.
  110. Ahaha! At long last, Her Majesty's ambitions are [cdb]about to become a reality!
  111. Which means my own dreams will soon come to [cdb]fruition as well! How positively thrilling!
  112. Offer your doubts.
  113. Congratulate her.
  114. Edelgard achieving her ambitions doesn't necessarily [cdb]mean your dreams will become reality.
  115. Edelgard achieving her ambitions doesn't necessarily [cdb]mean your dreams will become reality.
  116. I am very well aware! I'm simply reveling in [cdb]the moment!
  117. But I trust that Lady Edelgard will see my wishes [cdb]brought to life. Without a doubt!
  118. Then I'd say congratulations are in order. We might [cdb]be putting the cart before the horse a bit, but do you [cdb]wanna celebrate anyway?
  119. Then I'd say congratulations are in order. We might [cdb]be putting the cart before the horse a bit, but do you [cdb]wanna celebrate anyway?
  120. We are certainly putting many carts before many [cdb]horses! But I do appreciate the sentiment.
  121. I hope you will congratulate me again when Lady Edelgard makes my dreams a reality.
  122. I think I've been here before. But I don't exactly [cdb]recognize anything.
  123. It seems like all of my old friends have died too. I should probably just forget about this place.
  124. <<<EMPTY>>>
  125. <<<EMPTY>>>
  126. <<<EMPTY>>>
  127. Lonato ordered my siblings to take refuge in [cdb]the Empire.
  128. I hope they're all OK. I've barely had any time to [cdb]write to them.
  129. The oldest of them was so amazed when I became a [cdb]knight. He was happier than anyone else.
  130. It scares me to think about whether he'd still be [cdb]proud of me after all I've done.
  131. The Alliance is fighting well and keeping pace with [cdb]the Empire for the moment.
  132. Therefore, I have managed to avoid feeling any shame [cdb]thus far. However...
  133. Ask if he's uneasy.
  134. Ask what he means by shame.
  135. I thought we were getting along with the Alliance just [cdb]fine, but something in your voice tells me that not [cdb]everything's peachy over there.
  136. I thought we were getting along with the Alliance just [cdb]fine, but something in your voice tells me that not [cdb]everything's peachy over there.
  137. No matter how close we may be to someone, those [cdb]ties could be severed in an instant. That has been my [cdb]experience, at least.
  138. Shame? What do you mean?
  139. Shame? What do you mean?
  140. I suppose it is a given that a commoner with an easy [cdb]life would not understand.
  141. If our battles continue to go smoothly, then we'll be [cdb]able to see Fhirdiad one day.
  142. You daydreaming about exploring the city again? You realize we'd be going for a brawl, right?
  143. Remind Ignatz to stay focused.
  144. Tell him he can explore when we win.
  145. He's got a point, Ignatz. It'll be a tough fight. You need to stay focused.
  146. He's got a point, Ignatz. It'll be a tough fight. You need to stay focused.
  147. You're right... OK, I'm going to pull myself together [cdb]and put all my efforts into fighting!
  148. Well, I'll be there to protect you too. You can go for a [cdb]stroll when we win!
  149. But if we win the battle, then you'll be able to take [cdb]your time and explore.
  150. But if we win the battle, then you'll be able to take [cdb]your time and explore.
  151. You're right! I'll make sure we win!
  152. You're fighting so you can be a tourist? Well, I guess [cdb]everyone's got their reasons!
  153. If our battles continue to go smoothly, then we'll be [cdb]able to see Fhirdiad one day.
  154. I'm really looking forward to it... Sorry, that was an [cdb]insensitive thing to say. Please just pretend you [cdb]never heard that.
  155. We'll be fighting in the royal capital soon, right? I wonder what kind of city it is.
  156. If we win, I'm gonna eat all of their most famous [cdb]dishes till I burst!
  157. King Dimitri's supposed to be ridiculously powerful, [cdb]right? If we end up clashing, I want a piece of him.
  158. I've never met an enemy I couldn't break with my [cdb]fists! Oh, uh, except for Holst.
  159. Wait, and Count Bergliez too. Eh, whatever. I'm sure I'll be able to handle Dimitri. Bring it on!
  160. The closer we come to ending this war, the more [cdb]likely they are to make a move.
  161. If their goal is to spread chaos throughout Fódlan, [cdb]that is.
  162. Ask who "they" are.
  163. Guess who "they" are.
  164. Who's this "they" you're talking about?
  165. Who's this "they" you're talking about?
  166. What? Those who slither in the dark, obviously.
  167. They might even have some connection to you, [cdb]but it seems like they barely register in your mind.
  168. You mean...those who slither in the dark, right?
  169. You mean...those who slither in the dark, right?
  170. Yes. We have no way of telling when they might make [cdb]a move. So please stay alert.
  171. I'm glad we did not have to fight against my adoptive [cdb]father and everyone else in the Alliance.
  172. But we'll never make amends with the Kingdom and [cdb]the Central Church, will we?
  173. They may be our enemy, but they're still human. I'm reluctant to take the lives of those to whom I bear [cdb]no ill will...
  174. Balthus, Constance, Hapi. All the usual suspects [cdb]are here.
  175. Up until two years ago, I lived with them [cdb]underground as part of the Ashen Wolves House.
  176. Ask about the Ashen Wolves.
  177. Tease him about it.
  178. The Ashen Wolves? I don't remember that house [cdb]from the Officers Academy.
  179. The Ashen Wolves? I don't remember that house [cdb]from the Officers Academy.
  180. It was called a "house," but really it was a home for [cdb]young ones who had no place left to go in the world.
  181. It was a comfortable place for people with special [cdb]circumstances like us.
  182. And now you're together forever. Aww, it's sweet [cdb]you're all such good friends.
  183. And now you're together forever. Aww, it's sweet [cdb]you're all such good friends.
  184. It's not about being good friends. We're just always [cdb]bound to run into each other. I'm amazed we reunited [cdb]here of all places, though.
  185. I'm worried about the subordinates I left behind in Faerghus, but... Well, the Empire's hired me now.
  186. Don't worry. Trust is the foundation of my business. I'm not going to betray you simply because it strikes [cdb]my fancy.
  187. But I suppose I would understand if someone didn't [cdb]believe me because of my circumstances.
  188. I wonder if it's not too late to put a stop to all this [cdb]fighting. Warring with everyone in the Kingdom [cdb]is just... I don't know...
  189. If House Dominic is leading the Faerghus forces, then Annie will definitely be at the battle.
  190. There's no way I could hurt her. She's my best friend. We've been together forever.
  191. Find a solution.
  192. Dismiss her concerns.
  193. What if you thought of a way to win the fight without [cdb]killing her?
  194. What if you thought of a way to win the fight without [cdb]killing her?
  195. Hm... That's an idea. I'll have to see what I can come [cdb]up with.
  196. If you're not ready to kill your old friends, then you [cdb]don't have to fight. Simple.
  197. If you're not ready to kill your old friends, then you [cdb]don't have to fight. Simple.
  198. Yes... You're exactly right. I'm sorry for pushing my [cdb]concerns onto you.
  199. I hear the Central Church is headquartered in Camulus, which is south of Fhirdiad.
  200. I'm not sure where Rhea is, though.
  201. She's probably in Fhirdiad.
  202. She's probably hiding in Camulus.
  203. I feel like all the church people that can fight are [cdb]working with the royal army.
  204. I feel like all the church people that can fight are [cdb]working with the royal army.
  205. Which means she's probably in Fhirdiad, right?
  206. Which means she's probably in Fhirdiad, right?
  207. Could be. She's definitely a lot tougher than [cdb]she looks.
  208. Maybe she's hiding out in the church in Camulus?
  209. Maybe she's hiding out in the church in Camulus?
  210. Not sure about that. She's a lot tougher than [cdb]she looks.
  211. ...
  212. You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
  213. You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
  214. I just feel strange. Everyone's been much more [cdb]welcoming than I thought they'd be.
  215. No one's all that terrified of me.
  216. ...
  217. You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
  218. You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
  219. I just feel strange. Everyone's been much more [cdb]welcoming than I thought they'd be.
  220. No one's all that terrified of me.
  221. Hey. I hope you don't mind that I'm taking it easy.
  222. We were often outnumbered—or otherwise at a [cdb]disadvantage—when we fought the Imperial army [cdb]in the past.
  223. But now that I'm working for them, I don't have to [cdb]worry about that anymore.
  224. Express surprise.
  225. Nod.
  226. I'm shocked that even the Blade Breaker could feel [cdb]that way.
  227. I'm shocked that even the Blade Breaker could feel [cdb]that way.
  228. Blade Breaker or no, we all die the same.
  229. I get it. A dead mercenary can't take on much work.
  230. I get it. A dead mercenary can't take on much work.
  231. My point exactly. Looks like work'll be smooth [cdb]sailing from here on out.
  232. I was able to fulfill my duty to Her Majesty thanks [cdb]to you.
  233. It's true! We wouldn't have been able to [cdb]accomplish anything with just the two of us. Isn't that right, Randolph?
  234. Exactly. I'm blessed to have such great allies. Now I [cdb]can make sure that Mom has an easy life.
  235. We've been through so much. But I'm glad we worked [cdb]as hard as we did, Fleche!
  236. Looks like all the fighting is going well. And remember, a little shopping never hurt anybody!
  237. It's been much easier doing business now that the Alliance and Empire are working together.
  238. I'm gonna cram my shop full of all kinds of bargains!
  239. Hmm, it sure feels strange fraternizing with our [cdb]arch-enemies...
  240. But bridging the gap is all part of the fun!
  241. I suppose you didn't get the pun. You see, it's a play [cdb]on "arch" enemies and "bridging" the gap.
  242. Hahaha! What do you think? I've been really [cdb]sharpening my joke skills these past two years!
  243. I cannot reveal my identity for various reasons, but I [cdb]can tell you I escaped from Faerghus.
  244. I joined a caravan and made the journey here. I know I would've met my end on the battlefield had I stayed [cdb]in the Kingdom.
  245. That is a warrior's job, is it not? Like my father. My uncle, as well...
  246. Hah! All I can do is pray for peace through my songs.
  247. In the northern part of the Kingdom we have Gautier, Fraldarius, Charon, and Daphnel.
  248. All of those houses descended from the Ten Elites. Their loyalty to House Blaiddyd is, by and large, [cdb]as solid as iron.
  249. By comparison, the nobles in this area have low [cdb]morale, which makes them easy enough to deal with.
  250. House Dominic is the only exception, even though [cdb]their territory is already under Empire control. They're also descended from the Ten Elites.
  251. Their lord and his family escaped, but I hear the [cdb]other nobles have dragged them out and are trying to [cdb]make them fight.
  252. I always go to Monica when I don't know Her Majesty's whereabouts.
  253. A lot of people do that, don't they? But hey, [cdb]somehow she always knows.
  254. I wouldn't mind asking Hubert, but he's even harder [cdb]to track down. And a little scary, at that.
  255. And neither Her Majesty nor Monica have any idea [cdb]where he could be. Isn't that funny?
  256. When I heard the Empire was going to war, I honestly [cdb]had no clue what they were thinking.
  257. But now I see that our victories keep pushing us [cdb]closer toward our goals.
  258. I'm glad we got this far. I'm gonna do all I can, [cdb]especially to honor my friends who died in battle!
  259. We must finish this war with the Kingdom before [cdb]winter comes.
  260. Its true winter had just ended when we resumed [cdb]fighting...
  261. But we can expect many more delays in the future.
  262. Wow, the Imperial army is incredible! Everyone is so [cdb]daring, and they win every battle.
  263. The Alliance army is at a loss with how to proceed, [cdb]so I came to report and apologize.
  264. <<<EMPTY>>>
  265. Tensions are growing at the border between the Kingdom and the Alliance, which means trading in [cdb]the north is rotten right now.
  266. No one wants to get caught up in the fighting, [cdb]and there are bandits and mercenaries stirring up [cdb]trouble.
  267. If I want to take the safest route, then I have to go [cdb]through Garreg Mach.
  268. But that means passing through the mountains, [cdb]which is such a major expense.
  269. Heya! I'm Jetz, the number one breadwinner in Jeralt's Mercenaries! Nice to meetcha!
  270. Do I have a brother? I dunno. I've been alone my [cdb]whole life.
  271. Why are you lookin' like you've seen a ghost?! Was it [cdb]something I said?
  272. I used to be with Jeralt's Mercenaries. But then our [cdb]captain died, remember?
  273. I didn't think they had much of a future after that, [cdb]so I got hired here.
  274. Hey, don't you think our camp has an unusual [cdb]number of cats and dogs running around?
  275. Do you think they're... Nah, that can't be it. Never mind.
  276. Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
  277. No one has tried to breach these gates yet...
  278. But as we head deeper into enemy territory, there's no [cdb]telling how long that might hold true.
  279. If our enemy shows up, I swear they won't get past [cdb]me! At least...I hope.
  280. You sure you're not just saying that to make me feel [cdb]better? But thanks all the same.
  281. You must harness your emotions and continue [cdb]working toward our goal.
  282. This sorrow and regret will undoubtedly make [cdb]you stronger.
  283. That is how humans work, at least as far as I'm aware.
  284. Hm... What must we do to attain victory over such a [cdb]fierce opponent?
  285. I speak of your next goal. I wish to be of as much use [cdb]to you as I can, seeing as we're partners in destiny.
  286. Strength alone will be insufficient. We must be clever [cdb]as well.
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