1. Your Majesty. The Federation army has reached the [cdb]eastern outskirts of Fhirdiad.
  2. Already? They moved more swiftly than I anticipated. Clearly the snows of Faerghus are not a reliable ally.
  3. I was sure this attack would come at the same time as [cdb]an offensive from the Imperial army.
  4. But from all I've seen at our western front, [cdb]that doesn't seem to be the case at all.
  5. So the Federation army's trying to conquer our [cdb]capital by themselves? They must think our military's [cdb]totally incompetent.
  6. Well, it is true that the majority of our forces have [cdb]been divided between the western front and the [cdb]peacekeeping operations in the north.
  7. A situation most likely engineered by Claude himself.
  8. Regardless, it is preposterous to think that an army of [cdb]that size could capture every castle in Faerghus.
  9. Even if they were to defeat us now, their victory [cdb]would only win them the capital for a brief period [cdb]of time.
  10. True enough. The lords of Faerghus would converge [cdb]upon them and retake Fhirdiad with ease.
  11. Then that must be part of their plan. If they do not [cdb]intend to hold the capital, there must be something [cdb]else they seek to gain.
  12. Something that concerns the Central Church, [cdb]perhaps.
  13. That sounds about right. Maybe they're trying to [cdb]curry favor with Edelgard by destroying the church [cdb]before the Imperial army does.
  14. Assuming that's true, it would suggest we could avoid [cdb]a battle entirely if we turned our backs on the church.
  15. But doing so would divide Faerghus and lead to even [cdb]more bloodshed. Is that not the conclusion we [cdb]reached when this all began?
  16. It was. And that's why we're still in this war today.
  17. I understand what you mean. If our involvement [cdb]needlessly spills even more blood, then our [cdb]calculations were gravely mistaken.
  18. However, the church has saved a great many people. People with no place to go, no home to call their own.
  19. The most optimal outcome would be to protect [cdb]our people, our future, and the church all at once.
  20. But if I must choose to sacrifice one of those things, [cdb]the answer is clear.
  21. I will do what I must as the king of Faerghus.
  22. ...
  23. Your Majesty, we must act soon if we are to meet the Federation army. I await your orders.
  24. I suppose we cannot act without first verifying Claude's true intentions.
  25. We must take the field. At the moment, we have no [cdb]choice but to play the part Claude has written for us [cdb]in this charade.
  26. Sylvain, don't let your enthusiasm get the better of [cdb]you. If you find yourself too far ahead, fight your way [cdb]back to us.
  27. I don't know what you're talking about, Your Majesty. I've got a much cooler head than you think.
  28. Rodrigue, send an envoy to Camulus and arrange for [cdb]the evacuation of Lady Rhea and the others.
  29. And have the Knights of Seiros who are stationed in [cdb]the capital accompany her. Tell them they are to serve [cdb]as her bodyguards.
  30. Won't we need them to aid in the defense of Fhirdiad?
  31. For now, I'd like them as far away from here as [cdb]possible.
  32. Understood. If by some chance we do find cause to [cdb]sever ties with the church...
  33. Speak no further, Rodrigue. Not yet. Right now, [cdb]we fight to defend our capital. That is all.