1. Crivens, Leonie! Yer alive! I thought ya went and [cdb]kicked the bucket!
  2. And I'm equally surprised to find you on the right [cdb]side of the dirt. Still hunting for treasure while arrows [cdb]rain down around you?
  3. ...
  4. I saw you speaking with a churlish-looking man near [cdb]the gate earlier, Leonie.
  5. What, him? Oh, he's just a mercenary I met [cdb]a while back.
  6. I see. Given his filthy appearance, I thought he might [cdb]be a wild bandit.
  7. Heh. Not hardly. Although if I'm being honest, [cdb]he's more of a scavenger than a mercenary.
  8. A...scavenger?
  9. Exactly. See, folks like him go to battlefields and loot [cdb]anything worth a bit of coin that's lying around.
  10. Noble folk call them "midden men," but that a pretty [cdb]lousy nickname.
  11. I've heard tales of such people, but...
  12. Yeah, they live in a different world from you and me. Honestly, you could probably live the rest of your life [cdb]and never run into another one.
  13. I...had no idea.
  14. Hey, don't look so glum! There's nothing wrong with [cdb]not knowing about that kind of life.
  15. Except that I wish to know more about commoners.
  16. But in order to do so, I would need to speak with all [cdb]manner of different people...
  17. Leonie, may I ask you something?
  18. I once read something that has stayed with me, [cdb]and I wonder if you might confirm it.
  19. Sure. Hit me.
  20. Well, one particular book stated that the cookies [cdb]and cakes eaten by commoners are not sweet.
  21. But then another book claimed that commoners do [cdb]not actually eat desserts at all.
  22. So do they not eat sweets? Or are the sweets they [cdb]prefer simply not honeyed?
  23. Hmm... Well, I can't speak for everyone, but I ate [cdb]plenty of treats as a kid that weren't sweet at all.
  24. I can't even imagine...
  25. There's no way for most commoners to afford the [cdb]sweets that nobles enjoy.
  26. So instead, we eat unsweetened treats. Might be better to call them snacks, really.
  27. Commoner snacks?
  28. They're probably different from what you're used to. They're hard, dry, and look kind of plain.
  29. Anyway, you make a rough dough out of whatever [cdb]grains you have lying around and fry it up. It's basic, [cdb]but it's filling.
  30. So if I were to become a commoner, I would also eat [cdb]these "snacks"...
  31. I'd never eat sweet candy again...
  32. Well, not every commoner is forced to live on snacks. I bet you could get your hands on sweets if you were [cdb]a merchant or an artisan or something.
  33. But anyway, you're a noble! Why are you worried?
  34. I...I'm sorry. It was merely a hypothetical.
  35. Thank you, Leonie. You were very helpful.
  36. Was I? Huh. Well, if you've got any other questions, [cdb]feel free to fire away.
  37. Oh, and for the record, the kids in my village were [cdb]always happy with whatever snacks we could get.
  38. They were simple, sure, but also good in a weird way. You should try them sometime!
  39. A simple taste, is it? Intriguing...
  40. Maybe I should try making one of these snacks and [cdb]see if Leonie wants to eat it with me...