1. Ah, Your Majesty. Tending to your weapon, I see. My apologies for interrupting you.
  2. It's all right, I just finished. Is there something you [cdb]need, Rodrigue?
  3. Yes, in fact. I received this from Matthias when I was [cdb]in Gautier territory the other day.
  4. From the margrave? But this sword is...
  5. He said he'd borrowed it from Lambert years ago, [cdb]and had long since forgotten about it.
  6. What sort of laggard keeps a loan so long he has to [cdb]return it to the lender's son? Thirty years!
  7. That would've been around the time you all attended [cdb]the Officers Academy together, correct? Would you [cdb]mind telling me the story of this sword?
  8. It started when our class was given a mission to [cdb]eradicate a bandit encampment.
  9. Foolish as I was at the time, I dashed in ahead of [cdb]the others, leaving me and my entire unit stranded [cdb]behind enemy lines.
  10. Apparently, your father and Matthias started arguing [cdb]about whether or not it was worth coming to save me. Broke out into a full on fistfight before long.
  11. That's a surprise. I wouldn't have expected that [cdb]of my father, much less the margrave!
  12. Well, they were both pretty feisty in their day. Neither of them wanted to back down, I'm sure.
  13. On one hand, you had Matthias insisting they wait [cdb]for aid from the church. Supplies were running low, [cdb]so charging in could've gotten everyone killed.
  14. On the other, Lambert was so determined to come to [cdb]our rescue he'd have gone all by himself if he had to. No idea whose plan won in the end, sadly.
  15. All I know is they fought their way through [cdb]the enemy lines together. And lucky for me, [cdb]they found us before the bandits did.
  16. So my father tended to charge in recklessly as well. Or perhaps he was just naïve in his youth.
  17. Story goes, Matthias's lance broke while they were [cdb]fighting their way toward us, so Lambert lent him [cdb]this sword.
  18. As he was giving it to me, he couldn't help but laugh [cdb]about how it slipped his mind for all these years.
  19. Considering what I know of the margrave, I have my doubts that he actually forgot it at all.
  20. You're probably right. This is just my opinion, but...
  21. I don't think he ever really managed to accept Lambert's death until you ascended the throne.
  22. Perhaps. In any case, please tell him I've received it.
  23. And...thank you for relaying that story to me. It seems even in his youth, my father was willing [cdb]to do whatever it took to see those close to him safe.
  24. Yet here I've gone and started a war, knowing full well [cdb]it will hurt those I care about most. He'd likely call [cdb]me a fool if he were here today.
  25. I'm not so sure about that. Yes, he did treasure his [cdb]friends.
  26. But I don't think he would've been too keen on [cdb]abandoning the church either, considering all [cdb]they've done to protect the people of Faerghus.
  27. Rodrigue, you knew my father well. Could I ask [cdb]you to do something for me?
  28. If I ever attempt anything that would bring shame to [cdb]his name, please...
  29. Say no more. I'll stop you, even if I have to lay down [cdb]my life to do it. I already promised him the same [cdb]thing, actually.
  30. You have my deepest thanks.