1. Gain a chance to perform a [0:COLOR]few attacks[1:COLOR] that instantly defeat non-commander units. Chance increases with hit count. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to dash a [0:COLOR]short distance[1:COLOR].
  2. Gain a chance to perform [0:COLOR]several attacks[1:COLOR] that instantly defeat non-commander units. Chance increases with hit count. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to dash a [0:COLOR]moderate distance[1:COLOR].
  3. Gain a chance to perform [0:COLOR]many attacks[1:COLOR] that instantly defeat non-commander units. Chance increases with hit count. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to dash a [0:COLOR]long distance[1:COLOR].
  4. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to stop time. A follow-up attack will trigger when time restarts, based on damage dealt during the stoppage. Has a [0:COLOR]long[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  5. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to stop time. A follow-up attack will trigger when time restarts, based on damage dealt during the stoppage. Has a [0:COLOR]moderate[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  6. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to stop time. A follow-up attack will trigger when time restarts, based on damage dealt during the stoppage. Has a [0:COLOR]short[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  7. Imbue attacks with [0:COLOR]fire[1:COLOR].
  8. Imbue attacks with [0:COLOR]powerful fire[1:COLOR].
  9. Imbue attacks with [0:COLOR]devastating fire[1:COLOR].
  10. Gain a [0:COLOR]low chance[1:COLOR] to impale an attacked enemy with a magic spike. Additional attacks power up the spike. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to detonate the spike and inflict dark damage based on power level.
  11. Gain a [0:COLOR]moderate chance[1:COLOR] to impale an attacked enemy with a magic spike. Additional attacks power up the spike. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to detonate the spike and inflict dark damage based on power level.
  12. Gain a [0:COLOR]high chance[1:COLOR] to impale an attacked enemy with a magic spike. Additional attacks power up the spike. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to detonate the spike and inflict dark damage based on power level.
  13. Gain a [0:COLOR]low chance[1:COLOR] to spawn musical notes around the unit when performing regular attacks. Attacking the notes triggers elemental shockwaves.
  14. Gain a [0:COLOR]moderate chance[1:COLOR] to spawn musical notes around the unit when performing regular attacks. Attacking the notes triggers elemental shockwaves.
  15. Gain a [0:COLOR]high chance[1:COLOR] to spawn musical notes around the unit when performing regular attacks. Attacking the notes triggers elemental shockwaves.
  16. At [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR] hits and above: gain an increase in speed proportional to hit count.
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to create a zone of ice that increases critical hit rate. Has a [0:COLOR]long[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  20. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to create a zone of ice that increases critical hit rate. Has a [0:COLOR]moderate[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  21. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to create a zone of ice that increases critical hit rate. Has a [0:COLOR]short[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  22. Hold the button when performing strong attacks to charge the attack, increasing attack range and damage dealt [0:COLOR]by one tier[1:COLOR].
  23. Hold the button when performing strong attacks to charge the attack, increasing attack range and damage dealt [0:COLOR]by up to two tiers[1:COLOR].
  24. Hold the button when performing strong attacks to charge the attack, increasing attack range and damage dealt [0:COLOR]by up to three tiers[1:COLOR].
  25. [0:COLOR]Slightly increase[1:COLOR] evasion distance. Dodges inflict [0:COLOR]very minor[1:COLOR] wind damage.
  26. [0:COLOR]Moderately increase[1:COLOR] evasion distance. Dodges inflict [0:COLOR]minor[1:COLOR] wind damage.
  27. [0:COLOR]Greatly increase[1:COLOR] evasion distance. Dodges inflict [0:COLOR]moderate[1:COLOR] wind damage.
  28. Complete a final regular attack to spawn a pair of wind orbs in front of the unit. The orbs automatically attack in a [0:COLOR]narrow range[1:COLOR].
  29. Complete a final regular attack to spawn a pair of wind orbs in front of the unit. The orbs automatically attack in a [0:COLOR]moderate range[1:COLOR].
  30. Complete a final regular attack to spawn a pair of wind orbs in front of the unit. The orbs automatically attack in a [0:COLOR]wide range[1:COLOR].
  31. Imbue attacks with [0:COLOR]lightning[1:COLOR].
  32. Imbue attacks with [0:COLOR]powerful lightning[1:COLOR].
  33. Imbue attacks with [0:COLOR]devastating lightning[1:COLOR].
  34. Hold the button when performing strong attacks to trigger blasts on impact that deal [0:COLOR]minor damage[1:COLOR] to enemies.
  35. Hold the button when performing strong attacks to trigger blasts on impact that deal [0:COLOR]moderate damage[1:COLOR] to enemies.
  36. Hold the button when performing strong attacks to trigger blasts on impact that deal [0:COLOR]major damage[1:COLOR] to enemies.
  37. Dodge in the middle of an attack to increase speed by one tier for a period of time. Will reach maximum speed after [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR] dodges.
  38. <<<EMPTY>>>
  39. <<<EMPTY>>>
  40. Attacking [0:COLOR]very slightly fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge and gradually restores HP. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to damage enemies and heal allies.
  41. Attacking [0:COLOR]slightly fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge and gradually restores HP. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to damage enemies and heal allies.
  42. Attacking [0:COLOR]moderately fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge and gradually restores HP. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to damage enemies and heal allies.
  43. While holding [$ACT_SKILL], use [$PAD_L3] to create and place a zone of wind. Has a [0:COLOR]long[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  44. While holding [$ACT_SKILL], use [$PAD_L3] to create and place a zone of wind. Has a [0:COLOR]moderate[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  45. While holding [$ACT_SKILL], use [$PAD_L3] to create and place a zone of wind. Has a [0:COLOR]short[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  46. Attacking [0:COLOR]very slightly fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to temporarily strengthen yourself and surrounding allies.
  47. Attacking [0:COLOR]slightly fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to temporarily strengthen yourself and surrounding allies.
  48. Attacking [0:COLOR]moderately fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to temporarily strengthen yourself and surrounding allies.
  49. At [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR] hits and above: increase attack range and damage dealt proportional to the hit count.
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. Enemies sent flying explode and deal ice damage to a [0:COLOR]narrow area[1:COLOR].
  53. Enemies sent flying explode and deal ice damage to a [0:COLOR]moderate area[1:COLOR].
  54. Enemies sent flying explode and deal ice damage to a [0:COLOR]wide area[1:COLOR].
  55. Imbue attacks with [0:COLOR]wind[1:COLOR].
  56. Imbue attacks with [0:COLOR]powerful wind[1:COLOR].
  57. Imbue attacks with [0:COLOR]devastating wind[1:COLOR].
  58. Attacking fills the Unique Ability Gauge, while nullifying an enemy attack decreases it. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to draw in foes a [0:COLOR]short distance[1:COLOR] away.
  59. Attacking fills the Unique Ability Gauge, while nullifying an enemy attack decreases it. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to draw in foes a [0:COLOR]moderate distance[1:COLOR] away.
  60. Attacking fills the Unique Ability Gauge, while nullifying an enemy attack decreases it. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to draw in foes a [0:COLOR]long distance[1:COLOR] away.
  61. Hold the button during strong attacks to [0:COLOR]slightly increase[1:COLOR] damage and add lightning. While charging, enemies a [0:COLOR]short distance[1:COLOR] away will be drawn in.
  62. Hold the button during strong attacks to [0:COLOR]moderately increase[1:COLOR] damage and add lightning. While charging, enemies a [0:COLOR]moderate distance[1:COLOR] away will be drawn in.
  63. Hold the button during strong attacks to [0:COLOR]greatly increase[1:COLOR] damage and add lightning. While charging, enemies a [0:COLOR]long distance[1:COLOR] away will be drawn in.
  64. Charge to power up attacks for a set period. Attacks will strengthen up to [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR] tiers based on the number of charges.
  65. <<<EMPTY>>>
  66. <<<EMPTY>>>
  67. Enemies sent flying explode and deal dark damage to a [0:COLOR]narrow area[1:COLOR]. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to draw in Spellbound enemies. Can be used again after a cooldown.
  68. Enemies sent flying explode and deal dark damage to a [0:COLOR]moderate area[1:COLOR]. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to draw in Spellbound enemies. Can be used again after a cooldown.
  69. Enemies sent flying explode and deal dark damage to a [0:COLOR]wide area[1:COLOR]. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to draw in Spellbound enemies. Can be used again after a cooldown.
  70. Send enemies flying to spatter the ground with a [0:COLOR]small amount of paint[1:COLOR]. Enemies that step in the paint incur elemental damage matching its color.
  71. Send enemies flying to spatter the ground with a [0:COLOR]moderate amount of paint[1:COLOR]. Enemies that step in the paint incur elemental damage matching its color.
  72. Send enemies flying to spatter the ground with a [0:COLOR]large amount of paint[1:COLOR]. Enemies that step in the paint incur elemental damage matching its color.
  73. At [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR] hits and above: spawn falling ice orbs that deal ice damage to foes at intervals proportional to hit count.
  74. <<<EMPTY>>>
  75. <<<EMPTY>>>
  76. Allows the unit to string together [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR] times the normal number of regular attacks. Based on the number of consecutive hits, speed will increase, and final regular or strong attacks will strengthen.
  77. <<<EMPTY>>>
  78. <<<EMPTY>>>
  79. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to create an orb of wind that draws in enemies and then explodes. Has a [0:COLOR]long[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  80. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to create an orb of wind that draws in enemies and explodes. Has a [0:COLOR]moderate[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  81. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to create an orb of wind that draws in enemies and explodes. Has a [0:COLOR]short[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  82. Generate a small number of orbs with each attack. The orbs will be light or dark depending on the stage, up to a total of [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR]. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to launch the orbs.
  83. Generate several orbs with each attack. The orbs will be light or dark depending on the stage, up to a total of [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR]. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to launch the orbs.
  84. Generate many orbs with each attack. The orbs will be light or dark depending on the stage, up to a total of [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR]. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to launch the orbs.
  85. At [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR] hits and above: power up attacks proportional to the hit count. Sending enemies flying grants a [0:COLOR]very small amount of gold[1:COLOR].
  86. At [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR] hits and above: power up attacks proportional to the hit count. Sending enemies flying grants a [0:COLOR]small amount of gold[1:COLOR].
  87. At [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR] hits and above: power up attacks proportional to the hit count. Sending enemies flying grants a [0:COLOR]fair amount of gold[1:COLOR].
  88. Strong attacks and the unit's final regular attack generate [0:COLOR]small zones[1:COLOR] in front of the unit that deal dark damage. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to detonate the zones and cause a [0:COLOR]small explosion[1:COLOR].
  89. Strong attacks and the unit's final regular attack generate [0:COLOR]mid-sized zones[1:COLOR] in front of the unit that deal dark damage. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to detonate the zones and cause a [0:COLOR]moderate explosion[1:COLOR].
  90. Strong attacks and the unit's final regular attack generate [0:COLOR]large zones[1:COLOR] in front of the unit that deal dark damage. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to detonate the zones and cause a [0:COLOR]large explosion[1:COLOR].
  91. Attacking generates lightning-imbued musical staves and fills the Unique Ability Gauge. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to deal a [0:COLOR]small amount of damage[1:COLOR] around the staves.
  92. Attacking generates lightning-imbued musical staves and fills the Unique Ability Gauge. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to deal a [0:COLOR]moderate amount of damage[1:COLOR] around the staves.
  93. Attacking generates lightning-imbued musical staves and fills the Unique Ability Gauge. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to deal a [0:COLOR]large amount of damage[1:COLOR] around the staves.
  94. Imbue non-regular attacks with wind. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to rend Windtorn enemies with air blades. Has a [0:COLOR]long[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  95. Imbue non-regular attacks with wind. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to rend Windtorn enemies with air blades. Has a [0:COLOR]moderate[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  96. Imbue non-regular attacks with wind. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to rend Windtorn enemies with air blades. Has a [0:COLOR]short[1:COLOR] cooldown time.
  97. Gain a chance to spawn an [0:COLOR]orb of light[1:COLOR] around the unit when performing regular attacks. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to fire a beam of light toward all orbs.
  98. Gain a chance to spawn [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER] orbs of light[1:COLOR] around the unit when performing regular attacks. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to fire a beam of light toward all orbs.
  99. <<<EMPTY>>>
  100. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to make attacks hit twice for a period of time and deal a [0:COLOR]small[1:COLOR] amount of additional damage. This skill can be reused periodically.
  101. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to make attacks hit twice for a period of time and deal a [0:COLOR]moderate[1:COLOR] amount of additional damage. This skill can be reused periodically.
  102. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to make attacks hit twice for a period of time and deal a [0:COLOR]large[1:COLOR] amount of additional damage. This skill can be reused periodically.
  103. Strike with the right timing to [0:COLOR]slightly increase[1:COLOR] critical hit rate and imbue attacks with ice.
  104. Strike with the right timing to [0:COLOR]moderately increase[1:COLOR] critical hit rate and imbue attacks with ice.
  105. Strike with the right timing to [0:COLOR]greatly increase[1:COLOR] critical hit rate and imbue attacks with ice.
  106. Hold the button when performing strong attacks to [0:COLOR]slightly increase damage[1:COLOR], guard break, and explode enemies sent flying.
  107. Hold the button when performing strong attacks to [0:COLOR]increase damage up to two tiers[1:COLOR] proportional to the charge, guard break, and explode enemies sent flying.
  108. Hold the button when performing strong attacks to [0:COLOR]increase damage up to three tiers[1:COLOR] proportional to the charge, guard break, and explode enemies sent flying.
  109. Attacking [0:COLOR]slightly fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to rain fire down on enemies.
  110. Attacking [0:COLOR]moderately fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to rain fire down on enemies.
  111. Attacking [0:COLOR]greatly fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to rain fire down on enemies.
  112. Attacking [0:COLOR]very slightly fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge and increases damage dealt to enemies. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to attack, instantly defeating non-commander enemies.
  113. Attacking [0:COLOR]slightly fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge and increases damage dealt to enemies. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to attack, instantly defeating non-commander enemies.
  114. Attacking [0:COLOR]moderately fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge and increases damage dealt to enemies. When the gauge is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to attack, instantly defeating non-commander enemies.
  115. Strike with the right timing to [0:COLOR]slightly increase[1:COLOR] damage, attack range, and knockback rate.
  116. Strike with the right timing to [0:COLOR]moderately increase[1:COLOR] damage, attack range, and knockback rate.
  117. Strike with the right timing to [0:COLOR]greatly increase[1:COLOR] damage, attack range, and knockback rate.
  118. Strike with the right timing to generate a [0:COLOR]small shockwave[1:COLOR] imbued with an element corresponding to the attack.
  119. Strike with the right timing to generate a [0:COLOR]moderate shockwave[1:COLOR] imbued with an element corresponding to the attack.
  120. Strike with the right timing to generate a [0:COLOR]large shockwave[1:COLOR] imbued with an element corresponding to the attack.
  121. Attacking [0:COLOR]slightly fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to temporarily increase speed and imbue attacks with lightning.
  122. Attacking [0:COLOR]moderately fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to temporarily increase speed and imbue attacks with lightning.
  123. Attacking [0:COLOR]greatly fills[1:COLOR] the Unique Ability Gauge. When it is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to temporarily increase speed and imbue attacks with lightning.
  124. Every [0:NUMBER] hits, create a [0:COLOR]magic sigil[1:COLOR] imbued with an element that will attack automatically. Max 3 sigils.
  125. Every [0:NUMBER] hits, create a [0:COLOR]powerful magic sigil[1:COLOR] imbued with an element that will attack automatically. Max 3 sigils.
  126. Every [0:NUMBER] hits, create a [0:COLOR]devastatingly powerful magic sigil[1:COLOR] imbued with an element that will attack automatically. Max 3 sigils.
  127. Imbue attacks with either light or dark. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to switch between the two and trigger an [0:COLOR]additional attack[1:COLOR].
  128. Imbue attacks with either light or dark. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to switch between the two and trigger an [0:COLOR]additional powerful attack[1:COLOR].
  129. Imbue attacks with either light or dark. Press [$ACT_SKILL] to switch between the two and trigger an [0:COLOR]additional devastating attack[1:COLOR].
  130. At [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR] hits and above: a strong attack or final regular attack summons fellow gatekeepers to perform a follow-up attack.
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. <<<EMPTY>>>
  134. <<<EMPTY>>>
  135. <<<EMPTY>>>
  136. <<<EMPTY>>>
  137. <<<EMPTY>>>
  138. <<<EMPTY>>>
  139. <<<EMPTY>>>
  140. <<<EMPTY>>>
  141. <<<EMPTY>>>
  142. <<<EMPTY>>>
  143. <<<EMPTY>>>
  144. <<<EMPTY>>>
  145. <<<EMPTY>>>
  146. <<<EMPTY>>>
  147. <<<EMPTY>>>
  148. <<<EMPTY>>>
  149. <<<EMPTY>>>
  150. <<<EMPTY>>>
  151. When HP is at [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR] or above: increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate.
  152. <<<EMPTY>>>
  153. <<<EMPTY>>>
  154. [0:COLOR]Slightly increases damage[1:COLOR] while Awakened.
  155. [0:COLOR]Moderately increases damage[1:COLOR] while Awakened.
  156. [0:COLOR]Greatly increases damage[1:COLOR] while Awakened.
  157. Causes enemies that are guarding to nonetheless sustain [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER][1:COLOR]% of calculated damage.
  158. <<<EMPTY>>>
  159. <<<EMPTY>>>
  160. Keeps the Stun Gauge visible [0:COLOR]slightly longer[1:COLOR].
  161. Keeps the Stun Gauge visible [0:COLOR]a while longer[1:COLOR].
  162. Keeps the Stun Gauge visible [0:COLOR]much longer[1:COLOR].
  163. [0:COLOR]Slightly restores[1:COLOR] surrounding allies' HP and Awakening Gauges when the unit completes a Warrior Special.
  164. [0:COLOR]Moderately restores[1:COLOR] surrounding allies' HP and Awakening Gauges when the unit completes a Warrior Special.
  165. [0:COLOR]Greatly restores[1:COLOR] surrounding allies' HP and Awakening Gauges when the unit completes a Warrior Special.
  166. [0:COLOR]Slightly restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge with each enemy commander defeated.
  167. [0:COLOR]Moderately restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge with each enemy commander defeated.
  168. [0:COLOR]Greatly restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge with each enemy commander defeated.
  169. When hit by enemy attacks: grants a [0:COLOR]very low chance[1:COLOR] of temporarily increasing damage dealt to foes.
  170. When hit by enemy attacks: grants a [0:COLOR]low chance[1:COLOR] of temporarily increasing damage dealt to foes.
  171. When hit by enemy attacks: grants a [0:COLOR]moderate chance[1:COLOR] of temporarily increasing damage dealt to foes.
  172. [0:COLOR]Slightly increases[1:COLOR] damage to enemy Stun Gauges.
  173. [0:COLOR]Moderately increases[1:COLOR] damage to enemy Stun Gauges.
  174. [0:COLOR]Greatly increases[1:COLOR] damage to enemy Stun Gauges.
  175. [0:COLOR]Slightly restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge with each critical hit.
  176. [0:COLOR]Moderately restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge with each critical hit.
  177. [0:COLOR]Greatly restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge with each critical hit.
  178. [0:COLOR]Slightly increases[1:COLOR] how much HP the unit automatically recovers while inside an allied stronghold.
  179. [0:COLOR]Moderately increases[1:COLOR] how much HP the unit automatically recovers while inside an allied stronghold.
  180. [0:COLOR]Greatly increases[1:COLOR] how much HP the unit automatically recovers while inside an allied stronghold.
  181. [0:COLOR]Slightly increases[1:COLOR] damage to enemy HP and Stun Gauges when sending them flying.
  182. [0:COLOR]Moderately increases[1:COLOR] damage to enemy HP and Stun Gauges when sending them flying.
  183. [0:COLOR]Greatly increases[1:COLOR] damage to enemy HP and Stun Gauges when sending them flying.
  184. Taking hits while guarding [0:COLOR]slightly restores[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge. Perfect Guards restore the gauge even more.
  185. Taking hits while guarding [0:COLOR]moderately restores[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge. Perfect Guards restore the gauge even more.
  186. Taking hits while guarding [0:COLOR]greatly restores[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge. Perfect Guards restore the gauge even more.
  187. When no battalion is deployed or if battalion endurance is depleted: [0:COLOR]slightly increases[1:COLOR] damage dealt to enemies.
  188. When no battalion is deployed or if battalion endurance is depleted: [0:COLOR]moderately increases[1:COLOR] damage dealt to enemies.
  189. When no battalion is deployed or if battalion endurance is depleted: [0:COLOR]greatly increases[1:COLOR] damage dealt to enemies.
  190. When magic is used to restore an ally's HP, allows the caster to also recover [0:COLOR]half the amount[1:COLOR] of the restored HP.
  191. When magic is used to restore an ally's HP, allows the caster to also recover [0:COLOR]three-quarters the amount[1:COLOR] of the restored HP.
  192. When magic is used to restore an ally's HP, allows the caster to also recover an [0:COLOR]equal amount[1:COLOR] to the restored HP.
  193. Allows the unit to open chests without a key and unlock special gates. Also grants a [0:COLOR]very low chance[1:COLOR] of increasing items dropped by fallen enemy commanders.
  194. Allows the unit to open chests without a key and unlock special gates. Also grants a [0:COLOR]low chance[1:COLOR] of increasing items dropped by fallen enemy commanders.
  195. Allows the unit to open chests without a key and unlock special gates. Also grants a [0:COLOR]moderate chance[1:COLOR] of increasing items dropped by fallen enemy commanders.
  196. Defeating [0:NUMBER] or more enemies with a single Warrior Special grants a [0:COLOR]small increase in damage dealt[1:COLOR] to enemies for a period of time.
  197. Defeating [0:NUMBER] or more enemies with a single Warrior Special grants a [0:COLOR]moderate increase in damage dealt[1:COLOR] to enemies for a period of time.
  198. Defeating [0:NUMBER] or more enemies with a single Warrior Special grants a [0:COLOR]large increase in damage dealt[1:COLOR] to enemies for a period of time.
  199. When an ally of the opposite sex is nearby or is the unit's adjutant: [0:COLOR]slightly increases[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge fill rate.
  200. When an ally of the opposite sex is nearby or is the unit's adjutant: [0:COLOR]moderately increases[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge fill rate.
  201. When an ally of the opposite sex is nearby or is the unit's adjutant: [0:COLOR]greatly increases[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge fill rate.
  202. [0:COLOR]Slightly increases[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge fill rate when attacking enemies launched into the air.
  203. [0:COLOR]Moderately increases[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge fill rate when attacking enemies launched into the air.
  204. [0:COLOR]Greatly increases[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge fill rate when attacking enemies launched into the air.
  205. [0:COLOR]Slightly increases[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge fill rate when attacking enemies launched into the air.
  206. [0:COLOR]Moderately increases[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge fill rate when attacking enemies launched into the air.
  207. [0:COLOR]Greatly increases[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge fill rate when attacking enemies launched into the air.
  208. When a battalion is deployed: [0:COLOR]slightly increases[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge fill rate.
  209. When a battalion is deployed: [0:COLOR]moderately increases[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge fill rate.
  210. When a battalion is deployed: [0:COLOR]greatly increases[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge fill rate.
  211. When the unit's adjutant is a member of the opposite sex: [0:COLOR]slightly increases[1:COLOR] Adjutant Gauge fill rates and [0:COLOR]slightly increases[1:COLOR] damage dealt by Adjutant Follow-Ups.
  212. When the unit's adjutant is a member of the opposite sex: [0:COLOR]moderately increases[1:COLOR] Adjutant Gauge fill rates and [0:COLOR]moderately increases[1:COLOR] damage dealt by Adjutant Follow-Ups.
  213. When the unit's adjutant is a member of the opposite sex: [0:COLOR]greatly increases[1:COLOR] Adjutant Gauge fill rates and [0:COLOR]greatly increases[1:COLOR] damage dealt by Adjutant Follow-Ups.
  214. [0:COLOR]Slightly increases[1:COLOR] damage dealt to foes for a period of time after collecting recovery items.
  215. [0:COLOR]Moderately increases[1:COLOR] damage dealt to foes for a period of time after collecting recovery items.
  216. [0:COLOR]Greatly increases[1:COLOR] damage dealt to foes for a period of time after collecting recovery items.
  217. [0:COLOR]Slightly restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening and Warrior Gauges when activating Crests.
  218. [0:COLOR]Moderately restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening and Warrior Gauges when activating Crests.
  219. [0:COLOR]Greatly restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening and Warrior Gauges when activating Crests.
  220. [0:COLOR]Slightly increases[1:COLOR] the critical hit rate of strong attacks.
  221. [0:COLOR]Moderately increases[1:COLOR] the critical hit rate of strong attacks.
  222. [0:COLOR]Greatly increases[1:COLOR] the critical hit rate of strong attacks.
  223. When the unit, their adjutant, or a surrounding ally is mounted: [0:COLOR]slightly restores HP[1:COLOR] at regular intervals.
  224. When the unit, their adjutant, or a surrounding ally is mounted: [0:COLOR]moderately restores HP[1:COLOR] at regular intervals.
  225. When the unit, their adjutant, or a surrounding ally is mounted: [0:COLOR]greatly restores HP[1:COLOR] at regular intervals.
  226. When an ally of the opposite sex is nearby or is the unit's adjutant: [0:COLOR]slightly increases[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge fill rate.
  227. When an ally of the opposite sex is nearby or is the unit's adjutant: [0:COLOR]moderately increases[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge fill rate.
  228. When an ally of the opposite sex is nearby or is the unit's adjutant: [0:COLOR]greatly increases[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge fill rate.
  229. [0:COLOR]Slightly restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge with each successful Perfect Dodge.
  230. [0:COLOR]Moderately restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge with each successful Perfect Dodge.
  231. [0:COLOR]Greatly restores[1:COLOR] the Awakening Gauge with each successful Perfect Dodge.
  232. Grants a [0:COLOR]very low chance[1:COLOR] when using elemental magic to instead cast a more powerful version of that magic.
  233. Grants a [0:COLOR]low chance[1:COLOR] when using elemental magic to instead cast a more powerful version of that magic.
  234. Grants a [0:COLOR]moderate chance[1:COLOR] when using elemental magic to instead cast a more powerful version of that magic.
  235. When HP is at [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR] or below: greatly increases critical hit rate.
  236. <<<EMPTY>>>
  237. <<<EMPTY>>>
  238. Deals a [0:COLOR]very small amount of damage[1:COLOR] to one of a monster's barriers even when the unit does not attack with the correct elemental weakness.
  239. Deals a [0:COLOR]small amount of damage[1:COLOR] to one of a monster's barriers even when the unit does not attack with the correct elemental weakness.
  240. Deals a [0:COLOR]moderate amount of damage[1:COLOR] to one of a monster's barriers even when the unit does not attack with the correct elemental weakness.
  241. When using a vulnerary, concoction, or elixir, surrounding allies also receive [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR] of the medicine's benefits.
  242. <<<EMPTY>>>
  243. When using a vulnerary, concoction, or elixir, surrounding allies also receive the medicine's [0:COLOR]full benefits[1:COLOR].
  244. When the unit collects a recovery item, surrounding allies also receive [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR] of the item's benefits.
  245. <<<EMPTY>>>
  246. When the unit collects a recovery item, surrounding allies also receive the item's [0:COLOR]full benefits[1:COLOR].
  247. When the unit recovers HP, their adjutant also recovers [0:COLOR]half the amount[1:COLOR] of the restored HP.
  248. When the unit recovers HP, their adjutant also recovers [0:COLOR]three-quarters the amount[1:COLOR] of the restored HP.
  249. When the unit recovers HP, their adjutant also recovers an [0:COLOR]equal amount[1:COLOR] to the restored HP.
  250. When no battalion is deployed or if battalion endurance is depleted: [0:COLOR]slightly reduces[1:COLOR] damage from enemies.
  251. When no battalion is deployed or if battalion endurance is depleted: [0:COLOR]moderately reduces[1:COLOR] damage from enemies.
  252. When no battalion is deployed or if battalion endurance is depleted: [0:COLOR]greatly reduces[1:COLOR] damage from enemies.
  253. [0:COLOR]Slightly restores[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge when an enemy commander is defeated.
  254. [0:COLOR]Moderately restores[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge when an enemy commander is defeated.
  255. [0:COLOR]Greatly restores[1:COLOR] the Warrior Gauge when an enemy commander is defeated.
  256. When a battalion is deployed: [0:COLOR]slightly reduces[1:COLOR] knockback from enemies the battalion is effective against.
  257. When a battalion is deployed: [0:COLOR]moderately reduces[1:COLOR] knockback from enemies the battalion is effective against.
  258. When a battalion is deployed: [0:COLOR]completely prevents[1:COLOR] knockback from enemies the battalion is effective against.
  259. Restores the Awakening Gauge a [0:COLOR]very small amount[1:COLOR] at a time.
  260. Restores the Awakening Gauge a [0:COLOR]small amount[1:COLOR] at a time.
  261. Restores the Awakening Gauge a [0:COLOR]moderate amount[1:COLOR] at a time.
  262. Greatly increases critical hit rate when attacking enemies with [0:COLOR]full HP[1:COLOR].
  263. Greatly increases critical hit rate when attacking enemies with [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR] or more of their HP.
  264. <<<EMPTY>>>
  265. When HP is at [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR] or below: nullifies critical hits and status effects, and prevents knockback while attacking.
  266. <<<EMPTY>>>
  267. <<<EMPTY>>>
  268. [0:COLOR]Slightly increases[1:COLOR] the damage dealt to enemies afflicted with a status effect.
  269. [0:COLOR]Moderately increases[1:COLOR] the damage dealt to enemies afflicted with a status effect.
  270. [0:COLOR]Greatly increases[1:COLOR] the damage dealt to enemies afflicted with a status effect.
  271. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: [0:COLOR]increases damage[1:COLOR] to enemy Stun Gauges.
  272. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: [0:COLOR]greatly increases damage dealt[1:COLOR] to enemy Stun Gauges.
  273. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: [0:COLOR]massively increases damage dealt[1:COLOR] to enemy Stun Gauges.
  274. Temporarily nullifies all attack damage for a [0:COLOR]short amount of time[1:COLOR] after performing a Perfect Guard, Perfect Dodge, or air recovery.
  275. Temporarily nullifies all attack damage for a [0:COLOR]moderate amount of time[1:COLOR] after performing a Perfect Guard, Perfect Dodge, or air recovery.
  276. Temporarily nullifies all attack damage for a [0:COLOR]large amount of time[1:COLOR] after performing a Perfect Guard, Perfect Dodge, or air recovery.
  277. When hit by enemy attacks: inflicts a [0:COLOR]small amount[1:COLOR] of proportional damage to surrounding foes.
  278. When hit by enemy attacks: inflicts a [0:COLOR]moderate amount[1:COLOR] of proportional damage to surrounding foes.
  279. When hit by enemy attacks: inflicts a [0:COLOR]large amount[1:COLOR] of proportional damage to surrounding foes.
  280. Nullifies a [0:COLOR]percentage[1:COLOR] of status effects.
  281. Nullifies a [0:COLOR]high percentage[1:COLOR] of status effects.
  282. Nullifies [0:COLOR]all[1:COLOR] status effects.
  283. <<<EMPTY>>>
  284. <<<EMPTY>>>
  285. <<<EMPTY>>>
  286. <<<EMPTY>>>
  287. <<<EMPTY>>>
  288. <<<EMPTY>>>
  289. <<<EMPTY>>>
  290. <<<EMPTY>>>
  291. <<<EMPTY>>>
  292. <<<EMPTY>>>
  293. <<<EMPTY>>>
  294. <<<EMPTY>>>
  295. <<<EMPTY>>>
  296. <<<EMPTY>>>
  297. <<<EMPTY>>>
  298. <<<EMPTY>>>
  299. <<<EMPTY>>>
  300. <<<EMPTY>>>
  301. Changes the unit's Unique Action Ability to [0:SKILL].
  302. <<<EMPTY>>>
  303. <<<EMPTY>>>
  304. <<<EMPTY>>>
  305. <<<EMPTY>>>
  306. <<<EMPTY>>>
  307. <<<EMPTY>>>
  308. <<<EMPTY>>>
  309. <<<EMPTY>>>
  310. <<<EMPTY>>>
  311. <<<EMPTY>>>
  312. <<<EMPTY>>>
  313. <<<EMPTY>>>
  314. <<<EMPTY>>>
  315. <<<EMPTY>>>
  316. <<<EMPTY>>>
  317. <<<EMPTY>>>
  318. <<<EMPTY>>>
  319. <<<EMPTY>>>
  320. <<<EMPTY>>>
  321. <<<EMPTY>>>
  322. <<<EMPTY>>>
  323. <<<EMPTY>>>
  324. <<<EMPTY>>>
  325. <<<EMPTY>>>
  326. <<<EMPTY>>>
  327. <<<EMPTY>>>
  328. <<<EMPTY>>>
  329. <<<EMPTY>>>
  330. <<<EMPTY>>>
  331. <<<EMPTY>>>
  332. <<<EMPTY>>>
  333. <<<EMPTY>>>
  334. <<<EMPTY>>>
  335. <<<EMPTY>>>
  336. <<<EMPTY>>>
  337. <<<EMPTY>>>
  338. <<<EMPTY>>>
  339. <<<EMPTY>>>
  340. <<<EMPTY>>>
  341. <<<EMPTY>>>
  342. <<<EMPTY>>>
  343. <<<EMPTY>>>
  344. <<<EMPTY>>>
  345. <<<EMPTY>>>
  346. <<<EMPTY>>>
  347. <<<EMPTY>>>
  348. <<<EMPTY>>>
  349. <<<EMPTY>>>
  350. <<<EMPTY>>>
  351. Periodically increases the number of items that drop when an enemy commander is defeated.
  352. Allows the unit to open chests without a key and unlock special gates.
  353. Makes it easier to perform Perfect Guards.
  354. Temporarily increases one of the following stats when an enemy commander is defeated: Str, Mag, Dex, Spd, Lck, Def, or Res.
  355. Prevents the unit from being knocked back when performing a strong attack.
  356. Prevents damage from terrain.
  357. Increases black magic damage to enemies.
  358. Increases dark magic damage to enemies.
  359. Increases the amount of HP restored by white magic.
  360. Grants combat arts and magic a rare chance to instantly defeat non-commander units.
  361. Increases the invincibility window when dodging.
  362. Increases critical hit damage to enemies.
  363. Increases critical hit rate when equipped with a sword.
  364. Increases critical hit rate when equipped with a bow.
  365. Causes strong attacks to break an enemy's guard.
  366. Grants the unit Fire, or increases the spell's potency if already learned.
  367. Reduces cooldown for black magic.
  368. Reduces cooldown for dark magic.
  369. Reduces cooldown for white magic.
  370. Grants the unit Miasma Δ, or increases the spell's potency if already learned.
  371. Extends the duration of status effects inflicted on an enemy.
  372. Grants the unit Heal, or increases the spell's potency if already learned.
  373. Restores HP to surrounding allies when an enemy commander is defeated.
  374. When magic is used to recover the caster's or an ally's HP, restores the caster's Warrior Gauge proportionally.
  375. Increases the amount that successful attacks fill the Awakening Gauge.
  376. Temporarily lowers the Str of enemies the unit attacks.
  377. Temporarily lowers the Mag of enemies the unit attacks.
  378. Increases damage to enemies as the unit's HP decreases.
  379. Calculates damage using the lower of the enemy's Def or Res stat.
  380. Halves damage taken from combat arts and magic.
  381. Nullifies all status effects.
  382. Greatly increases the invincibility window when dodging.
  383. Grants temporary invincibility when attacking with a Hero's Relic.
  384. Grants immunity to Silence.
  385. <<<EMPTY>>>
  386. <<<EMPTY>>>
  387. <<<EMPTY>>>
  388. <<<EMPTY>>>
  389. <<<EMPTY>>>
  390. <<<EMPTY>>>
  391. <<<EMPTY>>>
  392. <<<EMPTY>>>
  393. <<<EMPTY>>>
  394. <<<EMPTY>>>
  395. <<<EMPTY>>>
  396. <<<EMPTY>>>
  397. <<<EMPTY>>>
  398. <<<EMPTY>>>
  399. <<<EMPTY>>>
  400. <<<EMPTY>>>
  401. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with swords. Increases damage to them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  402. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with lances. Increases damage to them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  403. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with axes. Increases damage to them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  404. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with bows. Increases damage to them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  405. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with gauntlets. Increases damage to them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  406. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with tomes. Increases damage to them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  407. <<<EMPTY>>>
  408. <<<EMPTY>>>
  409. Grants one tier greater advantage against cavalry units. Increases damage to them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  410. <<<EMPTY>>>
  411. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with swords. Reduces damage from them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  412. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with lances. Reduces damage from them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  413. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with axes. Reduces damage from them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  414. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with bows. Reduces damage from them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  415. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with gauntlets. Reduces damage from them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  416. Grants one tier greater advantage against enemies equipped with tomes. Reduces damage from them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  417. Grants one tier greater advantage against monsters. Reduces damage from them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  418. Grants one tier greater advantage against armored units. Reduces damage from them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  419. Grants one tier greater advantage against cavalry units. Reduces damage from them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  420. Grants one tier greater advantage against flying units. Reduces damage from them by [0:NUMBER]%.
  421. <<<EMPTY>>>
  422. <<<EMPTY>>>
  423. <<<EMPTY>>>
  424. <<<EMPTY>>>
  425. <<<EMPTY>>>
  426. <<<EMPTY>>>
  427. <<<EMPTY>>>
  428. <<<EMPTY>>>
  429. <<<EMPTY>>>
  430. <<<EMPTY>>>
  431. <<<EMPTY>>>
  432. <<<EMPTY>>>
  433. <<<EMPTY>>>
  434. <<<EMPTY>>>
  435. <<<EMPTY>>>
  436. <<<EMPTY>>>
  437. <<<EMPTY>>>
  438. <<<EMPTY>>>
  439. <<<EMPTY>>>
  440. <<<EMPTY>>>
  441. <<<EMPTY>>>
  442. <<<EMPTY>>>
  443. <<<EMPTY>>>
  444. <<<EMPTY>>>
  445. <<<EMPTY>>>
  446. <<<EMPTY>>>
  447. <<<EMPTY>>>
  448. <<<EMPTY>>>
  449. <<<EMPTY>>>
  450. <<<EMPTY>>>
  451. <<<EMPTY>>>
  452. <<<EMPTY>>>
  453. <<<EMPTY>>>
  454. <<<EMPTY>>>
  455. <<<EMPTY>>>
  456. <<<EMPTY>>>
  457. <<<EMPTY>>>
  458. <<<EMPTY>>>
  459. <<<EMPTY>>>
  460. <<<EMPTY>>>
  461. <<<EMPTY>>>
  462. <<<EMPTY>>>
  463. <<<EMPTY>>>
  464. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  479. <<<EMPTY>>>
  480. <<<EMPTY>>>
  481. <<<EMPTY>>>
  482. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  485. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  499. <<<EMPTY>>>
  500. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  508. <<<EMPTY>>>
  509. <<<EMPTY>>>
  510. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  514. <<<EMPTY>>>
  515. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  520. <<<EMPTY>>>
  521. <<<EMPTY>>>
  522. <<<EMPTY>>>
  523. <<<EMPTY>>>
  524. <<<EMPTY>>>
  525. <<<EMPTY>>>
  526. <<<EMPTY>>>
  527. <<<EMPTY>>>
  528. <<<EMPTY>>>
  529. <<<EMPTY>>>
  530. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  533. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  539. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  555. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  560. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  570. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  580. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  583. <<<EMPTY>>>
  584. <<<EMPTY>>>
  585. <<<EMPTY>>>
  586. <<<EMPTY>>>
  587. <<<EMPTY>>>
  588. <<<EMPTY>>>
  589. <<<EMPTY>>>
  590. <<<EMPTY>>>
  591. <<<EMPTY>>>
  592. <<<EMPTY>>>
  593. <<<EMPTY>>>
  594. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  598. <<<EMPTY>>>
  599. <<<EMPTY>>>
  600. <<<EMPTY>>>
  601. <<<EMPTY>>>
  602. <<<EMPTY>>>
  603. <<<EMPTY>>>
  604. <<<EMPTY>>>
  605. <<<EMPTY>>>
  606. <<<EMPTY>>>
  607. <<<EMPTY>>>
  608. <<<EMPTY>>>
  609. <<<EMPTY>>>
  610. <<<EMPTY>>>
  611. <<<EMPTY>>>
  612. <<<EMPTY>>>
  613. <<<EMPTY>>>
  614. <<<EMPTY>>>
  615. <<<EMPTY>>>
  616. <<<EMPTY>>>
  617. <<<EMPTY>>>
  618. <<<EMPTY>>>
  619. <<<EMPTY>>>
  620. <<<EMPTY>>>
  621. <<<EMPTY>>>
  622. <<<EMPTY>>>
  623. <<<EMPTY>>>
  624. <<<EMPTY>>>
  625. <<<EMPTY>>>
  626. <<<EMPTY>>>
  627. <<<EMPTY>>>
  628. <<<EMPTY>>>
  629. <<<EMPTY>>>
  630. <<<EMPTY>>>
  631. <<<EMPTY>>>
  632. <<<EMPTY>>>
  633. <<<EMPTY>>>
  634. <<<EMPTY>>>
  635. <<<EMPTY>>>
  636. <<<EMPTY>>>
  637. <<<EMPTY>>>
  638. <<<EMPTY>>>
  639. <<<EMPTY>>>
  640. <<<EMPTY>>>
  641. <<<EMPTY>>>
  642. <<<EMPTY>>>
  643. <<<EMPTY>>>
  644. <<<EMPTY>>>
  645. <<<EMPTY>>>
  646. <<<EMPTY>>>
  647. <<<EMPTY>>>
  648. <<<EMPTY>>>
  649. <<<EMPTY>>>
  650. <<<EMPTY>>>
  651. When ordered to attack: increases damage dealt to enemies by [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR].
  652. When ordered to seize: increases damage dealt to enemies by [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR].
  653. When ordered to guard: increases damage dealt to enemies by [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR].
  654. When ordered to defend: increases damage dealt to enemies by [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR].
  655. When ordered to attack: reduces damage received from enemies by [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR].
  656. When ordered to seize: reduces damage received from enemies by [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR].
  657. When ordered to guard: reduces damage received from enemies by [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR].
  658. When ordered to defend: reduces damage received from enemies by [0:COLOR][0:NUMBER]%[1:COLOR].
  659. <<<EMPTY>>>
  660. <<<EMPTY>>>
  661. <<<EMPTY>>>
  662. <<<EMPTY>>>
  663. <<<EMPTY>>>
  664. <<<EMPTY>>>
  665. <<<EMPTY>>>
  666. <<<EMPTY>>>
  667. <<<EMPTY>>>
  668. <<<EMPTY>>>
  669. <<<EMPTY>>>
  670. <<<EMPTY>>>
  671. <<<EMPTY>>>
  672. <<<EMPTY>>>
  673. <<<EMPTY>>>
  674. <<<EMPTY>>>
  675. <<<EMPTY>>>
  676. <<<EMPTY>>>
  677. <<<EMPTY>>>
  678. <<<EMPTY>>>
  679. <<<EMPTY>>>
  680. <<<EMPTY>>>
  681. <<<EMPTY>>>
  682. <<<EMPTY>>>
  683. <<<EMPTY>>>
  684. <<<EMPTY>>>
  685. <<<EMPTY>>>
  686. <<<EMPTY>>>
  687. <<<EMPTY>>>
  688. <<<EMPTY>>>
  689. <<<EMPTY>>>
  690. <<<EMPTY>>>
  691. <<<EMPTY>>>
  692. <<<EMPTY>>>
  693. <<<EMPTY>>>
  694. <<<EMPTY>>>
  695. <<<EMPTY>>>
  696. <<<EMPTY>>>
  697. <<<EMPTY>>>
  698. <<<EMPTY>>>
  699. <<<EMPTY>>>
  700. <<<EMPTY>>>
  701. <<<EMPTY>>>
  702. <<<EMPTY>>>
  703. <<<EMPTY>>>
  704. <<<EMPTY>>>
  705. <<<EMPTY>>>
  706. <<<EMPTY>>>
  707. <<<EMPTY>>>
  708. <<<EMPTY>>>
  709. <<<EMPTY>>>
  710. <<<EMPTY>>>
  711. <<<EMPTY>>>
  712. <<<EMPTY>>>
  713. <<<EMPTY>>>
  714. <<<EMPTY>>>
  715. <<<EMPTY>>>
  716. <<<EMPTY>>>
  717. <<<EMPTY>>>
  718. <<<EMPTY>>>
  719. <<<EMPTY>>>
  720. <<<EMPTY>>>
  721. <<<EMPTY>>>
  722. <<<EMPTY>>>
  723. <<<EMPTY>>>
  724. <<<EMPTY>>>
  725. <<<EMPTY>>>
  726. <<<EMPTY>>>
  727. <<<EMPTY>>>
  728. <<<EMPTY>>>
  729. <<<EMPTY>>>
  730. <<<EMPTY>>>
  731. <<<EMPTY>>>
  732. <<<EMPTY>>>
  733. <<<EMPTY>>>
  734. <<<EMPTY>>>
  735. <<<EMPTY>>>
  736. <<<EMPTY>>>
  737. <<<EMPTY>>>
  738. <<<EMPTY>>>
  739. <<<EMPTY>>>
  740. <<<EMPTY>>>
  741. <<<EMPTY>>>
  742. <<<EMPTY>>>
  743. <<<EMPTY>>>
  744. <<<EMPTY>>>
  745. <<<EMPTY>>>
  746. <<<EMPTY>>>
  747. <<<EMPTY>>>
  748. <<<EMPTY>>>
  749. <<<EMPTY>>>
  750. <<<EMPTY>>>
  751. <<<EMPTY>>>
  752. <<<EMPTY>>>
  753. <<<EMPTY>>>
  754. <<<EMPTY>>>
  755. <<<EMPTY>>>
  756. <<<EMPTY>>>
  757. <<<EMPTY>>>
  758. <<<EMPTY>>>
  759. <<<EMPTY>>>
  760. <<<EMPTY>>>
  761. <<<EMPTY>>>
  762. <<<EMPTY>>>
  763. <<<EMPTY>>>
  764. <<<EMPTY>>>
  765. <<<EMPTY>>>
  766. <<<EMPTY>>>
  767. <<<EMPTY>>>
  768. <<<EMPTY>>>
  769. <<<EMPTY>>>
  770. <<<EMPTY>>>
  771. <<<EMPTY>>>
  772. <<<EMPTY>>>
  773. <<<EMPTY>>>
  774. <<<EMPTY>>>
  775. <<<EMPTY>>>
  776. <<<EMPTY>>>
  777. <<<EMPTY>>>
  778. <<<EMPTY>>>
  779. <<<EMPTY>>>
  780. <<<EMPTY>>>
  781. <<<EMPTY>>>
  782. <<<EMPTY>>>
  783. Some weapons gain an attribute when repaired.
  784. Increases damage to enemies by [0:NUMBER]%.
  785. <<<EMPTY>>>
  786. <<<EMPTY>>>
  787. <<<EMPTY>>>
  788. This hidden attribute can be unlocked at the blacksmith.
  789. Effective against monsters.
  790. Effective against flying units.
  791. Effective against armored units.
  792. Effective against cavalry units.
  793. <<<EMPTY>>>
  794. <<<EMPTY>>>
  795. <<<EMPTY>>>
  796. <<<EMPTY>>>
  797. <<<EMPTY>>>
  798. <<<EMPTY>>>
  799. Enhances the unit's attack and defense.
  800. Weakens the unit's attack and defense.
  801. Increases critical hit rate.
  802. Calculates damage using the unit's Mag stat. Strong attacks periodically trigger lightning magic.
  803. Calculates damage using the unit's Mag stat.
  804. <<<EMPTY>>>
  805. Extends the range of bows.
  806. Restores HP at regular intervals.
  807. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or above: attacking causes the unit to sustain damage for a period of time.
  808. Restores a large amount of HP at regular intervals.
  809. Restores HP proportional to damage dealt by the unit.
  810. <<<EMPTY>>>
  811. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or above: critical hit rate is greatly increased, but attacking causes the unit to sustain damage for a period of time.
  812. Reduces the cooldown of combat arts by [0:NUMBER]%.
  813. Drastically increases critical hit rate for magical attacks.
  814. Drastically increases the critical hit rate for combat arts.
  815. Allows the unit to damage enemies that are guarding.
  816. Strong attacks periodically trigger Bolganone.
  817. Greatly increases damage to enemy Stun Gauges.
  818. Periodically produces the Stun Gauge when attacking.
  819. Greatly extends the range of bows.
  820. Restores the Warrior and Awakening Gauges when an enemy commander is defeated.
  821. Causes attacks to hit twice.
  822. Grants attacks a chance to poison enemies.
  823. When equipped by [BYLETH_MF] or Sothis: causes attacks to hit twice.
  824. Increases damage to enemies as the unit's HP decreases.
  825. When attacking enemies equipped with tomes: reduces the enemy's Res by [0:NUMBER]% when calculating damage.
  826. Calculates damage using the unit's Str stat.
  827. Reduces magic cooldown by [0:NUMBER]%.
  828. Strong attacks periodically trigger Nosferatu.
  829. Calculates damage using the higher of the unit's Str or Mag stat.
  830. <<<EMPTY>>>
  831. <<<EMPTY>>>
  832. <<<EMPTY>>>
  833. <<<EMPTY>>>
  834. <<<EMPTY>>>
  835. <<<EMPTY>>>
  836. <<<EMPTY>>>
  837. <<<EMPTY>>>
  838. <<<EMPTY>>>
  839. <<<EMPTY>>>
  840. <<<EMPTY>>>
  841. <<<EMPTY>>>
  842. <<<EMPTY>>>
  843. <<<EMPTY>>>
  844. <<<EMPTY>>>
  845. <<<EMPTY>>>
  846. <<<EMPTY>>>
  847. <<<EMPTY>>>
  848. <<<EMPTY>>>
  849. <<<EMPTY>>>
  850. <<<EMPTY>>>
  851. <<<EMPTY>>>
  852. <<<EMPTY>>>
  853. <<<EMPTY>>>
  854. <<<EMPTY>>>
  855. Halves damage from monsters.
  856. Nullifies effectiveness against flying units.
  857. Nullifies effectiveness against armored units.
  858. Nullifies effectiveness against cavalry units.
  859. <<<EMPTY>>>
  860. <<<EMPTY>>>
  861. <<<EMPTY>>>
  862. Increases the damage of Mag-based attacks.
  863. Increases the recovery amount of healing magic.
  864. <<<EMPTY>>>
  865. Nullifies all effective attacks.
  866. Increases Exp gained on the battlefield.
  867. Increases class Exp gained on the battlefield.
  868. Enemies take damage proportional to the damage they inflict.
  869. Grants cavalry mobility to any unit.
  870. <<<EMPTY>>>
  871. <<<EMPTY>>>
  872. <<<EMPTY>>>
  873. <<<EMPTY>>>
  874. <<<EMPTY>>>
  875. <<<EMPTY>>>
  876. <<<EMPTY>>>
  877. <<<EMPTY>>>
  878. <<<EMPTY>>>
  879. <<<EMPTY>>>
  880. <<<EMPTY>>>
  881. <<<EMPTY>>>
  882. <<<EMPTY>>>
  883. <<<EMPTY>>>
  884. <<<EMPTY>>>
  885. <<<EMPTY>>>
  886. <<<EMPTY>>>
  887. <<<EMPTY>>>
  888. <<<EMPTY>>>
  889. <<<EMPTY>>>
  890. <<<EMPTY>>>
  891. <<<EMPTY>>>
  892. <<<EMPTY>>>
  893. <<<EMPTY>>>
  894. Increases damage dealt to enemies when equipped with a sword.
  895. Increases damage dealt to enemies when equipped with a lance.
  896. Increases damage dealt to enemies when equipped with an axe.
  897. Increases damage dealt to enemies when equipped with a bow.
  898. Increases damage dealt to enemies when equipped with gauntlets.
  899. Increases damage dealt to enemies when equipped with a tome.
  900. <<<EMPTY>>>
  901. When a sword is equipped: increases damage to enemies by [0:NUMBER]%.
  902. <<<EMPTY>>>
  903. <<<EMPTY>>>
  904. <<<EMPTY>>>
  905. <<<EMPTY>>>
  906. When an axe is equipped: increases damage to enemies by [0:NUMBER]%.
  907. <<<EMPTY>>>
  908. <<<EMPTY>>>
  909. <<<EMPTY>>>
  910. <<<EMPTY>>>
  911. When a lance is equipped: increases damage to enemies by [0:NUMBER]%.
  912. <<<EMPTY>>>
  913. <<<EMPTY>>>
  914. <<<EMPTY>>>
  915. <<<EMPTY>>>
  916. When a bow is equipped: increases damage to enemies by [0:NUMBER]%.
  917. <<<EMPTY>>>
  918. <<<EMPTY>>>
  919. <<<EMPTY>>>
  920. <<<EMPTY>>>
  921. When gauntlets are equipped: increases damage to enemies by [0:NUMBER]%.
  922. <<<EMPTY>>>
  923. <<<EMPTY>>>
  924. <<<EMPTY>>>
  925. <<<EMPTY>>>
  926. When a tome is equipped: increases damage to enemies by [0:NUMBER]%.
  927. <<<EMPTY>>>
  928. <<<EMPTY>>>
  929. <<<EMPTY>>>
  930. <<<EMPTY>>>
  931. Increases the recovery amount of healing magic by [0:NUMBER]%.
  932. <<<EMPTY>>>
  933. <<<EMPTY>>>
  934. <<<EMPTY>>>
  935. <<<EMPTY>>>
  936. Increases critical hit damage when equipped with a sword.
  937. Increases critical hit damage when equipped with an axe.
  938. Increases critical hit damage when equipped with a lance.
  939. Increases critical hit damage when equipped with a bow.
  940. Increases critical hit damage when equipped with gauntlets.
  941. Increases critical hit damage when equipped with a tome.
  942. <<<EMPTY>>>
  943. Extends the range of long-distance tome attacks.
  944. Increases max HP by [0:NUMBER].
  945. <<<EMPTY>>>
  946. <<<EMPTY>>>
  947. Increases Str by [0:NUMBER].
  948. <<<EMPTY>>>
  949. <<<EMPTY>>>
  950. Increases Mag by [0:NUMBER].
  951. <<<EMPTY>>>
  952. <<<EMPTY>>>
  953. Increases Def by [0:NUMBER].
  954. <<<EMPTY>>>
  955. <<<EMPTY>>>
  956. Increases Res by [0:NUMBER].
  957. <<<EMPTY>>>
  958. <<<EMPTY>>>
  959. Increases Dex by [0:NUMBER].
  960. <<<EMPTY>>>
  961. <<<EMPTY>>>
  962. Increases Spd by [0:NUMBER].
  963. <<<EMPTY>>>
  964. <<<EMPTY>>>
  965. Increases Lck and Cha by [0:NUMBER].
  966. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the active unit's Str by [0:NUMBER].
  967. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the active unit's Mag by [0:NUMBER].
  968. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the active unit's Spd by [0:NUMBER].
  969. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the active unit's Def by [0:NUMBER].
  970. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the active unit's Res by [0:NUMBER].
  971. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the active unit's Dex by [0:NUMBER].
  972. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the active unit's Lck by [0:NUMBER].
  973. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the active unit's Cha by [0:NUMBER].
  974. Restores battalion endurance when an enemy commander is defeated.
  975. Reduces damage to battalion endurance by [0:NUMBER]%.
  976. When a battalion is deployed: increases damage to enemies by [0:NUMBER]%.
  977. Keeps the Stun Gauge visible for longer.
  978. Increases the power of elemental effects.
  979. <<<EMPTY>>>
  980. Prevents hits from swords, lances, axes, and gauntlets from knocking back the unit mid-attack.
  981. Prevents hits from bows and tomes from knocking back the unit mid-attack.
  982. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: increases Str by [1:NUMBER].
  983. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: increases Mag by [1:NUMBER].
  984. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: increases Spd by [1:NUMBER].
  985. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: increases Def by [1:NUMBER].
  986. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: increases Res by [1:NUMBER].
  987. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: drastically increases damage dealt by critical rushes.
  988. Restores a slight amount of HP at regular intervals.
  989. Restores a small amount of HP when an enemy commander is defeated.
  990. <<<EMPTY>>>
  991. Grants a (Dex × [0:NUMBER_F]%) chance of instantly defeating non-commander units.
  992. Grants a (Dex × [0:NUMBER_F]%) chance of nullifying damage from enemies equipped with swords, lances, axes, or gauntlets.
  993. Grants a (Dex × [0:NUMBER_F]%) chance of nullifying damage from enemies equipped with bows or tomes.
  994. Allows the unit to survive a single blow that would otherwise reduce HP to zero.
  995. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: Perfect Guards restore a small amount of the Warrior and Awakening Gauges.
  996. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: strong attacks will break an enemy's guard.
  997. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: forces enemies to sustain damage proportional to the damage they inflict.
  998. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below: greatly increases damage dealt by critical rushes.
  999. Increases the potency of a dancer unit's class actions.
  1000. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1001. Effective against enemies equipped with axes.
  1002. Effective against enemies equipped with swords.
  1003. Effective against enemies equipped with lances.
  1004. Effective against enemies equipped with gauntlets.
  1005. Effective against enemies equipped with bows.
  1006. Effective against enemies equipped with tomes.
  1007. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1008. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1009. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1010. When battalion endurance is at 1/3 or below: greatly increases damage dealt by critical rushes.
  1011. When battalion endurance is at 1/3 or below: restores a large amount of HP at regular intervals.
  1012. When battalion endurance is at 1/3 or below: strong attacks will break an enemy's guard.
  1013. When battalion endurance is at 1/3 or below: Perfect Guards restore a small amount of the Warrior and Awakening Gauges.
  1014. Taking hits from enemies equipped with tomes increases all stats by [0:NUMBER] for a period of time.
  1015. While guarding, causes the unit to perform a Perfect Guard for (Dex × [0:NUMBER_F]%) of incoming attacks.
  1016. Increases the critical hit rate of Mercenary, Swordmaster, and Mortal Savant class actions.
  1017. Increases damage dealt by Mercenary, Swordmaster, and Mortal Savant class actions in proportion to Spd.
  1018. Makes it easier to perform Perfect Guards.
  1019. Draws attacks, increasing the frequency that surrounding foes attack the unit.
  1020. Increases damage dealt to enemy commanders.
  1021. Successful Perfect Guards inflict elemental damage. The element is determined by the active unit.
  1022. Factors Mag into physical attacks and Str into magical attacks when calculating damage.
  1023. Successful Perfect Guards temporarily reduce all stats of surrounding foes by [0:NUMBER].
  1024. If the unit has not sustained damage for a set period of time: grants a barrier that nullifies a single attack of any kind.
  1025. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1026. Improves the quality of weapons and materials dropped by fallen enemy commanders.
  1027. Gives Thieves, Assassins, and Tricksters a rare chance to instantly defeat non-commander units with class actions.
  1028. Adds an element to Thief, Assassin, and Trickster class actions. The element is determined by the active unit.
  1029. Attacking foes from behind greatly increases damage in proportion to the unit's Dex.
  1030. Awards gold for defeating enemies.
  1031. Restores the Awakening and Warrior Gauges when using combat arts or magic.
  1032. Increases the potency of vulneraries, concoctions, and elixirs by [0:NUMBER]%.
  1033. Hitting an enemy while they are readying an attack greatly increases damage to the Stun Gauge.
  1034. Restores the Warrior Gauge with each critical hit.
  1035. Restores the Awakening Gauge with each critical hit.
  1036. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the active unit's Str, Spd, and Res by [0:NUMBER].
  1037. Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate in proportion to the unit's Cha.
  1038. Reduces the unit's chance of getting knocked back by attacks.
  1039. Guarantees the enemy's guard will break when activating the class actions of lance-wielding cavalry with at least one bar filled.
  1040. Increases Warrior Gauge fill rate when using class actions of lance-wielding cavalry.
  1041. When this unit is the active unit: if the adjutant would gain any experience, this unit gains it instead.
  1042. Temporarily increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate after initiating a Warrior Special.
  1043. Defeating [0:NUMBER] or more enemies with a single Warrior Special temporarily increases critical hit rate.
  1044. Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate while Awakened.
  1045. Defeating multiple enemies with a single Warrior Special restores the Awakening Gauge in proportion to the number of foes defeated.
  1046. Increases damage dealt to enemies when no allied units are deployed nearby.
  1047. Increases damage dealt to enemies in proportion to the number of allied commanders nearby.
  1048. When this unit is the active unit: if this unit would gain any experience, their adjutant gains it instead.
  1049. Temporarily increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate after an Awakening has concluded.
  1050. Reduces the damage allies sustain when inside the same allied stronghold as the unit.
  1051. Adds an element to Pegasus Knight and Falcon Knight class actions. The element is determined by the active unit.
  1052. Increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate when using Pegasus Knight and Falcon Knight class actions.
  1053. Extends the period of critical attack time after a Perfect Dodge.
  1054. Increases the potency of recovery items by [0:NUMBER]%.
  1055. When this unit is the active unit or an adjutant: increases the damage of Partner Specials.
  1056. Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate in proportion to the unit's Spd.
  1057. Restores HP proportional to the unit's Lck each time an enemy commander is defeated.
  1058. Temporarily increases all stats by [0:NUMBER] after a successful Perfect Dodge.
  1059. Slightly restores the Warrior Gauge upon seizing a stronghold.
  1060. Improves physical damage reduction inside areas created by Armor Knight and Fortress Knight class actions.
  1061. Nullifies status effects inside areas created by Armor Knight and Fortress Knight class actions.
  1062. Sometimes automatically guards against enemy attacks that would otherwise knock the unit back.
  1063. When using cavalry or armored classes, dashing through enemies inflicts damage.
  1064. Increases the attack range of Great Knight class actions.
  1065. Increases damage dealt by Great Knight class actions in proportion to Def.
  1066. Taking a hit while guarding causes the enemy to incur damage proportional to the unit's Def. The enemy's Str is also temporarily reduced by [0:NUMBER].
  1067. When attacking, causes enemies to incur a reduction in Def proportional to the unit's Lck.
  1068. Greatly increases damage dealt to enemies, but also greatly increases damage received from them.
  1069. When using Brigand and Warrior class actions, temporarily reduces enemy Def in proportion to the number of bars filled.
  1070. Gives Brigand and Warrior class actions a chance to produce the Stun Gauge. The more bars in the Class Gauge, the better the chance.
  1071. Gives strong attacks a low chance to produce the Stun Gauge.
  1072. Guarantees an enemy's guard will break when activating the class actions of axe-wielding fliers with at least one bar filled.
  1073. Increases damage to enemy Stun Gauges when using the class actions of axe-wielding fliers.
  1074. Greatly increases damage dealt to enemies, but prevents the unit from guarding.
  1075. Makes it easier to knock back enemy commanders.
  1076. When this unit is the active unit: restores HP to the adjutant periodically.
  1077. Increases the critical hit rate of Archer, Sniper, and Bow Knight class actions.
  1078. Increases damage dealt by Archer, Sniper, and Bow Knight class actions in proportion to Dex.
  1079. Slows the degrading of weapon durability when using combat arts or magic.
  1080. When this unit is an adjutant: greatly increases elemental effects of Adjutant Follow-Ups.
  1081. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the fill rate of the active unit's Awakening Gauge.
  1082. When this unit is an adjutant: increases the fill rate of the active unit's Warrior Gauge.
  1083. Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate in proportion to the unit's Dex.
  1084. Increases the fill rate of both the Warrior and Awakening Gauges until one of them is completely full.
  1085. Grants the class actions of Brawlers, Grapplers, and War Masters a chance to produce the Stun Gauge.
  1086. Increases damage to enemy Stun Gauges when using the class actions of Brawlers, Grapplers, and War Masters.
  1087. Increases damage dealt to an enemy in proportion to how much higher the enemy's level is.
  1088. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1089. Restores HP every [0:NUMBER] hits.
  1090. Restores the Warrior Gauge every [0:NUMBER] hits.
  1091. Restores the Awakening Gauge every [0:NUMBER] hits.
  1092. When this unit is the active unit or an adjutant: increases the fill rate of the Adjutant Attack Gauge and Adjutant Guard Gauge.
  1093. Greatly increases damage dealt by combat arts and magic, but causes the unit to sustain damage with each use in proportion to Mt.
  1094. Imbues Mage, Warlock, and Gremory class actions with an element regardless of whether they are chained from strong attacks.
  1095. Increases damage dealt by Mage, Warlock, and Gremory class actions. The gauge will deplete more quickly.
  1096. Causes fire-based combat arts, magic, strong attacks, and class actions to instead produce a more powerful version of that attack.
  1097. Causes ice-based combat arts, magic, strong attacks, and class actions to instead produce a more powerful version of that attack.
  1098. Causes lightning-based combat arts, magic, strong attacks, and class actions to instead produce a more powerful version of that attack.
  1099. Causes wind-based combat arts, magic, strong attacks, and class actions to instead produce a more powerful version of that attack.
  1100. Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate when attacking foes with status effects.
  1101. When attacking, enemies incur a reduction in Res proportional to the unit's Lck.
  1102. Greatly increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate, but also increases the damage the unit sustains.
  1103. When this unit is an adjutant: adds a fire element to the active unit's strong attacks.
  1104. When this unit is an adjutant: adds an ice element to the active unit's strong attacks.
  1105. When this unit is an adjutant: adds a lightning element to the active unit's strong attacks.
  1106. When this unit is an adjutant: adds a wind element to the active unit's strong attacks.
  1107. When this unit is an adjutant: adds a light element to the active unit's strong attacks.
  1108. When this unit is an adjutant: adds a dark element to the active unit's strong attacks.
  1109. Causes dark-based combat arts, magic, strong attacks, and class actions to instead produce a more powerful version of that attack.
  1110. Extends the time enemies are paralyzed by Dark Mage and Dark Bishop class actions.
  1111. Grants Dark Mages and Dark Bishops a rare chance to instantly defeat non-commander units with class actions.
  1112. When HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or above: greatly increases damage dealt to foes, but attacking also causes the unit to sustain damage for a period of time.
  1113. Greatly increases the Awakening Gauge fill rate, but also increases the damage the unit sustains.
  1114. Grants a minor boost to Str each time an enemy commander is defeated. The boosts last throughout the battle.
  1115. Grants a minor boost to Mag each time an enemy commander is defeated. The boosts last throughout the battle.
  1116. Grants a minor boost to Dex each time an enemy commander is defeated. The boosts last throughout the battle.
  1117. Grants a minor boost to Spd each time an enemy commander is defeated. The boosts last throughout the battle.
  1118. Grants a minor boost to Lck each time an enemy commander is defeated. The boosts last throughout the battle.
  1119. Grants a minor boost to Def each time an enemy commander is defeated. The boosts last throughout the battle.
  1120. Grants a minor boost to Res each time an enemy commander is defeated. The boosts last throughout the battle.
  1121. Grants a minor boost to Cha each time an enemy commander is defeated. The boosts last throughout the battle.
  1122. Causes light-based combat arts, magic, strong attacks, and class actions to instead produce a more powerful version of that attack.
  1123. Makes it easier for the unit to receive support points during battle.
  1124. Increases the recovery amounts of Priest and Bishop class actions.
  1125. Increases damage dealt by Priest and Bishop class actions in proportion to Lck.
  1126. Increases the Warrior Gauge fill rate in proportion to the unit's Lck.
  1127. Guarantees ignited enemies will explode when using Armored Lord and Emperor class actions.
  1128. Increases damage dealt to enemies proportional to the number of allied strongholds.
  1129. Reduces damage taken from an enemy proportional to how much lower the enemy's Cha is.
  1130. Increases the number of permitted lance throws during High Lord and Great Lord class actions.
  1131. Makes it easier to knock back enemies in proportion to how much lower an enemy's Str is.
  1132. Grants an additional fireball volley to the Wyvern Master and Barbarossa class actions.
  1133. Increases critical hit rate proportional to how much lower the enemy's Dex is.
  1134. Increases Dex and Spd by [0:NUMBER].
  1135. Increases the elemental potency of Silverheart and Enlightened One class actions.
  1136. Extends the duration of Awakenings.
  1137. Gradually restores the Awakening Gauge.
  1138. Completely prevents knockback if at least [0:NUMBER]% of the Awakening Gauge is filled.
  1139. Increases the attack range of Asura and Fluegel class actions.
  1140. Gradually restores the Warrior Gauge.
  1141. Completely prevents knockback if at least one bar of the Warrior Gauge is filled.
  1142. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1143. Calculates damage for all attacks using the unit's Mag stat.
  1144. Brings nearby enemies in front of the unit before starting regular attack 1.
  1145. Increases attack range.
  1146. When using magic to restore the caster's or an ally's HP, the caster's Awakening Gauge is restored proportionally.
  1147. Increases both the Awakening and Warrior Gauge fill rates when attacking enemies that have been launched into the air.
  1148. Nullifies enemy attacks that would break, penetrate, or otherwise bypass the unit's guard.
  1149. Enables dash attacks for all classes.
  1150. Causes strong attacks to produce the Stun Gauge at a high rate.
  1151. Increases damage dealt to enemies on foot.
  1152. Causes critical hits to instantly defeat non-commander units.
  1153. Rapidly restores the Warrior Gauge when HP is at [0:NUMBER]% or below and the Warrior Gauge is less than one bar.
  1154. Nullifies enemies' offensive magic.
  1155. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1156. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1157. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1158. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1159. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1160. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1161. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1162. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1163. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1164. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1165. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1166. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1167. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1168. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1169. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1170. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1171. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1172. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1173. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1174. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1175. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1176. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1177. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1178. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1179. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1180. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1181. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1182. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1183. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1184. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1185. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1186. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1187. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1188. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1189. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1190. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1191. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1192. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1193. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1194. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1195. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1196. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1197. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1198. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1199. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1200. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1201. Slightly increases critical hit rate.
  1202. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1203. Greatly increases critical hit rate.
  1204. Slightly increases damage to enemies launched into the air.
  1205. Moderately increases damage to enemies launched into the air.
  1206. Greatly increases damage to enemies launched into the air.
  1207. Grants attacks a low chance to poison enemies.
  1208. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1209. Grants attacks a high chance to poison enemies.
  1210. Slightly increases damage dealt by regular attacks.
  1211. Moderately increases damage dealt by regular attacks.
  1212. Greatly increases damage dealt by regular attacks.
  1213. Slightly increases damage dealt by strong attacks.
  1214. Moderately increases damage dealt by strong attacks.
  1215. Greatly increases damage dealt by strong attacks.
  1216. Slightly increases damage dealt by class actions.
  1217. Moderately increases damage dealt by class actions.
  1218. Greatly increases damage dealt by class actions.
  1219. Slightly increases damage dealt by critical rushes.
  1220. Moderately increases damage dealt by critical rushes.
  1221. Greatly increases damage dealt by critical rushes.
  1222. Slightly increases damage dealt by Warrior Specials.
  1223. Moderately increases damage dealt by Warrior Specials.
  1224. Greatly increases damage dealt by Warrior Specials.
  1225. Slightly increases damage while Awakened.
  1226. Moderately increases damage while Awakened.
  1227. Greatly increases damage while Awakened.
  1228. Slightly increases damage dealt by combat arts and magic.
  1229. Moderately increases damage dealt by combat arts and magic.
  1230. Greatly increases damage dealt by combat arts and magic.
  1231. Slightly increases the chance to trigger Crest Effects.
  1232. Moderately increases the chance to trigger Crest Effects.
  1233. Greatly increases the chance to trigger Crest Effects.
  1234. Slightly increases damage dealt when sending enemies flying. Enemies deal a small amount of area damage upon collision.
  1235. Moderately increases damage dealt when sending enemies flying. Enemies deal a moderate amount of area damage upon collision.
  1236. Greatly increases damage dealt when sending enemies flying. Enemies deal a large amount of area damage upon collision.
  1237. When this unit is an adjutant: slightly increases damage dealt by Adjutant Follow-Ups.
  1238. When this unit is an adjutant: moderately increases damage dealt by Adjutant Follow-Ups.
  1239. When this unit is an adjutant: greatly increases damage dealt by Adjutant Follow-Ups.
  1240. Slightly increases damage to enemies as the hit count rises.
  1241. Moderately increases damage to enemies as the hit count rises.
  1242. Greatly increases damage to enemies as the hit count rises.
  1243. Slightly extends the time before the hit count expires.
  1244. Moderately extends the time before the hit count expires.
  1245. Greatly extends the time before the hit count expires.
  1246. Slightly increases damage dealt to enemies while mounted.
  1247. Moderately increases damage dealt to enemies while mounted.
  1248. Greatly increases damage dealt to enemies while mounted.
  1249. Slightly increases damage dealt to monster barriers.
  1250. Moderately increases damage dealt to monster barriers.
  1251. Greatly increases damage dealt to monster barriers.
  1252. Sacrifices weapon durability to slightly increase Mt.
  1253. Sacrifices weapon durability to moderately increase Mt.
  1254. Sacrifices weapon durability to greatly increase Mt.
  1255. Adds [0:NUMBER] to the maximum forge count when remaking weapons.
  1256. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1257. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1258. The unit temporarily receives a minor boost to Str and Mag proportional to Dex when attacking.
  1259. The unit temporarily receives a moderate boost to Str and Mag proportional to Dex when attacking.
  1260. The unit temporarily receives a major boost to Str and Mag proportional to Dex when attacking.
  1261. The unit temporarily receives a minor boost to Str and Mag proportional to Spd when attacking.
  1262. The unit temporarily receives a moderate boost to Str and Mag proportional to Spd when attacking.
  1263. The unit temporarily receives a major boost to Str and Mag proportional to Spd when attacking.
  1264. The unit temporarily receives a minor boost to Str and Mag proportional to Lck when attacking.
  1265. The unit temporarily receives a moderate boost to Str and Mag proportional to Lck when attacking.
  1266. The unit temporarily receives a major boost to Str and Mag proportional to Lck when attacking.
  1267. The unit temporarily receives a minor boost to Str and Mag proportional to Def when attacking.
  1268. The unit temporarily receives a moderate boost to Str and Mag proportional to Def when attacking.
  1269. The unit temporarily receives a major boost to Str and Mag proportional to Def when attacking.
  1270. The unit temporarily receives a minor boost to Str and Mag proportional to Res when attacking.
  1271. The unit temporarily receives a moderate boost to Str and Mag proportional to Res when attacking.
  1272. The unit temporarily receives a major boost to Str and Mag proportional to Res when attacking.
  1273. The unit temporarily receives a minor boost to Str and Mag proportional to Cha when attacking.
  1274. The unit temporarily receives a moderate boost to Str and Mag proportional to Cha when attacking.
  1275. The unit temporarily receives a major boost to Str and Mag proportional to Cha when attacking.
  1276. Swaps the unit's physical and magical attack stats.
  1277. Swaps the unit's Str and Def, and also Mag and Res.
  1278. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1279. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1280. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1281. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1282. <<<EMPTY>>>
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