1. On higher [g]difficulties[/], you'll face higher-level [cdb]enemies, but also receive better rewards from [cdb]battles. You can adjust the difficulty of the [cdb]game from the Settings menu.
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  7. [g]Classic Mode[/]: ・From [g]Chapter 4 onward[/], units who have their HP reduced to zero are [g]lost forever[/] and will not return in future battles.
  8. ・[g]Bookmark saves[/] created during battle will be deleted upon load. ・Restart from Checkpoint is not available as an option upon a game over.
  9. It is not possible to switch from [g]Casual mode[/] to [g]Classic mode[/] mid-playthrough.
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  13. When starting a new game, you can carry [cdb]over content from the save data of a finished [cdb]playthrough, if one exists.
  14. You can choose whether to import a [cdb]unit's [g]level[/] on a per unit basis.
  15. [g]Support levels[/] can only be imported as a batch, for all units. [g]Excluding [0:ITEM_D][/], other data, such as items, gold, and class level, will be imported automatically.
  16. If you select a finished playthrough using the Continue option, you will start just before the final battle.
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  19. When you create a [g]bookmark save[/] during battle, you'll be able to restart the battle from that point. You can create bookmark saves from the pause menu during battle.
  20. You can only have one bookmark save at a time. Creating a new bookmark save will [g]overwrite[/] the old one. Your bookmark save will also be [g]deleted[/] if the game software is updated.
  21. [g]In Casual Mode[/]: ・After creating a bookmark save, you can continue the battle. ・Loading a bookmark will not delete it.
  22. [g]In Classic Mode[/]: ・When you create a bookmark save, you will be returned to the title screen. ・Loading a bookmark will delete it.
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  25. [g]Display Quick Menu 1[/] and [g]Display Quick Menu 2[/] can only be set to one of the following buttons: ・[$PAD_L1] ・[$PAD_R1] ・[$PAD_L2] ・[$PAD_R2]
  26. You cannot change the button settings of any [cdb]grayed-out controls.
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  31. [g]Base camp[/] is where you'll prepare for battle. You can interact with your allies and make [cdb]use of all kinds of facilities.
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  37. At the start of each chapter, your allies may offer you [g]battle suggestions[/]. When a suggestion is implemented, the ally who made the suggestion will have boosted morale and increased support points with you.
  38. If you implement a suggestion, its effects will last until the end of the chapter. You can check the effects of an implemented suggestion by selecting [g]Camp Info[/] from the pause menu.
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  49. At the [g]tactics academy[/], you can enhance your units' battle proficiencies. Expanding this facility will unlock new avenues for improvement.
  50. [g]Facility effects include[/]: ・Unlocking additional Warrior Gauges. ・Unlocking vulnerary slots. ・Unlocking level up capabilities for unique abilities.
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  55. Use the [g]training grounds[/] to improve your units. Make use of the following options! [g]・Train[/]: Increase class level. [g]・Level Up/Reset[/]: Raise or resets a unit's level.
  56. [g]・Acquire Class[/]: Attain certification for a new class. [g]・Mock Battle[/]: Try out a unit or class.
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  61. [g]Training[/] allows you to gain [g]class experience[/] for the [cdb]units in the training slots.
  62. Units assigned to the same training slot will train as a [g]pair[/] and gain [g]support points[/]. Since the pair will learn from each other, if one unit's [g]weapon level[/] is higher, the other unit will earn an experience bonus based on that difference. The greater the difference, the higher the bonus.
  63. Training will consume [g]training points[/]. Training points [cdb]will be refilled to the maximum amount at the start of [cdb]a new chapter.
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  67. [g]Acquire new classes[/] at the training grounds if you want to change to a different or more [g]advanced class[/].
  68. If you want to [g]learn a new class[/]... ・[g]Master[/] the corresponding subordinate class. ・Acquire the [g]seal[/] corresponding to the class category.
  69. [g]Learning an advanced class[/]... ・Increases stat [g]growth rate[/]. ・Increases [g]weapon level[/] and [g]authority level[/].
  70. Once you've learned a class, you may change [cdb]to it at any time by selecting [g]Change Class[/] on the [g]Convoy[/] menu.
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  85. At the [g]blacksmith[/] you can enhance your weapons. You can use resources to forge new weapons, or repair a weapon to its original state.
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  97. Upon reaching [g]support level C[/] with an ally, [cdb]you will be able to spend [g]activity points[/] to [cdb]invite them on an [g]expedition[/].
  98. On expeditions, you can get to know your ally better through [g]conversation[/] and [g]questions[/]. You'll gain [g]support points[/] based on how well you can carry the conversation.
  99. If all goes well, you'll get a quiet moment to [g]observe your ally[/] before returning to base. Respectfully, of course.
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  103. In the [g]mess hall[/], you can cook for your allies [cdb]and eat with them. You can increase the [cdb]dishes available through the [g]facility effects[/] [cdb]and by [g]acquiring recipes[/].
  104. Each dish comes with unique [g]meal effects[/]. [g]Meal effects[/]: ・Apply to all allies. ・Stay in effect until the end of the current chapter. ・Stack with other meal effects.
  105. You can select two [g]meal companions[/]. Their [g]morale[/] and [g]support points[/] will increase. Your [cdb]allies have their own [g]preferences[/] when it [cdb]comes to food. Serving them a favorite dish [cdb]will increase the support points gained.
  106. Dishes are also given a [g]cooking rank[/] based [cdb]on how well they are prepared. The higher [cdb]the rank, the more [g]support points[/] you will [cdb]receive.
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  109. You can [g]volunteer[/] around camp alongside two allies to raise [g]support points[/] and [g]morale[/]. There are many different volunteer tasks, and your allies have their own [g]strengths and weaknesses[/] regarding them.
  110. Choose a volunteer task that your allies are [g]ideal[/] for and you'll likely receive a higher rank, and in turn more [g]support points[/].
  111. Of the activities, [g]volunteering[/] allows allies [cdb]besides yourself to gain the most support [cdb]points with one another.
  112. You'll receive [g]renown[/] as a reward, and [g]gift[/] items if you achieve the highest rank.
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  115. At the [g]supply depot[/], you can exchange surplus weapons and resources for other resources, and also have resources collected automatically.
  116. As the story progresses, you'll be able to trade for [g]materials used to expand facilities[/].
  117. Turn in extra equipment and resources to receive [g]Smithing Stones[/] in exchange.
  118. You can exchange [g]Smithing Stones[/] in your inventory for [g]resources[/] and [g]materials used to expand facilities[/].
  119. When you complete a battle, resources will be stored automatically in the Supply Depot. Recover these resources by selecting [g]Collect Supplies[/].
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  127. You can give [g]gifts[/] to allies in camp to raise [g]support points[/] and [g]morale[/]. Allies have [g]preferences[/] when it comes to gifts. Giving them a gift they like will naturally grant more support points.
  128. Gifts are mainly purchased from the [g]item shop[/].
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  133. Interactions and gifts can boost an ally's [g]morale[/]. The more full the Morale Gauge, the [g]more damage[/] [cdb]they will deal to enemies.
  134. If a unit's HP reaches zero during battle, their [cdb]morale will go down one tier. Progressing to the [cdb]next chapter will reset morale to its initial state.
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  139. Gaining support points will deepen bonds between allies and raise their [g]support level[/]. When a [g]support conversation[/] is available, viewing it will raise the support level for those units.
  140. A higher [g]support level[/] will lead to beneficial effects when assigning that unit as your [g]adjutant[/] in battle.
  141. [g]While assigned as adjutant:[/] ・The Adjutant Attack Gauge will fill quicker. ・The Adjutant Guard Gauge will fill quicker. ・Partner Specials will be more powerful.
  142. ・Unique Support and Tactical Abilities will be shared. [g]No support level[/]: Not shared. [g]Support Level C[/]: Shared up to ability level 1. [g]Support Level B[/]: Shared up to ability level 2. [g]Support Level A[/]: Shared up to ability level 3.
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  145. [g]Heroes' Relics[/] are special weapons. When an [cdb]individual who possesses the Relic's corresponding [g]Crest[/] wields it, the combination unlocks powerful combat arts and magic, as well as other special effects.
  146. However, if a unit without a Crest wields a Relic, they will suffer damage during battle.
  147. While Heroes' Relics are powerful, their true [cdb]strength is not yet drawn out in their initial [cdb]state. You can [g]unleash their effects[/] at the [cdb]blacksmith.
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  151. Speak with the [g]reward master[/] to check your [g]achievements[/] and accept [g]awards[/]. The reward master can be found in the [g]command center[/] in the middle of camp.
  152. [g]Achievements[/] can be won both in and out of [cdb]battle. The more [g]achievements[/] you [cdb]complete, the higher quality your [g]awards[/] [cdb]will become, so aim high.
  153. You can also check your [g]achievements[/] from the pause menu while in camp, on the War Map, or during battle.
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  157. Speak to the [g]strategist[/] to head out to your next battle. You can also deploy at the camp gate or by pressing [$BTN_BASECAMP_DIRECT_WARMAP].
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  163. Speak with the [g]record keeper[/] and you'll be [cdb]able to freely select and replay any battle [cdb]you've already completed. The [g]record [cdb]keeper[/] can be found in the command [cdb]center in the middle of camp.
  164. In auxiliary battles, you'll be able to use [g]all [cdb]of your units[/], not just those present at [cdb]that point in the story.
  165. However, any units that have been lost [cdb]in battle will be unavailable. Also, note that [cdb]in [g]Classic Mode[/], you may lose units even in [cdb]auxiliary battles.
  166. In auxiliary battles, persuading a unit to join [cdb]you or failing to do so will not affect the [cdb]roster of your allies in the story.
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  169. An [g]Owl Perch[/] has been installed in front of your personal quarters in the base camp. After achieving victory in a certain number of battles, a [g]messenger owl[/] will visit the perch.
  170. With each visit, the [g]messenger owl[/] will leave behind one [g]Owl Feather[/].
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  181. You can switch to classes acquired through [cdb]training at any time via the [g]Convoy[/] menu. First select Convoy from the pause menu, then choose [g]Reclass[/] to switch classes.
  182. By changing classes often, you can experiment with different combinations of units' [g]unique abilities[/] and [g]class actions[/].
  183. Classes marked with a [g]blue arrow[/] indicate a [g]class bonus[/] for that unit. Use a class bonus to receive [g]additional class experience[/] in battle and training.
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  187. You can change your units' appearance by selecting the [g]Change Appearance[/] option in your personal quarters. Changing their [g]camp appearance[/] will alter how they appear in camp, while changing their [g]battle appearance[/] will alter how they appear in combat.
  188. [g]Camp Appearance[/] Here you can change your units' appearance in camp. * Changes may not apply for some events.
  189. [g]Battle Appearance[/] Here you can choose how units look in battle. ・[g]Standard-Issue[/]: Deploy using class-based attire. Some unit-exclusive classes feature personalized attire.
  190. ・[g]Class-Based[/]: Prioritize class-based attire. ・[g]Unique[/]: Prioritize personalized, unit-exclusive class attire. * Unique attire cannot apply to some classes. These classes will instead deploy with class-based attire.
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  193. Some weapons have [g]attributes[/]. Attributes [cdb]come into effect when that weapon is [cdb]equipped. There are several different types.
  194. Multiples of the same weapon can have [g]different attributes[/]. Battles with a high [cdb]recommended level will afford you greater [cdb]chances of acquiring a weapon with good [cdb]attributes.
  195. However, some weapons will always have the [g]same attribute[/].
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  199. To equip a weapon, a unit's [g]weapon level[/] [cdb]must be equal to or greater than the [cdb]weapon's [g]weapon level[/].
  200. You can increase a unit's weapon level by [cdb]raising their class level or promoting them [cdb]to a more advanced class.
  201. When your unit's weapon level increases, [cdb]they will be able to [g]attack more times [cdb]consecutively[/] with that type of weapon.
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  205. Winning a main quest battle will grant you [g]renown[/]. You will receive greater renown for clearing [cdb]the main quest battle while capturing as [g]few[/] regions [cdb]as possible.
  206. Renown can be exchanged for various items in your [g]personal quarters[/].
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  211. You can hire [g]battalions[/] from the battalion guild. Battalions can be assigned to units from the Set Equipment option in the Convoy menu.
  212. Every battalion is most effective against a certain enemy weapon type. Facing off against that weapon type will trigger a battalion effect, which [g]makes that battalion one tier stronger[/] and decreases damage taken.
  213. Battalions have [g]endurance[/], which lowers [cdb]when the unit commanding the battalion [cdb]takes damage. If endurance reaches zero, the [cdb]battalion effect will disappear.
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  217. Gift an ally a [g]Merc Whistle[/] and in return they'll give you their [g]special accessory[/].
  218. Put on a [g]special accessory[/] and your [g]Unique Action Ability[/] will be overwritten with that of the unit who gave you the accessory.
  219. Only allies with an [g]A[/] support level with [HERO_MF] can receive a [g]Merc Whistle[/]. You'll only acquire one [g]Merc Whistle[/] per playthrough, so think carefully about whom you want to give it to.
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  229. The [g]Convoy[/] menu is where you prepare for battle. Here you can: ・Equip [g]weapons[/] ・Equip [g]combat arts and magic[/] ・Change [g]abilities[/] ・Change [g]classes[/]
  230. Changing classes will change the [g]weapons[/] [cdb]you can equip as well as your [g]actions[/] [cdb]during battle. It will also change your [g]advantage against enemies[/].
  231. You acquired a [g]new weapon[/] in the last battle. Go on and equip it!
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  241. From the [g]War Map[/], you can select a [cdb]battlefield to deploy to. ・Blue regions: Already captured. ・Red regions: Available to be captured. Winning a battle will capture that region, [cdb]and make any neighboring regions accessible [cdb]as well.
  242. You can also deploy again to territories that [cdb]are already captured from the War Map.
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  247. Each chapter contains multiple battles. ・[g]Main quest[/]: the final battle of that chapter. ・[g]Side quests[/]: other battles along the way. Achieve victory in the main quest to [cdb]advance the story.
  248. Main quests and side quests will display [cdb]differently on the War Map.
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  253. Depending on the units in your party, [g]paralogues[/] may be triggered as the story [cdb]progresses.
  254. To display paralogues, select the camp on [cdb]the War Map.
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  259. At times you'll find [g]challenger quests[/] on the War Map. In exchange for battling under a variety of limitations, you'll be more likely to earn better rewards from surveying spots and from achieving [$ICON_PAD_RANK_S] Rank battle results.
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  271. From [g]Chapter 4 onward[/], you can use two-player split screen during battle. * Two-player split screen is unavailable for certain quests.
  272. During Battle Prep, press [$BTN_UI_2P] to switch between [cdb]one-player or two-player mode from the [g]menu[/] or the [g]Battle Map screen[/].
  273. You can also adjust the controls for Player 2 from the pause screen by selecting System > Settings > Button Settings.
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  277. Before starting a battle you can adjust which units to [cdb]deploy. Units placed within the dark blue grid will be [g]available to control and give orders to[/]. Units placed in [cdb]the light blue grid will only be [g]available to give orders [cdb]to[/].
  278. Highlight a unit to see their [g]advantage against the [cdb]enemies that will appear on the battlefield[/]. You can [cdb]check by [g]weapon type[/] and [g]extra effectiveness[/]. Choose [cdb]units that will have an advantage against the enemies you will be facing.
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  283. Press [$BTL_SHIFT_SLG_PART] during battle to issue [g]Orders[/]. From here, you can use [$BTN_DECIDE] to select units and issue orders.
  284. You can order a unit to: ・Move to a [g]selected location[/]. ・Attack [r]enemies[/] and capture [r]enemy strongholds[/]. ・Guard [b]allies[/] and defend [b]allied strongholds[/]. ・[g]Heal[/] using vulneraries.
  285. You can use [g]Autobattle[/] to determine the [cdb]course of action for units you don't give [cdb]direct orders to.
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  289. From [g]Autobattle[/], you can set how units will [cdb]act when not given direct orders. ・Attack: Aggressively attack any nearby [r]enemies[/] and [r]strongholds[/]. ・Defend: Defend [b]allies[/] and [b]allied strongholds[/]. ・Standby: Units go on standby after completing orders.
  290. [g]Turn on Autoheal[/] and units will [cdb]automatically use vulneraries or recovery [cdb]magic when their HP is low.
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  295. For the [g]main quest[/] of each chapter, you'll be [cdb]able to select [g]strategies[/] before battle. There are many types of strategies. Some [cdb]strategies determine unit positions at the [cdb]start of a battle, and some [g]activate during [cdb]battle[/] to provide an advantage.
  296. To select a strategy you need [g]strategy resources[/], [cdb]which can be acquired by [g]capturing regions[/] on the War Map. You can also [g]add to your roster of strategies [/]by searching [g]surveying spots[/] on the War Map.
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  307. [g]Strategies[/] will sometimes be added based on [cdb]information acquired from a surveying spot. Added strategies will be available to select [cdb]on the Battle Prep screen for the [g]main quest[/].
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  313. [g]Capture regions[/] on the War Map to acquire [g]strategy resources[/]. Strategy resources are required for using [g]strategies[/] during the main quest of each chapter.
  314. Any leftover strategy resources will not carry over into the next chapter.
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  325. [g]Monsters[/] are huge enemies that are quite unlike normal soldiers. When you are near a [g]monster[/], its HP and weaknesses will be displayed at the top of the screen.
  326. Monsters are protected by four [g]barriers[/]. [g]Barriers[/] can be destroyed using attacks that correspond to the monster's weakness, or by using an Awakened attack. Destroying a barrier will inflict an [g]armor break[/] on the enemy.
  327. [g]While a monster's armor is broken[/], it will be unable to act. Approach it and press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to perform a critical rush and cause it to lose one HP Gauge. Each time an [g]armor break[/] is triggered, you can get rare resources.
  328. The icons to the right of a monster's HP Gauge indicate [g]how many HP Gauges it has [cdb]remaining[/]. Depleting the monster's HP Gauge will remove one icon and fully restore its HP.
  329. Once all icons have been removed and its HP Gauge depleted, the monster will be immobilized. Approach the monster and press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to finish it off with a critical rush.
  330. <<<EMPTY>>>
  331. When a [g]strategy[/] can be activated, its name will [cdb]display on screen. Hold [$BTN_UI_STRATEGY_TRIGGER] to trigger that strategy. If multiple strategies are available, press [$BTN_UI_STRATEGY_TRIGGER] to toggle between them.
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  337. Use [$ACT_OPERATION_ORDER] or [$ACT_OPERATION_REVERSE] to [g]change[/] the unit you are currently controlling. You can also select a unit to control from the [g]Orders[/] screen.
  338. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  343. A weapon, combat art, or magic that is [g]extra effective[/] gives it a huge advantage against a specific enemy.
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  345. [g]When extra effective[/]... ・You have [g]three tiers greater advantage[/] against the enemy. ・You'll deal greater damage. ・The Stun Gauge displays upon all attacks.
  346. Examples of skills that grant extra effectiveness: ・[g]Effective vs Armored Units[/]: Extra effectiveness v. armored classes such as Armored Knight. ・[g]Effective vs Cavalry[/]: Extra effectiveness v. cavalry classes such as Cavalier. ・[g]Effective vs Fliers[/]: Extra effectiveness v. flying classes such as Pegasus Knight. ・[g]Effective vs Monsters[/]: Extra effectiveness v. monsters such as Giant Wolf and Demonic Beast.
  347. <<<EMPTY>>>
  348. <<<EMPTY>>>
  349. At times, a [g]Stun Gauge[/] will appear over an [cdb]enemy commander's head. Continue attacking to completely deplete the gauge, and then press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to perform a [g]critical rush[/].
  350. The [g]Stun Gauge[/] displays when you land [cdb]certain attacks against the enemy, or when [cdb]the enemy performs certain moves.
  351. The Stun Gauge displays when: ・Hitting an enemy with offensive combat arts or magic. ・Executing a Perfect Guard. ・An enemy is preparing to use combat arts or magic. ・An attack knocks an enemy back.
  352. <<<EMPTY>>>
  353. <<<EMPTY>>>
  354. <<<EMPTY>>>
  355. When the [g]Awakening Gauge[/] is filled, press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK3] to [g]Awaken[/]. Your unit will remain Awakened until the gauge depletes. You can press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK3] to [g]cancel the Awakened state[/].
  356. [g]To fill the Awakening Gauge[/]: ・Pick up blue tonics. ・Damage enemies. ・Execute a critical rush.
  357. [g]While Awakened[/]: ・All attacks will make the Stun Gauge appear. ・The Stun Gauge will deplete quickly regardless of advantage. ・You'll receive bonuses based on the number of enemies defeated. ・Your HP will not reach zero regardless of damage taken.
  358. Press [$ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK] while Awakened, or completely [cdb]deplete the Awakening Gauge, to trigger a [g]Warrior Special[/] and end the Awakened state. * You cannot switch to another unit while Awakened.
  359. <<<EMPTY>>>
  360. <<<EMPTY>>>
  361. When you defeat enemies, they may drop items such as [g]recovery items[/], [g]resources[/], and [g]weapons[/]. All except for recovery items will be picked up automatically.
  362. <<<EMPTY>>>
  363. <<<EMPTY>>>
  364. <<<EMPTY>>>
  365. <<<EMPTY>>>
  366. <<<EMPTY>>>
  367. For mounted units such as Cavaliers and Pegasus Knights, press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] to mount and dismount.
  368. <<<EMPTY>>>
  369. <<<EMPTY>>>
  370. <<<EMPTY>>>
  371. <<<EMPTY>>>
  372. <<<EMPTY>>>
  373. Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] to use a [g]vulnerary[/] and restore your HP. Your available number of vulneraries will be refilled at the end of each battle.
  374. <<<EMPTY>>>
  375. <<<EMPTY>>>
  376. <<<EMPTY>>>
  377. <<<EMPTY>>>
  378. <<<EMPTY>>>
  379. If playing in [g]Classic Mode[/], units whose HP is reduced to zero from [g]Chapter 4 onward[/] are [g]lost forever[/].
  380. Units who are [g]lost[/] will not be available for [cdb]deployment or support conversations.
  381. <<<EMPTY>>>
  382. <<<EMPTY>>>
  383. <<<EMPTY>>>
  384. <<<EMPTY>>>
  385. Units with [g]Crests[/] can trigger [g]Crest Effects[/] under certain conditions. You can find details about Crest Effects by selecting Details on the Status screen and hovering over the Crest name.
  386. <<<EMPTY>>>
  387. <<<EMPTY>>>
  388. <<<EMPTY>>>
  389. <<<EMPTY>>>
  390. <<<EMPTY>>>
  391. ・[$PAD_L3]: Movement ・[$PAD_R3]: Camera Continue moving to [g]dash[/].
  392. <<<EMPTY>>>
  393. <<<EMPTY>>>
  394. <<<EMPTY>>>
  395. <<<EMPTY>>>
  396. <<<EMPTY>>>
  397. ・[$ACT_GUARD]: Guard ・[$ACT_DODGE]: Dodge
  398. [$ACT_GUARD] Guard just before an enemy attack lands to [cdb]execute a [g]Perfect Guard[/], staggering nearby enemies.
  399. [$ACT_DODGE] Dodge just before an enemy attack lands to [cdb]execute a [g]Perfect Dodge[/]. Your attacks will be critical for a short period of time.
  400. <<<EMPTY>>>
  401. <<<EMPTY>>>
  402. <<<EMPTY>>>
  403. ・[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK]: Regular attack ・[$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] after a regular attack: Strong attack
  405. <<<EMPTY>>>
  406. <<<EMPTY>>>
  407. <<<EMPTY>>>
  408. <<<EMPTY>>>
  409. When your [g]Warrior Gauge[/] is full, press [$ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK] to unleash a [g]Warrior Special[/].
  410. [g]To fill the Warrior Gauge[/]: ・Deal damage to enemies. ・Take damage from enemies. ・Pick up yellow tonics.
  411. <<<EMPTY>>>
  412. <<<EMPTY>>>
  413. <<<EMPTY>>>
  414. <<<EMPTY>>>
  415. When an arrow is displayed over an enemy's [cdb]head, press [$ACT_CAMERA_LOCKON] to [g]lock on[/] to them. While [cdb]locked on, the camera will stay focused on [cdb]your target. Move [$PAD_R3] left and right to [cdb]change targets.
  416. <<<EMPTY>>>
  417. <<<EMPTY>>>
  418. <<<EMPTY>>>
  419. <<<EMPTY>>>
  420. <<<EMPTY>>>
  421. <<<EMPTY>>>
  422. <<<EMPTY>>>
  423. <<<EMPTY>>>
  424. <<<EMPTY>>>
  425. <<<EMPTY>>>
  426. <<<EMPTY>>>
  427. Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] to display Quick Menu 2. Approach an allied unit and press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK1] to [cdb]assign them as your [g]adjutant[/]. Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK1] again [cdb]to cancel the assignment.
  428. [g]With an adjutant assigned[/]: ・Active unit's stats will be raised based on the adjutant's class. ・[g]With at least support level C[/], you will have access to the adjutant's [g]Unique Support and Tactical Abilities[/]. ・[g]Adjutant Follow-Up, Adjutant Guard, and Partner Specials[/] will activate.
  429. You can change what button displays Quick Menu 2 from the Button Settings menu. You can access this from the pause menu by selecting System > Settings > Button Settings.
  430. You can also assign an adjutant by selecting your desired adjutant from the Orders screen, then pressing [$PAD_R2] Other, selecting the unit to whom you'd like to assign that adjutant, and choosing [g]Assign Adjutant[/].
  431. <<<EMPTY>>>
  432. <<<EMPTY>>>
  433. Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK3] to switch the active unit for the adjutant. Note that you can only switch playable units into the active position.
  434. <<<EMPTY>>>
  435. <<<EMPTY>>>
  436. <<<EMPTY>>>
  437. <<<EMPTY>>>
  438. <<<EMPTY>>>
  439. <<<EMPTY>>>
  440. <<<EMPTY>>>
  441. <<<EMPTY>>>
  442. <<<EMPTY>>>
  443. <<<EMPTY>>>
  444. <<<EMPTY>>>
  445. During battle you'll be tasked with various [g]missions[/]. [g]Main missions[/] must be completed [cdb]in order to win the battle.
  446. <<<EMPTY>>>
  447. <<<EMPTY>>>
  448. <<<EMPTY>>>
  449. <<<EMPTY>>>
  450. <<<EMPTY>>>
  451. [g]Side missions[/] don't directly influence the [cdb]outcome of the battle. Completing them [cdb]might give you an advantage in the battle or [cdb]net you a reward.
  452. <<<EMPTY>>>
  453. <<<EMPTY>>>
  454. <<<EMPTY>>>
  455. <<<EMPTY>>>
  456. <<<EMPTY>>>
  457. If defeat conditions are met during battle, [cdb]the battle will result in [g]defeat[/] and a [g]game over[/].
  458. The defeat of important units such as the [g]main [cdb]character[/] and [g]house leaders[/] will result in a game over.
  459. After a game over, if you select [g]Restart Battle from the Beginning[/], [g]Restart from Checkpoint[/], or [g]Return to War Map[/], you'll lose any weapons or resources gained during the battle, but any [g]level[/] and [g]experience[/] gains will be preserved.
  460. The same is true if you select [g]Retreat[/] from the pause menu during battle.
  461. <<<EMPTY>>>
  462. <<<EMPTY>>>
  463. Gates indicated by [$ICON_GATE] on the map can be opened by defeating its [g]Gatekeeper[/] or by capturing an adjacent stronghold. Gates with [$ICON_GATE_NO_INTRUSION] displayed will only open as the battle progresses.
  464. <<<EMPTY>>>
  465. <<<EMPTY>>>
  466. <<<EMPTY>>>
  467. <<<EMPTY>>>
  468. <<<EMPTY>>>
  469. You'll sometimes find [g]chests[/] on the battlefield. To open them you'll need a [g]key[/]. Find the enemy carrying the key and defeat them to obtain it.
  470. Also, if the enemy with the key gets near the [cdb]chest, they may [g]steal the treasure[/]. Defeat [cdb]them before they escape to reclaim the [cdb]treasure.
  471. Some classes and units possess the ability to open chests without a key.
  472. <<<EMPTY>>>
  473. <<<EMPTY>>>
  474. <<<EMPTY>>>
  475. Break [g]pots[/] you find on the battlefield to [cdb]receive gold or recovery items, depending [cdb]on the color of the pot.
  476. <<<EMPTY>>>
  477. <<<EMPTY>>>
  478. <<<EMPTY>>>
  479. <<<EMPTY>>>
  480. <<<EMPTY>>>
  481. If Midbattle Tutorial Pop-Ups is set to AUTO, only key tutorial pop-ups will display automatically, while others will display as a tutorial notification. If Midbattle Tutorial Pop-Ups is set to OFF, all tutorials will display only as a notification. Press [$BTN_UI_OPEN_TUTORIAL_IN_BATTLE] when a tutorial notification appears to show the full pop-up.
  482. <<<EMPTY>>>
  483. <<<EMPTY>>>
  484. <<<EMPTY>>>
  485. <<<EMPTY>>>
  486. <<<EMPTY>>>
  487. Defeat enemies to gain [g]experience[/], leveling [cdb]up your units and improving their [g]stats[/]. A unit's stat growth will depend on their own [cdb]individual qualities.
  488. ・[g]Hit Points (HP)[/]: A unit's max HP. HP depletes with damage. When it reaches zero, a unit will retreat or fall in battle. ・[g]Strength[/]: Affects the attack power of physical attacks. ・[g]Magic[/]: Affects the attack power of magic attacks.
  489. ・[g]Dexterity[/]: Affects the attack power of critical rushes, as well as critical hit rate. ・[g]Speed[/]: Affects the duration of the Awakened state and recharge time for combat arts and magic. ・[g]Luck[/]: Affects the appearance rate of recovery items.
  490. ・[g]Defense[/]: Affects defense against physical attacks. ・[g]Resistance[/]: Affects defense against magic attacks. ・[g]Charm[/]: Affects drain rate of a battalion's endurance.
  491. <<<EMPTY>>>
  492. <<<EMPTY>>>
  493. After battle, the [g]Battle Rank[/] will grade you based on your performance in battle. There are five ranks: [$ICON_PAD_RANK_S], [$ICON_PAD_RANK_A], [$ICON_PAD_RANK_B], [$ICON_PAD_RANK_C], and [$ICON_PAD_RANK_D]. Higher ranks will net you [g]more experience and gold[/].
  494. Your Battle Rank is determined by three factors. ・[g]Completion time[/]. ・[g]Enemies defeated[/]. ・[g]Damage taken[/].
  495. Additionally, the first time you complete a [cdb]quest you'll receive a [g]First Time Reward[/]. You'll also receive an [g][$ICON_PAD_RANK_S] Rank Reward[/] the first [cdb]time you achieve [$ICON_PAD_RANK_S] Rank as your result.
  496. <<<EMPTY>>>
  497. <<<EMPTY>>>
  498. <<<EMPTY>>>
  499. The unit who performed the best in a battle will be selected as the [g]MVP[/]. The MVP unit will gain additional [g]experience[/].
  500. <<<EMPTY>>>
  501. <<<EMPTY>>>
  502. <<<EMPTY>>>
  503. <<<EMPTY>>>
  504. <<<EMPTY>>>
  505. Any units participating in a battle will [cdb]receive [g]class experience[/] post-battle. If this [cdb]raises their [g]class level[/], they may acquire new [g]combat arts[/], [g]magic[/], or [g]abilities[/], and their [g]weapon level[/] may increase.
  506. [g]When a unit's weapon level increases[/]: ・They'll be able to equip more powerful weapons. ・They'll be able to [g]attack more times consecutively[/].
  507. <<<EMPTY>>>
  508. <<<EMPTY>>>
  509. <<<EMPTY>>>
  510. <<<EMPTY>>>
  511. When a unit's [g]class level[/] increases, they can [cdb]gain new [g]combat arts[/], [g]magic[/], and [g]abilities[/]. These acquisitions can differ between units, [cdb]even for those within the same class. Manage them from the [g]Convoy[/] menu.
  512. <<<EMPTY>>>
  513. <<<EMPTY>>>
  514. <<<EMPTY>>>
  515. <<<EMPTY>>>
  516. <<<EMPTY>>>
  517. [g]Combat arts[/] and [g]magic[/] will [g]level up[/] after [cdb]they have been used a set number of times. This will make them stronger, and reduce [cdb]weapon durability loss when they are used.
  518. <<<EMPTY>>>
  519. <<<EMPTY>>>
  520. <<<EMPTY>>>
  521. <<<EMPTY>>>
  522. <<<EMPTY>>>
  523. After battle, you'll be able to check the contents of [g]weapon packs[/] and [g]resource pouches[/] you acquired in battle. If you've reached your inventory limit, excess items will be sold off automatically.
  524. <<<EMPTY>>>
  525. <<<EMPTY>>>
  526. <<<EMPTY>>>
  527. <<<EMPTY>>>
  528. <<<EMPTY>>>
  529. Complete a side quest to unlock [g]surveying [cdb]spots[/] in that region. Survey them to receive [cdb]all kinds of rewards.
  530. [g]Types of surveying spots and rewards[/]: ・Simply visiting the spot grants the reward. ・You must pay to receive the reward. ・Your choices determine the reward. ・Conditions must be met in order to survey the spot.
  531. <<<EMPTY>>>
  532. <<<EMPTY>>>
  533. <<<EMPTY>>>
  534. <<<EMPTY>>>
  535. When the [g]Awakening Gauge[/] is filled, press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK3] to [g]Awaken[/]. Your unit will remain Awakened until the gauge depletes. You can press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK3] to [g]cancel the Awakened state[/].
  536. [g]To fill the Awakening Gauge[/]: ・Pick up blue tonics. ・Damage enemies. ・Use Adjutant Follow-Ups. ・Execute a critical rush.
  537. [g]While Awakened[/]: ・All attacks will make the Stun Gauge appear. ・The Stun Gauge will deplete quickly regardless of advantage.
  538. Press [$ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK] while Awakened, or completely [cdb]deplete the Awakening Gauge, to trigger a [g]Warrior Special[/] and end the Awakened state. * You cannot switch units while Awakened.
  539. ・The Adjutant Attack Gauge will not deplete. ・You'll receive bonuses based on the number of enemies defeated. ・Your HP will not reach zero regardless of damage taken.
  540. <<<EMPTY>>>
  541. <<<EMPTY>>>
  542. <<<EMPTY>>>
  543. <<<EMPTY>>>
  544. <<<EMPTY>>>
  545. <<<EMPTY>>>
  546. <<<EMPTY>>>
  547. Occasionally, [g]Anna's shop[/] will appear on the War Map. Anna will [g]change locations[/] each [cdb]time you engage in a battle, so don't miss [cdb]your chance to visit her shop.
  548. If you select a surveying spot where Anna is [cdb]currently located on the War Map, Anna [cdb]will visit your [g]camp[/] and set up shop there [cdb]for the duration of the current chapter. You can buy [g]rare and precious items[/] from Anna's shop.
  549. <<<EMPTY>>>
  550. <<<EMPTY>>>
  551. <<<EMPTY>>>
  552. <<<EMPTY>>>
  553. Very rarely, [g]extra quests[/] will appear on the War Map. Extra quests offer a chance to get numerous rewards from [g]couriers[/] and [g]monsters[/].
  554. Extra quests will [g]disappear when their counter reaches zero[/]. The counter will decrease each time a new region is captured.
  555. <<<EMPTY>>>
  556. <<<EMPTY>>>
  557. <<<EMPTY>>>
  558. <<<EMPTY>>>
  559. Battlefields contain [g]strongholds[/] that are [cdb]controlled by the various forces engaged in [cdb]battle. [r]Enemies[/] and [b]allies[/] alike will [g]slowly [cdb]regain HP[/] while in a stronghold under their own control. You can capture a stronghold by defeating the [g]Stronghold Captain[/].
  560. <<<EMPTY>>>
  561. <<<EMPTY>>>
  562. <<<EMPTY>>>
  563. <<<EMPTY>>>
  564. <<<EMPTY>>>
  565. Use the [g]Guard[/] order from the [g]Orders[/] screen [cdb]and the selected unit will guard and fight [cdb]beside the specified target. This is useful in [cdb]missions that call for protecting [b]allies[/].
  566. <<<EMPTY>>>
  567. <<<EMPTY>>>
  568. <<<EMPTY>>>
  569. <<<EMPTY>>>
  570. <<<EMPTY>>>
  571. Sometimes there will be [g]flight routes[/] over cliffs and other impassable terrain. Flight routes will be indicated on the map with [$ICON_FLYING_ROUTE] and can only be utilized by [g]flying classes[/] such as Pegasus Knights and only while [g]mounted[/].
  572. Press [$ACT_DODGE] when near the flight route, or [cdb]enter the flight route while dashing, to be [cdb]automatically transported to the other side.
  573. <<<EMPTY>>>
  574. <<<EMPTY>>>
  575. <<<EMPTY>>>
  576. <<<EMPTY>>>
  577. You will take damage when traversing [g]lava[/]. [g]Flying classes[/] can traverse lava without [cdb]taking damage while [g]mounted[/].
  578. <<<EMPTY>>>
  579. <<<EMPTY>>>
  580. <<<EMPTY>>>
  581. <<<EMPTY>>>
  582. <<<EMPTY>>>
  583. Once you complete the main quest of a chapter, the [cdb]story will progress to the next chapter and you will [g]no [cdb]longer be able to survey[/] the current chapter's [cdb]surveying spots.
  584. Any leftover training points or activity points [g]cannot [cdb]be carried over[/] to the next chapter. Make sure you've [cdb]done everything you want to do before deploying for [cdb]a chapter's main quest.
  585. <<<EMPTY>>>
  586. <<<EMPTY>>>
  587. <<<EMPTY>>>
  588. <<<EMPTY>>>
  589. Performing certain actions during battle will increase [g]support points[/]. ・Defeating an enemy general with an adjutant assigned. ・Triggering a Partner Special with an adjutant assigned. ・Healing an ally with magic.
  590. Each of those actions will only trigger an increase in support points once per battle between the same two units.
  591. Additionally, winning a battle will increase the support points between all units deployed in that battle.
  592. <<<EMPTY>>>
  593. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  595. <<<EMPTY>>>
  596. <<<EMPTY>>>
  597. <<<EMPTY>>>
  598. <<<EMPTY>>>
  599. <<<EMPTY>>>
  600. <<<EMPTY>>>
  601. ■Unique Action Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] [cdb][0:SKILL_D]
  602. ■Unique Support Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] [cdb][0:SKILL_D]
  603. ■Unique Tactical Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] [cdb][0:SKILL_D]
  604. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  700. <<<EMPTY>>>
  701. <<<EMPTY>>>
  702. <<<EMPTY>>>
  703. ■Unique Action Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] Fill the Unique Ability Gauge by attacking. When it is full, press [$ACT_SKILL] to temporarily boost yourself and surrounding allies.
  704. This boost will randomly take one of the following forms: ・Attacks will be imbued with an element corresponding to the unit. ・Increased speed. ・Attacks become critical.
  705. ■Unique Support Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] [cdb][0:SKILL_D]
  706. ■Unique Tactical Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] [cdb][0:SKILL_D]
  707. <<<EMPTY>>>
  708. <<<EMPTY>>>
  709. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  718. <<<EMPTY>>>
  719. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  722. <<<EMPTY>>>
  723. <<<EMPTY>>>
  724. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  734. <<<EMPTY>>>
  735. <<<EMPTY>>>
  736. <<<EMPTY>>>
  737. <<<EMPTY>>>
  738. <<<EMPTY>>>
  739. ■Unique Action Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] Hold to charge up an attack that will have increased damage and is more likely to knock enemies back and reduce their stun gauges. After that attack, all damage is boosted for a set time.
  740. Additional charge attacks during that set time will boost the effect by two tiers at Lv 1, three tiers at Lv 2, and four tiers at Lv 3. Once the effect fades, it resets to zero.
  741. ■Unique Support Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] [cdb][0:SKILL_D]
  742. ■Unique Tactical Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] [cdb][0:SKILL_D]
  743. <<<EMPTY>>>
  744. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  887. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  890. <<<EMPTY>>>
  891. <<<EMPTY>>>
  892. <<<EMPTY>>>
  893. <<<EMPTY>>>
  894. <<<EMPTY>>>
  895. ■Unique Action Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] Adds dark or light to attacks, switching with [$ACT_SKILL]. Attacking fills the Unique Ability Gauge.
  896. Switching from light to dark will gather enemies within a range determined by how full the gauge is. Switching from dark to light will cause attacks to instantly knock out any non-commander units within a range determined by how full the gauge is. The higher the ability level, the faster the gauge fills.
  897. ■Unique Support Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] [cdb][0:SKILL_D]
  898. ■Unique Tactical Ability [g]・[0:SKILL_ICON][0:SKILL][/] [cdb][0:SKILL_D]
  899. <<<EMPTY>>>
  900. <<<EMPTY>>>
  901. <<<EMPTY>>>
  902. <<<EMPTY>>>
  903. <<<EMPTY>>>
  904. <<<EMPTY>>>
  905. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  913. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  946. <<<EMPTY>>>
  947. <<<EMPTY>>>
  948. <<<EMPTY>>>
  949. After a battle, you'll be able to interact with your allies [cdb]back at camp. Press [$BTN_DECIDE] when near a unit to talk to [cdb]them.
  950. <<<EMPTY>>>
  951. <<<EMPTY>>>
  952. <<<EMPTY>>>
  953. <<<EMPTY>>>
  954. <<<EMPTY>>>
  955. [g]Support points[/] signify the strength of a bond between two units. Units gain support points by giving appropriate answers in conversation, performing actions that make the other happy, or heading into battle together.
  956. <<<EMPTY>>>
  957. <<<EMPTY>>>
  958. <<<EMPTY>>>
  959. <<<EMPTY>>>
  960. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  978. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  980. <<<EMPTY>>>
  981. <<<EMPTY>>>
  982. <<<EMPTY>>>
  983. <<<EMPTY>>>
  984. <<<EMPTY>>>
  985. Spending time with your allies consumes [g]activity points[/]. Activity points are automatically refilled to the max at the start of a new chapter.
  986. You may also gain activity points by capturing regions [cdb]and searching surveying spots on the War Map.
  987. <<<EMPTY>>>
  988. <<<EMPTY>>>
  989. <<<EMPTY>>>
  990. <<<EMPTY>>>
  991. In camp, press [$BTN_BASECAMP_WARP] to open the menu to select a [cdb]destination. Select a [g]facility, unit, or location[/] to [g]instantly travel there[/].
  992. <<<EMPTY>>>
  993. <<<EMPTY>>>
  994. <<<EMPTY>>>
  995. <<<EMPTY>>>
  996. <<<EMPTY>>>
  997. Speak with the [g]facilities master[/] to expand [cdb]your facilities. [g]Expanding[/] a facility increases [cdb]its functionality and offers numerous [cdb]benefits.
  998. You can obtain the resources necessary to expand facilities largely by [g]surveying[/] on the War Map.
  999. You can also expand a specific facility by [cdb]talking to that facility's [g]manager[/].
  1000. Unlocking facility effects will also raise your [g]camp level[/], which will increase the base value of your [g]training points[/] and [g]activity points[/].
  1001. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1002. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1003. For weapons that have been forged more [cdb]than [g][0:NUMBER][/] times, [g]reforging[/] offers a way to [g]raise [cdb]the maximum forge count[/].
  1004. Some weapons can be transformed into [cdb]other weapons when reforged. In that case, [cdb]the weapon's forge count will reset to zero [cdb]and it will lose any enhancement from [cdb]previous forging. However, the increased [cdb]maximum forge count will be retained.
  1005. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1006. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1007. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1008. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1009. [g]Unleashing the effects[/] of a Hero's Relic or [cdb]sacred weapon will draw out its true power.
  1010. [g]For Weapons[/]: ・[g]Attributes[/] will be unlocked. ・[g]Might[/] will be greatly increased. ・[g]Durability[/] will be greatly increased.
  1011. [g]For Accessories[/]: ・[g]Accessory effects[/] will be unlocked. ・Some accessories will grant [g]increased stat growth[/].
  1012. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1013. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1014. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1015. If the unit you are controlling has an adjutant assigned and uses [g]combat arts or magic[/], that adjutant may learn the same [g]combat arts or magic[/].
  1016. [g]Conditions for Learning I[/]: ・The active unit and adjutant must have at least support level C. ・The combat art or magic must be Lv 3. ・The active unit must have learned the combat art or magic as a class bonus. ・The combat art or magic must be something the adjutant could not learn on their own.
  1017. [g]Conditions for Learning II[/]: ・For combat arts, the adjutant's weapon level for the corresponding weapon must be A. ・For magic, the adjutant's weapon level for tomes must be A.
  1018. Even if the above conditions are met, some combat arts and magic cannot be learned in this way. Combat arts and magic that can be taught will have a [g]speech bubble[/] over their icon.
  1019. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1020. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1021. Earning support points to strengthen bonds between allies will trigger [g]support conversations[/]. Viewing support conversations will raise the [g]support level[/] of the units involved.
  1022. You can view support conversations by selecting the appropriate command after talking to an ally, or by selecting [g]Support Info[/] from the pause menu.
  1023. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1024. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1025. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1026. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1027. When a unit masters a class, they will [cdb]sometimes gain an [g]innate ability[/] that isn't [cdb]listed among the acquirable abilities.
  1028. The classes that will grant innate abilities [cdb]when mastered differ from unit to unit.
  1029. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1030. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1031. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1032. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1033. At the training grounds, you can spend [cdb]gold to [g]level up[/] your allies. However, you [cdb]cannot exceed the level of your current [cdb]highest leveled unit.
  1034. You can also reset a unit to level 1. Stats that went up due to leveling up will return to their level 1 values, while stats that went up due to using items and surveying will retain those increases.
  1035. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1036. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1037. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1038. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  1040. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1041. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1042. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1043. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1044. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1045. At the [g]item shop[/], you can buy and sell various items including food ingredients and gifts.
  1046. Items in the shop have a limited [g]stock[/] and [cdb]can sell out. However, the shop will restock [cdb]at the start of a new chapter.
  1047. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1048. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1049. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1050. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1051. You can spend gold to [g]forge[/] weapons, [cdb]increasing their [g]might[/] and [g]durability[/]. How many times a weapon can be forged [cdb]depends on the weapon.
  1052. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1053. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1054. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1055. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1056. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1057. At the [g]tactics academy[/], you can spend gold [cdb]to improve your units' battle proficiencies. [g]Expand[/] the tactics academy to unlock [cdb]more facility effects and increase the variety [cdb]of proficiencies to enhance.
  1058. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1059. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1060. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1061. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1062. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1063. You can [g]repair[/] [g]weapons[/] to return them to their original state. When a weapon breaks, its might and durability will drastically decrease, and its attributes will be ineffective. Repairing it will undo that effect.
  1064. Repaired weapons more easily acquire [g]powerful attributes[/] and have a [g]higher forge limit[/]. These weapons will also always be [g]fully forged[/] once repaired. You can acquire broken weapons by defeating monsters.
  1065. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1066. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1067. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1068. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1069. In addition to abilities that units can learn, there are also [g]class abilities[/]. Class abilities are only in effect while a unit is assigned to that specific class. Class abilities will always include one [g]Buster[/] ability, such as Sword Buster, Axe Buster, or Lance Buster.
  1070. A class's Buster ability will deal additional damage to a specific enemy unit type and will grant [g]one tier greater advantage[/] against that enemy unit type.
  1071. [g]Example of a class's Buster ability[/]: [g]Myrmidons[/] have [g]Axe Buster[/], which gives Myrmidons one tier greater advantage against axe-wielding enemies.
  1072. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1073. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1074. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1075. Powerful enemy attacks may send you flying. Press [$PAD_L3] or [$ACT_DODGE] before you hit the ground to perform an [g]air recovery[/].
  1076. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1077. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1078. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1079. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1080. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  1091. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1092. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1093. A sword-wielding class with few weaknesses. ・Strong against axes.
  1094. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to perform a [g]sweeping attack[/]. ・You can move while charging.
  1095. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1096. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1097. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1098. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1099. A lance-wielding class, skilled in thrusting and [cdb]sweeping attacks. ・Strong against swords.
  1100. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] repeatedly to [g]thrust multiple times in a row[/]. ・Your final attack will be strengthened based on the number of attacks in the combo.
  1101. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1102. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1103. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1104. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1105. A class proficient in axes, bows, and gauntlets. ・Strong against lances.
  1106. ■Class Action Details (Axe) ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] when the Class Gauge is charged to unleash a powerful attack. ・The Class Gauge will charge [g]over time[/] and when [g]landing attacks[/].
  1107. ■Class Action Details (Bow) ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge and rain arrows on the area targeted with [$PAD_L3]. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1108. ■Class Action Details (Gauntlets) ・The Class Gauge will charge [g]over time[/] and when [g]landing attacks[/]. ・When the Class Gauge fills completely, you'll add a [g]Fist Icon[/] to your stock.
  1109. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1110. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1111. A tome-wielding class proficient in healing. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against bows. ・Low defense, weak against physical attacks. ・High resistance, strong against magic attacks.
  1112. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to attach [g]Luminance[/] to nearby enemies. ・Attack an enemy with [g]Luminance[/] attached to them to deal [g]additional damage[/] and [g]restore HP[/].
  1113. ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]slightly increase the range of the Luminance[/].
  1114. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1115. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1116. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1117. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1118. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1119. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1120. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1121. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1122. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1123. A sword-wielding class with few weaknesses. ・Strong against axes.
  1124. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to perform a [g]sweeping attack[/]. ・You can move while charging. ・After attacking with a full charge, [g]all attacks[/] will be temporarily strengthened.
  1125. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1126. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1127. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1128. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1129. A swift, sword-wielding class. ・Strong against axes.
  1130. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and [g]attack while moving forward[/]. ・These attacks can be chained. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1131. ・Can immediately follow with a regular attack after a class action.
  1132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1133. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1134. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1135. An axe-wielding class, skilled at defense. ・Strong against lances. ・High defense, strong against physical attacks. ・Low resistance, weak against magic attacks. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Armored Units.
  1136. ■Class Action Details ・When the Class Gauge fills completely, you'll add a [g]Shield Icon[/] to your stock. ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to consume a Shield Icon and [g]create an area of reduced physical damage[/].
  1137. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time, and when guarding or taking damage[/]. ・A [g]Perfect Guard[/] will instantly fill the gauge.
  1138. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1139. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1140. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1141. A lance-wielding mounted unit with high mobility. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1142. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and charge forward. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/] and when [g]dashing[/].
  1143. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]increase the might[/] of the next class action.
  1144. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1145. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1146. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1147. An axe-wielding class proficient in concentrated [cdb]attacks. ・Strong against lances.
  1148. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to unleash a single powerful blow, based on the current charge of the Class Gauge. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/], and when [g]landing attacks[/].
  1149. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1150. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1151. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1152. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1153. A bow-wielding class, proficient in ranged [cdb]attacks. ・Extra effective against flying classes. ・Strong against gauntlets.
  1154. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge and rain arrows on the area targeted with [$PAD_L3].
  1155. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1156. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1157. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1158. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1159. A gauntlet-wielding class proficient in [cdb]consecutive attacks. ・Strong against tomes. ・Can attack again right after executing a combat art.
  1160. ■Class Action Details ・The Class Gauge will charge [g]over time[/] and as you [g]land attacks[/]. ・When the Class Gauge fills completely, you'll add a [g]Fist Icon[/] to your stock.
  1161. ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to attack. ・If you have a Fist Icon in your stock, press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to launch an attack followed by chained regular attacks with [g]increased might[/].
  1162. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1163. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1164. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1165. A tome-wielding class, proficient in elemental [cdb]attacks. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against bows. ・Low defense, weak against physical attacks. ・High resistance, strong against magic attacks.
  1166. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to [g]rapidly fire magic volleys[/]. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/] and with [g]strong attacks[/].
  1167. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to add the [g]element[/] of that strong attack to the next class action.
  1168. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1169. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1170. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1171. A tome-wielding class proficient in powerful [cdb]elemental attacks. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against mounted units. ・Low defense, weak against physical attacks. ・High resistance, strong against magic attacks.
  1172. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to unleash [g]Dark Miasma[/] in a forward direction. ・Enemies touched by [g]Dark Miasma[/] will be temporarily [g]paralyzed[/]. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1173. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1174. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1175. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1176. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1177. A tome-wielding class, proficient in healing. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against bows. ・Low defense, weak against physical attacks. ・High resistance, strong against magic attacks.
  1178. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge and release to attach [g]Luminance[/] to nearby enemies. ・Attack an enemy with [g]Luminance[/] attached to them to deal [g]additional damage[/] and [g]restore your HP[/].
  1179. ・The [g]range of the Luminance will increase[/] based on the fullness of the Class Gauge. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1180. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1181. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1182. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1183. A bow-wielding class exclusive to Claude. ・Strong against gauntlets. ・Extra effective against flying classes. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to actions extra effective against flying units.
  1184. ■Class Action Details ・Each time the Class Gauge fills completely, you'll add a [g]Fireball Icon[/] to your stock. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/] and by [g]defeating enemy soldiers[/].
  1185. ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to have your wyvern spit a fireball. ・This will consume a Fireball Icon. The ground where the fireball lands will burn for a time.
  1186. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1187. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1188. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1189. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1190. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1191. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1192. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1193. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1194. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1195. A sword-wielding class, proficient in [cdb]high-powered combat arts. ・Strong against axes.
  1196. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to charge forward.
  1197. [g]With a fully charged Class Gauge[/]: ・You can unleash a [g]sweeping attack[/] immediately after charging forward. ・[g]Sword arts[/] will be strengthened, and your next strong attack will trigger a [g]follow-up attack[/].
  1198. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1199. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1200. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1201. A swift, sword-wielding class. ・Strong against axes.
  1202. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and [g]attack while moving forward[/]. ・These attacks can be chained. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1203. ・Can immediately follow with a regular attack after a class action.
  1204. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1205. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1206. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1207. An axe-wielding class, skilled at defense. ・Strong against lances. ・High defense, strong against physical attacks. ・Low resistance, weak against magic attacks. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Armored Units.
  1208. ■Class Action Details ・When the Class Gauge is fully charged, you'll add a [g]Shield Icon[/] to your stock [g](max 2)[/].
  1209. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time, and when guarding or taking damage[/]. ・A [g]Perfect Guard[/] will instantly fill the gauge.
  1210. ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to consume all Shield Icons and create an [g]area of reduced physical damage[/]. ・If you consumed two Shield Icons, the [g]reduced physical damage[/] will be higher.
  1211. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1212. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1213. A lance-wielding mounted class with high mobility. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1214. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and charge forward. ・The Class Gauge will charge [g]over time[/] and when [g]dashing[/].
  1215. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]increase the might[/] of the next class action.
  1216. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1217. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1218. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1219. A lance-wielding flying class proficient in aerial attacks. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1220. ■High Altitude ・Certain attacks will put you in a high altitude state, from which you can execute combos with the following inputs: -[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK] -[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK] -[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK] -[$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] -[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] -[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK]
  1221. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and charge forward. Release button to launch enemies up into the air. ・The [g]Class Gauge[/] will fill [g]over time[/] and by executing [g]aerial attacks[/].
  1222. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the gauge consumption[/] of the next class action.
  1223. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1224. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1225. An axe-wielding, highly mobile flying class. ・Strong against lances. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1226. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to perform a [g]forward attack[/]. ・Can move while charging.
  1227. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1228. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1229. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1230. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1231. An axe-wielding class proficient in [cdb]concentrated attacks. ・Strong against lances.
  1232. ■Class Action Details ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/], and when [g]landing attacks[/]. ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to unleash a single powerful blow, based on the fullness of the Class Gauge.
  1233. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1234. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1235. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1236. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1237. A bow-wielding class, proficient in ranged [cdb]attacks. ・Extra effective against flying classes. ・Strong against gauntlets.
  1238. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge and rain arrows on the area targeted with [$PAD_L3]. ・Use a full charge to rain flaming arrows.
  1239. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1240. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1241. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1242. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1243. A gauntlet-wielding class proficient in [cdb]consecutive attacks. ・Strong against tomes. ・Can attack again right after executing a combat art.
  1244. ■Class Action Details ・When the Class Gauge fills completely you'll add a [g]Fist Icon to your stock[/] (max 2). ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to launch an attack. ・The Class Gauge will charge [g]over time[/] and as you [g]land attacks[/].
  1245. ・If you have a Fist Icon in your stock, press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to launch an attack followed by chained regular attacks with [g]increased might[/].
  1246. ・If you have 2 Fist Icons in your stock, chain [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to [g]change your attack[/].
  1247. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1248. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1249. A tome-wielding class proficient in elemental [cdb]attacks. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against bows. ・Low defense, weak against physical attacks. ・High resistance, strong against magic attacks.
  1250. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to [g]rapidly fire magic volleys[/]. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/] and with [g]strong attacks[/].
  1251. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to add the [g]element[/] of that strong attack to the next class action.
  1252. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1253. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1254. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1255. A tome-wielding class proficient in powerful [cdb]elemental attacks. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against mounted units. ・Low defense, weak against physical attacks. ・High resistance, strong against magic attacks.
  1256. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to unleash [g]Dark Miasma[/] to the surrounding area. ・Enemies touched by [g]Dark Miasma[/] will be temporarily [g]paralyzed[/]. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1257. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1258. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1259. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1260. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1261. A tome-wielding class proficient in healing. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against bows. ・Low defense, weak against physical attacks. ・High resistance, strong against magic attacks.
  1262. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge and release to attach [g]Luminance[/] to nearby enemies. ・Attack an enemy with [g]Luminance[/] attached to them to deal [g]additional damage[/] and [g]restore HP[/].
  1263. ・The [g]range of the Luminance is increased[/] based on the fullness of the Class Gauge. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1264. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1265. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1266. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1267. A lance-wielding flying class proficient in [cdb]aerial attacks. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1268. ■High Altitude ・Certain attacks will put you in a high altitude state, from which you can execute combos with the following inputs: -[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK] -[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK] -[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK] -[$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] -[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] -[$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK][$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK]
  1269. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and charge forward. Release the button to launch enemies up into the air. ・The [g]Class Gauge[/] will fill [g]over time[/] and by executing [g]aerial attacks[/].
  1270. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the gauge consumption[/] of the next class action.
  1271. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1272. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1273. An axe-wielding, highly mobile flying class. ・Strong against lances. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1274. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to perform a [g]forward attack[/]. ・Can move while charging.
  1275. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1276. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1277. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1278. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1279. A sword-wielding class proficient in [cdb]high-powered combat arts. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against axes.
  1280. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to charge forward.
  1281. [g]With a fully charged Class Gauge[/]: ・You can unleash a [g]sweeping attack[/] immediately after charging forward. ・Your next strong attack will be [g]imbued with an element[/], and will trigger a [g]follow-up attack[/].
  1282. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1283. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1284. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1285. An axe-wielding mounted class, skilled at [cdb]defense. ・Strong against lances. ・High defense, strong against physical attacks. ・Low resistance, weak against magic attacks. ・Vulnerable to the abilities Effective vs Armored Units and Effective vs Cavalry.
  1286. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to charge forward. ・The longer you charge the gauge, your charge forward will be more powerful and you'll [g]break or nullify the enemy's guard[/].
  1287. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1288. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1289. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1290. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1291. A bow-wielding mounted class proficient in [cdb]ranged attacks. ・Extra effective against flying classes. ・Strong against gauntlets. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1292. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge and release to unleash a [g]powerful frontal attack[/]. ・The longer you charge the gauge, the greater the area of effect.
  1293. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1294. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1295. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1296. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1297. A lance-wielding mounted class proficient in [cdb]elemental attacks. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1298. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge and release to unleash a [g]powerful area attack[/]. ・Can move while charging.
  1299. ・The attack will activate magic sigils placed by strong attacks and trigger follow-up attacks. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1300. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1301. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1302. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1303. A lance-wielding mounted class proficient in [cdb]elemental attacks. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1304. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to consume the Class Gauge and charge forward while radiating [g]Luminance[/], which will attach to nearby enemies. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/] and when [g]dashing[/]. ・Land an attack on an enemy with [g]Luminance[/] attached to them to deal [g]additional damage[/] and [g]restore HP[/].
  1305. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1306. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1307. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1308. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1309. A gauntlet-wielding class proficient in consecutive attacks. ・Strong against tomes. ・Can attack again right after executing a combat art.
  1310. ■Class Action Details ・When the Class Gauge fills completely you'll add a [g]Fist Icon[/] to your stock (max 3). ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to launch an attack. ・The Class Gauge will charge [g]over time[/] and as you [g]land attacks[/].
  1311. ・If you have a Fist Icon in your stock, press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to launch an attack followed by chained regular attacks with [g]increased might[/].
  1312. ・If you have 2 or 3 Fist Icons in your stock, chain [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to [g]change your attack[/].
  1313. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1314. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1315. A tome-wielding class proficient in elemental [cdb]attacks. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against bows. ・Low defense, weak against physical attacks. ・High resistance, strong against magic attacks.
  1316. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to attack in a wide range in front of you. Specify the range with [$PAD_L3]. ・The Class Gauge will charge [g]over time[/] and when landing [g]strong attacks[/].
  1317. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to add the [g]element[/] of that strong attack to the next class action.
  1318. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1319. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1320. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1321. An axe-wielding class exclusive to Edelgard. ・Strong against lances. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Armored Units.
  1322. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and release [g]shockwaves[/]. ・Can be chained. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1323. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1324. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1325. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1326. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1327. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1328. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1329. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1330. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1331. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1332. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1333. A sword-wielding class exclusive to the Ashen Demon. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against axes.
  1334. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and imbue your weapon with [g]fire magic[/]. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1335. ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to imbue your weapon with the [g]element[/] of that strong attack.
  1336. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1337. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1338. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1339. A sword-wielding class that encourages their [cdb]allies. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against tomes.
  1340. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to launch a spin attack. Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] at the correct time while spinning to chain spin attacks.
  1341. ・You and your surrounding allies will be buffed based on the number of spins chained.
  1342. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1343. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1344. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1345. A lance-wielding class exclusive to Dimitri. ・Strong against swords.
  1346. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to use the Class Gauge and throw your lance forward. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1347. ・If the Class Gauge is completely full, you will perform a follow-up attack, striking the ground with a powerful lance blow.
  1348. ・Any strong attack can be enhanced by holding [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK].
  1349. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1350. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1351. An axe-wielding class exclusive to Edelgard. ・Strong against lances. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Armored Units.
  1352. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and release [g]shockwaves[/]. ・Can be chained. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1353. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1354. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1355. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1356. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1357. A lance-wielding class exclusive to Dimitri. ・Strong against swords.
  1358. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to throw a lance forward based on the fullness of the Class Gauge. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1359. ・Any strong attack can be enhanced by holding [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK].
  1360. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1361. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1362. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1363. A bow-wielding class exclusive to Claude. ・Strong against gauntlets. ・Extra effective against flying classes. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1364. ■Class Action Details ・Each time the Class Gauge fills completely, you'll add a [g]Fireball Icon[/] to your stock. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/] and by [g]defeating enemy soldiers[/].
  1365. ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to have your wyvern spit a fireball. ・This will consume a Fireball Icon. The ground where the fireball lands will burn for a time.
  1366. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1367. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1368. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1369. A lance-wielding mounted class exclusive to Jeritza. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4]. ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1370. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to perform a [g]powerful area attack[/]. ・Can move while charging.
  1371. ・The attack will activate magic sigils placed by strong attacks and trigger follow-up attacks. ・Jeritza's [g]own attacks[/] will be temporarily enhanced based on the number of enemies hit by follow-up attacks.
  1372. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1373. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1374. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1375. A sword-wielding class exclusive to [HERO_MF]. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against axes. ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during any strong attack to change the number of attacks.
  1376. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to launch an attack. ・The Class Gauge will charge [g]over time[/] and as you [g]defeat enemies[/].
  1377. ・When the Class Gauge fills completely you'll add a [g]Sword Icon[/] to your stock (max 2). ・If you have 2 Sword Icons in your stock, chain [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to [g]change your attack[/].
  1378. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1379. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1380. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1381. A swift, sword-wielding class. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against axes.
  1382. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and [g]attack while moving forward[/]. ・These attacks can be chained. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1383. ・Can immediately follow with a regular attack after a class action.
  1384. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1385. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1386. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1387. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1388. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1389. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1390. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1391. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1392. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1393. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1394. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1395. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1396. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1397. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1398. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1399. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1400. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1401. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1402. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1403. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1404. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1405. A sword-wielding class exclusive to [HERO_MF]. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against axes. ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during any strong attack to change the number of attacks.
  1406. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to launch an attack. ・The Class Gauge will charge [g]over time[/] and as you [g]defeat enemies[/].
  1407. ・When the Class Gauge fills completely you'll add a [g]Sword Icon[/] to your stock (max 3). ・If you have 2+ Sword Icons banked, chain [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to [g]change your attack[/].
  1408. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1409. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1410. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1411. A sword-wielding class exclusive to the Ashen Demon. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against axes.
  1412. ■Class Action Details ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to deplete the Class Gauge and imbue your weapon with [g]fire magic[/]. ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/].
  1413. ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to imbue your weapon with the [g]element[/] of that strong attack.
  1414. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1415. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1416. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1417. A sword-wielding class exclusive to Rhea. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against axes.
  1418. ■Class Action Details ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to charge forward.
  1419. [g]With a fully charged Class Gauge[/]: ・You can unleash a [g]sweeping attack[/] immediately after charging forward. ・Your next strong attack will be [g]imbued with an element[/], and will trigger a [g]follow-up attack[/].
  1420. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1421. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1422. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1423. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1424. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1425. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1426. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1427. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1428. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1429. A class proficient in axes, bows, and gauntlets ・Strong against lances.
  1430. ■Class Action Details (Axe) ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] when the Class Gauge is charged to unleash a powerful attack. ・The Class Gauge will charge [g]over time[/] and when [g]landing attacks[/].
  1431. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1432. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1433. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1434. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1435. A class proficient in axes, bows, and gauntlets ・Strong against lances.
  1436. ■Class Action Details (Bow) ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge and rain arrows on the area targeted with [$PAD_L3].
  1437. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1438. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1439. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1440. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1441. A class proficient in axes, bows, and gauntlets ・Strong against lances.
  1442. ■Class Action Details (Gauntlets) ・The Class Gauge will fill [g]over time[/] and when [g]landing attacks[/]. ・When the Class Gauge is full, one [g]Fist Icon[/] will be added to your stock.
  1443. ・Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to perform a sweeping frontal attack. ・If you have a Fist Icon banked, press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to launch an attack followed by chained regular attacks with [g]increased might[/].
  1444. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1445. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1446. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1447. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1448. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1449. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1450. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1451. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1452. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1453. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1454. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1455. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1456. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1457. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1458. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1459. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1460. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1461. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1462. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1463. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1464. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1465. You may be able to use some of the skills, combat arts, and magic you've learned in other classes as well. Once you've mastered a class, [g]change to another class[/] and try out different combinations!
  1466. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1467. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1468. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1469. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1470. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1471. Press [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] without chaining from a regular [$ACT_NORMAL_ATTACK] attack to use your class's unique [g]class action[/]. This action differs from class to class.
  1472. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1473. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1474. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1475. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1476. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1477. Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] to display Quick Menu 1. With Quick Menu 1 displayed, press [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK1] or [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK2] to use [g]combat arts or magic[/].
  1478. You cannot use the same combat art or magic multiple times in a row, and instead must wait for a certain amount of time.
  1479. Using combat arts and magic will reduce your weapon's [g]durability[/]. If its durability gets too low, you will be unable to use corresponding combat arts or magic. Durability will be restored at the end of the battle.
  1480. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1481. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1482. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1483. Unlocking Forge Hammer and Forge Anvil facility effects will increase the [g]might and durability[/] of forged weapons.
  1484. These effects will also apply to any already-forged weapons that drop in battle. However, they will not apply to any weapons forged prior to unlocking those facility effects.
  1485. Weapons that have already been forged will need their forge progress reset in order to apply these facility effects. Go to Blacksmith > Forge Weapon, select a forged weapon and press [$BTL_SHIFT_SLG_PART] to [g]Restore[/] that weapon's forge progress.
  1486. This will reset the weapon's forge count to zero, and its might and durability will return to their initial state. The weapon's attributes, and any increases to maximum forge count, will remain intact.
  1487. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1488. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1489. Battlefields contain [g]bases[/] controlled by the [cdb]forces in the battle. These serve as an origin [cdb]point for each side's soldiers. You can capture [cdb]a base by defeating the [g]Base Captain[/].
  1490. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1491. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1492. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1493. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1494. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1495. Every unit has three types of [g]unique abilities[/].
  1496. [g]Unique Action Ability[/]: Activates along with most basic actions such as [cdb]regular attacks, strong attacks, and dodges.
  1497. [g]Unique Support Ability[/]: Activates automatically when conditions are [cdb]met. Most grant a support effect for an advantage in battle.
  1498. [g]Unique Tactical Ability[/]: Activates when given an order from the Orders screen.
  1499. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1500. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1501. [g]Fire magic[/] attacks may inflict the [g]burning[/] status on enemies.
  1502. Units afflicted with burning will continually [g]take damage for a time[/]. Additionally, if hit with a follow-up attack they may [g]combust[/].
  1503. The greater the elemental effect of the attack, the greater the chance of inflicting burning and causing combustion with a follow-up attack.
  1504. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1505. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1506. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1507. [g]Ice magic[/] attacks may inflict the [g]frozen[/] status on enemies. Frozen units will be [g]unable to move or attack[/].
  1508. The stronger the elemental effect of the attack, the greater the chance of inflicting the frozen status.
  1509. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1510. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1511. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1512. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1513. [g]Lightning magic[/] attacks may inflict the [g]shocked[/] status on enemies.
  1514. Shocked units will [g]discharge electricity[/] when [g]sent flying[/]. This electrical discharge will damage surrounding units and inflict them with the shocked status as well.
  1515. The stronger the elemental effect of the attack, the greater the chance of inflicting the shocked status. The damage from the electrical discharge will also be greater.
  1516. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1517. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1518. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1519. [g]Wind magic[/] attacks may inflict the [g]windtorn[/] status on enemies.
  1520. Windtorn units will suffer heavy damage after being [g]launched into the air[/]. Such damage can also unleash air blades that will additionally damage surrounding units.
  1521. The stronger the elemental effect of the attack, the greater the chance of inflicting the windtorn status. It will also be easier to generate powerful air blades.
  1522. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1523. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1524. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1525. [g]Dark magic[/] attacks may inflict the [g]spellbound[/] status on enemies.
  1526. The greater the elemental effect of the attack, the greater the chance of inflicting the spellbound status.
  1527. Spellbound units will [g]move slowly[/] and have reduced [g]defense[/] and [g]resistance[/]. Furthermore, [g]guarding will not reduce damage taken[/] when spellbound.
  1528. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1529. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1530. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1531. [g]Light magic[/] attacks have a [g]certain percent chance of restoring your HP[/] when they damage enemies. The greater the elemental effect of the attack, the greater the HP recovery. * Some light magic attacks will not restore HP.
  1532. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1533. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1534. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1535. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1536. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1537. A battle ends in victory when you fulfill the [g]victory conditions[/], and ends in defeat when you fulfill [cdb]the [g]defeat conditions[/]. The rout of important units [cdb]such as the [g]main character[/] and [g]house leaders[/] [cdb]will also result in defeat.
  1538. These conditions can change during the course of battle. You can check the victory and defeat conditions from the Battle Prep screen and by selecting [g]Battle Details[/] from the pause menu.
  1539. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1540. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1541. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1542. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1543. Pick up green tonics to restore your [g]HP Gauge[/].
  1544. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1545. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1546. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1547. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1548. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1549. Pick up yellow tonics to restore your [g]Warrior Gauge[/].
  1550. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1551. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1552. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1553. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1554. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1555. Pick up blue tonics to restore your [g]Awakening Gauge[/].
  1556. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1557. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1558. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1559. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1560. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1561. Pick up purple crystals to restore your [cdb]weapon's [g]durability[/].
  1562. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1563. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1564. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1565. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1566. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1567. Pick up a [g]weapon pack[/] and you'll acquire [cdb]weapons after the battle. The weapon level [cdb]depends on the color of the bundle. From [cdb]best to worst: [g]Red > Orange > Yellow > Green > Blue[/]. [g]Gray[/] sacks contain broken weapons.
  1568. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1569. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1570. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1571. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1572. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1573. Pick up a [g]resource pouch[/] and you'll acquire resources like ingredients and ore after the battle. The value of the resources depends on the color of the pouch. From best to worst: [g]Red > Orange > Yellow > Green > Blue[/].
  1574. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1575. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1576. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1577. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1578. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1579. [g]Flying classes[/] such as Pegasus Knights and Wyvern Riders are vulnerable to [g]attacks that are extra effective against flying units[/]. However, the extra effectiveness will only trigger if the target unit is currently mounted.
  1580. [g]Examples of attacks that are extra effective against flying units[/]: ・Archers' bow attacks. ・The sword combat art Grounder.
  1581. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1582. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1583. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1584. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1585. [g]Advantage Icons[/] will be displayed on the [cdb]minimap or above enemy generals' heads [cdb]to signify that a unit has an effect that would [cdb]be advantageous against the enemy.
  1586. The greater advantage a unit has against the enemy, the greater the number of [g]up[/] arrows that appear. The greater advantage the enemy has against a unit, the greater the number of [g]down[/] arrows that appear. Max five advantage tiers.
  1587. The more up arrows your unit has, the [g]easier [cdb]it will be to decrease the enemy's Stun Gauge[/]. The more down arrows, the harder it will [cdb]be to decrease the Stun Gauge, and your [cdb]unit's attacks will be less likely to knock the [cdb]enemy back.
  1588. [g]Advantage is determined by[/]: ・Whether a unit has an effective [g]class ability[/]. ・Whether a unit has an effective [g]ability equipped[/]. ・Whether a unit has an effective [g]battalion[/] assigned. ・Whether a unit has [g]extra effective[/] attacks against the enemy.
  1589. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1590. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1591. With an adjutant assigned, damage dealt to [cdb]enemies will fill the [g]Adjutant Attack Gauge[/].
  1592. When the [g]Adjutant Attack Gauge[/] is full, [cdb]sending an enemy flying or guarding an [cdb]attack will automatically trigger an [g]Adjutant Follow-Up[/].
  1593. [g]Adjutant Follow-Ups[/]: ・Knock enemies toward your active unit. ・Break enemies' guard. ・Cause the Stun Gauge to be displayed.
  1594. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1595. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1596. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1597. With an adjutant assigned, dealing damage [cdb]to and taking damage from enemies will fill [cdb]the [g]Adjutant Guard Gauge[/].
  1598. When the [g]Adjutant Guard Gauge[/] is full, the [cdb]adjutant will automatically [g]guard[/] the next [cdb]enemy attack.
  1599. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1600. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1601. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1602. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1603. With an adjutant assigned, your Warrior Special becomes a [g]Partner Special[/], capable [cdb]of dealing even more damage. Warrior Specials at the end of an Awakened state [cdb]also become Partner Specials.
  1604. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1605. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1606. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1607. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1608. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1609. The [g]Stun Gauge[/] displays when you land [cdb]certain attacks against the enemy, or when [cdb]the enemy performs certain actions.
  1610. ・When you hit an enemy with offensive combat arts or magic. ・When you perform a Perfect Guard of an enemy attack. ・When an enemy is preparing to use combat arts or magic. ・When an attack knocks back an enemy.
  1611. ・When you hit an enemy with an Adjutant Follow-Up. ・When you deal [g]extra effective[/] damage to an enemy. ・When you land an attack on an enemy while Awakened.
  1612. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1613. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1614. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1615. [g]Resources[/] are used in camp. ・[g]Ore[/] is used to forge. ・[g]Ingredients[/] are used in cooking. ・[g]Materials[/] are used to expand facilities.
  1616. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1617. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1618. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1619. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1620. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1621. During a chapter, allies will sometimes [cdb]suggest [g]changing your battle plan[/]. If you agree to the suggestion, your battle [cdb]suggestion effect will change.
  1622. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1623. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1624. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1625. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1626. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1627. [g]Cracked walls[/] are displayed on the map as [$ICON_CRASH_WALL]. Interact with one as an [g]armored[/] class to destroy it and create a path.
  1628. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1629. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1630. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1631. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1632. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1633. [g]Locked gates[/] are indicated by [$ICON_SHIEF_GATE] on the map. Classes with the [g]Locktouch[/] ability can open locked gates by interacting with them.
  1634. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1635. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1636. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1637. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1638. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1639. You will take damage when traversing [g]floor [cdb]traps[/]. [g]Flying classes[/] can traverse floor traps [cdb]without taking damage if they are [g]mounted[/].
  1640. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1641. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1642. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1643. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1644. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1645. If you are in an [g]area that is burning[/] [cdb]because of blaze, you'll take damage. However, if the [g]blaze[/] came from an ally, [cdb]you will not take damage.
  1646. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1647. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1648. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1649. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1650. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1651. If the main character is deployed in a battle, [cdb]you can press [$PAD_RU] to use [g]Shadow Slide[/] [cdb]from the [g]Orders[/] screen.
  1652. Using Shadow Slide, you can select an [g]available allied stronghold[/] from the minimap [cdb]and [g]warp there instantly[/]. You can only use [cdb]this power [g]a certain number of times per [cdb]battle[/].
  1653. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1654. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1655. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1656. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1657. In [g]Zahras[/], you can interact with [g]mysterious [cdb]distortions[/] to make use of all [g]facility [cdb]functions[/].
  1658. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1659. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1660. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1661. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1662. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1663. When [g]poisoned[/], you will take [g]damage[/] over a set period of time. Also, your [g]Str[/] and [g]Mag[/] will be reduced.
  1664. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1665. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1666. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1667. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1668. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1669. In your personal quarters, located in the upper left of [cdb]the base camp minimap, press [$BTN_DECIDE] near the desk to [g]change appearance[/] and [g]view documents[/].
  1670. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1671. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1672. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1673. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1674. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1675. When you conquer a new region, sometimes an [g]expedition icon[/] along with a unit's name will appear in the upper left of the War Map.
  1676. If you invite that unit on an expedition, [cdb]you'll gain [g]more support points[/] than usual. Once you've taken them on the expedition, [cdb]they won't want to go again. They also won't [cdb]want to go anymore if you deploy for battle [cdb]before going on the expedition.
  1677. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1678. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1679. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1680. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1681. If you investigate certain locations in camp, you can [cdb]acquire all sorts of [g]documents[/].
  1682. Check these obtained documents from your [g]personal quarters[/] in the upper left of the Camp minimap.
  1683. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1684. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1685. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1686. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1687. If you're struggling in a battle, check: ・Advantage over the enemy. ・The orders you've given your allies. ・Unit levels. ・Equipped weapons and skills.
  1688. ■Advantage in Battle Adjust your class and battalion so that you have an advantage against the enemies you are facing. The better your advantage, the easier it will be to deplete the enemy's Stun Gauge and use critical rush.
  1689. [g]Advantage is determined by[/]: ・Whether a unit has an effective [g]class ability[/]. ・Whether a unit has an effective [g]ability equipped[/]. ・Whether a unit has an effective [g]battalion[/] assigned. ・Whether a unit has [g]extra effective[/] attacks against the enemy.
  1690. ■Allies' Orders By proactively giving your allies [g]orders[/], you can [cdb]seize strongholds and defeat enemy generals more [cdb]efficiently. When giving an ally orders, avoid enemies [cdb]they are at a disadvantage against, and instead have [cdb]the allied unit target enemies against which they have [cdb]an advantage.
  1691. ■Unit Level If your units' levels are well beneath those of the enemies you are facing, use the [g]Level Up/Reset[/] function and [g]auxiliary battles[/] in the training grounds to level them up.
  1692. ■Equipped Weapons and Abilities Check to make sure you have abilities equipped, and to see if you've acquired any weapons with high [g]might[/] or useful [g]attributes[/]. You can also further enhance weapons by [g]forging[/] them at the blacksmith.
  1693. Every class has its own unique [g]class action[/]. [HERO_MF] is currently a [g]Myrmidon[/].
  1694. ・Hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] to charge the Class Gauge, and release it to perform a [g]sweeping attack[/]. ・You can move while charging. ・Press and hold [$ACT_CHARGE_ATTACK] during a strong attack to [g]reduce the charge time[/] of the next class action.
  1695. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1696. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1697. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1698. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1699. [HERO_MF] changed classes and is now a [g]Fluegel[/].
  1700. [HERO_MF] learned a [g]unique ability[/]. There are three types of unique abilities: Action, Support, and Tactical.
  1701. During battle, press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK2] to check the class and unique abilities of the unit you are currently controlling.
  1702. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1703. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1704. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1705. [g]Advantage Icons[/] will be displayed on the minimap or above enemy commanders' heads when you have an effect that offers you an advantage against them.
  1706. The more advantageous effects you have [cdb]against the enemy, the more [g]up[/] arrows there [cdb]will be, and the easier it will be to decrease [cdb]their [g]Stun Gauge[/]. The enemy will also get [cdb]knocked back more easily when attacked.
  1707. Advantage can be determined by [g]class[/]. Check [g]class abilities[/] on the Status screen to see detailed information on which classes have a strong advantage against which enemies.
  1708. Being a [g]Fighter[/] class equipped with an axe, [g]Edelgard[/] has a strong advantage against lance-wielding enemies.
  1709. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1710. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1711. [g]Dimitri[/] is a [g]Soldier[/] class with a strong advantage against sword-wielding enemies, so switch to him when fighting enemies with swords.
  1712. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1713. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1714. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1715. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1716. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1717. [g]Flying classes[/] such as Pegasus Knights and Wyvern Riders are vulnerable to the ability [g]Effective vs Fliers[/]. Switch your active unit to [g]Claude[/], who has a [g]bow[/] [cdb]equipped.
  1718. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1719. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1720. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1721. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1722. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1723. There are two basic types of attack. ・Physical Attacks: Swords, axes, bows, lances, gauntlets. Damage is calculated based on your [g]strength[/] and the enemy's [g]defense[/]. ・Magic Attacks: Tomes. Damage is calculated based on your [g]magic[/] and the enemy's [g]resistance[/].
  1724. [g]Armored Knights[/] have high defense but [g]low [cdb]resistance[/], so tome-wielding classes such as [g]Monks[/] and [g]Mages[/] will have an easier time [cdb]damaging them.
  1725. There are also classes that can do both [cdb]types of attacks, and there are also unique [cdb]physical weapons that can also deal [cdb]magic damage.
  1726. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1727. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1728. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1729. [g]Crest accessories[/] are a special type of accessory that will grant you the associated Crest's power when equipping them. However, Crests granted by a Crest accessory do not trigger as often as normal Crests.
  1730. If a unit equips a Crest accessory for a Crest they already have, then [g]that Crest's trigger rate[/] will increase.
  1731. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1732. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1733. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1734. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1735. Select [g]All-Out Offensive[/] from [g]Orders[/] and all available units will attack a selected target. This is a good option for when you simply want to overwhelm the enemy with force.
  1736. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1737. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1738. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1739. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1740. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1741. You can also use [g]Shadow Slide[/] when Arval is deployed in battle by pressing [$PAD_RU] on the Orders screen.
  1742. If the main character and Arval are both deployed in battle, they will share the number of available Shadow Slide uses.
  1743. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1744. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1745. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1746. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1747. Sometimes units who didn't participate in the last battle will start to feel [g]energized[/]. Energized units who are deployed to battle will gain [g]bonus experience points[/].
  1748. ・Energized units will receive bonus experience [g]during battle[/]. ・On the [g]battle results screen[/], all units sent out will receive bonus experience based on the number of energized units that were deployed.
  1749. After a battle is won, units will [g]no longer feel energized[/] [cdb]whether they were deployed in battle or not.
  1750. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1751. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1752. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1753. When you volunteer, you'll receive [g]renown[/] based on [cdb]your results. Renown can be exchanged in your [g]personal quarters[/] for all sorts of items.
  1754. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1755. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1756. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1757. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1758. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1759. From the pause menu in camp, select [g]Bonuses > [cdb]amiibo Presents[/] and touch an amiibo to the NFC area [cdb]to receive a weapon or item.
  1760. Presents can be received once per day per amiibo. You can receive up to five presents a day using [cdb]different amiibo.
  1761. [cdb]amiibo usage will reset at the start of a new day. Once [cdb]reset, you can use the same amiibo again.
  1762. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1763. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1764. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1765. If you have save data from certain games, you can [cdb]select [g]Bonuses > Save Data Bonuses[/] from the camp [cdb]pause menu to acquire gold and items.
  1766. To receive save data bonuses, you will need save data [cdb]from either Fire Emblem Warriors or Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
  1767. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1768. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1769. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1770. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1771. Some controls differ when playing with a Joy-Con in solo horizontal grip.
  1772. [g]Switching Quick Menus[/] ・Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] to display Quick Menu 1. ・While Quick Menu 1 is displayed, press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] to display Quick Menu 2.
  1773. [g]Locking On and Switching Targets[/] ・Press [$ACT_CAMERA_LOCKON] to lock on. ・Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$PAD_L3_T] to switch targets.
  1774. [g]Switching Units[/] ・Open the Orders screen and select a unit. [g]Initiating Strategies[/] ・Initiate a strategy from the pause menu.
  1775. [g]Displaying the Pause Menu During Battle[/] ・Press [$BTL_SHIFT_PAUSE] on the Orders screen.
  1776. [g]Inaccessible Functions When Using a Joy-Con in Solo Horizontal Grip[/] ・Camera controls. ・Zooming in and out of the Minimap during battle. ・Viewing the tutorials accessible via icons in the bottom left of the screen.
  1777. Highlight a side quest on the War Map and press [$PAD_R1] to use [g][eg1][0:ITEM_D][/] and [g]immediately capture[/] the region.
  1778. Your Battle Results for the side quest will be [$ICON_PAD_RANK_D], and you will not receive any experience, gold, or [$ICON_PAD_RANK_S] Rank Rewards from battle. You will still receive [g]rewards for seizing the region[/] and [g]strategy resources[/], and you'll be able to survey any surveying spots.
  1779. You can also engage in auxiliary battles for any regions you captured with [g][eg1][0:ITEM_D][/]. If you achieve an [$ICON_PAD_RANK_S] Rank when replaying the battle, you will receive [$ICON_PAD_RANK_S] Rank rewards at that time.
  1780. [g][eg2][0:ITEM_D][/] can be acquired from the [g]Journal[/] in camp in exchange for renown.
  1781. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1782. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1783. [g]Stat-boosting items[/] give a stat boost to the selected unit. You can use stat-boosting items by selecting [g]Storehouse[/] from the pause menu.
  1784. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1785. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1786. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1787. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1788. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1789. [g]Sacred weapons[/] have unique properties. When an individual who possesses the sacred weapon's corresponding [g]Crest[/] wields it, all [g]healing effects will be boosted[/].
  1790. While Heroes' Relics are powerful, their true [cdb]strength is not yet drawn out in their initial [cdb]state. You can [g]unleash their effects[/] at the [cdb]blacksmith.
  1791. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1792. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1793. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1794. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1795. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1796. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1797. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1798. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1799. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1800. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1801. The [g]Convoy[/] menu is where you prepare for battle. Here you can: ・Equip [g]weapons[/]. ・Equip [g]combat arts and magic[/]. ・Change [g]abilities[/]. ・Change [g]classes[/].
  1802. Changing classes will change the [g]weapons[/] [cdb]a unit can equip as well as the unit's [g]actions[/] [cdb]during battle. It will also change a unit's [g]advantage against enemies[/].
  1803. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1804. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1805. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1806. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1807. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1808. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1809. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1810. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1811. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1812. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1813. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1814. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1815. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1816. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1817. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1818. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1819. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1820. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1821. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1822. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1823. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1824. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1825. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1826. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1827. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1828. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1829. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1830. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1831. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1832. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1833. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1834. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1835. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1836. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1837. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1838. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1839. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1840. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1841. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1842. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1843. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1844. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1845. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1846. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1847. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1848. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1849. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1850. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1851. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1852. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1853. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1854. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1855. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1856. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1857. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1858. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1859. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1860. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1861. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1862. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1863. <<<EMPTY>>>
  1864. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  1927. Speak to the [g]strategist[/] to head out to your next battle. You can also deploy from the camp gate.
  1928. When a [g]strategy[/] can be activated, its name will display on screen. Choose [g]Strategy[/] from the pause menu to select and initiate a strategy.
  1929. Select a unit on the [g]Orders[/] screen and use the Control command to switch to that unit.
  1930. When the [g]Awakening Gauge[/] is filled, press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK3] (Quick Menu 1) to [g]Awaken[/]. Your unit will remain Awakened until the gauge depletes. You can press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK3] to [g]cancel the Awakened state[/].
  1931. For mounted units such as Cavaliers and Pegasus Knights, press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2) to mount and dismount. Switch between Quick Menus 1 and 2 with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2].
  1932. Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 1) to use a [g]vulnerary[/] and restore your HP. Your available number of vulneraries will be refilled at the end of each battle.
  1933. ・[$PAD_L3]: Movement Continue moving to [g]dash[/].
  1934. When an arrow is displayed over an enemy's head, press [$ACT_CAMERA_LOCKON] to [g]lock on[/] to them. While locked on, the camera will stay focused on your target. Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$PAD_L3_T] to change targets.
  1935. Hold [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] and press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] to switch from Quick Menu 1 to Quick Menu 2. Approach an allied unit and press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK1] to assign them as your [g]adjutant[/]. Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK1] again to cancel the assignment.
  1936. You can also assign an adjutant by selecting your desired adjutant from the Orders screen, then selecting the unit to whom you'd like to assign that adjutant, and then choosing [$BTN_PAGE_SCROLL_DOWN] Other > [g]Assign Adjutant[/].
  1937. Press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK3] (Quick Menu 2) to switch the active unit for the adjutant. Note that you can only switch playable units into the active position.
  1938. If Midbattle Tutorial Pop-Ups is set to [g]OFF[/] or [g]AUTO[/], only the tutorial icon will display. You cannot display the full tutorial when using a Joy-Con in solo horizontal grip.
  1939. When the [g]Awakening Gauge[/] is filled, press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK3] (Quick Menu 1) to [g]Awaken[/]. Your unit will remain Awakened until the gauge depletes. You can press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK3] to [g]cancel the Awakened state[/].
  1940. A lance-wielding mounted unit with high mobility. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1941. A bow-wielding class exclusive to Claude. ・Strong against gauntlets. ・Extra effective against flying classes. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1942. A lance-wielding mounted unit with high mobility. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1943. A lance-wielding flying class proficient in aerial attacks. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1944. An axe-wielding, highly mobile flying class. ・Strong against lances. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1945. A lance-wielding flying class proficient in aerial attacks. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1946. An axe-wielding, highly mobile flying class. ・Strong against lances. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1947. A lance-wielding mounted class proficient in elemental attacks. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1948. A lance-wielding mounted class proficient in [cdb]elemental attacks. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1949. A bow-wielding class exclusive to Claude. ・Strong against gauntlets. ・Extra effective against flying classes. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Fliers.
  1950. A lance-wielding mounted class exclusive to Jeritza. ・Can use magic. ・Strong against swords. ・Mount and dismount with [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK4] (Quick Menu 2). ・Vulnerable to the ability Effective vs Cavalry.
  1951. While holding [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1], press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE2] to switch from Quick Menu 1 to Quick Menu 2. Then press [$ACT_EXTRA_ROLE1] + [$ACT_EXTRA_ATK2] to check the class and unique abilities of the unit you are currently controlling.
  1952. Some controls differ when playing with a Joy-Con in solo horizontal grip.
  1953. ・Displaying and switching between Quick Menus. ・Locking on and switching targets. ・Switching units. ・Initiating strategies. ・Displaying the pause menu during battle.
  1954. View this tutorial after switching to a Joy-Con in solo horizontal grip for details.
  1955. [g]Inaccessible Functions When Using a Joy-Con in Solo Horizontal Grip[/]: ・Camera controls. ・Zooming in and out of the Minimap during battle. ・Viewing the tutorials accessible via icons in the bottom left of the screen.
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