1. ♪Hm hm hm hmmm...♪ Oh, I love days like today [cdb]when there's hardly anyone around!
  2. Hello, Bernadetta. Do you have a minute?
  3. Ack! What? I wasn't doing anything, I swear!
  4. I'll take that as a yes.
  5. Listen, there's a small matter that needs a bit of [cdb]handling, so I'm gathering up anyone who's available.
  6. Which, as of right now, is just the three of us.
  7. OK, well, I'm not much good at dealing with things, [cdb]and certainly not with...you know. Matters.
  8. Back her up.
  9. Berate her.
  10. Yeah, we're going after bandits that are holed up in a [cdb]cave, which means ranged combat'll be useless.
  11. Yeah, we're going after bandits that are holed up in a [cdb]cave, which means ranged combat'll be useless.
  12. Bernadetta's just gonna slow us down.
  13. Bernadetta's just gonna slow us down.
  14. B-bandits? Hey, and wait! I'm not going to slow [cdb]anyone down! Don't be rude!
  15. B-bandits? Hey, and wait! I'm not going to slow [cdb]anyone down! Don't be rude!
  16. I can fight when I want to, so maybe I want to today.
  17. I can fight when I want to, so maybe I want to today.
  18. Just trying to give you an out. But hey, if you wanna [cdb]come bandit caving with us, fine by me.
  19. Just trying to give you an out. But hey, if you wanna [cdb]come bandit caving with us, fine by me.
  20. Well, um... Yeah, you know what? Maybe I should [cdb]just sit this one out.
  21. Knock it off. You can more than hold your own in a [cdb]fight, and you know it.
  22. Knock it off. You can more than hold your own in a [cdb]fight, and you know it.
  23. I mean, sure, we'll be fighting bandits in a cave, [cdb]but how hard can it be?
  24. I mean, sure, we'll be fighting bandits in a cave, [cdb]but how hard can it be?
  25. Ugh, see? I should definitely sit this one out.
  26. Isn't there someone else you can ask? This is my day [cdb]off! It's Bernie Day!
  27. Isn't there someone else you can ask? This is my day [cdb]off! It's Bernie Day!
  28. Actually, nearly everyone else is off seeing to one task [cdb]or another at the moment.
  29. Oh... I guess that's why it's so nice and quiet around [cdb]here today.
  30. Enough! If we don't make haste, the enemy will [cdb]realize we are coming and flee their location.
  31. Bwah! Wh-who are you?!
  32. That's Duke Gerth, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. I assume this is your first time meeting?
  33. This may very well be, but I have quite often worked [cdb]alongside your mother.
  34. Really? I guess I should be thanking you for keeping [cdb]her safe then...
  35. Ah, not so. In fact, it is very much I who am indebted [cdb]to her and her considerable talents.
  36. All right, I think that's enough introductions for now. We need to get this show on the road, remember?
  37. All right, I think that's enough introductions for now. We need to get this show on the road, remember?
  38. Quite right. Bernadetta, let me get you up to speed.
  39. Two years ago, I was attempting to recover the lost Fetters of Dromi.
  40. But a suspicious personage, seemingly having learned [cdb]of my efforts, managed to infiltrate my inner circle.
  41. They were likely working for Lord Arundel.
  42. In a related note, someone attached themselves to my [cdb]father, Baron Ochs, during the time I went missing.
  43. My investigation into that person led me to Duke Gerth's inner circle.
  44. Point being, these suspicious actors all appear to lead [cdb]back to a single group.
  45. And those are the cave people?
  46. Indeed. After many fruitless attempts, we finally [cdb]managed to track them down.
  47. We must strike before they have a chance to relocate.
  48. And...Edelgard and Hubert and the rest of them [cdb]really aren't around? It's just...me?
  49. Looks like Bernie Day will have to wait.
  50. Empathize with her.
  51. Shrug off her concern.
  52. It's bad luck we ended up getting the report today. Sorry, Bernadetta.
  53. It's bad luck we ended up getting the report today. Sorry, Bernadetta.
  54. Well, I'll just have to take it out on the enemy!
  55. Well, I'll just have to take it out on the enemy!
  56. Hey, you're not the only one who wants a day off. But come on, we're all helping out.
  57. Hey, you're not the only one who wants a day off. But come on, we're all helping out.
  58. Let's go. And remember, time is of the essence.
  59. We will strike a mighty blow against any who would [cdb]threaten our Empire and Her Majesty!
  60. And as I fear I'm not much of a fighter, I will be [cdb]depending greatly on you all. Good luck!