1. All right, let's get down to business. We're up [cdb]against Jeralt's Mercenaries.
  2. All right, let's get down to business. We're up [cdb]against Jeralt's Mercenaries.
  3. Time to see what you're made of!
  4. Time to see what you're made of!
  5. They're not putting up much of a fight. Are these guys new recruits or something?
  6. They're not putting up much of a fight. Are these guys new recruits or something?
  7. Guess this means I can mess with 'em a little.
  8. Guess this means I can mess with 'em a little.
  9. I eat steak tougher than this... Hey! You! Clear out that group over there!
  10. Guess that's that.
  11. Guess that's that.
  12. I'll take out the stronghold over this way, yeah? You get the one over there.
  13. Can't wait to wrap this up so we can all drown [cdb]ourselves in ale.
  14. The captain ran off ahead of us. Is she gonna [cdb]be OK?
  15. The captain ran off ahead of us. Is she gonna [cdb]be OK?
  16. The main force is here! We're saved! Now push! Push the enemy back!
  17. About time a foe with some teeth showed up. But they still don't stand a chance against Berling's Mercenaries!
  18. These new guys are no joke. Looks like Jeralt's [cdb]crew is as strong as we heard.
  19. These new guys are no joke. Looks like Jeralt's [cdb]crew is as strong as we heard.
  20. Keep yer eyes open! We still don't know if the Ashen Demon is here!
  21. What? Captain... How...
  22. They took out Lazley like she was nothing...
  23. They took out Lazley like she was nothing...
  24. Now isn't this a sight? You must be the [cdb]infamous Ashen Demon. I can't wait to [cdb]tear you apart!
  25. This'll be the end of the Ashen Demon. No one can beat the captain!
  26. This'll be the end of the Ashen Demon. No one can beat the captain!
  27. There's so many of 'em! Only one thing to do [cdb]about that.
  28. There's so many of 'em! Only one thing to do [cdb]about that.
  29. Nrgh! I can't believe I'm losing to some [cdb]damn kid!
  30. Captain Berling's in trouble! I have to reach [cdb]her before it's too late!
  31. Captain Berling's in trouble! I have to reach her [cdb]before it's too late!
  32. No... Just when my dream was...finally in [cdb]sight... You...monster...
  33. The... The captain's dead! What're we gonna [cdb]do now?!
  34. We're gonna stand, we're gonna fight, [cdb]and we're gonna avenge the captain!
  35. We're gonna stand, we're gonna fight, [cdb]and we're gonna avenge the captain!
  36. Stand down or die.
  37. Stand down or die.
  38. Why am I so scared? It's just one merc.
  39. Why am I so scared? It's just one merc.
  40. Argh! Run... Run while you can...
  41. Getz, no! This can't be happening...
  42. Getz, no! This can't be happening...
  43. Where did you get that power?
  44. Where did you get that power?
  45. No idea. But it's just what I need to bring [cdb]you down!
  46. No idea. But it's just what I need to bring [cdb]you down!
  47. Interesting. You're fighting like an entirely [cdb]different person.
  48. Interesting. You're fighting like an entirely [cdb]different person.
  49. Time to finish you off!
  50. Time to finish you off!
  51. That's enough! We did what we came to do. Everyone, fall back!
  52. What?!
  53. What?!
  54. Well, since you're here, do you mind stepping [cdb]in and helping us chase off these scary bandits?
  55. Don't worry about payment. You'll receive [cdb]plenty of coin—if we survive, that is.
  56. There they are! Kill 'em all!
  57. The enemy's got numbers, but don't worry. Forest combat is my specialty.
  58. The enemy's got numbers, but don't worry. Forest combat is my specialty.
  59. Fightin' for them now, are ya? Then you can [cdb]die with your new friends!
  60. You have some skill, friend.
  61. I'll deal with things here.
  62. Let me show you a trick for dealing with [cdb]heavily defended enemies.
  63. Just who are these people, anyway? All three [cdb]of them have Crests!
  64. And that's how it's done.
  65. Well, I suppose my turn has arrived.
  66. I won't allow anyone to stop me.
  67. Apologies, but it was you or me.
  68. What's wrong with ya?! They're just a buncha [cdb]brats! Stop embarrassing yourselves and stand [cdb]your ground already!
  69. Is it Claude time? I think it's Claude time.
  70. I'm a master of strategy, but I'm not really [cdb]used to being on the front lines.
  71. Hey, got lucky there! Well, lucky for me, I guess. Not so much for you.
  72. I hope I don't need to tell you this, but make [cdb]sure to heal if you find yourself wounded.
  73. Be sure to tend to your wounds, Edelgard.
  74. You have a thing for bleeding, Dimitri? Heal up already!
  75. Claude, you're hurt! Do something about [cdb]those wounds!
  76. You must be more careful—there's nothing we [cdb]can do for you once you're dead.
  77. Think twice before taking any rash action. There is no return from the realm of the dead.
  78. Do you feel that power? Maybe you can [cdb]channel it like you did in the other battle.
  79. I feel power surging through me. The time has [cdb]come to use it!
  80. It appears I've hit my stride. Now to do some [cdb]real damage.
  81. Now we're cooking! So, which one of you wants [cdb]to go down first?
  82. The bandits have a firm hold on the central [cdb]road. It would be wise to move through the [cdb]forest and take down the strongholds as we go.
  83. Try and keep an eye on who we're fighting, [cdb]and make sure we've got the right person [cdb]leading the charge at the right time.
  84. I should handle this one.
  85. What shoddy defenses. We'll be done before [cdb]we know it if they're all like this.
  86. Not to worry over you too much, but do make [cdb]sure to heal if you're hurt.
  87. Your death would spell the end for both of [cdb]us...so be careful.
  88. I'll take care of things here.
  89. Good. Now on to the next one.
  90. Allow me to deal with this one.
  91. That ought to unravel their defenses.
  92. Enough of this strategy nonsense! Get out [cdb]there and tear 'em all to pieces!
  93. OK, how many thugs does this guy have [cdb]working for him, anyway?
  94. Repent, foul bandits! The Knights of Seiros are [cdb]here, and we'll cut you down for terrorizing [cdb]our students!
  95. This battle is practically won if the knights [cdb]have arrived.
  96. Form ranks and capture those bandits! Quickly now!
  97. You four, fight in pairs! It's safer than taking [cdb]on the enemy alone.
  98. The Knights of Seiros?! Not now! If I don't kill [cdb]at least one'a them brats, I'm finished!
  99. Watch out! They're gonna make a last-ditch [cdb]effort to rush our position!
  100. Some foes are tough to handle alone, but by [cdb]pairing up, you can easily gain the advantage. Remember this helpful Alois tip!
  101. This is where you die, dogs!
  102. I ain't done yet! You're gonna learn how tough [cdb]a bandit can really be!
  103. We cannot allow ourselves to perish here. I'm afraid we must spare no mercy for you.
  104. Stop jumpin' around and face me already!
  105. Yeah, it's usually standard practice to dodge [cdb]the guy who's trying to kill you.
  106. Ngh... Never shoulda...taken this...job...
  107. Is it over?
  108. Is it over?
  109. No! How could you let yourself lose to these [cdb]pathetic thieves?
  110. Of all the places to stumble...
  111. I have a duty to keep going... Yet...
  112. Welp... Guess that's the end of my [cdb]big dream...
  113. We'll put the bandits to rout. Follow me.
  114. This place is bigger than I thought. Split up!
  115. Huh? Hey, we got intruders!
  116. You must be a bad guy if you're pointing a [cdb]weapon at me. Get ready to pay!
  117. Here comes...whoever they are! Looks like [cdb]we'll have to fight our way out of this.
  118. Come on, they're just bandits. But that doesn't [cdb]mean we can go easy on them. Let's do this!
  119. A pack of thieves is no match for us! Though I [cdb]do wish they had given me time to announce [cdb]my name.
  120. Well, that was something. Moving on.
  121. Don't hate me for performing my noble duty.
  122. Careful! Do not let the enemies be ganging up [cdb]on you!
  123. Phew, I made it. So this is what real battle [cdb]is like...
  124. Ah, these folks aren't so tough!
  125. All of these dead bodies are enough to numb [cdb]the senses.
  126. I pray they find peace in the grave.
  127. Sorry! I'm sorry! Urgh, this place is crawling [cdb]with bandits...
  128. That should be most of the foes outside.
  129. I'm not letting you past here! My life depends [cdb]on it!
  130. Now we know who to kill to open the gate.
  131. Sorry, everyone... I tried to stop 'em...
  132. Let's secure the interior.
  133. It is no better inside the fortress than it was [cdb]on the outside.
  134. This "mission" has gotten out of hand.
  135. Someone remind me again why we have to [cdb]storm an enemy hideout?
  136. I can't take this anymore! I want to go home!
  137. I suppose this isn't exactly a trap, but I still [cdb]don't know what to expect from where.
  138. This is a rather impressive setup for a den of [cdb]thieves.
  139. This is certainly not what we signed up for.
  140. It's an old structure, but very well built. These ruffians are lucky to have such a [cdb]perfect hideout.
  141. Goddess, watch over their poor souls.
  142. Is that a treasure chest? Mmm, yes. It seems [cdb]we will need a key to open it.
  143. A treasure chest? We'll need to find the key.
  144. I can get it open without one if you want. I'm not exactly proud of that skill, but...
  145. Hey look, a treasure chest! We can get it open [cdb]if we have a key.
  146. Ugh! I was all ready to grab a nice haul from [cdb]that chest, and now those intruders are all [cdb]over the thing!
  147. That bandit appears to be holding the key.
  148. I know who has the key.
  149. Ooh! Did I hear the faint jingle of a key?
  150. I'd say that takes care of securing the bandit [cdb]hideout—unless something else concerns [cdb]you, Professor?
  151. There, we've taken control of the fortress. Now let us have a look around.
  152. That takes care of seizing the hideout! So what's next?
  153. Search the basement. Something is amiss.
  154. Hey, there's a prisoner down here! And she [cdb]looks like...an academy student?
  155. Hey, there's a prisoner down here! And she [cdb]looks like...an academy student?
  156. Are you...here to rescue me?
  157. Lady Edelgard?!
  158. Monica? How did you... No, my questions [cdb]can wait.
  159. Are you all right? What are you doing here? Never mind—we can discuss that later.
  160. Hey, are you all right? Who did this to you? Actually, never mind. Let's get you outta here [cdb]before any of that.
  161. Thank you for saving me!
  162. Don't let the girl escape, or Kronya will make [cdb]us wish we were dead!
  163. Here they come. Everyone, protect Monica!
  164. More bandits? Or perhaps...
  165. I dunno who these folks are, but they sure aren't [cdb]some run-of-the-mill bandits!
  166. It's not safe here. We must take the girl [cdb]and run.
  167. Whoever they are, they seem to be targeting [cdb]that student—and it falls upon us to keep her [cdb]safe, no matter the cost!
  168. They're after the girl. Well, we shook this [cdb]hornet's nest, so it's on us to keep her safe.
  169. They're targeting that academy student. We have to protect her.
  170. Now's our chance to give 'em the slip!
  171. More bandits that eluded us. Leave none alive.
  172. Good. That's the last of them.
  173. They escaped.
  174. Just leave me alone already!
  175. There will be no way forward until we strike [cdb]down these scoundrels.
  176. Hmph. Let's hurry up and get rid of them.
  177. We must dispatch these villains posthaste and [cdb]save that student!
  178. Sorry I'm slowing you down—the world is still [cdb]a little wobbly at the moment.
  179. Heh... What eyesores they are.
  180. More are coming. These are no mere bandits.
  181. Take the hint, guys! She's not sticking around!
  182. The way is clear... Come. We need to hurry.
  183. That should do it. Hurry.
  184. Looks like the coast is clear... All right, folks! Let's get a move on!
  185. OK, we should be safe here. I mean, I hope we are, at least.
  186. All right, who came in here and trashed my [cdb]beautiful stronghold?!
  187. It's her... So be it. Kill her!
  188. Hi there! I'm Kronya, but you can just call me "the lady that's about to murder you." Or, you know. Don't.
  189. If you truly are Kronya, then it is you who [cdb]will die this day.
  190. Good. Then we can proceed as planned.
  191. So if you've got any pretty last words lined up, [cdb]now would be the time. Not that I'm going to [cdb]pay attention!
  192. Oh, you're not going anywhere, Monica. I have something very special planned for you.
  193. Thales isn't going to like this at all... You'll pay for this! You'll all pay!
  194. That snake escaped! But still, Monica is safe, [cdb]and that's what matters.
  195. These names are wholly unfamiliar to me... but at least we won the day.
  196. Talk about strange customers... Well, [cdb]at least we beat her. That's what counts.
  197. I've been locked up so long, my... my legs [cdb]won't do what I tell them...
  198. Don't know...if I can go on...
  199. The young woman falters! Stay with her!
  200. Hey! Keep the enemy off her!
  201. The enemy is getting too near to her!
  202. I actually thought I had a chance... Heh. Guess that...was just a dream...
  203. No! They got her!
  204. No! They got her!
  206. I never should have...started down this path...
  207. This is not...the ending I pictured...
  208. Should've just...left this whole thing alone...
  209. I accomplished my task, at least.
  210. All right, you asked for it... Release the [cdb]creature we captured!
  211. This is going to be trouble... On your guards, [cdb]everyone!
  212. It's some sort of beast... Get ready, everyone! We have to take it down!
  213. What is that? Looks like some sort of [cdb]giant beast...
  214. Attack in force! You'll never defeat it alone!
  215. All the numbers in the world won't save you!
  216. This is unlike any beast I have ever [cdb]encountered. It will be a grueling battle [cdb]unless we combine our strength!
  217. Ugh. This is going to be a long fight.
  218. Are we even hurting this thing?
  219. Its strength is beginning to wane. Press the [cdb]attack!
  220. Its strength fades! Don't let up!
  221. I sense fear in this beast! Keep attacking!
  222. They defeated a Demonic Beast? Impossible!
  223. It was easy enough slipping in the back—the [cdb]knights' unexpected visit must've thrown the [cdb]court into disarray.
  224. In that case, we'd best find and apprehend Duke Aegir and Lord Arundel before they [cdb]grow wise to our scheme.
  225. Duke Aegir should be in the throne room. We'll enter through the back way.
  226. Yes, that way he will never see our coming. But we must hurry.
  227. The guards along the way are in Duke Aegir's [cdb]employ, so deal with them as you must.
  228. Surrender, Duke Aegir.
  229. What in the... No! Seal the gate, now!
  230. Well, this complicates things. We'll have to [cdb]cut around through the gardens.
  231. Send soldiers to the gardens! I want a sword [cdb]on every path between myself and those rats!
  232. The man is so desperate, he doesn't realize [cdb]he's already lost—so let us break through and [cdb]prove it to him.
  233. Um, Edie? No offense, but what's to stop him [cdb]from running away?
  234. But what's stopping him from running away? You got some kinda plan?
  235. But what's stopping him from running away? You got some kind of plan?
  236. Oh, I already solved that particular problem.
  237. The time has come, Ministers! Show the duke [cdb]your true allegiance lies with the Empire!
  238. Apologies, Ludwig, but if you want to leave, [cdb]it'll have to be through me.
  239. And if you want back in, you must go through [cdb]me—although I must seem like nothing in [cdb]comparison to that bear at the front gates.
  240. You would turn on me now?! Preposterous!
  241. Wait, so those are the nobles you won over? Where'd you find the time to orchestrate that?
  242. Now that we have Duke Aegir pinned down, [cdb]let us clip his wings for good.
  243. It's finished, Prime Minister. Lay down your [cdb]arms and surrender peacefully.
  244. No! You're still outnumbered, and this isn't [cdb]done until I say it is!
  245. The ambitions of Ludwig von Aegir won't be [cdb]broken by the likes of you!
  246. How can this be? I have riches, power... I am as great as a man can be!
  247. Well done, everyone. That just leaves Lord Arundel.
  248. Yes, but he is the one we need to worry about. Keep moving and remain alert.
  249. We are fighting on the side of Count Bergliez?
  250. Duke Aegir's been captured already? The wretch didn't even have the grace [cdb]to buy me some time.
  251. Well, I've little interest in facing Bergliez, [cdb]so it's time for me to deploy my wild card.
  252. Dark magic! Find the casters and strike them [cdb]down so we might dispel this sorcery!
  253. Come, Waldemar. You and I can split up and [cdb]sweep the palace.
  254. A fine idea, Leopold. Let us make clear to [cdb]these fell warlocks that they are most [cdb]unwelcome in this place.
  255. I'm afraid to consider how we'd stand without [cdb]those two on our side.
  256. Keep it up! We must eliminate the mages!
  257. These are definitely the same people who [cdb]kidnapped me...
  258. You people are all magic and no muscle! I'll snap you like twigs!
  259. You know, it may benefit us to learn more [cdb]about this dark magic.
  260. There. The barrier should dissipate now.
  261. That still didn't stop them? It seems they came [cdb]prepared for any eventuality.
  262. Quickly, now! We need to reach Lord Arundel [cdb]before he slips through our fingers!
  263. I admire your tenacity. However, you clearly [cdb]have no concept of how terrifying I can be.
  264. Ah, but we do—which is why you must die. Lady Edelgard chooses to abide your existence [cdb]no longer.
  265. Banish the darkness, and the terror will fade [cdb]as well.
  266. Wretched vermin...
  267. You're... No.
  268. Sorry, what?
  269. Sorry, what?
  270. Are you starting to understand the situation [cdb]you're in?
  271. No! I have to act!
  272. Use the fire orbs! I don't care if you bring the [cdb]palace down around us, just do it!
  273. They're shooting at us? We should [cdb]probably do something about that.
  274. He's desperate. Put a stop to it!
  275. There! That should stop those fire orbs [cdb]from...well, firing.
  276. Good, it's done. Now let us make haste and [cdb]apprehend Duke Aegir.
  277. Any who sided with Duke Aegir or Lord Arundel and oppressed Her Highness will [cdb]receive no quarter from us.
  278. Hubert, you finally said something I like. Now let's go stamp them out!
  279. That takes care of the cleanup! I think Her Highness should be very pleased with me [cdb]indeed.
  280. Whether or not she is pleased with you should [cdb]be of secondary concern. The most important [cdb]matter is what benefits Lady Edelgard.
  281. As we feared, the soldiers are using the [cdb]townsfolk as shields. What cowards!
  282. Your Highness, it's as we thought. The soldiers [cdb]are using the townsfolk as shields.
  283. Then our first priority is to secure the people's [cdb]safety. My uncle...can wait.
  284. We'll start by eliminating guards on the capital [cdb]perimeter. Commence the attack!
  285. This will go faster if we split into two groups.
  286. Let's split into two groups, boar. We'll tear [cdb]right through their defenses that way.
  287. They're coming! Shore up the defenses!
  288. I almost broke a sweat there. Next!
  289. The perimeter is secure. Things should be [cdb]easier now that we know our backs are safe.
  290. Open the gates and seize the town, but ensure [cdb]no harm comes to the people!
  291. Fhirdiad is large. We should divide [cdb]and conquer.
  292. Well, he's a valiant one. Clearly that apple [cdb]did not fall far from the tree.
  293. To think they would involve innocent people! We must end this battle as soon as we can.
  294. Is this really the best the officers of Itha can [cdb]offer? Disappointing!
  295. I do this for His Highness.
  296. Forgive me...my lord...
  297. ...
  298. I see our enemy is somewhat competent... Deal with this, Viscount Kleiman!
  299. Worry not, Cornelia. We will save Prince Dimitri from that vile puppeteer who [cdb]controls him!
  300. We need to take care of those soldiers before [cdb]we're boxed in!
  301. I suggest we again divide our soldiers to deal [cdb]with the multiple threats, Your Highness.
  302. This is just sad. Can we please hurry and [cdb]get this battle over with?
  303. Thank the goddess we were able to keep the [cdb]people out of harm's way.
  304. Please, Your Highness, you must see reason! We are only doing our duty!
  305. Take him into custody. I have a lot of [cdb]questions for him.
  306. At once, Your Highness!
  307. The town should be safe for the time being. Let's press on to the castle.
  308. We've cleaned up most of the mess out here. That just leaves the castle.
  309. How do we breach the castle with the [cdb]drawbridges up?
  310. These people are hopelessly outnumbered! Unleash our units from the strongholds and [cdb]crush them all!
  311. This could be our chance. There are controls [cdb]by the castle gates that lower the drawbridges. We can do so from within the strongholds.
  312. And of course, the main entrance is blocked. We need to find another way in.
  313. Well done! Now to lower the drawbridge...
  314. Let's get that bridge down. Where are the [cdb]controls?
  315. Good! Now if we lower the other drawbridge, [cdb]we'll be able to attack the enemy from both [cdb]sides.
  316. I clearly underestimated the royal whelp... Time for someone to put him in his place!
  317. My, this is your lucky day! I've decided [cdb]that you deserve my personal attention.
  318. Now that we have access to both the east and [cdb]west bridges, it's time to breach the capital, [cdb]corner the traitors, and strike them down!
  319. Ah, fate. You truly are whimsical! Will today [cdb]mark my death, or his? Either way, this farce [cdb]will finally come to a close.
  320. Aw, why the long faces? Does our hospitality [cdb]displease you so?
  321. Oh my! What a fascinating power you possess!
  322. Sure is—but if you think I need it to beat you, [cdb]think again!
  323. Sure is—but if you think I need it to beat you, [cdb]think again!
  324. Every moment I stare at you vexes me more. You should've died that day!
  325. It turns out we finally agree on something— [cdb]but seeing as I yet live, I have a duty to fulfill.
  326. And yet today, death comes for you, Cornelia.
  327. Oh, you poor dears... I've never seen so many [cdb]deluded fools in one place!
  328. Now that's more like it! It wouldn't feel [cdb]like a real fight if I simply tore you limb [cdb]from limb right out of the gate!
  329. Don't let up! We can break her!
  330. You little beasts! None of this would be [cdb]happening if not for that old man Thales!
  331. Look at me getting wrapped up in my fun [cdb]again. But sadly, I must bid you farewell.
  332. She's slippery, that one.
  333. So, it's come to this at last. Well, Dimitri? If you want my head, then come claim it!
  334. I intend to, Uncle.
  335. On our pride as knights, we will defend our [cdb]liege to the last!
  336. I had long hoped for a day we might finally [cdb]see eye to eye.
  337. Foolish child! A man and a monster can never [cdb]come to common purpose!
  338. House Fraldarius has endured the most [cdb]ludicrous of accusations because of you.
  339. And yet they're all true! Just see how you use [cdb]that monster in an attempt to seize the throne!
  340. My uncle seems determined to not surrender, [cdb]which means he gives me no other choice.
  341. What right do you have to rule over men [cdb]when you're barely human yourself? You're an aberration—nothing more.
  342. I should have killed you at Duscur when I [cdb]had the chance.
  343. Heh... What are you waiting for, monster? Kill me. Avenge your father.
  344. Bind that man and take him away.
  345. Hey, aren't the front gates still closed off? We should probably open 'em up so we [cdb]can get reinforcements in here, yeah?
  346. Hey, aren't the front gates still closed off? We should probably open 'em up so we [cdb]can get reinforcements in here, yeah?
  347. A fine idea. And if things go awry, we might [cdb]need another way out.
  348. Good point. Plus, it never hurts to have [cdb]another escape route just in case.
  349. In that case, fling open the gates! Sorry, Your Highness. Stole your thunder there.
  350. That takes care of the obstruction. Open the [cdb]front gates!
  351. Your Highness, you're all right! Some knights [cdb]we were. We should've never let it come [cdb]to this.
  352. Do not blame yourselves. However, if you [cdb]seek to make amends, lend me your strength [cdb]and help me reclaim the capital.
  353. Your Highness! The troops that escaped [cdb]the castle have taken up position in the [cdb]surrounding strongholds!
  354. That won't do. We must retake them at once [cdb]and ensure the town is safe for good.
  355. This area is secure—and not a moment too [cdb]soon, it seems.
  356. If you're here to rescue us, give us the honor [cdb]of joining you in battle!
  357. That's one more down.
  358. I'm glad the soldiers are safe—we need all the [cdb]help we can get here!
  359. That's the last of the strongholds. Things [cdb]should be much quieter around here from [cdb]now on.
  360. Your Highness, we are moving Rufus to a [cdb]cell and preparing him for questioning.
  361. Good, thank you. I will join you shortly.
  362. Raise your voices with me, friends! You fought [cdb]hard this day, and now victory is ours!
  363. All my plans...are for naught...
  364. Crush the enemy, reinforcements and all! Today we pry open the gates to Fódlan!
  365. Are you ready to send these troublemakers [cdb]packing? Because I have a plan that'll do [cdb]just that.
  366. Theoretically, I'm all ears—but first we need [cdb]to do something about those soldiers closing [cdb]in on us.
  367. Everyone buckle up! This stronghold is crucial [cdb]to our defenses, and we can't let it fall!
  368. Those Almyrans think they've got muscle? I'll show 'em muscle!
  369. Well fought, one and all! Now perhaps the Alliance representative would like to fill us in [cdb]on his master plan?
  370. Right. Since the central approach is crawling [cdb]with enemy soldiers, we'll start by capturing [cdb]the strongholds to the north and south.
  371. Can I ask you to hold the center, Holst? You're the only one of us who can do it.
  372. The drawbridges here can only be lowered [cdb]from one side, so we should make sure it's safe [cdb]by taking any strongholds in the vicinity.
  373. Well, that's definitely working! Keep it up!
  374. You better believe they felt that!
  375. Mind their flying units! Use arrows!
  376. Well, if it isn't Nader the Unstoppable! Are you ready to settle the score?
  377. For the last time, it's Nader the Undefeated— [cdb]and I know you're doing that on purpose!
  378. One stronghold down, one to go.
  379. Those troops at the center don't exactly have [cdb]the highest morale. Once they realize we've [cdb]got them flanked...
  380. Well, this is looking grim. Sorry, Prince Shahid, [cdb]but we're losing ground. I'm falling back!
  381. I never said you could retreat, Nader! Argh! Enough! All remaining troops, attack!
  382. Who told the central force they could retreat? Argh! All remaining troops, attack!
  383. You see? Things are looking up already. Now we just have to go after their general!
  384. They're scattering like leaves! Claude's [cdb]strategies really are a cut above.
  385. And now we have the enemy surrounded. Brilliantly played, young Riegan!
  386. They got behind us? Those impudent worms... Fine, then! I'll put them in the ground myself!
  387. You stand in the presence of Shahid the Great, [cdb]next king of Almyra!
  388. I thought I recognized you... You look just [cdb]like my horror of a little brother!
  389. Then for your brother's sake and my own, [cdb]it's time to put you in your place!
  390. You fight well—for a pack of brutes!
  391. No! I won't lose to these...these rats!
  392. General Holst! We need help!
  393. Hurry! We have to save our knights!
  394. You'll not defeat me so easily!
  395. That was close. My thanks for your aid!
  396. Ngh... Why...
  397. Good thing we made it in time!
  398. We're too late... I'm so sorry, everyone! We'll avenge you!
  399. I'm souring on this whole affair... But if it's [cdb]a fight you want, I'm your man!
  400. Sounds like Nader could probably be coaxed [cdb]off the battlefield—I mean, unless you really [cdb]want to have a crack at him.
  401. It's your call, kiddo—but if you value your [cdb]neck, I suggest you stay far away from me.
  402. And here I was just thinking I'd give my [cdb]fighting skill a test. If it looks like we can't [cdb]handle you, we'll come up with another way!
  403. The nerve of this one!
  404. If you keep holding back, Nader, you'll have [cdb]to retire that overblown title of yours!
  405. I'm Nader the Undefeated because I know [cdb]when it's smart to run—and I'll come back to [cdb]end you when I damn well feel like it!
  406. Are you holding our troops back? Deploy them now! All of them!
  407. That is the end of their messenger—and [cdb]the reinforcements.
  408. Follow Prince Shahid! We'll trample those [cdb]brutes into the dust from whence they came!
  409. We have more enemies incoming!
  410. This isn't good... Protect the Locket!
  411. No! The Locket has fallen! Nothing can stop [cdb]the Almyrans from invading Fódlan now...
  412. Do not throw away your lives, friends! Be not reckless as you attend to our defense!
  413. A defensive position within the monastery [cdb]walls? This is merely a stalling tactic. We must dispatch them at once.
  414. Then the brute force approach it is. Garreg Mach must fall!
  415. We'll start on the lower level and work our [cdb]way up, taking control of the walls. Split into [cdb]groups and take those strongholds!
  416. The enemy is desperate, and will most likely [cdb]dispatch troops to recapture any strongholds [cdb]we seize. Be on your guards for this tactic.
  417. Keep going! We're making progress!
  418. We'll soon control the walls!
  419. We are losing ground... Dig in, all of you! We must hold out, no matter what!
  420. The enemy has retaken a stronghold! We must keep a closer eye on such things!
  421. All right, we have the grounds surrounded. Now we just need to fight our way up to the [cdb]monastery proper.
  422. We can retreat no further.
  423. To think I would be serving the church and [cdb]fighting my own homeland... Is this the [cdb]goddess testing me?
  424. Constance! Why are you of all people [cdb]cooperating with the church?
  425. All I can say is I was unlucky enough to be [cdb]nearby when the church had need of fighters. I beg your forgiveness, Your Majesty.
  426. So ends my brief and meaningless existence...
  427. Is this what you want? To die here in shame? This doesn't have to be your end, Constance! Join us! Fight with the Empire!
  428. As you wish, Your Majesty. I do not deserve [cdb]to throw my feeble existence away in such [cdb]a manner...
  429. This feels...right. A fitting end for one who [cdb]has already lost everything...
  430. Why'd they drag me into this? Not fair.
  431. If you don't want to fight, then surrender. I swear no harm will come to you.
  432. That's very nice of you, but they gave me a [cdb]home here, so I should probably put up at [cdb]least some kind of fight.
  433. OK, I'm losing. That's...really bad.
  434. I sense a darkness in your power. If you harbor [cdb]ill will towards them, then help us best them!
  435. I know which "them" you're talking about... Well, it's not like I want revenge or anything, [cdb]but, sure. Sign me up.
  436. And now I die like a knight... Just great.
  437. No matter who they are, all who choose the [cdb]wrong side in war must be cut down.
  438. The right flank has broken the enemy line!
  439. The left is through as well, Your Majesty!
  440. Excellent job, both of you—but there is still [cdb]much work to be done.
  441. I will not sit idly by and allow Garreg Mach to [cdb]be placed in further danger!
  442. The enemy is unleashing powerful magic! We can't hold out for long!
  443. The enemy is after the strongholds [cdb]we captured. They'll be retaken if we [cdb]don't defend them quickly.
  444. The enemy is trying to reclaim our strongholds!
  445. Some parts of the monastery walls appear [cdb]weak. An armored unit could likely smash [cdb]through and provide another way in.
  446. There, we've created a new path. Now we can [cdb]reach the strongholds with greater ease.
  447. They've broken through the walls? No! Send reinforcements at once!
  448. I care not for your reasoning—there can be no [cdb]excuse for war!
  449. Professor Manuela? But you used to teach [cdb]here! How could you take part in this?!
  450. Oh, I agonized over it at first. But now I've [cdb]made my choice, and I won't waver.
  451. I must do everything in my power...to [cdb]stop this!
  452. Retreat while you still can, Flayn! I beg you!
  453. Very well. Stay safe...my brother!
  454. Phew! I thought that scary magic would [cdb]never let up!
  455. You Empire soldiers will rue the day you took [cdb]up arms against Garreg Mach!
  456. I will not ask you your reasons—not anymore. But I will see your evil punished!
  457. I heard you returned to the Empire, Manuela. But I still cannot believe you would take part [cdb]in this fool's errand.
  458. I won't bore you with pithy excuses, Seteth. This is simply the path I've chosen.
  459. Ngh... The years have made these poor [cdb]hands clumsy with a lance.
  460. Forgive me, Rhea... I can fight no longer. The rest is up to you.
  461. Worry not, Seteth—nor you, Flayn. You both [cdb]did well to hold them back this long.
  462. Now come forth, all of you! Protect Garreg Mach from those despicable rebels!
  463. So Lady Rhea has decided to show herself at [cdb]last... Stout hearts, everyone! Victory can only [cdb]be ours if we strike her down!
  464. Lady Rhea's enemies are my enemies.
  465. I'll fight for Lady Rhea until the end!
  466. I have to protect her...
  467. I'm sorry, Lady Rhea. I can't fight anymore...
  468. Your efforts will not be in vain, Cyril.
  469. I will send these sinners to meet the goddess!
  470. And what do you stand to gain for involving [cdb]yourself in this?
  471. It's not a mystery. I'm a merc, and she's got [cdb]the coin to pay me.
  472. It's not a mystery. I'm a merc, and she's got [cdb]the coin to pay me.
  473. Explain yourself! Why do you betray the [cdb]teachings of the goddess and seek to shatter Fódlan's fragile peace?
  474. Seeing as I have no idea what you speak of, [cdb]this is going to be a short discussion. Now either stand aside or face me!
  475. So you have sullied yourself by joining the [cdb]rebels? In that case, I hope you came prepared [cdb]to breathe your last.
  476. I will not permit you to desecrate Garreg Mach for one minute further!
  477. This land is precious to me, and I will not [cdb]permit you to have it!
  478. We need to intercept those reinforcements!
  479. Those are the Knights of Seiros. We were [cdb]never gonna stop them that easily!
  480. I think we've handled the situation.
  481. Hey, I actually held my own! I'm so good.
  482. Fresh soldiers incoming. Don't worry, [cdb]we'll handle them.
  483. An ambush from above? They are having [cdb]the advantage, but we can turn it around!
  484. Thanks for the rescue. We owe you.
  485. It is not a problem. We have preparedness [cdb]for these things.
  486. I have to defend the monastery, whatever [cdb]it takes.
  487. The enemy shows no sign of stopping—and if [cdb]we don't keep an eye on our strongholds, [cdb]we'll be sure to lose them!
  488. No! I have to do better!
  489. Does that mean he's given up?
  490. They're going to surround her. I have to [cdb]go back!
  491. Ready the heavy weaponry. We can no longer [cdb]afford the luxury of worrying about collateral [cdb]damage to the town.
  492. We'll be in serious trouble if they target Her Majesty. We have to take control of [cdb]those weapons right now!
  493. That's what you get for trying to target Her Majesty like a pack of cowards!
  494. I've prepared a means to bolster our defenses, [cdb]albeit temporarily. You need only give the [cdb]command when the time is right.
  495. Now! Bolster the strongholds!
  496. Our defenses should no longer be an issue [cdb]for the time being.
  497. The fire is loaded and ready—perhaps it is [cdb]time to attack the enemy where it truly hurts!
  498. Now! Unleash the fire!
  499. Animals! How could you set the town ablaze?!
  500. I must stay alive, for Fleche's sake.
  501. You fought well, General. The rest of you, [cdb]fill in! Don't let the enemy through!
  502. Forgive me, Your Majesty! I must withdraw!
  503. Take care of yourself, Ladislava. We'll make up [cdb]the difference.
  504. I yield you the monastery for now, Edelgard. But know this—there will be no forgiveness [cdb]for your blasphemous actions this day!
  505. No, I don't expect there will be.
  506. Take heart, everyone! Garreg Mach has fallen, [cdb]and victory is ours!
  507. Time to show how strong you've become.
  508. The closer we get, the denser the fog. I can [cdb]barely make out my own feet.
  509. Which will prove useful for Lord Lonato. As he possesses low numbers, the man will [cdb]doubtless take any edge he can get.
  510. We need to find him before the Kingdom does [cdb]and take him into our protection.
  511. Lord Lonato will surely be hiding in one of [cdb]these strongholds awaiting rescue.
  512. The fog will provide cover, but not forever. We need to hurry.
  513. Hey, I see a mage! Do you think he's [cdb]responsible for all this fog?
  514. Hmph, they sniffed out the spellcaster. If this fog lifts, Lord Lonato will have [cdb]nowhere to hide.
  515. I must hold strong for Lord Lonato!
  516. Thank you. Lord Lonato is sheltering deep in [cdb]the eastern wood—please hurry to him!
  517. We have our location. Let us not waste any [cdb]time getting there.
  518. I believe in you, Lord Lonato... Avenge... Lord Christophe...
  519. So he's gone. May his loyalty never be [cdb]forgotten.
  520. The Imperial army is here! All troops, [cdb]ready yourselves to intercept!
  521. You will pay in blood for invading the lands [cdb]of Faerghus!
  522. Then you've found Lord Lonato? Good! I will join the hunt!
  523. Ngh... It will take more than this!
  524. How am I being bested by the likes of you?
  525. I must aid Lord Lonato!
  526. My thanks for the rescue.
  527. That's one task off the to-do list! Now we just [cdb]have to deal with the Kingdom.
  528. Mission accomplished. Now we have only to [cdb]fight off any enemy soldiers that approach.
  529. There he is! Kill the traitor Lonato!
  530. They found Lord Lonato! We have to help him!
  531. So I live to see another day, do I? I knew the [cdb]goddess wouldn't abandon us.
  532. I don't like how close we cut this, but I'm glad [cdb]you're safe. Now we can focus on the rest of [cdb]the fight.
  533. Now that Lord Lonato is rescued, we can [cdb]finally dispense with the magic.
  534. Hey, the fog is gone! Now I don't have to [cdb]keep running into things!
  535. The fog has served out its purpose. And not a [cdb]moment too soon. I doubt the caster could [cdb]have sustained the spell much longer.
  536. How could you betray His Majesty, Lonato? How could you do this to me?!
  537. Ashe? You came here...for me?
  538. Ashe is your adopted son, and family should [cdb]not fight family. Let us persuade him to lay [cdb]down his arms instead.
  539. It was my choice to come here, and I must [cdb]not waiver.
  540. Stop it, Ashe! You're throwing your life away! Do you want Lord Lonato carrying that [cdb]weight around for the rest of his life?
  541. Stop it, Ashe! You're throwing your life away! Do you want Lord Lonato carrying that weight [cdb]around for the rest of his life?
  542. I... No. You're right. I surrender.
  543. Forgive me, Ashe—I beg you. I could not bear [cdb]to lose another son.
  544. To avenge one son, I have slain a second. My soul is forever forfeit.
  545. Our goal here is achieved. Now we hunt down [cdb]any Kingdom stragglers and... What?
  546. Your fun ends here.
  547. Your fun ends here.
  548. An enemy detachment? Put them to rout— [cdb]and make sure to keep Lord Lonato safe!
  549. Ready yourself for death.
  550. Ready yourself for death.
  551. You again, is it? I see you fight for the Empire now.
  552. You again, is it? I see you fight for the Empire now.
  553. Just draw your weapon already. You and [cdb]me have a score to settle.
  554. Just draw your weapon already. You and [cdb]me have a score to settle.
  555. The mercenaries have cut off their retreat! Now's our chance to get Lonato!
  556. Not good. I must help Lord Lonato!
  557. Ngh... I'm sorry...
  558. Such monstrous strength...
  559. Guess I better get in there instead of letting [cdb]the kid do all the work.
  560. Count me in, Captain! I may be a new arrival, [cdb]but no one can a-rival my enthusiasm!
  561. Ignore the Ashen Demon and target the [cdb]enemy commander instead. Doing so will [cdb]force them to retreat.
  562. Wait, is that Alois? Since when did he quit the Knights of Seiros?
  563. Good! I was worried the Empire's soldiers [cdb]lacked backbone!
  564. I won't be the one to drag my new [cdb]comrades down!
  565. We're really pushing our luck here, Alois! You decide when we fall back!
  566. This fight has run its course. All of you, [cdb]retreat!
  567. I'm falling back, Captain!
  568. Captain! Jeralt's Mercenaries, retreat!
  569. Hold strong, men! His lordship needs us!
  570. Lord Lonato's forces appear to be fighting a [cdb]losing battle.
  571. We must help them if we can. Send whatever [cdb]troops we can spare!
  572. Thank you!
  573. Lord Lonato... Forgive me...
  574. I'm glad they didn't have to die in vain.
  575. With battle comes sacrifice. If only those [cdb]words could actually provide me comfort.
  576. Look, it's the Ashen Demon! Now you can [cdb]show that monster how strong you've become!
  577. I admit, you have a better handle on that [cdb]strange power of yours.
  578. I admit, you have a better handle on that [cdb]strange power of yours.
  579. The Ashen Demon is no joke. If you don't feel [cdb]like you can win, it's best to stay far away!
  580. That's enough. I did what I came to do.
  581. That's enough. I did what I came to do.
  582. I let them slip away like it was nothing!
  583. I let them slip away like it was nothing!
  584. We're not really going to stumble our way [cdb]through this soup, are we? I thought we had [cdb]some sort of solution.
  585. It's not safe to stumble around in all this mist. We should light our way before proceeding.
  586. Now we can see the enemy, but they can also [cdb]be seeing us. Keep your wariness!
  587. Good, we can see now. But still best to [cdb]proceed with care.
  588. At least now we don't have to burn through [cdb]any more supplies!
  589. Finally. I was starting to worry we would never [cdb]be able to put our archers to use.
  590. Now! Rain arrows down upon them!
  591. All I wanted was to land one blow on that [cdb]conniving archbishop...
  592. It seems my blade is too dull for the task.
  593. Well done—we have kept his lordship safe. This victory will greatly further our conquest.
  594. Forgive your fool of a father, Christophe, [cdb]for he is soon to join you...
  595. Our effort on the Kingdom front is sure to [cdb]fail now...
  596. They certainly aren't fooling around with [cdb]these defenses. Count Gloucester must be [cdb]located on the far bank.
  597. Ladislava is holding the central checkpoint. We'll mount our attack from there.
  598. The checkpoint is our key to taking the Great Bridge. Without it, we have not even a slim [cdb]hope of victory.
  599. Her Majesty is counting on me, and I will not [cdb]let her down!
  600. They have her surrounded. Time for a rescue!
  601. My thanks. Mind taking it from here?
  602. Rest, Ladislava. This is a great achievement.
  603. You honor me, Your Majesty. May victory be [cdb]yours this day!
  604. Now we can fight on even footing.
  605. If we rush in heedlessly, we'll be trapped along [cdb]with her. We must secure the route as we go.
  606. Never hurts to have a safe place to retreat to!
  607. All right! More of that, please!
  608. Look to the west. I am thinking there is [cdb]something happening.
  609. We're almost to the checkpoint. Keep going.
  610. Not so fast! If you want through, you've gotta [cdb]open those purses and pay the toll!
  611. This man is a mercenary—perhaps offering a [cdb]reward will allow us to avoid a fight.
  612. Of all the irritating places to lay an ambush...
  613. Hahaha! Looks like you'll be my first [cdb]real challenge in ages. Now let's dance!
  614. Have your senses taken flight, Balthus? How dare you raise a weapon at us!
  615. Uh, B? What do you think you're doing?
  616. Mind your business! I got a debt to work off!
  617. Just so you know, I got no interest in dying.
  618. Then just surrender. Besides, you're a clever [cdb]man. You know the Empire won't let someone [cdb]as strong as you rot in a cell.
  619. Then just surrender. Besides, you're a clever [cdb]man. You know the Empire won't let someone [cdb]as strong as you rot in a cell.
  620. Yeah, I guess you got a point.
  621. Fire! Rain arrows down on their central forces!
  622. I expected such a trap. We should have sent [cdb]soldiers west to deal with it.
  623. Still, that was a brilliant salvo. Our enemy [cdb]clearly possesses a gifted officer among [cdb]their ranks.
  624. Gifted? Wait, are you talking about me?
  625. Arrows are raining down on Ladislava. We have to stop them at the source!
  626. Our soldiers in the center will be slaughtered [cdb]if we don't deal with those arrows.
  627. No! Their main force was supposed to head to [cdb]the checkpoint so we could ambush them! Intercept! Intercept!
  628. We were wise to strike west first—I fear it [cdb]would have been a disaster otherwise.
  629. There is nowhere to run. Lay down your arms, [cdb]and we will spare you.
  630. Surrender to the Empire? Never!
  631. I chose to be here, and I'm going to fight the Empire to the end!
  632. If I stand down now, I'll never be able to face [cdb]the others again.
  633. How do you know unless you keep living? I mean, things like this tend to have a way of [cdb]working themselves out, you know?
  634. I guess so, but... All right, I surrender.
  635. The arrows have stopped. Let us proceed.
  636. Those are my lands at the other end of this [cdb]bridge, and you lot are not welcome!
  637. Now there is a fool even by Alliance standards. Let us do them a favor and introduce him to [cdb]an early grave.
  638. They've been done in? Hmph! Well, my life is [cdb]more valuable than some treasure, anyway.
  639. This guy is the worst... Stop making your [cdb]underlings do all the work, you coward!
  640. I am Acheron, Savior of the Alliance! Oho, [cdb]that's a good one! Let me just write that [cdb]down here...
  641. Can't you idiots see I'm in trouble?! Now stop [cdb]standing about with your jaws slackened and [cdb]help me already!
  642. I should've switched sides...when I had [cdb]the chance...
  643. The Alliance's lands lie ahead—as well as Gloucester's army.
  644. So they've taken the Great Bridge, have they? That makes us the Alliance's last defense.
  645. There must be a way to resolve this matter [cdb]without further bloodshed, Father.
  646. Our first priority is to find Count Gloucester. He was on our side once—he'll surrender.
  647. Those are Gloucester lands you see beyond [cdb]me, and I will not suffer one heel of your boots [cdb]to sully them!
  648. House Gloucester is known for its tenacity!
  649. I am Erwin Fritz Gloucester, guardian and [cdb]governor of these lands and peoples!
  650. I will not shame my people by surrendering to [cdb]you without a fight!
  651. You've sent my son to the brink of death... and now you will face my wrath!
  652. Is this...the end?
  653. Enough. Stand down. Count Gloucester will [cdb]soon be in our custody—futher resistance can [cdb]serve no purpose.
  654. So be it. I am no use to my people if I die here.
  655. I can fight no more, Your Majesty. All of House Gloucester bows to your will.
  656. You could've bowed much sooner and saved us [cdb]a good deal of trouble... And you, Lorenz? I trust you'll cooperate as well?
  657. My allegiance goes ever to the victor. I will [cdb]serve the Empire loyally.
  658. You could've bowed much sooner and saved us [cdb]a good deal of trouble... And now it is your turn [cdb]to lay down arms, Lorenz.
  659. My... I'm more wounded than I realized.
  660. Hmph. We must tend to your injuries. Your death is a complication we do not [cdb]require.
  661. Lorenz, no! You monsters... How dare you [cdb]hurt my son!
  662. Count Gloucester will not concede so easily [cdb]now that we have damaged his precious heir.
  663. Father has surrendered? Well, no matter! You still have my pride to contend with!
  664. It takes a trickster to recognize a trick, and the [cdb]enemy is being suspiciously quiet in the west.
  665. As urgent as it is to retake the checkpoint, I believe the west should be dealt with first.
  666. The enemy is here? How did they catch on [cdb]to us?
  667. What say we take that ballista for our own?
  668. The western area has been subdued.
  669. Listen up, rogues! You will defend the supplies [cdb]we stole from the Empire to the death! I can [cdb]already smell the coin they'll fetch me.
  670. They have our supplies! We must smite them [cdb]before they can make their escape!
  671. Stealing is a thing of great evil. You will be [cdb]returning what you took!
  672. What an untrustworthy man. Thankfully, [cdb]he lacks the skill to back it up.
  673. Lord Acheron is done for! Grab the goods and [cdb]head for the hills!
  674. The thieves got away! How vexing...but alas, [cdb]what is done is done.
  675. There is no telling where the enemy might be [cdb]lurking—we have no choice but to seize [cdb]control of the entire bridge.
  676. Our foothold is secure. Now we need only [cdb]capture the enemy commander.
  677. If we had some sort of makeshift bridge, [cdb]we could reach Count Gloucester without [cdb]relying on our flying units.
  678. What about the supplies we recovered? We can use those to construct a bridge.
  679. The Empire will lose its foothold if I fall here.
  680. My arms are heavy as stone, but I will not [cdb]stop fighting until I breathe my last!
  681. Victory is ours—but this is merely the first [cdb]step of our rescue.
  682. Right you are. We need to relieve our allies [cdb]who are embattled on Alliance lands.
  683. May you prevail where I could not, Your Majesty...
  684. Ladislava! No... Without her, our whole [cdb]offensive is for naught...
  685. Count Bergliez controls the stronghold in the [cdb]center of the plain, but the enemy has him [cdb]completely cut off from aid.
  686. Our goal is to break the siege so he and his [cdb]troops can evacuate safely.
  687. There can be no victory this day if we do not [cdb]rescue both Bergliez and his troops.
  688. So much for securing a surrender before [cdb]reinforcements arrive... Well, you all know [cdb]what to do. Engage the enemy!
  689. There's no time for the delicate approach. Let's tear into 'em from all sides!
  690. Her Majesty comes to rescue us! I know your [cdb]spirits are weary, but rekindle them now with [cdb]whatever spark of hope remains in your soul!
  691. We have broken through! Continue pushing!
  692. I stand with my friends and will not permit [cdb]you to pass!
  693. Aren't negotiations with Margrave Edmund [cdb]still ongoing? Perhaps we can win Marianne [cdb]over to our side.
  694. Marianne, whatever are you doing on the [cdb]front lines? Stand down!
  695. No! I can't abandon my friends when they all [cdb]fight for their lives!
  696. I know you hate this kind of thing, Marianne, [cdb]so please! Put down your weapon!
  697. I'm sorry, Marianne, but I've chosen to join [cdb]the Empire.
  698. And my choice has long since been made— I stand with Claude, as I always have.
  699. What does it matter if I die...
  700. I cannot bear to strike you down, Marianne. Please surrender—your father will understand.
  701. Talks with Margrave Edmund will go much [cdb]better if you surrender here. Will you not [cdb]consider it?
  702. You're right. My adoptive father would want [cdb]me to lay down my arms, not my life.
  703. Marianne, no! How could you?!
  704. I'm itching to show what my muscles can do. Now, who wants to be first?
  705. Wait, that's Raphael! Don't kill him, please! Let me talk to him first!
  706. I'm itching to show what my muscles can do. Now, who... Huh? Oh, hey, Ignatz!
  707. I don't want to kill you, Raphael...so I'm just [cdb]going to have to knock some sense into you [cdb]instead!
  708. I thought I might find you here, Lorenz.
  709. Yes, House Gloucester fights with the Empire [cdb]now. But what of you? Is this truly where you [cdb]wish to die?
  710. I'm sorry, Raphael, but I've chosen my side. I fight with the Empire now!
  711. Well, I guess you're gonna do what you have [cdb]to do. You're a knight of Gloucester now, [cdb]after all.
  712. Ugh, this is rough. My body's crying out for [cdb]a break!
  713. You don't have to do this, Raphael. Think [cdb]about Maya! She needs you, remember?
  714. Hey, no fair! But...all right, Ignatz. I'm in, [cdb]but only 'cause it's you!
  715. I made my choice.
  716. We must secure an exit for our allies. Taking [cdb]down those strongholds will drive a wedge [cdb]into their siege!
  717. There are two strongholds. We must deploy [cdb]our forces with cleverness to be taking both.
  718. Now then, if they'll just be kind enough to let [cdb]us escape this way...
  719. Look, I really need to hold this line, so why [cdb]don't you just leave and we'll call it a day?
  720. Uh oh. You're not here with... OK, whew! No Holst. Now scram already, will ya? Get outta here while you still can!
  721. Oh, I will, Baltie—right after you explain [cdb]why you're fighting for the Empire! You know Holst is never gonna let you live this down!
  722. Please stand down, Hilda. It would grieve me [cdb]terribly to take your life.
  723. Then maybe you should stand down, because I'm not going anywhere!
  724. I knew this was coming, but it still hurts to [cdb]fight my old friends...
  725. You serve House Gloucester. What did [cdb]you expect?
  726. I can't mess this up—not when everyone's [cdb]counting on me.
  727. Get outta there, Hilda! We can't lose you!
  728. Yeah, all right... Sorry!
  729. All right, here they come... But I came here [cdb]to fight, and I won't back down!
  730. House Ordelia has already offered us their [cdb]allegiance, which means Lysithea is here of her [cdb]own accord.
  731. Whoa, hold on. I can't fight you! You're from House Ordelia!
  732. Well, don't expect me to hold back just [cdb]because you do.
  733. I do not understand your motives, Lysithea. Why do you go against your house's wishes?
  734. My decisions are my own, Lorenz—and there [cdb]are some sacrifices I simply won't make.
  735. Please stand down, Lysithea! There's no reason [cdb]for us to fight!
  736. I don't remember asking your opinion!
  737. Not bad. No, not bad at all.
  738. I heard about what was done to you, Lysithea. And as one who understands that intimately, I ask you to join my cause.
  739. You, too... Yes, all right. I'll hear you out.
  740. I surrender. And as it was my choice alone to [cdb]be here, I ask you not to take action against [cdb]my parents.
  741. Then it's a good thing I'm not the type to [cdb]punish people for such trivial reasons.
  742. Our allies are nearly within reach! Clear out [cdb]the enemy soldiers in those strongholds!
  743. Ah, but it does my heart good to see you! Pray take care of my troops.
  744. Well met, my son. For the first time in my life, I thought my end had come for me.
  745. Yeah, I've never seen you in such bad shape. You look half-dead!
  746. It surprises me to see you among the ranks of [cdb]my rescuers.
  747. Do not be having the wrong idea. I am [cdb]helping the Empire, not you.
  748. I'm humbled you came for me personally, Your Majesty.
  749. You can thank me once we're clear of this [cdb]place. Now ready your troops for retreat.
  750. The siege is broken, men! Your courage [cdb]and perseverance have been rewarded!
  751. The way is open! Move as one, and defend [cdb]the count and his soldiers as we go!
  752. You think I'm just gonna let you slink out of [cdb]here? Ha! I'm already two steps ahead!
  753. Looks like we're up.
  754. They've cut off our escape and... Oh no. Look who's with them.
  755. We won't put a dent in Jeralt's company with [cdb]the numbers he has. I vote we rush Claude's [cdb]main position instead.
  756. We won't put a dent in Jeralt's company with [cdb]the numbers he has. I vote we rush Claude's [cdb]main position instead.
  757. It would indeed catch him by surprise— [cdb]but do we flank from the left or right?
  758. Either way, let's choose a path and clear out [cdb]anyone foolish enough to stand before us!
  759. Very well. We attack from that direction.
  760. So much for choosing which side to flank. It seems we must follow the count's lead.
  761. Her Majesty blazes the trail! Charge!
  762. This retreat is looking more and more like a [cdb]full-on assault... Stay with him, everyone!
  763. Hold on. Are they coming for us?!
  764. Her Majesty has given us a chance to escape! Rush the enemy and smash the Alliance [cdb]to splinters!
  765. I hope the count isn't doing what I think [cdb]he's doing... Everyone, stay with him!
  766. Wait, what? They're going the wrong way!
  767. Those madmen are trying to break right [cdb]through our main position...
  768. No Bergliez goes the long way round—we [cdb]smash through and make our own path!
  769. Is he nuts? That's not even a proper path... Is he just coming straight for us?!
  770. This strategy makes no sense at all, which is [cdb]exactly why I think it may work.
  771. We're nearly clear of the battlefield! Just one [cdb]more push and... Oh no.
  772. It won't do to have you slip our grasp now.
  773. It won't do to have you slip our grasp now.
  774. The Ashen Demon! Clever of Claude to keep [cdb]this little surprise for the moment it would [cdb]matter most...
  775. I'll handle the mercenary. The rest of you [cdb]press on! Don't stop, no matter what!
  776. You'll never get a better crack at the Alliance's [cdb]leadership, Your Majesty. Hit them with all [cdb]you have! Leave nothing on the battlefield!
  777. Count Bergliez is keeping the Ashen Demon [cdb]busy, which means now is our chance to strike [cdb]at Claude!
  778. The battle's lost if they've made it this far, but [cdb]maybe I can still take out an officer or two.
  779. So you're the one who's messing up all of my [cdb]clever plans!
  780. Hey, I just work here—but you're gonna make [cdb]a nice trophy for the emperor.
  781. Hey, I just work here—but you're gonna make [cdb]a nice trophy for the emperor.
  782. Claude, can't you just play nice until I achieve [cdb]what I set out to do?
  783. Funny—I was gonna ask you that. But I'm [cdb]guessing the answer's the same for both of us.
  784. While you never fail to surpass expectations, [cdb]it seems the element of surprise was with Count Bergliez today.
  785. Right? I hit the guy hard enough to break him [cdb]a dozen times over and he still kept coming. He's more nightmare than man!
  786. I'm sad it's come to this, Lorenz.
  787. And yet even as you speak those words, [cdb]you seek an opening to strike at me. I know [cdb]you well, Claude.
  788. Never too late to do the right thing, Ignatz. Come back to us.
  789. Stop trying to sway me, Claude! It's not [cdb]going to work!
  790. They've got me cornered! Better think fast...
  791. My work here is unfinished!
  792. My work here is unfinished!
  793. I can't hold this monster back forever. Forget [cdb]the Demon and take out the commander!
  794. That's all I can take... Let's see if our new [cdb]mercenary friend is worth all that gold.
  795. I must be getting old... Enough! I'm falling back!
  796. You handle things over there. We'll hunt [cdb]down the Imperials who escaped.
  797. You protect the main position! We'll go after [cdb]the Imperial soldiers who escaped!
  798. We have reinforcements watching the escape [cdb]route—they will hold Jeralt's Mercenaries [cdb]at bay.
  799. Which just leaves the Ashen Demon. We're [cdb]close to the finish now, so let's take whatever [cdb]time we need and do this right.
  800. That clash with Count Bergliez has left the Demon weary—this could be our best chance [cdb]to crush that pest for good.
  801. This didn't go how I expected, but I can [cdb]still do some damage.
  802. This didn't go how I expected, but I can [cdb]still do some damage.
  803. How many times have we fought now? Either way, this will be the last.
  804. How many times have we fought now? Either way, this will be the last.
  805. You're right about that. I'm not letting you [cdb]leave here alive, Ashen Demon!
  806. You're right about that. I'm not letting you [cdb]leave here alive, Ashen Demon!
  807. The Empire has grown strong...
  808. The Empire has grown strong...
  809. I might actually have to work for this one.
  810. I might actually have to work for this one.
  811. We've finally got that menace on the ropes. We can win this!
  812. This siege is coming apart at the seams... Deploy the reinforcements! Fill those gaps!
  813. They're trying to shore up areas where we've [cdb]thinned their ranks. Don't let that happen!
  814. Does the center still hold?
  815. Good, they're wide open. Push through! We must reach Count Bergliez!
  816. All right, you asked for it... Target their forts [cdb]and crush their reinforcements!
  817. They've got catapults! We have to stop 'em!
  818. So I don't want to panic anyone, but they're [cdb]still hurling boulders at us!
  819. Well, that was a delight. Maybe can we stop [cdb]and rest for a few here?
  820. They're trying to escape to the north! After them!
  821. Hmm? They're attacking the main position? But that's not... Urgh! I have to go help them!
  822. I can stand this no longer... I'm falling back!
  823. They make for the east... I can't let [cdb]them escape!
  824. They're avoiding us entirely and attacking the [cdb]main position instead. Looks like someone [cdb]over there has half a brain after all...
  825. Well, this was fun. I barely even got to stall [cdb]for time.
  826. Sorry to cut your escape short, friends.
  827. My name is Alois Rangeld, and by my honor [cdb]you will go no further!
  828. A detachment of white mages stands ready to [cdb]mend our wounded comrades.
  829. Now! Heal Count Bergliez's forces!
  830. Thank you!
  831. Now that our soldiers are away, we should [cdb]send the white mages with them.
  832. The count's soldiers we saved could be of great [cdb]use if we place them under his command.
  833. With this many troops, I can finally turn the [cdb]tide. Time to wipe the smug grin off that Alliance kid's face!
  834. If that's the escape plan, we're better off [cdb]keeping the numbers small instead of relying [cdb]on the count's men for aid.
  835. To think you would die when freedom was so [cdb]near at hand... I will avenge you!
  836. Pay attention! This will not be much of a [cdb]rescue if none of the count's troops are alive [cdb]at the end of it!
  837. I am undone... It was a joy and an honor... to serve you...
  838. They're dead... They're all dead... How could [cdb]we let this happen?
  839. Escape was within our grasp, too...
  840. Courage, everyone! Arianrhod is nearly ours! Keep pressing until we claim the main hall!
  841. The king's army is true to its reputation. Even I can only stall for so much time.
  842. They're closing in on the main hall. We must [cdb]help them, and quickly!
  843. Count Rowe values his life above all else. If they get a blade to his throat, the man will [cdb]betray us in a heartbeat.
  844. We must reach the main hall before Count Rowe is put in peril!
  845. Hmph! You call that fighting? The Gray Lion [cdb]has only begun to roar!
  846. So this is where I die? Heh... Very well! I stand ready for what comes!
  847. Time slips away from us. Move faster!
  848. Well, we avoided the worst outcome. That's a start.
  849. It seems victory is yours, Lord Gwendal.
  850. The Empire holds the advantage... Attention [cdb]all troops! We stand with Lady Edelgard! Put the king's forces to rout!
  851. My last battle was a fine one... I thank you for [cdb]the opportunity, Your Majesty.
  852. It is not too late to swear fealty—I've no desire [cdb]to take unnecessary lives.
  853. Gwendal, I have decided we fight for the king [cdb]after all. Help His Majesty drive those Imperial dogs back from whence they came!
  854. Why, my lord? How could you change sides [cdb]again after all my cautioning?
  855. The enemy controls the central gates, as well? How aggravating. This is clearly going to be a [cdb]multi-step process.
  856. First, we must use devices within the fortress [cdb]to gain access to the walls, where we will find [cdb]the devices that will open the central gates.
  857. So you're saying we should start by using the [cdb]two devices in front of the central gates.
  858. Ugh, why does this have to be so complicated?
  859. Maybe they call her the Silver Maiden because [cdb]our hair will be gray by the time we finish this.
  860. I'll take levers and switches over more soldiers [cdb]any day of the week.
  861. There. Now we can reach the other devices [cdb]that will open the central gates.
  862. I take no joy in battling old friends, but I have [cdb]a duty, and will see it through.
  863. I thought it might be you, Emile. This is... admittedly not the reunion I was hoping for.
  864. If you will not stand down, Constance, then I [cdb]am left with no choice.
  865. And here I was, so happy to see you again... Ah, the goddess delights in punishing my folly.
  866. So you've become an Imperial officer? What a [cdb]cruel twist fate throws at me this day.
  867. I don't want to fight you, either, Mercedes! But...that's just how it has to be.
  868. Don't make me kill you, Mercedes.
  869. Do you remember me, Mercedes?
  870. Of course. And while I've longed to see you [cdb]again, for it to happen under circumstances [cdb]like these is...heartbreaking.
  871. I must keep everyone safe...
  872. Please, Mercedes. No more.
  873. I never could bear to see you cry—not then, [cdb]and not now. Oh, very well...
  874. I'm so sorry... All I did was get in the way...
  875. Why, Mercedes? Why?
  876. Was this the best end destiny saw fit to grant [cdb]you, Mercedes?
  877. Forgive me, Mercedes... I will see you [cdb]avenged...personally!
  878. We must move on those gates! Time is [cdb]our enemy!
  879. The devices we're looking for are up on the [cdb]walls to the east and west!
  880. In the name of the king, the Empire must be [cdb]destroyed! All troops, advance!
  881. Reinforcements have arrived!
  882. Then we'll stop them! They can't be allowed to [cdb]interfere with the rescue!
  883. I'm counting on you, Randolph. Defend those [cdb]gates with your life!
  884. In the name of the Empire, you will not pass!
  885. I'm sorry, Randolph... I've got nothing left...
  886. It's all right, Fleche. I'll take care of this!
  887. Forgive me, Your Majesty. I've reached [cdb]my limit!
  888. You went above and beyond, Randolph. Leave the rest to us!
  889. One is down. One is to go!
  890. Finally. Now to breach the central gates.
  891. You will go no further.
  892. If Dedue is here, that means Dimitri is, too!
  893. Take your best shot.
  894. Dedue, I...
  895. Are you with us or not? If the latter, then face [cdb]me with all the courage you have.
  896. You won't get past me!
  897. Forgive me, Your Majesty...
  898. That takes care of their gatekeeper. We're nearly to the main hall now!
  899. So it's come to this, eh? So be it! Take our [cdb]remaining soldiers and cut the Imperial dogs [cdb]down where they stand!
  900. I am your knight to my dying breath, my lord!
  901. I see you've dug your grave. Now you can lie [cdb]in it!
  902. Come at me, you Adrestian whelps! Draw what blood you can from the Lion!
  903. There is no more frightening a foe than a lion [cdb]unafraid of death.
  904. No! I'm not ready to die! Someone, help!
  905. It wasn't...supposed to be like this...
  906. My lord may be gone, but my fealty will not [cdb]perish so easily.
  907. Well fought, whelps...
  908. Gwendal, no! What would you have me do?!
  909. To think you once had a place at our table... Such a shame.
  910. You've left me no choice. Every last one of you [cdb]shall meet your end here.
  911. So the blood of the King of Lions wants to [cdb]challenge me, eh? I might actually enjoy this.
  912. If the count has been struck down, I'll simply [cdb]crush the enemy by my own hand.
  913. Heh. Let us make this a clean fight.
  914. You must've kept busy to make such strides in [cdb]two short years.
  915. I could say the same for you. Now let's get [cdb]this over with.
  916. I could say the same for you. Now let's get [cdb]this over with.
  917. Come to offer me your head, Edelgard? How careless of you.
  918. I could say the same of you. Surely the [cdb]responsibility you bear is no less than mine.
  919. Few knights are truer than you, Ashe. I bade [cdb]you to keep living, and you have.
  920. Your Majesty... I prayed this day would [cdb]never come.
  921. Arianrhod is the linchpin of the west. If we [cdb]don't retake it... No! We must retake it!
  922. We are at a breaking point. All forces, [cdb]fall back!
  923. Move, Your Majesty! I will guard your escape!
  924. That will not be necessary, Dedue. Stay with [cdb]our king and live on.
  925. Swear that you will return to us, Ingrid. I could not bear to lose you.
  926. Bring victory to Faerghus, Your Majesty.
  927. So long as I stand, you will not threaten the [cdb]future of Faerghus, nor cause any of my [cdb]friends and allies harm!
  928. It seems all the dreams and ideals you regaled [cdb]me with aren't worth the dust under your feet.
  929. I'm sorry, Ingrid. But I can't turn back now.
  930. I have been weak... I have been unready... But I can still atone by giving the two of them [cdb]a chance to escape!
  931. Please, young mistress! Surrender! Your life [cdb]hangs by a thread!
  932. I know what's at stake. If I am struck down, [cdb]deliver this magic lance to His Majesty.
  933. Is the king...safe? Good. Then I've done [cdb]what I set out to do...
  934. She laid down her life to protect Dimitri, [cdb]and proved loyal to the very end.
  935. The main gates are closed. We could circle [cdb]around from the left or right, but...
  936. But the ground along those routes is filled [cdb]with traps. We'll have to do this the smart way [cdb]and use the gates.
  937. The devices on the walls to the east and west [cdb]will allow us to open the main gate.
  938. This place is a serious pain. Why can't the [cdb]route to the main hall just be a straight line?!
  939. The main gates are open. What now?
  940. I'll hold the area around the gates, Your Majesty! You keep going!
  941. We can do this, Randolph. None will get [cdb]past us!
  942. It seems we may be able to disarm the traps [cdb]within the fortress.
  943. We must pass over those traps if we are to [cdb]reach the main hall as swiftly as possible. Can they be disarmed?
  944. I saw another device like this on the other side [cdb]of the wall. Let's disable it!
  945. I think there are more devices we can disable [cdb]at the far ends of the east and west walls!
  946. We'd be out of our minds to walk through a [cdb]bunch of traps. Let's disable them already!
  947. Now we can advance safely.
  948. We finally have the advantage! Let's work on [cdb]securing the rest of the fortress!
  949. Arianrhod has nearly been brought to heel.
  950. We'll never get anywhere with that device [cdb]until we deal with the soldiers around it.
  951. Eep! Spikes just came out of the ground! Everyone, stay away from the pointy bits!
  952. We will not get far with these traps.
  953. Are you here to help? Thank you.
  954. Ashe, you came for me... Can you ever forgive [cdb]your wretch of a father?
  955. What's to forgive? You're safe, and that's all [cdb]that matters.
  956. Shall we call on Castle Gaspard's militia? They've been posing as civilians, and should [cdb]be near the main hall now.
  957. Lord Lonato, we've come to help! We fight [cdb]with the Empire!
  958. Then I welcome you! We will claim victory!
  959. That should buy the main hall some time.
  960. We missed our chance to use the militia.
  961. If we want to slow the enemy, we must put as [cdb]many troops by the main hall as we can.
  962. Hey, weren't there hidden stairs that lead from [cdb]the east and west walls down to the fortress [cdb]grounds?
  963. Now we can send troops in from the walls. Time to make the Kingdom sweat!
  964. Because of you, we have defended Arianrhod [cdb]and many of the Empire's loyal vassals.
  965. I thank you for your valor.
  966. Yet sadly, despite our best efforts, Count Rowe [cdb]and too many others perished.
  967. This is most painful indeed.
  968. That was Shamir, which means the attackers...
  969. They must be the Knights of Seiros's assassins! We must protect Her Majesty with everything [cdb]we have!
  970. Lady Edelgard, I must ask that you remain in [cdb]the throne room where it will be easier to [cdb]defend you and predict enemy movements.
  971. And as your protection will require my full [cdb]attention, I will remain here at your side.
  972. Stop the enemy incursion! Seal off those entry [cdb]points before reinforcements arrive!
  973. It was careless to be allowing assassins inside. We must exterminate them with much haste!
  974. Good. Just a little more and we'll retake this [cdb]section of the palace.
  975. We were holed up nice and safe until they [cdb]came barging in...
  976. We have cut off their ingress. Now we just [cdb]have to stamp out what enemies remain [cdb]inside the palace.
  977. Peace, good intruder! I assure you, I'm no [cdb]fighter!
  978. Says the wolf in sheep's clothes. But sure. Whatever. Where's the emperor?
  979. You're not my target, which means you're [cdb]wasting my time.
  980. Aren't you the princess of Brigid? You serve the Empire?
  981. I am serving Brigid, and Brigid is standing [cdb]with the Empire!
  982. Ah, Linhardt. It seems you're actually willing [cdb]to work when the emperor's life is on the line.
  983. Could you imagine the headaches if she died? Not that you don't already work every second [cdb]of the day.
  984. I can't waste another minute.
  985. Slippery creature... Let's stay on guard.
  986. Over here! More intruders!
  987. The palace still teems with enemies. Crush them all!
  988. Is there even one room I can be alone?
  989. These aren't assassins... They're an army!
  990. That takes care of the rabble, which leaves us [cdb]with the true problem at hand.
  991. You will not escape our clutches this time.
  992. They're really keeping the heat on. All right, [cdb]time for another approach.
  993. Enough of this! It seems clear the enemy [cdb]won't come out of hiding until I do.
  994. That may be true, Your Majesty, but is it wise [cdb]to place yourself in such peril?
  995. Caught one. Do it!
  996. Hmph! It's a trap!
  997. Heh. That should do for now.
  998. It's brave of you to try and lure us out... but such courage will cost you your life!
  999. Thunder Catherine?! It seems Rhea is not [cdb]playing around.
  1000. No mercy to the archbishop's enemies!
  1001. Wow, I get to fight Thunder Catherine? Guess I'll actually have to try this time!
  1002. If seeing this sword doesn't frighten you, [cdb]then perhaps you need to feel it.
  1003. You fight well.
  1004. You're taking a beating, Catherine—but don't [cdb]worry. I've got your back.
  1005. It is strange, Shamir. I heard you quit the Knights of Seiros, yet here you are.
  1006. Well, someone's done their research. But yeah, I'm just another mercenary now.
  1007. Then let me make you an offer. Come work [cdb]for us, and we will spare Catherine's life.
  1008. Don't listen to him, Shamir!
  1009. Should've known I couldn't do this without [cdb]you, partner. Now come on—nobody can [cdb]stop us if we fight together!
  1010. Even the two of us isn't enough...
  1011. I can't take any more of this...
  1012. Shamir, stand down and find a place to rest! I'll handle this!
  1013. Run, Catherine. I'm staying.
  1014. Don't make me drag you out of here, Shamir!
  1015. Go before I kill you myself!
  1016. Damn it!
  1017. Good. We have a contract.
  1018. Fall back, Catherine! I'll take care of them.
  1019. Ngh, fine! But you'd better be right behind [cdb]me if things turn grim!
  1020. Stupid. If I try to run...they'll go after [cdb]you, too...
  1021. Catherine... Run...while you can...
  1022. Shamir! No!
  1023. The enemy is trying to seize the fire orbs!
  1024. If they succeed, they'll be able to target Her Majesty! We can't let that happen!
  1025. Whew! We secured the fire orbs.
  1026. Not good. We're sitting ducks now!
  1027. I'll claim the emperor's head myself!
  1028. That enemy poses a nasty threat. Dispatch her [cdb]at once!
  1029. If you've come for me, I'll make you regret it!
  1030. That was too close. We'd best stay on our [cdb]guard, Your Majesty.
  1031. Everyone, to me! I will warp you to the [cdb]emperor's hiding place!
  1032. Well, that can't be good. He's going to use [cdb]magic to send in attackers.
  1033. The enemy intends to send in reinforcements [cdb]via magic. This cannot be allowed!
  1034. I'm glad we took care of those reinforcements. The last thing I want is more work!
  1035. You stopped the reinforcements. Well done.
  1036. Warp magic? And now I find myself [cdb]surrounded...
  1037. We have to help Her Majesty! Even she can't [cdb]hold out against such numbers!
  1038. The skies were meant to be secure. Now I am [cdb]doubly certain we have a traitor in our midst.
  1039. They've broken through! You must hurry to Her Majesty's side!
  1040. Fine work clipping their wings.
  1041. My lord, we stand ready to warp the [cdb]emperor back to the throne room upon [cdb]your command.
  1042. Do it.
  1043. As you wish. Use the magic!
  1044. Nicely timed. Thank you, Minister Hevring.
  1045. I see there is no depth the church will not [cdb]sink to... I must do something!
  1046. This will not be my resting place! It can't be!
  1047. The threat has been quelled, but we allowed [cdb]them far too much leeway. This situation [cdb]calls for careful reflection.
  1048. Still, you saved my life, which means my path [cdb]for the future remains intact. Thank you.
  1049. What? No!
  1050. Our enemy has placed Baron Mateus front [cdb]and center, while Jeralt's Mercenaries are over [cdb]with the main position.
  1051. We have no option but to defeat the enemy [cdb]commander, Rodrigue. Anything beyond that, [cdb]however, requires careful consideration.
  1052. It will take time to ready a path to the shoal. Until then, let us begin by attacking the plain [cdb]to the west.
  1053. The Empire is here! No! I'm too young to die!
  1054. Now there's a pitiful man. You're the lord of [cdb]these lands! Show some pride!
  1055. Loose your arrows! Kill anyone who dares [cdb]approach me!
  1056. The enemy is clearly desperate. Though, those [cdb]projectiles will admittedly slow us down.
  1057. I can't believe it's come to this...
  1058. No! I refuse to perish on this wretched [cdb]excuse for a battlefield!
  1059. I'm...surrounded. I beg you, stay your hand! I happily surrender!
  1060. I trust the man roughly as far as I can hurl [cdb]him, but we may find a use for him later.
  1061. Why did this...happen...
  1062. We might have wrung surrender out of him [cdb]had he lived. But...ah, well. Done is done.
  1063. Shore up your defenses! Do not permit the [cdb]enemy to break through!
  1064. If we take down the strongholds surrounding [cdb]the baron, we might convince him to lay down [cdb]his arms.
  1065. Ha! Who are these wimps?
  1066. Anyone mind if I hide out in one of these?
  1067. Our swift strikes will be shaking the [cdb]enemy's spirit!
  1068. Good. We've decimated the enemy's [cdb]forward position.
  1069. The emperor's roster shames the rest of us. I must find a way to distinguish myself!
  1070. Continue to the northwest! And finish that [cdb]path to the shoal!
  1071. Hmph, I knew the baron wasn't up to the task. We'll have to forestall the enemy ourselves. Move out and attack!
  1072. So far, so good—though I'm prepared for [cdb]something to go horrifically wrong any [cdb]minute now.
  1073. I'm all for exercising caution, Lin, but could [cdb]you not be such a wet blanket?
  1074. We will soon control the area!
  1075. Good, Alois's reinforcements have arrived. Might you go help our soldiers in the [cdb]northwest, young mercenary?
  1076. Consider it done.
  1077. Consider it done.
  1078. We're getting beaten back. I can't leave this [cdb]position undefended.
  1079. We're getting beaten back. I can't leave this [cdb]position undefended.
  1080. I said I'd hand them a victory, and I'm not [cdb]going to back down now!
  1081. That's Yuri! Hold on—let me try and talk [cdb]some sense into him.
  1082. He's at least semi-reasonable. If we can pin [cdb]him down, I think he'll listen.
  1083. Oh look, a newcomer. See that he is [cdb]dealt with.
  1084. Please tell me you're not pointing that thing at [cdb]my beautiful face.
  1085. Hmm...and here I thought I'd feel something. I might actually kill you this time.
  1086. Kill me? Wait, who are you again?!
  1087. Yuri! What are the odds?
  1088. Oh, great. The Shady Lady. You're the last [cdb]person I wanted to run into out here.
  1089. So what do you say, Yuri? Wanna finish what [cdb]we started?
  1090. Heh, sounds good. Bring it on!
  1091. Seeing as I don't wanna fight you, Yuri-bird, [cdb]what say we call this whole thing off?
  1092. Hey, I don't want to fight you either—but [cdb]when I take a job, I always see it through.
  1093. Would you stop being so pathetic? I know you [cdb]don't really wanna die here!
  1094. I've heard of you, Yuri. Perhaps we can forge [cdb]a new arrangement that benefits us both.
  1095. Well, when you put it that way, I guess I would [cdb]prefer not to get butchered.
  1096. I really blew it this time... Sorry, guys... Sorry, mom.
  1097. I must stop the enemy here!
  1098. I must stop the enemy here!
  1099. We've cleared a way to the shoal! We can [cdb]attack from the east now!
  1100. Finally. Form a pincer and bear down on Rodrigue's position from both sides!
  1101. I won't last long trying to hold them off from [cdb]two directions.
  1102. Rodrigue's in danger. I'd better go back.
  1103. Rodrigue's in danger. I'd better go back.
  1104. I have to convince the Empire I'm worth [cdb]keeping around... Destroy the bridge and cut [cdb]the mercenaries off from the main force!
  1105. I have to convince the Empire I'm worth [cdb]keeping around... Destroy the bridge and [cdb]isolate the main force!
  1106. The bridge! I can't get back to Rodrigue!
  1107. The bridge! I can't get back to Rodrigue!
  1108. The bridge is down! We've been cut off from Lord Rodrigue and the others!
  1109. We've come to help, Lord Rodrigue!
  1110. And not a moment too soon... Let's show them [cdb]the steel Faerghus is made of!
  1111. Here for me? You must be eager to die.
  1112. Please stand down, Lord Rodrigue. I've no [cdb]desire to take your life.
  1113. Would that I could obey. You were a true [cdb]ally once...but this is what must be done.
  1114. I wish our paths hadn't crossed. I'm not even [cdb]worthy to look you in the eye.
  1115. You left the Kingdom for your father's sake, [cdb]boy. There's no shame in that.
  1116. So my luck's run dry, eh? Then I will go out [cdb]with the same ferocity Lambert would!
  1117. Give me strength, Lambert!
  1118. Forgive me, Felix... Protect His Majesty... and Faerghus...
  1119. I'm too late...
  1120. I'm too late...
  1121. The enemy commander has been defeated! Grant no quarter to any soldiers who refuse [cdb]to surrender!
  1122. Alois has arrived—better late than never!
  1123. None of you knaves shall pass!
  1124. I bear you no ill will, but it was your choice to [cdb]come within striking distance!
  1125. You left the knights, Alois? That's a surprise.
  1126. I could say the same of your sudden departure. But regardless, here we stand as enemies.
  1127. Ha! Is that really the best you can do? Well, [cdb]it'll take more than that!
  1128. Oof, that's one beating too many. I leave the [cdb]rest to you!
  1129. I don't care who you are. You go no further.
  1130. I don't care who you are. You go no further.
  1131. There's no avoiding a fight with the Ashen Demon now.
  1132. I'm taking as many of you down as I can.
  1133. I'm taking as many of you down as I can.
  1134. I'm here to end you for good!
  1135. I'm here to end you for good!
  1136. Then do it...if you can.
  1137. Then do it...if you can.
  1138. I've never faced a challenge like this...
  1139. I've never faced a challenge like this...
  1140. I can still win this... Hngh! No, not again! I have to get out of here.
  1141. I can still win this... Hngh! No, not again! I have to get out of here.
  1142. I'm happy to see the Demon flee, but that [cdb]erratic behavior concerns me.
  1143. I leave to take care of one backup squad and [cdb]come back to this? What a mess.
  1144. Time to send a few of you to the grave before Rodrigue gets lonely!
  1145. Well, now we know what happened to our [cdb]reinforcements.
  1146. I don't remember agreeing to take the rear. I'll have to charge double for this.
  1147. The Ashen Demon might've gotten away, [cdb]but you'll make a fine substitute!
  1148. The Ashen Demon might've gotten away, [cdb]but you'll make a fine substitute!
  1149. Stronger folks than you have tried and failed [cdb]to claim the Blade Breaker's head.
  1150. My arm... That's not good.
  1151. Too late to get away now...
  1152. It did not take long for the enemy to spot our [cdb]engineers. We should stage a rescue if we can.
  1153. We intend to use their talents to ravage the [cdb]battlefield with devastating magic.
  1154. Without them, the power of our magical salvo [cdb]will be greatly diminished.
  1155. Their absence will completely alter the tide [cdb]of battle. Rescuing them should be our [cdb]top priority.
  1156. Thanks for the rescue!
  1157. Good! Keep it up!
  1158. It appears all the engineers are safe. Now we [cdb]can truly make the battlefield sizzle.
  1159. They're all safe. Nice job!
  1160. I'm done for...
  1161. This is going to put a severe damper on [cdb]our plans.
  1162. Oh no! There goes our magical support!
  1163. An enemy detachment from the rear?
  1164. Take them out now! We can't afford the risk!
  1165. Oh, thank you! I wish I had your strength!
  1166. The enemy ambush has been eradicated.
  1167. Rodrigue has been cut off. Move in and strike [cdb]before the mercenaries can rejoin him!
  1168. No! This is our chance to kill the Ashen Demon—there's no one to interfere!
  1169. I have to reach the commander as soon [cdb]as possible.
  1170. I have to reach the commander as soon [cdb]as possible.
  1171. That stronghold went down like... Uh oh. Incoming!
  1172. The Demon is too speedy! We are not having [cdb]enough time!
  1173. Nothing's stopping the Demon! We're going [cdb]to run out of time!
  1174. Right in the nick of time. I'll take it from here.
  1175. Right in the nick of time. I'll take it from here.
  1176. Thank you. I'll return once I've got my [cdb]wind back.
  1177. I come bearing reinforcements. Now go and [cdb]help your comrades!
  1178. We have nothing to fear from that rabble. Now remain calm and take the stronghold.
  1179. The Empire will not be impeded!
  1180. We have hidden sorcery engineers in this area [cdb]who are preparing a fearsome magic that will [cdb]lay waste to our foes.
  1181. Now! Send your lightning crashing across [cdb]the battlefield!
  1182. Gagh!
  1183. What horrible thunder... This sounds like a [cdb]job for Alois!
  1184. As we have control of the area, our engineers [cdb]are no longer needed.
  1185. Our support troops have arrived. If we send [cdb]them to the strongholds, it will give our units [cdb]there a powerful advantage.
  1186. Do it!
  1187. I won't be bested while Fleche still needs me!
  1188. Hold on, Randolph! I'll protect you!
  1189. Is that the worst you can do? I barely felt it!
  1190. Fleche, no! It's too dangerous! Come with me [cdb]and we'll withdraw from the front lines!
  1191. I leave to take care of one backup squad and [cdb]come back to this? What a mess.
  1192. Rodrigue is slain and the Kingdom put to [cdb]rout. Will you and your mercenaries yield?
  1193. I see no other choice.
  1194. I see no other choice.
  1195. Victory is ours! Friends and loyal soldiers, [cdb]raise your voices loud!
  1196. As we thought, they've made Baron Dominic [cdb]their figurehead because of his blood ties to [cdb]the Ten Elites.
  1197. But frankly, his lineage is of no concern to me. Your orders are to breach the castle, find him, [cdb]and cut him down.
  1198. Do take care not to forge too far ahead, now. It would be disastrous if the enemy were to [cdb]seize our main base.
  1199. We will begin by eliminating the troops [cdb]outside the castle. Split up and take control [cdb]of those strongholds!
  1200. Each of the officers on guard is specialized [cdb]differently, so we must think carefully about [cdb]who best to send where.
  1201. Why won't you just give up already?!
  1202. Yeah, that's how it's done! One to go!
  1203. Yes, that thinned the castle perimeter nicely. Now we must find a way to—
  1204. Help! It's a bloodbath out here! Let us in, [cdb]we beg you!
  1205. I can't leave those people out there to die. Open the gates!
  1206. Yes, throw the gates wide—let that bleeding [cdb]heart get the best of you!
  1207. No one will ravage these lands while I still [cdb]draw breath. I will lay the lot of you low!
  1208. I must buy as much time as I can...
  1209. That is all the fight I have left in me—I pray it [cdb]was enough, my brother.
  1210. Our preparations are complete! Begin the [cdb]counterattack at once!
  1211. So the enemy still has warriors with spirit, [cdb]do they? Good! Let us give them a fight to [cdb]remember!
  1212. They have both of our flanks. Split up and [cdb]eliminate them before they cause any real [cdb]trouble.
  1213. I never wanted this bloodshed, but now there [cdb]is no stopping it.
  1214. The day has come to repay the debt my lineage [cdb]owes the royal family. And should the cost be [cdb]my life, so be it!
  1215. There's no escape... Goddess above, I beg you [cdb]to watch over the people of Faerghus...
  1216. My strength flees... The rest is in your hands...
  1217. Show yourself, Baron Dominic! Surrender, [cdb]and I will spare your life!
  1218. My life means nothing if I must spend the rest [cdb]of it facing my people in shame! I will not [cdb]abandon them in their time of need!
  1219. I will not suffer you to lay a hand on [cdb]my brother!
  1220. I was commanded to return alive...and so help [cdb]me, I intend to obey!
  1221. Brother... Your Majesty... I pray you deliver [cdb]our Kingdom to peace...
  1222. Father, no! Fine then...I will finish what you [cdb]started!
  1223. She wields a Hero's Relic. If we strip her of it, [cdb]it could serve us well in the future.
  1224. I knew someone would reveal that passage. Well, this is as far as you go!
  1225. I promised to defend this castle, and I will— [cdb]no matter who I have to face!
  1226. Mercie, how could you? You're my best friend!
  1227. I'm so sorry, Annie...
  1228. Is this really what you want, Ashe? You got [cdb]your dream, and now you're throwing it away?
  1229. Becoming a knight was one thing, but it turns [cdb]out living up to the ideal is a lot harder.
  1230. The others are out here risking life and limb, [cdb]and I can't let them down!
  1231. I told you not to put yourself in danger, Annette!
  1232. I'm sorry, Father... I did everything in my [cdb]power, but it just...wasn't enough.
  1233. Oh, dear Annette... Not you as well. How will I [cdb]ever tell your mother?
  1234. I can't fall here... I'd be the laughingstock of [cdb]my entire bloodline...
  1235. Annette, no! Look what they've done to you!
  1236. You came for me, Father? I'm...so happy...
  1237. I'll never let you come to harm again. Here, [cdb]this way. You must hurry to safety.
  1238. Forgive me, Your Majesty... May your reign [cdb]be long and glorious...
  1239. Alas, poor Gustave... And now I, too, go to [cdb]battle for the last time.
  1240. Though our fates may be sealed, we will fight [cdb]to the very last!
  1241. Such pointless resistance. Seize the remaining [cdb]strongholds and let us nip this problem in the [cdb]bud once and for all.
  1242. You will pay for the blood you have spilled [cdb]this day!
  1243. For my house and my liege!
  1244. You'll have to do better than that to best a [cdb]warrior of Faerghus!
  1245. Is everything prepared? All of our hopes rest [cdb]on this strategy!
  1246. Now! Drive the Empire into the dirt!
  1247. The enemy is targeting us with their ballistae, Your Majesty! We must respond!
  1248. We need to eliminate the other ballista before [cdb]this thing really gets out of hand.
  1249. It always ends this way for villains who try to [cdb]harm Her Majesty!
  1250. We've underestimated our foes... Send word to Duke Ifan and Count Charon and have them [cdb]send reinforcements!
  1251. Every messenger must be silenced. This is the [cdb]way of battles.
  1252. Well, I'm certainly glad we won't have to deal [cdb]with those reinforcements.
  1253. That should crush the enemy's hopes for a [cdb]comeback. Her Majesty will be so happy!
  1254. By the command of Duke Ifan, we will retake [cdb]this battlefield or perish in the attempt!
  1255. Fresh troops to the east and west? Hmph. Go reward their recalcitrance with a sound [cdb]thrashing, will you?
  1256. Seize every last enemy position! Brook [cdb]no resistance!
  1257. It's just Baron Dominic left to deal with. Let's [cdb]end this thing and go home already!
  1258. It's just Baron Dominic left to deal with. Let's [cdb]end this thing and go home already!
  1259. Slay those messengers! We cannot permit them [cdb]to summon reinforcements.
  1260. Deploy the reserves! Don't let those [cdb]messengers slip through!
  1261. We failed to stop the messengers... All units, [cdb]brace for reinforcements!
  1262. The tides of battle have shifted. We will have [cdb]to hold our reserves back for some other task.
  1263. According to our intelligence, there is a secret [cdb]passage in the area that can help us gain the [cdb]upper hand.
  1264. Excellent! This should catch the enemy off [cdb]guard. Now, let us see where it leads...
  1265. Hmph. That secret passage is useless now.
  1266. Our main base is taking a beating—we must [cdb]be more careful!
  1267. Our main base is about to fall! Return and [cdb]defend it at once!
  1268. Well fought, everyone! This will deal a [cdb]crushing blow to the Kingdom!
  1269. Our campaign is not over. But for now, [cdb]we celebrate!
  1270. They got the main base! We lost...
  1271. They got the main base! We lost...
  1272. This is a rescue first and foremost. We must [cdb]save the townsfolk from danger, as well as the [cdb]brave fighters defending them!
  1273. Remember, the perpetrators of this atrocity [cdb]may be hiding amidst the chaos. If you find [cdb]them, they are to be shown no mercy.
  1274. To protect the evacuees, we must defend this [cdb]shelter at all costs. Stay on your guards.
  1275. How many of these ruffians are there? I can't protect everyone forever!
  1276. Professor Hanneman is in trouble! Hurry! We can't afford to lose him!
  1277. Captain, you came to help—and you brought [cdb]the Empire with you!
  1278. You did well, Leonie. It's time we fight [cdb]together.
  1279. The Empire is here to help!
  1280. I'd rather die than accept aid from the people [cdb]who killed Captain Jeralt...but the townsfolk [cdb]need you, so I'll put my feelings aside!
  1281. I never doubted you would come.
  1282. Are you here to rescue me personally, Manuela? What an exceptional surprise!
  1283. I do have a heart, you know!
  1284. I must find a way to endure...
  1285. Well, that was certainly close. I am much [cdb]obliged for your assistance.
  1286. Thank goodness we got to Professor Hanneman in time.
  1287. Professor Hanneman... This loss will cost [cdb]us dearly.
  1288. This has been a fine place to conduct business. Keep at it, friends! There's coin to be made!
  1289. He must be the one leading the bandits... Time to dole out some justice!
  1290. That must be the bandits' leader. We should [cdb]deal with him as swiftly as possible.
  1291. What? No, I'm not him! You've got the wrong... Fine, have it your way!
  1292. That double I planted turned out to be a [cdb]stroke of genius! Now to take my leave while [cdb]the taking is still good.
  1293. Wait, so the other guy was a fake? No fair! You'll pay for that!
  1294. A thief with a double? He is craftier than I [cdb]gave him credit for. Do not let him slip away!
  1295. Open up! Open up, I say! This is not what [cdb]we agreed to, so open up right now!
  1296. Dear me, it seems the rats have had a falling [cdb]out. Shall we go put him out of his misery?
  1297. Wait! I'm just a passing merchant! I'm not... Eek! Well, it was worth a try.
  1298. I've seen that rogue before. Wasn't he one of [cdb]the merchants who frequented Garreg Mach?
  1299. Please, someone help me!
  1300. Hehehe! Kill that man and strip his bones [cdb]of whatever you can find.
  1301. There's trouble to the east. Hurry! We haven't [cdb]a moment to lose!
  1302. You do realize you're dead now, yes?
  1303. Heartless monster! You'll pay for this!
  1304. Save your breath—you'll need it to scream as I [cdb]tear your limbs from your body!
  1305. That man may be depraved, but orchestrating [cdb]all of this is beyond his meager capability. Our [cdb]true enemy is those who slither in the dark.
  1306. Is this...poison? You cowards laced your [cdb]weapons!
  1307. Leonie has been poisoned! Bring her to the [cdb]shelter for treatment at once!
  1308. Thank you...
  1309. I don't think I'm gonna make it...
  1310. Lower the bridge so you might be able to [cdb]cross more easily.
  1311. Sorry for the trouble. If I survive this, can I [cdb]fight with you?
  1312. There is always a place for a gifted ally such as [cdb]yourself.
  1313. This is a tricky poison indeed... And while I'm [cdb]no specialist, I will do everything in my power.
  1314. I finally found you, Captain, but it's too late...
  1315. Leonie... Someone will pay for this...
  1316. It's Leonie, right? Look, you've done enough. Come with me and let's get you looked at.
  1317. It's Leonie, right? Look, you've done enough. Come with me and let's get you looked at.
  1318. I don't need pity from murderers!
  1319. I should've known these thugs would serve as [cdb]little more than bait.
  1320. My name is Solon, and I am the savior of this [cdb]beast-infested world!
  1321. Ah, look. There is our true enemy. First we [cdb]will break this magic, then we will break the [cdb]man himself.
  1322. Slowing down... But I have to keep fighting...
  1323. I'm sorry, Captain... I did my best...
  1324. I'm sorry, Captain... I tried, but I couldn't...
  1325. That takes care of the barriers. Now we need [cdb]only deal with that mage.
  1326. Do not make the foolish mistake of trying to [cdb]take the man alive. Solon must be struck down [cdb]here and now!
  1327. I will brook no interference from beasts!
  1328. I must know how you came by those powers!
  1329. It seems our adversaries know something [cdb]about us after all.
  1330. Now you will pay for the horrors you visited [cdb]on House Ordelia!
  1331. Ignorant lab rat! Squander your short life [cdb]if you must!
  1332. Thales needn't trouble himself with the likes [cdb]of you. I will end your life myself.
  1333. You will rue the day you slithered into [cdb]the light.
  1334. The woman cursed by flame... Here to exact [cdb]your revenge, are you?
  1335. Nothing so petty. You stand in my path to [cdb]conquest, and so shall be burned away.
  1336. I see trifling with you was a mistake.
  1337. Is anyone there? We need help!
  1338. No nobleman worth his salt can ignore the [cdb]cries of citizens in danger!
  1339. Thank you! That was too close.
  1340. Goddess help us!
  1341. Excellent! All the citizens are safe.
  1342. We may have failed to save them all, but we [cdb]did the best we could.
  1343. We failed to save even a single citizen! This is [cdb]a disgrace to my noble name...
  1344. Carry the loot to safety, and be quick about it!
  1345. How dare they steal from the people!
  1346. Those villains are trying to make away with [cdb]the valuables they stole. We must not allow it!
  1347. Now we can make sure this plunder is [cdb]returned to its rightful owners.
  1348. The villains have been smote and the stolen [cdb]property reclaimed. Justice wins again!
  1349. We did it, boss! This plunder'll make us all [cdb]rich as kings!
  1350. Now we'll never get the valuables back...
  1351. The villains escaped and we lost the stolen [cdb]property? How utterly frustrating!
  1352. There are still people under attack. We must [cdb]be giving them assistance!
  1353. Some of the residents have been left behind. We should try to help as many as we can!
  1354. I owe you my life. Thank you.
  1355. I...I was going to be married next month...
  1356. All the people have been saved. Now we can [cdb]be returning to the task at hand.
  1357. Is that everyone? Yay! We did it!
  1358. We failed to save them all, but the battle must [cdb]be continuing.
  1359. Some of the citizens didn't make it, but we [cdb]have to stay focused.
  1360. We let them all die... I hope they have [cdb]forgiveness for us.
  1361. We didn't save any of the citizens? I'm so sorry...
  1362. Fresh enemy soldiers are attacking the shelter!
  1363. Of course they would strike where we are [cdb]most vulnerable... To arms! We must defend [cdb]the shelter or all is for naught!
  1364. The shelter is safe—and hopefully the enemy is [cdb]out of such tricks.
  1365. I see a good crossing point. Might we be able [cdb]to construct a bridge there?
  1366. Good thing we collected all those materials. Build a makeshift bridge! Quickly!
  1367. Having quelled the threat, I see no further [cdb]need for a bridge.
  1368. The militia is offering to help. On your [cdb]command, I will dispatch them to defend [cdb]the shelter.
  1369. Order the militia to protect the evacuees!
  1370. We're being overrun! Send help!
  1371. We can't hold out much longer, Your Majesty!
  1372. So be it. Another chance will present itself [cdb]ere long...
  1373. Hmph! We knew he would try to escape, [cdb]yet still we cannot stop him!
  1374. This should put an end to the disturbance [cdb]in town. You all fought bravely.
  1375. They overran the shelter? Then that's it. The town is lost.
  1376. A Demonic Beast, eh? I wager they have been [cdb]quite eager to spring this little surprise on us.
  1377. We can't allow any more damage to the town. We must eliminate the monster ourselves.
  1378. Wasn't there a drawbridge over to the east? We should take Leonie that way to be safe.
  1379. Watch yourselves! This menace will not go [cdb]down so easily.
  1380. Oh c'mon, bigger doesn't mean stronger! We can definitely take it!
  1381. We have come a long way together, and this [cdb]fell creature is no match for us!
  1382. Thank goodness. We no longer have to worry [cdb]about the town being demolished.
  1383. Enemy soldiers have breached our [cdb]fortifications! To arms! Defend the glory [cdb]of the Empire!
  1384. They've seen through our ruse already... Prepare to take the fortress!
  1385. Our detachment is safely inside, but we should [cdb]wait to see how the enemy responds before we [cdb]deploy them.
  1386. Start by seizing the inner ward.
  1387. These mercenaries are no better than [cdb]common bandits! How could my father [cdb]make a deal with such a pack of rogues?
  1388. Looks like they're here—and once we kill 'em [cdb]all, we'll have more riches than we know what [cdb]to do with! Bwahaha!
  1389. Ack! Look out! Somebody do some crowd [cdb]control or something!
  1390. Looks like this ain't your lucky day.
  1391. I should've expected an ambush—we used to [cdb]play hide-and-seek here all the time!
  1392. This is going well—almost too well. Is Aegir [cdb]truly so short-handed?
  1393. That barrier was formed with dark magic. We must eliminate the caster in order to pass.
  1394. They only delay the inevitable.
  1395. This shady magic business just doesn't do [cdb]much for me.
  1396. I care not if it's magic walls or what have you. If you get in the way of Her Majesty, you [cdb]will pay!
  1397. Pathetic fools! And to think I was entertaining [cdb]the idea of letting you scamper away.
  1398. So I've been defanged...
  1399. They got him? I do not appreciate that!
  1400. What was that attack?!
  1401. They possess a magic construct!
  1402. Ahahaha! I give you...the Viskam! I hope you [cdb]like being roasted alive, because that's exactly [cdb]what's about to happen to you.
  1403. We would be fools to try and force our way [cdb]through this. The time has come to call upon [cdb]our detachment.
  1404. That thing will hamper our advance, but [cdb]maybe the detachment can do something [cdb]about it.
  1405. A weapon of that scale is certain to be [cdb]controlled by some kind of device.
  1406. The enemy's here! Kill them all!
  1407. The construct is still operational—there must [cdb]be a second device. Keep looking!
  1408. It didn't work! There must be another device [cdb]controlling that weapon...
  1409. Who gave these wretches leave to scurry in? Exterminate them!
  1410. Well, we've smashed their little toy—let's see [cdb]what their next move will be.
  1411. But Thales gave me that... Ooh, I am so mad [cdb]at you right now!
  1412. That's it! I'm going to rip you apart myself!
  1413. The bad news is that you're going to die. The good news is that you won't be alone!
  1414. Hey! Why can you wield that power, huh? Who even are you?!
  1415. Why don't you tell me? You seem to know [cdb]more than enough about it already.
  1416. Why don't you tell me? You seem to know [cdb]more than enough about it already.
  1417. Well, well! If it isn't Monica! Tell me, what [cdb]kind of mush-for-brains comes crawling back [cdb]to the woman who almost killed her?
  1418. So I'm to have my revenge today, am I? Oh. Her Majesty is far too kind!
  1419. You aggravating little worm!
  1420. No... This is wrong... I can't die...
  1421. I never expected much from those shifty [cdb]vermin, and here I am with the cold embrace [cdb]of the grave hovering at my shoulder.
  1422. I thought our victory was assured! How could [cdb]everything have gone so wrong?!
  1423. There is naught left but to resist with all our [cdb]might. Help me push them back!
  1424. The writing is on the wall, but those fools [cdb]would sooner perish than admit it.
  1425. Arm the fire orbs! We'll rain death down [cdb]upon them from above!
  1426. Fire orbs? Those must be new. A little [cdb]gauche, if you ask me.
  1427. They look real dangerous, though. Also, what's a gauche?
  1428. It appears our foe is full of delightful surprises. We should attend to them before they do too [cdb]much damage.
  1429. It's time. Conjure a magic shield to [cdb]safeguard our comrades!
  1430. Your Majesty, forgive my lateness. The outer [cdb]defenses only just fell.
  1431. On the contrary, your timing is perfect.
  1432. Is that...Waldemar? Curse that man! Why must he always show up at the worst [cdb]possible moment and ruin everything?!
  1433. Well, that was an impeccably staged entrance. Were you just biding your time in order to put [cdb]on the best show possible?
  1434. You know, Linhardt, there are times you take [cdb]after me—and then there's most of the time.
  1435. My dreams of glory... Why...
  1436. I never should have come to this [cdb]accursed place...
  1437. Viscount Fenja, Viscount Menja... Forgive me.
  1438. I'm coming for you, Father.
  1439. My name is Ludwig von Aegir! I see the Empire in the throes of a terrible sickness, [cdb]and I intend to cure it or die in the attempt!
  1440. So, my son. You come to claim your poor [cdb]father's head at last.
  1441. I come to do my duty. No more and no less.
  1442. Will you not heed me, Your Majesty?!
  1443. This ideology of yours leaves countless good [cdb]people by the wayside!
  1444. Yet countless more were already suffering [cdb]prior. All I did was make a choice.
  1445. I must not fall! The Empire needs me!
  1446. I will not falter until I see the Empire's glory [cdb]and principles restored!
  1447. Time has moved on from you, Father, and you [cdb]cannot unwind it no matter how hard you try. How could you not see this?
  1448. We have the enemy where we want them! Unleash the arrows!
  1449. Those ballistae require stopping!
  1450. One ballista seized!
  1451. Yay! No more arrows!
  1452. Get in there and hammer 'em while they're [cdb]pinned down by that magic weapon!
  1453. Are you kidding me? Reinforcements? This day just keeps getting better...
  1454. Ready yourselves! They mean to throw [cdb]everything they have at us until we break!
  1455. I think that's the end of the reinforcements.
  1456. Would somebody please step up and do [cdb]something about those other vermin there?!
  1457. The enemy's targeting our detachment! We must strike down Kronya and reach them!
  1458. The only way to rescue our detachment is by [cdb]going straight through Kronya—but can we [cdb]defeat her in time?
  1459. I don't know how we made it, but we did.
  1460. Leave the enemy no place to hide! Seize every [cdb]key position in the fortress!
  1461. The enemy is getting too close to Duke Aegir! We must hurry to his side!
  1462. Oh, but you are far too late now.
  1463. Now perhaps we can stamp out those who [cdb]slither in the dark as well.
  1464. It appears we have taken control of the [cdb]fortress walls. Now we can move our catapults [cdb]into position and attack!
  1465. Unleash the catapults! Break our enemy's [cdb]spirit!
  1466. On your command, we can use the agents we [cdb]scattered amongst the rebels to throw the [cdb]enemy into disarray.
  1467. It was a mistake to join this rebellion... Our allegiance lies with Emperor Edelgard!
  1468. What's going on? Who's switching sides?
  1469. We missed our chance to use our agents— [cdb]but no matter.
  1470. My path is clear, and I stand ready to end this [cdb]rebellion by my own hand!
  1471. There is no turning back now!
  1472. I fall back for the moment, but I will [cdb]return. I must be the one to end this!
  1473. I must rest. Sadly, I fear I will be of no help [cdb]until this affair is finished.
  1474. Now we have no hope of retaking the fortress.
  1475. No! Without the detachment, we'll never [cdb]retake the fortress!
  1476. Your Majesty, no! Without you, all hope [cdb]is lost...
  1477. Claude clearly wants us to deal with the Kingdom and the church ourselves so that [cdb]he can profit from the fallout.
  1478. Yes, it would appear someone has let our [cdb]plans slip. The enemy knew precisely how to [cdb]box us in.
  1479. I had no intention of retreating anyway. Instead, we'll bring the fight to them before [cdb]they can overwhelm us!
  1480. We will be torn apart if we fail to forestall [cdb]the enemy. Seize their forward stronghold! Push their lines back!
  1481. We cannot maintain our assault without some [cdb]kind of foothold. Our strongholds must be [cdb]protected at all costs!
  1482. You people do love your bloodshed...
  1483. Do not have fear! If we are taking control of [cdb]one stronghold at a time, we will prevail!
  1484. The Kingdom's no match for us, and neither is [cdb]the Alliance. Everyone just stay calm!
  1485. We can probably secure a crossing if we find [cdb]a way to stop the lava.
  1486. Yes, but if we can cross, so too can our enemy. Now is not the time.
  1487. We should be able to take our troops across [cdb]now that the ground has cooled.
  1488. Look, the lava stopped! They're wide open! Attack!
  1489. It seems we were too hasty with that strategy...
  1490. We've gained an early advantage. Well fought, [cdb]one and all!
  1491. I will heal your wounds! Please, be careful [cdb]out there.
  1492. What is this, the second coming of Saint Cethleann? Strike her down and put an end [cdb]to it already!
  1493. Say, check out that boulder. I wonder if we [cdb]can use it to block the lava and reach the [cdb]other side.
  1494. Our way is clear! Onward!
  1495. Why must you hurt each other like this? You are all brothers and sisters!
  1496. I cannot take much more, yet the others will [cdb]be in grave danger if I flee...
  1497. Flayn, no more! Get to safety!
  1498. Very well, Brother—but you must swear not to [cdb]put yourself in unnecessary danger!
  1499. My turn. I'll carve my way right [cdb]through them.
  1500. Not on my watch, pal!
  1501. All right. You'll do.
  1502. What sort of knight draws a weapon on his [cdb]own king? You disgust me.
  1503. I had no choice. And if it's you or me, then I'm [cdb]telling you right now, it won't be me!
  1504. I'm so sorry it's come to this, Felix. I don't [cdb]suppose you'd be willing to stand aside?
  1505. Not a chance. You know what I fight for.
  1506. I'm still on my feet, and I can still hold a [cdb]sword...which means I can keep fighting!
  1507. Ha! You think a few nicks and scratches will [cdb]send me packing?
  1508. Stand down, Felix!
  1509. It's a wonder you can still stand. Now would [cdb]you please let us handle the rest?
  1510. You better come back alive, Sylvain—or else!
  1511. I hope you're watching, Ingrid—today is the [cdb]day I avenge you.
  1512. I hope you're ready to part with your head, [cdb]because I mean to lay it at my friend's grave.
  1513. I know you had no choice, but that doesn't [cdb]mean I have to forgive you.
  1514. Yeah...which means the only thing left for us is [cdb]to fight.
  1515. Oh, Mercedes... Why did it have to be you?
  1516. I'm sorry, Sylvain. I know nothing I can say [cdb]will ever be enough.
  1517. This is nothing compared to the pain she felt!
  1518. Forgive me, Your Majesty... May fortune [cdb]favor you in battle...
  1519. Not you too, Sylvain! What am I supposed to [cdb]do now...
  1520. If we keep this up, the battle may be ended [cdb]before it can truly begin.
  1521. It's unnerving how well we're doing. I hope [cdb]that means we're headed for a quick victory.
  1522. I'm in way over my head, but I'm not letting [cdb]up until it's over!
  1523. You will go no further.
  1524. In the name of His Majesty, you will [cdb]perish here.
  1525. I will kill you before I let you harm our king.
  1526. Dedue, no...
  1527. My chances dim...
  1528. Ngh... I'm not finished yet!
  1529. Fall back, Dedue! Please! I cannot afford to [cdb]lose you!
  1530. Well, if this is our fearless leader's big moment, I guess I can pitch in.
  1531. Get ready for Hilda Valentine Goneril!
  1532. Why, Hilda? We were allies... Friends!
  1533. Sorry, Marianne. Looks like you picked the [cdb]wrong side.
  1534. Hang on. I don't wanna kill you. Is your leader [cdb]out of his mind?
  1535. Hey, I chose this. But if you really wanna be [cdb]nice to me, you could always just step aside.
  1536. What is the point of this needless bloodshed, Hilda? We should not even be fighting!
  1537. Oh, I'm with you on that—but I'm also not [cdb]the one sitting at the Empire's table, am I?
  1538. It was selfish of Claude to drag you into his [cdb]ambitions.
  1539. He didn't "drag" me into anything. Now are [cdb]you gonna try and stop me or not?
  1540. Can't you let me pass for old times' sake? C'mon, please?
  1541. No! Why are you doing this? I thought the Alliance was finally going to know peace!
  1542. Sorry, Hilda, but my reason for being here is [cdb]just as good as yours.
  1543. Well, this turned out to be a stupid idea... Now what do I do?
  1544. Hilda's in trouble! Archers, give her [cdb]some cover!
  1545. Call it off when you need to, Hilda. There's no [cdb]shame in falling back!
  1546. Thanks, Claude. But I'll be OK so long as the [cdb]archers are with me!
  1547. No, the archers! I should probably get [cdb]outta here...
  1548. You did good, Hilda! Now let me take over!
  1549. Things aren't looking so hot...
  1550. I told you to get outta there, Hilda! Now back off and let me take over!
  1551. Sorry, Claude—and good luck!
  1552. Enough messing around—you'll have [cdb]to contend with me now!
  1553. The man strides to the fore knowing it could [cdb]cost him his life? Astounding.
  1554. Edelgard's lucky to have someone like you [cdb]on her side. I envy her.
  1555. You'd be right here with us if you didn't decide [cdb]to stab her in the back!
  1556. You'd be right here with us if you didn't decide [cdb]to stab her in the back!
  1557. This is a shame, Claude. I thought we'd finally [cdb]forged a path to true friendship.
  1558. What can I say? I've got big dreams, same as [cdb]you. Plus, I think we both knew this was gonna [cdb]happen eventually.
  1559. Say, Lorenz. If this all goes sideways for me, [cdb]can I trust you to take care of the Alliance?
  1560. Of course—but the Alliance will assuredly be [cdb]a lonelier place without you.
  1561. It's not like you to pick a losing battle, Claude.
  1562. Are you kidding? All I've done my whole life is [cdb]fight losing battles— but this is the first one I'm [cdb]gonna win!
  1563. Your father's not gonna like this one bit... Too bad this is one time I can't stand down.
  1564. Then I'll just have to do everything in my [cdb]power to stop you!
  1565. Why didn't you ask me about any of this first? We were classmates! Fellow Golden Deer!
  1566. "Were" classmates. Now you're just another [cdb]one of House Gloucester's lousy knights.
  1567. And here I thought you were a rational [cdb]man—although I admit I find myself rather [cdb]admiring of your ambition.
  1568. I guess watching you do whatever you wanted [cdb]all over Fódlan finally rubbed off of me.
  1569. I can't believe you, Claude! By putting the Alliance in danger, you put Maya in danger!
  1570. I know, but it had to be done. Also, you're [cdb]talking like I'm going to lose!
  1571. People trusted me to pull this off... I have [cdb]to win!
  1572. It was a good strategy, but not good enough. And now look what I've done to all of you...
  1573. It's not what you wanted, Claude. But the [cdb]world won't forget your ambition, because it [cdb]will live on through me.
  1574. We are losing the battle... I must act!
  1575. The enemy has dispatched flying units to the [cdb]fore. It no longer serves us to delay stopping [cdb]the lava.
  1576. The Empire and all who prostrate themselves [cdb]before it will be punished by my hand!
  1577. Gone are the days when the battlefield would [cdb]shudder before me—but I am not beaten yet!
  1578. Bested again... But I must live on, for Flayn!
  1579. That was the archbishop's aide, but there's [cdb]still no sign of most of the Knights of Seiros.
  1580. I take the field. Every last one of them [cdb]will yield to me...or they shall perish.
  1581. Courage, now! The time has come to bring [cdb]our war with the Kingdom to its end!
  1582. What is this folly? Yours is not the head I seek.
  1583. Our conflict ends here. I shall see to your [cdb]demise with my own two hands!
  1584. I'm up against the king of Faerghus himself... but I'm not about to back down!
  1585. I'm up against the king of Faerghus himself... but I'm not about to back down!
  1586. It's not too late, Dimitri. Sever ties with the Central Church and return to your people.
  1587. And I'm to believe that will end your [cdb]aggression? You'll come for me anyway. Your thirst for blood is unquenchable.
  1588. Your Majesty, I...
  1589. Save your words, Ashe. There can be no [cdb]turning back for either of us.
  1590. I never thought this would be how we'd meet [cdb]again.
  1591. Nor I, Mercedes. My heart aches.
  1592. I will sacrifice my own body if I must. Every [cdb]ounce of my being I offer for the future of Faerghus!
  1593. If I die, the Kingdom dies... I must retreat...
  1594. Looks like Dimitri's called it quits. Guess that [cdb]means it's down to us.
  1595. Dimitri's made his move. Time for me to [cdb]swoop in there and claim victory!
  1596. The battle is nearing its end, but I wager this [cdb]will be a fight to the finish.
  1597. Stand ready, everyone! The only victory I'll [cdb]accept is one where Dimitri and Claude both [cdb]lie defeated before me!
  1598. Prepare yourselves to face Claude von Riegan, [cdb]protector of all Leicester!
  1599. It was a good strategy, but not good [cdb]enough... Better lay low for a bit and [cdb]plan my next move.
  1600. Claude retreated? Well, no matter—we're not [cdb]here for him anyway.
  1601. There's no diplomacy that can mend the rift [cdb]between us, so let us get on with the fight.
  1602. Wait, you're coming for me? I thought you [cdb]were after Edelgard!
  1603. I don't think we've all been on the same field [cdb]since the mock battles at the academy.
  1604. Heh. It feels almost akin to ancient history.
  1605. We never did decide a real victor back then, [cdb]but I guess now's our chance to settle the score [cdb]once and for all.
  1606. There's no time to give chase. Still, this is a [cdb]victory for the Empire all the same.
  1607. Yeah, they kept us guessing, but at least we... Huh? What's that?!
  1608. Yeah, they kept us guessing, but at least we... Huh? What's that?!
  1609. Butcher most vile. You killed the sire of this [cdb]vessel, and now you die for it.
  1610. It's you the monster wants, so let's give the Ashen Demon a fitting end.
  1611. You're strong...but I've got a little something [cdb]of my own—and this time, I know I can [cdb]take you!
  1612. You're strong...but I've got a little something of [cdb]my own—and this time, I know I can take you!
  1613. Our foe intends to win. But just for you, I'll see the pest crushed underfoot myself.
  1614. You arrogant speck! Begone! This fight is not [cdb]for you.
  1615. This vessel will not move as I command!
  1616. The monster's losing control. Now's our [cdb]chance to finish it!
  1617. You wretched...hateful...thing!
  1618. Go! Seize the Empire's strongholds!
  1619. Attack! Don't let those Imperial weaklings [cdb]scare you!
  1620. Oh no! They're coming at us from the front [cdb]and the rear!
  1621. It will take more than that to stop us, but stay [cdb]alert and keep an eye on both armies!
  1622. Now! Give the signal!
  1623. The Empire's fanned out to the north and [cdb]south! Split them in two and box them in!
  1624. Alliance reinforcements have appeared in the [cdb]middle of our ranks!
  1625. There's no time to regroup. Just deal with [cdb]them as best you can and minimize casualties!
  1626. Now I know what death's door looks like...
  1627. Take control of the whole area. Our victory [cdb]must be beyond question!
  1628. That just leaves the enemy leaders...
  1629. Those are the forces we slipped our [cdb]agents into.
  1630. A seed early sown is a reward richly reaped. Imperial agents! Break disguise and cut the Alliance down!
  1631. Looks like they didn't trust me as much as I [cdb]thought... Well, this is gonna hurt.
  1632. It seems the enemy already discovered our [cdb]agents and put an end to them.
  1633. Just in case, I put eyes on those enemy archers. We can eliminate them on your command.
  1634. Do it! Take out the archers!
  1635. How did the Empire...get behind us...
  1636. Hubert set us up! I should've known he'd have [cdb]a dozen tricks up his sleeve...
  1637. Those archers have been put to flight. I will [cdb]have to find another task for our agents.
  1638. Watch the ground! Even a single wrong step [cdb]will cause undue pain!
  1639. If we do not maintain control of our footholds [cdb]as we go, the battle will turn against us!
  1640. Our army will collapse if the enemy wrests [cdb]control of all of our strongholds! Fight back!
  1641. Our troops are scattering! We've lost!
  1642. I'll be counting on the Alliance's wisdom and [cdb]strength this day, Claude.
  1643. Don't worry! Our brilliant teamwork will send [cdb]them scattering.
  1644. So far as we know, the enemy's objective is to [cdb]breach our defensive line and pass through the [cdb]valley. We must not let that happen.
  1645. Shore up our defenses, then advance on the [cdb]enemy's forward position!
  1646. If we keep this up, the battle may be over [cdb]before it can even begin.
  1647. We can't hold him off! He's tearing right [cdb]through us!
  1648. That man is a force of nature—we cannot [cdb]hope for ordinary officers to stop him.
  1649. Step aside, before I make you do so.
  1650. No! He's closing in on us!
  1651. If we fail to act, Dimitri will reach our [cdb]defensive line. We must stop him at all costs!
  1652. Last one.
  1653. Excellently done, Your Majesty! Together, [cdb]we shall put the Empire to rout!
  1654. No! All will be lost if they breach our [cdb]defensive line!
  1655. Right when I was so close to ending her...
  1656. He came at us like a maelstrom, but we [cdb]managed to take the wind out of his sails.
  1657. You may have bested King Dimitri, but you [cdb]still must contend with me!
  1658. King Dimitri is keeping the Empire busy. Break through their defenses!
  1659. They coordinated that well—I'm almost [cdb]impressed. Move to intercept at once!
  1660. With Seteth retreating, the rest falls upon [cdb]my shoulders.
  1661. Riders, charge! Tear their defenses apart!
  1662. I've heard troubling tales about Faerghus's [cdb]cavalry. We'll be in deep trouble if we don't [cdb]take them out soon.
  1663. The enemy is coming after our defensive line! Keep your guards keen!
  1664. Hit their right flank! That's where the Alliance army is weakest!
  1665. Ugh, they're gonna come all the way over [cdb]here? No fair!
  1666. We can't let the enemy create holes in our [cdb]defenses. We must head over and assist!
  1667. Thanks for coming for me. That could've really [cdb]gone either way there...
  1668. We're short-handed enough as it is, Hilda. We both need to be more careful.
  1669. Let's light 'em up!
  1670. They're attacking our defensive line from afar! We have to stop them!
  1671. Looks like that particular storm has passed.
  1672. Our magic is depleted... Retreat!
  1673. Use this boulder to dam the lava and create [cdb]a path!
  1674. We have a direct path to the enemy! Attack!
  1675. That's one place to build a road. I'll try to [cdb]stop them, but I can't do it alone.
  1676. That should keep them from attacking the [cdb]eastern front.
  1677. Our wyvern company stands at the ready! Deploy them if you think Hilda is in danger!
  1678. Send the Alliance's wyvern company to cover [cdb]our right wing!
  1679. We no longer need those troops to protect our [cdb]right wing.
  1680. I was wondering when Seteth would show [cdb]up—and wouldn't you know it, there he is.
  1681. Take careful aim, now! Don't let any of them [cdb]breach the defensive line!
  1682. Archers! No... They must have seen our [cdb]attack coming.
  1683. OK, would you please back off already? Whatever you're selling, I'm not interested!
  1684. This is not...how I thought it would end...
  1685. Hilda, no! You were supposed to retreat! What have I done...
  1686. Yep, definitely overdid it there. Time to [cdb]fall back and focus on the command.
  1687. I'm sorry, Randolph... I have nothing left...
  1688. Don't worry, Fleche. I'll hold our position or [cdb]die trying!
  1689. The enemy is hammering us! We can't hold [cdb]out forever!
  1690. The defensive line is about to buckle! Send reinforcements!
  1691. We drove off the Kingdom and the Central Church. It's a start, but...
  1692. We drove them off, but at a terrible cost.
  1693. Too much Alliance blood was shed this day...
  1694. But this war is not over. We will hunt Dimitri [cdb]down and put an end to this struggle.
  1695. Your Majesty, the defensive line has fallen! The enemy is... Ngh...
  1696. I was careless... This is all my fault...
  1697. I am finally back within these walls. Now all [cdb]that remains is to exterminate the rebels.
  1698. Our most fervent desire is nearly within reach. Go, then! Overrun this den of beasts!
  1699. It seems Rhea and Thales have both breached [cdb]the monastery. And for the sake of Fódlan's [cdb]future, we will make it their tomb!
  1700. Once our conflicts with the church and those [cdb]mages escalated, we were worn down almost [cdb]instantly...
  1701. The barriers conjured by the enemy will [cdb]hinder the movement of our troops.
  1702. Then we've no choice but to proceed in two [cdb]groups. Take care that neither one is [cdb]wiped out.
  1703. Where are the reinforcements? No! I don't want to die!
  1704. We should rescue Count Varley if at all [cdb]possible. It will not be easy to find another [cdb]man to wear the miter.
  1705. There's a structural weakness in that wall. A heavily armored unit might be able to [cdb]break through and expedite the rescue.
  1706. A new path has been cleared. Let's take it.
  1707. I am the bishop of the Southern Church, and [cdb]you are obligated to protect me! Now do so [cdb]and be quick about it!
  1708. I'm tempted to ignore that, but we'll have a [cdb]mess on our hands if the cretin actually dies.
  1709. I demand that you rescue me right this... Hm? Bernadetta? Oh, I didn't know that you...
  1710. Um, hello. This is all a bit...unexpected, I guess.
  1711. You honor your humble servant with this [cdb]daring rescue, Your Majesty! What a grand [cdb]display of sympathy for my plight!
  1712. I suspect you abandoned the monastery just so [cdb]you might cower here, but I will have your full [cdb]explanation once time allows.
  1713. Ah, Count Varley. How lovely to see you in [cdb]one piece—although I did expect to find you [cdb]inside the monastery, rather than out.
  1714. No, you have it all wrong! I didn't flee! Why, I would never abandon my station!
  1715. I'm alive... I mean, of course I am! My death [cdb]would be a crippling blow to the Empire!
  1716. The man is incorrigible. Someone keep an eye [cdb]on him—we're not out of the woods yet.
  1717. This isn't right! Why should I have to die?!
  1718. Thus ends a brilliant man...a glorious life... and far too much unspent gold...
  1719. Hmph. Now we have to install another [cdb]bishop. As if we did not have enough to do...
  1720. My father's been killed? Oh.
  1721. The bishop of the Southern Church has been [cdb]struck down! Press the attack!
  1722. How could we let that happen to the count... It was our duty to protect him!
  1723. The enemy's wretched mage there has [cdb]conjured barriers that are hampering my [cdb]escape. I mean, my ability to fight!
  1724. Your Majesty, that dark mage seems to be the [cdb]one creating these strange barriers.
  1725. He must be a sorcerer of some repute... Let us smite him and his magic here and now.
  1726. Imperial dogs! Stop interfering and learn [cdb]your place!
  1727. An ambush, is it? I should have known things [cdb]would not be as simple as they seemed.
  1728. Ah, there is the perfect place to unleash my [cdb]secret weapon... Let fly the arrows!
  1729. Huh? Where are those coming from?! Argh!
  1730. Goodness me. Who knew the count still had [cdb]some fight left in him?
  1731. I may be a bishop, but I still know when to [cdb]stay the hand of mercy!
  1732. So, you're with those who slither in the dark? I've got tons of questions for you...but they're [cdb]gonna have to wait till after I win!
  1733. So you're with those who slither in the dark? I've got tons of questions for you...but they're [cdb]gonna have to wait till after I win!
  1734. You should have stayed in the dark instead of [cdb]crawling out here to die.
  1735. I'll not be slain by the likes of you!
  1736. You're much stronger than I thought...
  1737. Enough! I am above such games!
  1738. Where did he go? We need to dispel those [cdb]barriers at once!
  1739. If he retreated to the upper floors, I do not see [cdb]how we can reach him. But there must be some [cdb]way around the barriers.
  1740. We've received multiple reports of enemy [cdb]troops appearing out of thin air. Perhaps they [cdb]have some sort of warping device?
  1741. The enemy keeps popping up out of [cdb]nowhere! They've gotta have some [cdb]kind of warping device.
  1742. Yes, that certainly sounds likely. We should [cdb]check every hiding place we can think of.
  1743. We've found the device, but it doesn't seem to [cdb]operate by itself.
  1744. I have seen such warping devices beneath [cdb]the monastery. They are controlled by a [cdb]separate mechanism located elsewhere.
  1745. Then we need to find that, too? Ugh!
  1746. We're already in two groups. Let's continue [cdb]the search.
  1747. These infernal black walls are preventing me [cdb]from reaching Lady Rhea!
  1748. And now the Imperial reinforcements are [cdb]closing in... Well, I'll just have to go intercept [cdb]them myself!
  1749. That must be the control device. Try to [cdb]activate it.
  1750. Does this mean we can warp now?
  1751. I don't have any interest in exchanging words [cdb]with you. You attacked us, and that's all I need [cdb]to know.
  1752. The last time I saw you, you saved my life— [cdb]but I never thought you'd force me to repay [cdb]the debt quite like this.
  1753. You don't owe me anything, Catherine. If you [cdb]need to hate me, then hate me.
  1754. I'll not break while Lady Rhea still needs me!
  1755. Lady Rhea... It was my greatest pride...to be [cdb]your sword...
  1756. Not only do you defile this sanctuary, you [cdb]commit wanton violence upon those within it! Your sins are inexpiable!
  1757. You animals don't even know what it means to [cdb]live. I will not let you thwart our dream!
  1758. Stand strong, my brothers and sisters! The goddess will never abandon you!
  1759. I will banish you filth to a place that even [cdb]sunlight has abandoned!
  1760. Let's use the device to go after that dark mage!
  1761. Good. The device works.
  1762. I will dispose of you vermin myself!
  1763. Come, Hubert! Let us show these knaves the [cdb]power of the Twin Jewels!
  1764. The twin what? Now see here, if you desire [cdb]my assistance, you can start by doing away [cdb]with the strange epithets.
  1765. So this is where I expire... I pray you might [cdb]finish what must be done, Thales.
  1766. The dark barriers have vanished. Now we can [cdb]rejoin our forces!
  1767. The Twin Jewels, is it? Well, I admit the two [cdb]of you do shine together.
  1768. I knew you would understand. Now please [cdb]remind Hubert of that at every opportunity.
  1769. That dark magic has dissipated! Now I can [cdb]finally escape... I mean, strategically retreat!
  1770. I'll fight until my dying breath to protect Lady Rhea!
  1771. But Cyril, the wounds you carry... Please be safe.
  1772. As the goddess is my witness, this is as far as [cdb]you go!
  1773. Annihilate them and reclaim all that is ours!
  1774. Don't stop now! Not when the future we seek [cdb]is within our grasp!
  1775. I'll give you ten times the pain you inflicted on Lady Rhea!
  1776. What have I told you, Cyril? You know better [cdb]than to fight when you're hurt like that!
  1777. How could you turn on us like this, Shamir?
  1778. You'll never reach Lady Rhea! I won't let you!
  1779. I hope that was enough...to save her...
  1780. The way to the monastery is clear.
  1781. Come on! Victory's nearly ours!
  1782. Come on! Victory's nearly ours!
  1783. You ignorant fools dare stand against me?
  1784. Your reckoning has come, Thales! Now you [cdb]will pay for all that you did to my father and [cdb]the Empire!
  1785. I no longer care who you are. For the sake of [cdb]my people, you must die!
  1786. Well you should care...cause I'm the one who's [cdb]gonna kill you!
  1787. Well you should care...cause I'm the one who's [cdb]gonna kill you!
  1788. Foolish harridan! This land you seek dominion [cdb]over is drenched in the blood of beasts!
  1789. Fool I may be, but I have plenty of company— [cdb]my allies and I stand ready to trample you [cdb]into the dust!
  1790. I do not usually mix business with pleasure, [cdb]but this is an exquisite opportunity to sate [cdb]duty and vengeance both.
  1791. It is my vengeance you will suffer, beast— [cdb]and oh, how you have earned it.
  1792. It strikes me now that our plans began [cdb]to unravel the moment you slipped from Kronya's clutches.
  1793. If you're saying it helped Her Majesty, then [cdb]there's no better result I could hope for!
  1794. This land will be ours!
  1795. This flesh will never perish by your hand!
  1796. Argh!
  1797. We dispelled the darkness. Now all that [cdb]remains is Rhea.
  1798. How fitting that I should settle things with Rhea here in the cathedral.
  1799. No matter how many years pass, you people [cdb]will always be little more than fools.
  1800. Return the land you stole from us!
  1801. Sorry, but I think I'd rather fight you instead.
  1802. Sorry, but I think I'd rather fight you instead.
  1803. I will correct the mistake I made when I took [cdb]you in...by ending your life.
  1804. You boast blood of the Hresvelgs and the [cdb]heart of a traitor. Your sins run deeper than [cdb]all others.
  1805. I wear my sins proudly, for they are the reason I fight to free Fódlan from the goddess's so- [cdb]called "judgment"!
  1806. I owe you a lot, but the debt's been paid. If you expected more, that's on you.
  1807. Yes, your debts with me are settled, Shamir. Your actions now, however, are another story.
  1808. Jeralt, no! How could you possibly side with [cdb]the Empire?
  1809. Life is full of twists. I just wish facing you in [cdb]battle wasn't one of them.
  1810. You look so much like... No, that can't be. Were it true, why would you fight me?
  1811. You act as if we've met.
  1812. You act as if we've met.
  1813. I must not fall here!
  1814. Our vengeance is unending! We must reclaim [cdb]what was stolen from us!
  1815. I will destroy you by my own hand!
  1816. We will surpass you both and move forward.
  1817. I don't know what the future holds, but we're [cdb]not gonna stop until we claim it!
  1818. I dunno what the future holds, but we're not [cdb]gonna stop until we claim it!
  1819. Stay vigilant. There would be no greater folly [cdb]than to die here after all our struggles.
  1820. Onward, to victory and glory!
  1821. We will prevail today, even if it costs me the [cdb]life that Her Majesty so graciously saved!
  1822. I'm just going to keep attacking, but you can [cdb]pretend I'm not here!
  1823. Just you wait, Father. I'm going to distinguish [cdb]myself and return home a hero!
  1824. Well, I suppose I can allow myself one day of [cdb]truly giving my all...
  1825. I pray this fight is the one that ends this [cdb]wretched war for good!
  1826. I am Petra Macneary, queen of Brigid. I honor my pact by fighting with the Empire!
  1827. Together, everyone! Let's finish this!
  1828. This struggle is nothing compared to what we [cdb]faced in the Red Canyon!
  1829. You loathsome helminth!
  1830. This is not over! I must carry on for the sake [cdb]of my mother's fallen comrades!
  1831. You have forced my hand. Whatever the cost, I must see our objective achieved!
  1832. The Southern Church's bishop is an enemy of [cdb]the goddess and must be destroyed!
  1833. They employ magic to attack Count Varley [cdb]from below. That cannot be good.
  1834. I hope that keeps Count Varley safe.
  1835. Our goal is achieved! Fall back!
  1836. That man has the most absurd luck... We're done here! Fall back!
  1837. The count's assailants have eluded us.
  1838. Use the catapults to crush the rebels below!
  1839. They're attacking from above! We have to stop [cdb]those catapults!
  1840. This stronghold is ours. Now there will be no [cdb]more hurling of the boulders.
  1841. Stop hurling rocks at us, or I'm gonna... Oh. They stopped. Well, that's nice!
  1842. Myson is in danger! Help him!
  1843. They're really pulling out all the stops here. We'd better intervene before we take any [cdb]more casualties.
  1844. We can't use these ourselves, hm? What a [cdb]bother.
  1845. That's the last thing that was in our way! Well, except for the other things. Ugh. It never ends.
  1846. If we shore up our defenses, we can reduce the [cdb]chances of losing our strongholds, even if only [cdb]for a short while.
  1847. Shore up the defenses! We must hold!
  1848. We no longer need to concern ourselves with [cdb]the strongholds. Let us focus on offense.
  1849. I see the fire blazing in your eyes, Hubert. At long last...
  1850. Kindly spare me the Twin Jewels speech and [cdb]allow me to carry out my duty with solemnity.
  1851. The enemies that remain are undeserving of [cdb]human mercy. On your command, we will [cdb]purge them with fire.
  1852. Scarlet flames, consume the old world and [cdb]bring light to a new age!
  1853. How dare they set Garreg Mach ablaze!
  1854. You would brandish fire at us? We gave you [cdb]those flames!
  1855. I tried, Your Majesty... Forgive me...
  1856. We will never retake Garreg Mach now... And just when we were so close!
  1857. And with the end...so near...
  1858. You have left me with no other choice... Watch over me, Mother.
  1859. Rhea can shapeshift too? But that form...
  1860. Rhea can shapeshift too? But that form...
  1861. Then you are the Immaculate One? So be it! Today we destroy you and secure our future!
  1862. We will never yield to you, no matter how [cdb]large or powerful you might be!
  1863. I must...prevail... Grant me power!
  1864. She's no longer able to maintain that form. If we act quickly, we can restrain her. Huh?!
  1865. There you are, Lady Rhea. I am relieved to [cdb]find you alive and well.
  1866. King Dimitri. You have my gratitude for [cdb]coming to aid us in our time of need.
  1867. I fear we have no time for niceties, though. We must make our way out of the valley and [cdb]return to Kingdom territory.
  1868. Nobody told me how sweaty I'd get here. Ugh, gross!
  1869. That general lacks motivation. We may be [cdb]able to persuade her to join our cause.
  1870. Look. If you let me go, I won't sigh at you.
  1871. I can tell your heart's not in this fight, my lady.
  1872. You are not beholden to the Empire. Why [cdb]don't you join us instead? You have my word [cdb]that no harm will come to you.
  1873. You've got a point. And I guess you did beat [cdb]me fair and square... All right, lead away.
  1874. So this is where I die, huh? I just hope... Coco's...OK...
  1875. Your Majesty! Imperial forces are setting up a [cdb]blockade at the stronghold ahead!
  1876. If they cut us off, we'll be forced toward the [cdb]volcanic crater.
  1877. We cannot allow them to push us down a [cdb]dangerous path. Let us charge forth and [cdb]carve our way through!
  1878. Hmph. This ridiculous charade won't stop us.
  1879. Hey, we did it! We should be able to move [cdb]forward safely now.
  1880. The path forward is secure. This way, Lady Rhea.
  1881. You have my thanks. The goddess smiles upon [cdb]your gallant deeds.
  1882. They're getting away! We've got to stop them [cdb]somehow.
  1883. Our blockade's complete! Let them taste the [cdb]flames of torment!
  1884. The path ahead is a dangerous one, Lady Rhea, but we have no choice. I must ask that you endure it for now.
  1885. Do not worry yourself over me. Together, [cdb]we will reach the other side.
  1886. Such oppressive heat... It is more than anyone [cdb]could hope to survive for long.
  1887. Your Grace! Seteth and Catherine are under [cdb]attack by Imperial forces!
  1888. They must not be allowed to fall here.
  1889. Please, King Dimitri. May I ask that you lend [cdb]them your aid?
  1890. We made it in time.
  1891. I appreciate the assistance. Come, lend me [cdb]a hand!
  1892. If not for you, I would have surely perished. And the archbishop appears to be unharmed. You have my gratitude.
  1893. It's good to see you safe, Catherine. Please, let us join you!
  1894. It is good to see you safe, Catherine. Allow us [cdb]to join our strength with yours.
  1895. Gladly! This was all too much to handle on [cdb]my own anyway.
  1896. It's a good thing you came along when you [cdb]did. And Lady Rhea's safe, too? Good, good.
  1897. Everyone, to arms! We fight to protect [cdb]the archbishop!
  1898. Looks like we've got backup. I expect they'll [cdb]come in handy.
  1899. We have to help Seteth and Catherine escape!
  1900. We must secure an escape for Seteth and Catherine.
  1901. Can't we block the lava flow with rocks or [cdb]something? Not saying it'll be easy, but it [cdb]might be the best shot we've got.
  1902. If we can temporarily block the flow of lava [cdb]somehow, we should be able to forge a way [cdb]forward.
  1903. We've done it! Hold fast, everyone, our escape [cdb]is only a short ways off.
  1904. Is Lady Rhea safe? Did she...get away?
  1905. No... Cyril was covering the rear? He will [cdb]never make it out!
  1906. I shall not sacrifice his life for the sake of my [cdb]own. Please, help him.
  1907. I can't give up... Not yet. I've gotta protect Lady Rhea!
  1908. Goddess, please deliver Cyril unto us safely.
  1909. I'll endure any pain...suffer any torment... if it means keeping Lady Rhea safe!
  1910. He's pinned down. We have to help him, fast!
  1911. He's pinned down. We need to hurry!
  1912. You've shown true valor on this day, Cyril. Lady Rhea will soon be clear of the valley [cdb]thanks to you.
  1913. I'm...so glad. Thank you.
  1914. My utmost gratitude for your efforts in [cdb]rescuing Cyril. And to the goddess for her [cdb]divine protection!
  1915. Lady Rhea, I'm...sorry. Run away...please.
  1916. Cyril, no! This is all my fault.
  1917. His sacrifice shall not be in vain. Let us [cdb]press on.
  1918. You will not be passing here. I will be [cdb]capturing the archbishop!
  1919. An ambush. We have no choice but to [cdb]fight our way through.
  1920. Anyone standing in my way will be eliminated [cdb]with quickness.
  1921. That's the princess of Brigid. After everything [cdb]she's been through, she might be willing to [cdb]join us. Assuming we can take her alive.
  1922. I must not have defeat here. For the Empire! For Brigid!
  1923. This is no place for royalty to die. Not here. Not like this.
  1924. Yes...I am choosing life. I will be going with [cdb]you peacefully.
  1925. All knights, on me! We need to capture the [cdb]archbishop before she clears the valley!
  1926. That was a close one, but I think we've driven [cdb]them off for the time being.
  1927. I can scarcely believe we arrived here whole [cdb]and sound. You have my deepest gratitude.
  1928. We cannot leave the valley until we see both Seteth and Catherine to safety!
  1929. My apologies for the trouble. I do not wish to [cdb]consider what would have happened had you [cdb]not come along.
  1930. Ngh... My wounds are deeper than I had [cdb]initially thought. I can do little but remain [cdb]here and pray the archbishop arrives safely.
  1931. Thanks for the help. I never would've made it [cdb]out of there without you.
  1932. Lady Rhea's not here yet! If only I didn't get [cdb]so hurt out there...
  1933. If I cannot have the archbishop...your heads [cdb]will have to suffice.
  1934. Hubert. We have to defeat him, Your Majesty.
  1935. I'm aware. Let us do so at once and make with [cdb]our retreat.
  1936. I failed to realize how desperate you would be [cdb]to save your dear archbishop. The Kingdom [cdb]truly is a tiresome place.
  1937. How... I may have no choice but to retreat.
  1938. Fine, you may have your victory...today. How will I face Her Majesty after this?
  1939. Worry not, I am perfectly all right. Let us [cdb]continue.
  1940. Oh, Goddess, grant me your divine [cdb]protection! I must not fall here!
  1941. We have to keep going, Lady Rhea. We're all [cdb]here to help you.
  1942. We cannot afford to halt our advance, Lady Rhea. Please endure just a little longer.
  1943. So I find myself cornered... Perhaps I [cdb]misjudged the situation.
  1944. Nrgh... Who will protect Flayn if I die here?
  1945. Seteth. We must hurry.
  1946. Persistent little guys, aren't you? Cut one [cdb]down and another two just spring up in [cdb]their place.
  1947. Ngh... I should be better than this.
  1948. Catherine can't hold out much longer! We've got to help her, quick!
  1949. Catherine is in dire trouble. We must assist [cdb]her as soon as possible.
  1950. My apologies, everyone. I cannot continue...
  1951. Rhea has fallen into Imperial hands...and we [cdb]have failed. Retreat is the only comfort that [cdb]remains for us.
  1952. Rhea... Flayn... Forgive me.
  1953. No, Seteth! There is no future without you [cdb]at my side.
  1954. Forgive me, Lady Rhea. I hope...at least you [cdb]can escape...
  1955. Catherine has been struck down. How could [cdb]we ever continue now...
  1956. There's no telling where our enemies might [cdb]be lurking in this fog. Be at the ready for [cdb]potential ambushes.
  1957. In any case, we lack the luxury of waiting for [cdb]it to clear. Lonato must be found and put to [cdb]the sword as soon as possible.
  1958. We will begin by advancing our front line. All forces, prepare to march!
  1959. No backing down, not even against the king [cdb]himself! We fight for Lord Lonato!
  1960. It's not personal.
  1961. This isn't a battle—it's a bloodbath. We were [cdb]sent out here like lambs to the slaughter!
  1962. This is almost too easy. Press our advantage!
  1963. Everyone, fall back! We need to regroup!
  1964. All is proceeding apace, but don't let up. And keep an eye out for ambushes.
  1965. Time to get to work.
  1966. Time to get to work.
  1967. The Ashen Demon has come to our rescue! Perhaps we've still a chance!
  1968. Those mercenaries must be reinforcements [cdb]from the Empire. Everyone, gird yourselves!
  1969. Heh. Didn't think I'd get another shot at the Ashen Demon this soon!
  1970. Heh. Didn't think I'd get another shot at the Ashen Demon this soon!
  1971. You're more capable than I expected.
  1972. You're more capable than I expected.
  1973. They're holding back. So much for gauging [cdb]their strength.
  1974. There's no point in drawing this out.
  1975. There's no point in drawing this out.
  1976. Stay on your toes! You and I both know this [cdb]isn't an opponent you can take lightly.
  1977. Hmph, looks like I'm late. Guess I'll get [cdb]working on my orders.
  1978. Is that Miklan, from House Gautier? What is [cdb]he doing here?
  1979. So my brother's joining us. Looks like His Majesty really pulled out all the stops.
  1980. I'll stop the enemy dead in their tracks. You lot use your brains and figure out how we [cdb]win this thing!
  1981. Someone must be giving these mercenaries [cdb]their orders—and we're going to find them. Miklan can handle things on his own here.
  1982. I didn't expect they'd have reinforcements, [cdb]but it doesn't change much. We know what we [cdb]have to do. Now all that's left is to do it.
  1983. Hmph. That's all I've got, Your Majesty. You hear me? We're outta here!
  1984. It was only a matter of time till they found us. Let's give them a nice, warm welcome.
  1985. They're tough. These are no ordinary mercs!
  1986. Guess the years are starting to catch up to me.
  1987. This job's not worth dying over. Fall back!
  1988. You heard the captain! Everyone, retreat!
  1989. So the mercenaries have fled. Very well, on to [cdb]the next. Send in the auxillary units!
  1990. Glad those mercs are gone, but this fog is still [cdb]as thick as ever.
  1991. I can sense traces of magic from within. Not [cdb]only that, but we've received word of dark [cdb]mages seen among the enemy forces.
  1992. It's likely that sorcery is to blame for the [cdb]predicament we find ourselves in.
  1993. Then we'll just have to cut those mages down. If they're the ones invoking this fog, defeating [cdb]them should dispel it.
  1994. Nrgh, they found us! To arms!
  1995. Your trickery ends here!
  1996. No... The rest falls to you, Lord Lonato!
  1997. The fog is lifting! We did it!
  1998. The fog has cleared. Good.
  1999. The time for subterfuge has passed. We shall [cdb]meet now in honest combat!
  2000. And victory will be ours, Lonato. Come, [cdb]everyone! We will overwhelm our foes!
  2001. No, not now... Lonato is but one step away!
  2002. But he's done so much to ingratiate himself [cdb]with the Empire. We can't exactly leave our [cdb]new friend to die, can we?
  2003. There's no other way. We must take care of [cdb]those mages before anything else.
  2004. If we can just try to reason with Dorothea, [cdb]though...we might be able to settle things [cdb]peacefully.
  2005. Casualties can be kept to a minimum if we [cdb]force their leader to surrender, though. I suggest we do just that.
  2006. No... Not like this!
  2007. Sorry, but this is how it has to go!
  2008. Is this the end? No...I can keep fighting!
  2009. Dorothea, please. I don't want to see you die [cdb]for nothing.
  2010. Surrender. I do not want to kill you.
  2011. I can't say I want that, either. All right... You win.
  2012. I suppose this was inevitable. No sensible [cdb]youth would throw their life away so easily.
  2013. We cannot afford to spare sympathy for our [cdb]enemies. Any who stand before us must be [cdb]cut down.
  2014. How is this possible?!
  2015. This never would've happened if Lonato had [cdb]just waited...
  2016. Edie, everyone... I'm...sorry...
  2017. Doesn't look like they're stopping any time [cdb]soon. We'll just have to make them stop, then!
  2018. The mages' assault is no more. Now move in. We will bring this battle to a close.
  2019. If His Majesty means to shelter those vile [cdb]church rats, then I shall rebuke him to my [cdb]final breath. Fling open the gates!
  2020. Lonato... It's time to settle this.
  2021. So combat is truly the only way.
  2022. I will see Christophe avenged, even at the cost [cdb]of my own life!
  2023. Step aside, Ashe. I have a duty I must uphold.
  2024. As do I—the duty of a knight to his kingdom. I'd never betray that!
  2025. Cassandra, pawn of that wretched woman. Christophe would yet live if not for you!
  2026. You can curse me until you're blue in the face, [cdb]but the moment you threaten Lady Rhea, I'll cut you down without hesitation.
  2027. You must reconsider, Your Majesty! The Central Church's "blessing" is naught [cdb]but a poisoned chalice!
  2028. Forgive me, Lonato, but I must grasp it all the [cdb]same. This is the brightest future I can give [cdb]my people.
  2029. I have burned far too many bridges to turn [cdb]back now.
  2030. Ngh...
  2031. Are you seriously going to sit back and let [cdb]someone else handle the Ashen Demon [cdb]for you?
  2032. Enough of this foolishness.
  2033. Enough of this foolishness.
  2034. They were a formidable opponent. Would that [cdb]we could've finished them here, but greed in [cdb]battle will only end in tragedy.
  2035. So they beat the kid. Huh. These Kingdom [cdb]folks are tougher than I thought.
  2036. Fine then. We retreat.
  2037. Fine then. We retreat.
  2038. I may be new to Jeralt's band, but my only [cdb]hope is that I don't get you all killed. That [cdb]funeral would truly be a grave affair!
  2039. Alois? What are you doing with these [cdb]mercenaries?
  2040. There's a very good reason for all of this. And I assure you, it's not a treason reason!
  2041. We should reach their commander if we can [cdb]get past Alois.
  2042. No, Captain Jeralt! I'd best pull back myself.
  2043. The might of Adrestia is on our side. Yes, [cdb]with our combined forces...
  2044. Messengers. We need to stop them before they [cdb]call for backup.
  2045. One down. Just need to catch the other [cdb]one now!
  2046. And not a moment too soon.
  2047. Ugh, we let them get away! Guess we've got [cdb]more enemies coming now.
  2048. So they've slipped our grasp. Enemy [cdb]reinforcements will be on us any minute!
  2049. I can barely see my hand in front of my face... Hey, didn't we bring torches?
  2050. Visibility is low. There should be torches [cdb]among our supplies.
  2051. Phew, I can see way better now! This'll make [cdb]moving around a lot easier, too!
  2052. We have little use for our torches now, seeing [cdb]as the fog has lifted at last.
  2053. Hehe! I had a feeling something like this might [cdb]happen, so I prepared a technique of my own [cdb]to guard against their magic.
  2054. Tricks of sorcery should be met in kind. Defensive white magic will serve us nicely.
  2055. Thank you. This will surely help.
  2056. The battle is over. A fine effort, everyone— [cdb]especially considering the conditions.
  2057. We shall repel the Imperial army here and put [cdb]a halt to their invasion. But be wary—they [cdb]possess no small supply of skilled warriors.
  2058. From the looks of it, they've gone and camped [cdb]out in the ruins of that village.
  2059. It seems their main force is laying low in that [cdb]abandoned village.
  2060. Keep your guard high—those mercenaries [cdb]could be waiting behind any corner. For now, [cdb]though, let us deal with the foes we can see.
  2061. The road to the village is blocked off. We'll need to find another way.
  2062. Good. How many remain?
  2063. We've spotted the Ashen Demon among the [cdb]enemy's ranks, Your Majesty! As well as... the Death Knight.
  2064. The Empire's most fearsome general... We should try to keep them both isolated [cdb]if we can.
  2065. Enemies! Ohh, they're coming to get us! Everyone fend for yourselves!
  2066. Nice of them to open the doors for us. Now let's take control!
  2067. This stronghold will likely prove the key to [cdb]our victory on this day. We must keep it at [cdb]all costs.
  2068. That's two down. We're doing it!
  2069. The Ashen Demon and the Death Knight can't [cdb]be as scary as they sound, right? Right?
  2070. This fight might just be exciting after all.
  2071. I'm coming too. We can't let them keep [cdb]pushing us around.
  2072. I'm coming too. We can't let them keep [cdb]pushing us around.
  2073. So they've come. Keep your distance for now. We must focus our efforts on the remaining Imperial encampments.
  2074. Gah! A little long-ranged help, please?
  2075. That's one catapult dealt with. Let's move on [cdb]to the other!
  2076. The Ashen Demon and the Death Knight are [cdb]the only major threats remaining.
  2077. Urgh, they got our catapults...which means [cdb]they're coming for us next! Run away!
  2078. That soldier looks rather...panicked. She may [cdb]be convinced to join us with a bit of pressure.
  2079. She's their leader. As much as it hurts to say it, [cdb]we cannot let her leave here alive.
  2080. Their leader is trying to escape? Pathetic. We'll make her regret flinging those [cdb]gates open.
  2081. Now that I think of it, these catapults may be [cdb]of use to us.
  2082. Why won't you just let me go?!
  2083. I...don't feel too good about this. But that's [cdb]just how it goes in war.
  2084. Bernie's gonna... Just, give me a second to [cdb]write my dying words.
  2085. You can have all the time you want if you [cdb]surrender.
  2086. We don't want to have to kill you, Bernadetta. Please.
  2087. I doubt you want to die like this.
  2088. I make for the central stronghold. My prey [cdb]awaits.
  2089. Fine. I'll handle the strongholds on the [cdb]perimeter, then.
  2090. Fine. I'll handle the strongholds on the [cdb]perimeter, then.
  2091. All units, clear out of the central stronghold! We aim to ensnare the Death Knight!
  2092. Clear out! The Death Knight has almost [cdb]arrived!
  2093. What do you think you're doing? Get out of [cdb]there! Are you trying to get yourself killed?!
  2094. Now, close the gates! Sever his escape route!
  2095. Ready? Fire!
  2096. Such cowardice!
  2097. Not even the Ashen Demon can win against [cdb]superior numbers. Call in reinforcements from [cdb]the northwestern stronghold!
  2098. This won't be easy.
  2099. This won't be easy.
  2100. And here I thought the kid could handle it [cdb]alone. Looks like I was wrong.
  2101. Enemy reinforcements. We can't let them seize [cdb]the central stronghold!
  2102. So this is what the Kingdom can do. You've really risen to the occasion!
  2103. Urgh... This is all I've got, huh?
  2104. I won't lose this time, I swear it!
  2105. Alois. Is there anything I can do to convince [cdb]you to come back to the knights?
  2106. Apologies, but I've sworn to fight by Jeralt's [cdb]side, and that's where I'll stay.
  2107. Ngh! This is proving a touch trickier than I'd [cdb]imagined!
  2108. Forgive me, Captain... I must retreat.
  2109. We've outlasted them.
  2110. Fine then. Entertain me!
  2111. He's broken free! The catapults appear to be [cdb]working, though. Come, this is our chance!
  2112. Death... Blood... I crave more!
  2113. Good... Good! Let me taste the kiss of death!
  2114. That voice is so familiar. Could it be... No, that's not possible.
  2115. Ahh, yes! This ecstasy only comes on the brink [cdb]of death itself!
  2116. I'm all too familiar with the feeling.
  2117. My end comes not today. I shall make my [cdb]retreat.
  2118. So he finally gave in. That bladework of his [cdb]was awfully familiar, though.
  2119. The Ashen Demon has taken on countless [cdb]soldiers. Even one of their exceptional skill [cdb]must be growing weary by now.
  2120. Ngh. They need backup.
  2121. Ngh. They need backup.
  2122. Nothing personal. This is my job.
  2123. Nothing personal. This is my job.
  2124. I'll be overwhelmed if this keeps up.
  2125. I'll be overwhelmed if this keeps up.
  2126. No... I can still fight.
  2127. No... I can still fight.
  2128. Our attacks are proving effective. Just one [cdb]more push and we'll have them!
  2129. Oh no, oh no, oh no! Go ask the mercenaries [cdb]for help!
  2130. They seek reinforcements. Best to put a stop [cdb]to that now.
  2131. No more backup. That should buy us at least [cdb]a little time.
  2132. Shoot, they've got backup!
  2133. We must support our champion! Advance [cdb]to his position at once!
  2134. Imperial soldiers! Are they trying to heal the Death Knight?
  2135. We can't let those Imperial rats heal the Death Knight! We must put a halt to their [cdb]plan, with all haste!
  2136. Stopped them no problem. That's one less [cdb]thing for us to worry about.
  2137. We will tend to your wounds, my lord!
  2138. We failed to stop them... Very well, then. We'll just have to drag him down once more!
  2139. No such thing as being too careful. I should [cdb]send some help the kid's way.
  2140. We can't afford to rest on our laurels here. Let's deal with these guys quick!
  2141. Just what we need. Make short work of them!
  2142. These mercenaries were tough enough [cdb]without the backup...
  2143. They beat us good. Come back safe, kid.
  2144. We have armored units at our disposal as well. They can bolster any stronghold in need of the [cdb]assistance.
  2145. This should buy our defenses a bit more time.
  2146. Excellent. None remain who can pose a threat [cdb]to our strongholds.
  2147. We've got some mages here to help! They're [cdb]ready to attack the village ruins whenever you [cdb]say the word!
  2148. Mages have arrived. They are ready to strike [cdb]the village ruins whenever we are.
  2149. That went great!
  2150. Our reinforcements are in danger of being [cdb]overrun. We must repel the enemy at once!
  2151. We lack the might necessary to defeat this [cdb]enemy... In other words, we have failed.
  2152. What do you think you're doing? We don't [cdb]have a hope in the world if we lose control of [cdb]those catapults!
  2153. We have lost the catapults. No strategy can [cdb]possibly bring us victory this day.
  2154. The Death Knight will escape if that garrison falls.
  2155. Hmph. Such a paltry pack of whelps could [cdb]never hope to hold me!
  2156. There is no stopping him now. Surrender is the [cdb]only road left for us to walk.
  2157. A rematch, then. Good.
  2158. A rematch, then. Good.
  2159. Do not throw yourself at that wall just yet. The time isn't right for it.
  2160. I...did it. I beat the Ashen Demon.
  2161. I...did it. I beat the Ashen Demon.
  2162. Do be sure not to let your guard down. Things are never quite as cut and dry as [cdb]they seem.
  2163. Not bad. But I'm not done yet.
  2164. Not bad. But I'm not done yet.
  2165. You dare stand against me? At least try to [cdb]make it interesting, then.
  2166. So...we've won.
  2167. Hm, not bad. Not bad at all. This might [cdb]actually be fun!
  2168. Come on. It's time to rescue our fool king, [cdb]and whoever else we find along the way.
  2169. The streets are flooded with enemy soldiers... but one wrong step and we'll end up hurting [cdb]the civilians instead. Be careful, everyone.
  2170. The streets are flooded with enemy soldiers... but one wrong step and we'll end up hurting [cdb]the civilians instead. Be careful, everyone.
  2171. We'll start by carving a path to the castle [cdb]town. On me!
  2172. We have no time to waste. Quickly, we must [cdb]keep pressing on!
  2173. We're almost there! Keep going!
  2174. They've broken through our front lines! Move to counterattack!
  2175. Not the smartest move, opening the gate [cdb]for us. Let's crush them here and push on [cdb]into town!
  2176. Those must be the weapons we heard about. They look like some kind of fire orb.
  2177. So those are the weapons we heard about. Fire orbs, from the look of 'em.
  2178. So those are the weapons we heard about. Fire orbs, from the look of 'em.
  2179. I must return to the castle!
  2180. Dedue's surrounded! We have to help him!
  2181. Dedue's in a tough spot there. We've gotta [cdb]help him!
  2182. Dedue's in a tough spot there. We've gotta [cdb]help him!
  2183. And we'd better be quick about it, by the look [cdb]of things.
  2184. Backup? Thank you.
  2185. You needn't worry about me. We must rescue His Majesty at once.
  2186. But we are worried! You're our friend too, [cdb]just like Dimitri.
  2187. Lord Rodrigue is surely still out here, fighting [cdb]in the streets.
  2188. Hmph! Who do you think you face?!
  2189. Rodrigue is struggling! We have to help!
  2190. Not sure we can afford the delay...but we [cdb]should help him all the same.
  2191. I'm humbled you went out of your way to help [cdb]me...and ashamed to admit my own weakness.
  2192. Felix? Why have you come for me?
  2193. You should've hurried straight to His Majesty, Felix...yet here you are. Thank you.
  2194. Hmph, you were getting overwhelmed. We weren't about to just watch you die.
  2195. I've heard Dedue is somewhere in the city as [cdb]well. I suggest we find him at once.
  2196. Ngh... If I can only hold out a little longer!
  2197. Father! Stay strong, we're coming!
  2198. Gustave is here too? You know what to do.
  2199. How did you... You saved my life.
  2200. I'm glad you're safe! Now come on, let's kick [cdb]some enemy behind, you and me!
  2201. I am grateful, but there is no time to dawdle. We must make to rescue the king at once.
  2202. Don't worry. I'm sure we'll make it in time!
  2203. I was wondering when your merry little band [cdb]might show up. Lucky for you, I've got a nice [cdb]mass grave ready and waiting.
  2204. His Majesty is in the castle. We must press on.
  2205. Please be safe, Your Majesty!
  2206. Not much further!
  2207. Not much further!
  2208. On me. Any who stand in our way will taste [cdb]the pointed end of my lance.
  2209. Areadbhar belongs in His Majesty's hands. We must reclaim it.
  2210. Guard that lance with your lives! Don't let [cdb]them have it!
  2211. Makes me sick seeing that thing with the [cdb]enemy. We'll wrest it out of their cold, [cdb]lifeless fingers.
  2212. Out of my way!
  2213. You didn't have a chance!
  2214. You didn't have a chance!
  2215. Hmph, is that all?
  2216. This lance is a symbol of the Kingdom...and [cdb]it's all the boar has left of his father. Let's bring [cdb]it back where it belongs.
  2217. Indeed. To His Majesty.
  2218. Sneaking out of our room, are we? You know [cdb]what this means.
  2219. We cannot allow even a single civilian casualty. Please, lend me your blade.
  2220. Like I'd do anything else!
  2221. Like I'd do anything else!
  2222. No! Please, spare me!
  2223. What a pity. None of this would be happening [cdb]if your dear king had just been a good little [cdb]boy and done as he was told.
  2224. Someone... Anyone, help!
  2225. Oh no! We have to save them!
  2226. There are more out there who need our help. Come on, let's go!
  2227. I pray we've not arrived too late. Come, let us [cdb]show them the might of House Gautier!
  2228. That banner... It must be the margrave! Finally some welcome news amidst this chaos.
  2229. No... I don't want to die!
  2230. This is...the end for me. Why is this [cdb]happening...
  2231. We can't let them die. Hurry, everyone!
  2232. Ngh! Where are the knights when you [cdb]need them...
  2233. Please, just...let my daughter live...
  2234. We've got to help them, fast!
  2235. Stop, please! Just let me go!
  2236. I'm not ready to die! Not here. Not like this...
  2237. We cannot allow even one civilian to fall.
  2238. Someone help me, please! I'm begging you!
  2239. Oh, Goddess, hear my prayer...
  2240. They're barely hanging in there. We've got [cdb]to move!
  2241. You have my thanks. I could never have hoped [cdb]to accomplish that alone.
  2242. Oh, I've been waiting for this. Let's have a [cdb]little fun, shall we?
  2243. It's always such a shame to see such promising [cdb]young flames rush to be snuffed out before [cdb]their time.
  2244. I must admit, I went too easy on you. Perhaps I should've torn your eyes out and bound you [cdb]in chains instead.
  2245. We all have our regrets in life, Cornelia. And soon you'll regret ever being born.
  2246. All who stand against His Majesty will be [cdb]cut down!
  2247. Hmph, how troublesome. When did you [cdb]break free, hm?
  2248. It's really you. I don't have much to say, so... let's get this over with.
  2249. Well, if it isn't my poor little stray. Come now, [cdb]you're going back to your cage!
  2250. Is this all you're capable of? Frankly, I'm getting [cdb]a little bored here.
  2251. Talk all you want, witch. It won't spare you [cdb]your fate.
  2252. Such frail bodies... How do you stand it?
  2253. Clever little insects. Try as you might to stamp [cdb]them out, they'll always come crawling back.
  2254. She's on the verge of exhaustion. Let's finish this.
  2255. Stop struggling and accept your fate, witch.
  2256. My, how simply terrifying!
  2257. We need to do something about that [cdb]weapon, but I doubt attacking it head-on [cdb]will do us any good.
  2258. There must be controls we could use to shut [cdb]it down. I could swear I've seen such a [cdb]thing somewhere around here...
  2259. I remember seeing some kinda device [cdb]around here somewhere. Maybe that's [cdb]what controls 'em.
  2260. I remember seeing some kinda device around [cdb]here somewhere. Maybe that's what controls it.
  2261. Not sure how to work this thing, but here [cdb]goes nothing.
  2262. The attacks have come to a stop. They should [cdb]be safe now.
  2263. Looks like the attacks have stopped. That part [cdb]of town should be in the clear now.
  2264. Looks like the attacks have stopped. That part [cdb]of town should be in the clear now.
  2265. Might as well deal with the other one, too. I wonder if those are the controls...
  2266. We should shut the other weapon down too. And that device seems to be just what we'll [cdb]need to do it.
  2267. All right, just gotta do, uh...something. Come on, please work!
  2268. Their assault has ceased. That should give us [cdb]an easier time moving around now.
  2269. All these ranged attacks are really cramping [cdb]my style. We should find the controls and [cdb]put an end to them once and for all.
  2270. Those weapons are quite the problem indeed. Perhaps we should seek out the controls and [cdb]shut them down.
  2271. Huh... Think that did it.
  2272. We did it! Not much further now.
  2273. That should be all of them. Nice work.
  2274. That drawbridge would serve to be our [cdb]quickest route forward...but the controls have [cdb]been tampered with.
  2275. Hmph, no surprise there. I'd be more shocked [cdb]if they'd left them intact.
  2276. Engineers! Repair the controls and lower the [cdb]drawbridge, then do what you must to keep [cdb]it safe. I'm counting on you.
  2277. I see you came prepared, Felix.
  2278. I must...protect...His Majesty...
  2279. Forgive me, Lambert... I failed to keep my [cdb]promise...
  2280. So this is the end... Please, everyone. Save [cdb]yourselves...
  2281. I'm not ready to die...
  2282. But...why...
  2283. I can't...keep going...
  2284. Oh, Goddess... I'm coming...
  2285. My plan failed. Had I only chosen another [cdb]option...
  2286. I had so much left to do... The only thing [cdb]waiting to greet me in death is shame...
  2287. Viscount Mateus, Viscount Elidure... They sure aren't holding anyone back. But where's my uncle in all of this?
  2288. The western lords have come out in full force [cdb]to oppose us. Baron Dominic's encampment [cdb]should be in the west.
  2289. As we discussed, we will focus our efforts on [cdb]persuading the baron to join our cause, [cdb]and chip away at the others en route.
  2290. We march together. I will make my brother [cdb]see reason if it is the last thing I do.
  2291. With all the progress we've made, the western [cdb]lords are probably feeling the heat pretty [cdb]hard. I bet he'll be receptive.
  2292. We won't have much hope of persuading the [cdb]baron without you, Gustave. Stay vigilant.
  2293. Stay out of my way! Nobody's stopping me [cdb]from reaching my uncle!
  2294. If you won't stand down, we'll just have to [cdb]force our way through!
  2295. Such foolishness. Now, show them the price [cdb]of their folly!
  2296. An ambush... There are likely more awaiting [cdb]us elsewhere as well. Stay vigilant.
  2297. My apologies for the trouble. Let us continue [cdb]onward.
  2298. What savage beasts. Dispose of them.
  2299. No matter what may come our way, we can [cdb]fend them off so long as we stand together.
  2300. That should do it. Let's keep moving, Gustave!
  2301. We did it! All that's left is to convince my [cdb]uncle.
  2302. The baron lies dead ahead. Onward.
  2303. I must speak with you, my brother. Please!
  2304. Gustave? How did you break through?!
  2305. So you mean to sway our precious Baron Dominic to your cause? Well, I won't allow it.
  2306. There are so many of them! We can't let them [cdb]reach my father!
  2307. Surely you see the western lords have no hope [cdb]of winning this fight, my brother. But together [cdb]we can put an end to that seductress.
  2308. Yet if I join you and we should fail...what [cdb]becomes of us then? What becomes of the [cdb]citizens of my barony?
  2309. Should House Dominic align itself with the [cdb]royal family, this feeble rebellion will fall to [cdb]its knees.
  2310. My name carries weight, yes, but I lack the [cdb]might to back it up. Do not expect such things [cdb]from me, Gustave.
  2311. Lambert died by Cornelia's hand, and she is [cdb]who you choose to side with?
  2312. The decision was not one I took lightly...but I [cdb]have a responsibility to keep my people safe.
  2313. However, my heart lies not in this fight. If you [cdb]can promise victory...then I will join you.
  2314. Thank you, my brother. You will not regret [cdb]this decision.
  2315. With my uncle on our side, we've got nothing [cdb]to be afraid of!
  2316. So this is the sting of betrayal, hm? Allow me [cdb]to put you in your place.
  2317. We cannot afford to lose the baron after all [cdb]we've done to secure his cooperation. We must [cdb]defeat the western lords and see him safe.
  2318. But...how? Cornelia said we would win this [cdb]handily...
  2319. If they're working with Cornelia, then...were [cdb]the western lords involved in the Tragedy?
  2320. Justice lies with us. I feel no shame for what [cdb]we've done...
  2321. Why must so many die for the sake of your [cdb]so-called justice?
  2322. This was our only option, Your Majesty! The western lords, we...
  2323. No words can spare you now. You may plead [cdb]your case to my father beyond the veil of [cdb]death.
  2324. That's the last of their reinforcements. Things should be a little calmer now.
  2325. Let us march, my brother. We can reach Cornelia via the drawbridge to the east.
  2326. How dare you... Let's see how you like a taste [cdb]of the Viskam's power!
  2327. Ngh! What is this?!
  2328. Those are the same weapons we fought back in Fhirdiad. There must be a way to shut them [cdb]down somewhere nearby.
  2329. Ugh, these things again. Let's find the [cdb]controls, quick.
  2330. I don't know what's up with those soldiers, [cdb]but they're going after the baron. As if we'll [cdb]let them!
  2331. Those soldiers do not belong to the western [cdb]lords...and they make for the baron. We must [cdb]move to intercept!
  2332. There are the controls. We should capture the [cdb]stronghold first, though.
  2333. All right, time to shut this thing down!
  2334. Phew, that was close. Let's go, Uncle!
  2335. Our path is once again clear. Let us proceed, Baron Dominic.
  2336. Why can't you just be good little rats and die [cdb]like you're supposed to?!
  2337. They just don't stop coming. C'mon, let's take 'em out!
  2338. They just don't stop coming. C'mon, let's take 'em out!
  2339. There sure are a lot of them. Guess they're [cdb]taking this whole thing pretty serious, huh?
  2340. They can send however many soldiers they [cdb]want. None will reach the baron!
  2341. I wonder if these strange soldiers are Cornelia's personal guard...
  2342. Hear me well! Lower this drawbridge at once!
  2343. Is that...Baron Dominic? Yes, my lord! Right away!
  2344. Thank you, Uncle! Just a little bit [cdb]further now!
  2345. We are ever in your debt, Baron. Let us press [cdb]onward.
  2346. So, they've come. On my life, you shall not [cdb]break through!
  2347. We don't have time for this. What's your call, [cdb]boar?
  2348. Forgive the delay, Warrior King of Faerghus. Allow us to join the fray!
  2349. You've come! I will not forget this kindness. All units, forward!
  2350. Support from Duscur? Of all the lowly tricks. What do we do now?!
  2351. Ugh. Calm yourself, Rowe. We still have [cdb]plenty of cards up our sleeve.
  2352. More of those weapons! We'll never reach that [cdb]witch now.
  2353. Let us help you. We'll shut those things down.
  2354. These weapons continue to amaze me, [cdb]no matter how many times we fight them. They're like nothing I've ever seen before.
  2355. That's one down! Let's get a move on to the [cdb]next one!
  2356. Where did Cornelia get these weapons, anyway?
  2357. No... We need to help them.
  2358. That's that, then. On to Cornelia!
  2359. Clever little vermin, aren't they? I'll need [cdb]some time to reactivate the Viskam. I trust [cdb]you know what to do, Count.
  2360. Yes...of course. I suppose that means I'll be [cdb]going out there...
  2361. Count Rowe himself is joining this battle, hm? It matters not. Do what you must to protect [cdb]those controls!
  2362. Worry not, King of Faerghus. We will not let [cdb]the controls fall into enemy hands.
  2363. They've come. We could've left the defense [cdb]to that unit from Duscur had we only kept [cdb]them alive.
  2364. Ah! I, um... Your Majesty.
  2365. Count Rowe. You never do shy away from [cdb]treason.
  2366. Aren't you Lonato's son? He served under me, [cdb]you know! Perhaps you could take his place.
  2367. Sorry, but I'm a knight of the royal family now. And you deserve everything that's coming to [cdb]you for betraying us.
  2368. Buy time, she says. But how does she expect [cdb]me to do so? I am no fighter.
  2369. Urgh. Cornelia! Help me!
  2370. Why would she come to your aid now? You [cdb]truly don't realize who you've allied with, [cdb]do you?
  2371. They'll reactivate the weapons if that [cdb]stronghold falls! We can't let that happen!
  2372. They will recapture the weapon at this rate. We must hurry.
  2373. I don't understand... Where did I go wrong?
  2374. Enough of this, Cornelia. None remain who [cdb]can shield you from our vengeance.
  2375. I'd hoped to keep my hands clean, but it seems [cdb]there's nothing for it. Entertain me, boy!
  2376. So you've finally shown yourself. There will be [cdb]no escape for you this time, I assure you.
  2377. We cannot hope to win while under fire from [cdb]those weapons. Let's handle them first!
  2378. You Kingdom dogs are good at giving chase, I must admit.
  2379. It's only us and her now, but keep your heads [cdb]on straight. And watch out for those weapons!
  2380. My, what a fascinating power you wield. Where did you get it?
  2381. I don't answer to you. But I'd be glad to give [cdb]you a closer look!
  2382. I don't answer to you. But I'd be glad to give [cdb]you a closer look!
  2383. I can't stand the stench of vermin. Be good [cdb]little rats and die for me, will you?
  2384. I will ask you again—why did you slaughter [cdb]them? If you don't want to greet death [cdb]yourself, I suggest you speak true.
  2385. So it's a motive you seek, hm? How about... because I felt like it.
  2386. A man of Duscur, hm? I should have [cdb]exterminated you when I had the chance!
  2387. Even were His Majesty to forgive the [cdb]atrocities you committed...I never will.
  2388. Come to avenge your son, have you? Or perhaps your dear friend Lambert? How horribly predictable.
  2389. None of this means a thing to you, does it? I will not suffer a witch like you to speak [cdb]any longer!
  2390. Just what I'd expect of a stray. Flee in terror [cdb]only to come back biting at your ankles a [cdb]moment later.
  2391. Hey, you ran too!
  2392. So it is you! Nowhere left to run, huh?
  2393. If it isn't the stray, back to yap at my heels [cdb]all over again.
  2394. What's this? Has the disgraced knight come to [cdb]lecture me about loyalty, hm?
  2395. Say what you will, witch. I will atone for my [cdb]transgressions when I claim your head!
  2396. Good, very good. Don't stop now—I'm actually [cdb]enjoying this!
  2397. Out of soldiers already. I told Thales I needed [cdb]more than this.
  2398. Not much further. Everyone, together!
  2399. I...lose? Curse this feeble flesh!
  2400. Calling for reinforcements, are you? How rude. I suppose it's time for the western [cdb]knights to make their appearance.
  2401. The enemy will reclaim those weapons should [cdb]the warriors from Duscur fall. We must bolster [cdb]their defenses!
  2402. I... I will not let you lay a hand on them.
  2403. We've fought off the enemy reinforcements, [cdb]but we must stay vigilant. Those guarding the [cdb]weapons cannot be defeated.
  2404. Apologies, but we must retreat. May fortune [cdb]smile upon you, King of Faerghus.
  2405. We cannot let them reclaim those weapons. Do not allow the enemy near the strongholds!
  2406. Yeah, that's not good. We have to help!
  2407. We've managed to fight them off for now. Nicely done, everyone.
  2408. One of the strongholds with the weapons has [cdb]fallen! We have to take it back.
  2409. We've already seen those weapons back in Fhirdiad. We know what to do—form a barrier!
  2410. This may not halt the attacks, but it will at [cdb]least lessen their impact.
  2411. Send help to the Duscur soldiers. They need [cdb]assistance controlling those strongholds.
  2412. Send more soldiers to the strongholds that [cdb]control those weapons. They must be [cdb]defended at all costs.
  2413. We will be counting on you.
  2414. Seize the witch. It's time she told us the truth.
  2415. I cannot fall... Not while my duty remains [cdb]unfulfilled.
  2416. No! I have to help him!
  2417. Forgive me, Gustave. I fear I cannot go much [cdb]further.
  2418. My brother cannot fall. Without him, [cdb]our strategy is doomed to failure!
  2419. Forgive me, Your Majesty. I have failed you.
  2420. Father? No!
  2421. Gustave, no! Our mission ends in failure... All units, retreat.
  2422. Forgive me, everyone. In the end, I was just as [cdb]powerless as I thought...
  2423. The baron has fallen...and our hope of success [cdb]dies with him. Retreat is our only option.
  2424. Ah, my dear Titanus! Hunt these beasts down!
  2425. Another one of Cornelia's weapons? The damage will be immeasurable if such [cdb]a monstrosity is let loose.
  2426. Such powerful attacks... Conventional tactics [cdb]will not serve us much good here.
  2427. Even your might could never be a match for [cdb]my dear child, boy.
  2428. My Titanus... How?! If I had only reinforced [cdb]its shell further...
  2429. That witch. She had that in her back pocket [cdb]this whole time?
  2430. Our knowledge runs far deeper than you [cdb]barbarians could ever hope to understand.
  2431. Please hurry, Your Majesty! The enemy used [cdb]a secret passage to infiltrate the fortress, and [cdb]have already engaged Catherine and her unit!
  2432. Then let us help them at once. We cannot afford [cdb]failure here. Arianrhod is too valuable.
  2433. So they really did find a back way in. Seems like the main gate's still closed. Thankfully, the controls aren't too far off.
  2434. They've stationed units around the controls [cdb]for the gate. We'll need to fight our way past [cdb]them if we're to have any hope of opening it.
  2435. They spotted me. Guess I've lost a step.
  2436. That's...Shamir! We must assist her.
  2437. Phew! That should clear our way into the [cdb]fortress.
  2438. There. We can head inside now.
  2439. This is where I die, huh? Not the most [cdb]comfortable place for an eternal sleep.
  2440. Shamir is in dire trouble. We must help her [cdb]at once!
  2441. I don't think she can hold out much longer. Let's move!
  2442. Surprised you came for me. I guess I should [cdb]return the favor.
  2443. The emperor's personal guard is pretty tough. I'm almost impressed... Almost.
  2444. You're safe here. Please, go rest. You can leave [cdb]this to us.
  2445. Appreciate it. I owe you one.
  2446. Sorry, Catherine... Guess you have to go it [cdb]alone from here...
  2447. We're too late! How could this happen...
  2448. We were but a moment too late... Let us press [cdb]onward. Her death shall not be in vain!
  2449. Onward. We will not suffer any further [cdb]sacrifices, I swear it.
  2450. One of the Gautier brats, huh? Don't tell me [cdb]you actually want to fight me.
  2451. Heh, I'm a lot more than some stupid family [cdb]name. I'll knock your teeth out for that!
  2452. Well isn't someone feisty. Fine, then. Show me what you can do!
  2453. Miklan and Gwendal are fighting? Hm... It's probably for the best that I don't go help [cdb]him, honestly.
  2454. Gwendal's soldiers have stationed themselves [cdb]in front of the main hall? We'll need to move [cdb]quickly if we want to save Miklan.
  2455. Perhaps, but we can't abandon him either. Let [cdb]us open this gate and hurry to Miklan's aid!
  2456. Indeed. The gate controls should be nearby. Let us commence the rescue!
  2457. So we have to open this gate before we can [cdb]open the one at the main hall? Well, that's [cdb]annoying.
  2458. Little wonder this is known as an impregnable [cdb]fortress. In order to open one gate, we must [cdb]also open countless others.
  2459. We've captured the stronghold! That means [cdb]we can open the gate now!
  2460. There should be one more device to open the [cdb]gates to the main hall. We'll need to locate it.
  2461. Not bad! But not good enough to beat me, [cdb]whelp!
  2462. It might be different if you had a Crest, but [cdb]there's no way I'm losing to some Crestless [cdb]old man!
  2463. Haha! You sure know how to bark, but can [cdb]you bite? Let's find out, shall we, Miklan?
  2464. It appears we're in time. We will help bolster [cdb]the main hall.
  2465. Wow, the old man's here! I guess it really [cdb]never hurts to ask.
  2466. Dispatching that envoy to the margrave was a [cdb]worthwhile gambit. This should be a great help [cdb]as we advance.
  2467. I of all people should know better than to act [cdb]so carelessly. Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I [cdb]must retreat.
  2468. To my utter shame, I leave with nothing [cdb]avenged...
  2469. That's one!
  2470. You really don't hold anything back, do you? It's time I put you out of your misery!
  2471. Ngh! Heh, what a joke... Still...at least I [cdb]bought us all the time we needed...
  2472. True, I didn't expect you to give me that [cdb]much trouble. You put up a fine fight, whelp. Or should I say...Sir Miklan.
  2473. I may have disowned him as my son, but I see [cdb]no reason not to avenge him.
  2474. Can't believe he kept that many forces away [cdb]from the main hall. That brother of mine [cdb]really was something.
  2475. No! We were a step too late. We must make [cdb]haste for the main hall. Our assistance is [cdb]sorely needed.
  2476. Everyone, prepare to fire! We'll give 'em hell!
  2477. True to its fame, the Silver Maiden's arsenal is [cdb]robust indeed.
  2478. We won't get very far like this. We need [cdb]to shut those weapons down first!
  2479. Get out. We don't have any time to waste on [cdb]the likes of you!
  2480. Now the stronghold is ours! Let's turn these [cdb]things off!
  2481. That should put a stop to the attacks too.
  2482. Perfect. Now the traps should be disabled too!
  2483. Well done, everyone! All that's left is to [cdb]invade the main hall!
  2484. You've got spirit, daughter of Charon. I'm impressed.
  2485. Ha! That's big talk from someone who looks [cdb]like he's got one foot in the grave.
  2486. Oh no, Catherine! We must go to her aid!
  2487. Sorry you had to come back me up, but we [cdb]managed thanks to you!
  2488. I am glad to find you unharmed, Catherine. Her Grace was worried about you.
  2489. She was? Well, that's a real shot in the arm!
  2490. I see the whelps are all here! Think any of you [cdb]can kill me?
  2491. I never wanted to see you again, but here we [cdb]are anyway. Someone has to avenge my [cdb]brother's death.
  2492. Hah! I remember you as a snot-nosed brat, [cdb]but I see you're all grown up now.
  2493. As a knight, it's my duty to seek revenge for [cdb]my lord. I'll fight for the count until my dying [cdb]breath!
  2494. I take no pleasure in killing a man like you, [cdb]yet I cannot allow you to live on.
  2495. As a knight of House Rowe, I'll take back my [cdb]lord's castle if it costs me my life!
  2496. As far as graves go...yes, this'll do.
  2497. A knight with no lord to serve faces adversity [cdb]indeed.
  2498. Guess I really dragged you down there. Thanks for the help.
  2499. Shamir is dead?! I... I see...
  2500. Report! A large Imperial force is advancing on [cdb]the Arianrhod perimeter!
  2501. And I'd bet the emperor is with them. What's [cdb]our move, boar?
  2502. We will not give the fortress back to them. All forces, move to intercept!
  2503. You should know that this fortress is one fun [cdb]surprise after another. Well, would you look [cdb]at that? A hidden staircase!
  2504. They've opened another secret passage? Whoever that is must be quite familiar with [cdb]the construction of this place.
  2505. If it's someone from House Rowe... Oh, then [cdb]maybe we can persuade him to join our side!
  2506. Hmm, this is going to be trouble. Maybe we can [cdb]talk him over to our side.
  2507. If we don't stop that guy soon, enemies are [cdb]going to come flooding in from all directions.
  2508. We must remove him quickly. Otherwise the [cdb]enemy will continue to pour in.
  2509. That old man was just looking for a good place [cdb]to die. And now that he's dead, it's all on me. What a pain.
  2510. Were you with the bandits? Or Gwendal? Wait. You're from House Rowe.
  2511. Oh, I knew it! You're from House Rowe! We sure could use you on our side. What do you say?
  2512. I understand now. Would you be interested in [cdb]working with us? I am asking with full [cdb]knowledge of your identity.
  2513. I know I've seen him somewhere before. But I [cdb]suppose we'll never know now.
  2514. Arianrhod is a key position for us. We must [cdb]retake it, even if we suffer losses in the process.
  2515. I can't believe I got myself dragged out here...
  2516. I am Waldemar von Hevring, Imperial Minister of Domestic Affairs. My reasons for [cdb]being here are my own.
  2517. I won't be much use if I'm wounded any further.
  2518. There's no sense in getting myself killed. I [cdb]shall retreat!
  2519. Couldn't someone else have handled this? What am I even doing here?
  2520. Oh hey, Petra. Sorry, but could you try not to [cdb]kill me?
  2521. Then you should surrender prior to your dying!
  2522. Lin? On a battlefield? I never thought I'd see [cdb]the day, but I can't go easy on you.
  2523. I'm actually more surprised to find you still [cdb]out here, Dorothea.
  2524. Bernadetta. Let's just...pretend we didn't see [cdb]each other, OK?
  2525. Oh yeah, that sounds great... I mean, I can't do that!
  2526. Oh, I'm really in it now. Who knows if I can [cdb]even hold out until Her Majesty gets here...
  2527. I'll be dropping out here. I'm not ready to [cdb]die yet, after all.
  2528. Excellent, that's their vanguard commanders [cdb]dealt with. The question now is, where is Edelgard?
  2529. We will crush the Kingdom army and seize Arianrhod once and for all! Forward!
  2530. This battle shall determine the fate of the [cdb]western front! We must show them the might [cdb]of the Empire!
  2531. If we can take her down here, the war is over. Everyone, now is the time to rally against the Empire!
  2532. I have no mercy for any who oppose me! Prepare to die!
  2533. The emperor herself! I'll be the one to bring [cdb]her down!
  2534. The emperor herself! I'll be the one to bring [cdb]her down!
  2535. I have nothing more to say to you. This ends [cdb]now.
  2536. Yes...I suppose it does, Edelgard. Let us [cdb]finish this.
  2537. It's been a while, Petra. You know, it's not too [cdb]late for you to come back to the Empire. What do you say?
  2538. I am wishing this were different, but I will not [cdb]turn my coat a second time. I am fighting with [cdb]pride as the future queen of Brigid!
  2539. I won't make excuses, Edie. I fought them... and I lost. This is just how things ended up.
  2540. Then say no more, and prepare to lose once [cdb]again. I'll drag you back to the Empire myself.
  2541. Oh, Your Majesty! I, um... Hi?
  2542. Calm down, Bernadetta. You're going to drop [cdb]your weapon.
  2543. It will take more than this to stop me!
  2544. We finally have our chance. I cannot let it go [cdb]to waste!
  2545. I surrender. Now read me my last rites, or let [cdb]me go.
  2546. Unfortunately, I cannot allow you to simply [cdb]walk away. I need to ask you some questions.
  2547. We have not yet reached our goal! Continue [cdb]the advance!
  2548. Our goal lies right ahead. We will [cdb]demonstrate our true might here and now!
  2549. We got careless. We have to do something or [cdb]she'll take the main hall!
  2550. More Kingdom forces! Quick, request [cdb]reinforcements from the main army!
  2551. Stop the messengers! If they send in more [cdb]troops, we'll never reach the main hall!
  2552. They're trying to call for reinforcements. We [cdb]can't let that happen.
  2553. There. No reinforcements should be showing [cdb]up now.
  2554. Good. They couldn't call for reinforcements.
  2555. Oh no! The messengers got past!
  2556. Ugh, they got away! Everyone, get ready for [cdb]enemy reinforcements!
  2557. If they get the main hall, we'll lose the whole [cdb]battle. Plus we've got to protect the [cdb]strongholds all around it too.
  2558. We cannot allow the main hall to succumb. Bolster the strongholds' defenses.
  2559. Nice one! That's a huge relief.
  2560. They've broken through our defenses! Hurry, [cdb]push them back!
  2561. The main hall is in danger. We must push [cdb]them back, quickly.
  2562. We must not lag behind Edelgard. Everyone, [cdb]forward!
  2563. They've mobilized. We must defeat [cdb]them quickly.
  2564. Once this battle is over, I can just hear it... "Ferdinand von Aegir, Hero of Adrestia!"
  2565. I daresay this means we must view Brigid as [cdb]our enemy.
  2566. Yes, Ferdinand. You gave me much kindness. Please have forgiveness.
  2567. Oh, Ferdie! As dashing as ever, I see.
  2568. None of that, please, Dorothea. It is entirely [cdb]wasted in a moment such as this.
  2569. Bernadetta? I would never have expected to [cdb]find you among the enemy's forces.
  2570. I'm as surprised as anyone! Sorry about this, Ferdinand!
  2571. Unfortunately, I really do have quite a lot to [cdb]live for, so I must take my leave. But revenge [cdb]will be mine!
  2572. He's gone. I would've liked to take him out [cdb]here and now, though, considering how... spirited he is.
  2573. Prepare a volley of arrows. Show them the [cdb]results of your training.
  2574. Now...fire.
  2575. All of you, prepare to close the gates. Finally, [cdb]this complicated fortress is working in our [cdb]favor.
  2576. Now, close the gates. Lure the enemy in!
  2577. Ugh! There's no way I'm dying now!
  2578. Hey! It's all over for us if that stronghold falls. Aren't you gonna do something?
  2579. The Knights of Seiros have fallen?! Without them, our defense is hopeless.
  2580. No! We couldn't hold it... I have no choice [cdb]but to accept our loss.
  2581. I thought this was the Western Church's [cdb]army? You wouldn't know it with all those [cdb]outside forces, Imperial and...otherwise.
  2582. I did not expect so many Imperial troops in [cdb]the Western Church.
  2583. Ah... We must help these people, and quickly. We can focus on gaining territory after that.
  2584. Our priority is granting the local citizens an [cdb]escape route. To do so, we must start by [cdb]capturing the nearby strongholds.
  2585. Ugh, the Kingdom's here already? Loot [cdb]whatever you can!
  2586. Get a load of this guy here for the wrong job. Who made him an Imperial general, anyway?
  2587. One stronghold secured. We must now [cdb]capture another.
  2588. It is tantamount to death for these people [cdb]should these strongholds fall. We must keep [cdb]them secure.
  2589. I'm outta here if we're killing innocent people. Goes against the merc code.
  2590. It's too late to have morals now! We're paying [cdb]you to kill, so you buckle down and do it!
  2591. There are still people trapped inside the [cdb]fortress. We need to get to them, fast.
  2592. But this isn't even Kingdom territory. What [cdb]would embolden them to do such things?
  2593. We made it! Come on, we have to help the [cdb]others!
  2594. I cannot help but think of the Tragedy. We [cdb]must rescue each and every civilian.
  2595. Hah! You can have your dirty money back. Find someone else for this job.
  2596. Shut up and do as you're told, merc! Or, I [cdb]could always cut you to pieces if you can't [cdb]follow orders.
  2597. Think that's all of them. No matter what [cdb]happens from here on out, we have to keep [cdb]them safe.
  2598. Let me outta here, Metodey! I said I'm leaving!
  2599. Hahaha! And I said you're going nowhere! You'll stay put and watch these peasants die!
  2600. We won't let you get away with any more of [cdb]this.
  2601. No! We have to save them!
  2602. Not good! We can't let this go on!
  2603. We saved as many as we possibly could. Now [cdb]we need to see them safely evacuated to the [cdb]strongholds outside the fortress.
  2604. I see you trying to sneak away. Not on my [cdb]watch! You fools will get what you deserve!
  2605. Hmph. They just keep coming.
  2606. Hard to fight and keep your prizes safe at the [cdb]same time, isn't it?
  2607. C'mon, you gotta be kidding me! Let me out!
  2608. Come on, you're letting them get away! I'm not [cdb]done feasting on the fear in their eyes yet!
  2609. The people should be safe in the strongholds [cdb]for now. But we must keep defending them to [cdb]the very end.
  2610. Unbelievable. They've all escaped. Guess it's [cdb]time to finish this myself!
  2611. Perfect! The big bad's on the field now. Don't take your eyes off the strongholds, but [cdb]this is our chance to take him down.
  2612. That appears to be the Imperial commander. Striking him down should weaken their forces.
  2613. You let all the maggots get away, but I wasn't [cdb]done torturing them. You'll just have to take [cdb]their place!
  2614. Will those be your last words, then? I think I'll start by excising that overactive tongue [cdb]of yours.
  2615. There's one safe. We need to hurry and get [cdb]the rest.
  2616. OK, we're almost there! Keep it up, everyone!
  2617. The gold I racked up here is going to make all [cdb]my dreams come true!
  2618. Oh, you're really starting to get on my nerves!
  2619. Wait! If it's money you want, I'll split... the loot...
  2620. Hmph. Is that what passes for an Imperial [cdb]general these days?
  2621. That traitor merc still needs to be dealt with. Get him!
  2622. So that's how it's gonna be, huh? Don't think I'll just take this lying down!
  2623. Is that a dissenter in their ranks? We should [cdb]reach out to him before things escalate any [cdb]further.
  2624. Hey, you from the Kingdom? Could you give [cdb]me a hand here?
  2625. Yuri! Boy, am I glad to see you. You're gonna [cdb]help me, right?
  2626. You're unbelievable. Fine, but you owe me for [cdb]this!
  2627. Hapi! Fancy meeting you here. Hey now, [cdb]don't you go letting out a sigh!
  2628. What are you doing fighting out here all by [cdb]yourself? You really are a weird one.
  2629. Thanks. C'mon, let's handle the rest!
  2630. Thanks for the rescue. What was I thinking, [cdb]taking a job working under those jerks?
  2631. Perhaps you'd like to join us instead, then. We can make it worth your while.
  2632. Sure, why not. You mind if I get a breather [cdb]first, though? It's been a rough one.
  2633. Never shoulda taken this job...and now I'm [cdb]the one paying for it...
  2634. No! We'd almost reached him!
  2635. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2636. Nrgh! You...got me good...
  2637. Ultimately, Metodey, you were no better than [cdb]a stupid beast. We will withdraw.
  2638. I am Myson, liberator of humankind from the [cdb]control of filthy vermin.
  2639. So that guy's the brains behind all this? Don't let him get away!
  2640. We must keep the people safe. Whatever [cdb]happens, protect our strongholds.
  2641. Ugh. You know, these look an awful lot like Cornelia's creeps.
  2642. You are all descendants of the most [cdb]inconsequential of beasts, and your [cdb]deaths will fuel our grand ambition.
  2643. So you're the one who ordered this massacre? Then I can't let you go any further.
  2644. So you're the one who ordered this massacre? Then I can't let you go any further.
  2645. Oh? Might you be...
  2646. I will not be held up by such foul vermin.
  2647. I suppose we cannot make any more gains here. No sense in sticking around. Unless...
  2648. Myson, was it...
  2649. Hmph. Let the beasts battle it out amongst [cdb]themselves.
  2650. Ready the ballistae! Let's see them off with a [cdb]nice parting gift!
  2651. Those ballistae are trouble. We should split up [cdb]and take them down.
  2652. One left. Let's hurry.
  2653. We did it! We've created a safe path forward.
  2654. Try not to let a single enemy through here. We need to keep those people safe.
  2655. We've managed to keep them from any harm. Things are going better than I'd hoped.
  2656. They've broken through our defenses! Regroup, quickly!
  2657. While I may have turned a blind eye to the Empire's brutality, this wasn't what I signed [cdb]up for! I'm out of here!
  2658. Don't let them get away!
  2659. No... This wasn't the plan...
  2660. The goddess has forsaken us...
  2661. No matter the justification, your actions are [cdb]inexcusable.
  2662. Ugh. They can run fast, I'll give them that.
  2663. We have a squad of healers in reserve. They [cdb]should be able to provide aid to injured citizens.
  2664. Please, heal them.
  2665. Thank the goddess! I hope that grants us [cdb]some peace of mind for a little while.
  2666. We should probably close the gates to the [cdb]strongholds that are sheltering the evacuees.
  2667. I believe we should close off the strongholds [cdb]with the citizens inside.
  2668. That's not a bad idea, but the timing has to be [cdb]just right. We don't want to lock the enemy in [cdb]there with them, after all.
  2669. Do it now! Close the gates!
  2670. Now that the people are safe, we can press the [cdb]enemy with no holds barred.
  2671. Ugh. I can't believe you fools locked [cdb]yourselves in there too. Open the gates, now!
  2672. Your efforts saved countless lives today. Hold your head high.
  2673. We can't let that stronghold fall! Hurry!
  2674. That stronghold's going to fall if we don't do [cdb]something! We need to help, and fast!
  2675. Not a chance! We can't let him get away here!
  2676. What did we do to deserve this...
  2677. No... I'm not ready to die...
  2678. We didn't make it in time. Yet again...I failed [cdb]to save them.
  2679. No... With the stronghold fallen, the people [cdb]inside will perish.
  2680. Hmph, he got away. What a colossal failure.
  2681. So many noble Imperial houses have [cdb]assembled on the battlefield. From the looks [cdb]of it, they're desperate to defend the Empire.
  2682. As are we to fight for our home. First, we must [cdb]make haste and take the main hall.
  2683. Duke Gerth is holed up in the main hall, but [cdb]capturing strongholds and besieging the [cdb]enemy should draw him out.
  2684. Remember our objective. We will not be able [cdb]to besiege the enemy until we've captured the [cdb]strongholds.
  2685. That's an enemy stronghold. Quick, we have [cdb]to capture it.
  2686. There. We've done what we can.
  2687. All right, let's aim for the closest stronghold [cdb]first. Easy does it.
  2688. We'll take the nearest stronghold first.
  2689. On to the next ones.
  2690. Hmm, something doesn't seem quite right. Does this feel a little too easy to anyone else?
  2691. Wonderful progress. That should put us at [cdb]ease for the time being.
  2692. Here they are, right on schedule. All units, [cdb]move out and take the Kingdom forces down!
  2693. So the enemy general finally shows. We've gotta put them on the defensive.
  2694. So the enemy general finally shows. We've gotta put them on the defensive.
  2695. The strongholds belong to us now. Still, it all [cdb]seems to be going too smoothly.
  2696. Ugh! They're all over us. I can't stay here any [cdb]longer!
  2697. Don't think you can escape! After her, quick!
  2698. Felix! Don't break ranks!
  2699. There, the path is clear... Wait!
  2700. Heh. You've walked right into my trap.
  2701. I simply can't waste this golden opportunity.
  2702. Hanneman shall have his day! Death [cdb]from above!
  2703. It's an ambush! Everyone, fall back! We can [cdb]take down the enemies at the rear first!
  2704. Now we tighten the net. We can't let any of [cdb]our units fall before we have them surrounded.
  2705. That's...Linhardt. Are we going to have to [cdb]kill him?
  2706. That's Linhardt from the Black Eagles. Perhaps he can be persuaded to surrender...
  2707. You've gotten this far? That persistence is [cdb]honestly exhausting.
  2708. You again? Great. I don't think I have it in me [cdb]to end your life.
  2709. I will not be showing mercy, Linhardt. Your [cdb]kindness is what will become your downfall.
  2710. Lin? On a battlefield again? I must admit, it [cdb]just doesn't feel right.
  2711. I thought I'd see what it's like to stay and [cdb]fight. Even I can't run away every time.
  2712. And here we are again. Let's just pretend we're [cdb]both dead, Bernadetta. What do you say?
  2713. Yeah, I can get behind that... I mean, no! We're supposed to fight!
  2714. If I lose, it'll leave us with a wide opening, but I'm pretty sure this isn't worth throwing my [cdb]life away over.
  2715. I see. It looks like we can go that way too.
  2716. Victory must be ours! We will raze the city and [cdb]the Kingdom army with it!
  2717. That's too close for comfort! I refuse to die in [cdb]a place like this!
  2718. How dare you threaten our lands, Faerghus worms!
  2719. It matters not how many rank and file soldiers [cdb]fall. I am the viscount and I must not die here!
  2720. I won't ask you to switch sides...but maybe we [cdb]could stop fighting, at least?
  2721. Toward what end do you fight? Won't you [cdb]consider surrender instead?
  2722. In the end, we had no other choice. This... won't be the last time we have to do this, [cdb]either.
  2723. I fear that I'll just get in your way and ruin the [cdb]wonderful strategy you've all thought up.
  2724. No, is that...Constance? Please, let me talk to her.
  2725. Well she's a ray of sunshine. I guess we [cdb]should at least try to win her over.
  2726. There is no reason to be wary of a nobody like [cdb]me. I hardly deserve to be here at all.
  2727. Constance? Is that really you?
  2728. Mercedes! To think we would be reunited [cdb]here of all places...
  2729. It has been quite some time, Yuri. What brings [cdb]you to grace us with your presence here?
  2730. Oh, you know. Long story. I'm sure you've got [cdb]one of your own. Right, Constance?
  2731. Constance?! And of course it's sunny. Ugh, [cdb]not good.
  2732. Why, if it isn't the peculiar—beg your pardon, [cdb]the free-spirited mercenary Balthus.
  2733. Coco! But I don't wanna fight you.
  2734. Nor I you. But my dreams, and my emperor, [cdb]demand it.
  2735. Fleeting as they may be...must my dreams [cdb]end upon this battlefield?
  2736. Please, let's stop this. I could never bring myself [cdb]to kill you.
  2737. You've still got something left to live for, don't [cdb]you? Just give yourself up already.
  2738. So the goddess wishes me to suffer even [cdb]further embarrassment...
  2739. I'm so sorry, Constance... I had hoped it [cdb]wouldn't come to this.
  2740. They fended off our ambush... No! We cannot allow them to gain momentum!
  2741. The time has come to remount our attack on [cdb]the main hall!
  2742. A loss here will see my territory invaded! I cannot suffer that to happen!
  2743. For my daughter! For my people! I shall not lose!
  2744. My blade...is blunted after all... Forgive me, [cdb]my dear Monica...
  2745. Father, no! You didn't have to...
  2746. My mistake led to my father's death. I shall [cdb]have revenge!
  2747. She got the better of us before. But not this [cdb]time!
  2748. The time for calm has passed. Who knows [cdb]what I may do now...
  2749. Hey, Monica? Yeah, I don't think there will be [cdb]any getting through to her.
  2750. I promise to bring you victory, Your Majesty!
  2751. She's a tough one.
  2752. You think you can just storm your way in here [cdb]and do as you please? You know nothing of this Empire! And nothing of our emperor!
  2753. I won't stop... Not yet!
  2754. Ngh... I can't die here... I won't...
  2755. Let her go. But the battle isn't over. We must [cdb]prepare for our next maneuver.
  2756. Monica! Oh dear... Perhaps it's time we joined [cdb]the battle in earnest.
  2757. I won't watch her die. Let's go, Hanneman!
  2758. I shall make them work for it, if nothing else.
  2759. I must fight against some of my students in [cdb]order to save others. These are troubling times [cdb]we live in, indeed.
  2760. I never thought the day would come that I'd [cdb]cross blades with Professor Hanneman...
  2761. Everyone else has shown such bravery. I must [cdb]persevere as well!
  2762. It's so dreadful to see a familiar face across the [cdb]battlefield. That said, I will not back down.
  2763. So you're an Imperial general now, Professor Manuela...
  2764. We've ended up on quite different paths, you [cdb]and I.
  2765. Indeed we have. Go on then, show me the [cdb]one you've chosen.
  2766. Not bad at all. Oh, I'm starting to like this!
  2767. No... I refuse to die single!
  2768. I may have one foot in the grave, but I insist I keep the other out of it for the time being.
  2769. There's still so much I want to do in life... I have to withdraw.
  2770. Hanneman! You're looking a little worse for [cdb]wear. Let me heal you!
  2771. If she keeps healing him like that, this battle will [cdb]never end. Let us deal with Manuela first.
  2772. Who would've thought you would actually put [cdb]in the effort to save me? But I must thank you [cdb]all the same.
  2773. Another heal incoming. You have to fight on, Hanneman!
  2774. They made a very formidable duo. I wonder if [cdb]our paths will cross again in the future.
  2775. Isn't it time for you to come out already, Duke Gerth? A general ought to seek [cdb]vengeance for his subordinates.
  2776. Be careful what you wish for. I've quite a lot [cdb]of deaths to avenge by now!
  2777. Duke Gerth is essential to our Empire! He must [cdb]be protected at all costs!
  2778. I see they're putting up one last bit of futile [cdb]resistance. Too bad it's not going to work.
  2779. Run, Gerth... You must save...Her Majesty...
  2780. You force your way into my city and kill [cdb]innocent people, and you're shameless enough [cdb]to claim you're on the side of justice?
  2781. At least...I can die...in my hometown...
  2782. How ironic. My territory has always strived [cdb]for peace, yet it's the first claimed by the [cdb]flames of war.
  2783. I am owing you much, Duke Gerth...but I [cdb]cannot be stopping now!
  2784. Don't worry, I know you have your reasons. I have my own objective in mind as well.
  2785. I am not the most skilled fighter. However, [cdb]fight I must!
  2786. It's all too much for me to bear...
  2787. This is as far as we go. Forgive our weakness...
  2788. No, you've done plenty! You have my [cdb]gratitude.
  2789. I cannot perish here. I must protect [cdb]the Empire!
  2790. Our enemies fought well. To be honest, I'm [cdb]not sure how much more we can endure.
  2791. Send in the remaining soldiers!
  2792. Reinforcements! We'll have to outlast [cdb]them somehow!
  2793. They're not going quietly. Time for the final [cdb]push!
  2794. More of them? When will it ever end?
  2795. They have the numbers. Above all else, we must [cdb]protect His Majesty.
  2796. The enemy's really serious about this. They're sending in so many soldiers...
  2797. Send in as many as you like. I'll cut [cdb]them all down!
  2798. Phew, I think that's finally the last of them. Any chance I can get a breather?
  2799. Well done, everyone. We outlasted them!
  2800. Your Majesty, I have troops held in reserve, [cdb]as discussed. We can mobilize on your command.
  2801. Now's the time. Rodrigue, the reserves!
  2802. Yes, Your Majesty. Spread the word to all units!
  2803. I knew this would happen. Thankfully, I already have a way to slow the enemy [cdb]advance.
  2804. Move out! Halt the enemy in their tracks!
  2805. Brilliant, Rodrigue. I see why my father [cdb]placed so much faith in you.
  2806. Hmph.
  2807. We've taken the main hall. Victory is ours, [cdb]knights of Faerghus!
  2808. Taking this territory will greatly advance [cdb]the war front. Now come, let us strike at [cdb]their commander.
  2809. Remember, we have more than the Imperial [cdb]troops and Randolph to think about. Keep [cdb]your eyes on those mercenaries, too.
  2810. Hm... No point in us fighting the Ashen Demon here if we can avoid it.
  2811. Hm... No point in us fighting the Ashen Demon here if we can avoid it.
  2812. The enemy has surrounded our main force, Your Majesty. We must clear them away.
  2813. Forgive me...but we can't afford to lose here.
  2814. Just one left!
  2815. The path is open! Move out!
  2816. I see neither hide nor hair of the mercenaries. They are most likely lying in wait.
  2817. And the Ashen Demon's probably with them. We're gonna have a decision on our hands [cdb]once they show up...
  2818. And the Ashen Demon's probably with them. We're gonna have a decision on our hands [cdb]once they show up...
  2819. No enemy contact. Let's keep moving.
  2820. Jeralt's band is mighty indeed. I pray that we [cdb]continue to evade them.
  2821. The commander is just ahead. Let's rush them!
  2822. They're here! Go, now!
  2823. They've fallen straight into our trap! Now, [cdb]descend upon them!
  2824. The enemy draws near. We must protect Randolph.
  2825. The enemy draws near. We must protect Randolph.
  2826. You won't lay a finger on my brother!
  2827. Is that Randolph's little sister? What is she [cdb]doing here?
  2828. I can still keep going!
  2829. She's pretty young for a general. Not that we [cdb]have any right to talk about that.
  2830. If you want...to get through here... You'll have to kill me first!
  2831. As much as it pains me...we cannot relent. If we do not defeat your commander, [cdb]this battle will never reach its conclusion.
  2832. Randolph... I'm so sorry... Please stay safe.
  2833. Fleche?! No! If only I had done more to stop [cdb]her from fighting...
  2834. Hmph, so they slipped free. Enough toying, [cdb]then. We go for the jugular!
  2835. Ambushes are a textbook mercenary tactic. All will be lost if our base falls. Send [cdb]reinforcements!
  2836. I'm with Jeralt's band, you know! Don't think I'll go down so easily!
  2837. So you've really joined the Empire, Alois. Does that mean I can stop pulling my [cdb]punches?
  2838. I'm merely in their employ. But by all means, [cdb]give me your best shot!
  2839. Ngh. Is this the end for me?
  2840. Hmph. Bring me someone worth my time.
  2841. We will not let them inside our base!
  2842. Send word to the Demon! Our ambush is [cdb]a failure!
  2843. So Alois has foundered. I'll be right there.
  2844. So Alois has foundered. I'll be right there.
  2845. We did it! Good raiding, everyone! Send word [cdb]that we don't need any help!
  2846. So Alois succeeded. Good. We'll concentrate [cdb]on defense here.
  2847. So Alois succeeded. Good. We'll [cdb]concentrate on defense here.
  2848. The enemy has infiltrated the base. We must [cdb]defeat them quickly to minimize damage.
  2849. That should be enough for now. I shall take my [cdb]leave here!
  2850. No matter who our enemy is, we cannot let [cdb]them harm Rodrigue!
  2851. That really wasn't our finest moment. But at [cdb]least we've salvaged things.
  2852. Alois has fled too? Then it falls to me!
  2853. Their commander is joining the battle. Everyone, on me! Our moment for victory [cdb]has come!
  2854. Randolph's joined the fight? I'd better fall [cdb]back and help him out.
  2855. Randolph's joined the fight? I'd better fall [cdb]back and help him out.
  2856. The Ashen Demon's coming! We must finish off Randolph before that monster arrives.
  2857. Fleche... I'm going to avenge you!
  2858. I can't die here. I must protect my home... I must protect my family!
  2859. Good to see I'm not too late. Leave this to [cdb]me, Randolph.
  2860. Good to see I'm not too late. Leave this to [cdb]me, Randolph.
  2861. But...
  2862. Do it. Fall back and command your troops.
  2863. Do it. Fall back and command your troops.
  2864. I... Very well. I'll do as you say.
  2865. Ngh... Fleche... Forgive me.
  2866. Here they are. Keep your wits about you!
  2867. The Ashen Demon has fled! Should we not [cdb]give chase?
  2868. I bear a report from Lord Rodrigue, Your Majesty! Enemy reinforcements are [cdb]approaching our base!
  2869. That's not good. But we can't afford to let [cdb]up now.
  2870. Indeed... Felix and I will go. That will be more [cdb]efficient than dividing our entire army.
  2871. The Demon has fled. In that case, I have no [cdb]choice but to engage!
  2872. No matter the cost, I must not lose! Fleche... Your memory gives me the [cdb]strength to go on!
  2873. I am prepared to fight until only I remain [cdb]standing!
  2874. That's their commander down. Surely that's [cdb]the end of this battle, right?
  2875. I doubt old Randolph could rest in peace [cdb]without me getting a little payback first.
  2876. Jeralt! I have to stop him.
  2877. Jeralt! I have to stop him.
  2878. Hmm, I'd better not take any more chances. I shall retreat for now!
  2879. Stay out of my way!
  2880. We've pulled through somehow. Is everyone [cdb]all right?
  2881. The mercenaries sprung their ambush... making this the perfect chance to raid the [cdb]enemy base.
  2882. A raid? The enemy must be desperate. But all will be lost if our base falls. Send [cdb]reinforcements!
  2883. I must stand my ground! For Randolph!
  2884. <<<EMPTY>>>
  2885. Our auxiliary unit is battling the enemy. We have to help them.
  2886. Our auxiliary unit has engaged Imperial [cdb]forces. We must assist them at once.
  2887. Good.
  2888. We weren't strong enough.
  2889. You know what must be done. If you want to [cdb]protect your friends, you have to put an end [cdb]to the Demon.
  2890. Good thing we brought a recon unit. They'll sniff out any ambushes that might [cdb]be lying around!
  2891. Our reconnaissance unit should be able to [cdb]pinpoint the location of any ambushes.
  2892. No need to keep looking for ambushes. I'll [cdb]have the reconnaissance unit pull back.
  2893. Order the reconnaissance unit to uncover any [cdb]ambushes awaiting us.
  2894. That worked like a charm! We won't have to [cdb]worry about the enemy surprising us now.
  2895. Closing this gate might buy us some time.
  2896. Now! Close the gate!
  2897. Randolph is defeated, and you are the only ones [cdb]who remain. The question now is, will you and [cdb]your mercenaries yield?
  2898. Well fought, everyone! We emerge victorious!
  2899. I didn't think they would overpower us this [cdb]heavily...
  2900. Hold it together, old man! Come on, boar. We have to help him.
  2901. Rodrigue! I... All units, retreat.
  2902. Now is no time to let fear grip your heart! Together, we can defeat the Adrestian Empire [cdb]and alter the course of history!
  2903. They may match us in number, but they're [cdb]no match for us in skill. We can win this!
  2904. Be careful, everyone. If all of our strongholds [cdb]fall, we'll have no path left to the monastery.
  2905. Your Majesty, might you bless the army with [cdb]some rousing words? That is, after all, your [cdb]purpose here.
  2906. Yes... Right.
  2907. Destroy every enemy that enters your sight.
  2908. That will suffice. Come, everyone. You heard Her Majesty!
  2909. We've had a report that those troublesome [cdb]mages are here too. We should be prepared [cdb]for ambushes.
  2910. I...I surrender! Please, spare my life! I'll tell you [cdb]all of the Empire's secrets!
  2911. Take her in. We'll hear what she has to say [cdb]after the fighting is over.
  2912. But...why... This isn't what you promised, Aegir...
  2913. Even against their huge army, we're more than [cdb]capable of victory if we work together!
  2914. Hmph. This is supposed to be the emperor's [cdb]personal guard?
  2915. I will deliver you a victory, Your Majesty!
  2916. I will gladly give my life for the Empire!
  2917. This is nothing compared to what Her Majesty [cdb]has endured! I will not give in!
  2918. Forgive me my weakness...
  2919. Even with the Empire in shambles, she [cdb]remained loyal to the end.
  2920. There must be someone, somewhere...who [cdb]can defeat me.
  2921. The Death Knight?! What's he doing here?
  2922. The Death Knight? I can't say I expected [cdb]him. If we lose the strongholds to our rear, [cdb]we won't be able to isolate him.
  2923. Looks like he's in a bit of a mood. We'll have [cdb]to use a little trickery to get him surrounded.
  2924. Everyone, listen up! Draw the Death Knight [cdb]into the center of the battlefield!
  2925. The Death Knight... It has to be him. I just [cdb]know it.
  2926. Don't try to fight the Death Knight head-on! Grab his attention and lure him to the center!
  2927. I crave death.
  2928. I recognize your voice, Emile. It's you, [cdb]isn't it?
  2929. We need to stick to Claude's plan. Grab his [cdb]attention and lure him in.
  2930. Perhaps you can be the one to give me death.
  2931. Good. We have his attention. Just keep [cdb]leading him to the center.
  2932. You're running away? Typical... Fine. I will find another to hunt.
  2933. More! It will take much more than that to kill [cdb]me!
  2934. Pretty sure we can't beat him in a straight-up [cdb]fight. Better stick to the plan.
  2935. Don't waste your energy fighting him. Just [cdb]stick to Claude's plan.
  2936. OK, we've drawn him into our trap. But is that [cdb]really going to bring him down?
  2937. We've got him right where we want him, Claude. But how do we defeat him now?
  2938. We're not quite ready yet. We need to take [cdb]back the surrounding strongholds for this [cdb]plan to work.
  2939. There's nowhere for him to run now. Close [cdb]the gates!
  2940. I didn't expect him to fall for such a tactic [cdb]again. Regardless, now we will weaken the Death Knight with magic. On your command.
  2941. Yes, Your Majesty! At the ready, mages! Fire!
  2942. Gah! More! I still draw breath!
  2943. Let me go to him, Dimitri. I might be able to [cdb]convince him to surrender.
  2944. Fling open the gates. Give the Death Knight [cdb]everything we have!
  2945. Emile...I know it's you. Please, don't do this.
  2946. A battle to the death will be my final pleasure. And none will get in my way!
  2947. Emile... I can't get through to you, can I?
  2948. He's still standing after that? It's like he's [cdb]possessed or something.
  2949. Yes, yes! Death draws near!
  2950. Enough of this, Emile! Please! Just stop [cdb]fighting and come with us.
  2951. Mercedes... I... Very well. I will lay down [cdb]my arms.
  2952. Next time, I'll... No. My end comes now.
  2953. Hmph! I see we must use our magic to dignify [cdb]this base struggle.
  2954. Just when I thought we were making progress! How are we supposed to fight against this?
  2955. Ugh, it's just one thing after another. Where [cdb]do we even start?
  2956. This will stop if we take out those mages. Stay calm.
  2957. No matter how large your swarm of beasts is, [cdb]you cannot defeat us!
  2958. I have a personal score to settle with all of you. It is time for me to take my revenge!
  2959. Answer me. Why did you kill my father? What reason did you have for it?
  2960. What reason do I need to squash an insect that [cdb]strays into my path?
  2961. Answer me, Myson. Who am I? What am I?
  2962. Answer me, Myson. Who am I? What am I?
  2963. I have no words for those who fraternize with [cdb]beasts, even if they do share our power.
  2964. I cannot retreat now. I must forge a glorious [cdb]future for humankind...
  2965. Ngh! You'll pay for this... Epimenides...
  2966. We've taken out their commander, but it [cdb]didn't put an end to their magic. We need to [cdb]take down the other generals too.
  2967. Finally, the magic has stopped! And the [cdb]enemy's main force is straight ahead!
  2968. The magic has ceased, it seems. Let us continue on. Edelgard is just ahead.
  2969. Ugh. The tide of war is turning against us. Let us flee, Your Majesty. Our most loyal [cdb]minister will handle the rest.
  2970. Yes... We leave it to you, Count Bergliez.
  2971. He could've at least tried to hide the act. Still, I have a duty to uphold.
  2972. Yeah! These guys are no match for us. Let's show them what we can do!
  2973. Very well, Caspar. Let them taste the fruits of [cdb]your training.
  2974. Right back at you! They're gonna learn age [cdb]hasn't slowed you down one bit!
  2975. I see we have some strong opponents. On [cdb]guard, everyone. It is essential that we get [cdb]through here!
  2976. Caspar? And... Ahh! A bear!
  2977. Hah! A bear, am I? Well, don't bother trying [cdb]to play dead.
  2978. Same old Bernadetta, huh? Sorry, but we can't [cdb]go easy on you out here.
  2979. Ah, Waldemar's son. I'm impressed to see you [cdb]on the front lines.
  2980. Oh, there's no way it was his idea.
  2981. Well, I'll admit this wasn't my first choice. But my life would be in danger either way, [cdb]so...here I am.
  2982. Dorothea! You're alive! But...you're with them.
  2983. I had hoped I wouldn't run into you two... for so many reasons.
  2984. I thought you looked familiar. You're that [cdb]songstress. Well, I hope purgatory makes for a [cdb]good stage for you!
  2985. Leopold von Bergliez...I will be avenging my [cdb]father!
  2986. Petra? My father...killed yours, huh.
  2987. I accept your challenge, princess of Brigid!
  2988. So you're Count Bergliez. I was hoping I [cdb]would get a crack at you.
  2989. You've caught my interest as well. People call [cdb]you the finest warrior in Leicester.
  2990. Enough talk then. To arms!
  2991. Can you really afford this delay? The emperor [cdb]is slipping away, you know.
  2992. Well, if it isn't the Empire's greatest warrior [cdb]himself. I'd better not hold anything back!
  2993. How strong my father is has nothing to do [cdb]with me. I'm my own man!
  2994. I'm falling back to the rear. You should [cdb]retreat too, Caspar!
  2995. Only Caspar remains. Let's hurry, Your Majesty.
  2996. I'm sorry, Father. I've gotta fall back!
  2997. There's only Count Bergliez left. I know we can [cdb]defeat him.
  2998. What? Who are these mages? Someone, help!
  2999. The church's soldiers are under attack. We can't let them suffer too many losses.
  3000. The church's soldiers are under attack! Shouldn't we go help them?
  3001. Goddess, please protect us...
  3002. The Death Knight lost? We must prevail [cdb]nonetheless! Attack them from the rear!
  3003. Those guys just don't know when to quit. We [cdb]should finish this as quick as we can.
  3004. I see that some of them still have the will to [cdb]fight. We'd better stop them or they'll break [cdb]through our rear guard.
  3005. Rgh! We were no match for them.
  3006. Your Majesty! We shall slow down the Death Knight. Give us your orders!
  3007. On our honor as knights of Faerghus, you shall [cdb]go no further!
  3008. The Death Knight has fallen. We can call off [cdb]the blockade.
  3009. Archers, prepare a volley!
  3010. Claude, we need your help.
  3011. Not a problem. Proud archers of Leicester, [cdb]do what you do best!
  3012. It seems we won't be needing another volley.
  3013. Disappointing... Will this fight end without [cdb]any pleasure at all?
  3014. We cannot keep up the fight if all of our [cdb]strongholds fall. We must lure the Death Knight at once!
  3015. We'll lose our last stronghold if we don't [cdb]do something!
  3016. Ugh, there's just too many of them! Fall back!
  3017. We won't let them get away. Push on to Garreg Mach! We'll defeat the emperor and [cdb]end this war!
  3018. We've slowed them down as much as we can. Time to retreat! All forces, fall back. I'll bring [cdb]up the rear!
  3019. You've all fought well for our emperor! This is the true might of the Empire...and it [cdb]belongs to me.
  3020. We can't go on. All units retreat! We'll regroup in Fraldarius.
  3021. We're going after Duke Aegir. Edelgard is [cdb]likely to be with him.
  3022. I must escape, even if it's alone. Quickly, to Garreg Mach!
  3023. The enemy is upon us, but I cannot die here! The future of the Empire depends on it!
  3024. I never properly thanked you for all you did for [cdb]me back in Enbarr. Allow me to do so now.
  3025. He has a number of soldiers with him. Simply [cdb]giving chase will not close the distance.
  3026. We need to cut off his escape route. Sending a [cdb]few units ahead via the caves might do the trick.
  3027. A shame I missed the pitched battle. I'm not so [cdb]fond of fighting at a disadvantage.
  3028. They'll have troops waiting for us in the caves, I'm sure of it. Let's keep our wits about us!
  3029. The enemy will be in the caves as well, of [cdb]course. We'll just have to deal with them as [cdb]we go.
  3030. From bad to worse. Very well, I'll go buy us [cdb]some time.
  3031. Leopold will run me through the wringer if I [cdb]don't put in a decent effort here.
  3032. Hmph. Well, whatever happens here, at least House Hevring will survive...in some form.
  3033. That's always your main concern, I know. Although we'll lose all our land anyway, [cdb]like as not.
  3034. The Kingdom army's prowess certainly is [cdb]enviable. Just look at what the Empire has [cdb]been reduced to.
  3035. Oh no, I'm well and truly out of tricks to try [cdb]now. I shudder to think of what would happen [cdb]to me in enemy hands.
  3036. I've reached my limit. Go on and advance, [cdb]you Seiros lapdogs.
  3037. Great, the path is clear! Let's go block off his [cdb]exit route!
  3038. Now we can keep going. Time to cut off that [cdb]escape route.
  3039. Your Excellency! Kingdom troops up ahead [cdb]have cut off our escape route!
  3040. We're truly done for now. Is there no one who [cdb]can help us?!
  3041. Fine, I'll cover you. They won't get through [cdb]me!
  3042. We'll have to take Caspar out if we want to [cdb]keep moving!
  3043. We'll have to take Caspar out if we want to [cdb]keep moving!
  3044. We will use this stronghold to make ready. Prepare a fresh horse! The Minister of Military Affairs shall buy us time!
  3045. Guess I'll have to go in my father's place. They won't get through me!
  3046. Duke Aegir cannot be allowed to escape. We must defeat Caspar with utmost haste.
  3047. I can't let you pass. You'll have to get through [cdb]me first!
  3048. Oh no, it's Caspar!
  3049. There's that same reaction again. You do realize [cdb]that you're the ones who barged in on us, right?
  3050. This is our first fight, Linhardt. Gonna be our [cdb]last, too.
  3051. No, we faced off at Ailell before. Never thought I'd want to fight you again like this, though.
  3052. Yes, I'm afraid so. I never thought I'd want to [cdb]fight you like this, though.
  3053. Caspar, I'm sorry. This time, victory will be [cdb]mine.
  3054. Oh Caspar...I'd hoped I wouldn't have to battle [cdb]you, and yet here we are.
  3055. Sorry, Dorothea, but I can't stop here either. You and I both have our own reasons why we [cdb]fight...and that's just how it is.
  3056. Petra, as the son of your enemy, I'll fight you [cdb]in his place!
  3057. That is no longer mattering. I am fighting for [cdb]my home and its future!
  3058. Wow, not bad at all! But I won't go down like [cdb]this.
  3059. It doesn't matter how bad I get hurt, just as [cdb]long as I can stay on my feet!
  3060. Edelgard, I'm sorry. I did...what I could...
  3061. Finally. There's no time to waste. Let's go!
  3062. We are now ready to retreat!
  3063. Duke Aegir's getting away. We have to defeat Caspar, fast!
  3064. Duke Aegir is on the move. We must deal [cdb]with Caspar quickly.
  3065. I...I'm utterly exhausted! Someone relieve me [cdb]so I can rest!
  3066. Let me show you the prowess of House Bergliez. Come and try me if you don't value your lives!
  3067. The Minister of Military Affairs himself stands [cdb]before us now? Very well, then. We will just [cdb]have to take him down!
  3068. Ugh... I...I'm utterly exhausted! Minister, [cdb]please relieve me so I can rest!
  3069. We have to take him out now! If we aren't [cdb]quick about it, Duke Aegir's going to get [cdb]away.
  3070. Any last words? I shall receive them in place [cdb]of the goddess.
  3071. What?! No, I still have so many more books [cdb]to read!
  3072. I see they're working you to the bone, boy. Of course they are.
  3073. I certainly wouldn't go up against you this many [cdb]times by choice, if that's what you mean.
  3074. Well, I will admit this wasn't my first choice. But either way, my life was in danger, so here I am.
  3075. You will be defeated!
  3076. Admirable spirit. I will meet it in kind!
  3077. Sheer numbers will not defeat me! You must [cdb]show gumption!
  3078. You're doing well. I might even be in danger!
  3079. Leopold, you look to be quite hard up. I suppose even a man like you needs a hand [cdb]sometimes.
  3080. Fine talk coming from a man who's only here [cdb]after losing ground earlier!
  3081. I believe Leopold needs help. I'll leave this [cdb]to you.
  3082. I'm aware you don't need any help, but at [cdb]least let me heal you.
  3083. Who asked you? But now I really can't settle [cdb]for anything less than victory!
  3084. This will be fun. I suppose good manners [cdb]dictate that we repay them in kind and charge [cdb]them head-on!
  3085. Things are not unfolding quite in our favor. I had best retreat.
  3086. Haha! Finally, someone capable of bringing [cdb]me to my knees! I shall... What is that?!
  3087. The Empire cannot afford your death. My [cdb]apologies, but I'm warping you out of here.
  3088. So he lives to fight another day... Regardless, [cdb]our pathway is now clear. Let us hurry after Duke Aegir.
  3089. Hurry! Faster! Keep running!
  3090. Duke Aegir is on the move. We must deal [cdb]with Count Bergliez quickly.
  3091. We are cut off from escape! Now we must [cdb]summon everything we have to defeat them!
  3092. Go! We cannot falter here if the Empire is to [cdb]survive!
  3093. They're trying to pincer attack us! I don't [cdb]think so!
  3094. Imperial army! Decimate any foe who crosses [cdb]your path!
  3095. In this situation, I do wish we could be [cdb]all places at once.
  3096. I will not tolerate any threat on my life!
  3097. I am a great man! A man of wealth and power! I am Ludwig von Aegir!
  3098. Oh, ancestors of Adrestia...and Your Majesty... Our Empire is doomed...
  3099. Where is Edelgard? We must find her at [cdb]once... Ah!
  3100. Your Excellency, the ballistae are ready to fire! That might buy us a small amount of time.
  3101. Ugh. Our path is effectively blocked. We [cdb]need to disable those ballistae.
  3102. A rain of arrows from above... Before we go [cdb]any further, we should put a stop to that.
  3103. Good, it's stopped! Now we can keep moving!
  3104. It's stopped. That should make it easier to pass.
  3105. The combat engineers are in position. This [cdb]should make for a good diversion.
  3106. Good. Send up the signal.
  3107. What was that meant to signal? An enemy [cdb]ambush?! Investigate!
  3108. You found nothing at all? Well, we must press [cdb]onward. Advance!
  3109. Hah. We've got them so cornered that I'm not [cdb]even sure we'll need the engineers.
  3110. We've managed to defeat Duke Aegir, but Edelgard is nowhere to be seen. We must [cdb]find her.
  3111. Yes, splendid! Our way is clear and the Empire lives on! Haha!
  3112. No! We were too late...
  3113. I'll hold the rear! Go, Caspar!
  3114. This is it. It will take everything we have, but [cdb]we must defeat the emperor and restore peace [cdb]to Fódlan!
  3115. Ignorant beasts. You will all be stamped out.
  3116. I don't see Lady Rhea anywhere. Let's scale [cdb]the walls and head for the monastery.
  3117. The Alliance has yet to arrive.
  3118. They'll come. Let's capture the nearby [cdb]strongholds to create a rendezvous point for [cdb]when they do.
  3119. Whether the Alliance shows up or not, we [cdb]will fight and we will win.
  3120. This will be the rendezvous point for the Alliance forces. We have to protect it!
  3121. The beasts have arrived. It's time we went on [cdb]the offensive.
  3122. They've mobilized. Good, their location is on [cdb]our way anyway!
  3123. Ah. We'll have to keep a tight watch on the Alliance rendezvous point.
  3124. We need to keep an eye on the Alliance [cdb]rendezvous point as well.
  3125. Despite their human guise, they are nothing [cdb]more than beasts...and they fight like them [cdb]too. I must retreat.
  3126. He ran. However, this path will get us past [cdb]the walls. After him!
  3127. All Thales knows how to do is crack the whip. Hey! Activate the Viskam!
  3128. Those weapons are slightly different from the [cdb]ones we've seen before. Be careful, everyone.
  3129. This level seems to have some controls too. Still, we should focus on shutting off the [cdb]weapons in the lower level first.
  3130. Good, we disabled it! These are a lot stronger [cdb]than the weapons we saw in Fhirdiad.
  3131. There... The rendezvous point for the Alliance should be secure now.
  3132. Those things were incredibly powerful. Now [cdb]that we've disabled them, the attacks on the [cdb]central level should be stopped.
  3133. It seems like those weapons have been [cdb]enhanced. That's all the more reason to shut [cdb]them down fast.
  3134. Hey, watch out! That's in firing range of [cdb]those weapons!
  3135. That certainly wasn't easy, but we shut them [cdb]all down.
  3136. Looks like they're up to something. I better [cdb]take this opportunity to snatch one of these [cdb]strongholds!
  3137. These auxiliary forces are a threat to our [cdb]rendezvous point. We must protect it.
  3138. These corpse-faced creeps freak me out.
  3139. We have an important mission to carry out. We can't stop here.
  3140. Ugh, I hate realizing that these things must've [cdb]been pulling the strings this whole time. But [cdb]no time for that—we're almost done! Hurry!
  3141. Return to me, Kronya. It is time.
  3142. Yes, Thales! I guess I can't play with you [cdb]any longer.
  3143. Good, the rendezvous point is still safe. So far, [cdb]all is well.
  3144. Move out. We're taking the Viskam back. Those beasts don't deserve them.
  3145. They're back! Stop them before they regain [cdb]control of those things!
  3146. Our will is eternal and undying.
  3147. Glory be to...Agartha... Thales, the rest is up... to you...
  3148. Oh, did we come a little late? Form up with [cdb]the Kingdom army, everyone!
  3149. Apologies for the wait! All units, advance on [cdb]the monastery!
  3150. The Alliance has come! But where is Claude? Well, no matter, we'll take all the help we can [cdb]get!
  3151. At this point, the ends justify the means! Stop them at any cost, even with fire!
  3152. The area around the monastery is on fire! And the entrance is blocked, too. What do we [cdb]do now?
  3153. Of course they had to set everything on fire. And we're blocked from entering the [cdb]monastery too. I hope someone has an idea.
  3154. Don't worry! I heard we have a plan! Just hold [cdb]out a little longer.
  3155. We have a plan! Hold your position for just a [cdb]little longer!
  3156. Would the Alliance mind letting us know [cdb]what exactly this plan entails?
  3157. No matter how many we cut down, more [cdb]spring up in their place. There's no end to [cdb]them!
  3158. Why does it fall to me to hold back the enemy [cdb]here?!
  3159. How much longer must we hold out?
  3160. Bet you didn't expect anyone to make it across [cdb]the mountains, Count Varley! You should [cdb]always keep an eye on your back, too.
  3161. No! Stop, don't let them open the gate!
  3162. Afraid I already did. Sorry for the delay, Dimitri!
  3163. I knew you would come no matter what. Let us crush the Imperial forces together!
  3164. Is my only option really to fight? But I have [cdb]no hope of winning!
  3165. Bernadetta?! Why are you here? And what [cdb]are you doing?!
  3166. Father?! Oh, right...I did hear something [cdb]about you being in Garreg Mach.
  3167. I've been meaning to pay my respects to you [cdb]for a while. You did so much for me when I [cdb]was younger, after all.
  3168. I don't know what you mean, but if it's money [cdb]you want, you can have it! Just spare my life!
  3169. Your Majesty! Please, save me! I'm right here!
  3170. How could this happen... I was wrong to [cdb]follow that man...
  3171. The Alliance will cover the rear. You go on [cdb]ahead!
  3172. Thank you, we'll be counting on that. All right, let's infiltrate the monastery!
  3173. Lady Rhea, you're safe! Quickly, let's clear [cdb]out these enemies.
  3174. The Kingdom! So you have come!
  3175. So does this mean everyone outside already fell? What a bunch of weaklings.
  3176. What's your deal? You've got all that power [cdb]and you still pal around with vermin.
  3177. Don't lump me in with you. The only one who [cdb]decides how I use my power...is me!
  3178. Don't lump me in with you. The only one who [cdb]decides how I use my power...is me!
  3179. Hello, little vermin? What's wrong? Your [cdb]archbishop is dying, you know!
  3180. Yes, come on out and rally around me! All of [cdb]you! Thales said you have to!
  3181. Perhaps I should... No, I cannot allow Garreg Mach to be destroyed!
  3182. Hurry up and kill that she-beast!
  3183. She's stronger than she was before.
  3184. Keep pushing! We're gaining more ground!
  3185. How dare you! If I unleashed my true power, [cdb]you'd be finished in an instant!
  3186. I won't let the likes of you stand in our way!
  3187. I won't let the likes of you stand in our way!
  3188. She's dead. That should do it. I am glad to see [cdb]you safe, Lady Rhea.
  3189. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I shall assist you in this fight now.
  3190. Up ahead is the cathedral, the heart of the [cdb]monastery. Thales and Edelgard should be [cdb]there.
  3191. Our will has endured for thousands of years. It shall not be stopped here.
  3192. He was pulling the strings from the shadows all [cdb]the while. Your Majesty, the time has finally [cdb]come for our revenge!
  3193. With this power...I'm gonna beat him. You've [cdb]got my back, right Arval?
  3194. With this power...I'm gonna beat him. You've [cdb]got my back, right Arval?
  3195. Your life ends here, Thales. Your head will [cdb]make a fine offering for the dead.
  3196. Itching for a fight, are we? That can be [cdb]arranged.
  3197. I have an endless supply of soldiers at my [cdb]command. Go on, slaughter these beasts.
  3198. Is that a magic barrier? It's keeping all our [cdb]attacks out.
  3199. Perhaps we should focus on Edelgard for now.
  3200. Useless puppet!
  3201. Has the barrier come down? Then our attacks [cdb]should land now.
  3202. Revive as many times as you like. We'll keep [cdb]knocking you down!
  3203. What have you done to my stepmother? If you won't spill your guts, I shall gladly spill [cdb]them for you.
  3204. A foolish question. She burned to ashes on the [cdb]pyre of our ambitions long ago.
  3205. You've left me no choice but to kill you with [cdb]my own hands!
  3206. We must be at the end of things. Let us finish [cdb]this and right the wrongs of the past!
  3207. I'm sorry, but stay where you are for now.
  3208. I will have my revenge for that day. I must [cdb]finally be free of the past.
  3209. As long as His Majesty and I fight together, [cdb]we cannot lose!
  3210. No matter what comes at us, I'll be the one at [cdb]the boar's back!
  3211. I chose this path and I will see it through to the [cdb]end, on my honor as a knight of Faerghus!
  3212. It's time to leave the past in the past. That's [cdb]what we're fighting for.
  3213. My dearest wish is for a new age where we [cdb]can live together in peace!
  3214. We're up against the toughest of enemies, but I'm not afraid. We will win and return to Fhirdiad together!
  3215. I hope you're watching, Glenn. I will avenge [cdb]you here and move on with my life!
  3216. Do you see this, Lambert? I'm finally here.
  3217. Let's go disable that artillery! Capturing the [cdb]strongholds should make things easier too.
  3218. We must stop the artillery fire. It wouldn't hurt [cdb]to capture the strongholds either.
  3219. This stronghold is ours! Let's go after the [cdb]other one.
  3220. There, we've finally got them down. If only we [cdb]could take a quick break.
  3221. The enemy has mobilized? Good, that way we [cdb]can fight without getting burned.
  3222. All units, at the ready! We'll show them what a [cdb]lion's courage really means!
  3223. Don't let this chance slip away! Crush them!
  3224. Ugh! Don't you guys have anything better [cdb]to do?!
  3225. You didn't think that would be enough to [cdb]defeat me, did you?
  3226. That's not good. If we lose that location, the Alliance won't be able to rendezvous.
  3227. Ugh. We have to go reinforce them now!
  3228. Do what you will to me, I shall never give up Garreg Mach!
  3229. There's no time! We must save Lady Rhea!
  3230. Now they're trapped like rats. Send in [cdb]everything we have and crush them.
  3231. Cut down...by children of men... Mother, [cdb]forgive me...
  3232. Lady Rhea! We should have been faster...
  3233. Is this it? Then it was all for nothing... My father won't be happy...when I greet him...
  3234. No! I was so...close...
  3235. No! I was so...close...
  3236. All we seek is a world without rulers!
  3237. Our vengeance is unstoppable! We will [cdb]annihilate all beasts and return to the surface!
  3238. Such a wicked drive possesses them. I must cleanse them by my own hand!
  3239. You're all useless. Send in the Titanus!
  3240. What is that monstrous thing?! Is it friend [cdb]or foe?
  3241. They had something like that in their back [cdb]pocket this whole time?
  3242. Don't give up! We're slowly but surely wearing [cdb]it down!
  3243. We can't miss this chance!
  3244. Hmph. Nothing but a hunk of metal in the [cdb]end.
  3245. This looks bad. We might have to abandon the [cdb]bridge after all.
  3246. Either way, we can't afford to lose Count Gloucester! We have to secure an escape route [cdb]and rescue him!
  3247. That's not going to be easy. We'll have to take [cdb]the surrounding strongholds first!
  3248. It took you this long to arrive? Not that I [cdb]expected much from our fraud of a leader.
  3249. Yeah, sorry about that. We're here now, [cdb]at any rate.
  3250. My, well done. I can take it from here. Go forth and continue your assault!
  3251. I would not trust that fickle weathervane. He's liable to betray us at the slightest breeze.
  3252. Count Gloucester's locked in battle in the [cdb]center of the bridge! Hurry and rescue him!
  3253. We must save my father at once!
  3254. Count Gloucester, are you all right? At least [cdb]we made it here in time.
  3255. Are you OK, Lord Erwin? I'm so glad we [cdb]made it in time!
  3256. Ah, so you have come to rescue me. You have [cdb]my gratitude.
  3257. Father! I am relieved to see you are well. Now, let us withdraw at once!
  3258. I cannot do that, my son. Our front line would [cdb]crumble were I to take such a selfish action.
  3259. We've got an escape route now, yeah?
  3260. I thank you. However, the situation is dire. Please cover my soldiers as they escape.
  3261. Our escape route isn't secure just yet. We need [cdb]to hurry up and capture those strongholds!
  3262. We've got no choice but to abandon the [cdb]bridge. Count Gloucester, order a retreat!
  3263. I shall bring up the rear and draw the enemy [cdb]away! All troops, withdraw from the bridge [cdb]posthaste!
  3264. This isn't our last battle by a long shot, so we [cdb]can't afford to lose any more troops. Guard them as they retreat!
  3265. Don't let them get away! Grah!
  3266. Sorry, but I'm not letting anyone escape! Get in my way and I'll knock you flat!
  3267. Caspar, is that you? Well no way am I gonna [cdb]let you stop 'em!
  3268. We're going up against Caspar?! Ugh, this is [cdb]the worst.
  3269. You're pretty tough! But I'm not gonna back [cdb]down now!
  3270. Caspar, are you all right? Honestly, must you [cdb]always rush off by yourself like that?
  3271. Linhardt, what are you doing? The enemy's [cdb]gonna get away!
  3272. You would've died if you'd kept fighting. You need to pay closer attention to what's [cdb]going on around you.
  3273. Now seems like an opportune time to curry [cdb]favor with the Empire. Troops, we are [cdb]defecting! Move out!
  3274. Looks like Leicester's Weathervane can't sense [cdb]the prevailing wind after all. Don't hesitate to [cdb]take them out!
  3275. Why are the Imperial troops not coming to [cdb]my aid? I have clearly changed sides!
  3276. Urgh... I should have never thought the Empire my ally...
  3277. How dare you kill my precious subordinates! I shall make you pay!
  3278. At least we disposed of one problem. Is it safe [cdb]to retreat now?
  3279. Now we have to guard against any enemy [cdb]generals in pursuit. We can withdraw once [cdb]everything is secure.
  3280. Yeah, they're not gonna let us just waltz out [cdb]of here. Target the enemy as soon as they [cdb]pop their heads out!
  3281. I guess we probably shouldn't let them escape. Shall I open the gate to draw them in?
  3282. Stop, Linhardt! Don't go off by yourself [cdb]and—urk! I'm still too hurt!
  3283. If there's one thing Linhardt hates, it's a [cdb]pointless fight. We might be able to convince [cdb]him to surrender.
  3284. I really don't have much choice, do I? Sometimes you have to fight even when it's [cdb]a pain.
  3285. Has the Valley of Torment frozen over? I never thought I'd hear you say something [cdb]like that.
  3286. Hey, Linhardt! Don't you dare even think [cdb]about dying for me!
  3287. I will do what I want. Though I would prefer [cdb]to avoid any squabbles with you.
  3288. You know you'll end up dead if you keep [cdb]going, right? So just surrender already!
  3289. You could've said as much before you beat me [cdb]up. You're all cruel, you know that? But fine.
  3290. You were never the type to fight to the death [cdb]anyway. If anything, I'm relieved.
  3291. I never thought I'd be the kind to...fight to the [cdb]death, but...
  3292. Linhardt, no! I... l'll finish this fight! I'll avenge you, I promise!
  3293. So you captured Linhardt, huh? Sorry to ruin [cdb]your fun, but I'm taking him back.
  3294. You're dealing with me now. And it won't be [cdb]like last time, I can assure you.
  3295. Is he the only enemy general left? Then let's [cdb]take care of him before reinforcements arrive!
  3296. I could do this all day!
  3297. If we can spare the effort, wouldn't it be [cdb]preferable to take out all the nearby [cdb]strongholds?
  3298. We better capture what strongholds we can. We don't need the enemy catching us off [cdb]guard as we retreat.
  3299. Now there's less chance we'll be attacked during [cdb]our retreat.
  3300. Now we're totally free to retreat.
  3301. If we do not hurry, my father's life will be in [cdb]danger. Can we make use of the archers?
  3302. Firing a volley right about now should do the [cdb]trick. Archers, attack!
  3303. It will be difficult to make further use of the [cdb]archers.
  3304. I want as few casualties as possible. We could [cdb]have the support squad protect the retreating [cdb]troops.
  3305. Protect them!
  3306. Now that they've retreated, we don't have to [cdb]use the support squad anymore.
  3307. I cannot fall here.
  3308. Lorenz... Forgive me. It seems this is... the end.
  3309. No! We lost one. We have to protect the rest!
  3310. Not good! If we lose more of them, [cdb]there won't be anyone left to rescue!
  3311. Fine, you can keep Linhardt then! I can't [cdb]die here!
  3312. Now we don't have to worry about them [cdb]chasing after us. Let's get a move on and [cdb]retreat before... What's that?!
  3313. Linhardt would never find peace in the [cdb]afterlife if I die here too. I've gotta get out [cdb]of here!
  3314. You appear to be outmatched, Caspar. Allow me to show you all the full might of the Empire!
  3315. Reinforcements have already arrived? Then I [cdb]have no other option.
  3316. House Gloucester hereby swears fealty to the Empire! Cease fighting and throw down [cdb]your weapons! Further resistance is futile!
  3317. What?! Fall back! We need to get outta here!
  3318. Claude, what is the meaning of this?! Father? Why are you surrendering to... Father!
  3319. All my ambitions... The future of Gloucester... Ruined.
  3320. No! Father!
  3321. Count Gloucester's fallen... We've... We've failed.
  3322. They've all been killed? Then this was all for [cdb]nothing... We've lost.
  3323. Hang in there, everyone. We'll turn this [cdb]around, just you wait!
  3324. The port can't remain in enemy hands. Use everything in your power to take it back!
  3325. Ah, our fearless leader finally makes his [cdb]entrance! We've been holding out all by our [cdb]lonesome.
  3326. My apologies, Judith. I had my hands full [cdb]elsewhere.
  3327. We'll need you to maintain our defense. Everyone else, make sure she stays alive!
  3328. Hey, maybe we should call in the archers?
  3329. Archers, protect our line of defense!
  3330. Nice work. Keep it up!
  3331. One more left! C'mon!
  3332. OK, we need to go stabilize the front lines. Just make sure they don't steal any of our [cdb]strongholds back.
  3333. What? They have recaptured the port? This does not bode well. Launch our [cdb]surprise attack!
  3334. They set up an ambush inside the city?! Can't say I expected that. Lower the [cdb]drawbridge and intercept them!
  3335. We cannot allow them to break through our [cdb]defense. Let us all band together!
  3336. Heh, plenty of treasure here ripe for the [cdb]taking—and take it we did! Time for a [cdb]quick exit.
  3337. Looting at a time like this?! The nerve!
  3338. Phew... I'm glad we got all that stuff back.
  3339. We'll protect Derdriu and the Alliance!
  3340. We are not finished yet. Keep up the assault! Show them what the Empire is made of!
  3341. My lord! The fire orbs are ready!
  3342. Excellent. Prepare to fire. We shall blast a hole [cdb]through their defense line!
  3343. Oh no... Our defensive line is in jeopardy. Isn't there any way to stop them?
  3344. We'll be in a tough spot if we don't stop those [cdb]things. Claude, do something!
  3345. It's no use. We're putting up a good fight, [cdb]but we're one step behind. There's gotta be a [cdb]way to turn the tables... Wait, that's...
  3346. Fear not! Holst Sigiswald Goneril has arrived! I shall deliver Derdriu from the hands of [cdb]the enemy!
  3347. Holst?! What are you doing here? Not that I'm complaining, though!
  3348. I will crush the Empire forces. Everyone, [cdb]follow me!
  3349. Leicester's mightiest hero has come to our aid! We can't be defeated now!
  3350. We managed to take out one of those [cdb]weapons!
  3351. Very good. Only one fire orb remains!
  3352. Thank goodness. Now they can't bombard us [cdb]anymore.
  3353. We have stopped their bombardment. How will the Empire react now, I wonder?
  3354. Claude! We're able to move the ships now!
  3355. Nice work. If we bring them this way, we can use them as a bridge.
  3356. Get those ships over here!
  3357. All right, it's my turn! All hands, attack!
  3358. Wait, isn't that Baltie? What's he doing [cdb]fighting for the Empire?
  3359. That man appears to be a mercenary. If we [cdb]can win him over to our side, we can limit the [cdb]number of needless casualties.
  3360. Haven't you heard of the Jaw-dropping King [cdb]of Grappling? Guess not.
  3361. Whoa, is that Holst?! Guess I better prepare [cdb]for the worst!
  3362. Oho, it's been a while since we've had a serious [cdb]fight. Come at me, Balthus!
  3363. Gah! Hilda?! Keep this a secret from Holst, [cdb]would ya? Oh, never mind, you're clearly [cdb]gonna tell him.
  3364. You should be more careful about what jobs [cdb]you take on, Baltie.
  3365. Hey, you're Count Ordelia's daughter! Look, I don't wanna kill you. Mind backing off?
  3366. Why would I comply with an enemy's request? Besides, you are clearly outmatched.
  3367. I can't fall back now! My reputation as the Illustrious King of Grappling would take a hit!
  3368. Baltie, just give up already. Why don't you [cdb]join us instead?
  3369. I've got no right to choose now that I'm beat. Do whatever you want with me.
  3370. You've lost. Stop resisting and surrender [cdb]already.
  3371. Well, if the little lady of House Ordelia says [cdb]so... Guess I'll use this as an opportunity to [cdb]pay you back.
  3372. Same as SV (Death)
  3373. I did not think I had underestimated you. This is terribly unfortunate. All units, attack! Follow me!
  3374. It is a noble's duty to protect the people. We must recapture Derdriu!
  3375. All that's left is to take down the enemy [cdb]general!
  3376. I must not fail here! This is for the future of [cdb]the Empire!
  3377. It has been some time, Ferdinand. Though I [cdb]had hoped our next meeting would be for tea [cdb]instead of battle.
  3378. Indeed. I would have much preferred trading [cdb]barbs, not blows.
  3379. Linhardt, this is most unfortunate. You know [cdb]the future you desire lies with the Empire.
  3380. I'm just trying to stay alive. There are a lot of [cdb]things I can't give up for you.
  3381. I shall not lose! No matter who comes for me!
  3382. I cannot retreat now!
  3383. Ngh! I let my ambitions get the better of me. We must withdraw and regroup! Fall back!
  3384. We won! I wanna hear those victory [cdb]cheers, folks.
  3385. They're probably planning a second assault [cdb]after they regroup. But we'll see if that [cdb]actually happens.
  3386. I'm not done yet! A few scratches won't scare [cdb]me into abandoning my post!
  3387. No! If I fall here, Derdriu will be lost...
  3388. Judith is in trouble! We have to help her!
  3389. Judith is in danger. We must rescue her.
  3390. I'm sorry, Claude... I...
  3391. Judith! No, you can't die on me now...
  3392. We can't hold out any longer! Please, [cdb]send help!
  3393. I'm sorry... This is it for me...
  3394. We can't let any more guards die! Protect them!
  3395. At this rate, they'll break through our [cdb]defenses! We need reinforcements!
  3396. I'm sorry... They were...relentless... I only wish I could've done more...
  3397. No! Imperial troops are pouring into the city!
  3398. They've got nowhere to run. We must force [cdb]the enemy generals to surrender!
  3399. Our escape route has been cut off. There must [cdb]be some way to break through.
  3400. Her Majesty entrusted me with these soldiers. I cannot allow them to die needlessly!
  3401. It was quite brilliant to surround them like [cdb]this, Claude. And it could not have been [cdb]accomplished without my father.
  3402. Would you give it up already? You'll only [cdb]keep losing troops if you— Huh? Wait, that's...
  3403. Did we make it in time? The situation doesn't [cdb]look great, but we've still got a job to do.
  3404. We'll cut a path for you! Follow us!
  3405. You're Ferdinand, right? We've secured an [cdb]escape route. Hurry and get your troops out [cdb]of here!
  3406. Ah, the mercenary company. You have my [cdb]gratitude! Everyone, proceed to the escape [cdb]route at once!
  3407. Captain Jeralt?! Oh no... I really don't want to [cdb]do this, but I can't let them get away!
  3408. This gambit will have been for nothing if they [cdb]manage to withdraw. After them!
  3409. I...I can't do this anymore! But I've got to [cdb]make sure everyone gets away!
  3410. Where are these arrows coming from?! We'll never catch up to the enemy if we [cdb]don't stop them!
  3411. The sniper must be concealing themselves. We need to find them and deal with them [cdb]immediately.
  3412. The Alliance forces are in disarray! Now is our [cdb]chance, Lord Ferdinand!
  3413. Um... I found her.
  3414. There she is! Stop her!
  3415. Eek! They found me! Stay away!
  3416. I had a feeling it was you, Bernadetta. You don't seem to be willing to listen in [cdb]that state.
  3417. The enemy doesn't seem that interested in [cdb]fighting. We may be able to convince her to [cdb]surrender.
  3418. She has nowhere to run. Why not capture her [cdb]and convince her to join our side?
  3419. Ugh, I wish I was surrounded by walls, [cdb]not enemies! Why did it have to come to this?
  3420. Um, Bernadetta? Could you maybe stop [cdb]fighting?
  3421. Give it up, Bernadetta. You're only going to [cdb]get yourself killed.
  3422. Wait, what? No! I'm not ready to die! Please [cdb]don't murder me!
  3423. Now we can focus on pursuing them. Wait, something's happening in the central [cdb]area. What is that?
  3424. You will not go any further.
  3425. You will not go any further.
  3426. If you're with the Alliance army, [cdb]then I'm here to stop you.
  3427. If you're with the Alliance army, [cdb]then I'm here to stop you.
  3428. So, we meet again. You serve the Alliance now?
  3429. So, we meet again. You serve the Alliance now?
  3430. So that's the Ashen Demon, huh? Don't engage them if you can help it! Focus on stopping the Imperial troops!
  3431. Captain, we should join the front line as well! We must save as many soldiers as we can!
  3432. There you go, getting all worked up again. But I guess our pay will get docked if we just [cdb]stand around.
  3433. Captain Jeralt, I leave the rest to you! I will [cdb]rally the troops who have managed to [cdb]withdraw.
  3434. Is that Alois?! Did he leave the Knights of Seiros?
  3435. What is Alois doing with a mercenary company? Did he resign from the Knights of Seiros?
  3436. Argh, I'm afraid that's it for me! I must [cdb]withdraw!
  3437. Do you remember me, Captain? Well, even if [cdb]you don't, we have to fight!
  3438. Hm? Oh, Leonie! You've grown so much since I last saw you.
  3439. These Alliance forces are no joke!
  3440. They got me beat, huh? Hey, it happens. All right, I'm falling back!
  3441. Hey, Captain! This counts as a win for [cdb]me, right?
  3442. We've considerably weakened the mercenaries. All that's left is to catch Ferdinand!
  3443. We cannot afford to lose Lord Ferdinand... Fine. I will meet them in battle!
  3444. You caught up to me! But I shall not surrender [cdb]here!
  3445. I did not expect you to be my pursuer. Are you finally putting forth all your effort?
  3446. No, it's just a coincidence really. I didn't [cdb]actually want to fight you.
  3447. Lorenz? My apologies, but I do not have time [cdb]to trade barbs or blows with you right now.
  3448. That is most unfortunate. I cannot allow you [cdb]to escape.
  3449. Everyone, retreat! Get as far as you can! I will [cdb]hold them off!
  3450. Urgh! I...I will not be defeated!
  3451. So this is where...it ends.
  3452. Lord Ferdinand, please retreat! I will hold [cdb]them off!
  3453. I promised Her Majesty that I would protect [cdb]you at all costs...and I intend to see that [cdb]promise through!
  3454. Edelgard truly made you promise such a [cdb]thing? But I cannot very well abandon [cdb]you here!
  3455. If we lose you, we lose the whole army! Please go, so that everyone might live!
  3456. I am sorry. The rest is in your hands.
  3457. My lord, please be on your guard. You cannot [cdb]underestimate those who've been backed into [cdb]a corner.
  3458. Yeah, but we can't just ignore her.
  3459. You think that is enough to stop me?
  3460. If it will save even one more of my allies' lives, [cdb]then I will continue to fight!
  3461. I know we were told not to engage, but isn't [cdb]this a great opportunity to see how much [cdb]you've grown?
  3462. We must prioritize the Imperial troops. There is no need to engage if you're having [cdb]difficulties!
  3463. Sorry, but our fight ends here.
  3464. Sorry, but our fight ends here.
  3465. Hmph, they have turned their attention back [cdb]to us. We must cut a path once more!
  3466. We can't let our blockade fall apart! We need [cdb]reinforcements!
  3467. What?! How could you allow this to happen, Claude?
  3468. We could set fire to our signal beacon. It may [cdb]be able to slow the Imperial army's retreat.
  3469. Why don't we set fire to the signal beacon we [cdb]set up? That may confuse the Imperial army [cdb]and slow their retreat.
  3470. What does that signal mean? Is it an ambush? Everyone, be on guard!
  3471. If they've already made it that far, the beacon [cdb]won't have much effect.
  3472. Is Bernadetta the sniper? Perhaps we should [cdb]use the information we obtained about the [cdb]enemy's formations.
  3473. Is Bernadetta the sniper? Come to think of it, [cdb]we did get some information about the Imperial army's formations.
  3474. The enemy is over there! Let us finish this!
  3475. If the battle's already progressed this far, [cdb]that information on the Imperial army's [cdb]formations won't be very handy anymore.
  3476. The entire army will crumble if I am defeated. I must retreat with everyone else, regardless of [cdb]what happens.
  3477. We are nearing the escape point. Take heart, [cdb]everyone!
  3478. The escape point is before us. Go, everyone! I will provide you with backup.
  3479. The time has come. I must hurry on as well!
  3480. At least Lord Ferdinand got away... Your Majesty, if only I could have seen you... one last...
  3481. Their general escaped, but we struck a blow to [cdb]the Imperial army nonetheless. I'd call this a [cdb]victory!
  3482. We made it through! Now we will be able to [cdb]regroup later.
  3483. Well done, everyone! We shall live to step foot [cdb]on Imperial soil once again!
  3484. Their general got away and we didn't even [cdb]deal a blow to their army. We've lost this [cdb]battle.
  3485. Our only goal is to take out Count Bergliez! Let's start by capturing the strongholds on the [cdb]front line!
  3486. Where did Holst go? It isn't safe to have [cdb]people charging off by themselves!
  3487. He said that he wished to preserve his strength [cdb]at the start so that he might be fully prepared [cdb]to face Count Bergliez.
  3488. He can handle himself, but try to keep an eye [cdb]out for him.
  3489. I don't see the Ashen Demon yet. Better keep [cdb]on our toes.
  3490. I don't see the Ashen Demon yet. Better keep [cdb]on our toes.
  3491. Yeah, but remember our main target is Count Bergliez. There's no guarantee you'll face the Ashen Demon directly.
  3492. House Bergliez's army is mediocre at best! We got this!
  3493. Aren't things going a little too well? There's no way the Imperial army is this weak.
  3494. Yeah, something's off. It's like they're [cdb]holding back.
  3495. All right! Let's keep toppling these [cdb]strongholds!
  3496. In the name of the emperor, I, Monica von Ochs, shall obliterate the Alliance army!
  3497. I knew they were hiding soldiers somewhere. But we should be able to break through at [cdb]this rate!
  3498. So, they were concealing their soldiers after [cdb]all. But we should be able to break through [cdb]with our current momentum!
  3499. You are a formidable foe, but I will not back [cdb]down that easily!
  3500. This shall be your retribution for betraying Her Majesty! I do not care what excuses you [cdb]may have!
  3501. You're...quite strong!
  3502. I cannot push myself any further. But mark my [cdb]words, I'll be back!
  3503. The enemy is gaining strength. I can be [cdb]catching them off guard and stopping them.
  3504. She is the princess of Brigid, a vassal state of [cdb]the Empire. Perhaps we can convince her it [cdb]would be advantageous to join us.
  3505. I cannot be letting you through!
  3506. Why do you leave the Empire? Will you not [cdb]be protecting your family?
  3507. It's more a question of priorities. I value my [cdb]life, so I have to fight.
  3508. Petra?! Oh, I hope you can forgive me!
  3509. Yes, I can forgive. But I will still be fighting!
  3510. So, Brigid's supporting the Empire's war [cdb]after all. That's why you're here, right, Petra?
  3511. I will not be answering that. You are free to be [cdb]thinking what you like. Now we fight!
  3512. I am having problems. I must reconsider my [cdb]way of fighting!
  3513. There's a lot riding on you, Petra, isn't there? Is it really the smartest choice to die here?
  3514. You are right. I will be choosing to live.
  3515. My dreams, my future... I cannot be dying... in foreign lands.
  3516. Hmph, you're more formidable than I expected.
  3517. So the Imperial army wants to fight us in an [cdb]open field. It's what I expected, but it's still [cdb]quite a sight to see their army up close.
  3518. There's no way we'll be able to break through [cdb]their formation head-on. If we could just make Count Bergliez come to us...
  3519. I've got it! Anyone who can, go take out [cdb]the Imperial generals on the southeast side!
  3520. The southeast? But there appear to be plenty [cdb]of enemies to the west as well.
  3521. Just go with me on this. We're gonna defeat [cdb]those generals, and then rave about how Holst [cdb]took them down.
  3522. We're gonna make sure the entire battlefield [cdb]knows that Leicester's mightiest warrior has [cdb]arrived!
  3523. My lord, I can no longer bear to watch quietly [cdb]from the sidelines. It is time to make my move!
  3524. Give 'em all you got, Holst! We'll back [cdb]you up!
  3525. Holst! Claude told us to take down the enemy [cdb]generals and then pretend like you did it.
  3526. I see... So he plans to use my name to draw out Count Bergliez, eh?
  3527. Ohhh, so that's what he's doing! Now it makes [cdb]sense.
  3528. Hahaha! No Imperial dog is a match for Holst Sigiswald Goneril!
  3529. Gaaah!
  3530. There's a commotion on the eastern front. Send any free generals over there at once.
  3531. Is that all you've got? You'll have to send your [cdb]entire army if you want a chance of [cdb]stopping me!
  3532. We are unable to stop Holst's advance! Please send aid, Your Excellency!
  3533. So. Holst has appeared at last. Then I must [cdb]go forth and face him myself.
  3534. Caspar! This place is now under your [cdb]command!
  3535. Don't you dare lose to him! Aw, man. I wanted to fight Holst too!
  3536. The enemy is on the move! Count Bergliez is [cdb]headed this way!
  3537. The enemy's on the move! We've got Count Bergliez incoming!
  3538. Then he took the bait. Now we need to lure [cdb]him into the stronghold!
  3539. You wish to do battle with me, Holst? Then I'd be glad to accept your request!
  3540. You're the one who sought me out! I will take [cdb]you on right here, right now!
  3541. No, Holst! You're supposed to draw him into [cdb]the stronghold first!
  3542. This is the most invigorating battle I've had in [cdb]quite some time! Who wants to try and [cdb]slay me?!
  3543. There's no way we can take him on [cdb]head-to-head! Get him into the [cdb]stronghold, quick!
  3544. He is far stronger than the rumors suggested. I am willing to duel him, but it would be [cdb]better to prioritize our current strategy.
  3545. He's in! Close the gate, now!
  3546. You're sending this many troops after me? Don't think I'm the only lion waiting to [cdb]strike on this battlefield!
  3547. If we can just shut the gate... Hurry and get [cdb]away from Count Bergliez!
  3548. All we need to do now is close that gate! Get away from Count Bergliez! On the [cdb]double!
  3549. We've locked in the count, but there are still [cdb]some fierce opponents waiting for us. Like the Blade Breaker and the Ashen Demon.
  3550. The Blade Breaker has certainly made an [cdb]appearance, but it seems the Ashen Demon [cdb]is further back among the enemy troops.
  3551. Then we'll go after Jeralt first. The Ashen Demon might come out if he's in danger.
  3552. Ah, the enemy appears. Then I guess it's time [cdb]for the Blade Breaker to put an end to both [cdb]you and your schemes.
  3553. I'd wanted a little more experience before I [cdb]faced you, but... This is it, Captain!
  3554. Would you look at that. You've become a fine [cdb]mercenary. If it's a battle you want, [cdb]you've got it.
  3555. Alois? I've got nothing against you, so I don't [cdb]really wanna do this. I'll still knock you flat, [cdb]though.
  3556. Alois? Look, you're in my way. I'm going to [cdb]make you move.
  3557. Where's the Empire's strongest warrior, [cdb]anyway? Shouldn't he have stopped you?
  3558. You think I'm struggling here? This barely [cdb]squeezes into my top five tough fights!
  3559. Looks like I'm at a disadvantage. Time to [cdb]draw back.
  3560. That was so careless... What was I thinking?! Now I have no choice but to withdraw.
  3561. If the captain's pulled back, then so will I.
  3562. Jeralt's Mercenaries have withdrawn. What will the Ashen Demon do now, I wonder?
  3563. That's enough for now. Everyone, fall back!
  3564. <<<EMPTY>>>
  3565. They both withdrew? Then it's up to me to [cdb]turn this around.
  3566. They both withdrew? Then it's up to me to [cdb]turn this around.
  3567. Perfect! Draw the Ashen Demon into the [cdb]stronghold!
  3568. I'm not backing down. I'll face you in my [cdb]father's stead.
  3569. I'm not backing down. I'll face you in my [cdb]father's stead.
  3570. They say this one's even stronger than the Blade Breaker. Avoid any direct engagement.
  3571. We'll use the same strategy as we did with Count Bergliez! Bait the Ashen Demon into [cdb]the stronghold!
  3572. It's not that I haven't been taking you seriously, [cdb]but this time...I won't hold anything back.
  3573. It's not that I haven't been taking you [cdb]seriously, but this time...I won't hold [cdb]anything back.
  3574. I don't think we can beat them head-on. We have to lure the Ashen Demon into the [cdb]stronghold somehow!
  3575. We'll get pulverized if we fight head-on! We need to lure the Ashen Demon into the [cdb]stronghold, and fast!
  3576. Now! Close the gate!
  3577. I fell for a trap? Hmph. I guess Jeralt's defeat [cdb]shook me.
  3578. I fell for a trap? Hmph. I guess Jeralt's defeat [cdb]shook me.
  3579. Our fight isn't over. We'll settle this later!
  3580. Our fight isn't over. We'll settle this later!
  3581. OK, the gate's closing! Get out while you [cdb]still can!
  3582. Now we must close the gate! Make haste and [cdb]move out of the stronghold!
  3583. That takes care of those two. Now all that's [cdb]left is to rain down a world of hurt on the Imperial army!
  3584. Ah, so your plan is to use the ballistae to [cdb]bombard them with arrows. Works for me!
  3585. Wow, Holst, you knew exactly what he was [cdb]getting at! You must speak Claude!
  3586. If my father's locked down, then I've gotta [cdb]step up!
  3587. So you're the ones invading this time, huh? I'll knock you clear out of here!
  3588. You came because you knew I'd be here, [cdb]right? Then you don't have to say anything. Let's do this.
  3589. You want to fight? Fine. For once in my life, I won't run away.
  3590. You joined the Alliance? Well, an enemy's an [cdb]enemy, I guess. You'll get no sympathy [cdb]from me!
  3591. Don't hate me for trying to kill you, Caspar!
  3592. No! I have to pay you back for what happened [cdb]at Myrddin!
  3593. Ugh, I can't believe you beat me twice!
  3594. All right, let 'em fly!
  3595. They stole our ballistae? Caspar, how could [cdb]you let this happen?
  3596. This is bad. I need to find a way out of here.
  3597. This is bad. I need to find a way out of here.
  3598. Now's our chance! Everyone, take out Count Bergliez!
  3599. Everyone, fall back if you need to! I'll defeat Count Bergliez!
  3600. Well done. But this is Empire territory. Do not [cdb]think you will retain the upper hand forever.
  3601. You've not the strength to slay me, coward! Offer up your final prayers before I send you [cdb]to the afterlife!
  3602. I can see why they call you the strongest in the Empire. But I won't fall here!
  3603. Leopold von Bergliez stands before you! Come and face me!
  3604. The Alliance is withdrawing! Do not pursue [cdb]them. We will pull back as well.
  3605. We've got a problem, everyone! Retreat as [cdb]quick as you can!
  3606. Sir! The Ashen Demon has escaped and is [cdb]attacking one of our other strongholds!
  3607. No, we can't get cut off! Everyone, attack the Ashen Demon with everything you've got!
  3608. The Ashen Demon is as fierce an opponent as Count Bergliez! Do not let your guard down [cdb]for even a second!
  3609. The others don't stand a chance. You're the [cdb]only one who can destroy the Ashen Demon.
  3610. Yeah, I know!
  3611. Yeah, I know!
  3612. I've still got a job to do.
  3613. I've still got a job to do.
  3614. Come now, can't you just give me an easy win?
  3615. Come now, can't you just give me an easy win?
  3616. They're targeting an ally stronghold! We have [cdb]to deal with them before they attack us from [cdb]behind!
  3617. Looks like they're attacking an allied [cdb]stronghold! We need to take care of that [cdb]before they come at us from behind!
  3618. We did it. Now we don't have to worry about [cdb]them coming up behind us.
  3619. Yay! Now we don't have to watch our backs.
  3620. We have lost sight of His Excellency! Take down the surrounding strongholds [cdb]using whatever you can!
  3621. We have to intercept the soldiers pursuing Count Bergliez before they make it to the [cdb]stronghold.
  3622. Are they coming after Count Bergliez? We have to stop them before they reach the [cdb]stronghold!
  3623. That's the last of 'em! They won't be looking [cdb]for Count Bergliez now.
  3624. We have defeated the enemy troops who were [cdb]searching for Count Bergliez.
  3625. All of the Alliance archers are ready and [cdb]waiting. They probably know their way [cdb]around the ballistae better than us.
  3626. It's in your hands, archers! Hit them with your [cdb]deadly accuracy!
  3627. No matter how strong our foe, we can win if [cdb]we work together. Probably!
  3628. Pull together, everyone! Show him no mercy!
  3629. The enemy is indeed formidable to have [cdb]pushed me this far.
  3630. Urgh... What would become of my allies if I [cdb]fell here?
  3631. Ngh, I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough. Forgive me, Hilda.
  3632. Holst! Damn it. There's no way we can keep [cdb]going now.
  3633. Holst?! No, this can't be happening! Holst!
  3634. Disorganized mob or not, their sheer numbers [cdb]are impressive.
  3635. But Leicester will be done for if we let them [cdb]break through. We have to take out the enemy [cdb]leader at all costs.
  3636. Let's start by taking care of the enemies near [cdb]our base!
  3637. I will not allow this to be a repeat of before. Do not spare a single soldier! Crush them [cdb]immediately!
  3638. They're trying to take our base through brute [cdb]force. Brace yourselves, everyone!
  3639. At this rate, we may succeed in overcoming [cdb]the first wave of attackers!
  3640. We have managed to protect our base!
  3641. Enemy reinforcements have taken up positions [cdb]in the north and south. We will not be able to [cdb]use the same tactics as before.
  3642. Then we'll just have to shake things up. Let's steal their strongholds and light the [cdb]beacons!
  3643. The beacons? Ah, I see! You mean to lure [cdb]them in!
  3644. There is a signal from one of our strongholds? Hah, what an obvious trap. As if we would fall [cdb]for something like that, you fools!
  3645. So, it's begun. Prepare to carry out the plan.
  3646. We've lit two beacons, but the enemy isn't [cdb]doing anything.
  3647. We've lit all the beacons now. The enemy [cdb]forces should be able to see them.
  3648. Hmph! Do not be fooled by those beacons! We will overwhelm the enemy with our sheer [cdb]numbers!
  3649. Uh, looks like we've got more enemy troops [cdb]on our hands. Was drawing them over here [cdb]really a good idea, Claude?
  3650. We've got them right where we want them. Now we'll pretend to attack the northern front [cdb]and... Well, I won't spoil the surprise.
  3651. Nader! Did you see the beacons? Everything's good to go on our end. How about you?
  3652. I've been waiting for ages, kiddo! Let's get [cdb]started!
  3653. Prince Shahid! General Nader has defected!
  3654. He was working with the enemy?! I will show [cdb]him what fate awaits a traitor! Kill him!
  3655. So, he's going straight for our linchpin, is he? Everyone, defend Nader!
  3656. Hey, who needs protecting? As if I'd fall here!
  3657. Hah! True, you are Nader the Undefeated. But I like to make sure I've covered every [cdb]possibility.
  3658. I never would have imagined we had an Almyran general on our side. We must use [cdb]this opportunity to gain the advantage!
  3659. You still haven't killed Nader?! Surely only [cdb]a small handful of troops defected with him?
  3660. This is much worse than I anticipated. We have no choice but to retreat and regroup.
  3661. We'll regret it later if we let them leave now. Don't let the enemy leader get away!
  3662. He's going to get away! Chase him down, now!
  3663. He's getting away! Hurry up and catch him!
  3664. He's getting away! Hurry up and catch him!
  3665. He may be running, but I seriously doubt he's [cdb]the type to give up so easily...
  3666. Greetings, my sworn brother! The day has [cdb]finally come when we can fight side by side!
  3667. Yes, my brother! Let's show them what we're [cdb]made of!
  3668. Weaklings, the lot of you! Useless maggots!
  3669. He's trying to get away again! Catch him!
  3670. Fódlan cowards! The likes of you could [cdb]never kill me!
  3671. Come then, gallant warrior of Almyra! Put my "cowardice" to the test!
  3672. It really is you... It's been you all along! To think that you're the one who turned Nader against me!
  3673. Well would you look at that, you figured it [cdb]out. I'm here to stop you from ruining Almyra's reputation, Shahid.
  3674. I will become king of Almyra! A barbarian like [cdb]you could never defeat me!
  3675. No, I will not yield!
  3676. Fódlan scum! Kill me if you can!
  3677. Everyone, focus on the Almyran leader! If we [cdb]defeat him, we win the whole battle!
  3678. I order every soldier on the front line to [cdb]attack! And I will cut down anyone who does [cdb]not obey!
  3679. This should stop the threat from the rear.
  3680. This should stop the threat from the rear.
  3681. I don't care who, but someone has to hold [cdb]off the enemy while I make my retreat!
  3682. There's no one left to protect the enemy [cdb]leader.
  3683. If we can bust open that stronghold, [cdb]we'll be able to get ahead of Shahid and [cdb]block his escape.
  3684. Attack the gate now!
  3685. Hang on, there's no point in breaking down [cdb]that gate now.
  3686. Uh oh! The enemy's attacking our base!
  3687. Oh no! Our base is going to fall!
  3688. Make haste and defeat the enemy troops [cdb]targeting our base!
  3689. Odd... Have I gotten rusty?
  3690. Ugh, I won't be undefeated much longer if I [cdb]keep letting them corner me like this!
  3691. If Nader falls, our siege does too! Make sure [cdb]he's protected!
  3692. This isn't good! He'll get away if we don't [cdb]catch him quick!
  3693. Uh, this is bad, right? He's going to get away [cdb]if we don't hurry!
  3694. No! If they make it through the Locket, [cdb]we're finished!
  3695. Sorry, kiddo! Looks like this is it for me.
  3696. They took out Nader? We've no chance of [cdb]winning now!
  3697. I've done it! All forces, resume the offensive! Our victory is assured! Ahahaha!
  3698. Hmph, time to regroup. Mark my words, [cdb]we will break through Fódlan's Throat [cdb]next time!
  3699. No, he escaped! This was our chance to end [cdb]it once and for all!
  3700. We should move before the Imperial army is [cdb]wiped out. Launch the surprise attack!
  3701. What army is that? Wait, are they attacking us?!
  3702. The Federation army has come to our aid! Now we can assist Lord Randolph!
  3703. The Federation army has come to our rescue? I thank you. We don't have to worry about [cdb]attacks from the rear now.
  3704. If we really wanna take out Thunder Catherine, [cdb]this is the best way to play it.
  3705. Claude? Is something wrong?
  3706. No, it's nothing.
  3707. Randolph, you can sense you're outmatched, [cdb]can't you? You have no hope of winning. Surrender now!
  3708. I've been gradually gaining reinforcements. Now is my chance to seize victory!
  3709. We did it! Now the Imperial army can rally [cdb]their forces!
  3710. We'll hold here until all the commanders [cdb]going to aid Randolph reach the stronghold.
  3711. Is everyone ready? Then let's hurry to Lord Randolph's aid!
  3712. Urgh, the Imperial army has rallied. They might turn the tables on us at this rate.
  3713. Main forces, with me! We're going to strike [cdb]right in the center! Everyone else, [cdb]circle around behind the enemy! Move out!
  3714. Thunder Catherine is on the move! Now's our [cdb]chance to capture the enemy strongholds!
  3715. The Imperial army will scatter if Randolph [cdb]falls! Keep advancing!
  3716. I'd heard the rumors, but I never imagined she [cdb]was this strong!
  3717. Claude, are you certain this is the best course? The Imperial army is struggling.
  3718. Yeah, that's just what I expected. Right now [cdb]we need to get a move on and capture those [cdb]strongholds.
  3719. At this rate the Imperial army's gonna get [cdb]crushed. Shouldn't we go help them?
  3720. At this rate the Imperial army's gonna get [cdb]crushed. Shouldn't we go help them?
  3721. What is the Federation army doing? I thought [cdb]they'd rush to our side.
  3722. Hey, Claude! We need to get out there and [cdb]help the Imperial army, or it'll be too late!
  3723. I hear you. But capturing the strongholds [cdb]takes priority. Make sure everyone knows that.
  3724. I have no other choice. Everyone, fall back! We must abandon this front and regroup!
  3725. Lord Randolph! The gate is closed and [cdb]blocking our escape route! We cannot get [cdb]past it!
  3726. What is the meaning of this? Is the Federation [cdb]army leaving us to die?
  3727. I see you've made your choice, Randolph! Hah!
  3728. Gah! Is this...the end...
  3729. I'd hoped to help them after surrounding the [cdb]knights, but there just wasn't enough time.
  3730. Lady Catherine, the Federation army has us [cdb]completely surrounded.
  3731. They let their allies die in order to trap us?! Hurry and forge an escape route! We will find [cdb]a way to survive this!
  3732. So we are to claim victory by sacrificing the Imperial army? How is this conscionable?
  3733. Sacrificing our allies in order to win... Is that really the kinda leader you are, Claude?
  3734. Sacrificing our allies in order to win... Is that really the kinda leader you are, Claude?
  3735. If we can convince some of them to surrender, [cdb]we'll reduce our number of casualties.
  3736. If we could persuade some of them to [cdb]surrender, we could reduce our casualties [cdb]considerably.
  3737. I will proceed swiftly to Catherine's aid!
  3738. Ahahaha! I am at the height of my powers [cdb]under the darkness of night!
  3739. Constance, why're you fighting for the [cdb]church? Come to our side. I'll smooth it over [cdb]with everyone.
  3740. You ask me to just change sides, without so [cdb]much as a fight? Such temerity. I could never [cdb]commit such a cowardly act!
  3741. Aren't you from House Nuvelle?
  3742. You! I do not recall your name, but you were [cdb]an Imperial noble, were you not? What are [cdb]you doing here?
  3743. Hah! As if something like that would [cdb]dishearten me!
  3744. Hey, you're not with the Knights of Seiros.
  3745. You've got noble written all over you. Why not join us? We'll treat you right.
  3746. Maybe that's for the best. After all, I have a [cdb]dream to fulfill.
  3747. I am mortified to join forces with those who [cdb]murdered my dear Hapi, but I have no other [cdb]choice.
  3748. Hapi, please forgive me. I cannot keep my [cdb]promise...
  3749. I don't think she's a knight. She might [cdb]surrender if we talk to her.
  3750. If it will save even a single life, it is well worth [cdb]trying to convince her to surrender.
  3751. They surrounded us, huh? We're in hot water [cdb]now, Cathy.
  3752. Could you maybe let me go? I'd really rather [cdb]not sigh if I can avoid it.
  3753. I hate having to fight all the time.
  3754. Hey, why don't we just stop? You dying here [cdb]won't accomplish anything, right?
  3755. You got me there. I guess I'll do what you ask. You did beat me, after all.
  3756. You kill my poor Coco and now you wanna [cdb]talk surrender? Fine, do whatever you want.
  3757. Coco, I'm sorry. I think I'm...done.
  3758. What a mess I've gotten myself into. We'll just [cdb]have to buckle down and prepare for a fight!
  3759. Thunder Catherine's the only one left! Everyone, attack!
  3760. I'll take as many of you Federation cowards [cdb]with me as I can!
  3761. Shamir! I never expected to see you fighting [cdb]for the other side. I don't know what to say.
  3762. I am a mercenary, you know. But you can take [cdb]your anger out on me if you want.
  3763. You won't defeat me that easily! Come on, [cdb]give me all you got!
  3764. I'm not finished yet! You shall feel my wrath!
  3765. An enemy messenger? You're not getting [cdb]past me!
  3766. We have to go after that enemy messenger.
  3767. No... I couldn't stop them.
  3768. Ugh, we were too slow.
  3769. Do not let any of them escape! We take all of [cdb]them down right here, right now!
  3770. We can't let a single one get away. We have to [cdb]whittle down the church forces as much as [cdb]possible.
  3771. For a surprise attack to be successful, it needs [cdb]to be executed quickly. Or that's what I read [cdb]in a book on tactics, anyway.
  3772. The success of a surprise attack hinges on fast [cdb]action. I think my brother said something like [cdb]that once.
  3773. Now we can cover ground more quickly!
  3774. I bet we could rush straight through the [cdb]battlefield now!
  3775. I will never let you lay a finger on Lady Rhea...with those filthy hands.
  3776. That was an ugly battle...
  3777. The enemy forces are nothing to sneeze at. Is this really just Randolph's family?
  3778. Whoever they are, they're most likely after you. Everyone! Do not allow His Majesty to fall!
  3779. They're attacking from the caves and the [cdb]mountains. Defeat the closest enemies first to [cdb]secure the area!
  3780. Some of these soldiers don't seem like they're [cdb]with the Imperial army. Maybe they're [cdb]mercenaries?
  3781. Some of these soldiers don't look like Imperial [cdb]army types. Are they mercenaries?
  3782. Some of these soldiers don't look like Imperial [cdb]army types. Are they mercenaries?
  3783. So they've got some mercenaries on their side, [cdb]eh? I've got a sneaking suspicion I know who [cdb]they hired.
  3784. At least we should be able to drive them back [cdb]quickly enough. But you attract more trouble [cdb]than honey does flies, Your Majesty.
  3785. Sorry, Judith. I promise I'll pay you back in [cdb]full someday.
  3786. We have managed to secure the area.
  3787. It doesn't look like they're going to lay down [cdb]their arms. What would you have us do, Your Majesty? Launch a counter-offensive?
  3788. Not when we don't know the full extent of [cdb]their forces. Could you all search the area and [cdb]see what info you can dig up?
  3789. I don't think there's any information about the [cdb]enemy forces around here.
  3790. Gather info on the enemy forces, he says. Except there's nothing here to find!
  3791. These folks are all just Imperial soldiers. I don't see anyone suspicious.
  3792. All of the troops over here are regular Imperial soldiers. I do not see any other [cdb]enemies.
  3793. They may have troops waiting to ambush us. Try to gain control of the area as you search.
  3794. Those are the scouts we dispatched earlier. They might have some relevant information.
  3795. Urk! No, I have to complete my mission!
  3796. They've spotted me! Now I've no choice but [cdb]to engage them!
  3797. Alois? Does that mean Jeralt's Mercenaries are [cdb]among our enemies?
  3798. So, Jeralt and his merry band are here after all. If we could just pinpoint their location...
  3799. I couldn't even buy us any time! How am I [cdb]supposed to face Fleche and the captain now?
  3800. We are battling Jeralt's Mercenaries after [cdb]all! And this Fleche person... Are they an Imperial general?
  3801. You did well to survive that! Please, share [cdb]any information you have on the enemy.
  3802. The enemy general's name is Fleche! And they [cdb]have Jeralt's Mercenaries on their side!
  3803. Wait, does that mean the Blade Breaker and Ashen Demon are here?
  3804. Well, this went downhill fast. We need to find [cdb]out where they are!
  3805. We're facing the captain's mercenaries again? No, this is no time to hesitate. I'll fight them!
  3806. If we assume Alois fled in the direction of [cdb]the mercenaries, then the forest may be the [cdb]best place to search.
  3807. You did well to survive that! We're currently [cdb]trying to pin down the mercenaries' location. Do you know anything about it?
  3808. Yes, my lord! It looks like they've taken up [cdb]a position in the forest!
  3809. Now we know who we're up against and where [cdb]they are. That gives us the intiative!
  3810. I've bought us some time for now. I'd better [cdb]report to the captain.
  3811. He withdrew. Jeralt's Mercenaries could [cdb]appear at any moment. Be on your guard.
  3812. No, we didn't make it in time! I'm sorry we [cdb]couldn't save you.
  3813. No, the enemy's already on the move! Forget scouting for information. Brace for [cdb]an attack!
  3814. Jeralt's Mercenaries are a formidable force. We need to find a way to split them off from [cdb]the Imperial army.
  3815. I'll act as a decoy to lure out the Ashen Demon. I'm counting on you all! Don't let [cdb]me die!
  3816. You are the king of the Federation and you [cdb]want to act as a decoy? Does sovereignty have [cdb]no meaning to you?
  3817. I'll make the perfect decoy precisely because I [cdb]am king. If you're so worried, then you'll just [cdb]have to protect me.
  3818. We can't go any farther! We need to defeat the [cdb]enemy and secure a path forward!
  3819. It's too dangerous to advance any farther. Eliminate the nearby enemies! Secure a route [cdb]forward!
  3820. I've heard that Randolph's younger sister is [cdb]also in the Imperial army. Maybe that's who [cdb]this Fleche person is.
  3821. Then she's here to avenge her brother. Can't say I blame her.
  3822. They told me my mission was to exact [cdb]revenge. I suppose I'll have to earn that [cdb]advance they paid me.
  3823. He doesn't exactly scream Imperial soldier or [cdb]mercenary to me. Maybe we can convince him [cdb]to join us?
  3824. How dare you point your weapon at such a [cdb]pretty face.
  3825. I'm tougher than I look!
  3826. You were roped into this, right? You could [cdb]always come with me instead.
  3827. There's the Ashen Demon! Let's hope they [cdb]take the bait.
  3828. Oh no! I charged too far ahead! This is so [cdb]dangerous! I need to fall back!
  3829. That's the king of Leicester! Do not let him [cdb]escape!
  3830. Even if this works, I don't want to engage yet. Can you all cover me on my way back?
  3831. He purposely charges ahead, only to [cdb]immediately retreat. He must be plotting [cdb]something.
  3832. He purposely charges ahead, only to [cdb]immediately retreat. He must be plotting [cdb]something.
  3833. You must kill him! Please! I don't care about [cdb]anything else as long as he's dead!
  3834. Hah, it worked! But there's no need to try and [cdb]defeat the Ashen Demon. That's like asking to [cdb]get killed.
  3835. This is our chance to slay the Ashen Demon. We can fight without anyone getting in [cdb]our way.
  3836. Looks like you're trying to get in our way. Well I'm not gonna let you!
  3837. Are they trying to slow us down? Then we've [cdb]got to beat them and make our escape!
  3838. I lost sight of him. Where'd he go?
  3839. I lost sight of him. Where'd he go?
  3840. My business is with the king, but if you get in [cdb]my way, I will cut you down.
  3841. My business is with the king, but if you get in [cdb]my way I will cut you down.
  3842. This may be my best chance to eliminate him. I'll just give that girl a little assistance.
  3843. What, an ambush?! The way out is in sight! We must defeat them and break through!
  3844. I don't know what you're trying to do, but stay [cdb]out of my way or you're dead!
  3845. I dunno what you're trying to do, but stay out [cdb]of my way or you're dead!
  3846. Impossible... It can't be...
  3847. You beasts!
  3848. What a creep. Who was that?
  3849. Further interference is unnecessary. All that's [cdb]left is for them to destroy each other.
  3850. Phew, I was worried I was gonna get a sword [cdb]in my back. Hey, Judith! Is everything ready?
  3851. It's been ready. Now, block the entrances to [cdb]the caves!
  3852. That's what they were up to?!
  3853. That's what they were up to?!
  3854. I found you. Prepare yourself for death.
  3855. I found you. Prepare yourself for death.
  3856. Nothing for it but to buckle down and fight. Bring it on, Ashen Demon!
  3857. They hired me to end your life. So I'm sorry, [cdb]but it's time to do my job.
  3858. They hired me to end your life. So I'm sorry, [cdb]but it's time to do my job.
  3859. If you're really sorry, you could always lay [cdb]down your weapon. I've still got a mountain [cdb]of things I need to accomplish.
  3860. What was that about? Never mind, the Blade Breaker's still around here somewhere. Don't let your guard down!
  3861. They've lost the advantage now. Oh well, [cdb]no matter. Time for me to withdraw.
  3862. We drove back the Ashen Demon! Now we've [cdb]got them! Everyone, attack!
  3863. Fall back, Your Majesty! The Blade Breaker's [cdb]still around! Stay alert!
  3864. Why haven't I heard anything from the [cdb]mercenaries? Ugh, I'll just have to do it [cdb]myself then!
  3865. Fleche has finally shown her face. Take her out [cdb]while the Ashen Demon's gone!
  3866. I'll stay in the stronghold and defend His Majesty! Everyone else, go after Fleche!
  3867. You killed my brother! Now you shall share in [cdb]his fate!
  3868. Randolph... Why? I waited for you... You promised you'd come back!
  3869. The Ashen Demon broke through and is [cdb]trying to get to Fleche! We can't let that [cdb]happen!
  3870. I don't think we can stop the Ashen Demon. We need to hurry and get to Fleche!
  3871. Randolph... You were always...there for me...
  3872. I wasn't fast enough!
  3873. I wasn't fast enough!
  3874. At this rate, we're going to end up one step [cdb]behind. What should we do?
  3875. There'll be no coming back if they surround us. We need to go on the offensive and defeat all [cdb]the enemy commanders!
  3876. What?! The Ashen Demon made it this far [cdb]already?
  3877. The Ashen Demon?! Then that means Jeralt's Mercenaries are here!
  3878. King of Leicester! Your life ends here.
  3879. King of Leicester! Your life ends here.
  3880. Oh no! Claude's a dead man if we don't [cdb]do something fast!
  3881. How utterly useless. Oh well. As vexing as this [cdb]is, I'll still lend a hand.
  3882. <<<EMPTY>>>
  3883. <<<EMPTY>>>
  3884. I've no other option. I must take to the [cdb]battlefield!
  3885. I held back earlier to buy us some time, but now [cdb]you will suffer the full weight of my might!
  3886. I cannot retreat! Lady Fleche is counting on us!
  3887. We have done it! Are the front lines [cdb]secured now?
  3888. I can't sit back and watch this happen. I'll avenge my brother with my own two hands!
  3889. We'll win this thing if we beat her, but there [cdb]are still mercenaries lurking about. Keep your [cdb]guard up!
  3890. We've won. Though I can't say it's a very [cdb]satisfying victory.
  3891. Damn. She dashed out and got herself killed.
  3892. We can still carry out her wishes. We accepted [cdb]this job and we're gonna finish it!
  3893. Be careful, everyone! The Blade Breaker [cdb]is here!
  3894. I've no grudge against any of you, but I'm on [cdb]the job. If you don't want to die, I suggest you [cdb]get out of here. Now.
  3895. Captain! It's my duty to stop you!
  3896. Give it up already. There's no way you're gonna [cdb]beat me.
  3897. Whoa, where'd that magic come from?!
  3898. They're targeting Claude! We have to stop [cdb]them, quickly!
  3899. Phew, good thing we put a stop to that.
  3900. Good, I made it. Stand back, Fleche.
  3901. Good, I made it. Stand back, Fleche.
  3902. No! I must kill him. I can't just stand by!
  3903. I'll admit, you got me before. It wasn't easy [cdb]making it this far.
  3904. I'll admit, you got me before. It wasn't easy [cdb]making it this far.
  3905. Are you watching, Randolph? I'm going to [cdb]get revenge for you, I swear it.
  3906. There's no telling what a person in such a [cdb]state could be capable of. Defend His Majesty [cdb]at all costs!
  3907. Death to all from Leicester! Die, you spineless [cdb]cowards!
  3908. She's a strong one!
  3909. Heh... Ahahaha! Just you wait, Brother! He's as good as dead!
  3910. I'm sorry, but if I die here, Randolph's death [cdb]would lose all meaning.
  3911. I'm not doing so hot. I need to get outta here!
  3912. I guess what goes around, comes around. But I'm not dying today!
  3913. We were too late. Not much we can do now.
  3914. Your employer is dead and we have you [cdb]surrounded. I think it would be wise to lay [cdb]down your arms, don't you?
  3915. Looks like we have no choice.
  3916. Looks like we have no choice.
  3917. Jeralt's Mercenaries have surrendered! That wraps up this battle.
  3918. A head-on assault would work as well as trying [cdb]to break a boulder with our skulls. We can't [cdb]exhaust our troops before we hit the capital.
  3919. So we're going to blast open the gates and take [cdb]them by storm before they have a chance [cdb]to react.
  3920. First we'll need to secure the surrounding area [cdb]to create a path to the gate for our combat [cdb]engineers.
  3921. We've almost got the area secure. But how are [cdb]we going to blast open the gates?
  3922. Just a little more and we'll have this area [cdb]secured. But how are we going to blast those [cdb]gates open?
  3923. Fire magic and barrels of alcohol. The force [cdb]from the blast should... Well, I won't spoil the [cdb]surprise.
  3924. Now we should be able to proceed to the front [cdb]gate without issue.
  3925. Excellent. Engineers, do your thing! Everyone else, guard them while they work!
  3926. The Federation is plotting something, [cdb]but we'll put an end to that. It's time for our [cdb]ambush!
  3927. I figured they wouldn't just sit back and [cdb]watch. Defend our engineers at all costs!
  3928. If the enemy gets too close, they won't be able [cdb]to set everything up! We need to take down the [cdb]surrounding enemies now!
  3929. The enemy is preventing the engineers from [cdb]working. We must do something immediately!
  3930. Whatever their scheme is, we can't let them [cdb]do it. Open the east and west gates. And clear [cdb]away the enemy from the front!
  3931. They're almost ready!
  3932. Haha! Talk about flashy! You blew that [cdb]massive gate wide open!
  3933. That blast was everything I hoped it'd be. But it looks like there's another gate ahead.
  3934. I won't let you take another step into Faerghus!
  3935. Is that Ashe? I'd like to avoid killing him if [cdb]we can.
  3936. I will fulfill my duty as a knight. Prepare yourself!
  3937. I've seen you somewhere before. Oh, [cdb]you're Lord Lonato's kid, right?
  3938. Wait, aren't you... No, I need to focus on the [cdb]battle. There's no time for talking!
  3939. I'm fighting for His Majesty! I can't lose now!
  3940. You're strong. I don't know if I can beat you [cdb]on my own.
  3941. Ashe, Dimitri wouldn't want you to die. If you care for him, you'll surrender.
  3942. I... OK. I give up.
  3943. I'm sorry, Your Majesty... I know...you put your [cdb]trust in me...
  3944. Ashe! What was he thinking, getting himself [cdb]killed like that!
  3945. All right, we're gonna blast through the [cdb]other gate! Protect the engineers!
  3946. We cannot let them destroy another gate! Take out the engineers!
  3947. We won't make it in time. Hurry!
  3948. Not much longer now. Defend the engineers!
  3949. Is that Felix? He's going after the engineers. Stop him!
  3950. Splendid, we are able to invade the fortress. Now it is but a simple matter of overwhelming [cdb]them with numerical superiority.
  3951. Reinforcements are on their way! Protect the [cdb]duke and Lord Rodrigue until they get here!
  3952. It's time to swoop in and take the stronghold! Advance!
  3953. It is an honor to die for Faerghus.
  3954. Fool. What is the point if you don't survive [cdb]the battle?
  3955. Lord Felix, I leave the rest to you...
  3956. Tch... Hear me! We will all make it through [cdb]this and achieve victory together!
  3957. Yes, my lord!
  3958. We've cleared out most of 'em. Not much [cdb]left to do now.
  3959. We've cleared out most of them. Not much [cdb]left to do now.
  3960. Our comrades have fought too bravely for us [cdb]to stand idly by!
  3961. I'd hoped to hold out until reinforcements [cdb]arrived, but they've forced my hand. Time to [cdb]dive into the fray!
  3962. You shall not take one more step towards Fhirdiad!
  3963. Oho, I spy Lord Rodrigue. Let's hope he [cdb]proves to be a worthy opponent!
  3964. You sent a chill down my spine there! No [cdb]wonder they call you the Shield of Faerghus.
  3965. This is nothing!
  3966. Felix, are you all right?
  3967. Hmph, your concern is wasted. Do not [cdb]underestimate me!
  3968. They're boxing me in. This doesn't bode well.
  3969. Hey, don't try to show off, old man! If you're [cdb]spent, just fall back!
  3970. Hah, it's nice to know you're concerned [cdb]for me!
  3971. Argh! I can't hold out much longer! I need to [cdb]escape while I still can!
  3972. All right! We just need to take out one more [cdb]general, and then we win!
  3973. Only one remains. If we defeat Lord Rodrigue, victory will be ours!
  3974. Ngh... Forgive me, people of Fraldarius. I have [cdb]no choice but to retreat.
  3975. All right! We just need to take out one more [cdb]general, and then we win!
  3976. Only one remains. If we defeat Duke Fraldarius, victory will be ours!
  3977. Great work, everyone! Time to celebrate [cdb]our... Huh?
  3978. Elite soldiers of Gautier, advance! Crush the [cdb]southern weaklings!
  3979. Urgh, Kingdom reinforcements are here! If they want a fight, we're going to have to [cdb]engage.
  3980. Rodrigue, retreat with the duke. I have [cdb]secured an escape route for you. Leave the rest [cdb]to me.
  3981. Matthias, you fool... Return to us alive. Promise me!
  3982. How long has it been since I've covered an [cdb]escape? Ah, I've missed this rush!
  3983. Risking life and limb so your friends can [cdb]escape? It's hard not to admire that famous Faerghus chivalry.
  3984. What's the matter? Did you think Faerghus's Wall of Ice would shatter so easily?
  3985. If my fortunes have dried up, then I'll take as [cdb]many of you as I can with me! Such is the way [cdb]in Faerghus!
  3986. The gates to the right and left have opened! All who are able, fight your way inside and [cdb]run riot!
  3987. Now there should be fewer enemies targeting [cdb]the engineers.
  3988. Our defense was lacking, but the engineers [cdb]did well.
  3989. I'm going out there. I don't have it in me to [cdb]stand by and watch.
  3990. I see no reason to spare invaders who force [cdb]their way into our home.
  3991. Ugh... Is this it?
  3992. Tch. Unbelievable.
  3993. More enemies? We have to stop them!
  3994. More enemies incoming! We've got to put a [cdb]stop to them!
  3995. We're safe now.
  3996. That should do the trick!
  3997. I must heal him quickly!
  3998. Thanks. Sorry for the trouble. Now I can get [cdb]back to the fight.
  3999. The battle will drag on if the enemy [cdb]commander is healed. My apologies, [cdb]but we will have no more of that.
  4000. Thank you, I needed that! I'm fine now.
  4001. We allowed the priest to heal him. Now our [cdb]battle will be prolonged!
  4002. All troops on standby are to support the [cdb]engineers! They must finish their preparations [cdb]as quickly as possible!
  4003. Wonderful. The troops who aided the [cdb]engineers can now rejoin the battle!
  4004. If the engineers fall, our plan will go up in [cdb]smoke. We need more troops to defend them.
  4005. Keep them safe, OK?
  4006. That turned out well. We made the right call [cdb]increasing our defense.
  4007. They're attacking the engineers! We have to [cdb]help them!
  4008. Do whatever you can to protect the engineers! If they're killed, we'll be forced to withdraw!
  4009. I'm sorry, Rodrigue... Lambert and I...will be [cdb]waiting for you...on the other side...
  4010. And that's another victory for us. Well done, [cdb]everyone.
  4011. They took out the engineers?! So much for [cdb]that plan... I hate to say it, but we have to [cdb]retreat!
  4012. We need to take out the enemy commanders [cdb]and secure the surrounding strongholds. Let's get the capital surrounded, folks!
  4013. Remember: We're up against House Blaiddyd's [cdb]elite royal guard! Don't hold anything back!
  4014. We cannot allow the enemy to surround the [cdb]capital. Take back the strongholds around the [cdb]outskirts!
  4015. The enemy is already on the move. We must [cdb]stop them from recapturing the strongholds!
  4016. The enemy's already on the move. It'd be such [cdb]a drag if they took back any of the strongholds.
  4017. There are so many historical buildings in Fhirdiad. I wish I could visit them instead of [cdb]lay siege to them.
  4018. The Kingdom army doesn't appear to be at [cdb]full strength. They must've sent a lot of their [cdb]troops to the western front and to Sreng.
  4019. I thought Derdriu was the biggest city ever, [cdb]but this place is huge!
  4020. Ah, how many years has it been since I was [cdb]last in the capital? I would love to visit again [cdb]sometime to continue my studies in magic.
  4021. Follow me, everyone. We will recapture the [cdb]strongholds! Oh, but do not endanger [cdb]yourself, Annette.
  4022. Fhirdiad is our home! We'll protect it with [cdb]everything we've got!
  4023. How nice of them to open the east and west [cdb]strongholds for us. Take down the enemy [cdb]generals and breach the walls from both sides!
  4024. I will not allow you to wreak havoc on Faerghus a moment longer!
  4025. I see. You have forgotten the debt you owe to His Majesty.
  4026. No, I haven't! I... Well... Maybe you're right.
  4027. I don't care who I have to face! I'm fighting [cdb]for the safety of my people!
  4028. Annette... I'm sorry, but I have to do this.
  4029. The situation has grown precarious. It will be [cdb]difficult to recapture the strongholds now!
  4030. Like that would stop me!
  4031. Ugh... I can fight no longer. I must withdraw.
  4032. That takes care of one side. Now to take out [cdb]the commander on the other side!
  4033. Excellent. Now let's vanquish the commander [cdb]on the other side!
  4034. I guess I should listen to my father and not [cdb]risk my life. I'm falling back!
  4035. <<<EMPTY>>>
  4036. <<<EMPTY>>>
  4037. That's it! Now we can launch an assault from [cdb]the east and the west!
  4038. All right, now we can launch our attack from [cdb]both east and west.
  4039. All the citizens within the castle walls have [cdb]evacuated, correct? Then let us open the outer [cdb]gate and engage the enemy inside.
  4040. You will go no farther.
  4041. That stronghold is a key part of the city's [cdb]defense. If we take it, we've as good as won.
  4042. The stronghold over there is a key part of the [cdb]city's defense. We're pretty much guaranteed [cdb]to win if we capture it.
  4043. The stronghold over there is a key part of the [cdb]city's defense. We're pretty much guaranteed [cdb]to win if we capture it.
  4044. Sylvain, now is your chance!
  4045. Guess it's finally time I got out there. You're dealing with me now!
  4046. Well played. We'll be like rats in a trap if they [cdb]retake those strongholds. Deal with them [cdb]quickly!
  4047. You will not pass so easily.
  4048. We need to defeat Dedue. Otherwise, it'll be [cdb]difficult getting the gates open again.
  4049. If we don't take out Dedue, we'll have a tough [cdb]time opening those gates!
  4050. If we don't take out Dedue, we'll have a tough [cdb]time opening those gates!
  4051. I will kill anyone who threatens His Majesty.
  4052. Wait, we aren't trying to kill Dimitri. Not like [cdb]you'll listen to us in the middle of a battle.
  4053. I see. You have joined the enemy.
  4054. I'm so sorry, Dedue.
  4055. Ngh... I will not kneel here.
  4056. House Gautier's duty is to protect Faerghus [cdb]from foreign threats. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.
  4057. We've gotta stop Sylvain. Our strategy will be [cdb]a bust if he takes back those strongholds!
  4058. You come here, trampling people's homes and [cdb]murdering their parents... I'm going to make [cdb]you pay.
  4059. Look, I understand if you bear a grudge, [cdb]but we're all risking our lives here.
  4060. I can understand why you'd surrender if it [cdb]means living another day. But why are you [cdb]attacking the capital?
  4061. I know it's wrong...but what was I supposed [cdb]to do?
  4062. I guess all the blood's rushing to my head. I've got to calm down and think this through.
  4063. Well done, troops! Now to reclaim the other [cdb]strongholds!
  4064. Ugh, they took one back! We've gotta deal [cdb]with him, now!
  4065. I have done all I can.
  4066. Excellent. Now we can pass through the gates.
  4067. I'll get the dressing down of a lifetime if I don't [cdb]come back in one piece.
  4068. We managed to drive him back. At least we [cdb]avoided the worst-case scenario!
  4069. We've repelled most of the enemy [cdb]commanders. Capture the remaining [cdb]strongholds!
  4070. Perfect, we've got them surrounded. I wonder [cdb]what they'll do now that a counteroffensive's [cdb]off the table.
  4071. Somehow I sincerely doubt this'll be enough [cdb]to make Dimitri surrender.
  4072. Fall back, everyone. I will handle the rest.
  4073. I will annihilate anyone who dares lay a finger [cdb]on this city.
  4074. Whoa. That guy's gotta be the strongest [cdb]warrior Faerghus has to offer, right? Seems like a worthy opponent!
  4075. Whoa. That guy's gotta be the strongest [cdb]warrior Faerghus has to offer, right? Seems like a worthy opponent!
  4076. Dimitri! I've been waiting for you to show. I was hoping we could have a little chat.
  4077. First, you will receive your due punishment. I assume you were prepared to face the [cdb]consequences when you decided to attack?
  4078. Your Majesty...
  4079. I will fulfill my duty, Ashe. You should fulfill [cdb]yours as well.
  4080. Is everyone from Leicester so weak? You'll not [cdb]take my head that easily.
  4081. I should assess my situation.
  4082. We require reinforcements. Send our fastest [cdb]horse to the lords of every territory.
  4083. We took out that messenger!
  4084. Splendid! We have halted the enemy [cdb]messenger!
  4085. Aw man, the messenger got away! Now we're [cdb]gonna have to deal with even more enemies!
  4086. We failed to stop the messenger. Now we [cdb]may have to deal with enemy reinforcements!
  4087. Father's in trouble? Listen, everyone! I'm fine [cdb]over here, so go help the eastern side!
  4088. We did it! We would've been in a tight spot [cdb]if they'd joined up on the eastern side.
  4089. We managed to prevent the enemy forces from [cdb]joining together.
  4090. Ah, Annette must have sent you. You have my [cdb]thanks. I cannot retreat just yet!
  4091. Oh no, the enemy has rallied on the [cdb]eastern side!
  4092. The enemy forces managed to join up. They're rallying on the eastern side!
  4093. They're closing in on Annette! I can handle [cdb]things here. Go reinforce the west side!
  4094. Yes! We stopped them from joining up!
  4095. Well done. We prevented the enemy forces [cdb]from converging.
  4096. Thank you so much. I take it Father sent you? OK, let's show them what we're made of!
  4097. Oh no... The enemy's rallying on the [cdb]western side!
  4098. They managed to meet up, and now the [cdb]western forces are rallying!
  4099. This stronghold must not fall. Send out the [cdb]combat engineers!
  4100. Were they trying to reinforce the stronghold? I'm glad we stopped them.
  4101. Looks like they were trying to reinforce the [cdb]stronghold. But we put a stop to that!
  4102. They seem to have reinforced the stronghold. It will be more difficult to breach now.
  4103. They've fortified the stronghold! Ugh, [cdb]it's going to be such a pain to attack it now!
  4104. There might be other enemies hiding out [cdb]besides Sylvain. Stay alert, everyone!
  4105. Other enemies could be lying in wait besides Sylvain. Be on guard, everyone!
  4106. Now we can breathe easier.
  4107. That should make the battle slightly easier.
  4108. Oh no, a stronghold fell! If only we had dealt [cdb]with them sooner...
  4109. They recaptured a stronghold, did they? If only we had dealt with them sooner!
  4110. If we can maintain a supply train to the [cdb]captured strongholds, they will not fall [cdb]as easily.
  4111. The strongholds should be fine now. All that [cdb]remains is to defeat Dimitri!
  4112. There are most likely other soldiers lying in [cdb]wait. We would be wise to place a guard [cdb]around the strongholds.
  4113. All right, keep those spots protected, friends!
  4114. We don't need to protect the strongholds [cdb]anymore! Go take out the rest of the enemies!
  4115. Rescuing the townspeople is our top priority! And we need to help the volunteer [cdb]soldiers too!
  4116. Also, if you see any suspicious types lurking [cdb]among the bandits, they might be those who [cdb]slither in the dark. Be careful!
  4117. The evacuees are gathering here. On my [cdb]honor as a noble, I will protect them.
  4118. Is that Professor Hanneman? We have to [cdb]save him!
  4119. Please, lend us a hand! The opera troupe can't [cdb]hold out much longer.
  4120. Dorothea! Wait right there. I will not allow [cdb]those vile criminals to lay a hand on you!
  4121. Ah, so you've come to my rescue! Thank you. Things were getting a bit out of hand.
  4122. Have you seen Manuela? She dashed off in [cdb]pursuit of the bandit leader.
  4123. Professor Hanneman! No... His value to Fódlan was immeasurable...
  4124. Who are you? Why are you chasing me?!
  4125. I'm not going to let you steal from such [cdb]vulnerable people! Stop, thief!
  4126. Professor Manuela's going after their leader! We've gotta help her!
  4127. Is that Professor Manuela in pursuit of their [cdb]leader? We must aid her at once!
  4128. Wow, am I glad to see you! Now take care of [cdb]these cowardly villains!
  4129. I'll never be done in by such spineless scum!
  4130. Professor Manuela! No, this... This can't be [cdb]happening!
  4131. Tear their leader limb from limb! Oh my, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over [cdb]me there.
  4132. Is he the real one? Don't let him get away!
  4133. That is the real one! We must not let him [cdb]slip through our grasp!
  4134. I think you've got a handle on everything [cdb]here. I'll go tend to the injured.
  4135. Did his comrades abandon him? Then he got [cdb]what he deserved. Finish him off!
  4136. Hey, I think I remember him. He's a merchant [cdb]who used to visit Garreg Mach.
  4137. The south side of town is damaged as well! Let's get over there at once!
  4138. Looks like the south side of town's taking a [cdb]beating as well. We need to get over there!
  4139. Why would anyone do something so horrible? You're about to get exactly what you deserve!
  4140. There's no way this guy's their ringleader. Now where could those pesky slitherers be?
  4141. Ugh... I don't feel so good. Was the enemy's [cdb]weapon poisoned?
  4142. Dorothea's been poisoned? That isn't good. We need to get her to the evacuee shelter on [cdb]the double!
  4143. Thank you. I'm sorry for causing so much [cdb]trouble.
  4144. It hurts. This might be curtains...for me...
  4145. We could get across if we lowered the [cdb]drawbridge.
  4146. I survived? Thank you. I won't forget the [cdb]debt I owe you all.
  4147. If you wanna repay us, you'll need to heal up [cdb]first. We'll talk more once we've taken care of [cdb]the bandits.
  4148. This is a rather rare poison. But don't worry, Dorothea. You're in good hands.
  4149. No... I haven't...achieved my dream yet...
  4150. How could I let this happen? I swear I'll [cdb]avenge you, Dorothea!
  4151. How could we fail to protect the most [cdb]treasured songstress in all of Fódlan?!
  4152. I can't just retreat while people are still in [cdb]danger.
  4153. There they are!
  4154. Looks like they've finally slithered into the [cdb]light. Those are the masterminds! Kill them all!
  4155. I hope the opera troupe is OK. I need to [cdb]help them.
  4156. OK, we took care of that bizarre wall. Now all [cdb]that's left is to put an end to Solon!
  4157. It seems I cannot afford to tarry.
  4158. I heard a voice crying out for help! What good [cdb]are nobles if they do not aid the commonfolk?
  4159. Splendid! We have saved everyone!
  4160. Ngh... Some of them perished. But at least we [cdb]saved a few souls.
  4161. We could not save a single soul. I do not [cdb]deserve to call myself a noble!
  4162. Stop right there! I'll never abide stealing from [cdb]innocent people!
  4163. We must stop the thieves from escaping with [cdb]the stolen goods. They shall face punishment!
  4164. Woohoo! We got the stuff back. Serves you right!
  4165. A noble's duty to protect the commonfolk [cdb]extends to their property.
  4166. Rrrgh! The bandits got away!
  4167. We failed to protect the commonfolk's [cdb]property! How could I fail so miserably!
  4168. There are still some people who've been left [cdb]behind. We have to rescue them!
  4169. Some townspeople have been left behind. Move out and rescue them!
  4170. Yes! We must help before it is too late!
  4171. Yeah, we've got to save them before it's [cdb]too late!
  4172. Oh, I'm so glad they're all right.
  4173. Hurray! We saved everyone!
  4174. We failed to save some of the people. May they [cdb]find peace in the goddess's embrace.
  4175. I'm so sorry! We couldn't save everyone.
  4176. We're too late. May they find peace in the [cdb]goddess's embrace.
  4177. We didn't save anyone. I'm so, so sorry...
  4178. Aha! So they've come. I swear on the pride of Leicester, I will defend this place!
  4179. Phew... Did we manage to drive 'em off?
  4180. We could send soldiers to block the bandits' [cdb]retreat. That should hold them up for a while.
  4181. All right, go stop those bandits! Don't let [cdb]them take off with the stolen loot!
  4182. I don't see any more bandits trying to escape. We should withdraw the soldiers stationed [cdb]there.
  4183. Hmm, it looks like we could build a bridge [cdb]over there.
  4184. I'm pretty sure I saw some lumber lying [cdb]around that would work perfectly. If we lay [cdb]it across, we've got an instant bridge.
  4185. We've gotten the enemy under control. There's no need to build a bridge anymore.
  4186. He escaped?! We almost had him...
  4187. Hey, at least we got the situation in town [cdb]under control. Great job, everyone!
  4188. We failed to protect the shelter? The town's [cdb]finished now!
  4189. Now we've got a Demonic Beast on our hands. The fun never stops, does it.
  4190. The town cannot sustain any more damage. Take the beast down!
  4191. There's a drawbridge on the eastern side. Let's use that to help Dorothea escape.
  4192. My word... It seems Claude was right to be [cdb]concerned.
  4193. It's got some pretty big muscles, but I've [cdb]handled bigger!
  4194. Our attacks look to be effective. Keep it up!
  4195. We've managed to fell the beast. And it looks [cdb]like the town scraped by as well.
  4196. I will go ahead to put a stop to Dimitri and Rhea. I am counting on your support, Claude.
  4197. Well, we've come this far. We're not about to [cdb]stop now!
  4198. The enemy forces are too great. But I can at [cdb]least serve as a decoy for Her Majesty.
  4199. Monica is in danger. Do not worry about me. You must attend to her!
  4200. You know, we could make good use of those [cdb]ballistae and catapults.
  4201. We've come to rescue you. Are you all right?
  4202. We're here to save you! Are you OK?
  4203. You have my thanks. Now let us push back [cdb]the enemy!
  4204. Where is Count Varley? Don't tell me he fled.
  4205. I have sworn my life to Her Majesty and I [cdb]would do it again!
  4206. Our own base will be in peril if Monica is [cdb]defeated!
  4207. The enemy will overwhelm Garreg Mach if I [cdb]retreat!
  4208. You saved my life. Thank you, friends of Her Majesty!
  4209. I can't hold out... I am so sorry to have failed [cdb]you, Your Majesty!
  4210. Now, set it aflame, as we planned. This opportunity will not escape us!
  4211. They are burning Garreg Mach?! That's a bold move, Dimitri.
  4212. Ah yes, the ol' set-it-on-fire strategy. We should put that out before things [cdb]get messy.
  4213. There you are, Edelgard. Your life is mine!
  4214. Edelgard is under attack! We must defend her!
  4215. Edelgard's getting attacked! We've got to [cdb]help her!
  4216. Stay out of my way! Actually, this is perfect. Now I can avenge the margrave as well.
  4217. On the battlefield, we're all targets of [cdb]someone's vengeance. No matter your aim, I will fight any who stand in my way.
  4218. Ashe... I trusted you.
  4219. Ingrid...
  4220. Adrestia... Leicester... None of this would've [cdb]happened if it weren't for you!
  4221. I...I can't go on. I'm sorry, I have to fall back!
  4222. Excellent. Continue defending the emperor!
  4223. What?! The wall collapsed. Did someone [cdb]intentionally do this?
  4224. Our path is blocked? We need to find another [cdb]route and catch up with Edelgard!
  4225. The path's blocked! We've gotta find another [cdb]way so we can catch up to Edelgard!
  4226. Wouldn't it be faster to just remove the rubble?
  4227. All right, we can advance now. Let's get a [cdb]move on and catch up with Edelgard!
  4228. The wall collapsed? Then our path might be [cdb]blocked too!
  4229. The wall collapsed. We won't be able to move [cdb]forward if that keeps happening.
  4230. Eep! I so desperately want to flee, but I can't [cdb]very well do that with Her Majesty here.
  4231. So that's the Empire's Minister of Religious Affairs. He heads up the Southern Church [cdb]now. If he's in trouble, we should go help.
  4232. Hey! Looks like you're having a rough time. We're gonna back you up!
  4233. Count Varley, we have come to provide you [cdb]with assistance, per the king's orders.
  4234. Oh, thank you! Is Her Majesty all right? Do tell her I've been fighting valiantly!
  4235. Where is Her Majesty? I would like to fight by [cdb]her side, if possible.
  4236. My future... Er, our future is riding on this. I cannot let you through!
  4237. We need to aid Count Varley! If he's defeated, [cdb]our base will be compromised as well!
  4238. I cannot hold back the enemy any longer. Please, someone, help!
  4239. There she is. Ignite the flames once more! They will know how deeply our rage burns!
  4240. Fire again?! Me, surrounded by flames... I can't deny there's irony in that.
  4241. Has there been any report from the [cdb]flame corps?
  4242. Uh, well...it seems the enemy attacked them. We won't be setting any more fires.
  4243. Well, they were unlikely to fall for the same [cdb]trick twice. Time for our next plan then.
  4244. I will end you.
  4245. Dimitri's most loyal retainer... I must be [cdb]getting close then.
  4246. As long as I stand, you will not lay a finger on His Majesty.
  4247. I know this is your job and all, but you're [cdb]preventing me from doing mine.
  4248. I really don't want to fight you. But there's no [cdb]chance you'll step aside, right?
  4249. If you already know, then prepare yourself. I will not hold back...even against you.
  4250. I will not yield. No matter what!
  4251. Ngh... I would sooner fight to the end, but [cdb]that would bring great pain to His Majesty.
  4252. Now, eliminate Dimitri and force the Kingdom troops to retreat!
  4253. Monica is still struggling? My apologies, [cdb]but would you go and aid her?
  4254. If Count Varley dies, the Central Church will [cdb]rally. That is the last thing you want, right?
  4255. I've long awaited this day, Edelgard. Your tyranny ends here!
  4256. Oh, this is not good. We can't let Edelgard die!
  4257. Ashe, I believe I told you to flee from the [cdb]battlefield if you came across me.
  4258. Forgive me for disobeying your orders.
  4259. I've no reason to hold back before the enemy [cdb]of the margrave and my people.
  4260. Right, right... But on the other hand, it'd really [cdb]make my day if you withdrew. No?
  4261. I never expected to spar with the renowned Lord Holst. I wish we could have met under [cdb]different circumstances.
  4262. I'm honored to hear that, but there's no [cdb]sparring on the battlefield. Only fights to [cdb]the death!
  4263. Garreg Mach is certainly a strategic location, [cdb]but is it truly essential to the Kingdom?
  4264. Perhaps. If we control this land, we will be in a [cdb]better position to ward off your invasions, yes?
  4265. Hahaha! If it's my head you're after, you'll [cdb]have to risk your own to take it!
  4266. Stop Dimitri with everything you've got! Hold nothing back!
  4267. I am offended that you think such feeble [cdb]attacks would kill me!
  4268. So, the time has come. Very well. Turn your [cdb]horses around! All troops are to withdraw!
  4269. And just like that, a full retreat? Not that I'm complaining, mind you.
  4270. We have gained control of Garreg Mach's [cdb]entrance. I'll take up position here and stop [cdb]the enemy from invading.
  4271. I cannot allow you to do this alone, Your Majesty. Please, permit me to fight [cdb]alongside you.
  4272. We must seize this opportunity while the Kingdom army is engaged. Quickly, [cdb]capture the front gate of the monastery!
  4273. I should've known she wouldn't let this [cdb]opportunity slip by. Get on over to Garreg Mach!
  4274. Garreg Mach is our church's most [cdb]sacred site. We must reclaim it!
  4275. She popped up out of nowhere! Is there [cdb]another secret path we don't know about?
  4276. So you have chosen to side with Edelgard. I am disappointed in you, Claude.
  4277. No hard feelings, Rhea. I'm just determined to [cdb]see what the world would be like without you.
  4278. Jeralt?! I never would have thought to find [cdb]you among the Federation forces.
  4279. You shall face retribution for violating this [cdb]sacred ground!
  4280. This is our chance to take out the archbishop! We must not let it pass us by!
  4281. Only a little more... A little more and Garreg Mach will be mine again!
  4282. Ngh... It seems the opportunity has slipped [cdb]through our fingers. But we shall return, [cdb]and next time you will not be so fortunate.
  4283. We managed to hold out, but Rhea got away.
  4284. The time has come for my revenge! Prepare yourself!
  4285. The Ashen Demon?! Now we must deal with [cdb]an even more formidable foe.
  4286. We're not winning this thing unless we take [cdb]out the Ashen Demon.
  4287. At last, the Ashen Demon has appeared. Now is our chance to settle the score!
  4288. I'm on it. I won't lose this time!
  4289. I'm on it. I won't lose this time!
  4290. We're gonna need that power of yours to win. You got this!
  4291. You shall be punished for murdering the sire [cdb]of my vessel.
  4292. Whoops, some enemies slipped outta the [cdb]stronghold! We gotta take 'em down before [cdb]they do something!
  4293. It seems some enemy commanders secretly [cdb]escaped the stronghold. We must deal with [cdb]them before they cause trouble.
  4294. We did it! That should take care of all the [cdb]enemy commanders around here.
  4295. Well done! That should be all the enemy [cdb]commanders in the area.
  4296. The Kingdom cavalry and the church are [cdb]launching an attack on our strongholds!
  4297. The Kingdom cavalry is working with Rhea's [cdb]lackeys to attack our strongholds!
  4298. Thank goodness, we defended the strongholds.
  4299. The Kingdom cavalry has been taken care of, [cdb]so we should be fine now.
  4300. Lady Edelgard's wounds need tending to. We should send our healers.
  4301. Thank you. I am in your debt.
  4302. I think we've got some combat engineers on [cdb]standby. Maybe they could deal with all this [cdb]fire stuff?
  4303. All right, engineers, you're up! Don't let them [cdb]start another fire!
  4304. Claude! Our snipers are ready!
  4305. Snipers, attack! Cover our advance!
  4306. I cannot let it end here!
  4307. If I am defeated, the Empire will fall to ruin!
  4308. Ngh! At this rate, they'll overrun the [cdb]monastery!
  4309. Your Majesty! King Claude! I cannot hold out [cdb]any longer! I require assistance!
  4310. Salvation is beyond you. You shall be punished [cdb]for your transgressions!
  4311. We managed to drive her away, but this war [cdb]won't end until she's dead. Get ready for a [cdb]chase, everyone!
  4312. If the church has withdrawn, then we need not [cdb]risk our lives any longer.
  4313. This war won't end until Rhea's dead. Get ready for a chase, everyone!
  4314. No, they got Edelgard! There'll be no victory [cdb]now, even if we manage to drive them off.
  4315. No! They've invaded Garreg Mach! We have [cdb]no choice but to retreat for now.
  4316. As in the Battle of Tailtean, I will strike down [cdb]any fool who dares dishonor our creator!
  4317. This is it, folks. If we slay Rhea, we'll usher in [cdb]a new era for Fódlan! Give it all you got!
  4318. We've managed to advance this far as two [cdb]groups, but I didn't foresee the bridge [cdb]being down.
  4319. We'll just have to hold out until we can meet [cdb]up again. I might actually put in some effort!
  4320. Everyone, stake your lives on this battle and [cdb]make the goddess proud. We will annihilate [cdb]the wicked Federation army!
  4321. There's no need to rush. Just keep pressing [cdb]forward! Our first objective is to capture the [cdb]strongholds on the front line!
  4322. Hmph, the enemy's morale is unusually high. The archbishop must have riled them up.
  4323. All right! We've captured most of the [cdb]strongholds on one side!
  4324. We're moving right along. Keep capturing the [cdb]enemy strongholds!
  4325. We've been told to return to the capital, [cdb]but we're the only ones who can protect the [cdb]church's people.
  4326. Is that Mercedes? Does that mean the Kingdom's commanding those troops?
  4327. I will do what I must until the very end.
  4328. I had a feeling you'd be here, doing whatever [cdb]you could to protect the faithful.
  4329. Mercedes... So this is where you've been. I will [cdb]save you.
  4330. The others are fulfilling their duties to house [cdb]and kingdom. That only leaves me to do what I can to help!
  4331. I did all that I could. I guess I wasn't up to [cdb]the challenge after all.
  4332. Mercedes, it is not worth risking your life for [cdb]this fight.
  4333. It was my choice to put my life on the line. But now I must fall back.
  4334. Then please, fight alongside me for now. It is [cdb]the best way to keep you safe.
  4335. Now is the time to avenge Captain Jeralt! I will fight to the death!
  4336. Sorry, but I'll not hold back! Here's one of [cdb]the captain's most powerful techniques!
  4337. I'm doing this for the captain. I'll not be beaten! I will have my revenge!
  4338. I can't take this guy lightly. I'll face him with [cdb]everything that I've got!
  4339. I can't take this guy lightly. I'll face him with [cdb]everything that I've got!
  4340. Shamir! This will be the last time we cross [cdb]blades.
  4341. Sorry, Alois.
  4342. Is that all you have to say? Where is your [cdb]passion, your fervor?!
  4343. Am I not strong enough?!
  4344. Captain... My dear wife and daughter... I'm sorry...
  4345. Cyril! I will remember your heroism always.
  4346. No way I'm lettin' this end here! I'm gonna [cdb]help Lady Rhea!
  4347. Watch out, he's going for the strongholds!
  4348. Lady Rhea... I'm sorry I...couldn't help.
  4349. I must not let Claude steal all the glory! I will [cdb]open a path for our forces to unite!
  4350. He's certainly motivated, but can he seriously [cdb]handle all that?
  4351. He may seem like all bark and no bite, but he [cdb]always follows through. He can do this.
  4352. Our allies are struggling. I must lend them [cdb]a hand!
  4353. There is no need to overexert yourself, Flayn! Promise me you will retreat the moment it [cdb]becomes too taxing!
  4354. I loathe fighting, but this is my duty! Come then!
  4355. There is still fight in me yet! I will not be [cdb]defeated here!
  4356. I am afraid I have exhausted myself. I should [cdb]withdraw.
  4357. There are yet injured allies on the other side!
  4358. I shall use my powers to heal them!
  4359. It's like the second coming of Saint Cethleann. She'll heal the enemy if we don't take care [cdb]of her!
  4360. They appear to be having a difficult time. I have no choice but to intervene.
  4361. Fódlan needs the archbishop. Anyone who [cdb]does not understand that must be eliminated.
  4362. You are formidable indeed.
  4363. Continuing in this state would be a challenge. I must retreat for now.
  4364. They still have a chance to drive the enemy [cdb]back! I must lend them my aid!
  4365. Come! Wyvern Riders of Saint Cichol!
  4366. They're one of the most elite units in the Knights of Seiros! Be on guard!
  4367. The Federation army has us on the back foot. Do we have any hope of winning this?
  4368. The church forces seem at a loss without their [cdb]frontline commanders.
  4369. Yeah! We've taken all the strongholds on the [cdb]front line!
  4370. Yay! Now we've got control of the front line.
  4371. Their reckless violence defiles the goddess! There is no salvation for them!
  4372. Guardians of the Holy Tomb, come forth! Bring down the hammer of judgment upon [cdb]these sacrilegious rebels!
  4373. Those soldiers were likely created with magic. The devices controlling them should be here [cdb]somewhere!
  4374. I surmise that magic created those soldiers. The devices that control them should be [cdb]around here somewhere.
  4375. That looks like a device over there! We've got [cdb]to capture the stronghold and stop it!
  4376. I spy a device over there! We must capture [cdb]that stronghold and put a stop to it!
  4377. Once you take the stronghold, you need to [cdb]disable that device! I don't know how, [cdb]but I'm sure you'll figure something out!
  4378. There are fewer of those soldiers now, [cdb]but they're not completely gone. Ugh, [cdb]they give me the creeps.
  4379. I see they found the devices. But it matters [cdb]not, for they still have no hope of victory.
  4380. All the strange soldiers are gone!
  4381. We disabled all the devices. That should take [cdb]care of those ghastly soldiers.
  4382. Our forces have reunited thanks to the [cdb]strength of my efforts! Truly, I am more fit [cdb]to lead than our actual king!
  4383. You do realize the actual king is standing right [cdb]here. But if you want the job so badly, I'll happily let you take over later.
  4384. Those enemies on the front lines were strong, [cdb]but we were stronger! We took 'em all out!
  4385. We have bested all the enemy commanders on [cdb]the front lines.
  4386. Even with the goddess's protection, [cdb]our remaining forces are hardly enough to [cdb]hold them off!
  4387. If they defeat us and the Central Church [cdb]collapses, many people will lose their spiritual [cdb]foundation.
  4388. That would be terrible. I will fight alongside [cdb]you, my brother!
  4389. Goddess, infuse me with your divine strength! Hrah!
  4390. What?! Where could magic of this magnitude [cdb]be coming from?! Are we witnessing the [cdb]archbishop's power?!
  4391. She is not fooling around. Here we go, [cdb]everyone! Don't let the enemy push us back!
  4392. Come! You will find I am not so easy to defeat [cdb]at my full strength!
  4393. There is no turning back. I will defeat you [cdb]here and now!
  4394. Oh... I feel so...weary.
  4395. It seems you have grown since you were at the [cdb]academy. But you shall not overpower me!
  4396. Lady Rhea, I am sorry. I...I can no longer...
  4397. Flayn! No! How could this happen? How dare you!
  4398. I had not the strength to stop them. Forgive me, Rhea!
  4399. Rhea, we must retreat. I cannot allow Flayn [cdb]to perish.
  4400. May fortune smile upon you, Lady Rhea!
  4401. Do what you must. I will settle this on [cdb]my own!
  4402. This is our final opportunity to pass judgment [cdb]on the enemy! If you can yet move, follow me!
  4403. Such an abominable presence... Yes, I knew [cdb]that one day you would turn your blade [cdb]on me.
  4404. Don't get the wrong idea—my power's got [cdb]nothing to do with this. I'm standing here of [cdb]my own free will!
  4405. Don't get the wrong idea—my power's got [cdb]nothing to do with this. I'm standing here of [cdb]my own free will!
  4406. Are you so desperate to take my life? Is that [cdb]what you truly wish?
  4407. The world will never change so long as people [cdb]cling to your existence!
  4408. I'm truly sorry, Rhea. But this is the road I've [cdb]chosen.
  4409. You had best pray that you will not regret this [cdb]decision when you are dead, Shamir.
  4410. It was on a battlefield just like this. Really takes [cdb]you back three hundred years, doesn't it, Lady Rhea?
  4411. Please do not make me regret my decision [cdb]from that day, Jeralt.
  4412. I knew it. You are Sitri's child. Has fate been [cdb]leading us to this moment?
  4413. I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm only here to fight!
  4414. I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm only here to fight!
  4415. I swear on the goddess's name you will all face [cdb]judgment! Hrah!
  4416. Looks like we're finally getting to the good [cdb]part. You OK to keep going?
  4417. Of course. And after we win this battle, [cdb]you're gonna show me the new world [cdb]you're creating.
  4418. Of course. And after we win this battle, [cdb]you're gonna show me the new world [cdb]you're creating.
  4419. We need to make one final push! We're almost there!
  4420. Our victory will secure my place in history as [cdb]a hero of Fódlan.
  4421. We dealt with our fair share of surprises, [cdb]but we're finally here. Our king is really [cdb]something else.
  4422. I'm still not sure if this is really the right thing, [cdb]but I have to trust Claude and push forward!
  4423. If there is any way I can help change Leicester [cdb]and Fódlan for the better, I will!
  4424. I'm getting pretty hungry, but I can hold out! We got a feast waiting for us after we win this!
  4425. This is far from the end, but it will be a [cdb]significant step forward if we win!
  4426. We've been through a lot, but all our efforts'll [cdb]be rewarded if we win, right?
  4427. Time to finish this! Everyone, lend me your [cdb]strength!
  4428. I will not be defeated by a Federation that was [cdb]built without the goddess's blessing!
  4429. Salvation is far beyond you all. I care not [cdb]who faces me. They shall receive no mercy for [cdb]the rest of eternity!
  4430. That... That must be the judgment of the [cdb]goddess! We have her divine protection, [cdb]so charge forth without fear!
  4431. They see that magic as the goddess's protection? Their faith has blinded them!
  4432. People do horrible things when their faith [cdb]becomes tainted with fear. We must stop them [cdb]at once!
  4433. They were fearsome foes, but we should have [cdb]an easier time now.
  4434. They were pretty tough, but our victory [cdb]should make things easier in the long run, [cdb]right?
  4435. I have sustained Leicester from the shadows [cdb]since the days of the Alliance! But now it is [cdb]time to display my full strength!
  4436. Ah, the same strength you'd hoped to [cdb]overthrow me with. No one's more eager [cdb]to see it than I am!
  4437. The battle's only going to get tougher from [cdb]here on out. The Immortal Corps is ready [cdb]to go!
  4438. Then let loose! Blot out the sky with your [cdb]arrows!
  4439. Eek! Something's falling from the sky!
  4440. We are in serious peril! Everyone, fall back!
  4441. Where is this attack coming from?
  4442. We won't be able to overcome them now. I can [cdb]barely admit it, but we've lost.
  4443. We were so close...to finally achieving... all that we'd set out to do...
  4444. Well, color me surprised. Rhea's really the Immaculate One?
  4445. Whatever she is, we have to end her. Now quit staring before she crushes you!
  4446. Whatever she is, we have to end her. Now quit staring before she crushes you!
  4447. I will hunt you until my dying breath! Get back here!
  4448. We have to reach them and put a stop to [cdb]this madness!
  4449. I haven't the slightest notion what is going on, [cdb]but I'll happily take it. Destroy them all!
  4450. We must eliminate those who slither in the [cdb]dark if we hope to clear a path to the [cdb]mercenaries.
  4451. See how those beasts crawl to the slaughter... Let me put you out of your misery, beasts!
  4452. I tire of playing with you ingrates!
  4453. Stay out of this! It does not concern you!
  4454. This is like talking to a different person... I don't think we'll be able to reason our way [cdb]out of this one.
  4455. Hang on, kid! I'm coming!
  4456. I must move us away from all of these [cdb]foolish distractions!
  4457. What?! They warped away!
  4458. Rather than waste our time running in circles, [cdb]we should direct some units to move in while [cdb]others lie in wait elsewhere.
  4459. Why do you insist on interfering?!
  4460. Well, this is just delightful.
  4461. They're putting up more of a fight than I [cdb]expected... Deploy the reserves!
  4462. These fresh soldiers must be dealt with!
  4463. If we hope to enter that stronghold, we must [cdb]first remove the soldiers who block our path.
  4464. That mercenary is... No! It cannot be!
  4465. I'll not permit this chance to slip away!
  4466. Claude is relentless... What must I do to shake [cdb]the man?!
  4467. The others should've been here by now... Something must be holding Edelgard up.
  4468. Your Majesty, we've sighted Claude pursuing Dimitri here in the mountains!
  4469. The two of them are nearby?! We need to get those who slither in the dark [cdb]out of the way so we can send our troops!
  4470. I could take a lesson from your persistence...
  4471. I dislike ending things on a low note. As such, prepare to die!
  4472. How could I lose...to beasts...
  4473. Nngh... I am...undone...
  4474. Bind and remove this recreant. There will be [cdb]time for an interrogation later.
  4475. Thank you. I was under attack before I even [cdb]knew what was happening.
  4476. Thank you. I was under attack before I even [cdb]knew what was happening.
  4477. It makes little sense... Still, what matters now [cdb]is that you're safe.
  4478. You came for me, Jeralt... Thank you.
  4479. You came for me, Jeralt... Thank you.
  4480. You sound surprised, kid! I'm almost offended.
  4481. If I must wring the life from you by my own [cdb]hand, then so be it!
  4482. You won't escape judgment this time, Solon.
  4483. Try me, you witless beasts!
  4484. This is your final hour, monster!
  4485. You might consider clinging more dearly to [cdb]what meager life remains to you!
  4486. Your Majesty, the mercenary captain broke [cdb]loose and escaped!
  4487. Well, that didn't take long...
  4488. Every second you waste on me costs you [cdb]ten times more.
  4489. I ought to be defeating them handily...
  4490. Come on, snap out of it!
  4491. Come on, snap out of it!
  4492. Can't take much more of this...
  4493. Can't take much more of this...
  4494. We have to get over there, now!
  4495. I never thought it would end...like this...
  4496. I never thought it would end...like this...
  4497. No, kid! You don't get to die before me!
  4498. There's not a moment to lose. We must stop [cdb]their attack!
  4499. That mage unit is on the move. We won't be [cdb]able to avoid them.
  4500. If they won't listen to reason, we'll have to use [cdb]force to stop them. Hurry!
  4501. They've warped away! We can't make any [cdb]progress like this.
  4502. We have no idea where they will reappear. We should split up to cover every possible [cdb]location.
  4503. Ugh, not again. The boar was right. This won't be easy.
  4504. They simply do not stop coming!
  4505. We must defeat them if we hope to reach the [cdb]stronghold.
  4506. Your Majesty, we've had a report of someone [cdb]matching Edelgard's description nearby.
  4507. Good. But with the situation being what it is, I won't be able to reach her for some time.
  4508. The Kingdom army is locked in combat with [cdb]some sort of mysterious force. Has Edelgard [cdb]been captured?
  4509. Impossible! How could the likes of you...
  4510. Calmed down at last, huh? For now, I think a [cdb]transfer to the rear guard is in order.
  4511. I'm just glad you're all right. And...that no [cdb]one had to die.
  4512. Very well, I'll finish this myself.
  4513. I suspected as much. He's the same as Cornelia and all the rest. I must capture him [cdb]and learn the truth about that day.
  4514. Forgive us, Your Majesty! Our quarry escaped [cdb]during the transfer!
  4515. That's not good. Send out a search party, [cdb]immediately.
  4516. Not good. We must hurry!
  4517. We need to get over to them now! Things won't [cdb]end well if we don't put a stop to this!
  4518. We cannot proceed unless we eliminate [cdb]those mages.
  4519. What's going on? This isn't like you at all! OK, I guess you're not in a listening mood, [cdb]either.
  4520. What was that, some kind of warping magic? They must've gone somewhere else!
  4521. Hm, this presents a problem. We need a group [cdb]to pursue them while the rest of us fan out in [cdb]case they warp again.
  4522. Aw, they warped again?! Come on!
  4523. Ngh... Persistent worms!
  4524. We'll have to take out the ones before us [cdb]if we hope to enter the stronghold.
  4525. Hah, you're still chasing me? You certainly are [cdb]tenacious.
  4526. What is the Federation army doing? This is [cdb]our chance to capture him!
  4527. Your Majesty! It seems Lady Edelgard is [cdb]pursuing Dimitri through the mountains!
  4528. They're that close by?! Then we need to wrap [cdb]this up and get over to them!
  4529. For now, let's arrest them and send them to [cdb]the back. We'll be sure to question them later.
  4530. No, I'm glad you're all right. What was that [cdb]about, anyway?
  4531. You're not getting away this time. I hope [cdb]you're ready.
  4532. Your Majesty! My sincerest apologies, but the [cdb]mercenary commander has escaped!
  4533. Well, that was quick. I don't know what's [cdb]going on, but it can't be good.
  4534. We need to hurry or we're not gonna make it [cdb]in time!
  4535. I don't know what's going on, but I do know [cdb]whoever that is needs to be stopped!
  4536. And how far are you willing to go? Will you [cdb]cut down your own friends to reach me?
  4537. Hubert?! No. It must be a double.
  4538. If so, it's completely indistinguishable from the [cdb]real thing. This is vile sorcery indeed.
  4539. Hilda? How did she... No, that can't be her. Is it an illusion?
  4540. <<<EMPTY>>>
  4541. Your Majesty, why are you consorting with the [cdb]enemy? Dimitri is right where you want him!
  4542. Edelgard?! No, she would never join forces [cdb]with the king of Faerghus. You must be [cdb]another impostor!
  4543. Why are you... No, this is a deception. The man I know would never raise a weapon at me.
  4544. The emperor is before you! Deal the [cdb]killing blow!
  4545. You swore we would avenge our allies, [cdb]yet now fraternize openly with their killer?!
  4546. You can't fool me. If it were really you, [cdb]you would understand.
  4547. Claude, no. Don't do this. I can't believe you [cdb]would hurt me.
  4548. It appears you have finally lost yourself, Claude—so now I shall put you down!
  4549. This is harder than I thought... I mean, [cdb]how do we know for sure they're not real?
  4550. You would drench your hands in the blood of [cdb]friends to get what you want? I should've [cdb]expected no less from the children of beasts.
  4551. Their screams are so real...
  4552. There. It's done. But steel yourselves— [cdb]we don't know who we'll confront next.
  4553. Are we being warped away? No... Space itself is distorting around us.
  4554. Our surroundings have...changed.
  4555. This place is so twisted you can't even tell [cdb]where you are.
  4556. Aren't you sad for your comrades, murderers? Ah, there it is! There is your rage!
  4557. Uh oh. I can spot one fake, but how do I tell [cdb]which Edelgard and Dimitri are on my side?
  4558. Perhaps each of us should take on their own [cdb]double to prevent confusion.
  4559. That's not a bad idea.
  4560. This darkness is a mirror for the soul— [cdb]and once a soul is imprisoned here, it is [cdb]eternally severed from the real world.
  4561. Is that why Edelgard is returned to normal? Some trick of the darkness?
  4562. Just imagine how much easier our task will be [cdb]with two of us!
  4563. A nice thought, yes. But I'm sad to say I fail [cdb]to trust even myself.
  4564. Why are you helping the emperor, you wretch? If you mourn your friends, avenge them!
  4565. It's a blessing I get to face you—there is truly [cdb]no one I more desire to end.
  4566. Stop playing the kind soul! Everything we've [cdb]ever wanted is before us, ripe for the taking!
  4567. If you're really me, then you already know [cdb]why I'm doing this. I don't like leaving my [cdb]fate up to luck!
  4568. I can't say it's pleasant watching my own death.
  4569. Illusion or no, I must thank our adversary for [cdb]letting me experience that.
  4570. I feel like I just slew my twin brother...
  4571. Good! Because you will get to experience it [cdb]again and again and again!
  4572. Yeah, no thanks. I vote we hurry up and get [cdb]this battle over with, pronto.
  4573. I couldn't agree more, Claude—I mean, [cdb]assuming that's the real you.
  4574. Oh, I have ample materials—we can do this as [cdb]many times as you like!
  4575. Normally I'd appreciate a steady stream of [cdb]mindless puppets to train on, but this...
  4576. How do we put a stop to this?
  4577. That's the last of the illusions!
  4578. So it would seem.
  4579. At least now we're certain they're not real. We can cut them down without mercy.
  4580. Again? Please tell me we're gonna find that guy [cdb]this time.
  4581. Right. Let's get searching.
  4582. Oh, but you four are a marvel! To think you [cdb]are already adapting to this place!
  4583. Now have the grace to lay down your lives [cdb]and let the world you've torn apart heal!
  4584. Ah, there you are. My partner in destiny.
  4585. You're not Arval. And even if you were, I'd fight [cdb]you all the same.
  4586. You're not Arval. And even if you were, I'd fight [cdb]you all the same.
  4587. Destroying me will achieve nothing, for you [cdb]will all still be trapped in this place!
  4588. Unfortunate, but you are forcing my hand.
  4589. So even our mercenary friend gets a phantom. This is going to take all of us—time to put our [cdb]differences aside!
  4590. My attacks aren't getting through! What's going on?
  4591. Hah! None can stand before us!
  4592. What about our phantom mercenary friend? We know we can harm the illusions, right?
  4593. Not often a guy gets to fight himself... I think I'm gonna enjoy this.
  4594. Not often a gal gets to fight herself... I think I'm gonna enjoy this.
  4595. OK, I hate this. It even thinks like me!
  4596. OK, I hate this. It even thinks like me!
  4597. Why's it have to be you... I don't wanna [cdb]fight you!
  4598. Why's it have to be you... I don't wanna [cdb]fight you!
  4599. Why's it have to be you... I don't wanna [cdb]fight you!
  4600. Why's it have to be you... I don't wanna [cdb]fight you!
  4601. It seems I am forced to do this myself... So be it! Come at me, if you dare!
  4602. Our adversary has finally run out of tricks. Time to finish this.
  4603. Nothing I do is enough! How much more [cdb]must I sacrifice?
  4604. No! This isn't over!
  4605. I know you're in there, Arval... I still...
  4606. I know you're in there, Arval... I still...
  4607. I always knew my end would be in darkness...
  4608. So this is where I breathe my last... I only pray [cdb]the others are safe...
  4609. Welp...didn't see this coming...
  4610. My immediate enemy is the Imperial force. I will take this stronghold to impede their [cdb]advance.
  4611. I know Thales has his methods, but they don't [cdb]sit well with me.
  4612. And though this body may perish, I will [cdb]endure. Let them do their worst.
  4613. That should slow the enemy.
  4614. I'll not permit my allies to be slaughtered by [cdb]the vanguard of that abomination!
  4615. They fight as if they're completely mindless.
  4616. They clearly hope to achieve victory through [cdb]sheer numbers alone. Ah, but we were the [cdb]same, once.
  4617. Hmph! Reinforcements...
  4618. The goddess is ever on our side! We will lay all [cdb]her enemies low!
  4619. Those are the fools who were granted power [cdb]by the abomination—but I should deal with [cdb]the surrounding soldiers first.
  4620. My life for the goddess! My life for Lady Seiros!
  4621. So they truly believe they serve a god.
  4622. The enemy appears to have a superlative mage [cdb]on their side. But why would such a person be [cdb]aiding Nemesis?
  4623. Seiros is our most bitter enemy, and I cannot [cdb]suffer her to live!
  4624. We must safeguard Lady Seiros! Move out!
  4625. The Four Saints are nothing more than [cdb]the spawn of the abomination.
  4626. This is a formidable foe. Why does he oppose [cdb]us so ardently?
  4627. I must withdraw, Lady Seiros. May fortune [cdb]favor you in battle!
  4628. I will not let you approach Lady Seiros!
  4629. Yet another seeks to bar my way.
  4630. You will never get to her! Never!
  4631. I cannot continue... I leave the rest in your [cdb]hands, Lady Seiros!
  4632. You are naught but a false prophet, Seiros, [cdb]and I will end you here and now!
  4633. Vile, wicked mage! In the name of the [cdb]goddess, I will slay you where you stand!
  4634. I will reclaim this continent for good.
  4635. Seize the stronghold, my holy knights!
  4636. So that's where they aim, hm?
  4637. I'm sure they had no concept of the truth, [cdb]nor the thing they were truly fighting for. How I do pity them.
  4638. They've claimed it. I must be cautious now.
  4639. Our pursuit must end here... All units, retreat!
  4640. A draw, then—and time for all to fall back and [cdb]lick their wounds. We must find a way to [cdb]secure greater military strength.
  4641. I did not foresee this...but I am well and [cdb]truly defeated...
  4642. So much for catching the enemy unprepared. Well, no matter—we'll wipe out what's left [cdb]of this rebellion regardless!
  4643. That racket you caused outside of town [cdb]certainly didn't help. Still, at least they've [cdb]been drawn out.
  4644. It's been a while since I fought alongside my [cdb]father. Better step it up!
  4645. Even more than you usually do? In that case, I'll try to keep out of your way.
  4646. Are you kidding? My usual approach would [cdb]get blasted away by my father's battle cry [cdb]alone!
  4647. A good point. I'll stay away from him as well.
  4648. When did we two last fight side by side? During the troubles in Enbarr, perhaps?
  4649. Quite recently, then. Hopefully things go [cdb]better this time around.
  4650. Your training is starting to pay off, son. You've become much more disciplined.
  4651. Ugh. Now I feel his eyes watching my every [cdb]move. Better not let him down!
  4652. Hey, what's that noise? Are they on to us?
  4653. These bandits seem unrelated to the rebels. Still, we might as well deal with them.
  4654. By the way, what of your older boy? I understand he was taken captive?
  4655. He lives, but the temporary loss of Merceus [cdb]had dire repercussions. I fear we must [cdb]reassess his fitness for the Bergliez mantle.
  4656. All right, that's one down. C'mon, gimme [cdb]another!
  4657. Can't we just have a nice, normal battle? Counting bodies is so tacky.
  4658. C'mon, Waldemar! You're falling behind!
  4659. I don't know why you insist on this foolish [cdb]competition, Leopold. You know full well I [cdb]could never keep up with you.
  4660. More bandits over there, Waldemar! Warp me in!
  4661. Another one-man assault? Well, if that's [cdb]what you want...
  4662. Would you like to be warped as well, Caspar? I personally think it's a terrible idea, but I'll [cdb]let you make your own decision.
  4663. No thanks! I'm running on pure, clean Caspar-power this time!
  4664. I'm feeling great, Father! What about you?
  4665. Need you even ask? Thanks to my training, [cdb]my stamina is the envy of men half my age!
  4666. More bandits? Or mostly bandits, I guess. I don't see very many rebels.
  4667. You're keeping quite close to me, Father. Is the count's company not to your liking?
  4668. Precisely so. The man is a selfish, overbearing [cdb]oaf who doesn't even pretend to listen to me!
  4669. He is the worst, and I curse fate for seeing fit [cdb]to saddle us together since birth.
  4670. We'll go on ahead to escort the prisoners.
  4671. You boys did well. So well, in fact, that I think [cdb]we ought to put you to the test ourselves! What say you, Waldemar?
  4672. So be it—but I cannot promise to match [cdb]your intensity.
  4673. C'mon, let's show our fathers what we [cdb]can do!
  4674. It seems someone's training has been lacking. Perhaps it's time we put these lads through [cdb]their paces. What say you, Waldemar?
  4675. Extra-special father training? Count me in!
  4676. Show me what you've learned—every [cdb]technique and talent! Hold nothing back!
  4677. A fight against the strongest man in the Empire? You got it!
  4678. A fight against the strongest man in the Empire? You got it!
  4679. I'll give you all you can handle!
  4680. Are you sure you have the right son here? Because I'd much prefer to stay out of this...
  4681. Yes... Yes! Give me more!
  4682. Ah, the vigor of youth! Let this battle be your [cdb]proving ground!
  4683. Impressive. You've done yourself proud.
  4684. You have surpassed me, Caspar. Well fought. I am proud of you.
  4685. My force of will seems rather weak in the face [cdb]of the might you display so casually.
  4686. Sorry. I can tell your heart's not really in this.
  4687. Sorry. I can tell your heart's not really in this.
  4688. I dunno what you're talking about, but I'm [cdb]gonna prove how strong I am!
  4689. Well. Linhardt! Seeing as we're here, I may as [cdb]well put you to the test also.
  4690. Must you? And what exactly are you hoping to [cdb]prove with this "test" of yours?
  4691. It doesn't feel like I've posed much of a [cdb]challenge today.
  4692. That was about what I expected.
  4693. Mowing down weak enemies is so very dull! What say you, Caspar? Care to compete over [cdb]which group can rack up more kills?
  4694. You and Count Hevring versus the three [cdb]of us? I like those odds!
  4695. Or you can leave us out of your absurd [cdb]contest entirely...
  4696. We beat my father? I don't believe it!
  4697. I think we knew this would be the result... Still, it's always good to try, yes?
  4698. Well, this day has been simply awful. Time for [cdb]me to hurry home and fall into bed.
  4699. Bed? It's still early! I bet my father has plenty [cdb]more training in store for us.
  4700. Is this truly the place? Because it looks for all [cdb]the world like a hideout of common brigands.
  4701. I think that's the idea. So first, we'll need to [cdb]eliminate the "bandits" outside.
  4702. Urgh, I knew I shouldn't have come! Look at how scary they all are!
  4703. Come now, Bernadetta! They're no match [cdb]for you!
  4704. You...really think so? Well, in that case, I guess I can give it a shot...
  4705. By the by, Duke Gerth, since when are you in [cdb]the business of searching for lost relics?
  4706. Ah, you hadn't heard? I do so under direct [cdb]orders from Her Majesty.
  4707. We needed a bargaining chip to ply the [cdb]archbishop when we negotiated the [cdb]reformation of the Southern Church.
  4708. Tell me, how is Baron Ochs? With all the [cdb]commotion, I have not seen him in some [cdb]time.
  4709. Doing well, thank you. He's slowly becoming [cdb]more accustomed to his standing as baron— [cdb]despite never wanting it in the first place.
  4710. Good, we can enter their base now. Into the [cdb]caves, everyone!
  4711. We're under attack? How did they find us?!
  4712. Uh oh... Sounds like they're onto us. We had best get ready for a tough fight!
  4713. I almost feel bad for them. These people are [cdb]just trying to hide away from the world, then [cdb]here we come barging in.
  4714. Kill them all! No prisoners!
  4715. OK, never mind! Let's get them!
  4716. If that is all of them, we can take our leave.
  4717. Er, or not. Hm, this group appears to be [cdb]stronger than before. Be on your guards!
  4718. Hey, I thought we were done!
  4719. All these skirmishes with no respite... I need [cdb]somewhere to catch my breath.
  4720. What about that cave over there? Looks like a [cdb]nice little hideaway to me.
  4721. No, wait!
  4722. Ahh! I put Duke Gerth in danger!
  4723. Bernie's gonna take you all on!
  4724. That woman has both spirit and a strong will. She is nothing at all like what I'd heard.
  4725. Their numbers appear to be falling.
  4726. They sniffed us out—just like the beasts [cdb]they are!
  4727. That's the commander! Hold fast and fight to [cdb]the bitter end!
  4728. Whatever you're planning, I'm gonna stop it!
  4729. Whatever you're planning, I'm gonna stop it!
  4730. You... You ruined everything! I'm going to [cdb]make you pay with your life!
  4731. Looks like head-on was the wrong approach.
  4732. You hound my every step... But no! I will not [cdb]fall—not here!
  4733. No, he escaped! Well, it's still a partial success, I suppose.
  4734. He is certainly proving to be a troublesome [cdb]foe. I will have to inform Her Majesty.
  4735. How careless of me. Please tell Her Majesty [cdb]that I am...most sorry...
  4736. We must protect the opera company! Make this a performance to remember!
  4737. Are these kidnappers? Thieves? Well, I guess [cdb]it doesn't matter—we'll send them packing no [cdb]matter who they are!
  4738. Oh, these people look fancy—and fancy folk [cdb]always got valuables on 'em! Now drop what [cdb]you got!
  4739. We better take these guys out, quick.
  4740. We better take these guys out, quick.
  4741. Thank you! I can keep going now.
  4742. Hey, ain't that Manuela? The one they call the Divine Songstress?!
  4743. Oh, look. They know me. And what's more, [cdb]they clearly love me!
  4744. Urgh... They got me!
  4745. Do you truly intend to keep up this boorish [cdb]behavior in front of the Manuela Casagranda?
  4746. Course not, ma'am! I'll follow ya to the ends [cdb]of the earth, promise!
  4747. You really can charm anyone.
  4748. Hold it right there! We're gonna avenge our [cdb]fallen with your blood!
  4749. Hang on... Is that Dorothea? Eep! She was [cdb]always my favorite songstress!
  4750. They know me, do they? Perhaps I can talk [cdb]some sense into them...
  4751. Ya got me...but my comrades'll have revenge!
  4752. Oh, hello there! I take it you are familiar with [cdb]the Mittelfrank Opera Company, yes? If so, [cdb]might you be so good as to let us pass?
  4753. D-D-Dorothea! 'Course you can pass! I'd do anything for you!
  4754. It seems your charms have turned even these [cdb]hardened bandits to jelly.
  4755. Hey! I'll teach you to play rough with my [cdb]lackeys!
  4756. Sorry, but ya ain't gettin' through here!
  4757. The next town is so close... One more push, [cdb]everyone! We must make it through!
  4758. We should be safe now. Singers, go on ahead!
  4759. They're gettin' away! Oh, you screwed this up [cdb]for us good!
  4760. Still more of 'em, huh? Guess wiping them [cdb]out's our only choice.
  4761. Still more of 'em, huh? Guess wiping them out's [cdb]our only choice.
  4762. How long can this go on...and how many of [cdb]these boors are there, anyway?!
  4763. Have no fear, my dear Manuela! I have come [cdb]to rescue you!
  4764. Hanneman! You came for me! Oh dear... Am I actually into this?
  4765. This reminds me of the battle scenes from our [cdb]operas. You always were a natural at stage [cdb]combat, Manuela.
  4766. And you were no slouch either, Dorothea. Your swashbuckling lit up the proscenium!
  4767. I've often wondered if others like you never [cdb]learn of their talents and fall instead into the [cdb]bandit life.
  4768. Yes, I suppose it's lucky I turned out this way [cdb]instead of as a common thief lurking by the [cdb]side of some dusty highway.
  4769. Is that...Dorothea? No way! I love her!
  4770. Sorry for attacking ya! Lemme make it up [cdb]to ya, please! Ya just gotta!
  4771. What're ya talkin' about? That's it! I'm gonna [cdb]have to sick the boss on ya!
  4772. An encounter with the songstress Manuela? Well, this ain't no time for thievin'!
  4773. Oh, my dear Manuela! To celebrate our [cdb]newfound, uh...acquaintanceship, please [cdb]lemme aid ya in battle!
  4774. Ya won't get away with this!
  4775. Sweet surprise! It's Manuela and Dorothea in [cdb]the flesh! Somebody sock me, 'cause I gotta be [cdb]dreamin'!
  4776. You're so beautiful, Dorothea...
  4777. I was a huge fan when I used to live in the [cdb]capital. Please, lemme come with ya!
  4778. My comrades'll...avenge me...
  4779. Eep! It's Manuela!
  4780. Oh, Manuela! I'll follow ya anywhere!
  4781. But I wanted Manuela to...be the one steppin' [cdb]all over me...
  4782. I wasn't actually fishing, but I still like what [cdb]we caught. It's good to know the people still [cdb]really love us!
  4783. Especially bandits, apparently. Not quite sure [cdb]how to feel about that.
  4784. Is... Is this the end?
  4785. And after I'd finally...made songstress...
  4786. Why bring me from the monastery and into [cdb]the outer courtyard? Is this really safe?
  4787. Perfectly so—provided you remain close.
  4788. Wait, what's happening? It's the church... They've come for me!
  4789. It should go without saying, but for now we [cdb]need Count Varley. Do not let any harm come [cdb]to the man.
  4790. Strange. We had no reports of any excursions. Well, no matter. Our target is Count Varley!
  4791. Hurry up and deal with them! The future of [cdb]the Empire itself depends upon my survival!
  4792. Mere vermin. No thrill to hunt.
  4793. Why do they pursue Count Varley with [cdb]such fierceness?
  4794. He played a rather large role in Her Majesty's [cdb]banishment of the Central Church.
  4795. As bishop, he gave legitimacy to her course of [cdb]action—an action that carried great weight [cdb]with adherents of the faith.
  4796. This is our best chance to eliminate this false [cdb]bishop! We must succeed!
  4797. To fight an angry enemy is a simple thing, [cdb]but we must also be having caution.
  4798. You're pretty good at this, Petra. You've really [cdb]never been a bodyguard before?
  4799. You're pretty good at this, Petra. You've really [cdb]never been a bodyguard before?
  4800. I have only ever guarded my own body.
  4801. In Brigid, we had raids and assassins every day. I had to be learning with much quickness.
  4802. Our lives matter not! Crush them in the name [cdb]of the archbishop!
  4803. You have proved a most efficacious lure, [cdb]dear count.
  4804. I feel nothing. Is this all the knights could [cdb]muster?
  4805. They used up a good number of soldiers [cdb]attacking the Imperial capital. Perhaps this is [cdb]all that remains.
  4806. It is a small raiding party—likely they sent [cdb]only what they could afford to lose.
  4807. Still, I doubt that was the last of them.
  4808. I... I should be safe here, I hope...
  4809. There's the dog! Don't let him escape!
  4810. Oh, not again... I can't take another step! You'll have to stop them here!
  4811. They are not finished. Remain on guard!
  4812. They're few in number, but well prepared. News of our raid must've leaked.
  4813. They make me sick... Still, looks like the two [cdb]of us will have to pull this one out!
  4814. Like moths to the flame.
  4815. If the Empire's always this tough, we've got [cdb]some road ahead.
  4816. I failed.
  4817. You know what? I'm glad for this. We've never [cdb]had a chance to really go at each other before.
  4818. Thunder Catherine, hm? Today is improving.
  4819. You really willing to die for this guy?
  4820. I know when I'm bested. Time to retreat!
  4821. That's it! I'm going back inside and never [cdb]setting foot outside the monastery again!
  4822. I see where Bernadetta gets it from. Still, [cdb]at least the guy's safe now.
  4823. I see where Bernadetta gets it from. Still, at least [cdb]the guy's safe now.
  4824. I am the bishop of the Southern Church! Minister of Religious Affairs for the entire Empire! Why can't you protect me properly?!
  4825. I should never have come to Garreg Mach! I permitted ambition to blind me!
  4826. Our bait is on death's doorstep.
  4827. Oh, this is a nightmare... Someone, please... hide my valuables...
  4828. We will now commence today's training battle. Defeat every enemy within the time limit.
  4829. Ahahaha! Fools! Did you think I would just [cdb]sit the battle out?
  4830. Constance?! Ah, I see. Well, I will not be so [cdb]easily outdone!
  4831. I will prove to all that I am the truest noble! Watch closely, my mercenary friend!
  4832. I will prove to all that I am the truest noble! Watch closely, my mercenary friend!
  4833. Witness the might of Ferdinand von Aegir!
  4834. Lorenz Hellman Gloucester stands before you!
  4835. Ahahaha! A point! A most palpable point for Constance von Nuvelle!
  4836. What do you think you're doing?! Plebeians are [cdb]not permitted to compete!
  4837. I say, hold! You are meant to be judging our [cdb]contest, not participating in it!
  4838. Back in the day, Constance and I were the [cdb]twin flowers of Enbarr high society.
  4839. And now the bright red rose of House Gloucester has made that number three!
  4840. Now hold on a minute! I want no part of this [cdb]fell bouquet, sirs!
  4841. You two must have been rather bored to come [cdb]up with this competition.
  4842. But this was your idea in the first place!
  4843. Actually, Lorenz, that was a different... No, [cdb]never mind. It would take far too long to [cdb]explain.
  4844. The Empire's officers are mighty indeed. Why, [cdb]the soldiers of my realm can scarce compare!
  4845. Physical strength isn't everything. Just look at [cdb]my house's pegasus knights!
  4846. Indeed, many battles come down to chance. No matter how superior the force, nothing is [cdb]ever assured.
  4847. Second unit, advance!
  4848. Reinforcements, huh? Wonderful! More fodder [cdb]for my noble personage!
  4849. I wonder who felled the most?
  4850. You were keeping score, yes?
  4851. You were keeping score, yes?
  4852. Once we get back, you can announce the [cdb]winner to all!
  4853. Sure, lemme just add things up and... Huh?
  4854. Sure, lemme just add things up and... Huh?
  4855. We heard tell of your pathetic little game and [cdb]have come to put you in your place.
  4856. Harumph, Hubert! I should have known you [cdb]would look to interfere!
  4857. I believe you are the ones interfering with an [cdb]official Imperial training session. We are [cdb]merely here doing our jobs.
  4858. Dorothea, I swear we did not intend to mock [cdb]this training. It is simply that, as nobles, we—
  4859. There's no need for excuses, Lorenz. I'm sure [cdb]serious practice is far too boring for big, fancy [cdb]nobles like you.
  4860. Having fun, are we? What would Her Majesty [cdb]think of this?
  4861. This is no mere whimsy—we are attempting to [cdb]prove ourselves as nobles!
  4862. Hapi? Why are you here?
  4863. Oh, I don't know. The Bert invited me and it [cdb]sounded like fun.
  4864. Your Majesty?! But we obtained your [cdb]express permission!
  4865. I recall being informed. I do not recall [cdb]granting permission.
  4866. Heh... Fair enough! Seeing as this was [cdb]rather fun, I will overlook your churlishness.
  4867. You got me... Oh, and I'm not actually mad, [cdb]by the way. I was honestly glad to get some [cdb]practice in.
  4868. I felt like our troops were growing soft lately, [cdb]so it's nice to have some proper training.
  4869. Hey, what happened with your competition [cdb]anyway? I hope Coco won.
  4870. Very well, I'll allow it. Your efforts certainly [cdb]seem to have boosted morale, if naught else.
  4871. A marked general is entering the fray! Their defeat will extend the time limit!
  4872. Hmph! They are no match for us.
  4873. Another marked general is entering the fray! Practice will be further extended if they [cdb]are defeated!
  4874. See for yourself how strong we are!
  4875. Practice is concluded! All units withdraw!
  4876. OK, how in the world did all of you lose?
  4877. OK, how in the world did all of you lose?
  4878. Uh oh. Who's gonna keep count now?
  4879. Uh oh. Who's gonna keep count now?
  4880. How careless of me! Well, this is hardly [cdb]even worthy of the name "competition" now.
  4881. Oh dear. There goes our competition.
  4882. But we were meant to... Aww! Everything [cdb]is ruined now! Ruined!
  4883. This is the location we deduced from Hapi's [cdb]statements. Hopefully we find something.
  4884. I think our suspicions were correct—all signs [cdb]point to their having been here.
  4885. Intruders?! Away with you!
  4886. Yeah, I've been here before. No doubt.
  4887. Better keep our guard up—no telling when [cdb]somebody's gonna jump out at us.
  4888. Better keep our guard up—no telling when [cdb]somebody's gonna jump out at us.
  4889. Where was...anything? I can't remember.
  4890. No! We're shut in!
  4891. No! We're shut in!
  4892. We've been cut off! I'm afraid you'll have to [cdb]find a way to open things up.
  4893. You do realize you're stuck in here with us [cdb]now, right?
  4894. A sigh would probably bring this whole place [cdb]down. Best not to risk it.
  4895. Hey, I remember this room! I wonder if there's [cdb]anything here now?
  4896. They did a lot of painful stuff to me here. Trying to amplify my Crest, change it— [cdb]that sort of thing.
  4897. You're surprisingly calm about all this.
  4898. You're surprisingly calm about all this.
  4899. Well, that's not good. Sit tight, I'll get you out.
  4900. Well, that's not good. Sit tight, I'll get you out.
  4901. They're trapped! We must help them, quickly!
  4902. It's dangerous to be separated like this. We should regroup as soon as possible.
  4903. If someone's trapped, we better help 'em.
  4904. Cornelia's research seems to have had different [cdb]aims than the experiments I was subjected to.
  4905. Which means it likely differs from my own [cdb]experience as well.
  4906. For the sake of your future, Lysithea, I hope [cdb]we find some connection—but I fear it does [cdb]not look promising.
  4907. There are still rooms we haven't searched yet. Let's investigate those.
  4908. Nothing of note here.
  4909. Seems like nothing. Let's press on.
  4910. Is this a weapon? It looks like their [cdb]technology, at least.
  4911. Aside from the weird shape, it doesn't seem [cdb]anything like my sword.
  4912. Aside from the weird shape, it doesn't seem [cdb]anything like my sword.
  4913. We've given this area a thorough look. Is there [cdb]anything else?
  4914. Hey, was I the only one who heard that? It came from over there.
  4915. Is this a dungeon? I've never been in here.
  4916. This air feels just like the area beneath the [cdb]palace. How many have met their ends here?
  4917. Be it Alliance, Empire, or Kingdom, their evil [cdb]has left its mark everywhere.
  4918. ...
  4919. ...
  4920. Hmm? What triggered the door mechanism? Could my brethren have fallen?
  4921. I sense a darkness in you—we are connected! Why do you attack me?!
  4922. What connection?! All your kind have done is [cdb]cause me pain!
  4923. I don't know why you came here, but I won't [cdb]soon forget this...
  4924. How could he not know?
  4925. Let's collect what we've found and leave this [cdb]place. Hubert should be able to tell us more.
  4926. Brave soldiers of Faerghus! I task you now [cdb]with this—defeat the forces of Sreng and [cdb]prove your might anew!
  4927. I will hold down the stronghold. You focus on [cdb]dispatching the enemy.
  4928. How profound. To stand on the same [cdb]battlefield where my father once fought...
  4929. And repeating the same fight, as well. Not sure [cdb]how I feel about that one.
  4930. I feel as though I'm fighting alongside the [cdb]young margrave and late king once again. It's...quite the sensation.
  4931. I'm honored you think I stack up to my father. I can't help but feel like I pale in comparison.
  4932. Enough of that. You are more than worthy of [cdb]the comparison—and to one day take his place [cdb]as the margrave.
  4933. And hey, Dimitri's already blazed that path, [cdb]so he's gotta know what he's talking about.
  4934. And hey, Dimitri's already blazed that path, [cdb]so he's gotta know what he's talking about.
  4935. There will be no end if we stay on the [cdb]defensive. Perhaps we should take the fight [cdb]to our enemy instead.
  4936. These wild tactics remind me of my father's [cdb]chess strategies... Wait. I think they might be [cdb]trying to reach our base.
  4937. My father's first wife—the one who died in the Sreng raids. What was she like?
  4938. She was a classmate of ours at the academy, [cdb]and the star pupil of the Black Eagles.
  4939. I understand he earned his "Wall of Ice" [cdb]moniker after she was lost.
  4940. Indeed. Before that, he was a lively young [cdb]man—cheerful and friendly to the last.
  4941. Everything is going swimmingly. I doubt even Lambert could find fault with us.
  4942. I pray my son isn't causing you or His Majesty [cdb]too much trouble.
  4943. That should make things easier, but there's [cdb]still the commander to deal with.
  4944. This payback has been years in the making, Gautier! Hahahaha!
  4945. That guy—the one who's as loud as a cannon. That must be who we're looking for.
  4946. Sylvain! It's been a long time, old friend! I hear your brother kicked off.
  4947. Yes, he did. But what do you care? You're [cdb]the one who left us behind, remember?
  4948. Sylvain! It's been a long time, old friend! I see you brought that filthy lance along.
  4949. Glad to see you don't like it, because it was [cdb]made to drive you out of here!
  4950. Don't hate us for this! Our way of life hangs in [cdb]the balance!
  4951. Not bad... Not bad at all! But do you really [cdb]think you can best me?
  4952. Perhaps I thought too highly of my troops... But I can retreat with my pride intact!
  4953. Yeah, and don't come back! Or if you do, [cdb]at least leave your weapons and soldiers [cdb]behind.
  4954. Hahaha! I'll think about it!
  4955. ...
  4956. House Gautier is the bulwark of all Fódlan. I cannot allow myself to fall here.
  4957. The enemy is fighting with true vigor. Did I [cdb]underestimate them?
  4958. We cannot allow the margrave to fall. Hurry to support him!
  4959. No...I misread it all...
  4960. Father, no! This can't be happening!
  4961. We must help our allies. Permit no casualties.
  4962. Be careful. These woods are dense.
  4963. You certainly know the terrain. Did you live [cdb]around here?
  4964. You certainly know the terrain. Did you live [cdb]around here?
  4965. My hometown is near these woods—the same [cdb]woods where the late king met his end.
  4966. Oh. I, uh... I didn't know.
  4967. Oh. I, uh... I didn't know.
  4968. So, this is where Lambert died...and my [cdb]brother as well.
  4969. ...
  4970. Do not dwell on old wounds. Come.
  4971. It must be hard for you to be fighting in your [cdb]old home, Dedue.
  4972. Your concern is unnecessary. But...thank you.
  4973. I like a touching moment as much as the [cdb]next guy, but we're in the middle of a battle [cdb]here. Stay focused.
  4974. So they want to keep us out? Fine. We'll just [cdb]cut our way through.
  4975. No killing. It will only complicate things.
  4976. You think I don't know that?
  4977. Our allies are under attack just through here. We have to hurry!
  4978. Faerghus rats... Always sticking their noses [cdb]where they don't belong!
  4979. They're going to be trouble. And we still have [cdb]allies under attack.
  4980. I get why they hate us, but what sense is there [cdb]in fighting their own people?
  4981. It seems that wasn't the general we were after. Come, let us go. There are still others who [cdb]need our help.
  4982. Duscur has all sorts of people—good and bad.
  4983. That's pretty much the way of the world.
  4984. That's pretty much the way of the world.
  4985. Surprised the boar sent you with us, Ingrid. I'd have thought he'd keep you as far away [cdb]from this as possible.
  4986. This assignment was my request—I seek to put [cdb]the past behind me once and for all.
  4987. I owe you for that. Thank you, my friends [cdb]from Faerghus.
  4988. Don't mention it. Now get out of here and [cdb]find somewhere safe to hide.
  4989. You've come for me, huh? Well, bring it on! I'll kill the lot of you!
  4990. This is the one we're after. Remember, [cdb]we need him alive.
  4991. Why did you participate in the massacre? I must know. Tell me.
  4992. Oh, don't play the victim! Those hands of yours [cdb]have more blood on them than mine ever will.
  4993. Come here to crush Duscur under your boots [cdb]once more, have you?
  4994. You have no right to say that.
  4995. Gah! No! What're you gonna do to me?!
  4996. You will come to Fhirdiad and answer some [cdb]questions. Take him away.
  4997. I finally return home...only for this...
  4998. We lost too many. We are defeated.
  4999. [v](fb.)SV流用[/]
  5000. Hm... We need to secure an escape route, [cdb]but I think we should deal with Ashe first.
  5001. Right, who knows how much longer he can [cdb]hold out. We need to break through the [cdb]troops surrounding him as soon as possible.
  5002. If he'd never adopted this filthy wretch of a [cdb]child, Lord Lonato would still draw breath!
  5003. I recognize all of these faces... No doubt they [cdb]despise me for betraying Lonato.
  5004. The things I do for this kid... I see why his [cdb]brother always looked out for him.
  5005. Ashe! I'm coming to rescue you, so don't you [cdb]dare die before I get there!
  5006. Huh? Was that Catherine? What do I do?
  5007. Glad you're OK, Ashe. Now c'mon, let's haul [cdb]ourselves out of here!
  5008. Glad you're OK, Ashe. Now c'mon, let's haul [cdb]ourselves out of here!
  5009. I'm sorry for the trouble, really...
  5010. Nope. Not getting through here. These folks [cdb]are clearly trying to herd us in a certain [cdb]direction, but I don't see another choice.
  5011. Don't worry, kid. No trap in all of Fódlan [cdb]can hope to hold us!
  5012. Lonato would still be alive if I had just [cdb]remained loyal and fought beside him...
  5013. Oh, look. It's a trap. I'm so surprised. C'mon, let's kill these guys and get outta here.
  5014. Lord Lonato looks down on you with scorn, [cdb]you ungrateful peasant!
  5015. And what, Ashe was supposed to show his [cdb]gratitude by dying alongside the guy? C'mon.
  5016. Ashe. You did what you did because you [cdb]thought it was right, so don't give in now.
  5017. Yeah...
  5018. Why you little...
  5019. I'm sorry, but I did what I thought was right.
  5020. Let's keep moving! Well, a different way, [cdb]because there's no getting through here.
  5021. Lots of enemies this way, too. Guess we've [cdb]just gotta push through 'em.
  5022. Lots of enemies this way, too. Guess we've [cdb]just gotta push through 'em.
  5023. We've no other choice. Keep up, Ashe!
  5024. Yes, ma'am!
  5025. I get it now. Lonato would've wanted me to stay [cdb]true to myself.
  5026. Well, well. Someone finally snapped out of it. You're looking good, Ashe—I mean, no match [cdb]for me, but who is?
  5027. Our escape route's ready! All that's left is to [cdb]take it out of here!
  5028. Let others say what they will—I've chosen [cdb]my path!
  5029. OK, that was a lot more work than they're [cdb]paying me for.
  5030. Don't go relaxing just yet—that tricky [cdb]commander of theirs is still out there.
  5031. Oh dear. It appears my friends from Gaspard [cdb]weren't up to the task.
  5032. He must be the one who incited this whole [cdb]rebellion. He'll pay for that with his life!
  5033. Me? No, no! I am but a humble merchant! Pray do not concern yourselves with me.
  5034. Hmm... You're rather famous, aren't you? Yes, I imagine you'd fetch a tidy sum.
  5035. You? Capture me? Not likely.
  5036. And after I sold them all those weapons, too... Bah! What a useless bunch.
  5037. You were just using House Gaspard! Admit it!
  5038. Catapults! Watch out, everyone!
  5039. That does it for the catapults. Now let's hurry [cdb]and help Ashe before it's too late.
  5040. Why does nothing ever go as planned...
  5041. And that's that. Come on, Ashe. Let's go.
  5042. Thank you, everyone.
  5043. My brother has been captured? Oh, how [cdb]simply awful!
  5044. Sorry for not stopping it, but I promise we'll [cdb]save him, all right?
  5045. Sorry for not stopping it, but I promise we'll [cdb]save him, all right?
  5046. The bandits are blocking all of the paths, [cdb]but which one even leads to my brother?
  5047. I vote we take 'em all out. We'll find the one [cdb]that leads to Seteth eventually.
  5048. I vote we take 'em all out. We'll find the one [cdb]that leads to Seteth eventually.
  5049. Whenever it comes to you, dear Flayn, Seteth completely loses his composure.
  5050. Yes, it truly is rather embarrassing.
  5051. Appreciate the help, but I was actually [cdb]surprised you came with us. Why did you, [cdb]anyway?
  5052. Honestly? I don't know you church-y types [cdb]very well, and this seemed like a good chance [cdb]to fix that.
  5053. Honestly? I don't know you church-y types [cdb]very well, and this seemed like a good chance [cdb]to fix that.
  5054. How sad that this land should be forsaken.
  5055. Now we can move forward again. Hold fast, Seteth! We are coming for you!
  5056. Be careful, Flayn. I fear for Seteth if anything [cdb]should happen to you.
  5057. Brother! We found you!
  5058. My apologies. I had hoped to scout the enemy [cdb]and secure a clear path for you.
  5059. Both of your celebrations are premature. We still have to deal with these brigands.
  5060. Lady Rhea is so powerful. Does she even need [cdb]me protecting her?
  5061. You're hurt, Brother! Allow me to heal you.
  5062. Sorry to worry you, Flayn. I am better.
  5063. Now, leave the rest to me. I shall protect you!
  5064. Now let us uproot these bandits and locate the [cdb]holy artifact.
  5065. And perhaps we will get some information out [cdb]of them in the process.
  5066. A sacred item has been hidden in this land. Do you know aught about it?
  5067. Huh? I don't know nothin' about nobody!
  5068. Do not lose hope—the artifact's value would [cdb]be lost on one such as him.
  5069. Have you seen any ancient items nearby?
  5070. Actually, I heard there's a shield or somethin' [cdb]if you go further in.
  5071. That must be the holy artifact Saint Seiros [cdb]and Great Emperor Wilhelm hid away. Let us [cdb]be off.
  5072. We know where to look for it now! We must [cdb]hurry and see what we can find!
  5073. Seteth or I should be able to spot it.
  5074. Indech once had a workshop in this mountain [cdb]hamlet, though there is no sign of it anymore.
  5075. So much time has passed that all has withered [cdb]and faded. I can only hope the shield itself yet [cdb]remains intact.
  5076. Look, look! I found an old shield!
  5077. That is nothing more than an old buckler [cdb]discarded by the bandits. Keep searching.
  5078. Lady Rhea, I found some kinda shield. Could this be the one?
  5079. Unfortunately no. But it must be nearby.
  5080. Ah! Here it is!
  5081. This is indeed the shield crafted by Indech for Cichol and later passed to Great Emperor Wilhelm himself.
  5082. It was made for... Um, Saint Cichol? Amazing.
  5083. Oy, hold on! You lot can't just waltz in here [cdb]and take my shield!
  5084. You know nothing of its true value—and [cdb]greed is all that motivates you. Come, I shall [cdb]rid you of that impulse!
  5085. This shield should have belonged to Cichol, [cdb]but Seiros...
  5086. That was a thousand years ago, and Great Emperor Wilhelm is long gone as well.
  5087. Who are you people?!
  5088. More bandits? Hmph. They are no match [cdb]for our combined might!
  5089. How'd I...lose...
  5090. May you find peace with the goddess.
  5091. Fine work, everyone. Let us head back.
  5092. Let this den of fell kidnappers return to dust [cdb]by the power of my magic!
  5093. People are being held captive in here, and we [cdb]have to rescue them!
  5094. You're right. We can't just abandon them, [cdb]no matter how scary it might be.
  5095. Ahaha! The time has come for my new spell to [cdb]be unleashed!
  5096. Uh, and we're sure the people we're trying to [cdb]rescue won't get caught up in it, right?
  5097. We're on a roll now. Let's keep it up!
  5098. Is it time yet? Hmm? Can I use my new [cdb]spell now? Why oh why won't you let me use [cdb]my new spell?!
  5099. Well, I don't see any villagers around, so... sure. Knock yourself out.
  5100. Well, I don't see any villagers around, so...sure. Knock yourself out.
  5101. Ahahaha! Behold my magnificent new spell and [cdb]drink deep of its power!
  5102. Did you see? What power! What grace! All has been reduced to rubble in a stroke!
  5103. Augh! Our base! What happened to our [cdb]beautiful base?!
  5104. Constance? That was amazing. I think we're [cdb]gonna win this thing in no time.
  5105. Waugh! I don't know what kinda magic that [cdb]was, but let's get outta here!
  5106. Ahaha! I have created the ultimate magic! It is perfect in every way!
  5107. I wonder what principles her magic is based [cdb]on. We might be able to make it even more [cdb]powerful with a couple of tweaks.
  5108. Constance? Annie? Let's please try to focus on [cdb]the battle in front of us for the time being.
  5109. This reminds me of our time at the school of [cdb]sorcery. Remember how you and I always got [cdb]paired together for assignments, Mercie?
  5110. Paired in knowledge with dear Mercedes... Oh, even the sound of the words is ecstasy!
  5111. We can do as many assignments as you like [cdb]later. Right now, we have a battle to finish!
  5112. Tremble before me! Cower like the whipped [cdb]curs you are! My magic cannot be stopped!
  5113. I'm very much glad she's on our side now.
  5114. We're made our way quite deep inside their [cdb]base. The villagers must be around here [cdb]somewhere.
  5115. Ahahaha! Success! We've found where they're [cdb]imprisoning the villagers!
  5116. Less cackling and more dealing with all of [cdb]those guards, please.
  5117. Done! Is anyone hurt?
  5118. We're fine, but please help the others!
  5119. Is that everyone? Thank the goddess we were [cdb]able to save them.
  5120. We need to get these people out of here— I can't use my magic with them around!
  5121. Follow us! We're getting out of here!
  5122. We must ensure these people don't get caught [cdb]up in Constance's magic!
  5123. And where do you ladies think you're going [cdb]with our prisoners?
  5124. Oh no! We're cut off!
  5125. Leave all to me! Get the villagers to safety while I show these ruffians the power of my new and [cdb]brilliant spell!
  5126. Just don't hit any civilians, all right?
  5127. Behold my ultimate multifaceted multifarious [cdb]magical menagerie!
  5128. I feel...drained... I don't know how much longer I can keep this up...
  5129. No... I'm losing control of the spell! Oh, this is [cdb]a disaster! Look out, everyone!
  5130. Constance, no!
  5131. What the... I'm getting pulled in!
  5132. Constance, stop! You're gonna kill everybody!
  5133. Constance, stop! You're gonna kill everybody!
  5134. Ngh... It was close...but I managed [cdb]to stop it...
  5135. Wonderful! Now we can escape.
  5136. Then let's get out of here! Um, which way was [cdb]the exit again?
  5137. Ahaha! See? That wasn't so bad.
  5138. We were out there a long time. I think the sun [cdb]is going to be up soon.
  5139. Just when I thought we were saved...
  5140. No... How could this happen...
  5141. The enemy's split up, and we should do the [cdb]same. Don't let them get away.
  5142. Left to our own devices already? Hmm. Not sure if this is trust or indifference.
  5143. Daring tactics such as this are all part of Captain Jeralt's signature style!
  5144. Shame none of that daring wore off on you [cdb]when you were his right-hand man.
  5145. Then perhaps it's right I be left behind!
  5146. Looks like we're good. Hope the rest of this [cdb]goes just as smoothly.
  5147. Heh, we've got more over here!
  5148. This sure takes me back. To when you were [cdb]with the knights, I mean. We were always [cdb]pairing up like this.
  5149. And striking down our enemies. I could always [cdb]count on you to watch my back.
  5150. Heh. Should I start calling you partner again?
  5151. They're running away! Get ready, Gustave!
  5152. Leave all to me, Lady Catherine. I shall stop [cdb]them in their tracks!
  5153. Knight of the royal family indeed!
  5154. Right then. I think we handled our business, [cdb]but there are bound to be more lurking in the [cdb]shadows.
  5155. There's so many... Everyone, join up and fight [cdb]as one! Don't let them through!
  5156. Better fighting as one than biting the dust!
  5157. Don't forget smiting our foes.
  5158. Your marksmanship is still first-class, Shamir!
  5159. As is your bladework...Thunder Catherine.
  5160. Don't tease!
  5161. The faces may be unfamiliar, but the Knights [cdb]of Seiros remain as formidable as ever.
  5162. I don't know. Seeing you fight makes me wish I could see the old knights in action.
  5163. Looks like we got 'em. Good work everyone.
  5164. Right back at you, Jeralt! Let's keep it up.
  5165. Maybe we should try to get ahead of the [cdb]enemy and cut off their escape.
  5166. Great minds think alike. Let's go!
  5167. They're undisciplined. Where do they think [cdb]they're going?
  5168. Ah, you clever beasts... We can't permit you to [cdb]cut us off.
  5169. Make haste! If we can subdue those [cdb]strongholds, we can block off their escape!
  5170. I pray you might af-fort me the pleasure of [cdb]sacking this place myself!
  5171. So many jokes. Is he trying to impress us?
  5172. I believe this is how he shows his excitement.
  5173. I must put on a fine show for the captain!
  5174. We've captured all the strongholds! Our enemy [cdb]has nowhere to run now!
  5175. You've done well, everyone—but where's [cdb]their commander?
  5176. Ugh, I knew we shouldn't have shown up [cdb]for this.
  5177. Sniffed out by beasts? Bah! How fitting. Cleobulus is getting careless.
  5178. Those must be the leaders. Let's finish this.
  5179. Say, isn't this the one who got in our way?
  5180. Certainly looks like it. Kids these days.
  5181. I was hoping for another crack at you snakes!
  5182. I was hoping for another crack at you snakes!
  5183. They seem to be a cut above the nobodies [cdb]from before... Alois! Stay sharp!
  5184. As a razor, Captain!
  5185. This should be fun... Let them taste the [cdb]blade of the goddess's servant!
  5186. I shall help as well.
  5187. I can't stand these vermin... Wipe them all out [cdb]in the name of Thales!
  5188. Impossible... A pack of beasts has me reeling?!
  5189. No, not again! What am I going to tell Thales this time?!
  5190. Let that one go! We still have the other!
  5191. It pains me to say it, but I must abandon [cdb]this place.
  5192. Not too happy we let them go, but I'd say we [cdb]achieved our goal...more or less.
  5193. Indeed. Though we must report news of the [cdb]escapees to His Majesty.
  5194. Well, that was a deal. I mean, not that I'm complaining.
  5195. They got away! We really messed this one up.
  5196. It's just as I feared. Hilda has been surrounded. We have to help her!
  5197. This is all my fault. If I'd just stayed away from Hilda, she never would have...
  5198. Knock off the mumbling and let's cut through [cdb]that stronghold over there. C'mon!
  5199. Knock off the mumbling and let's cut through [cdb]that stronghold over there. C'mon!
  5200. Spotted by the enemy already... Some scout I [cdb]turned out to be!
  5201. They closed the gates! Is this a trap?!
  5202. They cut us off, but if we can get out of here, [cdb]we should still be able to reach Hilda.
  5203. They cut us off, but if we can get out of here, [cdb]we should still be able to reach Hilda.
  5204. The gate leading into the center won't open! I don't understand!
  5205. They must've figured out our plan— in which [cdb]case, we'll just find another way!
  5206. They must've figured out our plan—in which [cdb]case, we'll just find another way!
  5207. It's my cursed Crest bringing disaster to [cdb]everyone around me.
  5208. Listen up! I am not the woman you want to [cdb]tick off today!
  5209. Now! Rush them!
  5210. Oh, great. An ambush. C'mon, Marianne! The two of us will have to break through!
  5211. Oh, great. An ambush. C'mon, Marianne! The two of us will have to break through!
  5212. This is an awful lot of enemies to take on with [cdb]just two of us, don't you think?
  5213. I mean, yeah. But imagine how Hilda feels.
  5214. I mean, yeah. But imagine how Hilda feels.
  5215. No, you're right. I mustn't be frightened. I can do this!
  5216. Not sure how much longer I can keep this up. I sure hope someone's coming to help me...
  5217. Oh! We did it!
  5218. Hilda can't hold out much longer. Let's go!
  5219. Hilda can't hold out much longer. Let's go!
  5220. We'll never reach Hilda in time if we can't [cdb]get through this stronghold!
  5221. The gate is open! Hold on, Hilda!
  5222. I'm so sorry, Hilda. This is all my fault.
  5223. Marianne, you came! I seriously thought I was [cdb]a goner there, but now I've got a second wind!
  5224. Time for a counterattack!
  5225. I'm so sorry, Hilda. My Crest has brought you [cdb]nothing but disaster.
  5226. Huh? What are you talking about? I just got too [cdb]close to the enemy camp, that's all.
  5227. Guess I shouldn't have come by myself. Next time we'll go together, OK?
  5228. Oh, Hilda...
  5229. I feel like I can do anything with you by my [cdb]side, Marianne!
  5230. And I feel the same. Knowing it was you I was [cdb]saving allowed me to be brave!
  5231. We did it! Thank you, Marianne! Oh, and [cdb]thanks to you, too.
  5232. I only hope I was of some use.
  5233. We defeated the general, but we're still right [cdb]in the middle of an enemy encampment. We should leave, quickly!
  5234. Well, someone's perked up!
  5235. Marianne seems different now that we've [cdb]joined up with you, don't you think?
  5236. Marianne seems different now that we've [cdb]joined up with you, don't you think?
  5237. Yeah, I like to think this is the real Marianne!
  5238. I think we're in the clear now.
  5239. Wait. Is that...
  5240. You cannot be walking in, making a mess, [cdb]then walking home! I am not accepting that!
  5241. Guess we weren't in the clear after all... Still, I think we can take her!
  5242. If I am defeating you here, it will be making [cdb]our fights easier in the future.
  5243. I won't lose! I can't let my friends down!
  5244. You have more strength than I was expecting!
  5245. I'll never get out of here if this keeps up!
  5246. Sure wish I'd taken the time to write [cdb]that will...
  5247. I have no happiness to be retreating.
  5248. We won! Now we can finally go home! Thank you, Marianne!
  5249. It was a group effort. Now let's get out of here [cdb]before someone else shows up!
  5250. Yep. Those are pirates, all right—and they [cdb]sure made a mess of the place. Time to sweep [cdb]it clean!
  5251. C'mon and hand over all yer valuables! If ya [cdb]don't fancy gettin' dragged back to Almyra, [cdb]that is!
  5252. Still keeping up the act, hm? What if a real Almyran heard you?
  5253. What these seadogs lack in skill they make up [cdb]for in sheer numbers. If we're not careful, they [cdb]could easily overwhelm us.
  5254. Folks are clearly as scared of Almyrans as ever. Otherwise, intimidation tactics like these would [cdb]never work.
  5255. A sad truth for most, I'm afraid. Why, until I [cdb]met Nader, I thought all Almyrans were [cdb]savage, bloodthirsty beasts.
  5256. These pirates aren't so tough once you get [cdb]them on shore. Still, I bet there's more where [cdb]that came from.
  5257. More of them, is it? Let's knuckle down and [cdb]put them in their place!
  5258. You know, if Fódlan just looked outward a little [cdb]more, our opinion of Almyra might change for [cdb]the better.
  5259. Easy, Your Majesty. I know you're friends with Nader, but that doesn't mean we should start [cdb]siding with his people.
  5260. OK, that's just about all the pirates in the city. Let's head for the harbor storehouse.
  5261. Your Majesty, pirates are raiding the harbor [cdb]storehouse and plundering the goods inside!
  5262. Well, that sounds bad for business. We'd better [cdb]get across the bridge and put a stop to it.
  5263. They split up! Now's our chance to raid the city [cdb]and harbor at the same time!
  5264. We're too short-handed to deal with them all. If only we brought more soldiers.
  5265. You didn't call for me, kiddo, but I'm [cdb]answering the bell anyway!
  5266. Nader? What're you doing here?
  5267. I can't stand by and let a bunch of pirates drag Almyra's good name through the mud.
  5268. This so-called Almyran navy is a joke! Nothing but cowards and cravens as far as [cdb]the eye can see!
  5269. Well, they've certainly got nothing on you. Feel free to relieve as many as you like of [cdb]their duties.
  5270. Uh oh, that one's an Almyran for true!
  5271. And not just any Almyran! I'm the one and [cdb]only...Nader the Undefeated!
  5272. Well, he's certainly enjoying himself. I'd better [cdb]dig deep or he's gonna steal all the fun.
  5273. That takes care of the pirate invasion.
  5274. A bit more trouble than I expected, but we [cdb]got through it all right.
  5275. Did you see that, kiddo? I kicked all those [cdb]pathetic pirates right out of the harbor!
  5276. So they didn't get away with any of the goods? I really owe you one, Nader. Er, another one, [cdb]actually.
  5277. Looks like the pirate leader is camped just [cdb]outside the city.
  5278. Then let's deal with them and finish this. All units, move out!
  5279. If I may, Your Majesty, I've been wondering if [cdb]you have some special attachment to Almyra.
  5280. Leicester fought against Almyra for years, [cdb]so I've grown to know them. That's all.
  5281. Hmph. You must think I'm pretty dim if you [cdb]expect me to believe that.
  5282. It was worth a shot. But all right, I get it. Let's talk about it after we deal with the [cdb]trouble here.
  5283. Hey, kiddo. Don't you think it's about time [cdb]you told her the truth?
  5284. Yeah, I've been intending to for a while now. She's not the type you can hide things from for [cdb]very long anyway.
  5285. I shoulda just quit when I was ahead...
  5286. Your greed made you careless. But don't [cdb]worry—I've got a reward for you!
  5287. Haha! Let this be a lesson to all impostors— [cdb]you have to get up pretty early in the morning [cdb]to fool an Almyran!
  5288. I think we can leave the rest of this to the [cdb]people of the city. Time to be going.
  5289. No... They got us! There's no coming back [cdb]from this...
  5290. Looks like you could use some help, Balthus. These don't appear to be your ordinary [cdb]bounty hunters.
  5291. Good eye—they're actually a mercenary band [cdb]specializing in assassination. How about you [cdb]deal with the ones close by me?
  5292. Wait, so what does a band of mercenary [cdb]assassins want with you?
  5293. Probably hired by my stepmother. She's the [cdb]only person who hates me enough to want me [cdb]facedown in the dirt.
  5294. That's awful! You might not be related by [cdb]blood, but you're still her son! Why does she [cdb]want you dead?
  5295. She's convinced I'm gonna try to usurp my [cdb]little bro as head of the family.
  5296. Of course, I kinda fanned the flames on that [cdb]one when I was leaving home... But you reap [cdb]what you sow, I guess! Haha!
  5297. But Baltie, why is your stepmother worried [cdb]about you taking over? I didn't think you [cdb]wanted to be a noble.
  5298. I don't! I'm way too far gone for that [cdb]stuffed-shirt life.
  5299. So then why are we fighting? Just go to your [cdb]stepmother and tell her that!
  5300. It's not that simple. Look, I know it sounds [cdb]strange, but trust me—it's a good thing my [cdb]stepmother wants me dead.
  5301. So, you think you can take on Leicester's King of Grappling? Then gimme all you got!
  5302. What're we supposed to do against this guy?! He's like a wild animal!
  5303. I'm beginning to wonder if he even needed [cdb]our help.
  5304. We've taken care of the enemies in all the [cdb]strongholds surrounding you, Balthus!
  5305. Great, thanks! That's a real load off my mind!
  5306. I'm fine here by myself! Go mop up the rest!
  5307. And let this opportunity go to waste? Never! It's been far too long since the two of us last [cdb]fought side by side!
  5308. Fighting together like this sorta reminds me [cdb]of when we were kids.
  5309. The two of us did enjoy our fair share of [cdb]mischief. I can't count the number of times [cdb]we charged headlong into a pack of monsters.
  5310. How about you spare a little reminiscing for [cdb]the poor sister and friend who was always [cdb]worried sick about you?
  5311. You will regret the day you ever challenged Holst! Hah!
  5312. This guy's a monster!
  5313. Haha! We got 'em!
  5314. I was thinking you might have lost a step, [cdb]but if anything, you gained one.
  5315. If even one of these guys gets away, they'll be [cdb]back for my head in the dead of night. We have to take 'em all out.
  5316. Not sure it's possible to sneak up on you no [cdb]matter how tired you are. But hey, if you want [cdb]to deal with it now, we're happy to help.
  5317. You and Holst really fight as one—and Hilda [cdb]too, for that matter.
  5318. You and Holst really fight as one—and Hilda [cdb]too, for that matter.
  5319. Yeah, Holst and I have been battling together [cdb]in one scrap or another for years now, and Hilda was usually tagging along.
  5320. Hey, not bad!
  5321. Really? I feel like I'm barely keeping up with [cdb]the three of you.
  5322. Really? I feel like I'm barely keeping up with [cdb]the three of you.
  5323. Uh oh. They've got me surrounded.
  5324. Grab the weak little girl and take her hostage! We'll use her to ransom our way outta this mess!
  5325. No! My dear sweet sister is in danger... Oh, wait. That's nowhere near enough [cdb]soldiers to capture her. She'll be fine.
  5326. Weak? I'll show you weak! Ragh!
  5327. Is everyone in this group some kind of beast?!
  5328. Not smart, pals. Even I can't handle a [cdb]ticked-off Hilda...
  5329. Well done, Hilda! What a tremendous display!
  5330. You could've done more than just watch!
  5331. If she wasn't always shirking responsibility, Hilda would be every bit the general Holst is.
  5332. Oh hey, the enemy leader is somewhere over [cdb]there—or that's what one of the assassins said [cdb]right before I sent him to meet the goddess.
  5333. Well, I've certainly made a mess of things... Nothing left to do but run!
  5334. Yep. That looks like a leader, all right. Let's take 'em out and be done with this!
  5335. Sorry for getting you all drawn into this little [cdb]family squabble.
  5336. Nah, we just tagged along for moral support. You clearly could've handled this alone.
  5337. It was nice to see you and Baltie fighting [cdb]together again. Reminded me of old times.
  5338. Stay back, you monster! What do you think [cdb]you're doing?!
  5339. I could ask the same of you—and your [cdb]employer, for that matter.
  5340. Over already? Hmm. I feel a bit unfulfilled.
  5341. You're telling me. Next time, let's find us a [cdb]proper battle and really let loose!
  5342. Looks like you two are back to your old ways [cdb]again. Just please be careful, all right?
  5343. The enemy is encamped in the center area, [cdb]and has sent out scouts to find Shamir.
  5344. Trying to toy with me, eh?
  5345. We'll crush the scouts, then take the camp. Let's go.
  5346. The scouts are spread all over. Let's take each [cdb]one out silently. Don't alert the main force.
  5347. Say, Shamir? Is there anyone in the enemy [cdb]ranks that you're particularly close to?
  5348. Not anymore. Don't worry.
  5349. I crossed swords with some of the Guardians [cdb]of Fódlan back in the day.
  5350. I crossed swords with some of the Guardians [cdb]of Fódlan back in the day.
  5351. And despite their reputation, they were [cdb]basically just a band of brigands. Wonder if [cdb]these are the same mercs I squared off with.
  5352. And despite their reputation, they were [cdb]basically just a band of brigands. Wonder if [cdb]these are the same mercs I squared off with.
  5353. That sounds like them, all right. An underhanded bunch who'd [cdb]happily stab an ally in the back.
  5354. So if you're not close to people in this group "anymore," does that mean you used to be? Close to someone, I mean.
  5355. You ask a lot of questions. Maybe try focusing [cdb]on the fight instead.
  5356. Every merc knows the life comes with risks, [cdb]but getting betrayed by your own is rough.
  5357. Every merc knows the life comes with risks, [cdb]but getting betrayed by your own is rough.
  5358. You're telling me.
  5359. Nice! We took out all the scouts and the [cdb]main force is none the wiser!
  5360. Then it's time to raid the camp in the center. Let's head for the open gate.
  5361. OK, let's take the remaining strongholds.
  5362. Say Shamir? Never mind. It's nothing.
  5363. Stay focused, Leonie. Lapses in concentration [cdb]get people killed.
  5364. I don't recognize many faces here. Maybe it's [cdb]not the same squad I fought.
  5365. I don't recognize many faces here. Maybe it's [cdb]not the same squad I fought.
  5366. Lot of 'em probably died and got replaced. The Guardians tend to use people up.
  5367. I used to have an apprentice, you know. They were just like you—annoying.
  5368. They got killed after being sent out as a decoy. My fault for not training them better.
  5369. I'm sorry to hear that, Shamir. Um, but why [cdb]are you telling me this?
  5370. Saw you weren't going to let it go. Figured [cdb]now maybe you'll concentrate on the battle.
  5371. That must be all of them!
  5372. Nope. That wasn't nearly enough, plus we [cdb]didn't see a leader. Keep your guard up.
  5373. The folks we sent out died already? Soft! Still, that means more pay for the rest of us! Hahaha!
  5374. I knew we'd find them. They're too stupid to [cdb]retreat when they're beaten.
  5375. I'm glad I came along. Training is one thing, [cdb]but there's no substitute for actual combat.
  5376. Yep. Nothing beats real battle experience if [cdb]you're looking to improve.
  5377. Yep. Nothing beats real battle experience if [cdb]you're looking to improve.
  5378. These people are sloppy. They must've expected [cdb]me to be alone.
  5379. Even if you were, they still wouldn't have been [cdb]a match for you.
  5380. I smell blood on the wind. We've got company.
  5381. We were supposed to take her alive, but dead [cdb]pays just as well! Get her!
  5382. Seriously? How many people did you bring [cdb]just to take on Shamir?
  5383. Sorry to disappoint, girl—but I'll make up [cdb]for it by killing you, too!
  5384. They never did learn to hide their presence. Hence these pathetic "surprise" attacks.
  5385. None of these mercs put up much of a fight [cdb]one-on-one.
  5386. I bet the leader's patience is running thin.
  5387. You're as ruthless as ever, Shamir. Why don't [cdb]you give it a rest?
  5388. You're still alive? Huh. Guess it really is only [cdb]the good who die young.
  5389. Oh, I had to stick around so I could see you [cdb]turned into a plaything for the boss!
  5390. On your guard, Leonie. This one is better.
  5391. Got it.
  5392. Don't normally like to kill for free, but in this [cdb]case, I'll make an exception.
  5393. We won! Hurray!
  5394. You dog! No idea why you decided to show, [cdb]but it's the last mistake you'll ever make!
  5395. Friend of yours?
  5396. Apparently. Well, let's get this over with.
  5397. Apparently. Well, let's get this over with.
  5398. These people don't seem to like you.
  5399. Yeah, I must've killed someone they cared [cdb]about—partner or apprentice or something.
  5400. Yeah, I must've killed someone they cared [cdb]about—partner or apprentice or something.
  5401. Y'know, whenever I go soft and let someone [cdb]walk away from a battle, it always comes back [cdb]to bite me like this.
  5402. Y'know, whenever I go soft and let someone [cdb]walk away from a battle, it always comes back [cdb]to bite me like this.
  5403. If you want to live longer, take mercy out of [cdb]your vocabulary.
  5404. You bore a grudge against me this whole time? Must've been rough.
  5405. You bore a grudge against me this whole time? Must've been rough.
  5406. Looks like that did it. C'mon, let's go.
  5407. The bandits have completely taken over [cdb]the town.
  5408. Then we will just have to take it back one [cdb]street at a time. Let us split up and work on [cdb]capturing each area.
  5409. We'll seize every last stronghold!
  5410. Hahaha! These bandits are no match for [cdb]nobles such as ourselves!
  5411. Yet they also lack the scruples of nobility. We should proceed with caution.
  5412. I don't sense anyone from those who slither [cdb]in the dark here.
  5413. I was wondering if we might run into them. Can't say I'm disappointed that we didn't.
  5414. I was wondering if we might run into them. Can't say I'm disappointed that we didn't.
  5415. I had thought perhaps you did not like [cdb]my father, Count Gloucester.
  5416. An understandable impression—we did [cdb]tend to get into heated arguments at the [cdb]roundtable.
  5417. Your father and I have strong opinions about [cdb]how best to protect our own territories and [cdb]peoples. We are like-minded in that way.
  5418. Yes, I see that now.
  5419. I understand that you often quarreled with the [cdb]other lords at the roundtable as well.
  5420. My quarrels with the other lords were mere [cdb]petty bickering. Only with your father could I [cdb]exchange ideas on equal footing.
  5421. I must say, I've been rather worried about [cdb]your father. I rarely saw him at the roundtable [cdb]since his illness.
  5422. Your concern is appreciated. Sadly, I think his [cdb]long years of overwork have finally caught up [cdb]with him.
  5423. Heard a guy could really let loose here! Hope [cdb]we ain't too late for all the fun.
  5424. Great. More bandits.
  5425. Great. More bandits.
  5426. Let us show them that the rule of law still [cdb]holds strong in Ordelia!
  5427. There's still fun to be had if we can hold this [cdb]place—so if ya want it, come and take it!
  5428. They've taken the civic building! We must [cdb]reclaim it with all speed.
  5429. Looks like we've taken back most of the town.
  5430. Looks like we've taken back most of the town.
  5431. Not bad at all, my friend. A shame that you [cdb]were born a mere commoner.
  5432. We got nowhere left to run if we lose here... Plant your feet and fight to the death!
  5433. Did they really think we would let them claim [cdb]this town?
  5434. Lysithea, please be careful. I could never face [cdb]your father should something happen to you.
  5435. Your concern is appreciated, but unnecessary. Our victory here is assured.
  5436. Just one more!
  5437. Yes! We've done it!
  5438. You did well, Lysithea—perhaps even better [cdb]than myself.
  5439. Good. That should make it easier for us to [cdb]move about.
  5440. They're actually trying to reclaim the [cdb]strongholds? These brigands need a lesson [cdb]on when to cut their losses and go home.
  5441. It is a noble's duty to protect the commoner. I told my son he must never forget that.
  5442. And he remains dedicated to that ideal. Perhaps a little too dedicated.
  5443. By the by, Lysithea, is my son making himself [cdb]useful in the Federation army?
  5444. Indeed he is. The man's fervor is rivaled only [cdb]by that of the king himself.
  5445. That should do it. Let us take care of the other [cdb]bandits now.
  5446. I won't let you fiends abuse this town for one [cdb]minute more!
  5447. Cease this futility!
  5448. You cannot defeat us!
  5449. You should've given up when you had [cdb]the chance.
  5450. Thank you for your assistance.
  5451. Not at all. I'm glad the town is safe once more.
  5452. Hear me well, you fell brigands! I, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, stand in judgment [cdb]before you!
  5453. So, not to be a jerk, but when you stand up and [cdb]scream your name like that, it prevents us from [cdb]launching any kind of sneak attack.
  5454. So, not to be a jerk, but when you stand up and [cdb]scream your name like that, it prevents us from [cdb]launching any kind of sneak attack.
  5455. House Gloucester has no need of such [cdb]dishonest trickery. If our foe is asleep, we kick [cdb]out their pillow before the battle begins!
  5456. Firstly, let us deal with the bandits outside [cdb]the base!
  5457. I shall not permit you to wreak any more [cdb]havoc within my borders!
  5458. Say, Lorenz? Why don't you hang back and let [cdb]us handle this?
  5459. Do not coddle me! I am more than capable of [cdb]holding my own against this pack of curs!
  5460. Now that I think of it, we're near the place [cdb]where Claude's grandfather met his end, [cdb]aren't we?
  5461. Indeed, I think you are correct. Could this [cdb]group perchance have some connection to [cdb]that most unfortunate incident?
  5462. You yourself are a former mercenary, yes? Pray point out everyone you recognize.
  5463. You yourself are a former mercenary, yes? Pray point out everyone you recognize.
  5464. Uh, you do realize that not every mercenary [cdb]knows each other, right?
  5465. Uh, you do realize that not every mercenary [cdb]knows each other, right?
  5466. That is enough for the soldiers outside. Let us [cdb]proceed to attacking the base!
  5467. By the good name of Lorenz Hellman Gloucester, you foul marauders shall terrorize [cdb]my subjects no longer!
  5468. Gloucester? Let's get outta here before we get [cdb]beaten to a pulp again!
  5469. If we let these folks go, they'll just cause more [cdb]trouble somewhere else. Let's track 'em down!
  5470. My mother and father died not too far from [cdb]here. That was a long time ago now...
  5471. They were merchants, yes?
  5472. Yeah, they were traveling with the old Duke Riegan and got attacked by monsters.
  5473. During the period when my father employed [cdb]these mercenaries, monster attacks were a [cdb]rather common occurrence in this region.
  5474. And these monsters took the lives of both the [cdb]former Duke Riegan and Raphael's parents...
  5475. Pay attention, Lorenz! If you keep staring off [cdb]into space, some bandit's gonna run up and [cdb]conk you on the head!
  5476. Yes, of course. I must focus on the battle [cdb]at hand.
  5477. All right, that should be all of 'em!
  5478. Urgh, we can't get out the front... Let's cut [cdb]around back!
  5479. There is something strange about the enemy's [cdb]current movements. Perhaps they have [cdb]another escape route in mind?
  5480. They're trying to get out the back way! After them!
  5481. Yeah! No escape!
  5482. It's funny how you're like a real knight now, Ignatz. You used to be so scrawny.
  5483. I think everyone looks scrawny compared to [cdb]you, Raphael.
  5484. We stopped them!
  5485. You? The count? Hahaha! Where's yer father, [cdb]ya little brat?
  5486. Retired. I am the count of Gloucester now!
  5487. Ya don't say... Well, in that case, I'll have to [cdb]take my revenge on you instead!
  5488. He seeks vengeance against my father? Whatever was driving these people?
  5489. I am troubled by this development, but as [cdb]the ruler of this domain I must do my duty [cdb]and eliminate these bandits!
  5490. Say, Raphael?
  5491. Keep quiet and fight, Ignatz. These guys are [cdb]serious business.
  5492. Accept your defeat!
  5493. Ain't you traitorous nobles tired of beatin' us [cdb]up yet?
  5494. Wait. You claim my father betrayed you?
  5495. Used us and threw us away like trash, he did! Then he tried to make us disappear so as to [cdb]sweep it under the rug!
  5496. Just kill me and be done with it already! Least that way it'll finally be over...
  5497. I would speak with you yet. I need to [cdb]understand what has transpired here.
  5498. ...
  5499. We did it! We won!
  5500. Meat party when we get home, and Lorenz [cdb]is buying!
  5501. You all go on ahead. I must speak with the [cdb]bandit we captured.
  5502. No! They got away!
  5503. The hostages must be further in. Maybe we [cdb]can draw the bad guys away from them first.
  5504. A fine plan, Captain! Once we've done so, [cdb]we can easily rescue the hostages!
  5505. Here we go, then. Let's make some noise and [cdb]get their attention!
  5506. How many decades has it been since I was [cdb]here last? Where does the time go?
  5507. I know what you mean, Captain! Though not [cdb]literally of course, as I don't believe I was with [cdb]you at the time.
  5508. We were dealing with poachers the last time [cdb]we were here, too. Remember?
  5509. Can't say I do.
  5510. Can't say I do.
  5511. Wait, now I remember! None of you were with [cdb]me the last time I came here!
  5512. That makes sense. He would've been too young, [cdb]and I was with the Knights of Seiros.
  5513. That makes sense. She would've been too young, [cdb]and I was with the Knights of Seiros.
  5514. Hey, we're being raided! Don't just stand [cdb]there with your mouths hanging open— [cdb]attack!
  5515. Well, we've drawn them out. Now's our chance [cdb]to rescue the hostages.
  5516. OK, let's take care of any enemies who held [cdb]back and rescue those hostages.
  5517. When I first met the captain, I was a weak [cdb]little village girl, and now I'm a mercenary. I really have come a long way.
  5518. You? Weak? That's hard to imagine.
  5519. You? Weak? That's hard to imagine.
  5520. Captain Jeralt taught me how to determine [cdb]the flow of battle by capturing key points on [cdb]the battlefield. He's the best!
  5521. I didn't realize Jeralt was into strategy. Always [cdb]struck me as more of a "hit 'em until they [cdb]stop moving" sort of guy.
  5522. I didn't realize Jeralt was into strategy. Always [cdb]struck me as more of a "hit 'em until they [cdb]stop moving" sort of guy.
  5523. Oh, he's strategic when he needs to be— [cdb]underhanded, even. He does whatever it [cdb]takes to win.
  5524. Hey, you're Leonie! From Sauin, right? Wow, [cdb]you've really grown up. Thanks for the help!
  5525. Haha! I'm surprised you recognized me. Though maybe I don't look all that different.
  5526. Looks like everyone from the village is OK. Just have to get them to a safe place now.
  5527. No way we're just gonna let you walk outta [cdb]here! Get 'em!
  5528. I almost admire how persistent they are.
  5529. Just one more!
  5530. We did it! We saved all the hostages!
  5531. The hostages are in danger!
  5532. You've become quite the mercenary. Seems like [cdb]only yesterday, you were just a little kid.
  5533. I know it seems like yesterday to you, but I've [cdb]done a lot of living since then.
  5534. Captain... Was it too much work taking me on [cdb]as an apprentice?
  5535. Nah. I mean, I gotta do something to fill the [cdb]time, right?
  5536. You know, you were a pretty good apprentice. No matter how much I rambled on about this [cdb]or that, you still hung on my every word.
  5537. Well, I didn't know how to write, so the only [cdb]way to remember your lessons was to [cdb]concentrate as hard as I could!
  5538. Get 'em where they're weak and be done with [cdb]it! Wasted energy benefits no one!
  5539. Another of my lessons—and a founding [cdb]principle of the Jeralt school of warfare.
  5540. That reminds me—how's your old man?
  5541. As poor as ever, but he's healthy and happy. I remember how the two of you used to drink [cdb]until the sun came up... Hehe!
  5542. I think we're about done here.
  5543. Come to kill some poachers in the name of [cdb]justice, huh? Well, you meddlers shoulda [cdb]minded yer own business!
  5544. That must be the leader. Let's make him pay!
  5545. The Sauin elder must've had a real headache [cdb]on his hands dealing with all these poachers.
  5546. But the elder has a good relationship with Count Gloucester, so he responded right away.
  5547. You should pack it in already—you're dealing [cdb]with the Blade Breaker here.
  5548. Wait. You're Jeralt?!
  5549. You did it, Captain!
  5550. We did it, Leonie.
  5551. Guess we should mop up the rest of them, huh?
  5552. Please, Captain!
  5553. Looking good!
  5554. Don't get cocky!
  5555. I think of you and Leonie as my siblings. All of us were raised by Jeralt, after all!
  5556. Which would make you...what, Alois? Our older brother?
  5557. Which would make you...what, Alois? Our older brother?
  5558. They sure put up a fight.
  5559. But the Jeralt school of warfare remains [cdb]undefeated!
  5560. OK, now we're really done. Let's beat it.
  5561. Yes, sir!
  5562. No... Please...
  5563. We were too late. What'd we even come [cdb]here for...
  5564. Seems like our friends fled into the [cdb]mountains. To get there, we'll need to [cdb]take these strongholds.
  5565. No! Enemies! I gotta get outta here!
  5566. We're here, and we won't let any of you die!
  5567. Help, please! They attacked outta nowhere! Said one of us had a bounty on their head and [cdb]told us to turn 'em over!
  5568. Uh...they were probably talking about me. Well, that's awkward.
  5569. There were plenty of folks with bounties on [cdb]their heads in Abyss, but no one can begin to [cdb]match the rich price on yours.
  5570. Thank you! And I'm sorry to ask, but can you [cdb]please rescue the folks in the mountain, too?
  5571. The Fantastic King of Grappling is on [cdb]the case!
  5572. You're the one who summons monsters, yeah? Hapi or whatever? Well, time to open up!
  5573. You've got the wrong person! I don't have any [cdb]idea how to summon monsters, I swear!
  5574. Wait. They think that person is...me?
  5575. Well, I don't want that on my conscience. Guess I'd better... *sigh*
  5576. GRRRARRR!
  5577. That time already?
  5578. Huh? Wait, why is there a monster over there? I musta had the wrong person! C'mon!
  5579. I'm guessing they'll follow the path to [cdb]the monsters now, yeah?
  5580. It seems news of your beauty has not spread as [cdb]fast as that of your abilities, if you are being [cdb]confused with a random man...
  5581. Fine by me. Still, do you think that mage was [cdb]working for the lady who kidnapped me?
  5582. Easy, there. You're all right now.
  5583. Hapi! Hey, you'll be real proud of me— I didn't sell you out or nothin'!
  5584. Back to work, everyone! Back to work! I have [cdb]other pressing matters to attend to.
  5585. What's all the commotion? If we're under [cdb]attack, then fight back, you idiots!
  5586. It would seem their leader has made [cdb]himself known...
  5587. Well, I could use a new business angle. Perhaps I'll start by capturing you.
  5588. Why are you bothering us? What's this lot [cdb]even mean to you?!
  5589. These people defy labels. Allies? Family? Oh, why am I even bothering with you?
  5590. I must say, I didn't expect anyone would come [cdb]to the aid of these rogues.
  5591. Normally I like surprises, but I am finding this [cdb]one to be most unwelcome.
  5592. Is it over yet?
  5593. Help me!
  5594. The enemy is some distance away. I will try to [cdb]use my sorry excuse for magic to attack.
  5595. Gah! What was that? Magic?!
  5596. Ow! What is she even aiming at?
  5597. Oh dear. It seems my other side has been doing [cdb]some experimenting, and my magic got a bit [cdb]out of hand as a result.
  5598. So does that mean you can stop it now? 'Cause we're getting burned alive over here!
  5599. Apologies, but I fear my meager intellect is [cdb]not up to the task.
  5600. Hey, this is your magic! You were always [cdb]causing problems like this in Abyss, too!
  5601. Yes, and I can only apologize most profusely— [cdb]though if it helps, I will gladly forfeit my life.
  5602. It won't. Just hurry up and do something about [cdb]it already.
  5603. I'm afraid the magic my other side developed [cdb]is experimental. And sadly, most experiments [cdb]end up as dismal failures.
  5604. Didn't think I'd have to be more worried [cdb]about friendly fire than the actual enemy!
  5605. It seems the goddess has not forsaken us quite [cdb]yet, for I was able to put a stop to it.
  5606. What's with all the thunder and lightning? Well, never mind. Time to have some fun!
  5607. OK, that was weird. Well, back to work!
  5608. Oh, look. Here comes the big boss. Better get this over with.
  5609. If you think me just some slapdash bandit, [cdb]you have another thing coming—a burial!
  5610. Outta the way! I'm just trying to make a [cdb]dishonest living!
  5611. I understand this is how such folks make their [cdb]living, and I have certainly been there.
  5612. But these rogues are our rogues, and we are [cdb]going to protect them!
  5613. Yeah! Hands off our rogues!
  5614. Yeah, hands off our... Hey, wait a second. When did this lot become "our" rogues?
  5615. I think our dear Yuri has made room in his [cdb]heart for all of the people from Abyss.
  5616. I can't believe this pathetic bunch is actually [cdb]giving me trouble.
  5617. No! We can't let them die!
  5618. Someone always...gets in my way...
  5619. I'm beat! Let's get outta here!
  5620. Looks like it's over. You folks go on ahead— I wanna talk to these rogues.
  5621. I thought we were saved...
  5622. No! We almost had them.
  5623. Why do I have to die...
  5624. Sorry...
  5625. I never shoulda come topside...
  5626. No... It should be me dying, not you.
  5627. Strange. Could've sworn I heard someone [cdb]just now.
  5628. Strange. Could've sworn I heard someone [cdb]just now.
  5629. Hmm. I was led to believe he would not be [cdb]participating today. Perhaps the church [cdb]granted the man a special dispensation?
  5630. Hmm. I was led to believe she would not be [cdb]participating today. Perhaps the church [cdb]granted the lady a special dispensation?
  5631. Wait, what's Ferdinand doing here? Oh, right! Today's the mock battle.
  5632. Wait, what's Ferdinand doing here? Oh, right! Today's the mock battle.
  5633. So I guess this is the battlefield? Wow, I'm [cdb]totally lost.
  5634. So I guess this is the battlefield? Wow, I'm [cdb]totally lost.
  5635. I see you have taken the side of the enemy. Very well, then. Expect no mercy from me!
  5636. Huh? No, I'm just trying to find... Ugh. Guess I'm not talking my way out of this one.
  5637. Huh? No, I'm just trying to find... Ugh. Guess I'm not talking my way out of this one.
  5638. You fight well, my friend... Perhaps too well [cdb]for me to handle alone!
  5639. Hey, thanks for the— Gah, no! Wait!
  5640. Hey, thanks for the— Gah, no! Wait!
  5641. As if I did not have my hands full already... But perhaps the enemy of my enemy is a [cdb]friend!
  5642. Hmm, what's the move here? I guess it would [cdb]be better to take out the stronger one first?
  5643. I cannot let the Black Eagles down!
  5644. I am...undone!
  5645. Ferdinand has fallen? Very well. In that case, I shall take you on myself!
  5646. You're strong, but I won't lose like this!
  5647. Wait, you're fighting against all three houses? What's going on here?
  5648. What are you muttering about? Focus on the [cdb]battle in front of you!
  5649. Forgive me, Your Highness! I must retreat!
  5650. The Golden Deer will not lose, for they [cdb]have me!
  5651. You are clearly no ordinary sellsword.
  5652. So this mercenary isn't fighting for the Golden Deer either? I really don't understand [cdb]what's happening...
  5653. I lost? Oh, the absurdity of it all!
  5654. I never even got the chance to explain.
  5655. That mercenary is not supposed to be here. Or am I misremembering how this works?
  5656. Well, it would be a bit boring to call off the [cdb]battle now. Why don't we join forces against [cdb]our new foe?
  5657. Three classes against one highly skilled [cdb]mercenary? I like it.
  5658. Charge!
  5659. OK, I know this is my fault, but come on.
  5660. OK, I know this is my fault, but come on.
  5661. You're mine!
  5662. Show me what you've got!
  5663. We'll see who the real mercenary is!
  5664. Hey, isn't there a name for a special technique [cdb]where three people attack at once?
  5665. Yep! It's called the Triangle Strike, and we [cdb]can only do it with the power of friendship!
  5666. I don't recall us becoming friends, but fine. Triangle Strike, go!
  5667. Is that really all you got? 'Cause I'm just [cdb]getting started! It's time to bring the juice!
  5668. Bring the...what? Actually, never mind. I shouldn't get distracted.
  5669. What a strange fighting technique... I wonder where it comes from.
  5670. Is that a mercenary fighting style? Ooh, [cdb]maybe I can steal it!
  5671. This merc is reminding me of the captain... What style! What poise!
  5672. I wish I had a captain. Not sure who it would [cdb]be, though. My father, maybe?
  5673. Well, this is like fighting a brick wall. Better [cdb]cut my losses and pull back.
  5674. That's all I can manage today—but you'll be [cdb]mine next time! I swear it!
  5675. Oof. I lost. Looks like it's time for me to [cdb]hit the training grounds!
  5676. That was close, but I'm glad it's finally...over. Yeah, looks like I spoke too soon.
  5677. That was close, but I'm glad it's finally...over. Yeah, looks like I spoke too soon.
  5678. Third wave, move in!
  5679. Make sure to protect me, Hubert!
  5680. I will be behind you, so be sure to take cover [cdb]whenever appropriate.
  5681. Cover me, please. I'm going in!
  5682. Of course.
  5683. I need you, Ignatz! I can't do this alone!
  5684. Wait, you need...me? I mean, yes! Let's go!
  5685. Do you have some mischievous aim in coming [cdb]here, or is that merely my imagination?
  5686. You will trouble Lady Edelgard no longer!
  5687. For His Highness!
  5688. This doesn't look good for me...
  5689. Hey, knock it off! I'm just a defenseless [cdb]little girl!
  5690. I can only do what I can!
  5691. You barge into our battle and proceed to cut [cdb]us all down like ripe wheat? How amusing.
  5692. I'll never be able to show my face around Lady Edelgard again.
  5693. Apologies, Your Highness...and best of luck.
  5694. Oh, dear. I am clearly overmatched.
  5695. I told you to leave me alone, jerk!
  5696. Nothing's tougher than a battle-hardened [cdb]mercenary!
  5697. Looks like it's down to us. Shall we?
  5698. Yes, let's. It will be good for the three of us to [cdb]work together.
  5699. Indeed. Let's go.
  5700. No need for us to hold back, right, Edelgard?
  5701. Not sure it will make a difference, but yes. Let's give this foe everything we have.
  5702. These people seem quite serious for a [cdb]mock battle.
  5703. Our impromptu alliance is going quite well. Whether it's enough to win is another story.
  5704. It's not like you to despair. We need all of us at [cdb]our best if we're to emerge victorious.
  5705. Don't worry, Dimitri. I'll hold nothing back.
  5706. What a joy to put my skills as a warrior to the [cdb]test. The stronger the opponent, the better!
  5707. Yeah, I'd actually be fine with a weaker one, [cdb]but you do you.
  5708. Look out, there's a monster right behind you! Hey, it was worth a shot.
  5709. Knock it off, Claude.
  5710. I hadn't realized the extent of your power.
  5711. It's been a long time since I've had such a [cdb]thrilling battle.
  5712. Just like I thought, I'm no match for you in [cdb]straight-up combat.
  5713. The Black Eagles must admit defeat.
  5714. The Blue Lions are defeated. Well done.
  5715. That's it for the Golden Deer.
  5716. The three of them together were a sight [cdb]to behold.
  5717. Is it really OK that I won? I feel like I'm gonna [cdb]get in trouble for this later...
  5718. Is it really OK that I won? I feel like I'm gonna [cdb]get in trouble for this later...
  5719. I picked some day to get lost...
  5720. I picked some day to get lost...
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